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1. In which pair of hormones does the first cause increased secretion of the second?

A) ACTH; cortisol
B) FSH; aldosterone
C) LH; insulin
D) TSH; prolactin
Answer: A
Feedback: ACTH is the abbreviation for adrenocorticotropic hormone.
2. The anterior pituitary gland is also called the
A) adenohypophysis
B) neurohypophysis
C) hypothalamus
D) sella turcica
Answer: A
Feedback: The hypophysis is the pituitary gland.
3. Which of the following events could be a result of damage to the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system?
A) decreased secretion of ADH (vasopressin)
B) decreased secretion of oxytocin
C) decreased secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone
D) decreased secretion of parathyroid hormone
Answer: C
Feedback: The hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system carries hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary.
4. Secretion of many anterior pituitary hormones is controlled by other hormones from the
A) pancreatic islets
B) thyroid gland
C) hypothalamus
D) adrenal gland
Answer: C
Feedback: The anterior pituitary gland is connected to this by a vascular portal system.
5. Anterior pituitary cells called mammotropes (lactotropes) secrete
A) adrenocorticotropic hormone
B) follicle stimulating hormone
C) growth hormone
D) prolactin
Answer: D
Feedback: "Lac" means "milk" in Latin.
6. Which of the following consists of nerve tissue, and is a down growth from the hypothalamus?
A) anterior pituitary
B) adrenal cortex
C) thymus
D) posterior pituitary
Answer: D
Feedback: It is attached to the hypothalamus by the infundibulum.
7. From its point of secretion until it reaches its target cells, TRH is found in or passes through which structures?
A) hypothalamus, hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract, posterior pituitary
B) hypothalamus, hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vessels, anterior pituitary
C) anterior pituitary, vascular system, thyroid gland
D) thyroid gland, vascular system, target organs and tissues
Answer: B
Feedback: TRH stimulates the secretion of TSH.
8. The sella turcica is the location of which gland?
A) thymus
B) adrenal
C) pineal
D) pituitary
Answer: D
Feedback: The sella turcica is a depression in the superior surface of the sphenoid bone
9. The hormone ADH is produced by cells whose bodies are in the ____, but it is actually released or secreted in the
A) anterior pituitary; posterior pituitary
B) hypothalamus; anterior pituitary
C) hypophysis; hypothalamus
D) hypothalamus; posterior pituitary
Answer: D
Feedback: ADH travels between these two structures by way of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract.
10. If the hypothalamus fails to secrete GnRH, the effect would be
A) hyposecretion of pituitary gonadotropins
B) hypersecretion of pituitary gonadotropins
C) hyposecretion of prolactin
D) hypersecretion of oxytocin
Answer: A
Feedback: GnRH stands for gonadotropins releasing hormone
11. Osmoreceptor cells in the hypothalamus are involved in the secretion of
B) aldosterone
Answer: C
Feedback: Osmoreceptor cells monitor the relative amounts of water and solutes in the extracellular fluids.
12. All of the following are functions of the endocrine system except:
A) Regulate blood calcium levels
B) Regulate the heart rate
C) Control the water balance of the body
D) Regulate body temperature
Answer: D
Feedback: Body temperature regulation is the function of the Integumentary system.
13. The releasing and inhibiting hormones are produced by the
A) hypothalamus to control anterior pituitary
B) hypothalamus to control posterior pituitary
C) anterior pituitary
D) posterior pituitary
Answer: A
Feedback: Hyptothalamus is the master gland exerting control over the release of hormones by anterior pituitary.
14. The term gonadotropins refers to this pair of hormones.
A) FSH and LH
C) PRF and PIF
D) somatomedins and somatotropin
Answer: A
Feedback: FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone and LH for luteinizing hormone.
15. Which hormone is required for ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum?
Answer: B
Feedback: LH stands for luteinizing hormone.
16. Which hormone stimulates its target cells to divide, increases their rate of protein synthesis, decreases their use of
glucose and increases their use of fats?
A) cortisol
B) thyrocalcitonin
C) insulin
D) growth hormone
Answer: D
Feedback: When cells divide, they make more cells. Protein synthesis would also enlarge cells or create extracellular
material between cells. What process requires more or larger cells?
17. Which stimulus would increase the rate of growth hormone secretion?
A) high blood glucose levels
B) high blood protein levels
C) deep sleep
D) high somatostatin levels
Answer: C
Feedback: The root "stasis" means to stop or stand still and could apply to either growth or secretion. Growth hormone
increases both blood glucose and blood protein levels.
