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twnr,vg srcNs oF TIIE ZODTAC

Classificrtlon and Influence :-
Positive and Negative; Northern & Southern ; Equinooial,
Tropical ; Fiery, Earthy, Airy & Watery; Movable, Fixed
& Corimon ; Fruitful or barren; Mute ; Violent; Human ;Voicc;
i Bestiaf or Four-legged Dual Bicorporeal or doublc bodied
; ; ;
and short as well as long asccnsion signs.
Positive and Negative
^Slgzs: Thc odd signs, namely,
-Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius andAquarius arc posltive
or (Masculine) : the even signs, viz, Taur'g, Cancer, Virgo,
$corpio, Capricorn and Pisces arc nogative (or Fcminine).
The positive signs: Assertive, bold, expressive, active,
offcnsive, determined, more sclf-exprcssivc.
The negalive sigz.r : Passive, receptive, defensive, more
Northern and Southern signs: Arics to Virgo are called
Northcrn signs ; Remaining six signs (Libra to Pisces) ara sou.
thern signs.
Equinoctial signs z Aries and Libra are two equinoctial
Tropical signs: Cancer and Capricorn are the two tropi-
cal rigns.
Fiery, Earthy. Airy and Watery signs:
Fiery: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ;
Earlhy Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
Atry Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
(atery Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Flery stgns: Assertive, indcpcndent, coursgcous and
enthusiastic. Activity and ambition, vigour and vitality, encrgy
and push.
Earthy signs:. Stability, material welfare, wealth, power,
position, healtb, cautious, premeditative, prudent and prac-
tical; sceietivc and auspicious; stubborn and sclf-protectivc ;
elow end stcady; reserved and restralned; mcthodical and
cconomlcal ; plodding and pcrservering.
Airy signs: Cheerful, gentle, amiable, courteous, sympa-
thetic, refined, humane. Good intellect, fertile imagination,
idealistic and artistic, well-inforirred, fertile. Musical, level-
headed and tactful.
Watery sign.r: Fertile imagination ; constitution-weak ;
timid, inert and unwilling to act. Receptive, contemplative,
sensitive, scntimental and psychic.

QUALITIES: Moveable, fixed and Common slgzs: Ariec

Cancer, Libra and Caprlcorn are movable sigos. Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius are frxed ones. Gemini, Virgo, Sagitta.
rius and Pisccs are common signs.
Movable signs : Enterprise, enthusiasm, lovc of ambition,
forcefulness, and go-a-head spirit ; fame, recognitlon and popu-
larity :.loves changes and reform.
Fixed signs; Stamiga /and persistencein action. Very
strong: and determined will. Keep on working, paticnce and
persistcnce ; practical; firm.
Common (duul , mutableS signs: Dual, fluctuating. flexi.
bility, plasticity, intellectual, sympathetical,sensitive, subtle,
versatile, changeful, inconstant, indecisive, vacillating and restless.
Fruitful signs show success z rezlisation of ambition:
Canccr, Scorpio and Pisces-fruitful.
Taurus, Libra, Capricorl and Slgittarius-semi-fruitful.
Barren sigr,t : Attempts not successfut; No desired results:
Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo arc called barron or sterile signs.
Theso are not fruitful.
Mute signs: Cancer, Scorpioand Pisces are mute signs.
Yiolent signs z Aries, Scorpio-Vjolent signs, "no fcars'.'
They undertake all enterprises with ccurage and confidence.
Human sdgns: Gemirii, Virg,r, Aquarius and thc lst half
of Sagittarius. Libra-Humane.
Yoice sigrrs: Gamini, Libra, Aquariur.

Wcrtcrn authors-Vlrgo, Saglttarlut and Taurus atro.

Bestiol signs:. 4 legged: Arles, Taurus, Leo, Caprlcora,
2nd half of Sagittarius.
Geminl, Sagittarius and Plsces.
Bicorporeal or double.bodied signs : lst half of
Sa gittarius and Pisces.
,Signs of short ascension: Capricorn to Gemini both
inclusive : 90o on both sides of Vernal equinox.
Signs of long ascension: Cancer to Sagittarius both
inclusive ; 90o on both sides of autumnrl Equinox.

