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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) ix–x


Carolyn L. Rochester, MD
Guest Editor

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and health status) and measuring changes in lung
(COPD) continues to cause disabling symptoms function in response to various therapeutic inter-
and impair the functional status and quality of life ventions. The ability of treatment interventions
of millions of people worldwide. COPD is antici- to impact the systemic manifestations of COPD
pated to become the third leading cause of death and to alter mortality also has become a subject
by the year 2020 [1]. Since the time of the last issue of great interest.
of Clinics in Chest Medicine on COPD published I hope that this issue of Clinics in Chest Medi-
in December 2000, extraordinary efforts have cine will provide the reader with current state-
been made by investigators and clinicians world- of-the-art knowledge of these many aspects of
wide to gain an increased understanding of the COPD. The introductory article by Dr. MacNee
pathogenesis and to refine the therapeutic man- discusses the many facets of the pathogenesis of
agement of this disabling disease. It has become COPD. The discussion relates many cellular and
recognized increasingly that heterogeneous clini- molecular events to the structural and functional
cal phenotypes of COPD exist, both with regard changes found in the lungs of COPD patients.
to varying degrees of emphysema and airways The article by Drs. Cote and Celli reviews current
inflammation and remodeling in the lung, and knowledge regarding predictors of mortality and
with regard to the systemic manifestations and discusses multi-dimensional tools used to assess
functional impact of the disease. It is also now disease severity and predict outcomes in COPD
well recognized that several factors in addition patients. The article by Drs. Hurst and Wedzicha
to lung function (including exercise tolerance and discusses COPD exacerbations, which are recog-
nutritional status among others) impact patient nized increasingly to play an important role in
mortality risk. In recent years, investigations the decline in lung function and development of
began to focus on unraveling differences in patho- disability over time. The article by Drs. Remels,
genesis and genetic propensity to develop the Schols, and colleagues provides a state-of-the-art
varying COPD phenotypes. Increased emphasis discussion of the mechanisms of skeletal muscle
has also been placed on assessing patient centered dysfunction and systemic inflammation in COPD,
outcomes (such as exercise tolerance, symptoms, and the article by Drs. Stone and Nici highlights

0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

other systemic manifestations of the disease, I thank each of the authors for their partici-
including the impact of COPD on the cardiovascu- pation in this project, for their wonderful, schol-
lar system. Ms. Reardon’s comprehensive article arly contributions, and for their incredible hard
on the adverse health effects of environmental work! I also extend my sincere gratitude to Sarah
tobacco smoke and Dr. Crothers’ article on Barth and her colleagues at W.B. Saunders for
COPD among HIV-infected patients are also their patience and efforts to bring this project to
unique and very important novel contributions fruition. It has, indeed, been my great pleasure to
to this issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine. have the opportunity to serve once again as
It is now appreciated that effective manage- a Guest Editor for Clinics in Chest Medicine and
ment of COPD requires a multidisciplinary, long- to work with such a superbly skilled and dedicated
term, integrated approach to care. From the group of colleagues!
therapeutic standpoint, Drs. Hanania and Shar-
afkhaneh provide a thorough update on pharma- Carolyn L. Rochester, MD
cologic treatment of COPD, and Dr. Anzueto Medical Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and
discusses existing strategies to modify the disease. Director of Pulmonary Clinics
Increasingly, health care providers are recogniz- VA Connecticut Healthcare System
ing that optimal comprehensive care of patients Newington Campus
who have COPD also requires investment by 333 Cedar Street, Building LCI-105
and participation of the patient in his or her New Haven, CT 06520, USA
own care and effective partnership between pa-
tients and their health care providers. The article Associate Professor of Medicine
by Dr. Bourbeau and Ms. Nault provides a review Section of Pulmonary & Critical Care
of self-management strategies and effective means Yale University School of Medicine
of patientdhealth care provider partnering in the West Haven, CT, USA
management of COPD. The discussion by
E-mail address:
Drs. Ambrosino, Palmiero and Strambi considers
existing and novel strategies to optimize the
benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation. Finally, in
the last several years, much knowledge has Reference
accrued regarding the benefits and risks of surgi- [1] Global strategy for diagnosis, management and
cal therapies for COPD, and Drs. Lederer and prevention of COPD. Available at: http://www.
Arcasoy review this topic in detail. Accessed June 2007.
Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 479–513

Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

William MacNee, MBChB, MD, FRCP
ELEGI Colt Research Laboratories, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research,
Queen’s Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, 47 Little France Avenue,
Edinburgh EH16 4TJ, Scotland, UK

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease involve several factors, including genetic and
(COPD) is a slowly progressive condition charac- epigenetic factors, infections, altered immune
terized by airflow limitation, which is largely regulation, or impaired resolution of inflamma-
irreversible [1]. Cigarette smoking is the main eti- tion and abnormal repair mechanisms. However,
ologic factor in this condition, far outweighing the relationship between the inflammatory re-
any other risk factors. The pathogenesis of sponses in the lung and the accelerated decline
COPD is therefore strongly linked to the effects in FEV1, which characterizes this condition, is far
of cigarette smoke on the lungs. The extent of from clear. COPD is a heterogeneous disease in
smoking history and the severity of airflow limita- which the involvement of large and small airways
tion are generally related, but with huge individ- (bronchitis/bronchiolitis) and lung parenchyma
ual variation. Fletcher and colleagues [2], in an (emphysema) varies greatly among patients. The
8-year prospective study of working men in west mechanisms resulting in these pathogenic changes
London, showed that the average decline in forced are likely to be different also.
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in smokers
is faster (60 mL/year) than in nonsmokers (30 mL/ Pathologic changes in chronic obstructive
year). Smokers who develop COPD have an aver- pulmonary disease
age decline in FEV1 of greater than 60 mL per Chronic bronchitis
year, but only a proportion of smokers develop
clinically significant COPD. Chronic bronchitis is defined as cough and
It is from these studies that the concept of the sputum production for most days over 3 months
susceptible smoker developed. It has been sug- for 2 consecutive years. This clinical definition
gested that central to the pathogenesis of this does not include the presence of airflow limitation.
condition is an abnormal inflammatory response It is thought to result from the innate immune re-
in the lungs to the inhalation of toxic particles and sponse to inhaled toxic particles and gases, partic-
gases, derived from tobacco smoke, air pollution, ularly in tobacco smoke. The epithelium of the
or occupational exposures. Tobacco smoking central airways and the mucus-producing glands
elicits an inflammatory response in the lungs of are inflamed in chronic bronchitis [3,4]. This air-
all smokers, but in those who develop COPD it is way inflammation is associated with increased
enhanced and fails to resolve after quitting mucus production, reduced mucociliary clearance,
smoking, which suggests that smokers who de- and increased permeability of the airspace epithe-
velop COPD have an abnormal regulation of the lial barrier.
inflammatory response in the lungs. The contribution of mucus hypersecretion to
The factors that lead to a susceptibility to the airflow limitation in COPD is still uncertain.
COPD are still poorly understood and may In the early stages of COPD, its contribution is
small because mucus production in smokers with
Research for this article was supported by National normal lung function does not appear to predict
Institutes of Health # 1 ROI HL72282–01. later development of COPD [5]. However, in the
E-mail address: later stages of the disease, chronic mucus
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

hypersecretion may contribute to the acceleration centriacinar, form of emphysema results from di-
of the loss of FEV1 due to an increased risk of ex- latation or destruction of the respiratory bronchi-
acerbations [6]. Chronic mucus hypersecretion oles and is the type of emphysema most closely
may result from the inflammatory response in associated with tobacco smoking. The panlobular,
the submucosal glands (Fig. 1) [4]. Inflammatory or panacinar, form of emphysema, which is usu-
cells release serine proteases that are potent secre- ally associated with a1-antitrypsin (a1-AT) defi-
tagogues for mucus [7]. Oxidants derived from ciency, results in more even dilatation and
cigarette smoke and released from inflammatory destruction of the entire acinus. It has been sug-
leukocytes may also be involved in overpro- gested that one or the other of these types pre-
duction of mucin by induction of the mucin dominates in severe disease and that the
MUC5AC gene [8]. centriacinar type is more associated with severe
small-airway obstruction [10]. The distribution
of these types of emphysema is different, with an
upper lobe predominance common in centrilobu-
Emphysema is defined as enlargement of the lar emphysema and lower lobe predominance in
airspaces, distal to the terminal bronchioles, due panacinar emphysema. The reason is not clear,
to destruction of the alveolar walls (Fig. 2) [9]. and whether different pathogenic mechanisms
Distal airspace enlargement with alveolar destruc- are involved in the different types of emphysema
tion reduces maximal expiratory airflow by de- is also unknown.
creasing the lung elastic recoil force that drives The degree of emphysema and the pack-
air out of the lungs. The centrilobular, or years of smoking are related, but this

Fig. 1. Pathologic changes of the central airways in COPD. A central bronchus (A) from the lung of a cigarette smoker
with normal pulmonary function. Only small amounts of bronchial smooth muscle are present and the epithelial glands
are small. In contrast, a subject (B) with chronic bronchitis has bronchial smooth muscle that appears as a thick bundle
and enlarged bronchial glands. (C) The enlarged bronchial glands at a higher magnification. Evidence also indicates
a chronic inflammatory process involving polymorphonuclear leukocytes (arrowhead) and mononuclear cells, including
plasma cells (arrow). (Courtesy of James C. Hogg, Vancouver, Canada.)

Fig. 2. Pathology of emphysema. Scanning electron micrographs of (A) a normal alveoli and (B) early emphysema with
holes in alveolar walls. (C) Histologic section of a normal airway with surrounding alveolar attachments. (D) Enlarge-
ment of distal airspaces and reduced alveolar attachments in collapsed airway in emphysema.

relationship is not strong. Only around 40% of Inflammation in the lungs of smokers
heavy smokers develop substantial lung destruc- without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
tion from emphysema, and emphysema can be
Inflammation occurs in the peripheral airways
found in some individuals who have normal
of all smokers, even before COPD is established,
lung function [3].
and is made up of inflammatory cell infiltrate in
the airway wall consisting of mononuclear cells
and clusters of macrophages in the respiratory
Small-airway disease
bronchioles. These lesions occur initially in the
A major site of airway obstruction in COPD is absence of any significant tissue destruction or
the smaller conducting airways (!2 mm in di- fibrosis, and may be reversible. A similar in-
ameter) [11]. Niewoehner and coworkers [12] were flammatory process with T lymphocytes and
the first to demonstrate that inflammation inv- macrophages has been described in the large
olving clusters of monocytes and macrophages airways of smokers [14]. Evidence indicates that
occurred in the bronchioles of asymptomatic acute cigarette smoke exposure can result in tissue
smokers who died of nonsmoking-related causes damage, with degradation of products of external
out of hospital. Recent studies have confirmed matrix proteins and lipid peroxidation products
that the small airways of smokers with and with- [15]. In contrast to the inflammatory effects of
out COPD have structural abnormalities (Fig. 3) chronic cigarette smoking, acute cigarette smok-
[13]. A relationship exists between the severity of ing in general has a suppressive effect on cells
COPD and the extent of occlusion of the airway and inflammatory cytokines [15].
lumen by inflammatory mucous exudates. Inflam- These early inflammatory changes in the air-
mation and peribronchial fibrosis contribute to ways are likely to represent a nonspecific innate
the fixed airway obstruction in the small airways immune response to airway injury from tobacco
in COPD, and progression of the inflammation, smoke. It is unclear why, in addition, some
resulting in the destruction of the alveolar attach- smokers develop structural abnormalities that
ments on the outer walls of the small airways, may eventually lead to clinically detectable COPD,
also contribute. whereas others continue to show an inflammatory

Fig. 3. Pathologic changes in the peripheral airways in COPD. Histologic sections of peripheral airways from cigarette
smoker (A) with a nearly normal small airway. (B) Bronchiolitis with the presence of inflammatory exudates in the wall
and lumen of the airway. (C) A small airway infiltrated with B cells and a lymphoid follicle (LF). (D) Small airway re-
modeling with reduced lumen, structural reorganization of the airway wall, increased smooth muscle, and deposition of
peribronchial connective tissue. (Courtesy of James C. Hogg, Vancouver, Canada.)

infiltrate but maintain otherwise normal airways from bronchial biopsies, decreased 1 year after
and lung parenchyma and only mild functional smoking cessation in asymptomatic smokers [20].
changes that do not become clinically relevant [16]. Longitudinal studies of the effects of cigarette
Smoking cessation alters the inflammatory smoking on pathology and inflammatory response
response in the lungs of asymptomatic smokers in the lungs are limited.
and in patients who have COPD [17]. Cross-sec-
tional studies are available on the effects of smok-
ing cessation on lung inflammation in smokers
Inflammation in the lungs of persons with chronic
and in ex-smokers without chronic symptoms
obstructive pulmonary disease
[18,19]. Ex-smokers show less goblet cell hyper-
plasia, and less squamous metaplasia in the small, Studies of lung or bronchial biopsies and
but not the large, airways. Smooth muscle mass in induced sputum have shown evidence of lung
the peripheral and central airways, fibrotic tissue inflammation in all cigarette smokers [12,18,19].
deposition in the airway wall, and the degree of al- However, it appears that an enhanced or abnor-
veolar destruction is not different in asymptom- mal inflammatory response to inhaling particles
atic ex-smokers and current smokers, nor is the or gases, which goes beyond the normal protective
inflammatory response different [14,15]. Recent inflammatory response in the lungs, is a character-
longitudinal studies of the effects of smoking ces- istic feature of COPD and has the potential to
sation have shown that signs of inflammation in produce lung injury [21]. The innate and adaptive
the airways suggesting chronic bronchitis (edema, inflammatory and immune responses are involved
erythema, and mucus) decreased by 3 months and in the lung inflammation in smokers and in COPD
disappeared after 6 months of smoking cessation. patients. Recent studies have begun to character-
Inflammation, as assessed in sputum obtained ize the inflammation in the lung in COPD in terms

of its type, site, degree, and the relationship to expression of CXCR3. CXCR3 is a receptor acti-
severity of disease [13]. vated by interferon-inducible protein (IP)-10, and
the expression of IP-10 itself is increased in bron-
chiolar epithelial cells. This increase could con-
The cellular component of the inflammatory
tribute to the accumulation of CD8þ cells, which
response in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
preferentially express CXCR3. Circulating CD8þ
Bronchial biopsies from smokers with symp- cells are also increased in number in COPD pa-
toms of chronic bronchitis who have not developed tients who do not smoke [36], and CD4þ cells
airflow limitation demonstrate that the airway are increased in COPD patients, particularly as
epithelium remains intact; however, there is squa- the disease progresses [37,38], which suggests
mous metaplasia of the epithelium and an increase chronic immune stimulation. CD8þ cells have
in the numbers of goblet cells [4]. In contrast to a well-recognized role in respiratory viral infec-
asthma, the airway epithelial reticular basement tions, contributing to viral clearance, through
membrane is not thickened [22]. Patients who contact-dependent effector functions, mediated
have mild to moderate COPD have an increase in by perforin, CD95 l/Fas ligand, and, in addition,
inflammatory cell infiltration in the central air- by interferon gamma (INF-g) and tumor necrosis
ways, compared with nonsmokers or smokers factor alpha (TNF-a). The latter two cytokines
who have not developed the disease [23]. are mediators of T-cell–mediated lung injury
[39]. It may be that chronic colonization or recur-
T Lymphocytes rent infection during exacerbations of the lower
In the bronchial epithelium [24] and submu- respiratory tract of COPD patients by bacterial
cosa [25] in COPD patients, monocytes are the and viral pathogens is responsible for this en-
major cells, with scanty neutrophils. Of the mono- hanced inflammatory response [13]. It is also pos-
cyte component, T lymphocytes (mainly CD8þ, sible that cigarette smoke itself damages airway
cytotoxic T lymphocytes) and macrophages cells, creating new autoantigens that drive the im-
(CD68þ cells) predominate (Table 1) [26–28], in munoinflammatory response (see later discussion)
contrast to asthma, where CD4þ T-helper (T [40].
helper 2) lymphocytes predominate. Thus, the The role of T cells in the pathogenesis of
CD8þ/CD4þ ratio increases in COPD [29]. Mor- COPD is not fully understood. CD8þ cells have
phometric analyses of bronchial biopsies show the potential to release TNF-a, perforins, and
that the CD8þ/CD4þ ratios of T cells were 1.3, granzymes. CD8þ T lymphocytes isolated from
11.8, and 4.3 (mean/mm3) in healthy smokers, the sputum of smokers are activated and release
in those with stable chronic bronchitis, and in perforin, an enzyme that produces cell necrosis
those with exacerbated chronic bronchitis, respec- and apoptosis [41]. In addition, CD8þ cells acti-
tively [30]. CD8þ T cells are also observed in the vate the Fas/Fas ligand apoptotic pathway. An
sputum [31,32], bronchial glands [33], bronchial association has been shown between CD8þ cells
smooth muscle [34,35], and around lymphoid and apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells in sub-
follicles [13]. It has been suggested also that the jects with emphysema [42]. The role of Fas ligand
presence of increased CD8þ T lymphocytes in COPD is uncertain; one study reported that sol-
differentiates between smokers who do and do uble Fas ligand levels were elevated in the plasma
not develop COPD, and that T-cell numbers, in severe COPD [43], whereas another group
smoking history, the amount of alveolar destruc- found the levels to be unchanged in COPD, com-
tion, and the severity of the airflow limitation pared with control subjects [44].
are correlated [25,29]. However, smokers with
normal lung function also show, to a lesser extent, Neutrophils
an increased number of airway CD8þ cells, com- Neutrophils are another component of the
pared with control nonsmokers [23]. Indeed, T inflammatory response in COPD. Increased num-
lymphocyte infiltration is decreased in bronchial bers of activated neutrophils are found in bron-
biopsy specimens from subjects with severe choalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and sputum from
COPD [28]. patients who have COPD [45]. The lack of signif-
The mechanisms by which CD8þ T lympho- icant increased neutrophil numbers in the lung pa-
cytes accumulate in the airways in COPD are renchyma may be because these cells make a rapid
not fully understood. The T cells in the peripheral transit through the airways and the lung paren-
airways in COPD patients have an increased chyma. The mechanisms of neutrophil passage
Table 1
Variation of inflammatory cells and markers of inflammation in the bronchial submucosa
Cell type CD45 CD3 Neutrophils Eosinophils Mast CD68 CD8 CD4
Severe COPD d Y [28] [ [56] / [56] / [56] [ [56] Y [28] / [28]
Mild/moderate COPD [ [14,22] [ [14,22,26,27] / [14,22] / [14,22,56] / [14,22,56] [ [14,22] [ [22,27] / [14,22,27,28]
/ [28] [ [56] / [56] / [14,28]
Control smokers / [22] / [22,28] / [22,56] / [22,56] / [22,56] / [22,56] [ [27] / [22,27,28]

[ [27] / [22,28]
Control nonsmokers / [14,22] / [14,22,26,27] / [14,22] / [14,22] / [14,22] / [14,22] / [14,22,27] / [14,22,27]
Numbers close to the arrows indicate references.
[ significantly increased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
/ basal values or values nonsignificantly changed.
Y significantly decreased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
Data from Di Stefano A, Caramori G, Ricciardolo FL, et al. Cellular and molecular mechanisms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an overview. Clin Exp Allergy

into the airway lumen in COPD are not entirely matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and -9. These
clear. Cigarette smoking is known to increase cir- proteases may contribute to alveolar destruction
culating neutrophil counts and to cause sequestra- and are also potent stimuli of mucus secretion (see
tion of neutrophils in the lung capillaries [46] by later discussion, ‘‘Proteases/Antiprotease’’). Re-
decreasing their deformability. Cigarette smoke lationships have been shown between circulating
also has a direct stimulating effect on granulocyte neutrophils and the decline in FEV1 [55]. Simi-
production in the bone marrow, possibly medi- larly, neutrophil numbers in bronchial biopsy
ated by granulocyte macrophage colinase stimu- specimens and induced sputum are related to dis-
lating factor (G-CSF) release from macrophages ease severity [56] and the rate of decline in lung
[47]. It is possible that neutrophils are activated function [57].
within the pulmonary microcirculation to release
reactive oxidant species and proteases that may
have a direct injurious effect. Once sequestered Macrophages
in the pulmonary microcirculation, it is possible Macrophages are another key component of
that an imbalance between pro- and anti- the inflammation found in COPD. The number of
inflammatory cytokines may result in neutrophil macrophages in the airways, lung parenchyma,
migration into the airspaces. Expression of anti- and BALF of patients who have COPD is in-
inflammatory mediators, such as secretory com- creased 5 to 10 fold. Macrophage numbers in the
ponent and Clara cell protein, and also of IL-10, airways correlate with the severity of COPD [58].
is decreased in the airway lumen of smokers Cigarette smoke activates macrophages to release
with COPD [48,49], whereas cytokines, such as inflammatory mediators, including TNF-a, IL-8,
IL-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein and other CXC chemokines, leukotriene B4, and
(MCP-1), which promote the chemotaxis of neu- ROS. Macrophages also secrete proteases, includ-
trophils and monocytes, respectively, and TNF-a, ing MMP-2; MMP-9; MMP-12; cathepsins K, L,
which activates adhesion molecules, are in- and S; and neutrophil elastase, taken up from neu-
creased [45,50]. Up-regulation of E-selectin and trophils. Macrophages from COPD patients are
intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 on sub- more activated, secrete more inflammatory pro-
mucosal vessels and on the bronchial epithelium teins, and have greater elasteolitic activity com-
of subjects with COPD [51] suggests that these ad- pared with macrophages from normal smokers,
hesion molecules may be involved in the recruit- and their activity is further enhanced by exposure
ment of neutrophils from the circulation and in to cigarette smoke [59]. Increased numbers of
their migration from bronchial subepithelial mu- macrophages in the lungs of COPD patients and
cosal capillaries into, and through, the epithelium smokers may result from increased recruitment
to enter the airway lumen. The airway epithelium of monocytes from the circulation in response to
is a rich source of the cytokines/chemokines that monocyte chemoattractant chemokines such as
recruit both neutrophils and macrophages into MCP-1, which have been shown to be increased
the airspaces. Many of these cytokines/chemo- in the sputum and BALF of patients who have
kines are overexpressed in COPD [52,53]. IL-6, COPD [60]. CXC chemokines also act as chemo-
IL-1b, TNF-a, growth-related gene-a (Gro-a)/ attractants to monocytes. The concentration of
keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC, CXCL1), GRO-a is increased markedly in the sputum and
MCP-1, and IL-8 are increased in the sputum in BALF from patients who have COPD. Further-
COPD patients, and the bronchiolar epithelium more, monocytes from patients who have COPD
overexpresses MCP-1, its receptor CCR2, macro- show a greater chemotactic response to GRO-a
phage inflammatory protein (MIP-1a), and IL-8. than cells from normal smokers and nonsmokers
The degree of airflow limitation correlates with [61].
the expression of IL-8, MIP-1a, MCP-1, and
CCR2 on the airway epithelium [54], although
IL-8 expression does not correlate with the num- Dendritic cells
bers of neutrophils in the airspaces in smokers Dendritic cells are also present in increased
[50]. numbers in the airways and alveolar walls of
Neutrophils may play a role in the pathogen- smokers [62]. The role of dendritic cells in COPD
esis of COPD by releasing reactive oxygen species is not yet defined, but they are likely to have an
(ROS) and serum proteinases, including neutro- important role in the innate and adaptive immune
phil elastase, cathepsin G, and proteinase 3, and responses in COPD.

Airway epithelial cells in emphysema associated with an inflammatory

Cigarette smoke activates airway epithelial response and a variable degree of fibrosis and in-
cells to produce inflammatory mediators, includ- creased MMP and cathepsin expression. In IL-13
ing TNF-a, IL-1b, granulocyte macrophage col- overexpressing mice, MMP-9 and MMP-12 are
ony-stimulating factor, and IL-8, which may in responsible for the emphysema phenotype, be-
turn augment or perpetuate the inflammatory cause combined MMP-9 and 12 knock-out mice
response. The epithelium in the small airways were partially protected against emphysema,
may also be an important source of transforming which resulted from lung overexpression of IL-
growth factor (TGF)-b, adding to the induction of 13 [73]. In addition, inhalation of cathepsins led
local fibrosis [63]. Epithelial cells can also secrete to enhanced protection against emphysema [74].
antioxidants, antiproteases, and transport immu- Additional studies have demonstrated that
noglobulins, and thus may be involved in adaptive mice lacking the CCR6 receptor of MIP-3 a/
immunity. Cigarette smoke may impair these in- CCL20 show reduced cigarette smoke–induced
nate and adaptive immune responses of the airway emphysema and a decrease in dendritic cells,
epithelium and increase the likelihood of CD8þ T cells, and neutrophils in the lungs [75].
infection. These CCR6 knock-out mice demonstrate lower
Finally, the expression of many of the in- levels of TNF-a and do not show an increase in
flammatory mediators implicated in the inflam- MCP-1 in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), suggest-
matory response in the lungs in COPD is ing that the MCP-1-CCR2 inter action was af-
controlled by the transcription factor, nuclear fected by CCR6 deficiency.
factor (NF)-kB. NF-kB is up-regulated in alveolar TNF-a has also been implicated in cigarette
macrophages [64] in patients who have COPD and smoke–induced emphysema. Increased levels of
in airway cells [27] in patients who have mild to TNF-a are present in the airways of cigarette
moderate COPD, in comparison with control smokers [45]. Animals that overexpress TNF-a
nonsmokers. Up-regulation of NF-kB in lung cells show evidence of emphysema and an exaggerated
in COPD may be a key molecular mechanism, in- alveolar inflammatory response [76], whereas
volved in the ongoing inflammatory process in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor knock-out
airways. mice demonstrate significant protection against
cigarette smoke–induced emphysema [77]. En-
hanced TNF-a expression can be implicated in
Cytokines and chemokines
many of the pathologic changes seen in COPD.
The cytokines, the receptors, and the functions With respect to emphysema, TNF-a stimulates
involved in COPD are shown in Table 2 [65–69]. metalloproteinase (MMP) synthesis by alveolar
In patients who have severe emphysema, lympho- macrophages [53]. Cultured macrophages exposed
cytes in the lungs strongly express TH1 cytokines to cigarette smoke extract release TNF-a, and, in
and secrete high levels of IFN-g, CCR5, and addition, circulating TNF-a–soluble receptors
CXCR3, and, in addition, show increased expres- p55 and p75 are significantly increased in COPD
sion of CXCR3 ligands, monokine induced by patients, compared with healthy controls [78]. It
INF-g, and IP-10 [70]. All of these findings indi- appears that TNF-a p55, rather than p75, is a crit-
cate a polarization of alveolar lymphocytes to- ical factor in the development of cigarette smoke–
ward the TH1 phenotype in severe emphysema. induced emphysema [79]. Absence of TNF-a
On treatment with IP-10, alveolar macrophages receptor type 2 in animal studies was associated
in culture express MMP-12 protein, which can with reduced inflammatory responses in terms of
also be detected in alveolar macrophages in em- neutrophil, macrophage, and CD4 and CD8 cell
physematous lungs [70]. These studies suggest influx, and protected against cigarette smoke em-
that the lymphocytic infiltrate, which has been physema [73]. TNF-a may also have a role in alve-
shown to occur in emphysema, may be linked to olar cell apoptosis. Induction of alveolar wall
the observed increased chemokines in emphysema apoptosis, particularly of type II epithelial cells,
and the activation of MMP-12 [70]. Further evi- appears to depend on the activation of both
dence for a role of cytokines/chemokines in the TNF-a receptors.
pathogenesis of emphysema has been shown in IL-1b may also play a role in the development
animal studies where inducible and lung- specific of emphysema. In animal models, lung-specific
overexpression of the prototypic TH1 cytokine induction of human IL-1b resulted in emphysema
IFN-g [71] or the TH2 cytokine IL-13 [72] resulted [80], whereas inhibition with IL-1b antibody
Table 2
Variation of inflammatory cells and markers of inflammation in the central and peripheral airways
Cell type Central airways Peripheral airways (!3 mm diameter)
Neutrophils CD68 CD4 CD8 IL-4 IL-5 Neutrophils CD68 CD4 CD8
Mild/moderate COPD / [33] / [33] / [33] / [33] Y [65] / [65] / [35,66,68,69] [ [66,67] / [35,66,68,69] [ [35]

/ [35,68,69] / [66–69]
Chronic bronchitis d d d d [ [65] / [65] d d d d
with normal FEV1
Control smokers / [33] / [33] / [33] / [33] / [65] / [65] / [35,66,68,69] / [35,66–69] / [35,66–69] / [35,66–69]
Numbers close to the arrows indicate references.
[ significantly increased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
/ basal values or values nonsignificantly changed.
Y significantly decreased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
Abbreviation: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
Data from Di Stefano A, Caramori G, Ricciardolo FL, et al. Cellular and molecular mechanisms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an overview. Clin Exp Allergy


reduced alveolar macrophage influx into the air- eosinophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes; in
spaces following cigarette smoke exposure [81]. the cytokines TNF-a and IL-1; in the IL2 recep-
Furthermore, double IL-1 receptor and TNF-a re- tor; or in the expression of the very late activation
ceptor knock-out mice are protected against elas- antigen VLA-1, ICAM-1, and selectin adhesion
tase-induced emphysema [82] and are protected molecules in bronchial biopsies. However, macro-
against alveolar cell apoptosis caused by elastase phage numbers, expression of IL-2 receptor,
instillation. VLA-1, and ICAM-1 were higher in both smokers
In general, with increasing severity of COPD and ex-smokers who had COPD than in non-
comes a further enhancement of the inflammatory smokers. Thus, the current evidence suggests
response. Compared with mild to moderate dis- that in patients who have COPD, inflammation
ease, the expression of inflammatory proteins such seems to persist in lung tissue after smoking cessa-
as MIP-1a, a chemokine involved in the activation tion. A recent longitudinal study showed that
of mononuclear cells and granulocytes, is further inflammation was not only sustained but was
increased. The number of neutrophils and macro- increased in some aspects among those who had
phages is also further increased in severe disease, stopped smoking [20]. One potential explanation
and T lymphocytes (CD3þ cells) are decreased. is that the persistent airway inflammation in
The cellular type in severe disease appears to be patients who have COPD may relate to repair of
shifting toward cells with a phagocytic and pro- tissue damage in the airways.
teolytic role in the bronchial tissues (see Tables 1
and 2; Table 3). Inflammation, airway remodeling,
and airflow limitation
Effects of smoking cessation on airway The peripheral airways (bronchioles !2 mm in
inflammation diameter) are the major site of increased airway
The effects of smoking cessation on airway resistance in COPD [3,11,86]. The main patho-
inflammation have been studied in patients who logic lesions in the peripheral airways include an
have COPD largely in cross-sectional studies and, increased number of inflammatory cells and struc-
to a limited extent, in bronchial biopsy or lung tural changes, such as epithelial goblet cell meta-
tissue specimens from smokers and ex-smokers plasia, airway wall fibrosis, and smooth muscle
with chronic bronchitis or COPD [50,83–85]. hypertrophy [24]. The increase in the thickness
Bronchial biopsies from patients who had of the airway wall from inflammation, fibrosis,
COPD who currently did not smoke had in- and smooth muscle hypertrophy will encroach
creased numbers of inflammatory cells [83]. A fur- upon the lumen, thus reducing airway diameter.
ther study showed that ex-smokers with COPD It may also result in uncoupling between airways
tended to have lower numbers of mast cells than and the surrounding lung parenchyma, thereby re-
smokers [84]. In patients who had chronic bron- ducing the elastic force that opposes bronchiolar
chitis or mild to moderate COPD, one study [85] smooth muscle contraction and promoting airway
found no differences between smokers and ex- closure. Airway wall inflammation can also con-
smokers in the numbers of neutrophils, tribute to the destruction of alveolar–bronchiolar

Table 3
Variation of inflammatory cells in the lung parenchyma
Neutrophils CD68 CD3 CD4 CD8 Eosinophils
Mild/moderate COPD / [42,83] / [83] [ [42] / [42,83] [ [42,83] / [83]
Smokers with / [42,83,86] [ [86] [ [86] / [42,83] / [42,83] / [83]
normal FEV1
/ [83] / [42]
Control nonsmokers [ [86] / [83,96] / [42,86] / [42,83] / [42,83] / [83]
/ [42,83]
Numbers close to the arrows indicate references.
[ significantly increased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
/ basal values or values nonsignificantly changed.
Y significantly decreased values in comparison with that indicated by /.
Data from Di Stefano A, Caramori G, Ricciardolo FL, et al. Cellular and molecular mechanisms in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: an overview. Clin Exp Allergy 2004;34(8):1156–67.

