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Exercise 1 - Correct Definition

In the following 5 questions you will be given a word from the vocabulary list above and 4
possible definitions. Chose the correct option from the list of definitions.

EFL (English as Foreign Language) Banking Vocabulary Definitions

Choose the correct definition for the banking vocabulary in this quiz. Put the answer in the
bracket and translate the words underlined and meaning into Indonesian Language.

1) What is the definition of Balance? (A)

a) The amount of money in an account: could be positive or negative.
b) Money to be paid to the bank to use certain services or as a fine if a mistake is made.
c) The area in a bank where the tellers work.
d) Borrowed money that is received now but needs to be paid back, often monthly, with
interest added.

2) What is the definition of Borrow? (C)

a) Either a paper or electronic summary of the money paid into or out of an account that
b) To empty an account of money and tell the bank it is no longer going to be used.
c) To get money from a bank now that a person does not own and so has to pay to the
bank at a later time.
d) Any situation where money is deposited or withdrawn from an account.

3) What is the definition of Overdrawn? (D)

a) The record of the money that a customer has at the bank.
b) An amount of money that can be used each month that the customer does not own.
c) A four digit number used to access ATM machines.
d) To have used more money than there is in the account so that money is owed to the
4) What is the definition of Bank manager? (D)
a) To start an account at a bank for the first time.
b) A person who works at the bank counter and accepts and gives out money to the
bank’s customers.
c) A staff member who helps customers.
d) The person who is in charge of a branch of the bank.

5) What is the definition of Identification? (B)

a) Someone who works at a bank to prevent thieves from steeling the money.
b) An item that proves your identity, such as a passport or driver’s license.
c) A small plastic card that can be used to pay for items without giving the seller cash
directly. The money is taken from the account immediately.
d) A written order telling the bank to pay or transfer money to someone.
Write down the translation of the words underlined and meaning into Indonesian
1. Balance(Seimbang)
Jumlah uang di akun: bisa menjadi positif atau negatif
2. Borrow (Meminjam)
untuk mendapatkan uang dari bank sekarang ketika seseorang tidak memiliki uang
dan kemudian harus membayar ke bank di kemudian hari
3. Overdrawn (Jumlah simpanan yang diambil secara berlebih)
telah menggunakan uang lebih banyak daripada yang ada dalam rekening sehingga
uang itu dihutangi oleh bank.
4. Bank manager(Manajer Bank)
orang yang bertanggung jawab atas sebuah cabang bank
5. Identification(Identifikasi)
item yang membuktikan identitas Anda, seperti passpor atau Surat Izin Mengemudi.

Exercise 2 - Correct Meaning

In this exercise each question has a definition of a word from the ESL banking vocabulary list
and you need to chose the word with the same meaning. There are 5 questions with 4 options
to chose from in each.

EFL (English as Foreign Language) Banking Vocabulary Identification of Meaning

Choose the word that matches the definition given in each of the five questions in this quiz.
Put the answer in the bracket and translate the words and the sentences underlined into
Indonesian Language.

1) What is the meaning of the following definition: Money to be paid to the bank to use
certain services or as a fine if a mistake is made? (B)
a) Balance
b) Bank charges
c) Loan
d) Overdraft

2) What is the meaning of the following definition: The bank or the building where customers
use the bank services? (A)
a) Branch
b) Interest
c) Open an account
d) Transaction
3) What is the meaning of the following definition: An instruction to the bank to pay the
same person or company the same amount of money on a regular schedule, often monthly?
a) Payee
b) Debit card
c) Close an account
d) Standing order

4) What is the meaning of the following definition: To give the bank money to be added to a
customer’s account? (B)
a) Counter
b) Deposit
c) Bank card
d) Guard

5) What is the meaning of the following definition: A four digit number used to access ATM
machines? (C)
a) Balance
b) ATM card
c) PIN number
d) Withdrawal

Write down the translation of the words and sentences underlined into Indonesian

1. uang harus dibayarkan kepada bank untuk menggunakan jasa-jasa tertentu atau denda
jika dilakukan kesalahan (Biaya Bank)
2. bank atau bangunan di mana pelanggan menggunakan layanan bank(Kantor Cabang)
3. instruksi kepada bank untuk membayar orang atau perusahaan yang sama jumlah uang
yang sama dengan jadwal biasa, sering kali sebulan(yang dibayar)
4. memberikan uang bank untuk ditambahkan ke rekening pelanggan (Deposito)
5. empat digit nomor yang digunakan untuk mengakses mesin ATM (Nomor PIN)

Exercise 3 – Matching Words

Choose the correct answer for explanation of the words in column A. Put the answer in the
bracket and translate the sentence and the words into Indonesian Language.


1 stock (F) A. to take money out of an account
2 bankrupt (H) B. the money you pay to a company in case something
3 deposit (I) bad happens
4 insurance (B) C. the extra money you get for giving a bank money
5 bond (J) D. place where you keep your money
E. a small plastic card that lets you buy things
6 circulation (K) F. share of a company
7 withdraw (A) G. the money you get every month for doing your job
8 account (D) H. to go out of business
9 interest (C) I. to put money in a bank
10 loan (L) J. document that shows that the government will pay
11 salary (G) back money it has lent from you
12 debit card (E) K. movement
L. money you borrow from a bank

1. Saham = pembagian dari sebuah perusahaan

2. Bangkrut = keluar dari bisnis
3. Deposito= untuk menaruh uang anda dalam dokumen bank
4. Asuransi= uang yang anda bayarkan untuk sebuah perusahaan dalam kasus apabila
sesuatu hal buruk terjadi
5. Obligasi= dokumen yang menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah akan membayar kembali
uang yang telah dipinjam dari anda
6. Sirkulasi= pergerakan
7. Menarik= untuk mengambil uang dari rekening
8. Rekening= tempat dimana anda menyimpan uang anda
9. Bunga= uang ekstra yang anda dapatkan unrekenimgberikan uang bank
10. Pinjaman= uang yang anda pinjam dari sebuah bank
11. Gaji= uang yang anda dapatkan setiap bulan untuk melakuka pekerjaan anda
12. Kartu debit= sebuah kartu plastik kecil untuk memungkinkan anda membeli barang-

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