Physical appearsnce: (If the lord of the constellatlon io

wbich the sublord of the ascendant is posited in)
Aries :
Middle stature ; Iean, muscular; neither stout
northick ; ruddy complexlon; long neck and face ; broad head,
bushy eycbrows ; wiry hair.
: Middle stature; plumpy body broad forohcad j
thick neck bright el,es ; dark bair good complcxion ; wcll
built, big shoulders, well.developed muscles.
Gemlni : Tall, upright,. straight body; long hands ; tbln
legs; moderate complexion ; sbarp eyes; long nose :
Cancer: Clumsy body; upper body large; tn;;
abdomen ; wide nose ; large mouth; brown hair ; palc complo-
Leo: Well.deve loped appearaoce; broad shoulders;
broad forchead: Talt, well-built, muscular; full staturc ; majct.
tic appearance.
1 irgo : Slender body ; tall, dark hair
; and cyor ; curved
cyebtows, profuse growth of bair ; thin voice ; quick walk,
pot-bclly ; long nose.
Libra: Tall, well-proportloned bcdy ; slender limbs;
stroirg, graccful appearance ; sweet smile ; attragtiy€ countf-
tetrcs ; bcautiful eyebrows ;. garrotlikc nosa,
Scorplo: Well-proportioned body ; long noso ; avcragc
stature ; broad face ; commanding apprarance ; short and curly
hair, muscular body; good personality.
" Saglttarius: Well-proportioned, well-developed body ;
eyebrows high and bushy; long nose; broad eyes, charming
appcafancc; graceful look; fair complexion ; beautiful.

Caprlcorn: Emaciated, weak ; slow growth ; slender, lean,

wiry; long nose; deep set eye3; coarse bair. In old ago, hunch

Aquarius : Tall, full stature ; oval face!; fair cornplexion ;

handsome oppearance; defective teeth; brown shady buir.
Pisces: Short; plumpy, stout, musculat, spherical big
eyes protruding, soft hair, silky.


(tf the lord of the constellatlon ln whlch tho sub-lord of tho

ascendant is posited in):-
Aries: Activc, ambitious; bold, impulsive, rash, aggres-
t- sive; argumentative; confidence, courage ; high aim; ever
enterprising; dislikes subordrnation; quick actiun ; unbounded
oonfiderce; exccutlvo ebility ; uncompromising spirit, mind
I pregnant with idcas; no self-sacrifice; fretful and boisterous;
I ovcr optimistio; over-trade ; fanatic; bold, foolhardiness ;
dclnonstrativc ; passionate; proud ; hasty, quarrelsome.
Taurus : ; Patience; never forget, nor forglvo I
unrclcnting; slow, steady; perseverancc; paticncc; pcrsls-
tcooo; conscrvative ; lazy z sclf-confidence; decpset in tuition;
not vcrbosc; stubborn ; loYal.
Gcmini : Carefree ;: reluctant; versatile; restless ;
changcful; adaptabitity; intelligent; adviser; fond of travel;
indecisivo; ever contcmplating ; insight waywardness, ficklcness ;
generous ; or niggardly, no iule, no habit; quick grasp ; much
retcntivc powcr ; good rcproductive ability.
Csncer: Changeability, timid; fertile imaginationr Grtro-
tional, syngathotic; ovcr-$gnsitivo; talkltivo; qcrvour lrritebtr

| ,,,

I lty_; bravc ln nental attitude ; short tempcr ; tenacious memory;

atplomatlc, dlscreet, conventionar ; loyal ; impaticnt ; very selfisi.

I - . Leo:humanitarian,
Noble, targe hearted, magnanimous, generous,
I rytious, no evil thought, dignityl faith, less of
observcs silence, likes flattery, enthusiastic, sports, speculation.
| " Vlrgo: Ever changeful, commercial instinct, very brisk,
I Y:ty -qulck; thorough, methodical sensible, rational pracrical,
Aiscriminative, critical, self-pity, s&v€!t-rnotroy, prudent, over-
; proper, orderly, fond of horticulture, gardenlng,
[, ".t:1u.1, food,
medicine, hygiene.

Llbre: Level headed, mentat equ.librium, dispassionate,

,gompares and contracts, constructive critics foregoes, personal
comforts, painstaklng, helps otherr, popular, politicians, fertlle
tm-agrnatton, corrcct intultlon brilllant, tntcllect, admlrablc
refinement, pleasant-naturo, gcntle.and afectionate, easy-going,
shrewd, persuasive, fond of opposlte sex.