18. ADH is also called vasopressin because at high concentrations it causes
A) increased urine output
B) constriction of blood vessels
C) increased potassium secretion by the kidneys
D) decreased sodium retention by the kidneys
Answer: B
Feedback: "Vaso" means vessel.
19. ADH is secreted in response to
A) overhydration
B) increased volume of the body fluids
C) increased osmotic pressure of the body fluids
D) high blood pressure
Answer: C
Feedback: ADH causes water retention.
20. Which hormone is sometimes given to women to induce (start) labor?
A) glucagon
B) prolactin
C) progesterone
D) oxytocin
Answer: D
Feedback: The name of the drug used to induce labor is pitocin.
21. The primary action of antidiuretic hormone, also called vasopressin, is to
A) cause a decrease in blood calcium levels.
B) promote the retention of water by the kidneys.
C) increase metabolic rate.
D) stimulate uterine smooth muscle contractions during delivery.
Answer: B
Feedback: A diuretic is a drug that increases urine output.
22. Which of these is NOT a function of one or both of the pituitary gonadotropins?
A) stimulate milk production in the mammary gland
B) stimulate growth of ovarian follicles
C) promote production of sperm cells in the testes
D) stimulate secretion of sex hormones from ovaries and testes
Answer: A
Feedback: The gonads are the ovaries and testes.
23. A hormone whose target cells are endocrine cells is called
A) autocrine
B) paracrine
C) tropic
D) pheromones
Answer: C
Feedback: Tropic hormones regulate the secretion of hormones from endocrine glands.
24. All of the following pituitary gland hormones are tropic except
Answer: D
Feedback: Target cells for GH are bone cells.
25. Diabetes insipidus is due to
A) low levels of insulin
B) low levels of glucagon
C) lack of ADH secretion
D) increased production of insulin
Answer: C
Feedback: Symptoms of the disorder include increased production of urine.
26. GnRH directly stimulates the release of
B) estrogen
C) progesterone
D) testosterone
Answer: A
Feedback: FSH and LH are together known as "gonadotropins".
27. Elevated levels of which of the following hormones could cause a goiter?
B) thyrocalcitonin
C) glucagon
Answer: D
Feedback: The thyroid gland enlarges when it cannot make enough thyroid hormone or when it is told to make more than
is necessary
28. Hypersecretion of which of the following hormones causes increased metabolic rate, sensitivity to heat, weight loss,
and protruding eyes?
A) parathyroid hormone
B) estrogen
C) cortisol
D) thyroid hormone
Answer: D
Feedback: This hormone is involved in maintaining normal body temperature in cold conditions.
29. The normal histological structure of which endocrine gland consists of small, spherical structures whose walls are
made of one layer of cuboidal cells?
A) thyroid
B) parathyroid
C) adrenal cortex
D) pancreatic islets
Answer: A
Feedback: The spherical structures are filled with a material called thyroglobulin.
30. Which hormone is released in response to high blood calcium levels?
A) insulin
B) cortisol
C) calcitonin
D) parathyroid hormone
Answer: C
Feedback: This hormone is secreted by the thyroid gland.
31. Lack of iodine in the diet causes decreased production of which hormone?
A) androgens
B) prolactin
C) growth hormone
D) thyroid hormone
Answer: D
Feedback: In the gland that makes this hormone the follicle cells have an iodine "pump" to remove iodine from the blood.
32. What is the function of thyroglobulin?
A) It is where thyroid hormone is manufactured.
B) It controls blood calcium levels.
C) It transports thyroid hormones in the blood.
D) It stores lipids and carbohydrates.
Answer: A
Feedback: The root "thyro" refers to the thyroid gland.
33. The thyroid gland is located
A) superior to the kidneys
B) inferior to the hypothalamus
C) inferior to the larynx and anterior to the trachea
D) posterior to the stomach
Answer: C
Feedback: The root "thyro" means shield and refers to the shape of the thyroid cartilage in the front of the larynx.
34. Some people are born with extra parathyroid glands. This is most likely to cause
A) high levels of calcium in the urine
B) decreased intestinal uptake of calcium
C) hypocalcemia
D) increased rates of bone resorption and decreased bone density
Answer: D
Feedback: Parathyroid hormone raises blood calcium levels by, among other things, taking it away from bone tissue.
35. Hypoparathyroidism would cause
A) hypocalcemia
B) hypercalcemia
C) increased intestinal calcium absorption
D) increased vitamin D activation
Answer: A
Feedback: Parathyroid hormone stimulates osteoclasts.