attachments, producing deformation and narrow- recently that the CD8þ cytotoxic T cell and the ac-
ing of the airway lumen. This suggestion is sup- cumulation of other inflammatory cells may also
ported by the observation that, in smokers, the occur in response to an autoantigen [40].
destruction of alveolar attachments correlates A comparison of the central and peripheral
with the degree of inflammation in peripheral air- airways shows an increase in the total inflamma-
ways [87]. tory cells in the peripheral airways (!2 mm
The airflow limitation in smokers may also diameter) in patients who have chronic bronchitis
result from the increased goblet cell metaplasia with normal lung function, compared with control
and subsequent hyperplasia in the small airways smokers (see Table 2). Some studies have shown
of smokers [24]. This hyperplasia may contribute an increase in total inflammation and an increase
to the increased peripheral airway resistance as in CD8þ cells in the peripheral airways of patients
a result of the production of mucus at a site at who have mild or moderate COPD in comparison
which this does not normally occur, leading to with control smokers [35].
a marked increase in the surface tension of the air- Recent studies that have assessed tissue ob-
way-lining fluid and to instability of the peripheral tained from lung volume reduction surgery in
airways, facilitating their early closure during patients who have severe COPD and have shown
expiration. an increase in total leukocytes and in CD4þ and
The increase in goblet cells in the peripheral CD8þ lymphocytes in the peripheral airways and
airway epithelium of smokers is associated with the lung parenchyma [23]. In contrast, smokers
an increased number of neutrophils [24]. Because with normal lung function show an increased
neutrophil elastase is a potent secretagogue [88], number of macrophages and T lymphocytes in
the co-location of neutrophils and goblet cells lung parenchyma, compared with control non-
within the epithelium may be relevant to the in- smokers, with no changes in CD4þ and CD8þ
creased discharge of mucus by the increased num- cells. Patients who have mild to moderate
ber of goblet cells in COPD. COPD show an increase in CD8þ cells in the alve-
Increased numbers of neutrophils are also olar septa, compared with control nonsmokers
found within the bronchiolar smooth muscle of [89,95], and no change in the numbers of neutro-
smokers who have COPD [34], which suggests phils, macrophages, or CD4þ cells.
a possible interaction between neutrophils and The inflammatory response in the peripheral
airway smooth muscle in the pathogenesis of airways may play a role in the fibrosis that
smoking-induced airflow limitation by alteration characterizes the small airways and may contrib-
of the normal structure–function relationships. ute to airflow limitation in patients who have
In smokers who have COPD, CD8þ T lympho- moderate to severe COPD [11,96,97].
cytes are increased not only in the central airways As the disease progresses, small airways de-
but also in the peripheral airways and lung paren- velop increased thickness and enhanced inflam-
chyma [35,89]. Traditionally, the major activity of matory infiltrate by neutrophils, macrophages, T
CD8þ cytotoxic T cells has been considered to be lymphocytes (CD4þ and CD8þ T cells), and B-
the rapid resolution of acute viral infections, lymphocytes. Lymphoid follicles also accumulate
which are a frequent occurrence in patients who within the walls of the bronchioles, and the lu-
have COPD. The observation that people with mens of these airways are more often obliterated
frequent respiratory infections in childhood are by mucus [13,98]. A number of mechanisms have
more prone to develop COPD [90] supports the been proposed to link inflammation and small air-
role of current and latent viral infections in this way remodeling. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
disease [38,91]. In response to repeated or persis- and FGF receptor (FGFR) signaling appear to
tent viral infection, it is possible that an excessive be associated with the airway vascular remodeling
recruitment of CD8þ T lymphocytes may occur, in chronic bronchitis. Studies of lung tissue from
which damages the lungs in susceptible smokers, COPD show that FGF-1 and its receptor
possibly through the release of TNF-a and perfor- FGFR-1 are detected by immunohistochemistry
ins [31,92,93]. Conversely, it is also possible that in the vascular and airway smooth muscle and air-
CD8þ T lymphocytes are able to damage the way epithelial cells [99]. FGF-1 or FGF-2 increase
lung directly, even in the absence of viral infec- the mRNA levels of FGFR-1 and induce cellular
tion, as shown by experimental studies that dem- proliferation of cultured human airway epithelial
onstrated recognition of a lung ‘‘autoantigen’’ smooth muscle cells [100]. Smokers who have
by T cytotoxic cells [94]. It has been hypothesized COPD show increased expression of FGF in

central airways, predominantly caused by en- MUC5B, 8, and 19 [104]. Expression of MUC5B
hanced expression in the bronchial glands, sug- has been shown to be enhanced in the bronchiolar
gesting that FGF may also have a role in epithelium of COPD patients [105]. A number of
promoting mucus hypersecretion in smokers [101]. stimuli, such as neutrophil elastase, lipopolysac-
The pattern of cytokine profile and chemokine charides (LPS), IL-1b, TNF-a, cigarette smoke,
receptor expression has been investigated in the and oxidative stress, cause goblet cell metaplasia
peripheral airways in COPD. As discussed earlier, and mucus hypersecretion (Fig. 4) [106].
CD8þ T cells in the peripheral airways in COPD Neutrophil elastase increases MUC5AC
are associated with INF-g, and express CXCR3 mRNA levels by enhancing mRNA stability
[102], a chemokine receptor thought to be prefer- [107]. Instillation of pancreatic elastase in animal
entially expressed on TH1 cells. Moreover, lungs induces MUC5AC mRNA and protein
CXCR3 expression is associated with the expres- expression and results in goblet cell metaplasia
sion in the epithelium of its ligand CXCL10, 8 days after instillation. LPS also induces
which suggests that the CXCR3/CXCL10 axis MUC5AC expression in animal models, which is
may be involved in the recruitment of TH1 cells associated with neutrophil infiltration [108], and
into the peripheral airways of smokers with increased expression of MMP-9 [109]. LPS,
COPD. Recently, CXCR3 has been found on lym- TNF-a, and IL-1b-induced MUC5AC synthesis
phocytes isolated from smokers who have COPD is mediated by a number of signaling cascades in-
[70]. These studies also showed that the interac- cluding IKKb, NF-kB [110], mitogen, and stress-
tion of CXCL10 with CXCR3 drives the release activated protein kinase-1, leading to activation
of macrophage metalloelastase (MMP)-12 from of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-
macrophages. MMP-12 is a potent elastolytic en- response element by the cAMP-response element
zyme that can cause lung tissue destruction. These binding protein by way of the extracellular sig-
data suggest a possible mechanism through which nal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-acti-
T helper1 lymphocytes can drive the progression vated protein (MAP) kinase pathways (see Fig. 4)
of small airway and emphysematous destruction, [111].
thus relating the inflammation in peripheral air- Signaling pathways initiated by epidermal
ways to the surrounding alveoli. Very recent stud- growth factor receptor (EGFR) phosphorylation,
ies suggest differences in gene expression in the which can be induced by cigarette smoke–derived
small airways and surrounding lung parenchyma, oxidative stress, epidermal growth factor (EGF),
which may cause fibrosis in the small airways, but transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-a), or
alveolar cell loss in the lung parenchyma, resulting heparin-binding epidermal growth factor also
in emphysematous destruction [103]. play an important role in mucin production in
human airway epithelial cells. ROS resulting in
hyaluronan augmentation can activate the serine
Mucus hypersecretion
protease tissue kallikrein, which can then cleave
Mucus forms a film, coating the airway epi- the transmembrane precursor of EGF. EGF-
thelium. Under the action of the coordinated EGFR–dependent stimulation of Ras MAPK/
movement of cilia, the mucus layer is propelled ERK kinase (MEK-ERK) seems to have a central
from the periphery of the lung to the upper role in goblet cell hyperplasia and increased
airways. The main constituents of the mucus layer MUC5AC gene expression [112,113]. Cigarette
are mucus glycoproteins (mucins), water, and smoke produces ROS also resulting in vascular
peptides. Mucus plays a key role in the clearance endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) acti-
of foreign material and infectious agents, and has vation and mucus production by activation of the
important antioxidant properties. In chronic TNF-a–converting enzyme (TACE), resulting in
bronchitis, mucus in the airways is increased, loss of TGF-a in airway epithelial cells [8]. Acro-
resulting from increased production of mucins lein, a component of cigarette smoke, can also in-
and increased secretion from goblet cells. In duce MUC5AC expression created by ligand/
healthy subjects, at least 12 human mucin genes dependent activation of EGFR and mediated by
are expressed in the lower respiratory tract. TACE and MMP-9 [114]. In addition, ROS
Mucus production and secretion in COPD is derived from cigarette smoke can activate c-Jun
regulated by multiple cellular and molecular N-terminal kinase by way of an src-dependant
mechanisms. Goblet cells express MUC5AC and signaling cascade. This downstream signaling
2, whereas glandular mucosal cells express can trigger transcriptional regulation of the

Fig. 4. The signal transduction mechanisms involved in the regulation of mucin production. AA, arachidonate; AP-1,
activator protein-1; COX2, cyclooxygenase-2; CREB, cAMP-response element-binding protein; Duox1, dual oxidase
1fd; EGF, epidermal growth factor; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; IkB, inhibitor of kB; IKK (IkB kinase);
IL-1b, interleukin-1b; JNK1/2, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1/2; LPO, lipoxygenase; MEK1/2, ERK kinase 1/2; MSK1,
mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1; NADPH, nicotinamide adrenine dinucleotide phosphate; NE, neutrophil
elastase; NF-kB, nuclear factor-kB; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, protein kinase C; PLA2,
phospholipase A2; STAT6, signal transducers and activators of transcription 6; TACE, TNF-a–converting enzyme;
TGF-a, transforming growth factor-a; X/XO, xanthine/xanthine oxidase.

MUC5AC, mediated by binding of activator pro- emphysema in patients deficient in the major ant
tein 1 response element by JunD and Fra-2 [115]. elastase a1-AT [121] and from animal studies
Moreover, cigarette smoke extract has been shown showing the development of emphysema in re-
to synergize with LPS or TNF-a in the induction sponse to the instillation of proteolytic enzymes
of MUC5AC expression, suggesting a potential [82,122–130]. Pallid mice that have decreased a1-
amplification by cigarette smoke and inflamma- AT levels develop emphysema earlier on exposure
tory stimuli relevant to the pathogenesis of to cigarette smoke than mice with normal levels
COPD [116]. A number of transgenic mice experi- [131,132]. Furthermore, mice lacking neutrophil
ments have begun to unravel the complex interplay elastase are protected from chronic cigarette
among inflammation, oxidative stress, and growth smoke–induced emphysema [133].
factors in the development of mucus hyperplasia. Elastin is an important target for proteolytic
These studies suggest that CD4þ TH2 cells and enzymes, and its destruction results in loss of
the cytokine network, including IL-4, IL-10, and elasticity in the lung parenchyma. Elastin is the
IL-13, play a crucial role in the development of principal component of elastic fibers and is
goblet cell hyperplasia/metaplasia [72,117,118]. secreted from several cell types as a precursor,
Mice that overexpress IL13 also show increased tropoelastin. These tropoelastin molecules be-
expression of MUC5AC, 1 and 4 [119,120]. come aligned in the extracellular space on micro-
fibrils. Under the action of lysyl oxidase, the lysine
residues in tropoelastin are modified, which causes
the tropoelastin monomers to cross-link and form
A large body of literature has been amassed to larger, insoluble elastin polymers. Because the
test the hypothesis that a protease/antiprotease cross-links, known as desmosines, are unique to
imbalance, leading to the breakdown of connec- elastin, they have been used as a marker of elastin
tive tissue components, particularly elastin, is the degradation. Desmosine and elastin peptides are
critical mechanism in the pathogenesis of emphy- elevated in smokers and patients who have COPD
sema in smokers. This concept developed from [134]. However, the specificity of measurements
studies showing the development of early-onset of these peptides in urine is controversial,

particularly as a reflection of lung elastin degrada- areas of emphysema in these models, alveolar
tion alone, because of the extreme durability of elastic fibers have an abnormal appearance [140]
lung elastin. Elastin turnover is minimal in normal and resemble the aberrant elastic fibers in human
subjects; thus, breakdown products should not be emphysema [141]. Thus, although elastin synthesis
detectable. Nevertheless, studies indicate that the following injury may restore the elastin content of
annual rate of decline in FEV1 in a group of the lungs, it does not restore normal lung architec-
smokers correlated positively with urine levels of ture in these experimental models.
desmosine [135]. The validity of the use of desmo- In an animal model of elastase-induced em-
sine or elastin peptides as markers of elastolysis physema, treatment with retinoic acid restored
remains unresolved. normal alveolar architecture [142]. These studies
Together with the destruction of elastin, in- in adult male rats (which, in contrast to humans,
activation of antiproteases is central to the pro- have continued lung growth throughout their
tease/antiprotease imbalance hypothesis. Early adult lives) have to be verified, but they provide
studies showed that the function of a1-AT was re- some intriguing evidence that the destructive pro-
duced by around 40% in smokers, compared with cess in emphysema, which was always considered
nonsmokers [136]. This ‘‘functional a1-AT defi- irreversible, may be capable of repair.
ciency’’ was thought to result from inactivation In addition to serine proteases, cysteine pro-
of a1-AT by oxidants in cigarette smoke. How- teases (cathepsins) may have a role in COPD.
ever, most of the a1-AT in cigarette smokers re- Cathepsin C was induced in mice by overexpres-
mains active and is therefore still capable of sion of INF-g, which resulted in emphysema [71].
protecting against the increased protease burden. Cathepsin inhibitors have also been shown to re-
Only a transient and nonsignificant fall in a1-AT duce emphysema induced by overexpression of
activity in BALF occurs, 1 hour after smoking IL-13 in mouse lung [72]. Moreover, cathepsin-L
[137]. Thus, studies assessing the function of a1- has been detected in BALF from patients who
AT in either chronic or acute cigarette smoking have emphysema [143], and alveolar macrophages
have not been definitive. The hypothesis that the in patients who have COPD secrete more cysteine
major event is an imbalance between an increased proteases than macrophages from normal
elastase burden in the lungs and a ‘‘functional de- smokers or nonsmokers [144].
ficiency’’ of a1-AT, due to its inactivation, is an Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are a group
oversimplification. of at least 20 proteolytic enzymes that have a role
As discussed earlier, the number of neutrophils in tissue remodeling and repair associated with
and macrophages in the airspaces in chronic normal development and inflammation by de-
cigarette smokers is increased, which may increase grading collagen, laminin, and elastin. They are
the elastase burden because of enhanced degran- characterized in distinct subclasses, depending on
ulation and therefore release of elastase from their substrates’ specificity, amino acid similarity,
activated neutrophils. Some evidence supports and identifiable sequence molecules. The sub-
this, because neutrophils isolated from patients classes are collagenases (MMP-1, -8, -13),
who have emphysema show greater elastase-in- gelatinases (MMP-2, -9), stromelysin S (MMP-3,
duced fibronectin degradation in vitro than cells -10, -11), membrane-type MMP-14 to MMP-25),
from control subjects matched for age and smok- matrilysin (MMP-7), and macrophage metalloe-
ing history [138]. lastase (MMP-12) [145]. The major inhibitors of
Other studies have invoked a contributory role MMPs are alpha-2 macroglobulin and the tissue
for other antiproteases, such as antileukoprotease, inhibitor of the metalloproteases (TIMP) family.
or more subtle changes (eg, a decrease in the The TIMP family comprises four structurally
association rate constant of a1-AT for neutrophil related members, TIMP-1, 2, 3, and 4.
elastase), which may contribute to elastin Evidence is substantial for a role of MMPs in
degradation. the pathogenesis of COPD (Fig. 5) [146]. Several
Some evidence also supports the concept that studies have shown increased expression of several
an abnormality in elastin synthesis and repair may MMPs in the lungs of COPD patients. MMP-12
be involved in the pathogenesis of emphysema. In protein has been observed in sputum, BAL, bron-
animal models involving intratracheal instillation chial biopsies, and peripheral lung tissue in pa-
of elastases, lung elastin is depleted within hours tients who have severe emphysema [147,148].
to a few days [139], followed by increased elastin Increased concentrations of MMP-1 and MMP-9
synthesis over a period of weeks. However, in are present in BALF from patients who have

Fig. 5. The role of MMP-9 in interaction between small airway fibrosis and emphysema in COPD.

COPD [149,150], and the lung parenchyma of pa- MMPs are also known to activate the latent
tients who have emphysema shows increased ac- form of TGF-b to its active form. Mice lacking
tivity of MMP-9 [151,152]. MMP-1 expression is the integrin a-V-b-6 fail to activate TGF-b, and
also increased in the lungs of patients who have these animals do not develop age-related emphy-
emphysema, particularly in type II pneumocytes sema, which can be overcome by overexpression
[153]. MMP-12 mRNA can be induced by expo- of TGF-b1 [158]. These data suggest that
sure of human bronchial epithelial cells to ciga- TGF-b1 may down-regulate MMP-12 under nor-
rette smoke extract or cytokine mix (TNF-a and mal conditions and that the absence of TGF-b
INF-g) [154,155]. Alveolar macrophages from results in excessive MMP-12 production and
smokers express more MMP-9 than those from emphysema.
normal subjects [59], and patients who have The remodeling of the extracellular matrix may
COPD have an even greater increase [58]. itself modulate alveolar inflammation, because
Considerable evidence from experimental fragmentation of elastin by MMP-12 acts as
models of emphysema links MMP-12 and the a chemoattractant for monocytes through an
development of emphysema. Increased MMP-12 interaction with the elastin-binding protein [124].
macroglobulin was present in alveolar macro- Other breakdown products of the extracellular
phages after smoke exposure in C57BL/6 mice matrix also have proinflammatory effects, such
[156], and chronic smoke exposure for 1 to 6 as the collagen-derived peptide N-acetyl pro-gly-
months results in significant increases in MMP-12 pro (PGP), which has been shown to cause neu-
mRNA and protein expression in the lungs of trophil influx into the lungs and depends on the
C57BL/6 mice, without change in TIMP-1 and -2, activation of the chemokine receptor CXCR2
indicating an increase in the MMP-12/TIMP ra- [159]. PGP levels have been shown to be signifi-
tio [41,156]. Animal models have shown that cantly increased in COPD patients, compared
cigarette smoke–induced emphysema does not oc- with control subjects [159]. Thus, the degradation
cur in mice lacking MMP-12 [157]. In such mice, products of the extracellular matrix may be im-
emphysema induced by IL-13 or INF-g expres- portant proinflammatory mediators in the patho-
sion is also reduced [72] and is associated with genesis of COPD.
a marked reduction in monocyte recruitment to Although MMP-9 and -2 both degrade elastin
the lungs. and are expressed in COPD lungs, the role of

these MMPs in the pathogenesis of COPD re- smokers, resulting in oxidative stress that has
mains unclear. Mice lacking MMP-9 are not a role in many of the pathogenic mechanisms in
protected against emphysema caused by cigarette COPD [166]. Both reactive oxygen and reactive
smoke, but are protected from small-airway nitrogen species (ROS and RNS, respectively)
fibrosis [73]. TGF-b is activated by MMP-9, and contribute to the oxidative stress that occurs in
this mechanism could provide a link between en- COPD. Evidence is now considerable of increased
hanced elastolytic activity by MMP-9 and the si- oxidative stress in smokers and in patients who
multaneous production of fibrosis by activation have COPD [167,168].
of TGF-b. Cigarette smoke contains free radicals in the
Lack of other antiproteases, other than a1-AT gas and the tar phases [169].The gas phase has an
may also have a role in the pathogenesis of em- estimated 1015 free radicals per puff, including
physema. TIMP-3–null mice develop spontaneous ROS, epoxides, peroxides, nitric oxide (NO), ni-
alveolar enlargement [160–162]. Cigarette expo- trogen dioxide, and peroxynitrite. The tar phase
sure of male BALB/c mice produced an increase has more stable ROS (1018/g), including phenol
in the MMP-12 /TIMP-2 ratio [163]. An increase and semiquinone and other, more reactive, ROS,
in MMP-9 and a decrease in TIMP-1 have been such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl ions
reported in the emphysematous lung of the senes- [165,169]. Short-lived radicals in the gas phase of
cence mouse that lacks the age- protective protein cigarette smoke may be quenched immediately in
Klotho [164]. Alveolar macrophages from patients the lung epithelial lining fluid; however, redox re-
who have COPD have a blunted response to stim- actions in cigarette smoke condensate may pro-
uli for the release of tissue inhibitor of metallopro- duce ROS for a considerable time.
teinase-1 [58], which would favor increased The oxidant burden in lungs may be further
elastolysis. Taken together, existing data do sug- enhanced in smokers by the increased numbers of
gest that a protease/antiprotease imbalance likely neutrophils and macrophages in the alveolar
plays an important role in the pathogenesis of space [170]. Oxidants in cigarette smoke can stim-
COPD, but the full spectrum of molecules and ulate alveolar macrophages to produce ROS and
processes involved still remains unclear. It is likely to release a number of mediators, some of which
to result from a complex set of processes that may attract neutrophils and other inflammatory cells
differ among individual patients with different ge- into the lungs. Neutrophils and macrophages,
netic backgrounds and phenotypes of COPD. which migrate in increased numbers into the lungs
of cigarette smokers, particularly those with air-
ways obstruction, can generate ROS by way of
Oxidants/antioxidants the reduced nicotinamide adrenine dinucleotide
phosphate oxidase system. Circulating neutrophils
Oxidative stress
from cigarette smokers and patients who have ex-
The lungs are unique compared with other acerbations of COPD release more O2– [171].
organs in that they are directly exposed to high Cigarette smoking is associated with increased
levels of oxygen. In addition, because of its direct content of myeloperoxidase in neutrophils
contact with the environment, the respiratory [172,173], which correlates with the degree of air-
epithelium is a major target for oxidative injury flow limitation [172–174] and suggests that neu-
from oxidants generated either exogenously (in- trophil myeloperoxidase-mediated oxidative
haled oxidants such as cigarette smoke or air stress plays a role in lung inflammation.
pollutants), or endogenously (from phagocytes In vitro studies have shown that alveolar
and other cell types). As a result, the lungs require leukocytes from cigarette smokers spontaneously
efficient enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant release increased amounts of oxidants, such as
systems to protect the airways against exogenous O2$– and H2O2, compared with those from non-
and endogenous oxidants. If the balance between smokers [175–177]. Exposure to cigarette smoke
oxidants and antioxidants shifts in favor of the in vitro has also been shown to increase the oxida-
former, owing to an excess of oxidants or a de- tive metabolism of alveolar macrophages [178].
pletion of antioxidants, oxidative stress occurs. Subpopulations of alveolar macrophages with
Because cigarette smoke contains 1017 oxidant- a higher granular density appear to be more prev-
molecules per puff [165], and is the major etiologic alent in the lungs of smokers and are likely to be
factor in the pathogenesis of COPD, it has been responsible for the increased O2– production by
proposed that an imbalance occurs in some smokers’ macrophages [178,179]. The generation

of ROS in epithelial lining fluid may be further en- converting tyrosine to 3-nitrotyrosine and dityro-
hanced by the presence of increased amounts of sine [193]. NO- and peroxynitrite (ONOO)-medi-
free iron in the airspaces in smokers [180,181], ated formation of 3-nitrotyrosine in plasma and
which is relevant to COPD because the intracellu- free catalytic iron levels in epithelial lining fluid
lar iron content of alveolar macrophages is in- are elevated in chronic smokers [194–196].
creased in cigarette smokers and is increased Furthermore, levels of nitrotyrosine and inducible
further in those who develop chronic bronchitis, NO synthase (iNOS) were higher in airway in-
compared with nonsmokers [182]. In addition, flammatory cells obtained by induced sputum
macrophages obtained from smokers release from patients who had COPD, compared with
more free iron in vitro than those obtained from those who had asthma [194] and the levels of
nonsmokers [183]. nitrotyrosine were negatively correlated with the
Previous epidemiologic studies have shown an degree of airflow limitation.
inverse relationship between circulating neutro- It has been shown that increased levels of NO
phil numbers and FEV1 [184]. A similar relation- and reduced peroxynitrite inhibitory activity were
ship has also been shown between the change in present in induced sputum from patients who had
peripheral blood neutrophil count and the change COPD [197]. Steroid therapy was shown to de-
in airflow limitation over time [185]. Moreover, an crease the increased level of RNS in patients
association exists between O2– release by periph- who had COPD, and the reduction in nitrotyro-
eral blood neutrophils and bronchial hyperres- sine and iNOS immunoreactivity in sputum cells
ponsiveness in patients who have COPD, was correlated with an improvement in FEV1
suggesting a role for systemic ROS in the patho- [198]. These studies suggest that an increased
genesis of the airway abnormalities in COPD RNS- and ROS-mediated protein nitration, and
[186]. Another study has shown a negative rela- lipid peroxidation, may play a role in the inflam-
tionship between peripheral blood neutrophil matory response that occurs in these patients.
luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence, as a mea- Considerable evidence exists for increased
sure of the release of ROS, and measurements of oxidative stress in the lungs of COPD patients.
airflow limitation in young cigarette smokers Numerous studies have shown that markers of
[187]. oxidative stress are increased in the lungs of
Studies have also shown that circulating neu- COPD patients compared with healthy subjects,
trophils from patients who have COPD show but also compared with smokers with a similar
upregulation of their surface adhesion molecules, smoking history who have not developed COPD
which may also be an oxidant-mediated effect [199].
[188]. Activation may be even more pronounced Smokers and patients who have COPD have
in neutrophils that are sequestered in the pulmo- higher levels of H2O2 in exhaled breath conden-
nary microcirculation in smokers and in patients sate, a direct measurement of airspace oxidative
who have COPD, because these cells release burden, than ex-smokers with COPD or, indeed,
more ROS than circulating neutrophils in animal nonsmokers [200,201]. Increased NO in breath
models of lung inflammation [189]. Thus, seques- occurs in some studies in patients who have
tered neutrophils may be a source of ROS, and COPD, but the levels are not as high as those re-
may have a role in inducing endothelial adhesion ported in asthma [202–205]. The rapid reaction of
molecule expression in COPD. NO with O2- to produce ONOO, or the thiols
Additionally, xanthine oxidase activity has to produce nitrosothiols, may alter breath NO
been shown to be increased in cell-free BAL fluid levels. Nitrosothiol levels have been shown to be
and plasma from COPD patients, compared with high in breath condensate in smokers and in
normal subjects, and has been associated with COPD patients, compared with nonsmoking sub-
increased O2– and lipid peroxide levels [190–192]. jects [206]. ONOO formed by the reaction of
Cigarette smoking increases the formation of NO with O2- can cause nitration of tyrosine to
RNS and results in nitration and oxidation of produce nitrotyrosine [194]. Nitrotyrosine levels
plasma proteins. b-unsaturated aldehydes (acro- are elevated in sputum leukocytes of patients
lein, acetaldehyde, and crotonaldehyde), which who have COPD and these levels are correlated
are abundantly present in cigarette smoke, are negatively with FEV1 as a measure of airflow lim-
likely to react with protein-sulfhydryl and -NH2 itation [195].
groups, leading to the formation of a protein- Exhaled carbon monoxide as a measure of the
bound aldehyde functional group capable of response of heme oxygenase to oxidative stress

has been shown to be elevated in the exhaled hemoxygenases and reductases, including perox-
breath of patients who have COPD, compared yredoxin, thioredoxins, and glutaredoxins
with normal subjects [202]. Lipid peroxidation [220,221]. GSH is the most abundant nonprotein
products, such as thiobarbituric acid-reacting sub- thiol in the epithelial lining fluid and is one of
stances or malondialdehyde, are elevated in spu- the most important antioxidants in the lung.
tum in COPD patients, and correlate negatively GSH is synthesized by GCL, which is localized
with the FEV1 [203,204]. Levels of 8-isoprostane in the cytosol. GCL is expressed prominently in
produced by nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation of human bronchial epithelial cells and, to some ex-
arachidonic acid [207] are elevated in COPD tent, in alveolar macrophages [222]. GSH controls
patients compared with normal subjects and the expression of several critical enzymes involved
smokers who have not developed the disease, in free-radical detoxification, including superoxide
and have been shown to correlate with the degree dismutases, GSH peroxidase, thioreductase, and
of airflow limitation [208]. GCL [221,222]. Increased levels of total GSH
Lipid peroxides can interact with enzymatic or and oxidized GSH have been shown in superna-
nonenzymatic antioxidants and can decompose by tants of the processed sputum of patients who
reacting with metal ions or iron-containing pro- have moderate to severe COPD compared with
teins, thereby forming hydrocarbon gases and healthy nonsmokers [223]. GSH is increased in
unsaturated aldehydes [209]. COPD patients the BAL in healthy smokers and in stable patients
show an increased level of ethane in breath com- who have moderate COPD [176,224]. The finding
pared with control subjects, and ethane levels of higher levels of GSH in smokers and in patients
correlate negatively with lung function [210,211]. who have stable COPD may be an adaptive re-
A highly reactive lipid peroxidation end prod- sponse against oxidative stress. These responses
uct, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, can act as a chemoat- are likely to be mediated by GCL, the enzyme
tractant for neutrophils [212] and is also involved that regulates GSH synthesis, because the
in numerous cellular functions such as cell prolif- mRNA heavy chain catalytic subunit of GCL
eration, inhibition [213], T-cell apoptosis [214], was increased in the bronchial and alveolar epi-
and activation of various signaling pathways thelial cells in patients who had COPD [225].
[215,216]. It has also been shown to activate the Other groups have reported that the GCL heavy
synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) chain was diminished in the bronchial epithelial
by induction of the glutamate cysteine lygase cells and alveolar macrophages of COPD patients
(GCL) gene and various proinflammatory genes [226], suggesting differential responses of GCL in
such as IL-8, MCP-1, EGF, and MUC5AC different lung sites. Other antioxidant enzymes
[216], and it reacts quickly with extracellular pro- have also been shown to be increased in COPD
teins to form adducts. These adducts have been patients. Manganese superoxide dismutase
shown to be present in greater quantities in airway (SOD) showed an increased expression in the air-
epithelial and endothelial cells in the lungs of ways of patients who had COPD [227,228], again
COPD patients, compared with smokers with likely as a response to increased oxidative stress
a similar smoking history who have not developed [229].
the disease [217]. Oxidative stress can potentially play a role in
Other markers of oxidative stress, such as 8- the pathogenesis of COPD through many mech-
OHG and 4-hydroxy-nonenal, have been shown anisms (Fig. 6) [230,231]. It has been proposed
to have increased expression associated with that a relative ‘‘deficiency’’ of antiproteases such
emphysematous lesions in the lungs [218]. as a1-AT, resulting from inactivation by oxidants,
creates a protease/antiprotease imbalance in the
lungs. This proposal forms the basis of the prote-
ase/antiprotease theory of the pathogenesis of em-
The lungs contain abundant antioxidants to physema. Inactivation of a1-AT by oxidants
counteract the effects of oxidants. Antioxidants occurs as a critical methionine residue in its active
can be broadly grouped as nonenzymatic antiox- site. This finding has been demonstrated in vitro
idants such as GSH, vitamin C, and urea, and as a result of oxidants in cigarette smoke or oxi-
enzymatic antioxidant systems such as superoxide dants released from inflammatory leukocytes, re-
dismutase, catalases, and peroxidases [219]. A fur- sulting in a marked reduction in the a1-AT
ther enzymatic group is involved in recycling inhibitory capacity [229,232]. However, as noted
the first level of antioxidants, and includes previously, the acute effects of cigarette smoke

Fig. 6. The role of oxidants in pathogenic mechanisms in COPD. Oxidants released from cigarette smoke or from al-
veolar macrophages and neutrophils cause the release of chemotactic factors from epithelial cells, increasing leukocyte
influx into the lungs. Lipid peroxidation products resulting from oxidant effects on the cell membrane act as chemotactic
factors, and work together with other oxidant-mediated transcription factor, histone acetylation, or decreased deacety-
lation to enhance inflammation. Oxidants can inhibit antiproteases, leading to protease imbalance and alveolar wall de-
struction and emphysema. Oxidants may also activate proteases, and may also cause direct injury to alveolar walls,
resulting in apoptosis. Oxidants are involved in abnormal tissue repair and in mucus hypersecretion.

on the functional activity of a1-AT in vivo show smoking [176]. Thus, cigarette smoke has a detri-
only a transient and nonsignificant fall in the anti- mental effect on alveolar epithelial cell function
protease activity in BAL 1 hour after smoking which is, in part, oxidant-mediated, because anti-
[137]. Thus, the hypothesis of oxidant-mediated oxidants provide protection against this injurious
protease/antiprotease imbalance as a relevant event.
pathogenic mechanism in COPD remains Moreover, components of the lung matrix (eg,
unproven. elastin and collagen) can be directly damaged by
Oxidative stress may also have a direct effect oxidants in cigarette smoke. Furthermore, ciga-
on the epithelium, causing increased epithelial rette smoke can interfere with elastin synthesis
permeability. Injury to the epithelium is an and repair, potentially leading to the development
important early event following exposure to of emphysema.
cigarette smoke. This effect has been shown both Another major site of free radical attack is on
in vivo and by in vitro experiments to result from polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes
oxidative injury to the epithelium. Extra- and producing lipid peroxidation, a process that may
intracellular GSH appears to be critical to the continue as a chain reaction to generate hydro-
maintenance of epithelial integrity following ex- peroxides and long-lived aldehydes. Levels of
posure to cigarette smoke [233]. Studies show that products of lipid peroxidation are significantly
the increased epithelial permeability of epithelial increased in plasma and BALF in healthy smokers
cell monolayers in vitro, and in rat lungs in vivo and in patients who have acute exacerbations of
following exposure to cigarette smoke condensate, COPD, compared with healthy nonsmokers
is associated with profound changes in the homeo- [171,176,236,237].
stasis of the antioxidant GSH [176,233–235]. Sim- Several studies demonstrate increased levels of
ilar results to these in vitro and animal studies oxidants in exhaled air or breath condensates
were shown in human studies demonstrating in- [238]. Patients who have COPD have an increased
creased epithelial permeability in chronic smokers concentration of H2O2 in exhaled breath conden-
compared with nonsmokers, with a further in- sate [200]. Concentrations of lipid peroxidation
crease in epithelial permeability following acute products in exhaled breath condensate are

increased even in patients who are ex-smokers enhanced development of emphysema following in-
[208,239]. Furthermore, evidence indicates that stillation of elastase [125].
oxidative stress can cause increased lipid peroxi- Oxidants may also be involved in mucus
dation in lung tissue in COPD patients, compared hypersecretion in chronic bronchitis. Oxidant-
with smokers who have a similar smoking history generating systems such as xanthine/xanthine
but have not developed the disease [217]. In that oxidase have been shown to cause airway epithe-
study, the level of lipid peroxidation correlated lial cell mucus secretion. Oxidants are also in-
with the degree of airflow limitation. volved in the signaling pathways for EGF, which
The major antioxidants in respiratory tract has an important role in mucus production [113].
lining fluid include mucin, reduced GSH, uric Hydrogen peroxide and superoxide have also been
acid, protein (largely albumin), and ascorbic acid shown to cause increased mucus secretion [247]
[240]. Information on respiratory epithelial anti- and significant impairment of ciliary function af-
oxidant defenses in smokers is limited, and even ter short-term exposure in low concentrations
more limited on those in COPD patients. Al- [248]. These effects may have important implica-
though, as noted, studies have shown that GSH tions in the pathogenesis of chronic bronchitic
is elevated in BALF from chronic smokers [176], element in COPD.
GSH may not be present in sufficient quantities
to deal with the excessive oxidant burden during Mechanisms by which inflammation
acute smoking, because cigarette smoke exposure may be enhanced in chronic obstructive
depletes GSH in a dose- and time-dependent pulmonary disease
manner [241]. Latent viral infection
Reduced levels of vitamin E are present in the
BALF of smokers, compared with nonsmokers Possible mechanisms related to the abnormal
[242]. By contrast, other studies found a marginal regulation of inflammation in COPD are shown in
increase in vitamin C in the BALF of smokers, Fig. 7. Studies have suggested that susceptibility to
compared with nonsmokers [243]. The apparent COPD may be related to latent adenoviral infection
discrepancy may be due to different smoking his- (see Fig. 7). These studies have demonstrated the
tories in chronic smokers, particularly the time ability of adenoviral E1A proteins, which associate
of the last cigarette in relation to the sampling with DNA, to enhance the binding of a number of
of BALF. Expression of GSH peroxidase and su- transcription factors to their nuclear consensus
peroxide dismutase, another antioxidant enzyme, sites, to activate subsequently various genes [249].
is elevated in the lungs of rats exposed to cigarette The E1A protein occurs more commonly in the
smoke [222,244]. lungs of smokers who have COPD than in smokers
The critical role of oxidative stress in the who have not developed the disease [250]. Further-
pathogenesis of emphysema has recently been more, it has been shown in an animal model that
emphasized by experiments in animals with in- latent adenoviral infection increases the inflamma-
creased susceptibility to oxidative stress. The mas- tion that follows exposure to cigarette smoke [251].
ter antioxidant transcription factor Nrf2 can be Transfection of an E1A-type human epithelial
activated by oxidants, and translates to the nucleus cell line results in increased activation of NF-kB,
of cells binding to an antioxidant response element and consequently, increased release of IL-8 in
located in the DNA promoter region of several response to cell activation and increased produc-
antioxidant genes, such as hemoxygenase-1, GSH tion of TGF-b, suggesting a molecular mechanism
reductase, GSH peroxidase, and GCL. Nrf2, there- for the amplification of inflammatory response
fore, activates critical cellular pathways that pro- [252,253].
tect against oxidative injury or inflammation,
Transcription factor activation
injury/immunity, and apoptosis. Mice lacking
Nrf2 are highly susceptible to cigarette smoke Many different pathways are activated during
[245,246] and demonstrate enhanced inflammatory the inflammatory response; however, studies have
response and increased neutrophil elastase activity focused on NF-kB as a crucial controlling factor
in BAL, associated with increased markers of oxi- in the inflammatory response in COPD because it
dative stress, increased apoptosis of alveolar cells is activated by many stimuli known to be in-
[246], and decreased antiproteases such as secretory creased in COPD lungs, including cytokines such
leukoprotease inhibitor [245], when compared with as IL-1b and TNF-a, oxidative stress, viruses, and
wild-type mice. These Nrf2-null mice also show environmental particles [254]. NF-kB is expressed


