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Drill Questions

 What makes you different from the other girls competing today?
 Variations of this question:
 Why do you think that you are the best candidate for this title?
 What makes you stand out from the other contestants?
 What makes you unique?

 Why should you win this pageant?

 Variations of this question:
 Why would you make a good?
 Why should we choose you from the other contestants?
 Why should we select you as the next (Title of the Pageant)?
 Why do you deserve to win this title?
 What do you like most about yourself?

 Why do you want to win this pageant?

 Variations of this question:
 What will you do if we crown you the next (Title of the Pageant)?
 Why did you decide to compete in this pageant?
 Why did you start competing in pageantry?

 Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

 Variations of this question:
 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
 What goal do you want to achieve when you are at 30?

 Tell me more about (applicable during closed door interview)

 Further explanation: The majority of the pageant. Out of these pageant questions the vast
majority of pageant questions will be centered on the “interesting facts” section of your
 Tell me about yourself.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Place
4. Currently studying at (if currently studying)
attentions and interest of the adjudicators.

 Who is your role model?

 Variations of this question:
 If you could meet any person in history who would it be?
 Who is the person you look up to the most?
 Who’s celebrity do you idolize the most and why?

 If you could be anyone else besides yourself who would you be and why?
 Do celebrities have a responsibility to be positive role models?
 Would you say that you are a good role model, why?
 What will you do if you win this title?
 What will be the first thing you do should we crown you Miss
 What will be the first thing you eat after the pageant?
 What’s the first thing you will do after the pageant is over?

 What has been your biggest failure?

 Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how you overcame it.
 Tell us about your biggest disappointment and how you bounced back from it.

 What is the most important issue your generation is facing?

 What do you think is is the biggest problem facing young people today?
 If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would that be?
 What do you think is the biggest problem facing teens today?

 Why do you think that people have a negative image on pageantry?

 With the current negative media attention about pageantry, what advice would you give
someone on the fence about competing?
 Do you think that pageantry objectifies women?
 Have you experienced criticism for competing in pageantry? If so, how did you handle it?
 What would you say to someone that says pageantry degrades women?

 Have you ever been bullied? If so, how did you handle it?
 Variations of this question:
 How do you handle peer pressure?
 Tell us about a time when you had to overcome peer pressure.

 How did you prepare for this pageant?

 Variations of this question:
 What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome to compete in this pageant?
 Who helped you prepare for this pageant?
 What was the hardest sacrifice you had to make when preparing for this title?

 Why did you select your pageant platform?

 Variations of this question:
 Why is your advocacy and why did you choose this one?
 Why do you think your platform is important?

 Do you think technology is hurting personal relationships?

 Variations of this question:
 Is technology hurting our communication skills?
 Is social media bringing people together or causing separation?
 Is texting hurting our communication skills, why or why not?

 If you woke up tomorrow and gained any one ability or quality, what would you
want it to be?
 Variations of this question:
 If you could have any super human power what would it be?
 If you could have the powers of any superhero what would it be?

 If you could only have one wish, what would you wish for?
 Variations of this question:
 If you were a genie in a bottle and could grant you any one wish what would that be and
why? (Note: You better wish to win the crown!)

 What is your biggest fear?

 Variations of this question:
 Tell us about your biggest weakness.
 What is your biggest flaw?

 What is your guilty pleasure?

 Variations of this question:
 What is your favorite food?
 What is your favorite dessert?

 What is your favorite movie?

 Variations of this question:
 What is your favorite television show that you have to watch weekly?
 What is your favorite book?

 Do you have a hidden talent?

 Variations of this question:
 What is one thing that we would not know about you just by looking at you?

Sample Questions for Interview Portion

 What will you tell to a child who is being bullied in school?

 Name a lesson in life that LGBTQI members can teach to men and women?

 In today’s generation, apart from love, what else do you think the world needs?

 What place in the world best suits your character and why?

 As a beauty contestant, what would you tell to those people who lack confidence?

 If you will to win as (Name of the Pageant) tonight, how will you use your crown to push
for your advocacy?

