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Social science is the study of ___________.

-society and human behavior

This consists in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing,
and modification of hypotheses.

-Scientific Method.

The entry of the human person into the world of societies is something that can be avoided.


Each newly born human being enters a __________ that has been shaped by those born previously
and is continually reshaped by each new generation. (Perry & Perry, 2003)

-Social word

The purpose of the social sciences

-is to study systematically all aspects of human behavior/condition

What makes social science unique from natural science and the humanities?

-focus on society accompanied with scientific method

Geography is considered to be both a natural science and a social science.


Social Science is not only composed of one science or one subject. Since it concerns itself with all
aspects of society and human behavior, it is naturally divided into __________, all of which share an
interest in human behavior.


Anthropology comes from two Greek words:

-anthropos and logos

Which of the following is NOT a branch of linguistics?

Which of the following is NOT true about Economics?

-It is a discipline that was only established recently,because our ancestors did not believe in
the value of private property.

Which of these disciplines is part of the humanities?


Social science is a unified science consisting of only one discipline.


Which aspect of society does social science concern itself with?

-all aspects of society including human behavior

Which of these individuals is the father of modern linguistics?

-Noam Chomsky

Is sociology the same with the social sciences?


Which discipline does social sciences rely heavily upon when it comes to matters of methodology?

-Physical science

As John and Erna Perry put it, “The discipline does attempt to study systematically a sequence of
related events – or a number of such sequences – for the purpose of learning about, verifying, and
establishing meaningful relationships among them.” (Perry & Perry, 2003)


_____________ is considered the father of geography. He is known as the first person to actually
use the term.


Science may be briefly defined as a method using a system of rational inquiry dependent on the

-empirical testing of facts

Geography is considered to be both a natural science and a social science.


True or False. Write T if the answer is true, and F if false: Anthropology combines natural science
and information gathered from the social sciences to uncover the relationships between biological
traits acquired socially by living in groups.


Which of the following is/are aspects covered by the social sciences?

-specific aspects of human behavior and society

“The goal of an economic-centered and capitalist-inspired work place is the generation of more
products. Once the worker is done with the product, he disowns it.”

-Alienation of Worker from Products

Capitalism made its breakthrough in ________. (Fulcher, 2004)


What is another word for the ruling class?


The evolution of capitalism, according to Fulcher’s account, dates back to at least the century, when
private ownership overcome the standard “one for all, all for one” system of ownership in older


This exploitation of wage labor led to the creation of two ‘classes’:

-ruler and worker

________ is a method for analyzing language, narratives, and cultural phenomena that uncovers
basic elements that form structures (often binary oppositions).


“Workers are forced to pay attention to the production only. Thus they will have no time to interact
with fellow workers, whose main focus too is to do labor in exchange for salaries. Workers are
alienated from this experience to make way for an undivided attention for the production of goods.”

-Alienation of Worker from Other Workers

Pragmatic philosophy is more focused on theory than practice:


According to Fulcher, “Capitalist production depends on the exploitation of wage labor, which also
fuels the consumption of the goods and services produced by capitalist enterprises. Production and
consumption are linked by the markets that come to mediate all economic activities.” (Fulcher, 2004)


Which book did Marx write with Friedrich Engels?

-The Communist Manifesto

Which element of communication is regarded as “symbolic”?


Psychoanalysis as an approach was only considered a major psychological and sociological theory
during the life of its proponent:

-Sigmund Freud

Parsons doctoral dissertation was entitled ______ with his main focus on the work of Werner
Sombart and Max Weber.

-The Concept of Capitalism in the Recent German Literature

It is defined as an approach that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to
promote solidarity and stability. It looks for a structure’s social function.


Which of the following is a part of the Structure of Personality?