Enhanced Response Impaired resolution

Innate immunity Acquired Immunity Abnormal repair Aging/Senescence


Epigenetic Self-antigen Non-self antigen

mechanisms (autoimmunity) (bacteria, virus, particles) Efferocytosis

Anti-inflammatory Cytokines
Enhanced Oxidative Repair factors

Fig. 7. Possible mechanisms related to the abnormal regulation of inflammation in COPD. Abnormal regulation of in-
flammation in COPD can result from either an enhanced response, impaired resolution, or an interaction between these
two. Augmented inflammatory responses can result from enhanced innate or acquired immunity. Enhanced innate
immunity may result from abnormal epigenetic mechanisms triggered by enhanced oxidative stress and from enhanced
acquired immunity as a result of self (antigens and particles), nonself (bacteria, viruses, particles), or self-
antigen–backed-up immunity. Impaired resolution can result from impaired efferocytosis, abnormal repair mechanisms,
or aging/senescence. Efferocytosis reduces anti-inflammatory cytokine and repair factor release. Oxidative stress is
involved in autoimmunity, efferocytosis, and impairment of repair.

ubiquitously within cells and controls induction which activates IkB, leading to phosphorylation
of inflammatory genes. It also enhances other and processing of p100, which is degraded to
cell- and signaling-specific transcription factors. p52 by the proteasome. IkB alpha levels have
NF-kB also stimulates cell survival by means of been shown to be significantly decreased, whereas
enhanced expression of the prosurvival Bcl-2 fam- NF-kB DNA binding was significantly increased
ily and cell proliferation–related genes (c-MYC, in healthy smokers and current smokers with
cyclin D1) [254]. NF-kB exists as a heterodimeric moderate COPD compared with healthy non-
complex usually of p50 and p65/RelA subunits smokers [256]. The degree of DNA NF-kB bind-
[255]. In unstimulated cells, it is found in the cyto- ing was similar in ex-smokers with COPD and in
plasm in an inactive form associated with an in- healthy smokers. The study suggested that ongo-
hibitor protein (inhibitor of kB [IkB]), which ing cigarette smoking may increase NF-kB DNA
masks the nuclear translocation signal and pre- binding in individuals with or without COPD.
vents NF-kB from entering the nucleus. On cell A further study, however, showed that macro-
stimulation, NF-kB alpha is rapidly phosphory- phage expression of NF-kB and activator protein
lated, which targets the inhibitor protein for ubiq- 1 was decreased in BAL leukocytes from smokers
uitination and degradation in the proteasome. and patients who had severe exacerbations of
The activated Nf-kB dimer can then translocate COPD, when compared with nonsmokers [224].
to the nucleus and activate target genes by binding The mechanism of NF-kB activation in cigarette
to high affinity kB elements and their promoters smoking is still debated.
[255]. In addition to this classic pathway of NF-
kB activation, an alternative pathway responds Histone acetylation/deacetylation
to certain members of the TNF family and in-
Gene activation by transcription factors de-
volves upstream kinase NF-kB inducing kinase,
pends on a number of factors, among which is the

DNA remodeling by the nuclear histone acetyla- Apoptosis and emphysema

tion/deacetylation balance, which depends on the
As explained earlier, the traditional paradigm
activities of histone acetyl-transferases and his-
for the alveolar wall destruction in emphysema
tone deacetylases (HDACs) [170]. In the resting
has been that increased inflammatory response
cell, DNA is coiled around a nucleosome core
results in a protease/antiprotease imbalance. It
comprising the histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4.
has been suggested that a central feature of
This configuration suppresses the accessibility of
emphysema (ie, loss of alveolar cells) is caused
transcription factors such as Nf-kB to their cog-
by increased cell apoptosis [263,264].
nate DNA sequences. Acetylastion of the lysine
Studies over the past 5 years have documented
residues in the internal tails of the core histones
that increased lung cell apoptosis occurs in
results in uncoiling of the DNA, making the chro-
emphysematous lungs, predominantly involving
matin less condensed and increasing the accessibil-
endothelial cells in the alveolar walls, compared
ity of transcription factors and RNA polymerase
with normal or non-COPD smokers’ lungs [265].
to the transcriptional machinery and hence in-
Experimental emphysema in animals can be pro-
creased gene transcription. Deacetylation is under
duced by decreased vascular endothelial growth
the influence of HDACs and results in rewinding
factor (VEGF) or VEGF signaling [263,266],
of the DNA around the histone proteins, decreas-
and studies in human lungs demonstrated de-
ing gene transcription.
creased expression of VEGF and VEGFR 2 ex-
Macrophages of cigarette smokers show a de-
pression in association with emphysema [265].
crease in HDAC activity [257], as has also been
This finding led to the concept of an alveolar
shown in the lungs of smoke-exposed animals
maintenance program that was required for struc-
[258]. Exposure of human alveolar epithelial cells
tural preservation of the lungs. Cigarette smoke
and macrophage-like cells to cigarette smoke ex-
was thought to cause destruction of this mainte-
tract produced reduced HDAC activity and pro-
nance program, thus causing emphysema [267].
tein [259,260]. In rats exposed to cigarette
Several experimental models have supported this
smoke, HDAC2 activity and protein expression
hypothesis. Rat lungs treated with a VEGFR
were significantly decreased after 3 days of expo-
blocker developed apoptosis-dependent emphy-
sure, whereas histone-3 phosphoacetylation and
sema [263]. Similarly, emphysema also developed
histone-4 acetylation increased at 8 weeks of
in animals in which the VEGF gene was depleted
exposure [258]. These changes were associated
in the lungs [266]. Alveolar septal cell apoptosis
with nitrotyrosine, 4-hydroxynonenal, and alde-
has been confirmed also in COPD lungs and has
hyde-modified HDAC proteins, resulting in
been shown to correlate with a decrease in alveo-
decreased HDAC activity.
lar surface area [268]. Other support comes from
Studies of resected lung indicate that HDAC
studies in strains of mice with low lung levels of
activity is also reduced in lung tissue in COPD,
VEGF, where enhanced alveolar apoptosis and
associated with lower HDAC 2, 5, and 8 mRNA
emphysema occur on exposure to cigarette smoke
levels, and expression of HDAC 2 protein
[269]. Firm evidence that apoptosis could initiate
[256,261]. This decrease in HDACs increased
alveolar wall destruction and alveolar enlarge-
with disease severity and was associated with an
ment is provided by studies in which active cas-
increase in histone-4 acetylation at the IL-8 pro-
pase 3 was instilled in animals, thus causing
moter and increased IL-8 mRNA expression.
acute apoptosis and alveolar enlargement, a fea-
Thus, collectively, reduction in HDACs may be
ture that was reversible 1 week after the initial cas-
another mechanism by which inflammation may
pase instillation [270]. Experimental studies also
be amplified in the airways and lung parenchyma
showed that a broad spectrum caspase inhibitor
of patients who have COPD, by way of dysregula-
prevented VEGFR-blockade–induced emphy-
tion of transcription factor activation pathways.
sema [263] and that oxidative stress was involved
Evidence indicates that smoking cessation does
in these processes such that an antioxidant treat-
not resolve the inflammatory response in the
ment [218] but also strategies to increase plasma
airways, particularly in advanced COPD. Molec-
levels of a1-AT [271] prevented apoptosis and em-
ular mechanisms such as transcription factor
physema. The interaction between apoptosis and
activation and chromatin remodeling, perhaps as
its interaction with lung elastolysis has been
a result of increased oxidative stress, might be one
shown by the fact that lung cell apoptosis was re-
mechanism responsible for perpetuating the in-
quired for cigarette smoke–induced mouse
flammatory process (see Fig. 7) [262].

emphysema, and the cathepsin S was mechanisti- Human studies have shown that the expression
cally upstream of lung cell apoptosis and alveolar of TGF-b1 and TGF-b1 receptor is significantly
enlargement [74]. Apoptotic cells also have been reduced in COPD patients, when compared with
shown to release intracellular proteases, oxidants, control subjects [281]. Cigarette smoke also has
and inflammatory mediators and also express sev- profound systemic effects on the bone marrow
eral caspases on their cell surface [272]. The pre- affecting circulating precursor cells. Circulating
cise pathways for cigarette smoke–induced endothelial cell progenitor cells (EPCs) from
emphysema have not been determined, although chronic smokers have altered functional proper-
evidence indicates increased expression of Bax in ties [282]. The numbers of EPCs that adhere to
COPD lungs, suggesting that cigarette smoke– cultured endothelial cells in response to TNF is
induced emphysema may activate this pathway lower in smokers than in control subjects. These
of apoptosis [268]. changes were associated with a higher formation
The effect of alveolar cell death by apoptosis of ROS and lower serum antioxidant and nitrite
on alveolar structure depends on the lungs’ ability in smokers’ EPCs. In patients who had moderate
to undergo cell proliferation. No clear picture to severe COPD, CD34þ or AC133þ or circulat-
exists on the balance of apoptosis versus cell ing hemopoietic endothelial cells were reduced in
proliferation in COPD patients. One study has number, compared with controls, and showed de-
shown that patients who had emphysema had creased function as assessed by a decrease in their
higher rates of both apoptosis and cell prolifera- ability to form colonies [283]. In these patients, ex-
tion than healthy smokers or nonsmokers [273]. In ercise capacity and FEV1 correlated inversely with
another study, no correlation was shown between the CD34þ cell counts. The role of circulating pro-
apoptosis and cell proliferation [268]. However, genitor cells in lung repair in emphysema remains
a further study has reported an increase in apo- unclear.
ptosis, but not in cell proliferation, in emphysema-
tous lungs [274].
Acquired immunity
The ability of the lungs to clear apoptotic cells,
efferocytosis, may also play a role in the balance It has been suggested that abnormalities in the
between apoptosis and cell proliferation [272]. acquired immune system could contribute to the
Some evidence suggests that efferocytosis may be persistence of inflammation in COPD [40]. As
impaired in COPD patients. Specifically, mentioned, some evidence suggests that airway in-
efferocytosis of apoptotic airway epithelial cells flammation persists in COPD patients after smok-
by macrophages from COPD patients is signifi- ing cessation [284]. Moreover, at later stages of
cantly decreased, when compared with control the disease (GOLD stage III and IV), lymphoid
macrophages [275]. follicles develop in the airways and T lymphocyte
clusters occur in the lung parenchyma and airway
mucosa in patients who have COPD [13,89].
Inadequate repair mechanisms
These findings suggest an enhanced acquired im-
Inadequate repair may be another important mune response to an antigen. These antigens can
mechanism that contributes to the development of be either self or nonself antigens. Foreign (non-
emphysema [276]. Cigarette smoke extract has self) antigens may result from infections with var-
been shown to impair significantly human airway ious organisms in COPD [285]. Persistent
epithelial cell chemotaxis, proliferation, and con- infection (either bacterial or viral) without full re-
traction of these cells plated onto three-dimen- covery may contribute to the development of for-
sional gels in vitro as a model of extracellular eign antigens, which fuel the inflammatory
matrix remodeling [277]. Studies have also shown response. It is also possible that components of
that the impairment of function of these cells was cigarette smoke causing lung tissue damage might
associated with inhibition of TGF-b and fibronec- result in novel antigens being presented to anti-
tin synthesis. TGF-b inhibits cellular proliferation gen-presenting cells that result in antibodies
and also regulates cellular differentiation in extra- against lung cells. Experimental studies have sup-
cellular matrix production. Thus, reduced activity ported the hypothesis that autoimmunity may
of TGF-b may result in destruction of the alveolar contribute to the development of emphysema.
structure. Animal studies have shown that regula- Xenogeneic human umbilical endothelial cells
tion of TGF-b signaling is critical in repair pro- (HUVECs) or human pulmonary artery smooth
cesses and in lung development [278–280]. muscle cells injected into rats produced antibodies

against these cells. However, only rats injected this effect can be prevented by the antioxidant
with HUVECs developed pulmonary emphysema N-acetylcysteine [294].
[286]. Emphysema could also be produced in na- A link between aging and cigarette smoke
ive animals after passive transfer of CD4þ T cells emphysema has been studied in animal models
of serum from emphysematous animals [286]. This of premature aging. Senescence-accelerated mice
model of autoimmune emphysema also confirmed develop premature aging and also lung airspace
the central role of lung cell apoptosis in the alve- enlargement [295]. Exposure of these senescence-
olar destruction. Recently, additional support accelerated mice to cigarette smoke showed en-
for the hypothesis of an autoimmune component hanced alveolar enlargement, compared with
for the pathogenesis of emphysema has come those who were not exposed [295]. The Klotho
from studies where oligoclonal CD4þ T cells protein is an alpha glycosidase associated with
were found in patients who had severe emphy- protection against aging [296,297]. Klotho-defi-
sema in contrast to control lungs [287], suggesting cient mice develop premature airspace enlarge-
a response to antigen in the COPD patients. T and ment very soon after birth [298]. The senescence
B lymphocyte responses to elastin peptide have marker protein-30 (SMP-30) has been studied in
been demonstrated in T and B cells obtained animals in which this protein has been knocked
from emphysematous subjects compared with out. These animals develop age-related changes
controls and asthmatics [288]. Collectively, these in the lungs, including alveolar enlargement re-
data suggest that autoimmunity to self or nonself sembling emphysema [299,300]. The development
antigens may be a mechanism of the persistent in- of emphysema in SMP-30 knock-out mice is asso-
flammatory response in COPD, leading ultimately ciated with increased markers of oxidative stress
to the pathologic changes of emphysema. [301]. When these mice were exposed to cigarette
smoke, marked alveolar enlargement with further
enhanced expression of markers of oxidative
stress and alveolar cell apoptosis occurred [301].
Aging senescence and emphysema
This occurrence demonstrates a synergistic effect
Age is an important independent risk factor for of cigarette smoke and SMP-30 deficiency, which
cigarette smoke–induced COPD. With age comes might contribute to enhanced alveolar destruction.
progressive airspace enlargement in the lungs; this
enlargement is considered to be a nondestructive
process, compared with the alveolar wall destruc- Summary
tion that occurs in smokers’ emphysema. Studies
No single mechanism can account for the
have suggested markers of enhanced aging in
complex pathology in COPD. It is likely that
emphysematous lungs and in COPD patients.
interactions occur among different mechanisms,
Mononuclear cells from patients who have
such as interactions among inflammation, pro-
COPD have decreased telomere length (a marker
tease/antiprotease imbalance, oxidative stress, and
of cell senescence), when compared with normal
apoptosis as destructive processes in emphysema.
individuals [289]. Other studies have shown that
Better understanding of the relative importance of
alveolar epithelial and endothelial cells of emphy-
these different pathogenic mechanisms and the
sematous patients show enhanced expression of
processes that amplify and perpetuate them will
markers of cell senescence, including p16 InK 4a
come from proof-of-concept therapeutic interven-
and p21 CIP 1/WAF 1/Sdi1, and have telomere
tion studies.
shortening, when compared with smokers without
emphysema or with normal individuals [290].
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 515–524

Predictors of Mortality in Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease
Claudia G. Cote, MDa,b,*, Bartolome R. Celli, MDc,d
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, Bay Pines Veterans Administration Health Care System,
111 A - PO BOX 5005, Bay Pines, FL 33744, USA
Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Caritas Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center,
736 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02135, USA

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) epidemic of COPD and the increase in mortality
is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in adults rates seen among females [3].
and currently represents the fourth leading cause of Although COPD is characterized primarily by
death in the world [1]. It has become a major and the presence of airflow limitation owing to chronic
growing health problem, with a mortality rate that bronchitis, emphysema, or both, a myriad of
continues to increase [2–5]. COPD is the only systemic manifestations that accompany this dis-
leading cause of death showing increases in prev- ease effectively can signal an increased risk for
alence worldwide, and it is expected that by the mortality. Recognizing these manifestations pro-
year 2020, COPD will become the third leading vides a more comprehensive assessment of disease
cause of death and the number one cause of dis- severity and helps elucidate prognosis. Several
ability in adults [2]. factors, including forced expiratory volume in 1
In the United States, the age-adjusted (2005 second (FEV1), airway hyper-responsiveness, se-
United States standard population) mortality verity of dyspnea, gas exchange disturbances,
rates for COPD showed an increase from 25.6 lung hyperinflation, pulmonary hypertension,
per 100,000 population in 1979 to 43.5 per 100,000 malnutrition-impaired exercise capacity and
population in 2005 [6]. Age-adjusted mortality health-related quality of life, anemia, and other co-
rates in males have slowly declined over the last morbidities have been identified as individual pre-
few years (55.8 per 100,000 population in 2000 dictors of mortality in COPD. This article reviews
to 52.3 per 100,000 population in 2003). For fe- these individual predictors for mortality. It also dis-
males, however, the rates have remained un- cusses the ability of an integrated, multidimen-
changed (37.4 per 100,000 population in 2000 to sional tool to more broadly characterize COPD
37.8 per 100,000 population in 2003) [7]. Addi- severity, assess response to therapeutic interven-
tionally, for the last 3 consecutive years, COPD tions and exacerbations, and predict mortality.
mortality in women has surpassed that of men,
claiming the lives of 63,000 women in contrast
to 59,000 men [6]. The staggering rates for smok- Predictors of mortality in chronic obstructive
ing cessation is responsible for the alarming pulmonary disease
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second

* Corresponding author. Bay Pines VA Health Care Spirometry first was introduced in the late
System, 111 A - PO BOX 5005, Bay Pines, FL 33744. 1800s, and with its application to patients with
E-mail address: obstructive lung disease, the FEV1 expressed as
(C.G. Cote). a percentage of the forced vital capacity (FVC)
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc.

has been used as the standard measurement of air- perception of breathlessness differs from patient
flow limitation, and therefore, of disease severity to patient, as it responds to the interaction of re-
in COPD [3]. The landmark study of Fletcher spiratory mechanics including airflow limitation
and Peto [8], published in 1976, identified a rela- and other cognitive and nonvolitional neuronal
tionship between airflow obstruction and survival processes. Importantly, the correlation of breath-
in a study of over 2700 British men initially tested lessness and FEV1 has been noted to be weak
from 1954 to 1961, and followed for 20 to 25 [21]. Numerous studies have identified dyspnea
years. The investigators found that in patients as an independent predictor of mortality in this
who had COPD, the risk of death was correlated disease. In a prospective, multicenter, 5-year trial,
strongly with the initial degree of measured FEV1 dyspnea was measured by the Medical Research
[8]. These findings then were expanded by An- Council Dyspnea Scale (MRC) in a cohort of
thonisen and colleagues [9] during the Intermit- 227 patients who had COPD [22]. These investiga-
tent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB) trial, tors found that survival rate was predicted better
which identified both age and FEV1 as indepen- by dyspnea (P!.001) and that this outcome was
dent and accurate predictors of mortality among not significantly related to the severity of COPD
985 patients who had COPD, followed over 3 according to staging by FEV1 percent of predicted
years. Numerous studies since have confirmed value. These findings were confirmed in a much
and further described the relationship between larger cohort of 625 patients with COPD. In this
FEV1, all-cause mortality and cause-specific mor- cohort, dyspnea also was measured with the
tality [10–13]. Most recently, Mannino and col- MMRC, and patients were followed over time
leagues [14] described a report from the National [23]. The measurement of dyspnea therefore
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHA- should be an integral part of the evaluation of pa-
NESI). The primary outcome was death, and the tients who have COPD, when assessing the risk
main predictor of interest was baseline lung func- for premature mortality in this disease.
tion. Among 5542 adults followed for 22 years in
the United States, 1301 deaths were found. The
authors found a higher risk of death among pa-
tients who had moderate or severe COPD identi- The presence of hypoxemia (PaO2 ! 55 mm
fied by their baseline spirometry data [15]. These Hg or SaO2 ! 88%) while the patient is breathing
results once again validate the importance of the room air long has been known to predict mortal-
FEV1 as a prognostic indicator in COPD. ity in COPD. Conversely, the correction of gas ex-
change derangement results in better survival. In
Airway hyper-responsiveness 1970, Neff and Petty [24] first published a 30%
to 40% reduction in mortality among a group of
The importance of airway hyper-responsive-
hypoxic COPD patients given continuous oxygen
ness (AHR) in obstructive lung diseases is defined
supplementation. The most important evidence
better for asthma than for COPD. In the Dutch
supporting its use, however, was derived from
study from Orie and colleagues [16], histamine
two large controlled trials evaluating the effect
challenge airway hyper-responsiveness was evalu-
of supplemental oxygen on hypoxemic patients
ated in approximately 2000 patients, then fol-
with COPD. The first trial, conducted by the Brit-
lowed for over 20 years. In a mortality analysis
ish Medical Research Council [25], randomized
of this patient cohort, Hospers and colleagues
patients to receive15 hours of continuous oxygen
[17] found that increased AHR predicted mortal-
or room air. The study found a significant reduc-
ity for COPD after adjusting for gender, age,
tion in mortality among patients given oxygen
smoking history, and numerous confounders.
supplementation during a follow-up period of
The number of COPD deaths was very small
5 years. The Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial
(21), and more studies are needed to better define
(NOTT) [26] compared 12 hours of oxygen sup-
the relationship between AHR and mortality in
plementation with 24 hours of oxygen supple-
mentation. Mortality among patients given
continuous oxygen for 24 hours was 50% less
than mortality among those given oxygen for only
Dyspnea is the cardinal, most disabling symp- 12 hours. These data show that survival in hypox-
tom of COPD [18] and the primary reason for pa- emic patients who have COPD is proportional to
tients to seek medical attention [19,20]. The the number of hours of oxygen supplementation.

Hypercapnia 34 months of follow-up. The increase in mortality

became critical for an IC/TLC ratio below 25%
Hypercapnia is usually found in patients who
(critical hyperinflation) [32].
have advanced COPD and reflects both the severe
ventilation–perfusion inequality and the inability
of the patient to increase ventilation to maintain Pulmonary hypertension
an adequate elimination of carbon dioxide.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined as
The presence of chronic hypercapnia usually is
a pulmonary artery mean pressure (Ppa) at rest,
associated with a negative prognostic value for
equal or greater than 20 mm Hg. Although it
survival in COPD [27–29]. Hypercapnia com-
generally is recognized that PH is common in
monly is associated with hypoxemia, and it has
COPD, when present, it is usually mild to
been difficult to elucidate which gas exchange de-
moderate in severity [33,34]. In a recent retrospec-
rangement carries the most ominous prognosis. In
tive study of 998 patients undergoing right heart
a cohort of hypoxemic COPD patients receiving
catheterization between 1990 and 2002, only 11
long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) in Japan [30]
patients were identified as having severe PH as
4552 patients were followed between 1985 and
the result of COPD. The authors reported an in-
1993. During the follow-up period, 1611 patients
creased mortality rate among these patients
died (5-year survival 39.5%). The authors found
when compared with a control group of 30 pa-
the cumulative survival curves for the hypoxemic,
tients who had COPD with similar degree of air-
hypercapnic COPD patients to be quite similar to
flow limitation but no evidence of severe PH
those of hypoxemic, normocapnic patients. Cox’s
[35]. It generally is accepted that the presence of
proportional hazards models identified age, gen-
pulmonary PH in COPD correlates with the pres-
der, PaO2, and percent of vital capacity as inde-
ence of chronic hypoxemia [36–38]. Conversely,
pendent predictors for survival, but no statistical
studies have shown that treatment with long
significance was found for PaCO2 or FEV1/FVC
term oxygen therapy reverses the progression of
to predict this outcome.
PH in a high percentage of hypoxemic COPD pa-
tients, although complete normalization is seen in-
frequently. In earlier studies by Weitzenblum and
Static hyperinflation
colleagues [36], Ppa was measured by three con-
The presence of lung hyperinflation is a fre- secutive right heart catheterizations in a small
quent occurrence in patients who have COPD, group of COPD patients affected by hypoxemia
and it is getting increased recognition as an (mean PaO2 50 plus or minus 6.6 mmHg). From
important manifestation of the disease. It is the baseline measurement T0 to T1 (47 plus or mi-
recognized easily on the physical examination by nus 28 months), hypoxemia worsened from 59
the barrel-shaped chest seen in patients who have plus or minus 9 to 50 plus or minus 6, and Ppa
emphysema, and results from destruction of lung worsened from 23 plus or minus 6 to 28 plus or
parenchyma, loss of lung elastic recoil, and minus 7 mmHg in patients not receiving LTOT.
increase in resting lung volume. The resting Patients then were prescribed O2 for 15 to 18 h/d,
inspiratory capacity (IC) performed during pul- and a third measurement was obtained after 31
monary function testing reflects the end-expira- plus or minus 18 months. The investigators found
tory lung volume. Schols and colleagues [31] a significant decrease in Ppa among 12 out of 16
reviewed data from 603 patients and used IC ex- patients (28 plus or minus 7 to 23.9 plus or minus
pressed as a percentage of normal, as an index 6 mm Hg (P!.005), which suggested modulation
of hyperinflation. The authors did not find IC to of PH after correction of hypoxemia. Not all hyp-
predict mortality in this cohort. In another pro- oxemic patients show this beneficial effect. Other
spective study [22], however, hyperinflation ex- studies have shown that not all hypoxemic pa-
pressed as the residual volume (RV)/total lung tients respond with a decrease in Ppa after oxygen
capacity (TLC) proved to be a powerful predictor administration. In a study by Ashutosh and col-
of mortality in patients who had COPD. A recent leagues [37], the response of the Ppa to the admin-
study proposes the inspiratory fraction, or IC/ istration of 28% oxygen for 24 hours was
TLC, as a measurement of functional reserve. In measured among 28 patients who had COPD.
this study of 689 patients (95% males) who had Seventeen patients responded with a decrease in
COPD, IC/TLC was found to be an important in- Ppa greater than 5 mm Hg, and 11 did not.
dependent predictor of increased mortality after More importantly, the investigators found an

88% 2-year survival among responders versus mortality (P ! .001). In a prospective post hoc
22% among nonresponders. These findings sug- analysis of 203 COPD patients who received nutri-
gest that LTOT attenuates the development of tional support, weight gain (greater than 2 kg/8
more severe PH over time, and by doing so, de- wks) was a significant predictor of survival [31].
creases mortality in COPD. The natural history Studies using more complex tests to evaluate nutri-
of PH in COPD was studied by Kessler and col- tion, such as midthigh [44] and midarm [45] muscle
leagues [38]. One hundred thirty-one COPD pa- cross-sectional area obtained by CT also have
tients with mild to moderate hypoxemia not shown significant association between malnutri-
meeting criteria for LTOT were followed for 6.8 tion and mortality in COPD, with a predictive
years with two right heart catheterizations. Dur- value that is superior to that of BMI. Taken to-
ing the first measurement T0, all patients had nor- gether, the evidence suggests that weight loss can
mal Ppa less than 20 mm Hg. The patients be considered an independent risk factor for mor-
underwent a steady-state 40 W exercise test, and tality in patients who have COPD.
Ppa after exercise also was measured. Seventy-
six patients (group 2) were noted to develop exer-
Exercise capacity
cise-induced PH (Ppa greater than 30 mm Hg). On
average, these patients had higher resting Ppa Exercise intolerance afflicts many patients who
than 55 patients (group 1) who did not have PH have COPD and is likely multifactorial. Exercise
during exercise (16 plus or minus 3 versus 14 capacity reflects the respiratory and nonrespira-
plus or minus 2 mm Hg, P ¼ .001). During the tory expressions of the disease and the integrated
second catheterization, Ppa had changed to 19 activities of the pulmonary and cardiovascular
plus or minus 7 and 16 plus or minus 5 mm Hg, systems. The peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2) de-
respectively (P ¼ .01). Thirty-three patients devel- termined during a cardiopulmonary exercise test
oped resting Ppa, nine from group 1 and 24 from (CPX) has been shown to predict survival in
group 2. These patients had significantly higher COPD patients undergoing lung resection
Ppa at rest and with exercise at T0, and lower rest- [46,47], and to be a better predictor of survival
ing and exercise PaO2 when compared with those than FEV1and health status [48]. In a study by
who did not develop PH. The authors found that Epstein and colleagues [49], COPD patients who
higher resting and exercise Ppa at baseline pre- were unable to perform a CPX were 11 times
dicted the development of PH over a 6-year pe- more likely to die following lung resection than
riod. The development of PH is rather slow in those able to complete the test independent of
patients with mild to moderate hypoxemic the achieved peak VO2. The 6-minute walk dis-
COPD not meeting criteria for LTOT. tance (6MWD) is a simple field test that also has
been correlated with mortality in COPD patients
in various settings, including postpulmonary
rehabilitation [50], and following lung-volume–
Nutritional depletion is a prevalent finding reduction surgery (LVRS) [51,52]. Gerardi and
among patients who have COPD, in particular colleagues [50] reported on predictors of survival
those who have advanced disease. The prevalence in a group of severe COPD patients graduating
of weight loss in stable COPD is in the range of from a pulmonary rehabilitation program. In
20%, and it increases to 35% among those who are this rather homogeneous group of patients who
hospitalized [39,40]. Several studies have found had a uniformly low FEV1, the 6MWD was a bet-
that the body mass index (BMI) is an independent ter predictor of survival, and FEV1 failed to pre-
risk factor for COPD mortality [41–43]. Landbo dict this outcome. In a study by Pinto-Plata and
and colleagues [42], in The Copenhagen City Heart colleagues [53], exercise capacity was tested with
Study, found BMI to be an independent predictor the 6MWD in 198 patients with severe COPD fol-
of all-cause and respiratory mortality among lowed for 2 years. In this patient cohort, survival
COPD patients with FEV1 less than 50% pre- increased progressively with increases in the
dicted. The impact of weight change on survival 6MWD, when distances were divided into discrete
in COPD also was examined retrospectively by 100 m increments. Those patients unable to walk
Schols and colleagues [31] in 400 COPD patients 100 m had a mortality rate approaching 90% at
who participated in a pulmonary rehabilitation 1 year. On the other hand, COPD patients with
program. A low BMI (less than 25 kg/m2) was as- similar degree of airflow limitation who were
sociated with a significant increase in the risk for able to walk more than 400 m had significantly

higher survival (P ! .0001). The investigators also a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected
found that the 6MWD test was a better predic- data of a cohort of 683 COPD patients [23,61],
tor of mortality than FEV1 and BMI. In this anemia was found in 17% of the cohort in con-
study, the decline in 6MWD occurred indepen- trast to polycythemia, which was present in only
dently of changes in FEV1, indicating that 6% of the patients (and when present carried no
both tests measure different domains of the dis- clinical relevance). The investigators found that
ease and could be considered complementary. anemic patients had significantly higher dyspnea,
lower 6MWD, and shorter median survival (49
versus 74 months) when compared with nonane-
Health status
mic COPD patients. These differences remained
Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is an significant when controlling for the relevant de-
important patient-reported health outcome in mographic, physiologic, and disease covariates in
COPD. HRQoL has been defined as: ‘‘The extents regression analyses, where anemia was an inde-
to which one’s usual or expected physical, emo- pendent predictor of outcomes. The relationship
tional, and social well-being are affected by between anemia and mortality in COPD, and
a medical condition or its treatment’’ [54]. To the possible effect that its correction may have
this effect, COPD is a disease that has a profound on survival, need to be confirmed by prospective
impact on patients’ HRQoL, even among those and controlled clinical trials.
with relatively modest airflow limitation [55]. Im-
portantly, a weak association between HRQoL
and the main respiratory defect that characterizes
COPD, FEV1, long has been described. This poor
correlation reflects the marked heterogeneity and Tobacco use is without doubt the most impor-
complexity of this disease. Domingo-Salvany tant etiologic factor behind the development of
and colleagues [56] were first to describe an asso- COPD [62]. Cigarette smoking induces a state of
ciation between measurements of HRQoL and systemic inflammation characterized by the in-
mortality in COPD. In their study, 321 male pa- tense interaction and accumulation of cells capa-
tients were tested with both generic and disease- ble of creating a marked oxidant-antioxidant
specific HRQoL instruments. The patients were imbalance that results in cellular injury [63].
followed for a mean 4.8 years, and mortality Miller and colleagues [64] reported that the num-
was documented. The investigators found that bers of circulating CD8þ T-cells were increased,
survival was shorter among patients who had and CD4þ T-cells decreased in heavy smokers.
worse quality- of-life scores. The predictive value This abnormality was reversible upon discontinu-
of HRQoL has been confirmed in several studies ation of smoking. A low CD4þ/CD8þ ratio is
[57,58]. Using univariate analysis, HRQoL also a characteristic of the systemic inflammation
was identified as a predictor of mortality in a study seen in COPD, and it is controlled genetically
of 609 patients with severe emphysema enrolled in [65]. It is possible then, that in genetically predis-
the National Emphysema Treatment Trial posed smokers, tobacco initiates a state of gener-
(NETT) [58]. alized, chronic inflammation. A comorbidity is
defined as a disease that coexists with the primary
disease of interest. Because the toxic effects of to-
bacco extend to other organ systems, it is no sur-
Anemia is a common comorbidity in many prise that the most common comorbid conditions
chronic diseases, and its importance in COPD is associated with COPD are cardiovascular disease
gaining interest. Recent reports suggests that and cancer [66]. In a study by Soriano and col-
anemia in patients who have COPD may be leagues [67] from the UK General Practice Re-
more prevalent than expected and could be search Database, 2699 patients who had COPD
associated with increased mortality [59–61]. The were identified. Compared with controls, COPD
reported prevalence of anemia in COPD ranges patients had a significantly higher comorbidity
from 10% to 15% in patients suffering from se- burden, in particular cardiovascular diseases, os-
vere forms of the disease. In a study of 2524 teoporosis, and cataracts. The association with
COPD patients who were prescribed long-term mortality was described by Almagro and col-
oxygen therapy, 12.6% of males and 8.2% of fe- leagues [68], in a study of hospitalized COPD pa-
males were identified as anemic [60]. Recently, in tients who had their comorbidities measured by

the Charlson index [69]. The authors found that by the MRC dyspnea scale (D), and exercise ca-
a higher score in the Charlson index was an inde- pacity (E) as measured by the 6MWD test. These
pendent predictor of mortality among these pa- variables were incorporated into a multidimen-
tients, (P ! .001). This independent predictive sional scale, the BODE index, that ranged from
value of comorbidities in COPD also has been 0 (least risk) to 10 (highest risk) (Table 1). The
demonstrated by others [23–32]. BODE index then was validated prospectively in
a separate cohort of 625 predominantly male pa-
tients with COPD who were evaluated every 6
months for at least 2 years, or until death. The au-
Multidimensional mortality risk assessment
thors found that each quartile increase in the
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
BODE index score yielded an increase in the risk
Since the early studies of Fletcher and Peto [8], for mortality. Those patients who had a BODE
FEV1 has been used to define the severity of the index in the quartile 4 (BODE index score of 7
disease and its prognosis. For many years now, to 10) had a mortality rate of 80% at 52 months.
FEV1 and age have been considered as the most The results of this study indicated that the BODE
important prognostic indicators in this disease. index was a much better predictor of mortality
Unfortunately, both of them are, for the most than any of the individual variables alone.
part, irreversible. On the other hand, most studies The predictive value of BODE has been tested
done to evaluate the effectiveness of therapies in by other investigators [75–77]. In a study by Ong
COPD have focused on this physiologic outcome, and colleagues [75], 127 COPD patients were re-
and the failure of most therapies to significantly cruited and tested with the BODE index. The pa-
increase or delay the rate of decline of FEV1 has tients were followed for up to 2 years, and the
led to nihilism. The evidence presented in this ar- number of hospital admissions and mortality
ticle, however, suggests that multiple factors other were documented. The investigators found the
than FEV1 also are associated with mortality in median BODE score to be lower among survivors
COPD. Some of these factors include: hypoxemia, than among nonsurvivors (4 versus 6, respectively,
the timed walking distance, BMI, dyspnea, hyper- P ¼ .003) and a significant effect of the BODE
inflation, malnutrition, pulmonary hypertension, scores on mortality (hazard ratio, 1.30; 95% con-
comorbidities, anemia, and health status. These fidence interval [CI], 1.08 to 1, 56; P ¼ .006). The
factors are reflections of the systemic involvement investigators used Poisson regression analysis to
of COPD, and many of them are amenable to evaluate the effect of BODE scores on hospitaliza-
treatment [51,58,70–74]. As such, sole reliance tions and found BODE to also be a predictor of
on FEV1 during the evaluation of a patient with this outcome.
COPD would lead to an incomplete assessment Furthermore, in a retrospective clinical study
of disease severity. It is then reasonable that of 186 patients who had severe emphysema,
a composite index that incorporates the most im- Imfeld and colleagues [76] tested the predictive
portant predictors of mortality, reflecting not only value of BODE following LVRS. The investiga-
impairment in lung function, but also systemic tors found that the postoperative BODE, but
consequences of the disease, may provide a more
comprehensively way to evaluate COPD. In a
pioneer study by Celli and colleagues [23], 207 Table 1
Calculation of the BODE index
patients who had COPD were enrolled prospec-
tively, and the predictive value of numerous vari- BODE score
ables was evaluated. These variables included: Variable 0 1 2 3
age, gender, smoking history in pack per year, FEV1, % predicted R65 50–65 35–49 %35
FVC, FEV1, dyspnea measured with the Dyspnea: MRC 0–1 2 3 4
MMRC, BMI, functional residual capacity, inspi- 6MWD meters R350 250–349 150–249 %149
ratory capacity, hematocrit, and albumin level. BMI O21 %21 d d
The independent association with mortality at 1
Points from each variable are added according to the
year was evaluated with stepwise forward logis- threshold value measured for each one. The value ranges
tic-regression analysis. The authors identified from 0 to a maximum of 10.
four variables that predicted an elevated risk for Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced
death: BMI (B), degree of airflow obstruction expiratory volume in 1 second; MRC, Medical Research
(O) as measured by FEV1, dyspnea as measured Council; 6MWD, 6-minute walk distance test.