36. The final step in the activation of vitamin D occurs in the
A) intestines
B) kidney
C) liver
D) skin
Answer: B
Feedback: The final conversion turns hydroxycholecalciferol into dihydroxycholecalciferol. Provitamin D is converted
into vitamin D in the skin by the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.
37. Which of the following statements concerning the effect of hormones on bones is NOT correct?
A) Growth hormone causes growth of bone tissue.
B) Parathyroid hormone increases bone density and bone mass.
C) Thyrocalcitonin inhibits osteoclast activity and stimulates osteoblast activity.
D) Estrogen and androgen stimulate the growth of bone tissue but eventually lead to the cessation of bone
Answer: B
Feedback: A hormone that inhibits osteoclasts would cause increased bone density.
38. Which hormone is correctly matched with the cell type or location from which it is secreted?
A) alpha cell; insulin
B) zona fasciculata; epinephrine
C) parafollicular or extrafollicular cell; thyrocalcitonin
D) supraoptic nucleus; cortisol
Answer: C
Feedback: The thyroid gland consists of many microscopic follicles.
39. The stimulus for release of PTH is
A) high calcium levels in the blood.
B) low calcium levels in the blood.
D) nerve stimulation from hypothalamus.
Answer: B
Feedback: PTH increases the activity of osteoclasts which breakdown the bone matrix to release calcium.
40. The primary effect of T3 and T4 is to
A) release calcitonin.
B) stimulate bone growth.
C) increase metabolism.
D) decrease blood glucose levels.
Answer: C
Feedback: The thyroid hormones affect nearly all cells of the body by increasing metabolism.
41. Which of these is not involved in regulating blood calcium?
A) thymopoietin
B) thyrocalcitonin
C) parathyroid hormone
D) vitamin D
Answer: A
Feedback: One of these hormones acts on T-lymphocytes in the thymus.
42. Which hormone helps with temperature homeostasis by causing increased body heat production in cold weather?
A) growth hormone
B) thyroid hormone
C) thyrocalcitonin
Answer: B
Feedback: This hormone raises the metabolic rate.
43. The effect of hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during infancy is
A) normal height but mental retardation
B) very short stature (height) but normal brain development
C) abnormal bone development and irreversible brain damage
D) low metabolic rate, sensitivity to cold, tissue swelling
Answer: C
Feedback: Although the term is now considered politically , this condition was once called "cretinism."
44. Which symptoms would be present in a case of aldosterone hyposecretion?
A) high blood glucose levels
B) low blood calcium levels
C) low metabolic rate
D) low blood sodium and high blood potassium levels
Answer: D
Feedback: The site of action of aldosterone is on the kidney tubules.
45. Which endocrine gland is located just superior to the kidney?
A) testes
B) pituitary
C) parathyroid
D) adrenal
Answer: D
Feedback: "Reno" means "kidney."
46. The hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla have the same effects as the
A) sympathetic division of the ANS
B) parasympathetic division of the ANS
C) somatic efferent division of the nervous system
D) hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex
Answer: A
Feedback: Norepinephrine is secreted by the adrenal cortex and used as a neurotransmitter by postganglionic cells of this
part of the nervous system.
47. Which of these hormones is not secreted by the adrenal cortex?
A) cortisol
B) androgens
C) norepinephrine
D) aldosterone
Answer: C
Feedback: The adrenal cortex secretes only steroid hormones.
48. Which of the following statements is correct concerning the renin/angiotensin/aldosterone system?
A) Cells in the kidney release renin when either blood pressure or blood sodium levels drop.
B) Aldosterone causes the kidney to increase excretion of sodium and indirectly causes a decrease in blood
C) Angiotensin II inhibits the release of aldosterone.
D) Renin directly stimulates the release of aldosterone.

Answer: A
Feedback: The renin/angiotensin/aldosterone system eventually leads to increased sodium and water retention.
49. Which of the following hormones helps to maintain blood glucose levels by stimulating gluconeogenesis?
A) thyroid hormone
B) cortisol
C) insulin
D) aldosterone
Answer: B
Feedback: Two hormones stimulate gluconeogenesis, and the other one is glucagon.
50. Which endocrine disorder is correctly matched with its cause?
A) diabetes mellitus - hypersecretion of insulin
B) diabetes insipidus - hypersecretion of ADH
C) Grave's disease - hypersecretion of cortisol
D) Addison's disease - hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
Answer: D
Feedback: People who have this disease secrete higher than normal levels of ACTH. Because increased synthesis of
ACTH also produces more MSH, they have more pigment in their skin.
51. Which hormone is closely associated with the body's response to stress?
A) testosterone
B) cortisol
C) insulin
D) melatonin
Answer: B
Feedback: ACTH levels are elevated in response to stress.