 What do you think is the greatest advantage of being a gay?

 Do you think that being a beauty queen is a plus or a minus in landing a serious job in the
corporate world?

 Are Beauty Queens made, or they are born?

 If given the chance to change something in this world, what would it be and why?

 How far will you go to win (Name of the Pageant)?

 If you will win the title tonight, how will transform yourself as a tool in boosting the
economic growth of the (yourself)?

 How can you measure success?

 What do you think is the reason for the judges to choose you as the (Name of the

 It has been long taught at home and in school the value of recycling in order to reduce
garbage and pollution. Aside from recycling, what do you think is the best environmental
practice you could teach to the people of Alabel?

 Social Media is really a breakthrough technology man has ever made after machines.
What do you think is the importance of this in our lives?

 Do you think that the rationalization of death penalty will decrease the crime rate?

 What lesson can you impart to your fellow candidates?

 What possessions do you think a (Name of the Pageant) should have, and why?

 As a candidate of this competition, you must be updated on events around you, what
particular event or latest news affects you the most and why?

 What can you say about Filipino Heroism?

 What do you think is inherent in an LGBTQI member that makes him/her standout from
other sexual preferences existing in the society?

 If you could go back in time, what will you change and why?

 Would you fall in love and marry a person who is outside your religion?

 What are you most proud of as an LGBTQI member?

 How will you describe the Philippines to a foreigner?

 In the wakes of conflicts and controversies, how is winning a Crown relevant?

 If you will to win tonight, how will you handle fame?

 Would you marry a man who is less successful than you? Why or why not?

 Social Media has been a very powerful tool nowadays, what are your thoughts about
internet censorship?

 If you win one of the crowns tonight, will you be an ambassadress of goodwill? What is
your message of peace to your fellow Filipinos, especially at this time?

 How has joining beauty pageants changed you?

 As a millennial, what is more important, a successful career or a happy home?

 When is an LGBTQI member truly successful?

 Aside from winning the crown tonight, what was your prayer when you woke up this

 What will you tell a child who longs for her OFW mother?

 What do you believe is God’s greatest gift to you?

 In our modern age, do you think that it is appropriate for women to court men? Why or
why not?

 What would be your advice to those children who wants to quit from studying?

 What is the toughest challenge your age faces nowadays?

How will you encourage an LGBTQI member who is feeling afraid about going out to his/her
true self?

 If you could switch bodies with somebody for one day, who would it be and why?

 Why do you deserve to win the (Name of the Pageant)?

 Given the chance to win one of the crowns tonight, what local problem or issue would
you like to focus on, and how will you address the problem?

 What kind of day would you describe the best day in your life?

 Is it right for parents to demand support from their children in exchange for raising them?

 What is your definition of a winner?

 What activity would like to impose to emphasize the empowerment for the LGBTQI

 If you’re stuck in a terribly heavy traffic, what will you do to make your time productive?

 The making of a title holder is about transformation, what is the most significant
transformation you’ve gone through in pursuit of becoming a title holder?

 What fear do you have that you would like to conquer, and why?

 What is you view in cursing?

 Many countries have already legalized same sex marriage, do you think it is the right
time for the Philippines to follow the same practice? Why or why not?

 What is the role of a title holder like you in a community who lacks unity?

 Aside from the heart shape, what else do you think would best symbolize love?

 As a millennial youth, what do you think is the greatest role that your age of today is
playing in our society?

 What are your thoughts with regards to the total closure of Boracay Island?

 What do you think is the biggest misconception about LGBTQI members?

 If Inner beauty is emphasized in beauty pageants, then why are there physical
requirements upon joining it?

 What is the role of beauty queens in the pursuance of our countries economic success?

 How should a beauty queen respond to ruthless criticisms?

 As a millennial, you are more engaged to technology, in today’s happenings, how can
you do to fight fake news?

 What do you think is the most important quality of a millennial woman?

 When is the right time to listen and when is the right time to speak?

 Do you agree that third restrooms should be built for transgenders?

