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The topic

Presenter : Good morning everyone… Now we will discuss about disease from
Arabian, this diases is very viral, and uproar and also spread to several worlds, for
example South Korean, Thailand, Iraq, Pakistan, and the other. Do you know
what this disease? yap, this disease is Mers or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
This morning special, we will invite a victim, two government, the expert to
explain Mers? Are you ready guys? So… please welcome and give applause for
them !

(they enter the room)

Before that, please introduce your self

Presenter : Ok thank you please sit down. Good morning everyone. How are you?
First, I will ask to the expert. Actually what is the definition of Mers? And what is
the signs and symptom of mers? And what is the causes of mers? Can you explain

Ahli1 : definition :

So, mers is middle east respiratory syndrome transmitted from camels to humans
even contagious, this virus not easy transmitted as influenza

Tramnsmitted desease is :

- Transmitted more often live contact exp curse give care for patient mers
- Can transmitted for people come from Saudi Arabia
- Contact with camels infected exp : drink milk camel, eat meat camel, drink
urine camel, washing hair with urine camel, etc

Ahli2 : there are also sign and symptomps mers like cough, cold, sick throat, fever,
shivering, muscle pain, shortnes breath and even coughing of blood, make sure
it’s true positive mers, have do some test.

1. Throat swab test

2. Stool sample
3. Blood sample
4. Sputum sample
5. X-ray
Presenter : oh I see. So, transmitted disease of mers is camel. Give applause for the expert.
So, next I will ask to Mr M as victim. So, do you often eat camels? And what do
you think about taste?

Narasumber : I think this food is very delicious. In there, the camel cooked likes gulai.

Presenter : oh, I see. The culture is very different ya. And then, do you also feel the
symtoms like this?

Narasumber : yeah, first, I felt fever, and then bleeding cough. I am so afraid, then I
immediately went to the hospital.

Presenter : ok, but you are healthy, right? What do you feel now? And what is your
motivation to survive?

Narasumber : I feel bless now. God give me second life to me. Because I want to live long and
to make my son happy.

Presenter : give applause to a victim. Thank you sir. So, I will ask to Mrs. Kindy and Mrs.
Nisak as government. May I? what is the government’s action to prevent mers
enter Indonesia?

Government : For prevent we are doing for Indonesia citizen to use mask, and always to
remind washing hand with soap, stay away from raw food, and then intensify
information about mers at brosur, magazine, television and social media without
having to cause panic.

Presenter : and then, what is the government’s action to keep health of the pilgrims in
Arabian to prevent mers?

Government : We do prevention when depart and arrive from Saudi Arabian, like a for
departing we do give vaccine meningitis, influenza, pneumonia to pilgrims and
then when they arrived to Indonesia in the airport we are provide thermal scanner.
And then pilgirms in the Saudi Arabian should not took a picture, around and
touch the camel. We are facilitate mask and we also give training about washing
hand with soap.
Conclusion :

So guys, This disease is very dangerous and can fast spread, but if you prevent MERS correctly
you stay healthy and avoid from Mers.

The point are : take care of your health, keep healthy activity and always feel bless in every
problem . So, thank you for coming here, and give applause for them.

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