52. The innermost layer of adrenal cortex is
A) zona glomerulosa.
B) zona reticularis.
C) zona fasciculate.
D) medulla.
Answer: B
Feedback: Adrenal cortex is made up of three layers.
53. the primary effect of mineralocorticoids is
A) decreased blood sodium levels
B) production of dilute urine
C) production of concentrated urine
D) increasing blood potassium levels
Answer: C
Feedback: Mineralocorticoids cause increased water reabsorption by the kidneys
54. The primary stimulus for the release of cortisol is
A) nerve stimulation from hypothalamus
C) increased blood glucose levels
D) increased levels of sodium in the blood
Answer: B
Feedback: ACTH stands for Adeno "corticotropic" hormone.
55. Which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the pancreas?
A) glucagon
B) glucocorticoids
C) insulin
D) somatostatin
Answer: B
Feedback: Look for a clue to the origin of this hormone in its name.
56. Which of the following hormones stimulates liver glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and fat breakdown?
A) insulin
B) thyroid hormone
D) glucagon
Answer: D
Feedback: Both glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis lead to increased blood glucose levels.
57. Low blood glucose levels cause an increased secretion of
A) insulin
B) thyrocalcitonin
C) erythropoietin
D) glucagon
Answer: D
Feedback: You can eliminate two answers by looking at their names and ruling them out.
58. Which of the following inhibits insulin secretion?
A) hyperglycemia and somatostatin
B) hypoglycemia and somatostatin
C) hypercalcemia and hyperglycemia
D) somatotropin
Answer: B
Feedback: Hormone secretion may be inhibited by the opposite of the stimulus that causes its secretion.
59. Which of these organs would be least affected by insulin hyposecretion?
A) resting skeletal muscle
B) brain
C) adipose tissue
D) cardiac muscle
Answer: B
Feedback: The cells of this organ do not have the type of glucose transporters that are regulated by insulin. If they did
have those receptors, an insulin deficiency could damage the organ by preventing glucose uptake. Which organ would
you not want to stop working?
60. Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is usually caused by
A) failure of target cells to respond to insulin
B) hyposecretion of insulin
C) autoimmune destruction of the insulin-secreting cells
D) hypersecretion of insulin
Answer: A
Feedback: In type II diabetes mellitus, blood insulin levels are usually normal, not deficient.
61. The presence of ketone bodies in the blood is associated with which endocrine disorder?
A) Grave's disease
B) Cushing's syndrome
C) diabetes mellitus
D) acromegaly
Answer: C
Feedback: Ketone bodies are a byproduct of fat metabolism.
62. Which endocrine imbalance would cause hypoglycemia?
A) hypersecretion of insulin
B) hypersecretion of glucagon
C) hypersecretion of cortisol
D) hypersecretion of growth hormone
Answer: A
Feedback: Removing glucose from the blood would be one way to cause hypoglycemia.
63. In which sequence do these cause and effect events occur in someone with diabetes mellitus?
1. Cells cannot absorb glucose.
2. Fat catabolism elevates blood ketone bodies.
3. Ketone bodies cause osmotic diuresis and ketoacidosis.
4. Cells switch to using fat and protein.
A) 1, 4, 2, 3
B) 4, 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 2, 3, 4
D) 1, 2, 4, 3
Answer: A
Feedback: In diabetes mellitus, assuming type I, there is not enough insulin to allow all body cells to absorb the glucose
they need, so they must use alternative fuels.
64. The primary target cells for glucagon are
A) skeletal muscle cells.
B) pancreas.
C) kidneys.
D) liver.
Answer: D
Feedback: Function of glucagons is to promote glycogenolysis, to increase blood glucose levels.
65. Islets of Langerhans are found in the
A) thyroid gland
B) pancreas
C) hypothalamus
D) adrenal gland
Answer: B
Feedback: Pancreas are made up of acinar cells and islets of langerhans.
66. The stimulus for release of insulin is
A) decreased levels of glucose
B) increased levels of glucose
C) hormonal secretion from pituitary
D) neural stimulation from pituitary
Answer: B
Feedback: blood glucose levels play an important role in insulin secretion.
67.Immediately after eating lunch at 12 pm, if a blood test is performed one should expect to see an increased level of
_________________ nutrient/s in the blood
A) glucose
B) fattyacids
C) amino acids
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Feedback: Digestive system is breaking down into smaller units.
68. Three hours after food intake, one can expect the blood to have high levels of all of the following hormones except
A) insulin
B) glucagon
C) epinephrine
D) growth hormone
Answer: A
Feedback: Decreased levels of glucose at this time reduce the secretion of insulin.