 What is your message to the people of Marawi?

 As a trangender, how will you promote the Tourism of the Philippines?

 What can you do to overcome the stigma of other people about the terrorism that is
currently rampant here in SOCASARGEN?

 Aside from its natural products, what else do you think is in the Philippines that it could
be proud of, and why?

 Aside from you, who else among the candidates should win the title tonight?

 The Phenomenon of Festivals and events are active examples of seasonal events in
the Philippines. What economic, social and environmental advantages are offered by
staging Name of the Festival)?

 What would you do if you found out your significant other had a homosexual
relationship in the past?

 What don’t I need to know about you?

 People grab the chance for comfort and leisure even at the ridiculous expense of
their hard earned money. Even with the current issue on inflation, the industry behind
shopping malls, expensive coffee, luxury cars, travel and tours, and liquor and sweetened
beverages are still thriving with little to no complaints from the people. However, when it
comes to the price of rice, fare, and petroleum products, Filipinos are quick to react and
question the government. Can this reaction be considered as a well-placed criticism or
can it be reflected that people are just financially unwise?

 Our generation today has been openly accepting the participation of the LGBTQI
in the society. This entity has been dubbed to be the future frontliners of their crusade. If
you would lead this nation, where will you take your people; to the new road which will
is unsure of what lies ahead or the same old road which is the comfort of all?

 The advancement in science have occurred for thousands of years as far as the
Ancient Greeks who many believe invented scientific principles and their effects are
becoming more pronounced. Now, do you believe that science is a threat to humanity?

 Governments around the world through their respective supreme courts have
upheld the rights of same sex couples to be legally married citing basic constitutional
provisions. In the Philippines, are you in favor that Filipino same sex couples be extended
the same rights?

 LGBTs same sex or gay adoptions is the adoption of children by the LGBT
parents, either individually or as a couple. Are you in favor that homosexuals should be
allowed to adopt legally, defend your answer?

 Sex and Gender are two interrelated concepts but are not the same. Sex is
biological and permanent, while gender is a social psychological construct and it’s
changing. Now, state the advantages and disadvantages of sex reassignment surgery.

 In the age of apparent equality, women are increasingly encouraged to have it all-
balancing career, children and marriage in order to be seen as successful. Do you agree
that mothers should stay at home and look after their children?

 Nuclear weapons are the most destructive weapons ever developed. The right to
possess these weapons is an issue of a serious contention in the international community.
Do you agree that all nations have the right to develop nuclear weapons?

 Freedom of speech is often considered to be one of the most basic tenets of
democracy. It is obviously emphasized in the 1987 Philippine Constitution’s bill of
rights, are you in favor that it is sometimes right or the government to restrict one’s
freedom of speech?

 What do you think is the greatest advantage of being a gay?

 What do you think is the greatest role that you gays are playing here in our


 Avoid stuttering.
 Invest one simple idea then defend it convincingly.
 When the question is asked for the second time, grab the chance to think for an
 Do not prolong your pronunciation whenever you’re bridging towards another
idea, you will sound unconvincing taking away the interest of the audience as
well as the judges.
 Do not just simply answer the question. Persuade the audience to listen to you
AND to connect them with your answer.
 There are only two types of answering a question:
1. You’re answering because YOU WANT TO WIN THE CROWN.
2. You’re answering because you don’t want to be judged by
others if you can’t invest an idea for that certain question.
 Always go back to the IBC PRINCIPLE.
 Think before you speak, ALL THE TIME
 You have only a maximum time of 5 SECONDS to think for an idea after the
question is asked
 While the audience is reading the question THINK while SMILING.
 Do not repeat the word/s or phrase when you are to bridge one point to another.
If you will do that, BETTER PAUSE.
 Do not anticipate the question.
 Convert nervousness into excitement.
 Always be yourself, you need not to hide the real you just to be accepted by the
 Avoid using unnecessary terms just to sound intelligent.

 Touch the hearts of the audience, not the ears, not even the mind.

 The FORMULA for a BEST and WELL DELIVERED answer





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