not the preoperative BODE, predicted survival. months, compared with the patients who did not
Most patients undergoing LVRS showed an im- respond to rehabilitation. These improvements in
provement in BODE index following the interven- BODE index scores were maintained for a full 2
tion from 7.2 (quartile 4), to 4.0 (quartile 2) years after the start of pulmonary rehabilitation,
(P ! .001). Those patients having the most im- while patients who did not participate in pulmo-
provement in BODE had the best 5-year survival nary rehabilitation displayed an 18% deteriora-
(HR, 0.497; 95% CI, 0.375 to 0.659; P!.001). tion in BODE index scores. These results support
The investigators found that the BODE index was the concept that the BODE index can be a useful
able to predict the risk of death (0.74) better than tool to assess disease modification.
FEV1 (0.63). Patients who have advanced COPD experience
The capacity of patients to significantly modify frequent exacerbations and hospitalizations, which
their BODE index after LVRS suggests that the usually are associated with poor outcomes and
BODE index can be used not only as a surrogate worsening of the FEV1 [78].
of mortality but as a tool for disease modification. In a study assessing the impact of exacerba-
To this effect, other interventions also have tions on several patient-centered outcomes [79]
proven to be able to modify BODE. Pulmonary and BODE, this multidimensional index proved
rehabilitation (PR) is known to improve several of to be a more sensitive tool than FEV1 alone to
the surrogate markers for mortality in COPD, reflect progression of disease over a 2-year fol-
namely dyspnea, health status, and exercise ca- low-up period. In this study, 205 patients were
pacity. Based on this observation, it was hypoth- recruited and evaluated with the BODE index at
esized that PR would be able to modify the baseline while stable, during the exacerbation
severity of COPD and the risk for mortality, as event and every 6 months thereafter. The authors
measured by the BODE index [77]. In this study, presented data on the impact of exacerbations on
of the 246 patients who qualified for and were of- FEV1, 6MWD, MMRC, BMI, and BODE. One
fered rehabilitation, 116 accepted and completed hundred thirty patients experienced exacerba-
the 8-week, three times weekly rehabilitation pro- tions, and 75 patients remained exacerbation
gram; 130 declined participation. The change in free for the duration of the study. Exacerbators
BODE scores were compared between rehabili- showed a worsening of BODE index of 1.38
tated patients and non-PR participants. The pa- points during the exacerbation event, and al-
tients had severe COPD both by FEV1 and by though there was a partial improvement, the
the BODE index scores. Seventy-five percent of BODE index at 24 months remained 1.09 points
patients belonged to the third and fourth quar- above baseline. On the contrary, nonexacerbators
tiles. Patients were followed for more than 2 years showed a negligible increase in BODE at 2 years
or until death. Approximately 30% of the patients (0.07 points), which differed significantly from
who graduated from PR joined a maintenance that of the exacerbators (P ! .001). Taken
program and exercised three times weekly for together, the response of patients to exacerba-
the entire 2-year period. Following PR, 71% of tions, LVRS and PR, can be captured as changes
the participating patients improved their BODE in the BODE index, not only reflecting changes on
index scores by at least 1 point; of these, 25% im- disease severity, but changes in outcome, suggest-
proved by 2 points. ing that the BODE index can be used as both sur-
After graduation from PR, the BODE index rogate marker for mortality and as a tool to assess
decreased significantly from 5.07 to 4.18. This disease modification.
resulted in a shift from the third quartile to second
quartile, and their initially predicted mortality of
20% to 30% changed to an observed mortality of
11.2%. Patients who declined PR had a worse
BODE index at entry of 6.94 (approaching BODE Although FEV1 remains the most important
fourth quartile), and in this group, there was physiologic indicator of the severity of airflow ob-
almost a 20% worsening of BODE index over struction in COPD, its predictive value is weak
time. This group of patients had the highest above 50% [8] of its predicted value, and once pa-
mortality rate (50%). For patients who responded tients reach very low values of FEV1, other
to PR, defined as an improvement in the BODE markers of mortality in COPD become more ac-
index score of at least 1 point, BODE index scores curate. Chief among these predictors of mortality
improved by a statistically significant 25% at 3 are dyspnea, exercise capacity, and BMI.

Evidence also exists for markers such as health [13] Schunemann HJ, Dorn J, Grant BJ, et al. Pulmo-
status, anemia, hypoxemia, comorbidities, and nary function is a long-term predictor of mortality
hyperinflation, among others. Simple to use, the in the general population. Chest 2000;118:656–64.
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ation of the NHANES I augmentation survey of
passes the predictive validity of the best of these
adults 25–74 years, United States, 1974–1975. Wash-
potential surrogates into a single measure of dis- ington, DC: National Center for Health Statistics;
ease severity and survival. The BODE index or 1973.
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 525–536

The Biology of a Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation
John R. Hurst, PhD, Jadwiga A. Wedzicha, MD*
Academic Unit of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Free and University College Medical School,
Royal Free Hospital, London, NW3 2PF, UK

A defining characteristic of chronic obstructive ‘‘an event in the natural course of the disease
pulmonary disease (COPD) is the relentless de- characterized by a change in the patient’s baseline
cline in lung function [1] that results in progressive dyspnoea, cough, and/or sputum that is beyond
symptoms and worsening exercise capacity. It normal day-to-day variations, is acute in onset,
and may warrant a change in regular medication
also, however, long has been recognized that the
in a patient with underlying COPD’’ [1].
course of COPD is punctuated by intermittent de-
teriorations in respiratory health termed exacerba- It should be stated that establishing a universal
tions. The original and now classic study of definition of exacerbation has been controversial,
Fletcher and Peto [2] describing the natural his- and, indeed, there has been much debate about
tory of chronic airflow limitation suggested that how exactly an exacerbation should be defined [7].
exacerbations were no more than a troublesome This is important when comparing results across
increase in respiratory symptoms. This is now research studies. Some previous definitions have
known not to be true, and it is apparent that exac- included the necessity for an exacerbation to re-
erbations have profound implications for patients sult in a change in treatment; yet it is apparent
including accelerating the decline in lung function that many exacerbations remain unreported to
[3,4], impairing quality of life [5], and increasing health care professionals for treatment despite be-
mortality [6]. Exacerbations are therefore impor- ing no less severe than reported events [5]. As fac-
tant outcome measures in COPD. With a greater tors other than the underlying pathophysiology of
understanding of the importance of exacerbations exacerbation may affect the decision or ability of
has come increasing research interest, and while a patient to access treatment (consider, for exam-
there remain many unanswered questions, there ple, differential global social and economic condi-
is now a reasonable understanding of the biology tions), a definition such as that in the GOLD
of these events, the subject of this article. document [1], in which symptom changes may ne-
cessitate a change in treatment is now considered
more appropriate.
What is an exacerbation? A further complication to the definition of
The 2006 update to the World Health Organi- exacerbation, yet to be addressed in current
zation (WHO)/US National Heart Lung and criteria, although raised in a recent editorial [8],
Blood Institute (NHLBI) Global initiative for is that of comorbidities that may mimic or compli-
chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) doc- cate exacerbation in a patient who has underlying
ument [1] included a definition of exacerbation for COPD. Such conditions include, but are not re-
the first time. An exacerbation is defined as stricted to pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary
embolism, and cardiac failure. The sections below
discuss that exacerbations of COPD are associ-
* Corresponding author. ated with demonstrable changes in airway and
E-mail address: systemic inflammation, and further impairment
(J.A. Wedzicha). in lung function. The authors have suggested
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

that these comorbid conditions are primary diag-

noses in their own right and do not exacerbate the
airway inflammation that is characteristic of sta-
ble disease; therefore future definitions of exacer-
bation may evolve to include references to
increased inflammation or specific physiological
changes. As exacerbations are primarily defined
by changes in symptoms, however, after discus-
sing the epidemiology of exacerbation, it would
seem appropriate to first examine what is known
about symptom changes during exacerbations.
The article then considers changes in lung func-
tion and inflammatory mediators, COPD being
Fig. 1. Exacerbation frequency is related to the severity
defined as a disease state associated with airflow
of the underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
limitation and an abnormal inflammatory re-
mean incidence of exacerbations per year in relation to
sponse of the lung to noxious particles or gases [1]. forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in the pla-
cebo arms of three 3-year studies. From left to right, the
first three bars are from the Inhaled Steroids in Obstruc-
Epidemiology of exacerbations in chronic tive Lung Disease in Europe (ISOLDE) study, in which
exacerbations were defined as a worsening of respiratory
obstructive pulmonary disease
symptoms that required treatment with oral corticoste-
COPD is a major global health problem, and roids or antibiotics. The next bar represents data from
one of the few diseases in which mortality rates the Copenhagen City Lung Study, which defined exacer-
bations more broadly. The final bar shows data from the
continue to rise. This reflects an aging population
European Society Study on COPD, which used the same
and the relative greater effectiveness of therapies
definition as the ISOLDE study. (From Burge S, Wedzi-
available for other common conditions such as cha JA. COPD exacerbations: definitions and classifica-
cardiovascular disease and many cancers. Conse- tions. Eur Respir J 2003;41:46; with permission.)
quently, COPD is projected to be the third leading
cause of death in the world by 2020 [9]. While
many of these deaths are caused by exacerbations,
especially in those with more severe underlying Given the importance of respiratory viruses in
COPD, cardiovascular causes and lung cancer causing exacerbations, discussed further later in
are also prominent, reflecting the shared etiology this article, it follows that exacerbation rates peak
of these conditions. in the winter months, and indeed, they are around
In general, exacerbations become both more 50% more common at this time, when circulation
frequent and more severe as the severity of the of viruses within the community is greatest [12].
underlying COPD increases [10]. The relationship Exacerbations, therefore, contribute to seasonal
between exacerbation frequency and disease sever- peaks of health care use and hospital admission.
ity is illustrated in Fig. 1. There remain large dif- In the United Kingdom, exacerbations of COPD
ferences in annual exacerbation incidence rates account for around 1% of all admissions to hospi-
between patients of similar COPD severity, how- tal (approximately twice as many as for asthma),
ever, and it now is recognized that the frequent and with an average length of stay of 10 days,
exacerbator (usually defined as three or more the associated health care costs are immense
exacerbations per year) is an important clinical [12]. The in-hospital mortality for patients with-
phenotype. Frequent exacerbators have greater out respiratory failure is estimated at between
airway inflammation in the stable state [11], which 5% and 11%, and it is considerably higher for
may explain their more rapid decline in forced ex- those in which respiratory failure is present. There
piratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) [4]. They also is also a significant risk of mortality in the period
have a poorer quality of life [5] and greater mor- after discharge [13], and the reasons for this re-
tality [6]. It should be noted that recent work dem- main poorly understood. In part, this on-going
onstrating a relationship between exacerbation mortality risk may relate to clustering of exacer-
frequency and FEV1 decline in COPD is not con- bations. This refers to the finding of symptom
sistent with the original hypotheses of Fletcher deterioration [14,15] or a second recurrent
and Peto [2]. exacerbation in the period following a first

exacerbation. The differential pathology and etiol-

ogy of index and recurrent exacerbations remain Box 1. Symptoms present at the onset
to be explored, but the authors recently have of 504 exacerbations in 101 patients
shown that a heightened serum c-reactive protein
in the recovery period predicts recurrence [16], Increased dyspnoea (64%)
suggesting that the mechanism may relate to non- Increased sputum purulence (42%)
resolution of the inflammatory response. Research Increased sputum volume (26%)
in this area, and studies investigating factors un- Increased wheeze (35%)
derlying the frequent exacerbator phenotype, Increased nasal symptoms (coryza)
have the potential to impact on the particularly (35%)
high burden of disease experienced by patients Increased cough (20%)
prone to frequent exacerbations.
Data from Seemungal TAR, Donaldson GC,
Bhowmik A, et al. Time course and recovery of
Symptomatology: symptom changes during exacerbations in patients with chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir
exacerbations of chronic obstructive
Crit Care Med 2000;161:1608–13.
pulmonary disease
The symptom changes and the timing of such
changes that occur during exacerbation have been
Subsequently, it has been shown that exacerba-
studied using diary card methodology in which
tions cause acute impairment to health status
patients are asked to record increases in symp-
from which recovery also is prolonged and still
toms above their usual daily severity. This ap-
continuing 1 month after exacerbation onset [20].
proach has allowed practitioners to develop an
understanding not only of the changes present at
exacerbation onset, but also how symptoms de- Assessing exacerbation severity
velop in the prodromal period, and how symp-
toms resolve in response to therapy. In the study by Seemungal and colleagues [17],
Seemungal and colleagues [17] studied 504 just under half of exacerbations were reported di-
exacerbations in 101 patients who had severe rectly to the clinical team, and the greater the
COPD (mean FEV1 41.9% predicted). After number of increased symptoms present at
a short prodrome, and following exacerbation
onset, the median time to symptom recovery was
seven (interquartile range [IQR] 4 to 14) days.
Fourteen percent of exacerbations still had not re-
turned to baseline symptoms within 35 days, how-
ever, suggesting that the increases in symptoms
observed in some exacerbations may never fully
return to the baseline pre-exacerbation level. The
symptoms present on the day of onset of exacer-
bation in the patients studied by Seemungal and
colleagues [17] are described in Box 1. The same
group subsequently demonstrated that these
changes in symptoms are associated with a de-
crease in functional status, reflected in a greater
proportion of patients remaining housebound
during exacerbations than seen in stable disease Fig. 2. Symptom time course of an exacerbation: evolu-
tion over a 51-day period of the time spent indoors (open
[18]. The time course of changes in symptoms
circles) and the total number of new or worsening symp-
and functional status at exacerbation are illus-
toms (symptom count, solid circles) from exacerbations
trated in Fig. 2. In hospitalized patients who in 136 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
have more severe exacerbations, the recovery pe- ease. (Modified from Donaldson GC, Wilkinson TM,
riod also is associated with reduced physical activ- Hurst JR, et al. Exacerbations and time spent outdoors
ity that remains low and still is returning toward in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir
baseline even following discharge home [19]. Crit Care Med 2005;171:446–52; with permission.)

exacerbation onset, the longer it took for these COPD are extremely heterogenous events, rang-
symptoms to return to baseline. Assessing either ing from no more than a transient worsening of
the magnitude or duration of changes in exacerba- symptoms in patients who have milder disease to
tion symptoms therefore provides an assessment the life-threatening episodes of respiratory failure
of exacerbation severity. The same is true for the observed in those who have more severe underly-
changes in lung function outlined in the following ing lung function impairment.
section. Both approaches, however, require the In the study of exacerbation symptoms by
daily recording of data by patients, knowledge Seemungal and colleagues [17] referred to previ-
of the patient’s individual baseline parameters ously, patients also were provided with peak-expi-
and complex statistical techniques. ratory flow (PEF) meters and were instructed to
A simpler and more pragmatic assessment of record this measurement throughout the time
exacerbation severity is to use the classification course of the exacerbation. The results are illus-
proposed by Anthonisen and colleagues [21] in trated in Fig. 3, which demonstrates numerous
a seminal paper on antibiotics at exacerbation of important points. First, PEF did not fall signifi-
COPD. They considered the three cardinal symp- cantly during the prodromal period. Second, ab-
toms of increased dyspnoea, increased sputum vol- solute changes in PEF are small with a median
ume, and increased sputum purulence. A type 1 change of -8.6 (IQR 0 to -22.9) l/min [17]. Third,
exacerbation was defined as having all three symp- the median time to PEF recovery at 6 (1 to 14)
toms present, a type 2 exacerbation as having two days was similar to that for symptoms, and, like-
symptoms present, and a type 3 exacerbation had wise, some exacerbations have a prolonged recov-
just one of these three major symptoms in addition ery or may indeed never fully recover (around
to other defined criteria that included upper respi- 25% and 7% of exacerbations still not returned
ratory infection, fever, increased wheeze, increased to baseline PEF at 35 and 91 days respectively).
cough, tachycardia, or tachypnea. The proportion Therefore, while PEF provides a readily acces-
of exacerbations of each type will vary with the se- sible method of assessing airflow, the changes
verity of the patient population and the definition observed are clearly too small to be useful in
of exacerbation employed. assessing individual patients. Furthermore, PEF is
Many researchers now use a third method of an assessment of larger airway obstruction and it
assessing exacerbation severity, based on the level is quite likely that much of the airflow obstruction
of health care resources required, and in which in COPD is occurring in smaller airways, reflect-
exacerbation severity is graded as mild (the need ing the major site of pathology in COPD [24].
for only an increased use of inhaled bronchodila-
tors), moderate (the need for systemic corticoste-
roids), or severe (the need for hospital admission).
Clearly this classification assesses factors other
than those solely related to the underlying path-
ophysiological processes, and the search for a
biomarker of exacerbation, physiological or
biochemical, is ongoing [22] and discussed further
in subsequent sections.

Physiology: lung function changes

during exacerbations of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
The relationships between symptoms and in- Fig. 3. Physiological time course of an exacerbation:
dices of lung function in COPD are complex, but median peak flow expressed as a percentage of baseline
peak flow from 14 days prior, to 35 days following exac-
it would be reasonable to assume that the in-
erbation onset in 504 exacerbations from 91 patients
creased symptoms present at exacerbation may be with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (From See-
associated with evidence of additional impairment mungal TAR, Donaldson GC, Bhowmik A, et al. Time
in pulmonary function, and this is indeed the case course and recovery of exacerbations in patients with
[23]. Complicating the assessment of changes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir
lung function is the fact that exacerbations of Crit Care Med 2000;161:1608–13; with permission.)

Moreover, the changes at exacerbation are likely likely also to be important during exacerbations
to be much more complex than merely an increase [23]. The physiological changes associated with
in airflow obstruction. exacerbations, and their consequences, are sum-
Much of the more detailed work exploring marized in Figs. 4 and 5. Although dynamic hy-
physiological changes at exacerbation has been perinflation appears critical, it remains difficult
performed in severe exacerbations requiring me- to assess. One surrogate marker is inspiratory ca-
chanical ventilation, with the assumption made pacity, and Stevenson and colleagues [27] recently
that the changes in milder exacerbations are described improvements in inspiratory capacity
quantitatively rather than qualitatively different with treatment of the exacerbation. The technique
[23]. The key physiological feature of COPD is ex- of forced oscillometry also has been used to detect
piratory flow limitation and various mechanisms improvements in airway resistance over the time
may act to increase this at exacerbation, including course of an exacerbation [28].
greater mucus production, airway wall edema, Stable COPD can be associated with the
and bronchoconstriction. The variable increase presence of respiratory failure, and exacerbations
in end-expiratory lung volume that results is may precipitate respiratory failure further, espe-
termed dynamic hyperinflation, the presence of cially in patients who have more severe underlying
which mechanically impairs the respiratory mus- disease. It is accepted that hypoxemia during
cles, which are insulted further by systemic inflam- exacerbation largely results from increased venti-
mation, hypoxia, acidosis, and oxidative stress. lation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch [29], although
Mechanical disadvantage of the respiratory mus- increased peripheral oxygen utilization with a con-
cles may be affected further by tachypnea and re- sequent reduction in mixed venous oxygen satura-
sult in an inability of the respiratory muscles to tion also has been demonstrated. Hypercapnia
cope with the demands of central respiratory also likely is caused by V/Q mismatch (rather
drive. This neuromechanical dissociation is than alveolar hypoventilation) and the mecha-
thought to be a dominant mechanism for dysp- nisms involved in worsening carbon dioxide reten-
noea during exercise in COPD [25,26], and it is tion seen in a proportion of patients exposed to

Fig. 4. Physiological changes at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Schematic of mechan-
ical effects of COPD exacerbation. Representative pressure-volume plots during (A) stable COPD and (B) COPD exac-
erbation. During exacerbation, worsening expiratory flow limitation results in dynamic hyperinflation with increased end
expiratory lung volume (EELV) and residual volume. Corresponding reductions occur in inspiratory capacity and inspi-
ratory reserve volume. Total lung capacity (TLC) is unchanged. As a result, tidal breathing becomes shifted rightward on
the pressure–volume curve, closer to TLC. Mechanically, increased pressures must be generated to maintain tidal vol-
ume. At EELV during exacerbation, intrapulmonary pressures do not return to zero, representing the development of
intrinsic positive end expiratory pressure (PEEPi), which imposes increased inspiratory threshold loading on the inspi-
ratory muscles (inset). During the subsequent respiratory cycle, PEEPi must first be overcome to generate inspiratory
flow. (From O’Donnell DE, Parker CM. COPD exacerbations 3: pathophysiology. Thorax 2006;61:354–61; with

Fig. 5. Consequences of increased dynamic hyperinflation at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
During exacerbation, dynamic hyperinflation develops as a consequence of worsening expiratory flow limitation. Abbrevi-
ations: LV, left ventricle; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; RV,
right ventricle. (From O’Donnell DE, Parker CM. COPD exacerbations 3: pathophysiology. Thorax 2006;61:354–61;
with permission.)

higher concentrations of inspired oxygen likely re- airway inflammation [36], and numerous individ-
late to both an impairment of central hypoxic ual studies (recently summarized in a meta-analy-
drive [30,31] and a loss of hypoxic vasoconstric- sis) have demonstrated the presence of systemic
tion with consequent worsening of V/Q relation- inflammation in stable COPD [37]. Although
ships [32]. In contrast to the significance of highly variable, there is abundant evidence that
changes in other physiological indices, the pres- exacerbations also are associated with increases
ence of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure is as- in both pan-airway and systemic inflammatory
sociated with poorer outcomes at exacerbation markers [38]. The precise origins of systemic in-
[33,34] and is therefore an important prognostic flammation in COPD remain obscure, but the
variable. Even following discharge, the outlook most plausible hypothesis is of spillover from the
for patients whose exacerbation was associated lungs. In contrast to stable disease, exacerbations
with hypercapnic respiratory failure remains appear to be associated with a direct correlation
bleak. Around 80% will be admitted to hospital between the degree of airway inflammation and
again within the following year, and the overall the magnitude of the systemic acute-phase re-
mortality in this period approaches 50% [35]. sponse [38]. It is not known whether events that
primarily result in increased systemic inflamma-
tion may secondarily trigger increases in airway
inflammation and in turn COPD exacerbation.
Inflammatory changes during exacerbations
A recent paper by Perera and colleagues [16]
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
has, for the first time, described the time course
It is now well-established, indeed a defining of both airway and systemic inflammatory
characteristic [1], that COPD is associated with markers at exacerbation of COPD. Seventy-three

patients were sampled in the baseline state, at ex- which also illustrates that the causes of exacerba-
acerbation onset (before the initiation of therapy), tion are those insults that either increase airway
and again at 7, 14, and 35 days later. Significant inflammation or directly affect expiratory flow
rises in both airway and systemic inflammatory limitation.
markers were observed at exacerbation onset, Most literature focuses on micro-organisms as
and therapy (antibiotics and or corticosteroids) the causes of exacerbations. With molecular bi-
resulted in a return of concentrations to pre-exac- ological techniques, it is now possible to identify
erbation baseline levels, including an undershoot micro-organisms from airway secretions in most
below the stable baseline value for serum interleu- exacerbations, but there are numerous features of
kin (IL)-6. This is illustrated in Fig. 6. COPD that make the issue of causation more
Perera and colleagues [16] also demonstrated troublesome.
that nonrecovery of symptoms is related to a non- Numerous papers have investigated the role of
recovery of inflammatory markers (Fig. 7) and respiratory viruses in stable COPD and at exac-
that a raised CRP concentration 14 days after ex- erbation [39–41]. Rohde and colleagues [41], for
acerbation onset may be predictive of recurrent example, reported that respiratory viruses were
exacerbation within the subsequent 50 days. The detectable in either sputum or nasal lavage of
concept and significance of recurrence or cluster- 56% of patients during exacerbations, most com-
ing of exacerbations is discussed further in the monly picornaviruses (36%), influenza A (25%),
subsequent sections, but these data do suggest and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV, 22%). Vi-
that follow-up of patients 14 days following an ex- ruses also were present in 19% of samples from
acerbation with assessment of systemic inflamma- stable patients, however, and the presence of an
tory markers may help to identify those most at organism in a sample does not, of course, prove
risk of re-exacerbation and therefore those most causation. More definitive evidence that these or-
likely to benefit from preventative therapies. ganisms are indeed causative had been absent
until reports of a pilot study inducing mild exacer-
bations in COPD using experimental inoculation
Etiology: causes of exacerbation in chronic
with rhinovirus 16 [42].
obstructive pulmonary disease
Experimental infection of patients has not been
The previous discussion, describing the biology attempted with influenza or RSV, and this is not
of a COPD exacerbation, is summarized in Fig. 8, likely to be performed given the potential for

Fig. 6. Inflammatory time-course of an exacerbation: time course of airway (sputum) and systemic (serum) interleukin
(IL)-6 in 73 patients at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Serum concentrations are expressed as 10
times those measured, and sputum concentrations are 10-fold dilutions by weight of the original sputum sample. (Data
from Perera WR, Hurst JR, Wilkinson TMA, et al. Inflammatory changes, recovery, and recurrence at COPD exacer-
bation. Eur Respir J 2007;29:527–34.)

an association between those patients who had

more frequent isolation of RSV and a faster de-
cline in lung function [43].
Establishing that bacteria cause exacerbation
also is complicated by the frequent isolation of
bacteria from lower airway samples of patients
who have COPD in the stable state. This phe-
nomenon, termed lower airway bacterial coloni-
zation, is not benign, as it is associated with
increased frequency and severity of exacerbations
[45] and a more rapid decline in FEV1 [46].
Around 50% of patients whose FEV1 is 50% or
lower of that predicted have evidence of bacterial
colonization. The most commonly isolated species
include non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae,
Fig. 7. Nonrecovery of symptoms at exacerbation is as- Hs parainfluenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and
sociated with nonrecovery of the systemic inflammatory Moraxella catarrhalis. This appears to coincide
response: difference in the time trend of serum C-reactive with the development of lymphoid follicles in the
protein (CRP) concentration in patients whose symp- airway wall, and may suggest that bacterial anti-
toms had and had not recovered to baseline by day 35 gens are driving an immune response [24]. Al-
following exacerbation onset, P ¼ .03. (Modified from though the frequency at which bacterial species
Perera WR, Hurst JR, Wilkinson TMA, et al. Inflamma- are isolated from lower airway samples is higher
tory changes, recovery, and recurrence at COPD exacer-
at exacerbation [38], as is the total bacterial load
bation. Eur Respir J 2007;29:527–34; with permission.)
[38], this evidence still does not prove causa-
tion, but rather may represent a secondary
catastrophic subsequent complications. RSV is phenomenon.
particularly interesting, as some authors [43], An alternative approach to the question of
but not others [44], have found significant RSV whether bacteria cause exacerbations of COPD
isolation in stable COPD, perhaps representing has been to examine the benefit (or lack thereof)
a chronic carrier state. This would be unusual from antibiotics on exacerbation recovery. Meta-
for an RNA virus, but it may be important, given analysis has shown a small but statistically

Fig. 8. A schematic representation of the biology of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation.

significant benefit in favor of antibiotics during an organism in sputum. This finding may lead to
these events [47]. The demonstration of strain-spe- new preventative measures for exacerbation in
cific immune responses to colonizing bacterial COPD, using the analogy of topical antibiotics
species [48] provides further circumstantial evi- in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneu-
dence that the presence of bacterial species in monia [52].
the lower airways during exacerbations is not an Whether atypical organisms such as Chlamydia
epiphenomenon. and Mycoplasma species cause exacerbations re-
Work in this field has progressed recently with mains unclear [53]. The question is complicated
the development of molecular typing methods, by the frequent isolation of atypical organisms
allowing the detection of changes in bacterial in the stable state, and of copathogens in
strains, rather than species. Sethi and colleagues association with atypical organisms during
[49] prospectively studied 81 patients who had exacerbations.
COPD and performed molecular typing on the In summary, there is direct evidence that
most commonly isolated species. In 33% of visits rhinovirus can induce airway inflammation and
at which a new strain was isolated, an exacerba- exacerbations, and considerable circumstantial
tion was present. This was statistically greater evidence that exacerbations also may be caused
than the 14% of visits being exacerbations if no by bacterial species. More recently, possible in-
new strain had been identified. Clearly the situa- teractions between bacteria and viruses have been
tion is complex, however, as not all exacerbations examined. Wilkinson and colleagues [54] reported
were associated with strain change, and not all a greater systemic inflammatory response in those
strain changes resulted in exacerbation. exacerbations associated with both H influenzae
Once again, an assumption is made that the and rhinovirus isolation. Additionally, if the isola-
presence of a micro-organism results in increased tion of Haemophilus was associated with new or
airway inflammation, and this precipitates the worsening coryzal symptoms (a surrogate of viral
worsening expiratory flow limitation and symp- infection), such infections were more severe as as-
toms that characterize exacerbations. There is sessed by changes in symptoms and lung function
considerable evidence that a higher total bacterial at exacerbation onset. This has been confirmed in
load is associated with both increased sputum [38] a further study demonstrating greater lung func-
and broncho–alveolar lavage (BAL) [50] inflam- tion impairment and longer hospitalizations in ex-
mation. The authors recently reported that the acerbations associated with viral and bacterial
presence of a sputum bacterial species at exacer- coinfection [55].
bation is associated with a greater systemic in- In addition to micro-organisms, epidemiolog-
flammatory response. It is important to remark, ical studies have demonstrated a relationship
however, that associations observed between bac- between higher concentrations of atmospheric
terial carriage and airway inflammation (which pollutants and increased admissions for COPD
are also present in the stable state [51]) do not [56], suggesting that pollutants also may be capa-
prove a causal relationship fully, and it is equally ble of causing exacerbation. PM10 (particulate
plausible that the increased airway inflammation matter up to 10 mm in size), largely produced by
may result in a greater susceptibility to bacterial diesel exhaust, appears to be particularly impor-
carriage. tant, and inhalation of such particles is associated
In health, the lower airways are sterile, and to with a reduction in FEV1 in patients who have
reach the lung, a micro-organism must pass COPD [57]. It is also recognized that changes in
through the upper airway first. There is surpris- environmental temperature may provoke changes
ingly little work investigating upper airway bac- in airway caliber, and therefore may precipitate
terial colonisation in COPD, and such studies are exacerbations of airways disease [58]. It seems
difficult to interpret, because many species that likely, therefore, that exacerbations are induced
cause exacerbations are part of the normal upper either by agents such as micro-organisms or pol-
respiratory tract flora. Additionally, the coloniz- lutants that increase airway inflammation, or by
ing species of the upper airway vary greatly with physiological stimuli that directly affect expiratory
the site of sampling. A recent study [38], however, flow limitation. This is illustrated in Fig. 8, and
has examined upper and lower airway bacterial may be one explanation for the reduction in exac-
carriage at COPD exacerbation, and in no patient erbation frequency seen with drugs such as the an-
was a potentially pathogenic micro-organism ticholinergic bronchodilator tiotropium bromide
identified in nasal wash without there also being [59], which has dramatic effects on pulmonary

physiology but is not thought to have anti-inflam- [11] Bhowmik A, Seemungal TAR, Sapsford RJ, et al.
matory properties. Relation of sputum inflammatory markers to symp-
toms and lung function changes in COPD exacerba-
tions. Thorax 2000;55:114–20.
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 537–552