69. Which of the following occurs 1 - 2 hours after a meal?
A) absorption of nutrients from the grastrointestinal tract increases
B) blood glucose levels increase
C) glucagon secretion decreases
D) cortisol secretion increases
Feedback: A few hours after a meal all of the above will decrease except for cortisol.
70. Which of the following hormones will increase in the blood when glucose levels are high?
A) growth
B) glucagon
C) epinephrine
D) All of the above.
Answer: D
Feedback: All of these hormones will increase when blood glucose levels are high.
71. Which of the following nutrients will commonly be metabolized for energy at the end of a long race?
A) glucose
B) lipids
C) proteins
D) glycogen
Answer: B
Feedback: Lipids are commonly used to make glucose for energy at the end of a long race.
72. Where are androgens produced in females?
A) hypothalamus
B) adrenal cortex
C) ovary
D) kidney
Answer: B
Feedback: Androgens continue to be produced in females after menopause.
73. Mammary glands are targets for which of the following hormone/s?
A) xytocin
B) prolactin
C) progesterone
D) oxytocin and Prolactin
Answer: D
Feedback: oxytocin is involved in milk production and prolactin plays an important role in milk expulsion.
74. The stimulus for the release of reproductive hormones is
A) neural stimulation from hypothalamus
B) FSH and LH from pituitary
C) ovulation
D) sperm production
Answer: B
Feedback: Release of reproductive hormones is under the control of pituitary.
75. The main hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy is
A) estrogen
B) progesterone
C) relaxin
D) inhibin
Answer: B
Feedback: Progesterone is secreted by the ovaries and placenta and it maintains the lining of uterus during pregnancy.
76. Which of the following hormones is not produced by the testes?
A) androgens
B) testosterone
C) relaxin
D) inhibin
Answer: C
Feedback: Relaxin helps in dilation of cervix to aid in child birth. It is made by the ovaries.
77. Which of the following statements about melatonin is correct?
A) Melatonin is secreted by the pituitary gland.
B) The secretion of melatonin is controlled by environmental light and dark periods.
C) Melatonin is synthesized from melanocyte stimulating hormone.
D) The secretion of melatonin is stimulated by exposure to light.
Answer: B
Feedback: Melatonin is secreted while we sleep.
78. Melatonin's functions include
A) controlling the level of skin pigmentation
B) stimulating secretion by the adrenal cortex
C) inhibiting secretion of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary
D) regulating blood calcium levels
Answer: C
Feedback: Melatonin may suppress reproduction.
79. The thymus gland secretes a hormone that is involved in the
A) regulation of red blood cell production
B) regulation of the reproductive cycle in females
C) control of metabolism
D) maturation of T lymphocytes
Answer: D
Feedback: The thymus gland is part of the lymphatic system.
80. Which of the following hormones produced in the testes inhibits FSH production by the anterior pituitary?
A) estrogen
B) testosterone
C) inhibin
D) relaxin
Answer: C
Feedback: Inhibin inhibits FSH production in the anterior pituitary
81. Which of the following hormones is produced to strengthen the lining of the uterus during pregnancy?
A) estrogen
B) progesterone
C) relaxin
D) testosterone
Answer: B
Feedback: Progesterone secretion strengthens the uterine lining during pregnancy.
82. Which of the following structures secrete inhibin?
A) testis
B) uterus
C) ovaries
D) Both A and C.
Answer: D
Feedback: Both the testes and ovaries can secrete inhibin.
83. Which of the following hormones secreted by the pineal body inhibits gonadotropin- releasing hormone?
A) melatonin
B) thymosin
C) arginine vasotocin
D) both A and C
Answer: D
Feedback: Arginine vasotocin and melatonin inhibit GnRH secretion.
84. Which of the following is true about melanin secretion?
A) More melatonin is secreted at night.
B) More melatonin is secreted during the day.
C) Melatonin can help regulate sleep cycles.
D) Both A and C.
Answer: D
Feedback: Melatonin is secreted more at night and may affect sleep cycles.
85. Which of the following is NOT an effect of pineal body secretions?
A) inhibition of reproductive functions
B) help regulation of sleep cycles
C) stimulation of appetite
D) inhibition of GnRH
Answer: C
Feedback: Pineal body hormones probably don't affect appetite.
86. Prostaglandins are also known as
A) eicosanoids
B) endorphins
C) growth factors
D) amines
Answer: A
Feedback: They are derived from a fatty acid.
