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Thought Paper 3

HUM 1190 Popular Culture

Sukhpreet Kaur

December 14, 2019

1. In this essay, I am getting to speak about the fashion documentary. I watched two

documentaries about global factory work and now I want to explain that in this modern

era social networking, the style business has gotten quicker. As I watched in the

documentary that which clothes, we wear, these all “Made in Bangladesh”, and those

clothes are really on cheapest prizes. the owner of the factory was Andrew Morgan, he

examines that fast fashion’s unadvertised sins, from unregulated production that caused a

factory collapse killing more than 1,000 people in Bangladesh in 2013, to the toxic waste

spewed out by factories producing disposable garments, to attempts at unionization that

are thwarted by violence.

 By watching the video, I got more information that in 2013, journalist Elizabeth Cline

investigated the industry in her book Over- dressed. Moreover, john Oliver targeted the

fast fashion industry, detailing its environment impacts and human rights violations in

sad-larios commentary that Oliver has quickly become famous for. As well as I am going

to talk about the behaviour of the consumer like when they are looking for good deals,

they do not pay attention to the cost of the production. Usually, they don’t like to see the

hard work of the workers and the precious environmental new material behind the

 According to documentary, I saw that those people who were working there, they all

were poor, they used to work in the factory because they want to fulfill their needs and

they want to develop their children. Unfortunately, one day the disaster happened and

that was serious because at that time, more than 1000 individual’s dead in that disaster

and they lost their families and children. I saw in the video, that they all did work with

full of energy and honesty. we all wear brands, such as Zara, Uniqlo, and H&M and have

responded by transforming from seasonal lines, often planned a year in advance, to

clothing that goes from factory to store selves in a matter of weeks.

2. There are so many products nowadays that have been producing in nowadays even the

weather requirement for the products does not match the weather requirement of the

company so that is why sometimes it becomes very difficult to find out the area in the

which the products have been made. Here I would like to talk about the product which I

choose by myself, and which I want to discover that, Last month ago, I bought a wallet

with the brand of H&M and that was super costly in the view on the brand. But when I

checked the tag on the wallet, and I saw there was made the delivered utilizing China, I

was so surprising at that time and I thought that I spent how a lot of money for money for

the China made stuff.

3. In my point of view, by watching these documentaries, I felt that these are really

interesting and knowledgeable source for me because I got a lot of information about the

factory that was in “Bangladesh” and I am happy to see these documentaries because I

got a lot of knowledge and I reduced my confusion related to this disaster now before

long time, I listened wrong from so many people about this. But when I saw this

documentary, everything is cleared. Because that happened really serious and that
accident really put bad effects on the employees because they are very hard working. At

the end, I want to say that these documentaries also put impacts of our life.

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