“It is the ‘executive’ that governs, controls and regulates the personality. As a ‘traffic cop’ it mediates
between the instincts and the surrounding environment. The __________ controls consciousness
and exercises censorship.” (Corey, 2009)

“In this class conflict, the working class merely works for the profit of the bourgeoisie. Capitalism,
thus, favors the increase of the higher classes’ private property and control over the means of


Which of the following is the Marxist wing of Philippine parties?

-Communist Party of the Philippines

It is a source of motivation that encompasses sexual energy.


That is why apart from the disciplines, the social sciences have what we call the dominant
approaches and ideas that are present within the different disciplines. These are the ________ of a
discipline, or better yet, the very inspiration of the different social sciences.


Karl Marx was highly influenced by which German philosopher:

-G.W.F. Hegel

Talcott Parsons was greatly influenced by which thinker:

-Vilfredo Pareto

“Simply put, structuralism is understanding human culture and elements in terms of their relationship
with a larger, overarching system.”


“Meaning can be described, accounted for, or stated in terms of symbols or language at its highest
and most complex stage of development.” (Mead, 1972)


“Production is the only focus the worker should have. One’s personal issues and development, as
well as experiences that could enhance human nature are neglected for more production.

-Alienation of Worker from Human Nature

Behaviorist approaches tend to focus more on the empirical or outward observation of the subjects.


The principle of meaning teaches us that human persons interact, and that we do so through the use


Parsons doctoral dissertation was entitled ____ with his main focus on the work of Werner Sombart
and Max Weber.

-The Concept of Capitalism in the Recent German Literature

The Natural Sciences are divided into two groups:

-physical and life science

What does the word scarcity mean?

-lack of resources

The Greek word politika means:

-affairs of the cities

What is another term for the working class?


It includes a person’s moral code, the main concern being whether action is good or bad, right or
wrong. It represents the ideal rather than the real, and strives not for pleasure but for perfection. The
rewards are feelings of pride and self-love; the punishments are feelings of guilt and inferiority.”
(Corey, 2009)


Private property is replaced with ____, and man becomes friend once more to fellow man. It is in a
communist setting, Marx envisions, that society will flourish.

-common ownership

“The history of linguistics is a branch of intellectual history, for it deals with the history of ideas –
ideas about language – and directly with language itself.”

This social world was not always understood. But in the last 200 years, disciplines have originated
with the goal of examining it with the exact same ____ that the sciences use.

-scientific methodology

Which of the following is/are aspects covered by the social sciences?

-specific aspects of human behavior and life

Science may be briefly defined as a method using a system of rational inquiry dependent on the

-empirical testing of facts

When Mead mentions the ‘taking the role of the other,’ he implies that through language, human
persons could interpret the _____ of the individual he is communicating with.

-symbolic nature

How is social science different from social philosophy?

-the inclusion of the scientific method

Thought is based on language. While in a conversation, your mind is imagining or thinking about the
different points of view or meanings to what the other person is saying to you.


Economics comes from the Greek ta oikonomika meaning “____“ Oikonomika itself comes from the
Greek word oikos meaning --- or ---).

-science of the household

To which discipline does physics fall under:

-Natural Science

“The most concrete origin, however, can be found in Ancient China with the writings of Fan Li (also
known as Tao Zhu Gong) who wrote a _____ for businessmen. (Wang, 2012)

-golden laws for businessmen

When one speaks of a _____, it means that it is a philosophical movement that includes those who
claim that an ideology or proposition is true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition
is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that unpractical ideas are to be
rejected. (McDermid, 2009)

-pragmatic philosophy

The following are disciplines of the humanities except:

-Political Science

Social Philosophy and Social Sciences are one and the same.


In 1895, Freud and his colleague Josef Breuer published:

-Studies in Hysteria

Symbolic interactionism’s key principles can be seen in the work:

-None of the choices

The term “symbolic interactionism” was coined by which of Mead’s students:

-Herbert Blumer

These three principles are important for Mead because these form a symbolic interaction that
enables society to be united and become real active agents of social progress. With the use of
communication, there arises a universal want for the:

-common good

Freud was a mentor to two other major psychologists:

-Adler and Jung

It is a movement in psychology and philosophy that emphasized the outward behavioral aspects of
thought and dismissed the inward experiential, and sometimes the inner procedural, aspects as well.