87. Prostaglandins are made from
A) amino acids
B) cholesterol
C) a fatty acid
D) glycerol
Answer: B
Feedback: Prostaglandin molecules are long carbon chains that have been bent in the middle (hairpin shape) so it looks
like they have two arms.
88. This chemical messenger released by the anterior pituitary is known to have the same effect as opiate drugs and may
be involved in regulating functions such as body temperature, food intake and water balance.
A) beta endorphin
B) melatonin
C) lipotropin
D) melanocyte-stimulating hormone
Answer: A
Feedback: Other members of this group are the enkephalins and dynorphins.
89. A deficiency of arachidonic acid would cause of a deficiency of
A) endorphins
B) melatonin
C) growth factors
D) prostaglandins
Answer: D
Feedback: Arachadonic acid is a long fatty acid.
90. Which of the following changes is not seen with aging?
A) decreased levels of GH
B) decreased melatonin
C) decreased levels of T3 and T4
D) decreased blood glucose levels
Answer: D
Feedback: No age related change in glucose levels is seen, however one sees age related development of type II diabetes.
91. Which of the following signals is considered a paracrine signal?
A) arachidonic acid
B) endorphins
C) eicosanoids
D) thromboxanes
Answer: B
Feedback: Endorpins act as paracrines to modulate pain.
92. Which of the following molecules bind to morphine to moderate pain?
A) prostoglandin
B) leukotriene
C) enkephalin
D) prostacyclin
Answer: C
Feedback: Enkephalin binds to morphine to moderate pain.
93. Which of the following substances would cause vasodilation and help in producing headaches?
A) prostaglandin
B) endorphin
C) enkephalin
D) arachadonic acid
Answer: A
Feedback: Prostaglandins are considered pain producing chemicals.
94. Which of the following is true concerning hormonal levels in aging?
A) all hormone levels decrease in aging
B) all hormonal levels increase in aging
C) some hormonal levels rise and some fall in aging
D) growth hormone increases in aging
Answer: C
Feedback: Some hormonal levels rise such as PTH, while most fall.
95. Which of the following does not decrease with age?
A) reproductive hormones
B) ability to regulate blood sugar levels
C) renin
D) thymosin
Answer: B
Feedback: Elderly people may still be able to regulate blood sugar levels well.
101. The hypothalamus
A) regulates the secretory activity of the pituitary gland.
B) is connected to the pituitary gland by the optic chiasma.
C) has neurons that connect to the anterior pituitary.
D) contains the infundibulum, which secretes many hormones.
E) all of these
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: The hypothalamus is connected to the anterior pituitary by the infundibulum.
102. Hormones secreted from the posterior pituitary
A) are produced by neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus.
B) are transported in the hypothalamohypophysial portal system.
C) include GH and ACTH.
D) are classified as pheromones.
E) both a and b
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: Only choice A is correct, neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus produce cells that are stored and
subsequently secreted from the posterior pituitary.
103. One effect of ADH is to
A) decrease urine volume.
B) increase blood osmolality.
C) decrease blood volume.
D) all of these
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: Only choice A is correct. Antidiuretic hormone functions at the kidney promoting the retention of
water and reducing urine volume.
104. Oxytocin secretion causes
A) milk ejection in lactating females.
B) uterine contractions.
C) increased urine volume.
D) decreased blood volume.
E) both a and b
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: Oxytocin secretion causes milk ejection in lactating females and uterine contraction.
105. Hormones that are secreted from the anterior pituitary are produced in
A) the hypothalamus.
B) the anterior pituitary.
C) the posterior pituitary.
D) the infundibulum.
E) neurosecretory cells.
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Hormones secreted from the anterior pituitary are produced there as well. Neurosecretory cells
produce hormones secreted from the posterior, not the anterior, pituitary.
106. Releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones
A) are secreted from the posterior pituitary.
B) are all neurohormones.
C) travel through the hypothalamohypophysial tract.
D) influence the release of hormones from the posterior pituitary.
E) affect target cells throughout the body.
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Releasing and inhibiting hormones affect target cells in the anterior pituitary.
107. The factors that stimulate secretion of ADH include
A) stress.
B) decreased blood osmolality.
C) decreased blood volume.
D) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct.
108. A person with no ADH secretion (diabetes insipidus) might have symptoms including
A) high blood pressure.
B) extremely low urine output.
C) extreme thirst and dehydration.
D) increased water retention.
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct.
109. Oxytocin secretion is stimulated by
A) decreased blood osmolality.
B) increased blood pressure.
C) stretches of the uterus.
D) stress.
E) GnRH.