Systemic Inflammation and Skeletal Muscle

Dysfunction in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease: State of the Art and Novel Insights
in Regulation of Muscle Plasticity
Alexander H. Remels, MSc, Harry R. Gosker, PhD,
Jos van der Velden, BSc, Ramon C. Langen, PhD,
Annemie M. Schols, PhD*
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute, University of Maastricht,
P.O. Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to reduced strength and endurance of the muscle.
(COPD) is a chronic lung disease characterized by In turn, skeletal muscle dysfunction adversely
at least partially irreversible airway obstruction affects clinical outcome in COPD, because it is
and an abnormal chronic inflammatory response of an independent determinant of exercise limitation
the airways. Dominant symptoms are dyspnea and [4,5]. In this article we present a state-of-the-art
impaired exercise capacity. These symptoms lead to update on skeletal muscle dysfunction and sys-
progressive disability and poor health status but temic inflammation in patients who have COPD
correlate poorly with severity of local impairment and discuss the therapeutic potential of novel
in the lungs. Surprisingly, even in the most recent insights from experimental research in the regula-
international guidelines for diagnosis of COPD, tion of muscle plasticity.
staging is still based on severity of airways obstruc-
tion only. There is increasing evidence in the
literature that COPD should not be considered Characterization and causes of skeletal muscle
a localized pulmonary disorder but a systemic dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease that involves pathology in several extrap- disease
ulmonary tissues. Well-characterized systemic Skeletal muscle dysfunction in COPD is char-
features include chronic low-grade systemic in- acterized by a reduction in strength and endur-
flammation and altered regulation of protein me- ance of the muscle. Skeletal muscle strength is
tabolism, which result initially in muscle atrophy largely determined by muscle mass. Data clearly
only (commonly referred to as sarcopenia) but in indicate that atrophy of skeletal muscles is appar-
later stages also result in cachexia [1,2]. ent in COPD and that the disease selectively
Muscle atrophy is associated with increased affects the predominant glycolytic type IIA/IIX
mortality risk independent of disease staging fibers [6,7]. Loss of muscle mass is a complex pro-
based on severity of airflow obstruction [3]. Be- cess that involves changes in the control of sub-
sides muscle atrophy, it is well established that strate and protein metabolism and changes in
intrinsic abnormalities in muscle structure and muscle cell turnover. Impaired protein metabo-
metabolism are present in moderate to severe lism may result in muscle atrophy when protein
cases of COPD and that both processes contribute degradation exceeds protein synthesis. To date,
a limited number of studies have addressed pro-
* Corresponding author. tein metabolism in patients who have COPD. Us-
E-mail address: (A.M. Schols). ing stable isotope techniques, two studies have
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
538 REMELS et al

investigated muscle protein turnover in patients high-energy phosphates at rest, as indicated by

who have COPD. Morrison and colleagues [8] elevated levels of inosine monophosphate [15].
demonstrated a decreased muscle protein synthe- Muscle glycogen content in COPD also tends to
sis in underweight patients with emphysema. be lower, whereas lactate concentrations are
More recently, Rutten and colleagues [9] showed higher than in healthy persons [16,17]. These
an elevated myofibrillar protein breakdown in data indicate that anaerobic energy metabolism
cachectic patients who had COPD, whereas no is enhanced in COPD. Because this process yields
difference was seen between noncachectic patients far less ATP than complete oxidative degradation
who had COPD and healthy controls. At the cel- of glucose, a reduced energy state in COPD could
lular level, increased apoptosis of muscle cells has not only limit exercise endurance but also contrib-
been demonstrated in skeletal muscle of severely ute to a decreased work efficiency that has been re-
underweight patients who have COPD [10], al- ported during cycle exercise [18] and elevated
though this observation was not confirmed in energy expenditure in some patients [19]. We hy-
weight-stable patients who have COPD and are pothesized that uncoupling protein 3 (UCP-3),
suffering from muscle wasting [11]. This finding which uncouples oxidative phosphorylation from
could implicate different mechanisms in loss of ATP production, is implicated in the elevated en-
muscle mass in the absence or presence of weight ergy expenditure in COPD. Gosker and colleagues
loss (ie, sarcopenia versus cachexia). [20], however, demonstrated that instead of the
Reduced muscle endurance, on the other hand, expected increase in skeletal muscle UCP-3 con-
is not associated with muscle wasting but may be tent, UCP-3 protein levels were decreased in skel-
secondary to either intrinsic muscle alterations etal muscle of patients who have COPD. UCP-3
(mitochondrial abnormalities and loss of contrac- also has been postulated as an important factor
tile proteins) or alterations in the external milieu in in the defense against lipid-induced oxidative
which the muscle works (hypoxia, hypercapnia, muscle damage [21]. Markers of oxidative stress
and acidosis) that result from the abnormalities of are elevated in skeletal muscle of patients who
pulmonary gas exchange that exist in COPD. have COPD at rest and during exercise [22]. Con-
Gosker and colleagues [12] showed that in COPD sequently, impaired skeletal muscle antioxidant
there is a shift in muscle fiber type from type I defenses also have been reported [23].
(slow twitch, oxidative fibers) to type II (fast twitch
glycolytic) fibers. Type I fibers are resistant to
Characterization and sources of systemic
fatigue, whereas type II fibers are more fatigable.
inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary
A decrease in the percentage of type I fibers in the
vastus lateralis of patients who have COPD com-
pared with age-matched controls was reported By definition, COPD is a disorder character-
together with a corresponding increase in type IIx ized by reduced maximum expiratory flow and
fibers [12]. Research has shown consistently that pe- slow forced emptying of the lungs caused by
ripheral muscles of patients who have COPD are varying combinations of diseases of the airways
characterized by reduced activities of enzymes in- and emphysema. Progression of the disease is
volved in muscle oxidative metabolism as citrate associated with an intense chronic inflammation
synthase and b-hydroxyacylCoA dehydrogenase of the lungs, and the critical role of this local
[12,13]. Conversely, activities of glycolytic enzymes inflammatory process in the pathogenesis and
were found to be increased in lower limb muscle progression of COPD is generally recognized
of patients who have COPD by some studies [13]. and accepted. In addition to airway inflammation,
Because these enzyme activities depend largely on there is increasing evidence of low-grade systemic
fiber type [14], it is likely that this shift in activities inflammation in COPD. In contrast to extensive
is related to the shift in fiber distribution mentioned knowledge of the inflammatory process in the
previously. Whether enzyme activities adapt to the airways of patients who have COPD, surprisingly
fiber type or the other way around remains unclear. less is known about systemic inflammation in this
Further indication of an impaired energy disorder. Although the exact relationship between
metabolism in patients who have COPD is derived inflammation in the lung and in the systemic
from studies that measured substrate and cofactor compartment remains to be established, an inverse
concentrations in peripheral skeletal muscle of relationship has been shown between the presence
patients who have COPD. Most striking was of systemic inflammation and the mean forced
the observation of reduced concentrations of expiratory volume in 1 second in patients, which

highlights the importance of systemic inflamma- muscle cells or yet-unexplored extrapulmonary

tion in disease progression [24]. cells, including endothelium and fat tissue. Skeletal
According to a recent meta-analysis, several muscle itself is capable of constitutive and inducible
clinical studies have reported persistent systemic production of proinflammatory cytokines, such as
inflammation in COPD, as evidenced by elevated TNF-a and IL-6 [33,34]. Data on the contribution
levels of the proinflammatory cytokines tumor of extrapulmonary cells to the ongoing inflamma-
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), interleukin-6 tory process in COPD is, to date, lacking.
(IL-6), IL-8, and the soluble TNF-a receptors Several studies have shown that systemic in-
(sTNFR-55 and sTNFR-75) [25,26]. Proinflam- flammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a and IL-6, are
matory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-a have proximal markers of cachexia and selectively target
been shown to induce the formation of acute myosin protein content in skeletal muscle. High
phase reactants. One of the major acute phase levels of IL-6 have been associated with reduced
proteins, C-reactive protein, is increased in the cir- quadriceps strength and diminished exercise capac-
culation of patients who have COPD compared to ity [29], and TNF-a has been shown to be inversely
healthy controls [27]. High C-reactive protein related to muscle mass [35]. These cytokines may
levels in the circulation of patients who have cause skeletal muscle weakness without causing
COPD have been associated with reduced quadri- muscle wasting by directly compromising contrac-
ceps strength, lower maximal and submaximal ex- tile properties of the skeletal musculature. De Oca
ercise capacity, and increased mortality [28,29]. and colleagues [36] showed that TNF-a protein
The origin of the systemic inflammation in levels in skeletal muscle of patients who have
patients who have COPD remains poorly under- COPD were markedly higher compared to healthy
stood; several (independent) pathways may be control subjects. A study by Agusti and colleagues
involved. Although a relationship between lung [37] also suggested that patients who have severe
and systemic inflammation has been suggested, COPD and are suffering from weight loss are char-
evidence from available cross-sectional studies in- acterized by increased activation of the transcrip-
dicates no clear correlation between the presence of tion factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB),
inflammation in the pulmonary and systemic com- a major signaling pathway that conveys inflamma-
partments [30]. This finding suggests that the sys- tory signals, in skeletal muscle.
temic inflammatory response is not caused by an These studies indicated that the systemic in-
overflow of inflammatory mediators from the pul- flammatory process in COPD also involves the
monary compartment but is regulated differently. skeletal musculature itself. Although recent stud-
Potential nonpulmonary sources of systemic in- ies showed a clear association between C-reactive
flammatory mediators include inflammatory cells protein and impaired muscle function and exercise
in the circulation, because several studies have capacity, even after adjustment for mean forced
shown increased levels of various circulating in- expiratory volume in 1 second, it is unclear if this
flammatory cells, including neutrophils and lym- association is linked to effects on muscle mass or
phocytes, in peripheral blood of patients who caused by direct effects on muscle contractility
have COPD. The activation of peripheral blood [38]. In summary, a large body of evidence sug-
lymphocytes, which results in potentiation of cyto- gests that systemic inflammation is present in pa-
toxic and migratory responses, also has been shown tients who have COPD, and several lines of
[31]. evidence indicate a significant role of inflamma-
A second pathway involved in the process of tory mediators in disturbed regulation of muscle
systemic inflammation could be hypoxia, which is mass and muscle functional capacity. Because
often present in patients who have severe COPD. most data in this context originated from studies
Several in vitro studies have shown that hypoxia with a cross-sectional design, longitudinal studies
results in enhanced cytokine production by macro- are needed to unravel the exact role of systemic
phages, which could contribute to activation of the inflammation in the progression of COPD and
TNF-a system in COPD. Takabatake and col- the impairment of skeletal muscle function.
leagues [32] showed a significant inverse relation-
ship between arterial oxygen pressure and
Novel insights in the regulation of muscle mass
circulating levels of TNF-a and soluble TNF-R in
during muscle wasting
patients who have COPD. Alternatively, increased
levels of inflammatory mediators in the blood of Abundant evidence from in vitro research and
patients who have COPD may originate from experimental models indicates that inflammatory
540 REMELS et al

stimuli trigger weight loss and muscle atrophy concentration-dependent decrement in total mus-
[35,39–41]. Muscle loss has been documented in an- cle protein content and loss of muscle-specific
imals treated with exogenous TNF-a, in animals proteins, including fast-type myosin heavy chain
that express a TNF transgene, and in diseases that (MyHC). MyHC losses were not accompanied by
elevate endogenous TNF-a (ie, experimental sepsis a change in synthesis rate, which suggests that
or tumor implantation) [41]. Several studies also TNF-a stimulated degradation of myofibrillar
point to the importance of IL-6 in the regulation proteins rather than inhibited their synthesis
of muscle wasting [35,42]. Little information is [41,44]. Research also has demonstrated that infu-
available, however, on how elevated and circula- sion with TNF-a increased muscle proteolysis in
tory levels of inflammatory mediators, such as rats [45]. Several proteolytic systems could con-
TNF-a and IL-6, convey signaling cues that cause tribute to enhanced protein degradation in
skeletal muscle to atrophy. Upon binding to their chronic inflammatory disorders, including the
cognate receptors at the myofiber surface, proin- lysosomal pathway, the Ca2þ-dependent pathway,
flammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a and IL-1b, caspases, and the ATP-dependent ubiquitin pro-
cause activation of the transcription factor teasome pathway (UPP). Recent in vitro and ani-
NF-kB. Under basal conditions, NF-kB is present mal model–derived evidence postulates the UPP
within the cytoplasm in an inactive state, bound as the predominant pathway involved in skeletal
to its inhibitory protein IkBa. Upon stimulation muscle atrophy. In this pathway, proteins to be
with an inflammatory stimulus (eg, TNF-a) an in- degraded are tagged by at least four moieties of
tracellular signaling cascade is initiated, which re- the polypeptide ubiquitin (Ub), which are cova-
sults in the phosphorylation of IkBa by IkB lently bound at the lysine 48 residue. This process,
kinase and subsequent degradation of IkBa. Once named K48-Ub conjugation, requires the sequen-
liberated from its inhibitory protein, NF-kB trans- tial activity of a series of specific enzymes: E1,
locates into the nucleus, where it regulates tran- or Ub-activation enzyme; E2, or Ub-conjugating
scription of various inflammatory genes [43]. enzyme; and E3, or Ub-ligase. K48-polyubiquiti-
Although the intracellular signaling initiated by nated proteins are recognized and degraded by
inflammatory stimuli is certainly not limited to the 26S-proteasome complex into short peptides
NF-kB activation in skeletal muscle, recent work that are further rapidly degraded to free amino
suggests that this pathway is involved in muscle acids in the cytosol [46].
atrophy signaling. Elevated Ub gene expression and Ub conjuga-
The exact intracellular mechanisms responsible tion were reported in skeletal muscle after the
for inflammation-induced wasting of skeletal administration of TNF-a in vitro [47]. MyHC de-
muscle remain to be elucidated. At the protein pletion in response to TNF-a also occurred via an
level, an imbalance between protein synthesis and upregulation of certain components of the Ub-
protein degradation may favor muscle catabolism. proteasome pathway [48]. Several in vivo models
At the cellular level, a disturbed balance between confirm the involvement of TNF-a and the UPP
the loss and gain of nuclei in muscle fibers through in wasting of skeletal muscle mass. Increased ex-
apoptosis and myonuclear accretion, respectively, pression of muscular Ub and Ub conjugation
may contribute to loss of skeletal muscle mass. were observed in rats after injection of TNF-a
These processes are discussed in further detail [49]. Two muscle-specific Ub (E3) ligases, atro-
later in this article. Importantly, these processes gin-1/MAFbx and MuRF1, also are rate limiting
are not mutually exclusive but are likely to occur for muscle protein loss in various catabolic condi-
in parallel during muscle wasting, as has been tions. Expression of these two Ub ligases is upre-
shown for their involvement in muscle plasticity in gulated in the muscle of various animal models of
response to physiologic stimuli. inflammation-associated muscle atrophy, includ-
ing cancer, diabetes, and sepsis, whereas the mus-
cle mass of MAFbx-/- and MuRF1-/- gene
Effects of inflammation on regulation of muscle knockout animals is spared in several of these
protein turnover atrophy models [50–52].
Muscle proteins targeted for degradation by
Protein degradation
the UPP in response to inflammatory cytokines
Work using cultured murine myotubes (eg, the include MyHC and MyoD [53,54]. MyHC is
in vitro equivalents of muscle fibers) demon- a myofibrillar protein involved in muscle contrac-
strated that TNF-a directly stimulates a time- and tion, whereas MyoD is a muscle regulatory factor

essential for muscle-specific gene expression and Binding of IGF-1 to its receptor initiates a signal
muscle growth implicating a mechanism by which transduction cascade that promotes mRNA trans-
the UPP contributes to muscle atrophy, not only lation and consequently increases protein synthe-
through degradation of specific muscle proteins sis [62]. Incubation of skeletal muscle cells with
but also via the selective degradation of regulatory inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-a and
proteins. Several studies have postulated an im- IL-1b, induces IGF-1 resistance, which is charac-
portant role for NF-kB in this regulation of pro- terized by decreased protein synthesis as a result
tein degradation through the UPP during muscle of impaired signaling proximal to receptor activa-
atrophy. For instance, loss of MyHC protein in tion [63]. The exact molecular mechanism of
response to TNF-a corresponded with NF-kB ac- inflammation-induced IGF-1 resistance in skeletal
tivation in cultured myotubes, and inhibition of muscle remains to be elucidated but may involve
NF-kB activity blocked cytokine-mediated de- ceramide as an intermediate, because inhibition
creases in muscle-specific proteins [48]. TNF-a in- of de novo synthesis of this second messenger pre-
creases Ub-conjugating activity in skeletal muscle vented impaired IGF-1–induced protein synthesis
cells in vitro in an NF-kB–dependent manner [47]. by TNF-a or IL-1b [64].
It was recently established that through muscle-
specific transgenic expression of activated IkB
kinase 2, constitutive activation of NF-kB in skel- Effects of inflammation on regulation
etal muscle was sufficient to induce profound mus- of myonuclear turnover
cle atrophy. Muscle loss in this model was caused
Because of its multinucleated nature, the cyto-
by accelerated protein breakdown through Ub-de-
plasm (sarcoplasm) of a myofiber is shared by
pendent proteolysis, because expression of the E3
multiple nuclei, each of which is thought to regulate
ligase MuRF1, a mediator of muscle atrophy, was
protein expression for a defined volume of the
increased and muscle atrophy was ameliorated in
sarcoplasm (eg, the myonuclear domain). Experi-
MuRF1-deficient mice [55]. Conversely, skeletal
mental evidence indicates that the dimensions of
muscle-specific inhibition of NF-kB activation
the myonuclear domain are relatively constant,
preserved muscle tissue in various experimental
implying flexibility of the myonuclear number to
models of muscle atrophy [56], which indicated
accommodate muscle plasticity, which is accom-
that muscular NF-kB activation may be required
plished by the addition (myonuclear accretion) or
for the loss of muscle mass in certain (pathologic)
loss (by apoptosis) of myonuclei during muscle
(fiber) growth and atrophy, respectively [65]. In ad-
dition to an inequity in muscle protein synthesis
Protein synthesis and degradation, an imbalanced myonuclear turn-
over may contribute to muscle atrophy in patients
In addition to increased proteolysis, systemic
with disorders associated with chronic inflamma-
inflammation is also associated with decreased
tion. The effects of inflammatory mediators on cel-
protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is impaired in
lular mechanisms that regulate apoptosis and
muscles of animals subjected to experimental
myonuclear accretion are described herein.
sepsis [57], and this response seems to involve sys-
temic inflammation, because TNF-a and IL-1b
antagonists have been reported to improve muscle
protein balance in septic rats by preventing de- Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is an
creased synthesis rates [58,59]. Conversely, admin- important process in multicellular organisms dur-
istration of TNF-a or IL-1b reduced synthesis of ing development but also in postnatal tissue
the major muscle proteins in rats [59,60]. Muscle homeostasis. Apoptosis can be initiated by ligand
protein synthesis is under positive control of insu- binding to so-called ‘‘death receptors’’ (which
lin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling. De- include Fas and members of the TNF receptor
creased circulating IGF-1 levels have been family) or by the release of apoptosis-inducing
reported in response to sepsis and IGF-1 resis- factors from mitochondria [66]. Subsequently,
tance of skeletal muscle exposed to inflammatory protein-cleaving enzymes (caspases) and endonu-
cytokines [61]. Skeletal muscle production of cleases are activated, which results in the
IGF-1, which stimulates protein synthesis and degradation of regulatory proteins and DNA
suppresses degradation in an autocrine fashion, fragmentation, respectively. In mononuclear cells,
is reduced by inflammatory mediators [61]. this process ultimately culminates in the
542 REMELS et al

formation of apoptotic bodies that are cleared by muscle differentiation and myoblast fusion
macrophages. Because of the multinucleated na- [75,77]. Inhibition of myogenesis by TNF-a re-
ture of myofibers, however, the elimination of quires activation of NF-kB and involves repres-
one myonucleus by apoptosis is not necessarily sion of MyoD synthesis and protein stability
followed by the destruction of the entire myofiber, [78]. MyoD is a master regulator of myogenesis,
and this process is referred to as apoptotic nuclear which explains the inability of myoblasts to ex-
death. As a consequence, the mechanisms in- press muscle-specific gene transcripts or form mul-
volved in apoptosis signaling in skeletal muscle tinucleated myotubes in the presence of these
are likely distinct from mononucleated cells. proinflammatory cytokines. Recent evidence also
DNA fragmentation that suggests apoptosis has showed that TNF-a could inhibit myogenesis
been reported in skeletal muscle of septic rats, through the activation of caspases [79]. In a model
which was prevented by administration of a TNF-a of chronic pulmonary (and systemic) inflamma-
antagonist, which suggests that TNF-a may tion, impaired muscle differentiation and regener-
trigger apoptotic events in skeletal muscle during ation was observed during muscle regrowth after
inflammatory conditions [67]. This notion is fur- atrophy [35]. These data indicated that inflamma-
ther supported by experiments in cultured myo- tory signaling may impair muscle differentiation
blasts and myotubes, which revealed DNA and myonuclear accretion, thereby compromising
fragmentation after chronic exposure to TNF-a the ability of the muscle to recover after injury or
[68], although differentiated myofibers seem to be atrophy and contributing to the loss of muscle
more resistant to TNF-a–induced apoptosis than mass observed in several inflammatory conditions.
undifferentiated myoblasts [41]. Myoblasts ex- To conclude, the effects of inflammation on the
posed to TNF-a show procaspase-8 cleavage [69], regulation of muscle mass may favor muscle
whereas TNF-a–induced apoptosis in skeletal mus- atrophy as a result of imbalances in protein
cle of patients who have COPD may be mediated by turnover and myonuclear turnover and likely
upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase in involve enhanced myofibrillar protein degradation
myofibers [37]. Caspase-3 activation was reported and/or reduced protein synthesis and activation of
to contribute to myofibrillar protein degradation apoptotic mechanisms and/or impaired myonu-
in catabolic conditions [70] and was associated clear accretion. These processes are summarized
with muscle weakness in sepsis [71]. In chronic heart in Fig. 1.
failure, circulatory levels of TNF-a are increased,
which is paralleled by a rise in the number of apo- Novel insights in the regulation of fiber type
ptotic nuclei in the soleus and tibialis anterior mus- and muscle oxidative phenotype
cles [72]. Despite these recent studies suggesting
One of the most prominent features of skeletal
a role of TNF-a and other inducers and mediators
muscle is its high level of plasticity. Physical
of apoptotic signaling in skeletal muscle atrophy,
activity level, nutritional status, and the presence
the relevance of these pathways in myofibers re-
and/or absence of disease are important factors
mains to be established because of their multinucle-
determining muscle mass, fiber type composition,
ated nature and potential cell death–unrelated
and oxidative capacity. The muscle senses these
factors as mechanical, metabolic, neuronal, or
hormonal stimuli that lead to intracellular signal-
Myonuclear accretion and muscle regeneration ing cascades that switch on or off specific gene
expression profiles (Fig. 2). In the following sec-
During conditions such as muscle growth,
tion, some of the major key regulators of muscle
recovery from atrophy, and muscle regeneration
fiber type and oxidative phenotype are discussed.
after damage, myonuclear accretion is increased,
A shift in muscle fiber type from type I (slow
which requires activation of local muscle pre-
twitch, oxidative, fatigue resistant) to type II
cursor cells, called satellite cells [65,73]. Upon ac-
(fast twitch, glycolytic, fatigue prone) fibers has
tivation, these cells proliferate to form a pool of
been noted in muscle of patients who have
myoblasts, which differentiate to fuse with exist-
COPD [20].
ing myofibers or form new myofibers, processes
that are essential for efficient muscle growth, re-
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
growth, and regeneration [74]. Several groups
have demonstrated that TNF-a [40,75] and the re- In the past decade, peroxisome proliferator-
lated ligand TWEAK [76] as well as IL-1b inhibit activated receptors (PPARs) have emerged as

Fig. 1. Schematic overview of the effects of inflammation on regulation of skeletal muscle mass by protein- and myonuclear
turnover. Growth factors and cytokines that exert receptor-mediated effects (inverted triangles) are shown as diamonds, in-
tracellular mediators/signaling proteins are displayed as ovals, and intracellular processes are in plain text. Arrows indicate
activation, whereas blunted arrows indicate inhibition. IGF-1, insulin growth factor 1; IL-1, interleukin 1; MuRF1, muscle
ring finger-1; NF-kB, nuclear factor kappa B; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; UPP, ubiquitin proteasome pathway.

positive regulators of skeletal muscle oxidative expression of known PPAR-a target genes was
phenotype [80,81]. There are three PPAR iso- negatively affected by its absence. Skeletal muscle
types: PPAR-a, PPAR-d, and PPAR-g, with the also expresses high levels of PPAR-d. Activation
latter having a low expression in skeletal muscle of the PPAR-d subtype increases fatty acid
and being implicated in storage of fatty acids. b-oxidation and mRNA levels of several classical
On the other hand, the PPAR-a and PPAR-d iso- PPAR-a target genes in rodent and human
types are highly expressed in skeletal muscle and skeletal muscle cells, and PPAR-d protein, like
play a role in the transcriptional control of genes PPAR-a protein, is induced in skeletal muscle
that encode mitochondrial fatty acid b-oxidation after exercise [86]. These results indicate that in
enzymes [80,81]. Many muscle genes that promote addition to PPAR-a, PPAR-d also plays an im-
selective use of lipid substrates are upregulated by portant role in mediating lipid-induced regulation
in vivo administration of PPAR-a activators. It of oxidative pathways in skeletal muscle. Because
has been shown that skeletal muscle PPAR-a pro- PPAR-d is the predominant subtype in skeletal
tein content is increased by exercise training and is muscle and because isolated rat muscle is more
induced during myocyte differentiation, coinci- sensitive to a PPAR-d– than a PPAR-a–specific
dent with an increased oxidative capacity [82,83]. agonist, a more prominent role for PPAR-d in
PPAR-a also regulates fatty acid use and expres- regulating skeletal muscle oxidative capacity has
sion of several genes involved in fatty acid b-oxi- been suggested [87]. Targeted overexpression of
dation [84]. Based on these results, one would PPAR-d or a constitutively active form of
expect that PPAR-a deficiency results in low rates PPAR-d in mouse skeletal muscle results in
of b-oxidation in skeletal muscle [85]. a greater number of type I oxidative fibers in var-
Inconsistent with this hypothesis, however, ious muscles. This remodeling was caused by
skeletal muscles from PPAR-a knock-out mice hyperplasia or conversion of fibers to a more oxi-
exhibited only minor changes in fatty acid ho- dative phenotype, similar to what is observed in
meostasis, and neither constitutive nor inducible endurance training [88].
544 REMELS et al

Fig. 2. Schematic overview of muscle oxidative phenotype regulation. Depending on the nature of the stimuli, specific
transcriptional pathways are switched on. Arrows indicate activation, whereas blunted arrows indicate inhibition.
Dashed arrows indicate less established relationships. FA, fatty acids; CnA, calcineurin; CaMK, calcium/calmodulin-
dependent kinases; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; HIF-1a, hypoxia-inducible factor-1a; PPAR, peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor; PGC-1, PPAR-g coactivator-1; mtTFA, mitochondrial transcriptional factor A.

These histologic observations were confirmed is not only a coactivator of PPAR-g. PGC-1a is
by the finding that muscle-specific PPAR-d over- described most in the context of mitochondrial
expression led to an increase of oxidative enzymes, biogenesis, but it is likely that PGC1-b is also
such as citrate synthase and b-hydroxyacylCoA somehow involved in the regulation of mitochon-
dehydrogenase. Conversely, activities of glycolytic drial function [90]. PGC-1 overexpressing muscle
enzymes remained unchanged [88]. These observa- cells showed increased mitochondrial respiration,
tions were accompanied by the finding that trans- upregulation of genes involved in oxidative phos-
genic mice with a constitutively activated form of phorylation, and increased mitochondrial DNA
PPAR-d in skeletal muscle were capable of running content, all of which indicated enhanced mito-
nearly twice as long as their wild-type littermates chondrial biogenesis [91]. Two key transcription
without any physical training, which gave func- factors in the regulation of mitochondrial func-
tional meaning to these observations. Together, tiondthe nuclear respiratory factor-1 and the
these data strongly support a key role of PPAR-a mitochondrial transcription factor Adwere tran-
and PPAR-d in the regulation of fatty acid oxida- scriptionally upregulated by PGC-1. Nuclear re-
tion in skeletal muscle and in the adaptive response spiratory factor-1 coordinates the transcription
of this tissue to lipid catabolism [89]. of genes involved in the electron transport chain
and that of mitochondrial transcription factor A,
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g
which migrates to the mitochondria and initiates
transcription of mitochondrial-encoded genes [92].
Probably the master regulator of oxidative In transgenic mice that overexpress PGC-1a in
phenotype is the peroxisome proliferator-acti- the skeletal muscles, a clear fiber type II / I
vated receptor-g coactivator-1 (PGC-1a). Its (fast-to-slow) shift was observed, associated
name is misleading in two ways: it is not just with increased mitochondrial gene expression
some coactivator secondary to the PPARs, and it [93].

Calcineurin subunits that become sequentially autophosphory-

lated the longer CaMKII is bound to calmodulin-
An illustrative study for a role of calcineurin in
Ca2þ, subsequently associated with an increasing
muscle phenotype is that of Talmadge and col-
transcriptional activity of CaMKII. Like calci-
leagues [94], which showed that in transgenic mice
neurin, CaMKII seems to be able to decode stim-
with muscle-specific overexpression of an active
ulation frequencies [97].
form of calcineurin, the result was a fast-to-slow
fiber type shift. Similar results were observed in AMP-activated protein kinase
cultured skeletal myotubes, in which transcription
of the slow fiber-specific genes troponin I slow and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) plays
myoglobin was stimulated by overexpression of a critical role in regulating energy metabolism in
active calcineurin. Conversely, administration of situations of critical energy demands (eg, as
cyclosporin A, a calcineurin antagonist, induced a consequence of exercise) [99,100]. Contraction-
a slow-to-fast fiber type shift in rat muscles [95]. induced AMPK activity is highest in red muscles,
Calcium (Ca2þ) plays an important role in the ex- which are largely composed of slow (type I) fibers,
citation-relaxation of muscle fibers upon neural compared to white muscle, which contains mostly
activation but also in the regulation of gene ex- fast (type II) fibers [101]. Acutely, low-energy sta-
pression. The calcineurin-calmodulin complex is tus (ie, increased AMP/ATP ratio) activates
activated by binding to Ca2þ and activates the AMPK, which in turn inhibits ATP-consuming
nuclear factor of activated T cells, which then processes and activates substrate metabolism to
translocates to the nucleus and switches on slow restore ATP levels. AMPK is also involved in
fiber-specific promoters. It is possible that this is chronic adaptations through regulation of gene
mediated through PGC-1a [96]. This process pref- expression. However, a broad range of genes in-
erentially occurs with low frequency or tonic mo- volved in energy metabolism have been shown
tor nerve activity (typical for slow fibers), which is to be controlled by AMPK, most of which are in-
associated with a sarcolemmal Ca2þ-influx volved in oxidative metabolism, such as compo-
([Ca2þ]i) of low concentration but of sufficient nents of the Krebs cycle and fatty acid oxidation
duration. In contrast, the calcineurin-nuclear fac- [99]. It has been demonstrated that chronic energy
tor of activated T cells pathway is insensitive to deprivation enhances AMPK-dependent mito-
shorter high-amplitude [Ca2þ]i evoked by high chondrial biogenesis associated with increased
frequency motor nerve activity (typical for fast protein levels of CaMKIV and PGC-1a [102],
fibers). It is postulated that calcineurin plays an which play an important role in muscle oxidative
important role in the translation of motor nerve phenotype.
activity patterns into the expression profiles of
muscle fiber type–specific genes [95]. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) medi-
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases
ates numerous adaptations of tissue to hypoxia.
Other pathways by which Ca2þ influences mus- Intramuscular partial pressure of oxygen drops
cle oxidative phenotype are that of the calcium/ during exercise, and increased HIF-1a protein
calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaMKs): CaMKII levels have been reported in muscle from healthy
and CaMKIV [97]. CaMKIV, when bound to humans after exercise [103]. Likewise, it is possible
calmodulin-Ca2þ, is phosphorylated by CaMK ki- that this also occurs as a consequence of reduced
nase and becomes transcriptionally active. Trans- oxygen supply in diseases such as COPD and
genic mice that overexpress CaMKIV in skeletal chronic heart failure. During normoxia, HIF-1a
muscles showed increased proportions of slow fi- is hydroxylated at two proline residues by
bers and enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis [98]. prolyl-hydroxylases, which promote binding of
In these mice, the increase in mitochondrial con- von Hippel-Lindau protein and target HIF-1a to
tent was associated with PGC-1, which suggested degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome path-
that CaMKIV regulates oxidative phenotype way. When oxygen is limited, the prolyl-hydroxy-
through PGC-1. Cultured myocytes that overex- lases are inhibited, and HIF-1a becomes
press CaMKIV showed enhanced PGC-1 reporter stabilized, migrates to the nucleus, dimerizes
gene expression [96]. CaMKII also has been sug- with HIF-1b, and induces transcription of its tar-
gested to be involved in the regulation of mito- get genes [104]. With respect to metabolic profiles,
chondrial biogenesis [97]. It consists of 12 these target genes are mainly genes involved in
546 REMELS et al

glycolytic metabolism, and HIF-1a should be re- have COPD. Resistance exercise [112] and a com-
garded as a negative mediator of oxidative capac- bined strength and endurance exercise approach
ity [105]. Exposure to hypoxia often induces [113] resulted in gain of muscle mass. Anabolic ste-
a shift toward glycolytic metabolism away from roids, testosterone, growth hormone, and growth
oxidative metabolism [106]. Whether HIF-1a di- hormone–releasing factor also showed a variable
rectly downregulates enzymes involved in oxida- but overall positive response on muscle mass
tive metabolism is less obvious, although data [114–116]. These studies illustrated that stimulation
from muscle-specific HIF-1a knock-out mice do of protein synthesis is a feasible therapeutic strat-
support this notion. Recent data also show that egy. No data are available yet regarding the
the expression of PPARs is inhibited by HIF-1a effects of these interventions on muscle IGF-1,
[107]. HIF-1a directly controls muscle oxidative mechano growth factor-1 levels, and downstream
phenotype through regulation of the glycolytic markers of IGF-1 signaling in COPD. The thera-
genes and possibly indirectly influences oxidative peutic potential of IGF-1 has been reflected mainly
phenotype via PPAR-dependent pathways. by experimental studies in cultured cells and ani-
It is plausible that all of these regulators are to mals, in which stimulation of muscle growth and
some degree involved in the loss of muscle prevention of aging- or disease-associated muscle
oxidative phenotype in COPD. Systemic inflam- loss have been well documented. Recent insights re-
mation, a hallmark of COPD, may affect muscle veal that two distinct cellular processes are involved
oxidative phenotype by downregulation of the in postnatal muscle (re)growth: myofiber hypertro-
PPARs. It has been shown that a bidirectional phy and muscle regeneration. As a result, the effect
antagonism between the PPAR and NF-kB sig- of IGF-1 depends on which of these processes par-
naling pathway exists. Several studies indepen- ticipates in the growth response, because IGF-1 sig-
dently reported that TNF-a and other naling differs between muscle cells involved in
proinflammatory cytokines under transcriptional myofiber hypertrophy and muscle regeneration.
control of NF-kB (eg, IL-6)din vitro and in Basal IGF-1/insulin signaling is also required for
vivodexert a downregulating effect on the ex- the maintenance of muscle mass by suppression of
pression of PPAR mRNAs and have an inhibitory muscle degradation pathways. It is essential to dis-
effect on the transcriptional activity of PPAR sect IGF-1 signal transduction in maintenance of
proteins [108–110]. Remels and colleagues [111] muscle mass and muscle growth responses involv-
recently demonstrated reduced PPAR levels that ing myofiber hypertrophy and regeneration (during
correlated negatively with TNF-a levels in the cir- the stable clinical state and recovery from acute
culation in skeletal muscle of patients who have exacerbations) to identify regulatory molecules as
COPD. The reduced daily physical activity pat- putative candidates for specific pharmacologic
terns of these patients imply reduced muscular modulation of muscle growth and atrophy.
activity, especially endurance related, which could Another yet relatively unexplored possibility for
attenuate the expression of oxidative genes inducing or enhancing muscle weight gain is by
through the Ca2þ-dependent calcineurin and nutritional modulation of protein synthesis. Opti-
CaMK pathways or via downregulation of the mizing protein intake may stimulate protein syn-
PPARs [86]. In patients who have COPD, partic- thesis per se but also may enhance efficacy of
ularly persons who suffer from severe hypoxemia, anabolic drugs and physiologic stimuli, such as
local hypoxia could cause a shift away from oxi- resistance exercise. It has been shown in under-
dative metabolism through stabilization of HIF- weight patients who have COPD that exercise
1a. Further investigation is needed to understand training without nutritional rehabilitation is in-
more fully the spectrum of processes that regulate sufficient to increase weight loss and muscle mass
fiber type shift and loss of muscle oxidative capac- [117]. Amino acids are the building blocks of pro-
ity in skeletal muscle of patients who have COPD. tein, and several studies have to date reported an
abnormal plasma amino acid pattern in COPD.
Of interest are the consistently reduced plasma
Therapeutic implications levels of branched chain amino acids in under-
weight patients who have COPD and in patients
Modulation of muscle atrophy
with low muscle mass [9]. In particular, leucine is
Several studies have investigated the effects of an interesting nutritional substrate because it not
exercise training and pharmacologic anabolic stim- only serves as precursor but also activates signaling
uli to promote protein synthesis in patients who pathways that enhance activity and synthesis of

proteins involved in mRNA translocation to upre- no increase in hydroxyacylCoA dehydrogenase

gulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscle [118]. activity, whereas lipid peroxidation levels were un-
The anabolic response after tailored rehabili- altered [125]. The nature of this response complies
tation and pharmacologic stimulation is, however, with the hypothesis that UCP-3 may protect
soon reversed when the anabolic stimulus is against lipotoxicity (possibly induced or aggra-
terminated. Some patients who have COPD do vated by oxidative stress) and that antioxidant
not respond at all [119]. Muscle wasting in COPD modulation or fatty acid modulation may posi-
may be the result of a perpetuating systemic tively affect these processes. This may be useful
inflammatory response, because studies in experi- in pulmonary and systemic circumstances that
mental models have demonstrated cachexia- limit high-intensity exercise, such as severe respi-
inducing effects of proinflammatory cytokines, ratory impairment or cachexia.
such as TNF-a, IL-1, and IL-6. Cross-sectional A recent report provided evidence for electron
studies provide evidence for inflammation as transport chain dysfunction of mitochondria in
a trigger of muscle atrophy, and systemic inflam- cachectic patients who have COPD and were
mation seemed to discriminate patients with otherwise characterized by low UCP-3 mRNA
a poor therapeutic response to a standardized expression and abnormal adaptations of skeletal
and controlled clinical rehabilitation program muscle redox status after exercise training
from so-called ‘‘responders’’ [120]. Because in- [22,126]. A recent randomized clinical trial of
creased levels of multiple inflammatory mediators patients who have COPD participating in a pul-
have been reported in COPD, further work is monary rehabilitation program showed that poly-
needed to determine which of these mediators unsaturated fatty acids markedly enhanced
should be targeted to prevent muscle atrophy in exercise capacity compared to placebo [127].
patients who have COPD. These positive effects also could be explained by
From a therapeutic perspective, it would the- modulating effects on PPAR content and activity
oretically be more effective to modulate muscle in skeletal muscle, because polyunsaturated fatty
metabolism at a level at which many of these acids are natural ligands of the PPARs. Impor-
stimuli converge (ie, activation of NF-kB in tantly, there is experimental evidence that PPARs
skeletal muscle itself). Evidence to support such also can exert anti-inflammatory effects in airways
a strategy is provided by several recent studies and muscle cells, thereby not limiting their prom-
that revealed that NF-kB activation in skeletal ising beneficial effects on the pathogenesis
muscle is required for the induction of muscle loss of COPD to the extrapulmonary manifestations
by several atrophy stimuli [55,56,121], and induc- of the disease but expanding them to the level of
tion of NF-kB specifically in skeletal muscle is the primary organ dysfunction [128,129].
sufficient to induce atrophy [55]. Importantly, in-
activation of muscular NF-kB was also docu-
mented to stimulate muscle differentiation Summary
[55,75,122], promote muscle regeneration, and in- Efficacy of known interventions to modulate
crease muscle strength [121]. Alternatively, strate- skeletal muscle function, together with novel
gies to increase local IGF-1 also may exert insights in the regulation of muscle mass and
inflammatory signaling-suppressive effects [123]. muscle metabolism as summarized in this article,
This strategy would positively modulate muscle provides increasing evidence of the need for
mass by overcoming the suppressive effects of in- therapeutic strategies to improve skeletal muscle
flammation on muscle regeneration and stimula- oxidative capacity and muscle protein synthesis
tion of muscle growth via IGF-1 signaling. and regulate systemic inflammation and oxidative
stress, which are strongly associated with skeletal
Regulation of muscle metabolism muscle atrophy and dysfunction in COPD and
other chronic disorders.
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 553–557

