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It's our day one here in our school library for our work immersion.

I felt nervous because it will be my first time to have an interview. As

we are in the process of interview I was relieved because Mrs. Jovita
was very kind to us. My friend, Ate Ayn, was the one who helped me
overcome my nervousness. After the interview we ask Mrs. Jovita what
we'll going to do for the day. So she said we will just have to wipe and
arrange the books. So we wiped the books. We arranged the books. We
swept and scrubbed the floor. Then before we went home we swept and
scrubbed again the floor so that before we leave it's clean. Then I was so
relieved when we we're going home because we finished our first day of
immersion without any problem.
It's our second day in our work immersion. The library is still
closed so we waited for Mrs. Jovita. Ma’am arrived and then we started
our work for the day. We swept the floor first. Then we placed scotch
tapes on the torn pages or covers of the books. After, we return the
books on its exact place so that there will be no scattering of books
around. We didn't finish our work but it's already time so again we
cleaned the library. We swept and scrubbed the floor. Then, we asked
Mrs. Jovita if we can go first and she said yes. So we went home without
any problem.
It’s our day three here in our school for our work immersion. We
started our work with wiping the books. Then we continued the taping of
books because we didn't finish it yet. After, we took our lunch because it
was already lunch time. Then we went back to the library to continue
our work. Then after our work I was asked by Mrs. Jovita to check the
bags of the students who went to the library to study. Then after, I
continued helping Ate Ayn in scotch taping the books. After that, we
returned the books one by one on its proper place. After, we swept and
scrubbed the floor. And after cleaning we went home.
It's our 4th day in our work immersion. We are called by Mrs. Jovita
because she told us what would be our tasks for today. She said we have
to put semi pocket and a cut bond paper on the last page of the books. So
we borrowed scissors. Then, after borrowing scissors we started cutting
the bond papers. After, we asked Mrs. Jovita if she has glue so that we
can use it in pasting the semi pocket and a cut bond paper. So Mrs.
Jovita gave us glue so that we can start in pasting. So while I’m cutting
the bond papers Ate Ayn will paste the semi pockets and the cut bond
It’s our fifth day here in our work immersion. So to start our fifth
day, we prepared the things that we can use in doing our tasks that we
used yesterday. First, we borrowed the scissors again because we return
it yesterday. Second, we bought glue because the glue was already gone.
Third, after preparing we started our tasks that we didn’t finish
yesterday. So while I’m cutting the papers Ate Ayn will paste the papers
into the last page of the books. Then while Ate Ayn is folding the semi
pocket, I paste the semi pocket into the last page of the books. Then we
took our lunch. After, we rest a bit then continued our tasks. We didn’t
finish our task but it’s already time and we have to go home so we went
to the Senior High School Office to wrote out time out.
It’s the sixth day in our work immersion. As same as yesterday, we
started our day in preparing the things that we can use in our task. We
continued our task. Pasted semi pockets at the last page of the books.
Cut bond papers so that we can paste it at the last page of the books.
Then we took our lunch. Then after, we wiped the books in a bit. After,
we continued our tasks and talk some matters while doing our tasks.
Then it’s already time so we went to the Senior High School Office to
wrote our time out. And then, we went home safe.

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