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Dustin Cheung



Writing 2 Metacognitive Reflection

The class of Writing 2 has helped me not only grow as a writer, but also helped me figure

myself out in terms of writing. As a writer I was never really able to find a style of writing I

prefer nor could I really find my own voice in my writing. Writing 2 though has helped me with

this experience, and I find a lot more comfortability in what and how I write. Through writing

my drafts and showing them to Ms. King during her office hours, the feedback I received was

monumental in helping myself figure out how I write. I am now able to realize whether or not

content I put cooperates with the rest of the essay, something that I was not able to do before. I

also am able to figure out different styles of writings just by reading an article or text, something

I definitely wasn’t able to do before this class.

When reading a passage, I am now able to think on how the author writes. Before this

class I was only able to attain the information that the writer puts out, but now I am able to

understand their style of writing and how it helps the audience, like myself. During high school, I

wasn’t too great of a writer, I was always told that my tone shifts too much in my writing by my

teachers, and I was never able to put a finger on why that is the case. I am able to consistently

keep the same tone throughout my papers, something that I have also struggled with. Also, I also

learned what type of diction I should be using through this class. Before, I would always just put

whatever word sounds right in my paper, but I learned there is so much more than that in terms

of diction. Not only does the word have to sound right, but it also has to match the vocabulary

and level of other words I use throughout my essay.

Firstly, my 1st WP was definitely a learning block on me. It was a struggle because I

somehow could never grasp exactly was a genre is. I would know the definition, but struggle to

put it into text. Reading back at my WP1, I realized that the paper is kind of a mess. I

consistently shift tones and use all types of words, even though they didn’t fit what I was writing.

This was my fault though, as I didn’t go to King’s office hours before it was due. Reading the

paper again, I realized that I changed my subjects a lot as well as my tone. After reading the

feedback on my WP1, I was able to understand what I should do with my papers, keep them

consistent and smooth.

Secondly, my WP2 was a huge improvement for me. Thankfully, I asked King questions

I had about it before I turned it in. She gave me great insight on the voice that I was using

throughout my paper and it affects my paper. From there I was able to gauge the tone I should be

using in my paper. Reading back the difference between my draft and final paper, I was able to

immediately notice a difference in it. My draft was pretty messy and inconsistent with different

types of responses all over the place, but the final draft, although not perfect, took a good turn to

the better.

Thirdly, my WP3 I felt, although it was a big difference from the other two papers we

had to write, was an improvement. On the first try I was able to realize my mistakes with the

papers and immediately correct them. Something I struggled with was making the translation

‘professional’. I had never really seen a professional letter before so I had second thoughts about

the vocabulary and length of the papers. After reading a few I attempted a translation but it

wasn’t how I liked it to be. After the feedback, I was able to correct it and give it that professonal

I can apply what I learned in Writing 2 in pretty much everything I write. Me being able

to grasp the tone and vocabulary was a huge help in fixing my papers from looking like a huge

mess. From that, I thank Ms. King and I was never able to gauge my own problems in my paper


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