Other Systemic Manifestations of Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Andrew C. Stone, MD, MPHa, Linda Nici, MDb,c,*
Providence, RI, USA
Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI, USA
Pulmonary and Critical Care Section, Providence Veterans Administration Medical Center,
830 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence, RI 02908, USA

Clinically relevant systemic effects of chronic COPD and increase further with exacerbations
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) include [2]. Increased inflammatory cytokines and C-reac-
skeletal muscle, cardiovascular, neurologic, psy- tive protein (CRP) also are associated with skeletal
chiatric, and endocrine system dysfunction. Syste- muscle dysfunction, heart disease, and atheroscle-
mic inflammation and skeletal muscle dysfunction rosis in patients who have COPD [1,2].
in COPD are discussed in detail in the article by There is increased oxidant stress in the lungs of
Remels and colleagues elsewhere in this issue. This patients who have COPD as compared with
article focuses on other systemic manifestations of healthy nonsmokers. This is demonstrated by
COPD. Recognition and understanding of these measuring hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide
extrapulmonary effects of COPD will point to ad- levels in BAL fluid and exhaled breath condensate
ditional areas for intervention, which should lead [3]. These increases in oxidative burden are hy-
to improved functional status, performance, and pothesized as responsible for many of the systemic
enhanced quality of life for these patients. effects of COPD, including changes in fibrinolysis
[6], which may contribute to atherosclerosis.
Inflammatory markers Acute phase proteins, such as CRP and fibrino-
gen, are elevated in smokers [6], and increased
A large body of evidence now suggests the
plasma fibrinogen levels in smokers are associated
presence of systemic inflammation in COPD. There
with decreased lung function and increased risk
are many studies and reviews in the literature
for COPD [7]. Fibrinogen and IL-6 are elevated
evaluating increased levels of inflammatory cyto-
in patients who have stable COPD and rise with
kines, acute phase proteins, and markers of oxidant
exacerbations [8]. Because CRP and fibrinogen
stress in patients who have COPD [1–5]. Increases
are implicated in heart disease and atherosclerosis,
in inflammatory cytokines are documented in
it is postulated that reducing the number of
sputum, exhaled breath condensate, bronchoal-
COPD exacerbations might decrease these acute
veolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and plasma in patients
phase protein levels and, thus, reduce the risk
who have COPD. They include tumor necrosis
for coronary artery disease. The association be-
factor a (TNF-a), transforming growth factor-
tween COPD and cardiovascular disease is dis-
beta, interferon-g, and interleukins (ILs) 6 and 8
cussed later.
[1]. Many of these inflammatory markers are
elevated in patients who have clinically stable Cardiovascular disease

* Corresponding author. Pulmonary and Critical

The previous section introduced the concept
Care Section, Providence Veterans Administration Med- that systemic inflammation occurs in COPD and
ical Center, 830 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence, RI may play a role in its pathogenesis. These in-
02908. flammatory processes also may lead to cardiovas-
E-mail address: (L. Nici). cular pathology and dysfunction. Additionally,
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

structural changes in the chest wall and lungs may simplistic, however. Some controversy exists as
affect cardiac performance independent of the to whether or not high pulmonary artery pressures
systemic inflammatory response. In this section, result in lower extremity edema, as some patients
cardiovascular dysfunction and pathology are who have lower extremity edema have normal
discussed in relation to COPD. resting right atrial pressures. Naejie [20] suggests
The cardiovascular system is affected by that pulmonary vascular resistance with exercise
COPD in several ways, the most important being or possibly nocturnal desaturation can explain
an increase in right ventricular afterload due to this apparent paradox. Further work is needed
elevated pulmonary vascular resistance from di- to understand the pathogenesis of right heart fail-
rect vascular injury or destruction of the vascular ure in patients who have COPD.
bed [9,10], hypoxic vasoconstriction [11], or in- In epidemiologic studies, atherosclerosis and
creases in effective pulmonary vascular resistance coronary artery disease are associated with decline
resulting from erythrocytosis [12]. The overloaded in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)
right ventricle in turn leads to right ventricular even when corrected for smoking and other estab-
hypertrophy, which, if severe or left untreated, lished cardiovascular risk factors. Decreased
may result in right ventricular failure [13]. Left FEV1 also is shown to be an independent predic-
ventricular (LV) filling also may be compromised tor of cardiac death in patients who have COPD.
through septal shifts. This, in turn, can reduce the In a careful review of the topic, Sin and Man con-
heart’s ability to meet exercise demands [14]. Air cluded the increased risk for cardiovascular death
trapping, with resultant hyperinflation, and the was 75% greater for patients who had an FEV1 in
consequent rise in right atrial pressure may com- the lowest quintile as compared with the highest
promise cardiac function further [15]. [21]. They did note heterogeneity in many of these
Although pulmonary hypertension is known to population-based studies despite controlling for
be associated with the factors discussed previously, established risk factors, such as cigarette smoking,
structural changes in pulmonary arteries also are cholesterol level, and hypertension. There are at
seen early in COPD, before the onset of hypoxemia least four additional studies that have looked at
[16,17]. These findings suggest that hypoxemia may this association and all corrected for smoking sta-
not be the sole cause of structural alterations in the tus and other risk factors [22–25]. In the Lung
vascular bed or increased pulmonary artery pres- Health Study [26], Anthonisen and coworkers
sure. In one cross-sectional study of patients who noted that for every decrease in FEV1 by 10%,
had COPD and pulmonary hypertension (most cardiovascular death increased by 28% and hospi-
neither were hypoxemic nor on supplemental talizations for cardiovascular causes increased by
oxygen), blood levels of TNF-a and CRP were 42%. Hospitalizations for lower respiratory tract
independent predictors of systolic pulmonary infection were one third those of cardiac admis-
artery pressure [18]. These investigators suggest sions. Thus, there seems to be a relationship be-
a pathogenic role of systemic inflammation in pul- tween loss of lung function and risk for cardiac
monary hypertension associated with COPD. death. The mechanisms underlying this associa-
Right ventricular dysfunction also is noted in tion are as yet unknown.
patients who have COPD and who have normal Thrombosis may be influenced by inflamma-
oxygenation or mild hypoxemia and normal tory and coagulation cascade interactions [6,27].
pulmonary artery pressures. Vonk-Noordegraaf This may be an explanation for the increased inci-
and colleagues [19] noted concentric right ventric- dence of myocardial infarction in patients who
ular hypertrophy in patients who had COPD com- have COPD and the increased incidence of venous
pared with controls. The investigators concluded thromboembolic disease [6,27].
that changes in the right ventricle happen early LV diastolic dysfunction increasingly is recog-
in COPD and may be the result of nocturnal hyp- nized as having as poor a prognosis as systolic
oxemia or increased pulmonary arterial pressures dysfunction in patients who have clinical conges-
during exercise. Another possible mechanism for tive heart failure [28,29]. Population studies show
these findings could be cardiac structural changes equally poor survival regardless of ejection frac-
secondary to inflammatory mediators, but this has tion. COPD is seen more commonly in patients
not been studied to date. who have diastolic dysfunction than in patients
The progression of pulmonary hypertension is who have systolic dysfunction, despite similar
believed to lead to the clinical syndrome of right risk factors. The association of COPD with LV
heart failure [20]. This hypothesis may prove too diastolic dysfunction is ascribed to the concept

of ventricular dependency and pericardial con- in COPD suggest earlier onset of smoking in de-
straint. As right-sided pressures increase, left- pressed adolescents, hypoxia-induced neuronal
sided filling is impeded [20], resulting in decreased damage, and repeated reactive depression from
LV end-diastolic volumes. As stroke volume and losses associated with exacerbations, such as loss
cardiac output decreases, the clinical syndrome of functional status/independence and decreased
of left heart failure ensues. It remains to be seen self-perception [37]. Depression and anxiety in ad-
whether or not this finding is simply a manifesta- olescents are linked with increased amount and
tion of COPD severity or another pathogenic as- earlier onset of smoking [44]. Smoking initiation
sociation, such as systemic inflammation. at a young age is associated with more difficulty
Hyperinflation and alterations in intrathoracic in quitting later in life and earlier onset of smok-
pressures also may impede LV filling by way of ing-related lung disease.
either increasing pulmonary vascular resistance Pharmacologic antidepressant therapy is not
and right-sided pressures or by increasing LV shown clearly beneficial in this patient population
afterload causing decreases in left-sided cardiac [38]. Some improvement of symptoms and quality
output [30]. Hyperinflated lungs also compress of life scores occurs, however, with behavioral
the heart and may decrease LV filling, causing therapy [39]. Large well-designed studies are needed
diastolic dysfunction by way of decreasing end- to develop treatment modalities that further ad-
diastolic LV stroke volume. It is unknown if dress depression in patients who have COPD.
therapies designed to improve hyperinflation also Disordered sleep is common in COPD. Mech-
can improve LV performance. anisms underlying nonapneic oxygen desaturation
Improvement of clinical outcomes among during sleep include decreased functional residual
patients who have COPD may depend on the capacity, diminished ventilatory responses to
results of future studies that focus on this interac- hypoxia and hypercapnia, and impaired respira-
tion between the cardiovascular system and COPD. tory mechanical effectiveness. Additionally, di-
Optimization of programs that improve exercise minished arousal responses, respiratory muscle
tolerance and quality of life for COPD patients will fatigue, diminished nonchemical respiratory drive,
require increased understanding and awareness and increased upper airway resistance also may
of the overlap between limitations in pulmonary play a role in sleep interruption [40].
function and limitations in cardiac performance. In addition to poor sleep from hypoxemia,
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is seen in asso-
ciation with COPD and is termed ‘‘overlap
Neurocognitive and psychiatric effects
syndrome.’’ It is estimated that 10% to 15% of
Disordered sleep, anxiety, depression, and patients who have COPD also have OSA [41]. The
cognitive decline all are associated with COPD combination of OSA and COPD is shown to have
[31–43]. In turn, these problems are associated an even more profound affect on patients’ oxygen-
with decreased quality of life [31], increased hospi- ation, gas exchange, and breathing patterns than
talizations [32], and earlier mortality [33]. The pre- either disease alone. Identification of patients
vailing theory suggests hypoxia as the central who have overlap syndrome is important because
feature in these complications of COPD [31,36]. their 5-year survival is lower than that of patients
There is one small study suggesting cognitive de- who have OSA alone and there may be an in-
cline can occur in the absence of hypoxemia or creased risk for pulmonary hypertension and right
with mild disease [34]; however, a larger earlier heart failure in these patients [41,42].
study found the opposite to be true [35]. A study Insomnia in COPD also has been reviewed. It
of 10 patients who had COPD given long-term is believed that more than 50% of COPD patients
oxygen therapy showed improvements in neuro- have sleep complaints characterized by longer
cognitive function; however, the results did not latency falling asleep, more frequent awakenings,
reach statistical significance [36]. Further studies or generalized insomnia. Sleep disturbances tend
are needed to characterize the pathogenesis of to be more severe with advancing disease and
cognitive decline in COPD better. contribute to decreased quality of life [43].
Depression and anxiety are seen more com-
monly in patients who have COPD than in
healthy age-matched controls and in patients
who have other chronic diseases [44]. Theories of Although osteoporosis is a well-known conse-
increased prevalence of depression and anxiety quence of oral glucocorticoid therapy [45], it also

is seen in patients taking inhaled steroids and may [2] van Eeden SF, Yeung A, Quinlam K, et al. Systemic
be more prevalent in those who have had minimal response to ambient particulate matter: relevance to
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ing osteoporosis/osteopenia in 69% of patients pulmonary function and increased risk of chronic
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in 89% of patients who had FEV1 less than 50% Care Med 2001;164(6):1008–11.
compared with 45% of controls. In a Veterans [8] Wedzicha JA, Seemungal TA, MacCallum PK, et al.
Administration study, McEvoy and colleagues Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmon-
reported vertebral compression fractures in 63% ary disease are accompanied by elevations of plasma
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COPD who had never received steroids [48]. [10] Santos S, Peinado VI, Ramirez J, et al. Characteriza-
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 559–573

Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Respiratory

and Other Health Effects
Jane Z. Reardon, MSN, RN
Departments of Medicine and Nursing, Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, CT 06102, USA

In general, people are better informed about Although there is a large body of evidence on
the risks of active smoking than the dangers of the health effects of chronic exposure to ETS,
environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). As more there also is growing evidence regarding its short-
information is gathered, however, it has become term or immediate effects. For example, it has
clear that the dangers of ETS are undeniable. been shown that even very brief exposures to ETS
There is no safe level of exposure to ETS. In the can trigger intense bronchopulmonary responses
2006 Surgeon General’s report on secondhand that could be life threatening for infants, children,
smoke, Dr. Richard H. Carmona declared, ‘‘the or adults who have asthma or highly sensitive
debate is over.’’ The data reported since the respiratory systems. Some scientists, however,
landmark 1986 Surgeon General’s report on warn that the data on acute risks should be
the health hazards of secondhand smoke docu- disseminated with caution so that media coverage
ments beyond any doubt that second hand smoke does not distort the evidence and convince the
harms people’s health. Millions of Americans still public prematurely that brief, transient exposure
are exposed to ETS in their homes and workplaces is enough to cause chronic health problems [4].
despite the considerable progress in tobacco ETS has been targeted as a public health
control. Written by 22 scientists, the 2006 Surgeon priority for disease prevention. Although legisla-
General’s report was reviewed by at least 40 peer tion has become increasingly effective in reducing
reviewers and 30 independent investigators [1]. ETS in public places, a significant amount of ETS
The damaging effects of ETS reach far beyond exposure still occurs in the home, affecting par-
the lungs. As discussed in this article, multiple ticularly vulnerable groups, such as children and
body systems are harmed. The recognized adverse the elderly. Although it is impossible to legislate
health effects of ETS exposure include chronic a ban on smoking in the home, educational efforts
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); asthma; must be strengthened, and barriers to adopting
upper and lower respiratory tract infections; car- ETS risk-reducing behaviors must be explored.
diovascular disease; lung, breast, and cervical can- ETS now is considered an unacceptable and en-
cer; and childhood illnesses, such as middle ear tirely preventable public health hazard.
disease and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
It is reported that ETS exposure is the third leading Definitions
cause of preventable death in the United States,
resulting in more than 50,000 deaths per year [2]. The term, ETS, has been defined as the sum of
The United States Environmental Protection sidestream smoke (SS) released from the burning
Agency classifies ETS as a group A carcinogen, tip of a cigarette and mainstream smoke (MS),
given the large number of known or suspected which is exhaled by smokers. Each type of smoke
carcinogens in tobacco smoke [3]. is comprised of a particulate and a vapor phase.
The physical and chemical characteristics of ETS
are dynamic and differ significantly between MS
and fresh SS. MS contributes 15% of total ETS
E-mail address: whereas SS, a product of incomplete combustion,
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

constitutes 85% [5]. Particles present in SS have exposure and individual susceptibility, believed
one tenth the particle diameter of MS and, as to be genetically controlled [13].
such, have the potential to reach the most distal The determination of an individual’s exposure
alveoli from where they cannot be expelled easily to ETS is a complex task, given the multiple vari-
[6]. ables involved. The number of cigarettes smoked
ETS also is referred to commonly as passive by people in an environment, the length of time
cigarette smoking, involuntary smoking, and sec- over which smoking occurs, the ventilation prop-
ondhand smoking. ETS can be a major compo- erties of a building, and the absorptive qualities of
nent of air pollution in indoor environments. a structure, furniture, carpets, and curtains all
contribute to the final exposure assessment [14].
Two approaches can be used to estimate ETS expo-
Composition of environmental tobacco smoke sure. In the first, data on the smoking habits of the
people in an environment in which individuals
More than 4000 compounds have been
spend time are collected by questionnaire. This
identified in tobacco smoke and of these, at least
may be data from home, workplace, or other envi-
60 are known or suspected carcinogens [7,8].
ronments in which individuals spend time. Ques-
These chemicals comprise approximately 95% of
tionnaires can be informative in determining
MS weight. This complex mixture of chemical
exposure to ETS; however, the lack of standard-
substances also has unique proinflammatory and
ized, validated tools and the misclassification of
cytotoxic effects [9]. Inorganic compounds, such
exposure (inaccurate recall or inability to estimate
as nickel, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and hy-
accurately) must be considered. The second ap-
drazine, are related to lung cancer whereas ammo-
proach involves quantification of ETS components
nia, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen
or their metabolites, either in the environmental air
cyanide, and acrolein are among the many irritant
or in individual serum, saliva, urine, or hair. Vari-
gases that can contribute to development of air-
ous biomarkers of ETS (nicotine and its metabolite
ways disease, such as COPD and asthma. In addi-
cotinine) have been developed that can be used to
tion, other cancers can be caused by compounds,
validate questionnaire responses and are useful in
such as benzene, urethane, vinyl chloride, and
assessing recent exposure. Although nicotine has
aniline [6]. The tobacco-related carcinogens also
a short half-life (less than 2 hours) cotinine has
are associated with a decreased capacity for
a 3 to 4 day half-life and can be measured in urine,
DNA repair, which is associated with an increased
saliva, blood, and hair [15].
risk for non–small cell lung cancer [10]. Yields per
cigarette of some carcinogens have been reported
to be greater in SS than with MS. For example, Exposure prevalence
the release of volatile N-nitrosamines and aro-
Several studies have estimated the prevalence
matic amines is higher in SS than in MS. A major
of ETS exposure [13,16]. Reported prevalence
reason that undiluted SS and MS have different
rates of exposure vary between 30% and 80%
concentrations of toxic and carcinogenic agents
[17] for adults, with many studies showing the
is that peak temperatures in the burning cone of
workplace as a major source of exposure. In-
a cigarette reach 800 C to 900 C during puffing
creased regulation on smoking in the workplace
but only 600 C between puffs, resulting in less
and in most public places in recent years has
complete combustion of tobacco during genera-
made the home the leading unregulated source
tion of SS [11]. Table 1 lists many of the toxic
of ETS. This has significant potential impact on
and carcinogenic agents identified in SS and MS.
preschool-aged children who spend proportion-
Individual chemicals remain relatively constant
ately more time in the home [16]. One source esti-
in different commercial brands, including filter
mates that approximately 43% of children in the
and nonfilter brands of cigarettes [12].
United States live with a smoker, whereas in the
United Kingdom, 40% to 60% of children are
exposed to ETS in the home [18]. Studies of the
Assessing exposure to environmental
potential effects of ETS on fetal and child health
tobacco smoke
have multiplied over the past 20 years and an
Overall, the extent of adverse health effects increased risk for multiple disease states has
resulting from ETS exposure is related to two been demonstrated clearly (detailed later). Other
major factors: the duration and intensity of areas needing further regulation include several

Table 1
Toxic and carcinogenic agents in undiluted cigarette sidestream smoke
Amount in sidestream Ratio of sidestream
Compound Type of toxicity smoke (per cigarette) smoke/mainstream smoke
Vapor phase
Carbon monoxide T 26.8–61 mg 2.5–14.9
Carbonyl sulfide T 2–3 mg 0.03–0.13
Benzene C 400–500 mg 8–10
Formaldehyde C 1,500 mg 50
3-Vinylpyridine SC 300–450 mg 24–34
Hydrogen cyanide T 14–110 g 0.06–0.4
Hydrazine C 90 ng 3
Nitrogen oxides T 500–2000 mg 3.7–12.8
N-nitrosodimethylamine C 200–1040 ng 20–130
N-nitrosopyrrolidine C 30–390 ng 6–120
Particulate phase
Tar C 14–30 mg 1.1–15.7
Nicotine T 2.1–46 mg 1.3–21
Phenol TP 70–250 mg 1.3–3.0
Catechol CoC 58–290 mg 0.67–12.8
o-Toluidine C 3 mg 18.7
2-Naphthylamine C 70 ng 39
4-Aminobiphenyl C 140 ng 3.1
Benz(a)anthracene C 40–200 ng 2–4
Benzo(a)pyrene C 40–70 ng 2.5–20
Quinoline C 15–20 mg 8–11
N-nitrosonomicotine C 0.15–1.7 mg 0.5–5.0
NNK C 0.2–1.4 mg 1.0–22
N-nitrosodiethanolamine C 43 ng 1.2
Cadmium C 0.72 mg 7.2
Nickel C 0.2–2.5 mg 13–30
Polonium-210 C 0.5–1.6 pCi 1.06–3.7
Abbreviations: C, carcinogenic; CoC, cocarcinogenic; SC, suspected carcinogen; T, toxic; TP, tumor promoter.
Data from National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Reducing the health consequences of smoking: 25
years of progress. A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville (MD): US Department of Health and Human Services,
DHHS publication no. (CDC) 89-8411; and Hoffman D, Hecht SS. Advances in tobacco carcinogens. In: Grover P, ed-
itor. Handbook of experimental pharmacology 1988. New York: Springer Verlag. Available at:
niosh/91108_54.html. Accessed April 9, 2007.

service-type workplace establishments, namely the workers in bars, bowling alleys, and casinos alone
five Bs: bars, bowling alleys, billiard halls, betting [22]. Workers in these areas have the highest occu-
establishments (casinos), and bingo parlors [19]. pational levels of exposure to secondhand smoke,
Three overlapping waves of clean indoor air pol- with unacceptable levels of excess mortality risk
icy have addressed public buildings and work- [19].
space, but office settings and restaurants were
the primary focal points until recently. Because
Health problems and environmental tobacco
of this pattern of policy adoption, workers in
smoke exposure
the five Bs have not had the same level of protec-
tion from ETS as the general public. A major rea- The increased risk for a wide range of adverse
son why the five Bs have remained largely exempt health effects associated with ETS is well estab-
is the relationship that exists between these estab- lished from experimental animal data and human
lishments and the tobacco industry and the sup- studies in children and adults. The multitude of
port the tobacco industry has provided them to health risks linked to ETS is shown in Box 1. The
help oppose smoking regulations [20,21]. In the following sections review the literature on these
United States, there are more than 800,000 health effects in more detail.

birth weight and slower intrauterine growth rate

Box 1. Environmental tobacco [18,30]. The reduction in birth weight attributed to
smoke–related health risks ETS varies from 25 to 125 grams, with a smaller
range in studies adjusting for gestational age [31].
Respiratory illnesses Neal and colleagues recently conducted a ret-
 COPD rospective study of 225 female patients, reviewing
 Asthma in children and adults the effects of ETS on in vitro fertilization in
 Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis women exposed to SS versus active smokers
 Allergies versus their nonexposed counterparts (NS) [32].
 Bronchitis Despite similar embryo quality, there was a strik-
 Pneumonia ing difference in implantation and pregnancy rates
 Bronchiolitis of active smokers and SS smokers compared with
 Croup nonsmokers (NS) (AS ¼ 12%, SS ¼ 12.6%, and
Adverse effects on fertility NS ¼ 25%). Their data demonstrated clearly
Miscarriage that the effects of SS on fertility are equally as
Low birth weight damaging as active smoking. The mechanisms
SIDS underlying the reduced fertility success in women
Middle ear infections exposed to cigarette smoke are unknown. Toxi-
Periodontal disease cants can impair reproduction by acting in men,
Ulcerative colitis women, or both [33]. Sofikitis and colleagues
Neurocognitive decrements [34] reported that cotinine concentrations similar
Cardiovascular disease to those seen in heavy smokers (O400 ng/mL)
 Ischemic heart disease reduced hamster sperm performance with respect
 Acute stroke to in vitro tests but did not affect fertilization of
Malignancies hamster ova when intracytoplasmic sperm injec-
 Lung tion (ICSI) was used. One explanation regarding
 Head and neck the higher rate of early pregnancy loss in women
 Breast exposed to smoke is that the inhibition of granu-
 Bladder lose-luteal cell function (due to toxins from ciga-
 Cervix rette smoke) may lead to corpus luteal deficiency
[35]. It seems that the reproductive consequences
of ETS may be as great as those observed in active
Children’s health, fertility, and environmental smokers. Fortunately for women who seek medi-
tobacco smoke cal attention, a recent randomized controlled trial
Almost 60% of United States children aged 3 to found that a simple explanation of the reproduc-
tive consequences of smoking and ETS was as
11 yearsdor almost 22 million childrendare ex-
posed to ETS [1]. The reproductive health effects of effective as a structured intervention in achieving
cigarette smoke exposure for women are far reach- compliance with smoking cessation [36].
ing [23]. Children’s exposure to ETS during fetal de-
velopment and during childhood likely is the most Postnatal effects and timeframes
pervasive and hazardous of children’s environmen- of critical exposure
tal exposures [24]. The first report detailing the ad-
verse effects of ETS on children’s health was Studies of the relationship between ETS and
published in 1967 [25]. Several comprehensive re- postnatal health are difficult to conduct because of
the need to distinguish between prenatal and
views have been published on fetal and child health,
systematically reviewing the evidence for different postnatal ETS exposure and the extent of expo-
diseases [26–29]. The endpoints of such studies in- sure and the truthfulness of parent reporting.
clude fetal, perinatal, and postnatal effects. Fetal development represents a critical time of
pulmonary vulnerability. Investigations of lung
function in infants of mothers who smoked during
Fetal and perinatal effects
pregnancy show that in utero exposure to mater-
Review of the literature on ETS and adverse nal smoking is associated with reduced lung
reproductive outcomes shows that ETS consis- function in the perinatal period [37]. Also, women
tently is associated with increased risks for low who smoke during pregnancy are likely to

continue smoking after delivery [7]. This fact parents to place sleeping infants on their back.
makes it difficult to isolate the effect of in utero ex- Epidemiologic evidence also points to a causal
posure to maternal smoking from that of postna- relationship between SIDS and postnatal expo-
tal ETS exposure [7]. Gilliland and colleagues [38] sure to ETS [28]. The distinction between prenatal
studied lifetime tobacco smoke exposure histories versus postnatal exposure and the risk for SIDS
and parental reports of wheezing and physician- warrants additional investigation.
diagnosed asthma in nearly 6000 school-aged chil-
dren from 12 different communities in Southern Childhood respiratory illnesses
California. Their findings concluded that children
According to the World Health Organization,
exposed to in utero tobacco smoke were 1.8 times
approximately 1 billion adults smoke worldwide
more likely to develop asthma and a lifetime
and at least 700 million children (nearly 50% of
history of wheezing than those who did not have
the world’s children) breathe the air polluted by
in utero ETS exposure. Nestled within that
tobacco smoke at home [47]. In addition to the
Children’s Health Study, these investigators
effects of ETS on asthma, it is estimated that
conducted a smaller case-controlled study, which
each year 150,000 to 300,000 respiratory tract
examined the association of maternal and grand-
infections are caused in part by ETS, resulting in
maternal smoking before, during, and after
7500 to 15,000 hospitalizations in infants and chil-
pregnancy with childhood asthma [39]. Detailed
dren less than 18 months of age [48]. Exposure of
information on maternal and household smoking
children to ETS increases the incidence of middle
histories and other asthma risk factors were
ear disease, asthma, wheeze, cough, mucus prod-
obtained by telephone interview. In utero expo-
uction, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and
sure to maternal smoking was associated with
impaired pulmonary function [24]. It also is asso-
increased risk for asthma diagnosed in the first 5
ciated with snoring [49], adenoid hypertrophy
years of life (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI, 1.0–2.3)
[50], tonsillitis, and sore throats [51]. Frequent
and for persistent asthma (OR 1.5; 95% CI,
respiratory infections in childhood are associated
1.0–2.3). Children of mothers who quit smoking
significantly with increased risk for developing
before pregnancy showed no increased risk (OR
COPD later in life [52,53].
0.9; 95% CI, 0.5–1.5). Grandmaternal smoking
during the mother’s fetal period also was asso-
Childhood asthma
ciated with increased asthma risk in the grand-
children (OR 2.1; 95% CI, 1.4–3.2). In another Pediatric asthma, in particular, constitutes a sig-
10-year longitudinal study of school children’s re- nificant public health problem. Asthma mortality
spiratory health, investigators suggest that perina- rates nearly doubled from 1980 to 1993 among
tal deficits in lung function are persistent and children aged 5 to 15 years old, and African
actually may increase during adolescence [40]. American children were 6 times more likely than
A more recent large Norwegian cohort study by white children to die from asthma [54]. The link
Skorge and colleagues [41] gave further strength between ETS and asthma is well established. Mi-
to this hypothesis. They examined the incidence nority children from the inner city have dispropor-
of respiratory symptoms and asthma among tionately higher rates of morbidity and mortality
adults associated with passive smoking in utero caused by asthma, and this disparity is linked
or in childhood, after adjustment for several im- closely to socioeconomic status, poverty, and envi-
portant confounders. The adjusted attributable ronmental exposures, especially ETS [55,56]. ETS
fractions of the adult incidence of asthma were exposure during childhood aggravates asthma,
17.3% (95% CI, 5.2–27.9) caused by maternal often leading to emergency room visits and hospi-
smoking and 9.3% (95% CI, 23.2–33.2) caused talizations [55]. The influence of smoking in the
by smoking by household members. Several other household on asthma is especially formidable until
investigators reported similar results [42–44]. the age of 6. Thereafter, the association becomes
Other studies have examined further the increased less strong, at least partially because of reduced
risk for asthma in relation to a cumulative ETS ETS exposure as children grow up and spend
exposure over a lifetime [45,46]. more time away from home [47,57]. Even light
The association between active maternal smok- cigarette smoking (ie, 10 cigarettes/day) by adults
ing and SIDS also is well established. It is the corresponded to the level of environmental irritants
major suspected risk factor for SIDS now that at which children who had asthma experienced
public health campaigns successfully have advised nocturnal symptoms [48]. If exposed to higher

levels of ETS, these children were 3 times as likely and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder– type
to be in the mild persistent disease category and behaviors in children exposed to ETS even after
twice as likely to be in the moderate to severe dis- controlling for many potential confounders.
ease category compared with those who had lower Exposure to maternal smoking also is shown to
levels of ETS exposure [48]. Asthmatic children affect children’s performance adversely on intelli-
exposed to multiple household smokers face a 4.5- gence and achievement tests and performance in
fold increased risk for respiratory illness–related school [24], although findings in this area are
absences from school, having an adverse impact not as consistent as those for increased rates of
on the children’s education and family functioning behavior problems. Butler and Goldstein [63]
[58]. Childhood asthma, if poorly controlled, poses demonstrated that children whose mothers
a potential risk for developing fixed airflow ob- smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day were be-
struction (COPD) as an adult [52]. tween 3 and 5 months delayed in reading, mathe-
Finally, atopy is a significant risk factor for matics, and general ability. Several studies found
childhood asthma, with more than 80% of the similar effects [64,65], whereas others found effects
children who develop asthma having an antigen- significantly minimized after controlling for con-
specific IgE. A large body of evidence supports the founders [66,67]. When mothers smoked during
theory that ETS increases development of atopy in some pregnancies but not during others, children
susceptible individuals [59]. Several mechanisms who were exposed performed worse on intelli-
are believed to enhance atopy in those exposed to gence tests than their unexposed siblings [61].
ETS, including increased airway mucosal perme- More recent evidence confirming the negative
ability or direct effects on immune function [59]. effects of ETS on behavior and cognitive function-
Multiple genetic and environmental factors also ing also is available [68–70].
contribute to asthma. A multicenter collaborative
study supported by the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute (NHLBI) [60] found genetic loci Environmental tobacco smoke and adult health
that contribute to the development of asthma and
Evaluating ETS exposure in adults is more
asthma-related phenotypes. In this study, regions
complex than in children. Adults are exposed to
were found that showed a nominally significant
ETS in multiple venues other than the home,
increased lod score when accounting for exposure
including the workplace and many other public
to ETS. A lod score is a statistical estimate of
arenas. Because active smoking is a well-estab-
whether or not two genetic loci are likely to lie
lished cause of chronic respiratory disease and lung
near each other on a chromosome and, therefore,
function decline, more information regarding the
likely to be inherited together. A lod score of 3 or
relationship of ETS with these health effects has
more generally is taken to indicate that the two
been sought over the past several decades. As
loci are close [61]. The NHLBI study’s results indi-
discussed in the section that follows, a causal
cated that a gene-environment interaction might
relationship between acute and chronic respiratory
exist between ETS and unobserved susceptibility
symptoms of the nose, eyes, throat, and lower
genes in several regions. Although more research
airways and exposure to ETS is established clearly.
is needed in this area, the studies indicate that
the genetic predisposition for the development of
Allergies, asthma, and environmental
an IgE-mediated response to common allergens
tobacco smoke
(such as ETS) is the strongest identifiable predis-
posing factor in developing asthma. There is wide agreement that the prevalence of
allergic airway disease has risen dramatically over
the past few decades [71]. The causes of this
Behavior and cognitive functioning
increase are the source of much controversy and
The literature on the impact of prenatal and discussion. Epidemiologic studies have been help-
postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke on human ful in establishing associations between allergy or
behavior and neurologic development (some dat- asthma and diet, childhood infections, allergen
ing back more than 2 decades) strongly suggests levels, and indoor and outdoor pollutants [72,73].
that such exposures lead to negative behavioral Until now, mostly observational studies postulated
and neurocognitive effects in children. Olds [62] that the ETS influence on development of asthma
reported that 10 of 11 human studies reviewed was primarily mechanical (ie, a direct irritant caus-
found increased rates of child behavior problems ing a gross inflammatory process that led to airway

damage). A recent study by Diaz-Sanchez and increment 4.7 points; CI, 0.1–9.4), disease-specific
colleagues [74], however, demonstrated that ETS QOL (2.9 points; CI, 0.16–5.9; P ¼ .063), and
can interact with allergen to modulate immune dyspnea (0.9 points; 95% CI, 0.2–1.6 points;
responses in the upper airway. Subjects who have P!.05). According to an epidemiologic study in
allergy who were exposed to ragweed allergen and nonsmokers [79], the prevalence of COPD is
short-term ETS showed an enhanced allergic re- greater among women than men until age 60, at
sponse (as opposed to those not exposed to ETS) which time prevalence no longer differs by gender.
characterized by IgE antibody production against In that study, neither urban residence nor occupa-
the inhaled protein allergen. The ETS/allergen sub- tion was associated with COPD in nonsmokers. In
jects also showed a local formation of a TH2-type a more recent study [80] (the Third National
cytokine milieu, characteristic of active allergic in- Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
flammation. Moreover, nasal histamine levels were [NHANES]: 1988–1994), Behrendt reported that
3.3-fold greater after a combination ETS/ragweed among nearly 14,000 people examined, 48.7 
challenge than after clean air/ragweed challenge. 0.9% were nonsmokers (never smokers and
Thus, in this study [74], it is shown that in addition former smokers with ! 5 pack-year smoking his-
to direct irritant effects, ETS can work through tory), 8.8  0.3% had mild COPD, and 4.1 
another mechanism of adjuvancy: the interaction 0.3% had moderate to severe COPD. Spirometry
with allergen, to alter the immune system and was done in addition to medical history and as-
enhance allergic responses. sessment of medication use and risk behaviors.
ETS is associated with the induction and the One fourth of those who had COPD were non-
exacerbation of adult asthma. In a study compar- smokers. Among nonsmokers, physician-diag-
ing 231 never-smoking cases of newly diagnosed nosed asthma increased the risk for mild and
asthma with 487 never-smoking referents, the risk especially of moderate to severe COPD. The risk
related to ETS exposure in the previous year was for moderate to severe disease in nonsmokers
significant for exposure in the workplace (OR was associated markedly with male gender,
2.15, 95% CI, 1.26–3.72) and for the home (OR peaked at middle age, and was related inversely
4.77, 95% CI, 1.29–17.7) [45]. to nonwhite ethnicity. COPD risks did not vary
by minimal smoking history, longest-held occupa-
tion, urban residence, income, allergies, thyroid
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in
disease, or H pylori antibody. In this study, people
nonsmokers and environmental tobacco smoke
who had mild COPD tended to avoid exposure to
Although the majority of COPD is seen in smoking in the home and at work, whereas those
active or former smokers, the disease also occurs who had moderate to severe COPD did not.
among persons who have never smoked. Proposed Nonsmokers who did and did not have COPD
risk factors for COPD include ETS, genetic are described in Table 2. Behrendt concludes
predisposition, air pollution, Helicobacter pylori that among nonsmokers, mild and moderate
infection, and autoimmune thyroid disease [75]. to -severe COPD is associated with asthma but
Acute smoke exposure activates cells, such as otherwise they have distinct demographic profiles.
neutrophils and macrophages in the airways, has The investigator suggests that moderate to severe
a suppressive effect on the numbers of eosinophils disease is not simply a progression of mild COPD.
and may result in tissue damage [76]. Repeated Most of the longitudinal studies of COPD span
smoke exposure may promote a chronic infla- only 5 to 10 years. Therefore, knowledge of the
mmatory process resulting in thicker, inflamed, rate of development and progression of COPD
deformed, and narrow airways with emphysema- stems from extrapolated results from individuals
tous changes around them [77]. followed for relatively short periods. Little in-
Eisner and colleagues [78] evaluated the longi- formation is reported on the influence of ETS and
tudinal impact of ETS exposure on validated other exposures. As a part of the Copenhagen
measures of COPD severity, physical health sta- City Heart Study, more than 8000 men and
tus, quality of life (QOL), and dyspnea measures women from the general population aged 30 to
at 1-year follow-up in 77 nonsmokers. Monitoring 60 years who had normal lung function at baseline
was based on urine cotinine and a personal badge were followed for 25 years. Lokke and colleagues
that measured nicotine. In longitudinal analysis, [81] reported on the absolute risk for developing
the highest level of baseline cotinine was associ- COPD in this population and related this risk to
ated with worse COPD severity (mean score changes in tobacco consumption. They concluded