- Scorpio: Very clever, hard working,

determlncd, nevcr ideal, nevcr mindful of obstacles, good

lmagination, sharp intelligcnce, intense feeling, ,*olioo,

good critic, resourceful, proper intuition, prJmpt action,
successful^bargains, self-assertior, impulsivc ."iioo, independ-
cacq excitement, likes and dislikes, gossip, non-interfiring,
frank, plaln, blunt, rcvcngcful
Saglttarins: Bold, courageous; pushful, ambitious, greedy,
aspiring, optimistic, never timid, dauntless, self-conddenc'e,
Grlergy, enthusiasm, vigour, vitality, true, honost, sinccre,

Capricorn : Economical, prudent, reasonable; thoughtful,

praetical mindcd, methodical, plodding, perseverlng, paliently
working, quick executlon, carefut dcclsion, confidenci, toler-
ance, steady, reserved, fear ofredicule, chooses frlends,
sincerc, reliable or concelted ; dishonest, scl6sh, grrrOy,
criminal, undcrhand dealings.

Aqoarius : Intelligent, careful and cautious,

watchful and
fhoughtful ftolliglnt, sfgw !o qts',gt, ,lroot tscuory, broad
out-look human understandlng, outspoten, uncolfish, huntno,
impersonal, soclal/sllent worker, new thoughts, frorh ldeas,
research mind, steady and stubbbrn, inclination to sclencc.
Pisces: Philosophical results, dreamy, contcmplrtlngr-
imagining, honest, outspoken, helpful, humane, forego, forgivo
and forget, unassuming, overJiberal, unbounded generosity, con-
tradiclion, ln nature, sweet temper, social inclined.


(lftbe subJord ofthe 6th cusp is deposited in the conrtclla-
tion ofthe plaaet deposlted ln):
' Ari..: Grotl health, enough immunity, fond of sports,
Ifcadacho, burns, inflammatory dlseares, affectlon of thc
brala, neulalgla, coma, high fever, collc pains,paralyols, apo-
plexy, plmples, insomnia, ringworms, migrainc, smallpox,
malarla, effectlon of the brain, thrombosis.
Taurus: Robust health, nevcr deficiency, slow rccoycry,
tonslls, diptheria, pyorrhoea, .throat, palate, .neek, cold, apo-
plexy, constipation, plethora, plmples and eyesore.
Gemlni: Delicate health, straio, overtaxing, thereby ill-
health, lungs, cold, running of the nose, influenza, Eosonophilia,
plcurisy, Bronchltis, T.B. shoulders and arms affected.
Cancer r Fragilc lungs, flu, cough, asthma, broncbitis,
pleurlry, T.B. stomach upset, dyspcpsia, flatulence, dropsy,,bcri-
berl, nervous debility, fear complex, bysteria, jaundicc, obstruc-
tion oftho bile, gall stoBe, boils on the chest.
Leo: Good constitution, qulck recovery.
Hcart disease, palgitation, splnal mcnlngitis, syncope,
f'" locomotor ataxia, inflammationr, sunstroke, glddlncss, pe$tilcncc,
Epilepsy, rheumatlc fever.

Virgo : Good health, very active, careful about diet,

abdomen. Hypcchondria, chylifactivc, typhoi.d, bowcls, maf'
egtritioqf tapcwornr iqtectirel dlrcqs o.

, Libru: Normal bealth, susccptible for infectious disease,
prophylaclic aleasures necded. -./

Kidneys, loins, spines afrccted, uterus rernoval, appendi-

citi$, Lumbago, Polyria, Heraia.
Scorpio: Good hoalth, quick recovery, gencratlve organs,
the bladder, wonb, ovades, proetate gland, vencreal distempcr,
rcnal stone, gravel Adenoids, polypi, piles.
Saglttarioc: Good healtb, quick recovery, Sciatica,
rheumatic pain, fracture in the hip, lumbago, gout, eosonophilia,
lung trouble, fracture oflhe bones, diabetec, affsction of lungs,
hiccough, asthma.
Crpricorn: Leprosy, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, gout,
indigostion, cold, nelancholia, neuralgle, knees and p.t"il" boner
fracturo, urticaria, skin diseasc, eczcmar dislocitlon.
Aquarlus: Below normll hcalth, tooth trouble, tonsils,
heert trouble, rheumatic palns, skin.discase, elephantiasls, cczcma,
eyc-trouble, blood-pressurc, insomnla, unratcd gum.
Plrcer: Modcrate hcalth, addicted to drinks, affection of
the anklc, feot. dropsy, v4ricose vcinr, intcstinal trouble,
Berspiration of the feet, typhoid, over-dose of mcdiclno, coros,
piles, deformltics, T.8., deficlcncy of enzymes, hcfnia, deafncse.