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: GnRH does not stimulate Oxytocin secretion; it is released in response to the stretching of the
uterus, mechanical stimulation of the cervix, or stimulation of the nipples of the breast when a baby nurses.
110. Anterior pituitary hormones
A) have a long half-life.
B) bind to intracellular receptors.
C) include oxytocin and ADH.
D) are proteins, glycoproteins, or polypeptides.
E) are stimulated by tropic hormones.
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Releasing hormones secreted from the hypothalamus stimulate anterior pituitary to produce and
release hormones.
111. Growth hormone causes
A) increased somatomedin production.
B) increased fat storage.
C) increased glycogen breakdown.
D) increased use of glucose as an energy source.
E) decreased uptake of amino acids into the cells.
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: GH increases uptake of amino acids into cells and the synthesis of proteins from them.
112. Which of these factors results in increased GH secretion?
A) high blood glucose
B) increased GH-IH secretion
C) stress
D) decreased amino acids in the blood
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct. Stress does increase GH secretion.
113. GH has a negative-feedback effect on the secretion of
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: GH has a negative-feedback effect on the secretion of GH-RH.
114. Hypersecretion of GH in adults produces
A) dwarfism.
B) giantism.
C) acromegaly.
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Hypersecretion of GH in adults produces acromegaly. Hypersecretion of GH in children produces
115. A molecule that has the same effects as opiate drugs (such as morphine, opium, and heroin) is
B) beta endorphin.
C) lipotropin.
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Beta-endorphin, produced from the precursor molecule proopiomelanocortin that also produces
ACTH, lipotropins, and MSH, has the same effects as opiate drugs.
116. All of these hormones are neurohormones produced in the hypothalamus EXCEPT
A) GnRH.
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Growth hormone releasing hormone is a neurohormone produced in the hypothalamus.
117. The major, more potent form of thyroid hormone that interacts with target cells is
A) tetraiodothyronine (T4).
B) triiodothyronine (T3).
C) thyroglobulin.
D) thyroxine-binding globulin.
E) tyrosine.
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Triiodothyronine (T3) is the more potent form of thyroid hormone that interacts with target cells.
Tyrosines are the amino acids that form part of the thyroid hormones.
118. Which of these molecules binds to most thyroid hormones and increases the half-life of thyroid hormones?
A) thyroglobulin
B) tyrosine
C) triiodothyronine (T3)
D) tetraiodothyronine (T4)
E) thyroxine-binding globulin
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: Thyroxine-binding globulin is the plasma protein that binds with thyroid hormones and transports
them in blood, at the same time increasing the half-life of these hormones. Tyrosines are the amino acids that form part of
the thyroid hormones.
119. Which of these symptoms is a result of hyperthyroidism?
A) rapid heart rate
B) cretinism
C) cold intolerance
D) myxedema
E) reduced appetite
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: Reduced appetite is a symptom of hypothyroidism.
120. Which of these conditions causes increased TRH secretion?
A) increased T3 secretion
B) increased T4 secretion
C) hypothermia
D) prolonged fasting
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct. Hypothermia should result in increase TRH secretion.
121. T3 and T4
A) are synthesized in parafollicular cells of the thyroid.
B) are bound to thyroglobulin during synthesis.
C) are synthesized from iron and the amino acid tyrosine.
D) are produced in equal amounts by the thyroid.
E) all of these
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Only answer B is correct. T3 and T4 are bound to the tyrosines on thyroglobulin during synthesis.
122. A deficiency of iodine in the diet causes
A) increased TSH secretion.
B) decreased T3 and T4 production.
C) increased TRH production.
D) thyroid enlargement (goiter).
E) all of these
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: An increase in TSH secretion, a decrease in T3 and T4 production, a increase in TRH production,
and thyroid enlargement may all be the result of a iodine deficiency in the diet.
123. Thyroid hormones cause
A) increased glucose, fat, and protein metabolism.
B) increased body temperature.
C) increased ATP production.
D) normal growth and development.
E) all of these
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: Thyroid hormones can an increase in glucose, fat, and protein metabolism, an increase in body
temperature, an increase in the production of ATP, and are needed for normal growth and development.
124. The cells in the thyroid responsible for calcitonin secretion are
A) follicle cells.
B) thyroglobulin cells.
C) cortical cells.
D) parafollicular cells.
E) hypothalamic cells.
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Calcitonin is the hormone produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid.
125. Which of these conditions produce(s) elevated TSH secretion?
A) iodine deficiency
B) surgically removed thyroid
C) pituitary tumor
D) all of these
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Iodine deficiency, the surgical removal of the thyroid, and a pituitary tumor can all produce elevated
TSH secretion.