The very basic principle of the id is to attain pleasure and avoid pain.

Social science is the study of ____.

-society and human behavior

True or False. Write T if the answer is true, and F if false: The Natural Sciences is divided into two groups.


Linguistics is the scientific study of:

-Human language

Social science is the study of _________.

-society and human behavior

This social world was not always understood. But in the last 200 years, disciplines have originated with the goal of examining
it with the exact same ____________ that the sciences use.

-scientific methodology

Social science is, in a way, a unity of __________.

-natural science and the humanities

What do all the disciplines within the social sciences have in common?

-interest in human behavior

In other words, political science as a discipline found its roots in Ancient Greek _________, that ultimately led to its continuous
development in other major civilizations.


This discipline probes the need for an institution to maintain order, make decisions, and provide for defense.

-political science

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote which political science work?

- The Social Contract

For John and Erna Perry, an important part of political science is _________, which tries to uncover patterns of behavior among
the nations of the world.

-international relations

Which of the following is NOT a discipline of the social sciences?


Herodotus wrote which work that earned him the title of the father of history?

-The Histories

Parsons determined that each individual does not have expectations of the other's action and reaction to his own behavior,
and that these expectations would (if successful) be "derived" from the accepted norms and values of the society they
inhabit only on condition. (Parsons, 1961)


“Simply put, structuralism is understanding human culture and elements in terms of their relationship with a larger,
overarching system.”


“The worker is forced to abide by the same technique, the same default setting, when attempting to produce something
from their labor. It takes away creativity from the worker, and results in a monotonous, robot-like mode of production.”

- Alienation of Worker from Labor Process

These are known as classic writers of sociology except:

-Jean Valjean

_________ is one’s stature in society, normally based on economic capabilities. critical individual parts.


Private property is replaced with ________, and man becomes friend once more to fellow man. It is in a communist setting,
Marx envisions, that society will flourish.

-common ownership

His academic interests were broad, but he settled for _______ at the University of Vienna in 1873 and obtained his degree in

__________ is defined as an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private
owners for profit, rather than by the state.


Which pragmatic thinker did Mead transfer with to Chicago and was greatly influenced by?

-John dewey

“Symbolic interaction is an entire process of ________: meaning, speaking, and thinking.”


Social Science is not only composed of one science or one subject. Since it concerns itself with all aspects of society and
human behavior, it is naturally divided into _____, all of which share an interest in human behavior.


“The ___ conditions the social, political and intellectual life process in general. It is not the consciousness of men that
determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.” (Marx, 1859)”

-mode of production of material life

Eriksen and Nielsen note that one particular Greek, namely Herodotus of Halicarnassus (c. 484–425 BCE), was one of the
proponents of what is called a ____, or the prelude to modern anthropology as we know today.


Sociology comes from the Latin word ____ meaning “companion” with the Greek word ___ which means “study” or “word.”

-socius and logos

Which of the following is NOT a communist country?

-Russian Federation

“The Freudian view of human nature is basically ____. According to him, our behavior is determined by irrational forces,
unconscious motivations, biological and instinctual drives, as these evolve through key psychosexual stages in the first six
years of life. (Corey, 2009)

Each newly born human being enters a ____ that has been shaped by those born previously and is continually reshaped by
each new generation. (Perry & Perry, 2003)

-Social world

History can be derived from two Greek terms: _____ meaning “learned or wise man,” and ____ meaning “finding

-histōr and histōria

The Natural Sciences is a branch of science that deals with the ____.

-Physical world

Mead published several books, including Mind, Self, and Spirit as well as the Philosophy of Social Action.


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