(If the sub-lord of the gecond cusp is depositcd in thc con-
stellation of tho planct situcted in) :
Arles: Caa earn muph, spcnd much, impulsive
purchases, rash lnvestments, think of today, neler of tomorrow,
stert in a flash, cnd in a crasb, act first, spcak next, thlnk lest.
Trurus: Hoards money, accumulatos wealtb, cautious
spcnding, always keeps reserve, nevcr risks ln moDcy matterso
oever squander, carc for materlal status, invest on estates, agri-
sultural lands, practically builds fortuoe steadily.
Geminl : Either fortune or misfortune, family disputes,
sclf.deshuction and of changes, secret love afairs, detrimentat.
Cancer: Commerclal career, ttade, caterer, shope, stalls,
Dufses, careful expenses, prudent, saves by hard labour,accunu-
latcs wealth.

Leo: High position, deals blg issuer, spcnd-thrift, faccc

hard times, in youth lucky, gambles, speculates, cvcrliberal.

fl Vlrgo: Commercial instinct, careful about moncy, tnows

value of moncy, self-made, workr bard, moncy accumulatcr,
lnvortment nor profitable.
Llbra : - Business with partncrs, adviscrs, critlcs, story
wrltcrs, able salesman, rpend-thrift.
Scorplo: Impulsivo purchases, extravagaBt GxpcntcS,
makcs large money, and spends mucb of it, no mlnd to cavc
msxinum, but fortune favours.
Sagitterius: Earns by fair means, no btack moncy,
satisfactory carnings, speculation not useful, falsc prcstige,
_ spends much.

Capricorn: Conccrvative, gains, fame and moncy

resourceful, concentratloD, no spcculation, invest on permancnt
posltion, industrious, gaves moDey, no waste, no rcEt.

Aqurrlus : Makcs inventiots, discovcries, paticntly

saving, ncithor cconomical, nor cxtravagant.
Pigces: Very happy, helpful to othcrs, intercstcd in mugic,
films, spends thereby, good bueiocss ability, keeps money saf.,
permaneot servlce, succcesful politician.


If thc iub-lord of . the ffth cusp is deposited in thc

constellation of the planct, signifying the fifrh house mattcr,
situatcd in:-
Arier: Franl ; cnthusiastic; charming; practical ;
o freedom, adventurc ln love, ever-lasting affectioo,
but domiaant
nature, iudepcndent, or proud.

Taurus: Loyal, true, faces an opposition, self-control
needed, lucky, steady. ;
Genlol: Quick friendship, critlcs, findlng fault with, no
ratlsfactioo, prefcrs varicty, bafrcs othcrs, controls, mixcs with
lntcllectuals, more romaace-rnorc happy, difrculty to undcrstend.

Cancer: .No romance means no lifc to them, will sacrifioc

comforts, loyal and affcctirinate, sincere and true, yct ficklo
Lco: Romantic, deep l\vc, keeps partner cheorful, idcal
lovcr, very passionate, attracts bthers, proud of family.

V irgo :
Own ideals, so difficult, long delay to chooso ono,
cares work, perfection, valucs thc iotellcctuals, shy, touchy, findr
lault with others.
Llbra: Most lovable, Gxperts in love affairs, dncorc,
present convcrsationalists, enjoys in full, satisfics. ,t -
Scorpio: Complex mood, energotlc, dynamic, lacking
sympathy, unstcady,, cxpects apprcciatlon from partnor, giver
comforts, and keeps in good chcer.
Segittariur: Temper flares up, interest in gemec, toclety,
family life not so important, p€rson of iotcgrity, and doralr,
allows frccdom to wife.
Capricorn: Affectionate, but neyer givos cxprorslon,
cmotional, slow and cautious io relcctioo, novcr bold and rash,
*ait for the consent of thc other, true and faithful.
Aquarior: Intclligcnt, prcfcrs. educatcd partncr, sttong
attachment, pefmancnt ooc, unassuming, frcc, and social, gympa-
thetic, and accommodativc.
Plscer: Prcfcrs beautiful 'partner, alro intellcctuat, fond
of 6ne arts, suspicious naturc, dreams much, gets delayed, elow
(If tho sub-lord of tho 7th cusp is in a consteilatlon, tho - -t -.---
lord of which is tenantcd in Aries etc., the ebove rosultl aie to
be given,)

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