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Colin McDaniel

Paul Theron at SA Threads

Due 10/18/2019
Colin McDaniel

A. Introduction
Paul Theron is an executive for an apparel company located in South Africa named SA
Threads. SA Threads has enjoyed over 30 years of success leading the industry in South
Africa but as of recently their market share has been experiencing a growing loss due to
other up and coming brands. These new brands better represent the demographic of South
Africa something that SA Threads does not. Theron knows diversifying the company is
the key to its future success but also knows that when it is presented by a minority like
himself it can often be misunderstood or badly received. Thankfully Paul and his close
friend of the company who happens to be the VP of acquisitions Curtis McConnell are
having their monthly game night tonight which gives him a chance to speak his mind.
Theron needs to communicate to his fellow executives the importance of diversifying
their company in order to ensure its success for time to come.

B. Statement of Problem
a. SA Threads is losing a growing amount of their market share
i. Symptoms
1. Growing loss of market share
2. Less popularity of their clothing
3. Frustrated minorities
4. Paul’s concern for his job
5. Paul and the other execs worry for their company
ii. Root Causes
1. Lack of diversity in company
2. More diverse competing companies
3. Ignorance of other executives
iii. Theron needs to effectively communicate the need of their company to
diversify in a way that doesn’t jeopardize his career

C. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions

a. An effective solution is one that does not put Paul’s job in jeopardy, effectively
communicates the need of diversity in the company and does not hinder his already
established relationships within the company
b. Alternative solutions
i. Paul can hold a meeting with all the executives and state the need of the
company to diversify
ii. Paul can first talk to his friend Curtis and ease him into the idea then both can
lead a meeting on the need of diversity
iii. Paul can choose not to bring up the companies need to diversify in favor of
trying to keep his job and stature within the company
Colin McDaniel

D. Recommended Solution
a. Paul should first talk to Curtis and ease him into the idea then the both of them can
hold a meeting to get the point across to the other executives. This solution
effectively communicates the need of diversifying to the company while also
minimizing the chance of him hindering any relationships or losing his job. Since not
just Paul but also Curtis speak about this subject matter there is less chance of it being
received poorly because he isn’t a minority and it also relieves chances of Paul losing
his job because this idea is now co-authored between him and Curtis. Some risks of
this solution could be the loss of Paul’s friendship with Curtis as Curtis could take it
the wrong way or just be rubbed the wrong way by his friend trying to talk business
outside the workplace. While this is a possible it seems unlikely for Curtis to not be
aware of the company’s situation and be open to ideas from not only one of his best
friends but also a minority of South Africa who could have valuable input into this

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