126. When parathyroid hormone increases,
A) osteoclast activity decreases.
B) calcium reabsorption in the kidney decreases.
C) calcium absorption in the small intestine decreases.
D) blood calcium level decreases.
E) blood phosphate level decreases.
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: When parathyroid hormone increases, calcium reabsorption in the kidney increases, not decreases.
127. Which of these symptoms occur as a result of hypersecretion of PTH?
A) increased muscular excitability
B) muscle tetany
C) kidney stones
D) depolarization of cell membrane
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct. Kidney stones occur as a result of hypersecretion of PTH and the ensuing
128. The adrenal medulla
A) is derived from mesoderm.
B) is the outer portion of adrenal glands.
C) contains the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis.
D) is part of the parasympathetic division of the ANS.
E) produces epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: The adrenal medulla is the inner portion of the adrenal glands.
129. All of these cause increased secretion of hormones from the adrenal medulla EXCEPT
A) high blood glucose levels.
B) stimulation by sympathetic neurons.
C) emotional excitement.
D) stress.
E) exercise.
Answer: A
Feedback: Answer: Exercise does cause increased secretion of hormones from the adrenal medulla.
130. Aldosterone
A) is a glucocorticoid hormone.
B) is secreted by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex.
C) increases sodium concentration in the blood.
D) increases potassium concentration in the blood.
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct. : Aldosterone functions at the level of the kidneys, stimulating the
reabsorption of sodium and therefore increasing blood sodium concentration.
131. Hyposecretion of aldosterone causes
A) alkalosis.
B) hyperkalemia.
C) high blood pressure.
D) skeletal muscle weakness.
E) hypernatremia.
Answer: B
Feedback: Answer: Hypersecretion, not hyposecretion, of aldosterone causes hypernatremia as aldosterone functions at
the level of the kidneys, stimulating the reabsorption of sodium and therefore increasing blood sodium concentration.
132. If cortisol secretion increases,
A) protein catabolism (breakdown) decreases.
B) fat catabolism (breakdown) decreases.
C) the inflammatory response decreases.
D) blood glucose level decreases.
E) glycogen deposits in cells decrease.
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: If cortisol secretion increases, glycogen deposits in cells increase, as cortisol stimulates glycogen
synthesis in cells.
133. Which of these inhibits CRH secretion?
A) stress
C) cortisol
D) hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
E) both b and c
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: Both ACTH and cortisol inhibit CRH secretion.
134. Glucagon increases
A) breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
B) glucose synthesis from amino acids and fats.
C) blood sugar levels.
D) fat breakdown.
E) all of these
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: Glucagon increases the breakdown of glycogen to glucose, the production of glucose from amino
acids and fats (gluconeogenesis), blood sugar levels, and fat breakdown.
135. All of these are symptoms of diabetes mellitus EXCEPT
A) polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.
B) hyperglycemia.
C) peripheral vascular disease.
D) insulin shock.
E) acidosis.
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Acidosis may be a symptom of diabetes mellitus, especially of IDDM, since cells that cannot utilize
the glucose in the blood begin to utilize lipids as a source of fuel, the accumulation of acids such as ketones and other
acids increases and may result in acidosis.
136. Which of these factors increases insulin secretion?
A) sympathetic stimulation
B) hypoglycemia
C) secretion of gastrointestinal hormones
D) decreased amino acids in the blood
E) both b and c
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct.
137. Immediately after a meal, which hormone level increases?
A) cortisol
B) epinephrine
C) glucagon
D) growth hormone
E) insulin
Answer: E
Feedback: Answer: After a meal insulin levels increase due to the increase in blood glucose and parasympathetic
stimulation. Secretions of cortisol, glucagon, GH, and epinephrine are reduced after a meal.
138. Melatonin
A) is produced by the posterior pituitary.
B) production increases as light increases.
C) inhibits GnRH secretion.
D) increases skin pigmentation.
E) all of these
Answer: C
Feedback: Answer: Only choice C is correct.
139. Which of these autocrine chemical signals, produced by most tissues of the body, can promote inflammation?
A) endorphins
B) enkephalins
C) thymosins
D) prostaglandins
E) melatonins
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: The prostaglandins promote inflammation. Melatonins may help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, and
they inhibit GnRH secretion that may inhibit reproductive function.
140. Which of these substances is responsible for the processing of T cells?
A) endorphin
B) enkephalin
C) prostaglandin
D) thymosin
E) melatonin
Answer: D
Feedback: Answer: Thymosin is the hormone produced by the thymus that functions in the maturation of T-

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