Table 2
Characteristics, respiratory symptoms, and physician diagnoses among nonsmokers aged 18 to 80 years, by level of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
No chronic obstructive Mild chronic obstructive Moderate to severe chronic
Characteristics pulmonary disease pulmonary disease obstructive pulmonary disease
Subjects, no. 7031 403 92
Population represented, 70.923 3.587 1.437
Mean age, year 39.1  0.4 60.9  1.3a 39.3  1.3
Female gender 63.2  0.9 82.5  2.3a 11.9  4.2a
Ever smoked 12.1  0.6 15.3  2.8 9.1  4.4
Now exposed to smoking 15.2  1.0 6.2  1.4a 16.9  5.5
at home
Now exposed to smoking 9.7  0.7 1.3  0.7a 23.1  8.3
at work
Thyroid disease 10.1  0.7 22.6  3.3b 12.8  8.3
H pylori antibody positive 27.1  1.9 41.9  4.6b 35.9  15.8
Education ! 12 years 16.7  1.0 30.3  2.4a 10.6  3.2
White race 79.5  1.2 87.1  1.6a 88.8  2.1b
Respiratory symptoms in past year
Chronic cough 3.9  0.3 12.3  2.7b 8.3  3.5
Chronic phlegm 4.1  0.4 7.0  1.2b 7.3  2.6
Wheezing 10.0  0.6 21.6  3.1b 43.0  10.2b
Dyspnea on exertion 15.0  0.9 26.9  2.8a 23.4  6.2
Any of the above symptoms 25.5  1.0 41.1  2.8a 52.0  9.7c
Physician diagnosis, ever
Asthma 5.7  0.4 16.6  2.6a 45.1  8.3a
Chronic bronchitis 3.2  0.3 12.7  2.6b 6.8  3.3
Emphysema 0.2  0.1 2.7  1.2 1.6  1.1
Any of the above diagnoses 8.1  0.5 24.3  3.2a 45.8  8.3a
Data are presented as percentages ( SE) unless otherwise indicated.
P ! .001 versus nonsmokers who did not have COPD.
P ! .01 versus nonsmokers who did not have COPD.
P ! .05 versus nonsmokers who did not have COPD.
From Behrendt CE. Mild and moderate-to-severe COPD in nonsmokers. Chest 2005;128:1239–44; with permission.

that among continuous smokers, the risk was at marital status, and occupational exposures (OR
least 25%, much higher than studies spanning 1.55; 95% CI, 1.09–2.21). The population attrib-
a shorter period of time [82]. The report did not utable fraction was 11% for the highest quartile
include information of the exposure to ETS of home ETS exposure and 7% for work expo-
among the never smokers who developed COPD sure. Of considerable significance, Skogstad and
(9%), although it would be expected to have colleagues [84] reported a larger cross shift
been a significant risk factor. Investigators from decrease in lung function of employees in bars and
one recent study [83] examined the association restaurants in Norway before compared with after
between lifetime ETS exposure and the risk for the implementation of a smoking ban in these
developing COPD. Using structured telephone establishments. ETS exposure may be an impor-
interview, more than 2000 adults aged 55 to 75 tant cause of COPD.
years were recruited from 48 contiguous United
States states. Higher cumulative lifetime home
Cardiovascular effects of environmental
and work exposure to ETS was associated with
tobacco smoke
a greater risk for COPD. The highest quartile of
lifetime home ETS exposure was associated with ETS has been estimated to cause up to 70,000
a greater risk for COPD, controlling for age, deaths per year from heart disease in nonsmokers
sex, race, personal smoking history, education, (never smokers and former smokers ! 5 pack

years) [85]. Nonsmokers who are exposed to ETS of cancer death in women in 1997 [97]. More than
at home or at work increase their risk for develop- 125,000 Americans die from smoking-attributable
ing heart disease by 25% to 30% [1]. A substantial lung cancers each year. Of these, approximately
number of meta-analyses and studies [86–91] have 3000 are believed caused by passive smoking
been conducted to investigate the relationship [98,99]. Three population-based studies [100–102]
between ETS exposure and fatal and nonfatal cor- and several meta-analyses [95,103,104] have pro-
onary heart disease (CHD). Most of the studies vided further evidence for a direct association
adjusted for demographic variables and other fac- between ETS and lung cancer among people
tors, such as obesity, lipid levels, blood pressure, who have never smoked. Because the cumulative
and diet. In general, most individual studies amount of tobacco smoke exposure may be
have shown that among nonsmokers, increased underestimated significantly if only personal
risk for CHD is associated with living with smoking history is obtained, de Andrade and col-
a smoker. This holds true despite the differences in leagues [105] conducted a descriptive study of 810
study design, date performed, years of follow-up, women who had newly diagnosed primary lung
method of ascertaining the adverse health endpoint, cancer from 1997 to 2001. These women were
and degree of adjustment for other risk factors. One interviewed to obtain data, including the source,
of the suggested causal mechanisms for CHD is intensity, and duration of ETS exposure. Rela-
evidence of reduced exercise tolerance in healthy tionships between smoking history, ETS exposure,
individuals exposed to ETS. Exposure to ETS in and lung cancer histologic subtypes were ana-
the short-term causes an increase in resting heart lyzed. More than 95% of these women reported
rate, blood pressure, and blood levels of carbon active smoking, ETS exposure, or both. Among
monoxide (CO) and carboxyhemoglobin, the com- those who never smoked but had a history of
pound formed when inhaled CO combines with he- ETS exposure, the mean years of exposure were
moglobin in the blood. It also increases myocardial 27 from a smoking spouse, 19 from parents, and
oxygen demand and causes an increase in platelet 15 from coworkers. For each major subtype of
aggregation and endothelial cell damage [2,92]. lung cancer (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell, un-
Other evidence suggests that ETS can contribute classified non–small cell lung cancer, small cell, or
to atherosclerotic plaque formation and athero- carcinoids) among never smokers, 75% to 100%
sclerosis [2]. Results from meta-analyses vary of patients had ETS exposure. Compared with
slightly, but pooled results are of the same order women who had been active smokers, never
of magnitude. Law and colleagues [88], for exam- smokers (divided into ETS and non-ETS exposed)
ple, found a summary relative risk [RR] of 1.30 had relatively more adenocarcinoma (68.1% ver-
(95% CI, 1.22–1.38) for CHD among never sus 48.1%) and carcinoid tumor cells (15.9% ver-
smokers whose spouses were active smokers rela- sus 5.1%), fewer squamous (5.8% versus 20.1%)
tive to those whose spouses never smoked. To and small cell carcinomas (2.4% versus 13.1%),
give further strength to the association between and no large cell carcinomas (0% versus 3.8%).
CHD and ETS, several studies looked at the This is interesting when considering the small par-
dose-response relationship between level of ETS ticle size of the SS that is likely to reach alveoli.
exposure and CHD death [93,94]. There is a pattern Never smokers who did not have ETS exposure
of increasing the RR of fatal CHD with increasing and who developed lung cancer had a higher pro-
levels of ETS. The combined risk associated with portion of adenocarcinoma (76%) compared with
being exposed to more than 20 cigarettes per day never smokers who had ETS exposure (66%), for-
is 1.18 (1.04–1.33) [93]. mer smokers (53%), and current smokers (41%),
whereas the opposite trend was observed for squa-
mous and small cell carcinoma. These results were
Lung cancer
consistent with a multicenter case-controlled
More than 50 investigations, mostly case- study of ETS exposure in Europe, which observed
controlled studies, have shown that involuntary a statistically significant trend of increased risk
smoking (ETS) is associated with an increased risk for squamous cell (P ¼ .03) and a suggestive trend
for lung cancer [95,96]. Lung cancer is the leading for small cell (P ¼ .08) carcinoma with increasing
cause of death in the United States and in the duration of ETS exposure from the spouse and
world [1]. In women, there has been a 600% in- workplace compared with those not exposed to
crease in death rates from lung cancer since ETS from these sources [106]. In contrast, a meta-
1950, surpassing breast cancer as the leading cause analysis of case-controlled studies, which included

never-smoking Chinese women [107], reported no smoking, including genotoxic and immunomodu-
statistically significant relationship between the latory effects [109,110]. In a large prospective co-
amount or duration of ETS exposure and lung can- hort study with multivariate analysis [111], the
cer risk. The results of this study, however, must be investigators interviewed 623 women referred to
extrapolated to the United States population with a colposcopy clinic for evaluation of abnormal
caution, as lung cancer risk factors differ markedly Papanicolaou’s smears (showing either repeated
between Chinese and American women. inflammatory changes, low-grade squamous intra-
Accurate measurements of ETS are important epithelial lesion, or high-grade squamous intraepi-
for establishing accurate dose-response relation- thelial lesion [HSIL]). In this study, it was reported
ships between levels of tobacco smoke exposure that the risk for HSIL increased by 4.6% for every
and risk for lung cancer. Identifying the amount cigarette smoked in a patient’s presence. Eight
and source of ETS for never smokers provides studies relating to ETS exposure to risk for cervical
critical evidence supporting the association cancer were reviewed by Lee [112]. Only one of
between ETS and tobacco-related health conse- these studies found a decreased risk, whereas the
quences. In a large European prospective nested others all found a statistically significant increase.
case-controlled study, the European Prospective A meta-analysis based on the seven studies gave
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, Vineis a RR for developing cervical cancer of 1.27 (95%
and colleagues investigated the association be- CI, 1.03–1.56) after exposure to ETS.
tween ETS, measuring plasma cotinine concentra-
tion and lung cancer in more than 1500 healthy
Breast cancer and environmental tobacco smoke
volunteers who had never actively smoked or
who had stopped smoking for at least 10 years Most studies have found either no association
[108]. They confirmed that ETS is a risk factor or only a weak association between active smoking
for lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, par- and breast cancer risk. In a review of 13 studies
ticularly in exsmokers. The greater risk among for- investigating the role of ETS in breast cancer, no
mer smokers could indicate greater susceptibility significant association was found in four prospec-
due to already existing cell mutations. Over 7 years tive studies, but significantly raised risks were
of follow-up, 97 people had newly diagnosed lung evident in four case-controlled studies, giving
cancer, 20 had upper respiratory cancers, and 14 a pooled weak RR of 1.29 (95% CI, 1.3–1.46)
died from COPD. The advantage of this cohort de- [112]. No study showed a strong dose-response re-
sign is the lack of recall bias (as information about lation with ETS exposure. One possible reason that
exposure was collected before onset of disease). associations have not been found is that incomplete
Clinicians are just beginning to understand how measures of ETS exposure have been obtained.
genes have an impact on lung cancer susceptibility. Morabia [113] suggested that the model for carci-
ETS exposure can be linked to gene mutations, nogenesis might be different for the lung, which is
especially the p53 and GSTM1, both of which are exposed to smoke directly, whereas the mammary
linked to an increased risk for developing lung gland is exposed only to its metabolites. Gammon
cancer [108]. Future studies, especially those in- and colleagues analyzed data from a large popula-
volving genetic-environmental interactions, would tion-based case-controlled study that included a de-
benefit from defining patient phenotype more accu- tailed assessment of passive smoking [114]. Subjects
rately by validating ETS exposure with personal who had available ETS information assessed by
nicotine monitors or biomarkers. questionnaire and in-person interviews included
1356 newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer and
1383 controls. Although no dose response was
Cervical cancer and environmental tobacco smoke
evident, an increased OR was noted among non-
Many studies have reported an increased risk smokers who lived with a smoking spouse for
for cervical cancer in smokers, which remains more than 27 years (2.10; 95% CI, 1.47–3.02).
significant after adjustment for age, the number of Also, among women who had hormone-receptor-
sexual partners, and infection with the human positive tumors only, the OR for active and passive
papilloma virus [16]. The presence of cotinine in smoking was increased (1.42; 95% CI, 1.00–2.00).
cervical mucus of nonsmoking women who are Despite the inconsistent results across epidemio-
exposed to ETS makes it reasonable to postulate logic studies in this area, research continues to be
that passive smoking can contribute to carcinogen- sustained and propelled by the known mammary
esis through the same potential pathways as active carcinogenicity of some tobacco smoke

constituents (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- preventable death in this country, resulting in
bons) in laboratory animals [115]. Further work is more than 50,000 deaths each year [93].
needed to clarify whether or not exposure to ETS As discussed in this review, ETS can lead to
increases risk for breast cancer and to identify sub- a broad spectrum of adverse health consequences
groups of patients who may be at greatest risk. affecting the respiratory tract, the cardiovascular
and central nervous systems, systemic metabolic
and immunologic functions, and fetal develop-
Reducing exposure to environmental
ment. The elimination of smoking in children’s
tobacco smoke
homes, in all forms of transportation used by
As a result of the wide body of research children, and in multiple settings not yet included
presented in this article, ETS now is considered in indoor air legislation must be promoted
a serious public health hazard. The demonstration aggressively. Future research should investigate
that ETS can augment allergic airway responses effective means of lowering ETS exposure, pre-
makes it a public health issue of extreme impor- venting smoking initiation, and facilitating smok-
tance. Workers in the 5 Bs have the highest ing cessation. Better data are needed on the effects
occupational levels of exposure to ETS and of maternal smoking cessation and alterations in
many children remain in situations at home or asthma, neurocognitive functioning, and behavior
in cars with adults who smoke. Intervention problems. Independent of active smoking, ETS
studies on domestic ETS exposure have focused exposure is a modifiable risk factor for COPD,
primarily on children and on achieving parental and clinicians should assess ETS exposure in their
smoking cessation. Interventions have varied from patients and counsel its avoidance. Finally, Celli
minimal contact to intensive counseling but many and colleagues [117] recommend that lung health
show only short-lived effects. Home-based inter- screening programs should be considered not
ventions with more contact were more effective only for smokers but also for never smokers
than physician-based interventions [116]. who have possible ETS to better identify and
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serious public health hazard that is entirely pre- who have ETS-associated respiratory disease.
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 575–587

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

in Patients Who Have HIV Infection
Kristina Crothers, MD
Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,
Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, TAC 441, PO Box 208057,
New Haven, CT 06520, USA

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Evidence for increased prevalence of chronic
is currently the fourth leading cause of death obstructive pulmonary disease among
worldwide and is projected to increase further as HIV-positive patients
a cause of morbidity and mortality in the coming
COPD is defined in the Global Initiative for
decades [1,2]. Yet COPD continues to be under-
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guide-
diagnosed [1,3] and risk factors that contribute to
lines as ‘‘a disease state characterized by airflow
the development of COPD are incompletely under-
limitation that is not fully reversible. The airflow
stood. Cigarette smoking is the major risk factor
limitation is usually both progressive and associ-
for the development of COPD. Because not all
ated with an abnormal inflammatory response of
smokers develop COPD, however, other factors ap-
the lungs to noxious particles or gases’’ [1]. COPD
pear to be involved [4]. For example, a1-antitrypsin
may result from emphysema, small airways inflam-
deficiency accounts for a small number of cases of
mation, bronchoconstriction, excess mucus in the
COPD. Other genetic factors are under investi-
airways, or a combination of these factors. HIV
gation [5]. In addition, studies suggest that COPD
infection is associated with several different mani-
susceptibility may vary by gender and race [6–8].
festations of COPD and airways abnormalities,
HIV-positive patients may represent another
including features of emphysema [9–11], chronic
population that has an increased susceptibility to
bronchitis [12], nonspecific airway abnormalities,
and bronchial hyper-responsiveness [13,14]. Al-
This article considers the evidence suggesting
though separate from COPD and not considered
an increased risk for COPD, namely emphysema
further in this review, bronchiectasis likewise
and chronic bronchitis, and the potential increased
causes an obstructive ventilatory defect and is
risk for small airways abnormalities and nonspe-
described in patients who have HIV [15,16].
cific airway hyper-responsiveness among patients
Somewhat challenging to discern from prior
who have HIV. Additionally, risk factors for
studies is whether HIV infection is an independent
COPD and possible reasons for increased COPD
risk factor for the development or progression of
among patients who have HIV infection are dis-
COPD or whether the increased rates of COPD
cussed. Finally, the management of COPD in
among patients who have HIV infection may be
HIV-positive patients is reviewed.
attributable to the greater rates of smoking, drug
abuse, pulmonary infections, and other risk fac-
tors for COPD that frequently are encountered
in HIV-positive patients. Interpretation of studies
reporting increased rates of COPD and airway
abnormalities in HIV-positive populations re-
Funded by National Institutes of Health/National quires careful consideration of the patient pop-
Center for Research Resources (1KL2RR024138). ulations included and the methods used to control
E-mail address: for potential confounders. A summary of the
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

major studies conducted to date of COPD and In addition to emphysema, HIV infection is
airway abnormalities in HIV-positive persons is associated with an increased frequency of symp-
provided in Tables 1 and 2. toms suggestive of chronic bronchitis, another of
One of the major manifestations of COPD, the major manifestations of COPD. In one study
emphysema is described HIV-positive patients in conducted before HAART, significantly more
several studies conducted before the advent of HIV-positive patients had symptoms of cough
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In and phlegm production ‘‘on most days for R3
studies that included a majority of patients who months during the year’’ than HIV-negative
had a history of prior AIDS-related pulmonary persons (approximately 25% HIV-positive versus
infections, radiographic findings of emphysema- 12% HIV-negative, P!.05) [12]. Although the
tous, bullous, or cystic lung disease were encoun- overall duration is not clear, these symptoms
tered in approximately 40% [10,11]. It is unclear if appear consistent with the clinical criteria for
findings such as these share the same pathogenesis chronic bronchitis. The most important predictor
as smoking-related emphysema or if they are of these symptoms was current or former cigarette
primarily the result of pneumatoceles and other smoking. In this study, CD4 count was not asso-
sequelae of previous infections. ciated with the presence of airway symptoms,
Emphysema is also described, however, in such as cough, phlegm, or wheeze. A low CD4
HIV-positive patients who have not had prior count, however, was an independent predictor of
AIDS-related pulmonary complications. In one dyspnea and use of the antiretroviral agent
study by Diaz and colleagues, emphysema was lamivudine was associated with a reduction in
found to be the predominant cause of a low dyspnea. Reasons for these findings are unclear,
diffusing capacity of the lung (DLCO) in HIV-pos- and it is unknown whether a patient’s degree of
itive patients [17]. In HIV-positive patients who immunosuppression and use of antiretroviral
had DLCO values in the bottom 25th percentile therapy may have any impact on the development
(corresponding to values !72% predicted), 50% or progression of COPD.
had detectable emphysema on CT scan. Abnor- Thus far, only one study has examined the
malities in DLCO in turn were primarily due to de- association between HIV infection and COPD
creases in the blood volume component and were among patients in the HAART era. This study
accentuated by cigarette smoking, as HIV-positive also suggests that HIV infection may be an
patients who had the greatest decreases in diffus- independent risk factor for COPD [18]. In an
ing capacity had higher mean pack years of analysis of 1014 HIV-positive and 713 HIV-nega-
cigarette smoking. Decreases in DLCO were not as- tive men enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort
sociated with significant obstructive or restrictive 5 Site Study, conducted at five United States Vet-
ventilatory defects. erans Affairs medical centers, diagnoses of COPD
An additional study by Diaz and colleagues were determined by International Classification of
suggests that HIV infection alone is an independent Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) diagnostic codes
risk factor for emphysema. In a study of 114 and patient self-report on questionnaire. The un-
consecutive HIV-positive patients compared with adjusted prevalence of COPD by ICD-9 codes was
44 age-, sex-, and smoking-matched HIV-negative 10% in HIV-positive patients and 9% in HIV-
controls, 15% of the HIV-positive patients had negative patients (P ¼ .4) and by patient self-
emphysema on CT scan compared with only 2% of report was 15% and 12%, respectively (P ¼ .04).
HIV-negative patients (P ¼ .025) [9]. DLCO was In both HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients,
significantly lower in the HIV-positive patients, the prevalence of COPD increased according to
although there was no difference in the forced pack years of smoking and age. The HIV-positive
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital patients were younger and had fewer pack years
capacity (FVC), or total lung capacity (TLC) be- of smoking than the HIV-negative controls. After
tween groups. In patients who had emphysema, adjusting for differences in age, smoking, race/
the degree of airflow obstruction was mild, ethnicity, and other potential confounders such
with a mean FEV1/FVC of 69.2%. HIV-positive as injection drug use and alcohol abuse, HIV-
smokers who had emphysema and underwent positive patients were approximately 50% to 60%
bronchoscopy were found to have a significantly more likely to have COPD than HIV-negative
higher percentage of cytotoxic lymphocytes com- patients by ICD-9 codes or patient self-report.
pared to HIV-positive smokers who did not have Thus, combined data from the above studies sug-
emphysema and to HIV-negative smokers. gest that the risk for COPD is increased as a result

of HIV infection, as the prevalence of COPD was not significantly different for the comparison
remains significantly greater among HIV-positive of HIV-positive nonsmokers to HIV-negative
patients after controlling for smoking, age, and nonsmokers (20% versus 15%). As bronchial hy-
other common risk factors for COPD. per-responsiveness is a risk factor for progressive
COPD [22], these data suggest that an interaction
between smoking and HIV infection could en-
hance susceptibility to the progression of COPD.
Evidence for increased prevalence of airway
Taken together, these data support that COPD
abnormalities in HIV-positive patients
is increased in prevalence among HIV-positive
HIV infection may also be associated with an patients and suggest that HIV infection may
increased prevalence of small airways abnormal- increase the risk for COPD independently, apart
ities, expiratory flow abnormalities, and bronchial from smoking. Data is limited, however, in un-
hyper-responsiveness, particularly in smokers (see derstanding whether or not the pathogenesis of
Table 2). Nonspecific focal air trapping with de- COPD and the progression of COPD are similar
creased expiratory flow rates were significantly in HIV-positive and in HIV-negative patients.
more common among HIV-positive patients com- How HIV infection might alter the course of
pared with HIV-negative patients who did not established COPD is also unknown. Further,
have prior AIDS-related pulmonary complica- whether COPD described in HIV-positive patients
tions [19]. In this study, the presence of focal air is primarily in the form of emphysema, chronic
trapping was more likely in patients who had bronchitis, small airways disease, or even asthma
a longer duration of HIV infection. Bronchial or a combination of these abnormalities is un-
dilatation in the absence of significant airflow ob- clear. Nonetheless, these retrospective and cross-
struction has also been described in HIV-positive sectional data do not definitively rule out the
patients [20]. Bronchial dilatation was found to possibility that the greater prevalence of COPD
correlate with increased neutrophilia in bron- among HIV-positive patients may be the result of
choalveolar lavage specimens, suggesting the pres- residual confounding, related to the generally
ence of increased airways inflammation. In another greater prevalence of other known risk factors
study, a decreased expiratory flow rate or a signifi- for COPD in HIV-positive populations, such as
cant response to inhaled bronchodilator was smoking or infection, which are discussed later in
encountered in 44% of 99 HIV-positive patients, further detail.
many of whom had a history of Pneumocystis
pneumonia (PCP) or systemic Kaposi’s sarcoma
Risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary
Data regarding the association of HIV
disease among HIV-positive patients
infection with bronchial hyper-responsiveness is
conflicting. Although more HIV-positive subjects Exposures to a variety of substances are asso-
tended to have bronchial hyper-responsiveness to ciated with risk for COPD. Cigarette smoking, the
methacoholine challenge than HIV-negative sub- most potent risk factor for COPD, is highly
jects in a study from the Pulmonary Complica- prevalent in HIV-positive populations [23]. Previ-
tions of HIV Infection Study Cohort (19.3% HIV ous studies reported that nearly 75% of HIV-pos-
positive versus 12.9% HIV negative), this differ- itive patients have ever smoked [23,24] and
ence was not statistically significant [21]. Of the approximately 40% to 50% are current smokers
HIV-positive patients who had airway hyper- [24–26]. In contrast, the prevalence of current
responsiveness, however, 70% had no prior his- smoking in the general HIV-uninfected population
tory of asthma. In contrast, another investigation in the United States is approximately 21% [27].
of 236 HIV-positive and 236 HIV-negative men Additional potential risk factors for COPD
found significantly increased bronchial hyper- that tend to be more common in HIV-positive
responsiveness to methacholine challenge in compared with HIV-negative populations include
HIV-positive compared to HIV-negative subjects inhaled and intravenous substance abuse [12,28].
[13]. Smoking status influenced bronchial hyper- The use of inhaled drugs, such as marijuana,
responsiveness, as bronchial hyper-responsiveness cocaine, and heroin, are variably reported to be
was significantly greater only among HIV-positive associated with airflow obstruction [29]. Although
current smokers compared with HIV-negative use of these drugs is clearly associated with
current smokers (30% versus 13%, P!.05) but increased frequency of respiratory symptoms, it
Table 1
Evidence for increased emphysema and chronic bronchitis in HIV-positive patients
Author, year Design and population Findings Relationship to smoking and other factors
Kuhlman et al [11], 1989 Retrospective chart review of 55 HIVþ 42% of HIVþ patients compared with 16% 70% of patients who have premature bullous
patients who had AIDS and 50 neutropenic of leukemia patients had bullous changes damage had prior or recurrent pulmonary
patients who had acute leukemia. on CT scan (P!.01). infections, with 61% having prior PCP; no
difference in smoking or injection drug use
in AIDS patients  bullous damage;
overall prevalence of smoking not stated.
Guillemi et al [10], 1996 Cross-sectional evaluation of 32 consecutive 60% with unexpected lung lesions on CT No patients had history of intravenous drug
HIVþ men who had AIDS referred for scan; nearly half consisted of use; patients who had prior lung infections
initiation of PCP prophylaxis; 78% had emphysematous or cystic changes. were not excluded; no difference in smoking
ever smoked. between patients  lung abnormalities.
Diaz et al [17], 1999 Baseline, cross-sectional analysis of Of the 95 HIVþ patients who underwent Patients who had prior AIDS-related
prospective cohort of 243 HIVþ patients HRCT, emphysema was found to correlate pulmonary complications were excluded;

and 30 HIV controls; 67% HIVþ and with decreased DLCO, which primarily was HIVþ subjects who had DLCO below the
63% HIV group were smokers. due to decreases in the capillary blood 25th percentile (!72% predicted) had
volume component; HIVþ patients who greater pack years of smoking than HIVþ
had decreased DLCO had significantly subjects who had DLCO O 25th percentile.
decreased VC and FEV1, although still No significant difference between groups in
within normal ranges, with preserved TLC occupational exposures, family history of
and no significant difference in FEV1/FVC COPD, or diagnoses of pneumonia.
ratio. Of patients who had DLCO ! 25th
percentile, 50% had CT evidence of
Diaz et al [9], 2000 Cross-sectional sample of larger prospective Radiographic emphysema observed in 15% of Patients who had prior AIDS-related
cohort study included 114 consecutive HIVþ compared with 2% of HIV pulmonary complications were excluded;
HIVþ patients and 44 age-, sex-, and patients; no difference in FEV1, FVC approximately 10% of HIVþ and HIV
smoking-matched HIV controls. 60% of overall between HIVþ and HIV, patients had a history of injection drug use;
HIVþ and 56% of HIV patients were although DLCO was significantly lower !10% of patients were on protease
smokers. among HIVþ patients (P ¼ .03). Only mild inhibitors. Age and smoking controlled for
airflow obstruction in HIVþ patients who by matching.
had emphysema (FEV1/FVC 69.2%).
HIVþ emphysema had higher % cytotoxic
lymphocytes on BAL compared with HIVþ
without emphysema and HIV smokers
without emphysema.
Diaz et al [12], 2003 Baseline, cross-sectional analysis of Significantly increased cough, phlegm, Patients who had prior AIDS-related
respiratory symptoms in a prospective wheeze, and dyspnea in HIVþ compared pulmonary complications were excluded;
cohort study of 327 HIVþ patients and 52 with HIV patients; specifically, both greater prevalence of intravenous drug use
HIV patients. 54% of HIVþ and 50% of increased cough and phlegm production among HIVþ; smoking was significantly
HIV were current smokers. ‘‘on most days for R3 months during the associated with all respiratory symptoms;
year’’ (approximately 25% HIV þ versus unclear if symptom duration of cough/
12% HIV, P!.05). Use of lamivudine phlegm was R2 years, required for chronic
associated with less dyspnea. bronchitis diagnosis.
Crothers et al [18], 2006 Baseline cross-sectional analysis of a HIVþ patients 50%–60% more likely to have Patients who had prior lung disease were not
prospective cohort study included 1014 COPD, adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, excluded; COPD was based on ICD-9
HIVþ and 713 HIV men; 75% of both pack years of smoking, injection drug use, codes and patient self-report;
HIVþ and HIV patients had ever and alcohol abuse (OR 1.5 for diagnosis of approximately 80% of HIVþ patients were
smoked. COPD by ICD-9 codes and 1.6 for patient on HAART. Smoking and injection drug
self-report, P!.05). use controlled for in multivariate analyses.
Women were excluded in these analyses due
to low percentage in overall study.
Abbreviations: BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; HIV, HIV negative; HIVþ, HIV positive; HRCT, high-resolution chest CT; OR, odds ratio; VC, vital capacity; , with and

Table 2
Evidence for increased airway abnormalities in HIV-positive patients
Author, year Design and population Findings Relationship to smoking and other factors
O’Donnell et al [14], 1988 Retrospective chart review of 99 HIVþ 44% with abnormal airway function: 54% of patients had PCP and 29% had
patients who had AIDS referred for decreased airflow in 33% (defined as an systemic KS within 3 months before testing;
pulmonary physiologic assessment in PFT FEV1, FVC, or FEF 25-75 of 1.65 standard abnormal airway function was found in 8
laboratory; 35% were smokers. deviations below predicted values) and of 18 (44%) patients who had KS, 9 of 42
significant response to bronchodilator in (21%) of those who had PCP, 7 of 11
31% (defined as increase in the FEV1 of (64%) of those who had PCP and KS, and
R12% or if the FEF 25-75 increased 20 of 28 (71%) of those who did not have
R25% with a change in VC of !10%). PCP or KS. No difference in airflow
abnormalities according to smoking status.
King et al [20], 1997 Cross-sectional subset of prospective cohort 36% of HIVþ and none of HIV patients Patients who had prior AIDS-related
study, included 50 HIVþ and 11 HIV had bronchial dilatation on CT; pulmonary complications were excluded;

patients; 69% had ever smoked. significantly decreased DLCO but no no significant difference in smoking history
difference in airflow obstruction in subjects between HIVþ and HIV patients, in
 bronchial dilatation. BAL neutrophilia those  bronchial dilatation, and in those
(O4%) in 22% of HIVþ compared with  BAL neutrophilia. No pulmonary
9% of HIV patients; BAL neutrophil infections diagnosed on BAL. Significantly
counts significantly higher in those who had longer duration of HIV infection in those
bronchial dilatation (P ¼ .014). who had bronchial dilatation.
Wallace et al [21], 1997 Cross-sectional substudy of prospective Hyper-responsiveness to methacholine HIV controls were selected from another
cohort study, consisting of 62 HIVþ and 62 challenge detected in 19.3% of HIVþ and cohort study; study underpowered to detect
HIV patients matched by age, gender, 12.9% of HIV (PO.1). a difference of this magnitude. Smoking
race, smoking, prior asthma, and baseline controlled for by matching.
FEV1; 52% of each group had ever
Gelman et al [19], 1999 Cross-sectional subset of prospective cohort 63% of HIVþ and 27% of HIV patients Patients who had prior AIDS-related
study included 48 consecutive HIVþ and 11 had focal air trapping on expiratory HRCT pulmonary complications and coexistent
consecutive HIV patients; 54% of HIVþ scan (P ¼ .03); subjects who had air lung disease, including bronchiectasis and
and 55% of HIV patients were current trapping had lower mean FEV1, FEF 25- emphysema, were excluded; no difference in
smokers. 75, and DLCO than those who had normal current smoking and pack years of smoking
HRCT (P!.05). Air trapping was according to presence of focal air trapping
associated significantly with bronchial or HIV. Significantly longer duration of
dilatation. HIV infection in those who had focal air
Poirier et al [13], 2001 Cross-sectional study of 248 HIVþ and 236 Hyper-responsiveness to methacholine Subjects required to have a normal chest x-
healthy HIV men, ages 20–44 years. 62% challenge found in 26.2% of HIVþ and ray, no respiratory infections in the 6
of HIVþ compared with 35% of HIV 14.4% of HIV patients (P!.05); when weeks, and no PCP in the 3 months before
men were current smokers (P!.05). stratified by current smoking, bronchial study participation. Although not
hyper-responsiveness significantly different statistically significant, 17.3% of HIVþ
in HIVþ current smokers compared with patients reported a history of asthma
HIV current smokers only (30.3% versus compared with 12.3% of HIV patients.
13.3%, P!.05). Subjects stratified by smoking status in
analyses; no data on other drug use or
occupational exposures.
Abbreviations: BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; FEF 25-75, forced mid-expiratory flow; HIV, HIV negative; HIVþ, HIV positive; HRCT, high-resolution chest CT;
KS, Kaposi’s sarcoma; PFT, pulmonary function test; VC, vital capacity; , with and without.


