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Organizations mature their analytical capabilities as they develop in the seven areas of DELTA+.
As introduced in “Competing on Analytics” and developed in “Analytics at Work,” this maturity model
helps organizations measure their growth across these areas.
At Level 1, the organization is Analytically Impaired. The organization lacks one or several of the
prerequisites for serious analytical work, such as data, analytical skills, or senior management interest.
At Level 2, the organization has Localized Analytics. There are pockets of analytical activity within
the organization, but they are not coordinated or focused on strategic targets.
At Level 3, the organization has strong Analytical Aspirations. The organization envisions a more
analytical future, has established analytical capabilities, and has a few significant initiatives under way,
but progress is slow—often because some critical factors have been too difficult to implement.
At Level 4, the organization becomes an Analytical Organization.
The organization has the needed human and technological resources, applies analytics regularly, and
realizes benefits across the business. But its strategic focus is not grounded in analytics, and it asn't
turned analytics to competitive advantage.
At Level 5, the organization is an Analytical Competitor. The organization routinely uses analytics as a
distinctive business capability. It takes an enterprise-wide approach, has committed and involved
leadership, and has achieved large-scale results.
So how does your organization fare?
Where do you see strengths in your organization and where do
you also see areas for improvement?

This part summarizes the seven elements of a successful Analytics program within an organization.
It is highly recommended that you work with your leadership team to grow your organization’s
analytical maturity. The works of Davenport, Harris, and Morison in “Competing on Analytics: the New
Science of Winning” and “Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results” provide excellent
blueprints for this maturity journey as they show how each element could transition from one
maturity level to another.

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