is not entirely clear whether or not they are asso- the development of COPD in HIV-positive per-
ciated independently with the development of air- sons, overexpression of IFN-g is shown to cause
flow obstruction or emphysema after controlling emphysema in animal models [43].
for concomitant cigarette smoking [30–32]. For Chronic viral infections are also believed to be
example, a recent systematic review on the pulmo- involved in the pathogenesis of COPD [47]. Latent
nary complications of marijuana found that al- adenoviral infections in the lung are postulated to
though marijuana smoking was associated with play a role in amplifying the development of ciga-
increased respiratory symptoms, no clear associa- rette smoke-induced emphysema. The local conse-
tion with long-term abnormalities in pulmonary quences of HIV infection in the pathogenesis of
function testing was demonstrated [33]. The effects COPD are unknown, however, and the impact
of intravenous drug use on the lung are also varied. of immune reconstitution and HAART on the
Although associated more commonly with talc development and progression of COPD has not
granulomatosis, restrictive ventilatory defects, been investigated.
and pulmonary hypertension, the intravenous use Additionally, episodes of clinical pneumonia
of illicit drugsdparticularly of methylphenidated or colonization with respiratory organisms may
also can be associated with the development of contribute to airway obstruction [42–49], which
precocious emphysema [29]. Although data on the may be of particular relevance to the pathogenesis
association of alcohol abuse with obstructive lung of COPD in immunosuppressed persons who have
disease is conflicting [34,35], alcohol abuse is also HIV disease. For example, a history of bacterial
prevalent in HIV-positive patients [28]. Whether pneumonia or PCP is associated with significant
or not alcohol plays a greater role in the susceptibil- expiratory airflow limitation in subjects who
ity to COPD in patients who have HIV infection have HIV infection [42]. In addition, colonization
has not been investigated. with Pneumocystis jirovecii, the organism respon-
Other possible risk factors to consider in HIV- sible for human PCP, is associated with the pres-
infected populations that may have an impact on ence and severity of COPD in HIV-negative
the development or progression of COPD but that patients [41]. P jirovecii has also been identified
have been addressed incompletely in prior studies in the sputum of asymptomatic HIV-negative
include occupational or environmental exposures patients who have chronic bronchitis [50] and
[36] and low socioeconomic status [37,38]. In addi- has been detected with higher frequency in HIV-
tion, recurrent pulmonary infections or coloniza- positive smokers compared with nonsmokers in
tion with microorganisms in the respiratory tract the absence of active PCP [51].
may influence the course of COPD. Although the Oxidative stress may play a key role in the
pathogenic role of microorganisms in the course development and progression of COPD, particu-
of COPD is controversial [39–41], increased airflow larly in patients who have HIV. Increased oxida-
obstruction subsequent to episodes of bacterial tive stress is demonstrated systemically and in the
pneumonia and PCP has been documented in lungs of patients who have COPD and asthma
HIV-positive patients [42]. It is as yet unknown above that seen in healthy smokers [52]. A de-
whether or not CD4 count, HIV viral load, or creased ability to maintain an antioxidant defense
HAART influences the development or clinical may enhance susceptibility to COPD [53]. HIV-
course of COPD. positive patients have evidence of abnormal sys-
temic and lung oxidant/antioxidant balance, as
demonstrated by decreased antioxidant defenses,
Potential mechanisms of increased risk for chronic
most notably superoxide dismutase and glutathi-
obstructive pulmonary disease in HIV
one [54,55], and elevated serum levels of lipid
Pathophysiologic studies offer several potential peroxidation products, such as malondialdehyde
observations as to why HIV may increase suscep- and hydroperoxide [56]. Smoking may enhance
tibility to COPD. CD8þ T cells are believed to play this oxidative stress, further depleting antioxidant
a critical role in the development of COPD [43,44], defenses systemically and in the lung that already
and HIV infection can result in intense infiltration are abnormal in HIV-positive patients [57]. Fur-
of CD8þ T cells in the lung, particularly in early ther work is needed to elucidate which, if any, of
to mid stages of disease [45,46]. These T cells are these processes plays a causal role either alone
shown to secrete interferon-g (IFN-g) [45]. Al- or in conjunction with cigarette smoking or
though it is unclear whether or not the lymphocytic other risk factors in the pathogenesis of COPD
alveolitis and expression of IFN-g play any role in in HIV-positive persons.

Clinical impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary associated with high-dose inhaled steroids [65],
disease in HIV providers should monitor for infectious complica-
tions, particularly in patients who have low CD4
Given the high frequency of smoking [23],
T-cell counts. Likewise, the regular use of systemic
increasing age, and greater prevalence of COPD
steroids preferably should be avoided in HIV-
in patients who have HIV infection [9,18], COPD
positive patients. In addition, providers should re-
is emerging as an important clinical problem in
view vaccination records with their HIV-positive
HIV-positive patients in the era of HAART.
patients to ensure that all patients have received
This is likely to be true particularly in areas of
the recommended pneumococcal and yearly influ-
the world with access to HAART, such as in the
enza vaccine.
United States, where an estimated 1 million
Second, smoking cessation is of paramount
people are living with HIV. Overall, noninfectious
importance, as current smoking is associated with
complications and comorbid illnesses in HIV-
increased respiratory symptoms, COPD, bacterial
positive patients have generally increased in fre-
pneumonia, mortality, and decreased quality of
quency as survival has improved among those
life in HIV-positive patients [63]. Rates of current
on HAART [58–60]. Consistent with this, COPD
smoking are nearly twofold higher in most HIV-
is the second most frequently encountered new
positive compared with HIV-negative populations
pulmonary condition after bacterial pneumonia
[27]. Health care providers, however, of HIV-pos-
in a cohort of HIV-positive veterans studied in
itive patients may be less aware of current smok-
the HAART era [61]. This is in contrast to the
ing and less confident in their ability to counsel
pre-HAART era, when infectious complications,
their patients regarding smoking cessation [66].
such as bacterial pneumonia and PCP, were the
These findings highlight the need to increase
two most common lung complications among
efforts at smoking cessation among patients who
HIV-positive patients [62].
have HIV. Although the number of studies is lim-
Furthermore, the chronic complications from
ited, data suggest that smoking cessation interven-
smoking now contribute significantly to morbidity
tions can be effectively applied in HIV-positive
and mortality of HIV-positive patients, whereas
populations [67–69]. One study combining the
studies before HAART had conflicting conclusions
nicotine patch and counseling found a smoking
regarding the association of smoking with mor-
cessation rate of 50% after 8 months among
tality [63]. Compared to those who have never
HIV-positive smokers [69]. Another study using
smoked, current smokers who have HIV have
cellular telephones for counseling in HIV-positive
a significantly increased prevalence of COPD and
smokers increased cessation rates to 37% com-
a greater mortality [63]. These findings, in turn,
pared with 10% in the usual care group [68].
raise the possibility that the increased mortality
These results are similar to those from a study
may be attributable in part to COPD and under-
of HIV-negative patients using telephone inter-
score the increasing importance of COPD and
vention [70].
other noninfectious comorbid conditions among
Third, as with HIV-negative patients, HIV-
HIV-positive patients on effective HAART.
positive patients who have COPD should be
considered for participation in pulmonary reha-
bilitation programs. In HIV-positive veterans,
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary
COPD or asthma was among the top comorbid
disease in HIV-positive patients
conditions independently associated with self-
To date, no studies have addressed the man- reported increased physical disability [71]. In stud-
agement of COPD specifically in HIV-positive ies of HIV-negative patients who have COPD,
patients. Given the absence of such data, current physical functioning can be improved significantly
therapy should follow the COPD management with participation in pulmonary rehabilitation
guidelines proposed for HIV-uninfected patients programs [72].
[64]. Special consideration should be given, how- Referral for pulmonary rehabilitation thus
ever, to a few key aspects of COPD management should be considered early in HIV-positive patients
for HIV-positive patients. First, the use of inhaled who have COPD, as the systemic and skeletal
steroids for COPD in HIV-positive patients re- manifestations encountered in HIV-negative pati-
quires careful follow-up. Given the risks for oral ents who have COPD may potentially be exagger-
candidiasis and the recently identified concern ated and associated with even greater decrements
for an increased risk for bacterial pneumonia in physical capacity in patients who have HIV.

Possible reasons for this include the concomitant HIV-positive patients is warranted. Identification
skeletal muscle dysfunction and mitochondrial of COPD is important, as undiagnosed airway
abnormalities related to HIV infection and its obstruction is associated with impaired health and
treatment superimposed on those associated with functional status [78]. Appropriate management
COPD alone [73]. Furthermore, peak aerobic of COPD is associated with health benefits, such
capacity is decreased in HIV-positive patients: as decreased symptoms and COPD exacerbations,
a 41% decrease in the maximal oxygen consump- and improved smoking cessation, exercise capac-
tion was noted in HIV-positive patients compared ity, and quality of life [79,80]. Additional studies
with expected values from age- and gender- are needed to determine whether or not the phar-
matched healthy sedentary HIV-negative controls macologic and nonpharmacologic management
[74]. Respiratory muscle function also may be af- strategies for COPD should differ in HIV-positive
fected in HIV, as another study found decreased patients versus HIV-negative to best maintain
respiratory muscle strength in otherwise healthy patient health over time.
HIV-positive patients compared with HIV-nega-
tive patients [75]. No studies to date have investi-
gated the systemic manifestations of COPD in References
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 589–607

Update on the Pharmacologic Therapy for Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Nicola A. Hanania, MD, MSa,*, Amir Sharafkhaneh, MDb
Asthma Clinical Research Center, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Baylor College of Medicine, 1504 Taub Loop, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine,
1504 Taub Loop, Houston, TX 77030, USA

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease bronchodilators given when needed are recommen-
(COPD) is a growing worldwide problem [1,2]. ded for patients who have intermittent symptoms,
The most distressing symptoms for patients who such as cough, wheeze, or exertional dyspnea.
have COPD are dyspnea, exercise intolerance, and Maintenance therapy should be initiated, however,
the progressive inability to engage in activities of in patients who have persistent daily symptoms,
daily living. These clinical manifestations of COPD such as dyspnea or nighttime awakenings, despite
ultimately lead to poor health-related quality of use of as-needed short-acting agents. In this setting,
life. As with many other chronic diseases, a multi- maintenance treatment should be initiated with
modality approach to the management of COPD a long-acting bronchodilator or, alternatively,
is advocated in several published, evidence-based a short-acting agent given 4 times per day. Rescue
guidelines [3,4]. The main goals of management of therapy with albuterol should be continued as
COPD are focused on relieving symptoms, improv- needed. If the benefit of treatment is limited, then
ing health status, preventing lung function decline, a bronchodilator from another drug class or a
improving exercise performance, preventing exac- combination of two drug classes (eg, long-acting
erbations, and decreasing mortality. Furthermore, bronchodilator plus inhaled corticosteroid [ICS])
these goals should be reached with minimal side should be attempted. The addition of regular ICS
effects from treatment. Traditional COPD thera- therapy should be considered in patients who
pies have focused on symptom control with the have forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)
aim of alleviating the problems of reduced airflow less than 50% of predicted who have had disease
and declining lung function. With improved knowl- exacerbations requiring a course of oral steroids
edge about the multicomponent nature of the or antibiotic at least once in the preceding year.
disease, however, recent therapeutic approaches Current medications used for COPD can reduce
aim to target the symptoms and the inflammation or abolish symptoms and the number and severity
that underlie and drive COPD [5]. of exacerbations and can improve exercise capacity
and health status [6]. However, several recent sur-
veys also show that patients who have COPD
Current treatment recommendations tend to be undertreated with maintenance medica-
Evidence-based guidelines for COPD emphasize tions. For example, the Confronting COPD survey,
a comprehensive and stepwise approach to the a telephone interview of 447 patients who had mild
management of COPD and stipulate that all pa- to moderate COPD in the United States, showed
tients who are symptomatic merit a trial of phar- that only 67% of patients reported taking prescrip-
macologic intervention (Table 1) [3,4]. Short-acting tion medications for treatment of COPD, which
most commonly included short-acting b2-agonists
* Corresponding author. (44% of patients), followed by ICS (31%), anticho-
E-mail address: (N.A. Hanania). linergics (26%), and theophylline (12%) [7].
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Table 1
Stepwise approach to the pharmacologic management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Severity Spirometric findings Intervention
Stage I: mild FEV1/FVC ! 70% FEV1 R 80% Add a short-acting bronchodilator
to be used when needed; anticholinergic
or b2-adrenoceptor agonist
Stage II: moderate FEV1/FVC ! 70% 50% % FEV1 ! 80% Add one or more long-acting bronchodilators
on a scheduled basis. Consider pulmonary
Stage III: severe FEV1/FVC ! 70% 30% % FEV1 ! 50% Add inhaled steroids if repeated
Stage IV: very severe FEV1/FVC ! 70% FEV1 ! 30% Evaluate for adding oxygen. Consider
surgical options.

Assessing response to therapy in chronic [15–17]. Nicotine replacement therapy can be de-
obstructive pulmonary disease livered by many routes: oral, inhaled, sublingual,
or transdermal, and its use with or without the
Assessment of lung function in COPD is
antidepressant, bupropion, is shown to increase
important in the diagnosis, staging, and determi-
1-year smoking cessation rates in clinical trials.
nation of the prognosis of the disease but it should
Other antidepressants, such as nortriptyline and
not be used as the sole measure to assess clinical
clonidine, also have been studied with limited effi-
response to treatment of COPD medications. In
cacy data. More recently, varenicline, an a4b2 nic-
addition to spirometry measures (FEV1, forced
otinic receptor partial agonist, was approved for
vital capacity [FVC], and FEV1/FVC), several
smoking cessation in the United States [18,19].
other physiologic measures should be considered
Although clinical studies on its use in COPD are
to determine a response to therapy [8–10]. These
ongoing, its efficacy in diminishing withdrawal
include improvement in lung volumes (inspiratory
symptoms and achieving a smoking cessation
capacity) and improvement in exercise tolerance.
status is described in the general population in
Other outcome measures that are important in
several recent studies [20–23]. A total of 3659 pa-
determining if a treatment is effective include
tients was included in these studies, which showed
improvement in health status, decrease in exacer-
that this medication was superior to bupropion
bation rate or severity, improvement in dyspnea,
and to nicotine patches. The current approved
and improvement of exercise tolerance. Ultima-
course of therapy with varenicline is for 12 weeks;
tely, the long-term effectiveness of a treatment
however, the use of additional 12 weeks of main-
usually is assessed by determining its effect on the
tenance therapy in those who were successful in
decline in lung function or on mortality.
quitting showed a reduction in the relapse rate.

Pharmacologic interventions
Bronchodilator therapy
for smoking cessation
General considerations
Smoking cessation is the single most effective
and cost-effective intervention to reduce the pro- Bronchodilators are believed to work primarily
gression of COPD and should be attempted in all through their direct relaxation effect on airway
patients [11]. Unfortunately, even with the best in- smooth muscle cells, although many have non-
tervention strategies, less than a third of smokers bronchodilator activities, which may contribute to
become sustained quitters [12]. Furthermore, once their beneficial effects in COPD. Three classes of
individuals develop demonstrable airflow obstruc- bronchodilatorsdb2-agonists, anticholinergics,
tion, their symptoms and airway inflammation and theophyllinedcurrently are available and can
may persist even after smoking cessation [13,14]. be used individually or in combination (Table 3).
Several effective therapies for tobacco dependence Several issues need to be considered when assess-
are available and should be considered in those ing the response to bronchodilator therapy. First,
patients interested in quitting smoking (Table 2) the lack of acute response to one class of

Table 2
Pharmacologic therapies for smoking cessation
Dose Frequency
Nicotine polacrilex 2 mg, 4 mg 10–20 mg/d
Every 1–2 hours
Nicotine lozenges/tablets 1 mg, 2 mg 10–20 mg/d
1 piece every hour
Buproprion sustained release 150 mg 150 mg for 3 days, then 300 mg each day
Varenicline 1 mg Initial 1-week dose titration, then 1 mg twice
daily for 12 weeks
Transdermal nicotine, three types 21, 14, 7 mg Over 24 hours
15, 10, 5 mg Over 16 hours
22, 11 mg Over 24 hours
Nasal nicotine spray 0.5 mg/inhalation 10–40 mg/d in hourly or as-needed dosing
Nicotine inhaler 10 mg/ampule 6–10 ampule/d

bronchodilator does not imply nonresponsiveness both drugs combined. One further consideration
to another. Donohue [24] reported that 73% of is that a patient’s FEV1 response to acute bron-
813 patients who had COPD increased their chodilator therapy does not predict long-term
FEV1 by greater than or equal to 12% or 200 response to bronchodilator therapy and may vary
mL after long-term salmeterol treatment. How- from day to day. Calverley and colleagues [25]
ever, 11% of patients showed a similar increase performed acute bronchodilator testing using al-
in FEV1 after acute administration of ipra- buterol, ipratropium bromide, or a combination
tropium, 27% after albuterol, and 35% with of the two on 660 patients who had COPD who
had been classified according to European Respi-
ratory Society and American Thoracic Society
Table 3 (ATS) spirometric criteria. Over the 2-month study
Pharmacologic agents used commonly for chronic period, 55% of patients classified as having
obstructive pulmonary disease ‘‘irreversible’’ airflow obstruction by ATS criteria
Short-acting agents Long-acting agents changed to ‘‘reversible’’ status on at least one of
b-Adrenoceptor agonists b-Adrenoceptor agonists the visits. In summary, the acute response to
Albuterol (MDI, NS) Salmeterol (DPI) short-acting bronchodilators is of limited value in
Levalbuterol (MDI, NS) Formoterol (DPI, NS) deciding future response to long-acting agents. In
Pirbuterol (MDI) Arformoterol (NS) addition, studies that stratify patients as ‘‘re-
Anticholinergic Anticholinergic sponders’’ versus ‘‘nonresponders’’ consistently
Ipratropium bromide Tiotropium bromide demonstrate a similar trend in the response to the
(MDI, NS) (DPI) therapeutic agent being investigated in both
Fixed combination Fixed combination groups. The clinical efficacy of bronchodilators
Albuterol/ipratropium Salmeterol/vluticasonea
traditionally has been assessed by the degree of
improvement FEV1. Other physiologic measures,
(DPI, MDI) however, such as the change in inspiratory capacity,
Methylxanthines correlate better with change in symptoms, such as
Theophylline (PO) dyspnea and exercise tolerance [26]. This suggests
that assessment of bronchodilator treatment using
Abbreviations: NS, nebulized solution; PO, oral
preparation. indices of hyperinflation or air trapping may
Only one dose formulation (250/50) approved for provide a better indicator of efficacy [27]. Although
COPD in the United States. changes in lung volumes are independent of
Currently not approved for COPD in United changes in FEV1, several studies have demon-
States. strated that the more sustained airway patency

offered by long-acting bronchodilators reduces air of Potential Long-term Impact on Function with
trapping [28,29]. Several other outcome measures Tiotropium [UPLIFT] trial) [44].
also are used to assess response to bronchodilator To achieve maximal benefit, a bronchodilator
therapy. COPD exacerbation is an important but must be delivered correctly to the airway using
occasionally overlooked parameter [30,31]. The proper technique. Inhaled bronchodilators tradi-
use of long-acting b2-adrenoceptor agonists and tionally have been delivered to the lung using
long-acting anticholinergic agents reduces the fre- a metered-dose inhaler (MDI). A significant
quency of exacerbation and severity of individual number of patients who have COPD cannot
exacerbations [32–34]. coordinate their breathing effectively using
The effects of long-acting bronchodilators on a MDI. This problem may be remedied by the
health status also are well documented in several use of a dry powder inhaler (DPI), a MDI with
clinical trials [32,34–37]. Dyspnea is a common and a spacer device or a nebulizer. The results of a
troublesome manifestation of COPD and its relief systematic review of 59 randomized controlled
is another important goal of bronchodilator ther- trials in which the same drug (bronchodilator or
apy. Instruments available to assess dyspnea can ICS) was delivered using different delivery devices
either discriminate the level of dyspnea (discrimi- (MDI with or without a spacer, DPI, or a nebu-
native) or evaluate dyspnea over time (evaluative). lizer) in patients who had asthma or COPD
An instrument that is used widely is the Baseline recently were published [45]. This review con-
and Transition Dyspnea Index, which assesses cludes, ‘‘for the treatment of COPD in the outpa-
breathlessness in domains related to functional tient setting, the MDI, with or without spacer/
impairment, magnitude of task, and magnitude of holding chamber, the nebulizer, and the DPI
effort. This instrument is shown responsive to a va- were all appropriate for the delivery of inhaled
riety of therapeutic modalities, such as long-acting b2-agonists and anticholinergic agents.’’
bronchodilator use. More recently, self-adminis-
tered versions of this instrument have been des-
b2-Adrenoceptor agonists
cribed, which may eliminate interviewer bias and
decrease the time needed for questionnaire admin- Pharmacology
istration. Exercise limitation is another significant b2-adrenoceptor agonists act by binding to the
problem for patients who have COPD, and it can b2-adrenoceptor (b2-AR), which is a member of
be assessed using several different techniques. The the seven transmembrane domains, G protein–
simplest method to assess exercise tolerance is the coupled family of receptors [46]. Although b2-
6-minute walk distance, commonly used to assess ARs are present in high density in airway smooth
the functional status of patients who have COPD muscle cells, they also are present in submucosal
[38]. It is a reliable, objective, inexpensive, and glands, vascular endothelium, ciliated epithelium,
easy-to-apply tool, regardless of a patient’s age or mast cells, circulating inflammatory cells (such as
educational level. Other methods to assess exercise eosinophils and lymphocytes), Clara cells, type II
tolerance include incremental and steady state pneumocytes, and cholinergic ganglia. Upon ago-
cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). CPET is nist binding to receptor, adenylyl cyclase is acti-
helpful in evaluating mechanisms of improvement vated via the signal transducing Gs protein,
in dyspnea secondary to pharmacologic agents, which results in a rise in cellular cyclic adenosine
such as long-acting bronchodilators [39–41]. monophosphate (cAMP) levels and activation of
The long-term effects of bronchodilators used protein kinase A (PKA). The precise PKA phos-
currently are not well known and long-term phorylation targets mediating bronchial smooth
studies will contribute to understanding their muscle relaxation are not understood fully but
effects on the natural history of the disease. The likely include myosin light chain kinase and
long-term effects of the long-acting b-agonist, Caþþ- dependent Kþ channels [46]. b2-adrenocep-
salmeterol, and salmeterol/fluticasone propionate tor agonists are delivered through the inhaled or
combination (SFC) on all-cause mortality and oral route, although the later is limited because
other outcomes over 3 years have been investi- of the increased risk for adverse systemic effects.
gated in a recently published trial (Towards There are several important pharmacologic differ-
a Revolution in COPD Health [TORCH]) [42,43]. ences among the existing agents [46,47]. First, the
Another trial, now underway, will examine the onset of action is similar for albuterol and formo-
effect of tiotropium on the decline in postbron- terol (1–3 minutes) but it is more prolonged with
chodilator FEV1 over 4 years (the Understanding salmeterol. This difference in onset of action is

related to the lipophilicity of each of these agents fast onset of action, it has a potential role in the
and their ability to activate the b2-AR in the aque- management of acute COPD exacerbation either
ous phase (albuterol and formoterol). Albuterol as a sole medication or in combination with an-
has a short duration of action lasting less than other bronchodilator [60,61] and for use as a rescue
6 hours, whereas the duration of action of salme- and maintenance medication [62]. A recent study
terol and formoterol is approximately 12 hours. demonstrated a superior effect of formoterol com-
Second, these agents differ significantly in their pared with tiotropium bromide in improving FEV1
ability to activate the b2-AR (intrinsic efficacy). in the first 2 hours after administration; however,
The efficacy of b2-AR activation by these agents the area under the curve FEV1 over 12 hours was
is dependent on their affinity and potency [46]. Al- similar in these two agents [63]. Several systematic
though formoterol has a high intrinsic efficacy (ie, reviews of LABAs reveal that these agents can
is a strong agonist), albuterol and salmeterol have reduce the rate of COPD exacerbations by approx-
a very low intrinsic efficacy (ie, are weak agonists). imately 15% to 20% [32,64]. In a study of 634
The clinical relevance of this difference needs to be patients who have COPD, the administration of
explored further in future trials. The majority of salmeterol for 12 months improved health out-
b2-adrenoceptor agonists currently used are race- comes, including exacerbations, especially in pati-
mic compounds, which contain a 50-50 mixture ents who complied with therapy [65].
of the (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of the agonist.
Recently, the (R)-enantiomer of albuterol (leval- Nonbronchodilator effects of b2-adrenoceptor
buterol) [48,49] and the (R,R)-enantiomer of for- agonists
moterol (arformoterol) were approved for Although the major action of b2-adrenoceptor
clinical use in the management of COPD [50,51]. agonists on airways is relaxation of airway smooth
Much of the pharmacologic activity of the agonist muscles, they also exert several effects mediated
usually resides in the effects of the (R)-enantio- through the activation of b2-ARs expressed on
mer; the (S)-enantiomer is believed to have no resident airway cells, such as epithelial cells, mast
bronchodilator effects but may induce deleterious cells, and circulating inflammatory cells, such as
effects. Data from an in vitro study indicate that eosinophils and neutrophils [66,67]. These effects
(S,S)-formoterol is not biologically inert, such include inhibition of airway smooth muscle cell
that in racemic mixtures, it inhibits the beneficial proliferation and inflammatory mediator release
effects of (R,R)-formoterol on proliferation, and nonsmooth muscle effects, such as stimulation
anti-inflammatory cellular surface marker expres- of mucociliary transport [68], cytoprotection of the
sion, and cytokine secretion [52]. The respiratory mucosa, and attenuation of neutrophil
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of isomeric recruitment and activation [67]. Many of these
versus racemic b2-adrenoceptor agonists in the effects are described within in vitro studies, how-
management of airway diseases, such as COPD, ever, and in vivo studies are needed to explore these
however, need to be explored further and remain effects fully. More recently, the physiologic and
controversial [53,54]. clinical benefits of LABAs have been shown to be
enhanced when administered in conjunction with
Clinical benefits ICSs [69–72], which may translate to clinical
Short-acting b2-adrenoceptor agonists have benefits (discussed later).
a rapid onset of action and are effective for rescue
Anticholinergic bronchodilators
of symptoms in COPD. Albuterol is the agent
used most commonly. In addition to their bron- Parasympathetic activity in the large- and
chodilatory properties, these agents are effective medium-sized airways is mediated through the
in increasing mucociliary clearance. A systematic muscarinic receptors (M1 and M3) and results in
review showed that regular use of short-acting airways smooth-muscle contraction, mucus secre-
b2-adrenoceptor agonists in COPD was associated tion, and possibly increased ciliary activity. M2
with improvement in lung function and dyspnea receptors are located on the postganglionic para-
[55]. The two currently available long-acting b2- sympathetic nerves and inhibit acetylcholine release
adrenoceptor agonists (LABAs)dsalmeterol and from the nerve terminals. Increased cholinergic
formoteroldare shown to improve lung function, tone is important in the pathogenesis of COPD,
health status, and symptom reduction significantly contributing to increased bronchial smooth muscle
compared with placebo [28,56–58] and ipratro- tone and to mucus hypersecretion [73,74]. Thus,
pium [34,59]. In addition, because of formoterol’s anticholinergic agents reduce airway tone and

improve expiratory flow limitation, hyperinflation, Nonbronchodilator effects of anticholinergics

and exercise capacity in patients who have COPD. Some nonbronchodilator effects of the existing
Two anticholinergic bronchodilators currently are anticholinergic agents are reported [82]. Further-
available for clinical use in the United States. The more, results from a recent study performed on
short-acting anticholinergic agent, ipratropium sputum cells obtained from patients who had
bromide, acts on all three muscarinic receptors. COPD demonstrate that muscarinic receptors
Its short duration of action requires dosing every may be involved in airway inflammation in subjects
6 hours. who have COPD through acetylcholine-induced,
The longer-acting anticholinergic agent, tiotro- ERK1/2-dependent leukotriene B4 (LTB4) release
pium bromide (dosed once daily), binds to all three [83]. These results suggest that anticholinergic
receptor subtypes; however, it dissociates rapidly therapy may contribute to reduced neutrophilic
from M2 receptors. In contrast, its prolonged inflammation in COPD; however, these findings
dissociation half-life from M3 receptors of nearly need to be evaluated further in humans.
35 hours results in a prolonged bronchodilatory
effect. Peak bronchodilation occurs within 1 to
3 hours and continues for up to 32 hours, with
a dip between 16 and 24 hours related to circadian Theophylline is a nonselective phosphodiester-
change. The bronchoprotective effect of tiotro- ase inhibitor that acts as a weak bronchodilator
pium against a bronchospastic agent continues, and a respiratory stimulant. It is shown to improve
however, up to 48 hours [75]. diaphragmatic contractility and has some anti-in-
flammatory properties [84]. Because of its potential
ability to activate the histone deacetylase system,
Clinical benefits theophylline may have the ability of enhancing
The short-acting ipratropium has been used for the effects of ICSs in patients who have COPD
many years either as monotherapy or in combi- [85,86]. Several studies demonstrate beneficial
nation with albuterol in the maintenance therapy effects of theophylline when added to other treat-
for COPD [27,76,77]. Several studies show, how- ment in patients who have COPD [87,88]. Because
ever, that the use of long-acting bronchodilators of potential adverse effects and a narrow therapeu-
is superior in improving health outcomes. The tic index, however, theophylline should be used
use of tiotropium in patients who have COPD re- only when symptoms persist despite optimal alter-
sults in improved health status, dyspnea, and exer- nate bronchodilator therapy.
cise capacity and reduced hyperinflation and
COPD exacerbation rate in patients who have
Safety of bronchodilator therapy
moderate to severe COPD relative to placebo
[36,40,78] and ipratropium [37]. Data from large Although the safety of LABAs as monother-
long-term trials showed that trough FEV1 in- apy in asthma recently has been questioned [89],
creased by 100 to 150 mL and the peak FEV1 in- the use of these medications in COPD generally
creased by 150 to 200 mL above the trough level is described as safe. In general, short-acting b2-
after inhalation of 18 micrograms of tiotropium. agonists are well tolerated, apart from occasional
No loss of efficacy was seen over the course of episodes of tachycardia and tremor. It is reported
1 year of regular treatment with tiotropium. Fur- that the continued use of b2-agonists may be asso-
thermore, in a multicenter Veterans Administra- ciated with an increase in cardiovascular risk com-
tion trial involving 1829 patients who had severe pared with placebo [90]. A recent meta-analysis
COPD, the addition of tiotropium to other COPD (N ¼ 2853) of data from seven clinical trials exam-
therapies reduced acute COPD exacerbations sig- ining the effects of salmeterol in patients who had
nificantly and reduced COPD hospitalizations COPD, however, showed no clinically significant
when compared with placebo [33]. Data from difference in the incidence of cardiovascular
three more recent studies, specifically designed to events between salmeterol and placebo [91]. It
explore the potential differences between tiotro- also is suggested that tolerance to the bronchodi-
pium and salmeterol, seem to indicate a greater lator effects of LABAs may occur with their pro-
efficacy of tiotropium [79–81]. An ongoing large longed use in COPD [79,92]. A study examining
clinical trial will evaluate the effect of tiotropium the bronchodilator effect of long-term use of sal-
on the decline of lung function over a 4-year meterol, however, demonstrated a sustained bron-
period [44]. chodilator effect for salmeterol administered for 6

months [58]. Data from the recently completed Given the prominence of airway inflammation
TORCH study suggest that 3-year chronic use of in COPD, highly potent but nonspecific anti-in-
salmeterol as monotherapy in patients who had flammatory agents, such as corticosteroids, could
COPD produced no increase in mortality [43], be expected to have some effects on lung function
as was suggested by the Salmeterol Multicenter and health outcomes of patients who have COPD.
Asthma Research Trial (SMART) in patients Although these agents seem to have minimal signif-
who had asthma [89]. Nevertheless, b-agonists icant effects on key inflammatory chemoattrac-
should be used with caution in patients who tants, such as interleukin (IL)-8, tumor necrosis
have underlying cardiac disorders, including is- factor a (TNF-a), and matrix metalloproteinases
chemic heart disease or unstable cardiac arrhyth- (MMPs) [97], there are data to suggest an associa-
mia [90,93]. tion with reduced neutrophil chemotaxis [98]. The
The use of anticholinergics may be associated clinical relevance of this observation remains un-
with class-related side effects, such as dry mouth, certain. During exacerbations, where there is a large
an increased risk for glaucoma, and urinary re- increase in the concentrations of proinflammatory
tention. When used in recommended doses, how- cells, including neutrophils, systemic corticoste-
ever, agents used currently generally are safe, as the roids improve lung function significantly, shorten
quaternary nitrogen atom prevents them from hospital stays, and reduce the risk for relapses as
being absorbed systemically. These agents, how- compared with placebo [99,100].
ever, should be used with caution in patients who Current guidelines recommend the use of regu-
have bladder neck obstruction resulting from lar treatment with ICS for symptomatic patients
prostatism and in patients who have glaucoma. who suffer frequent exacerbations and whose FEV1
The long-term safety of tiotropium over 4 years is is less than 50% of predicted [3,4]. Several, large,
being investigated in the UPLIFT study, currently 3-year, randomized trials have failed to show
underway [44]. A recent meta-analysis [94], which a significant effect of ICS on the rate of decline of
included randomized controlled trials of at least FEV1 compared with placebo [101–104]. These tri-
3 months’ duration that evaluated anticholinergic als excluded patients who had any significant bron-
or b2-agonist use compared with placebo or each chodilator reversibility, however, a subpopulation
other in patients who had COPD, documented of patients who have COPD who theoretically
that although inhaled anticholinergics significantly may benefit most from ICS. Moreover, a meta-
reduced severe exacerbations and respiratory analysis by Sutherland and colleagues [105] showed
deaths in patients who had COPD, b2-adrenocep- that high-dose ICS did reduce the rate of decline in
tor agonists were associated with an increased FEV1 by 9.9 mL per year compared with placebo
risk for respiratory deaths. As highlighted by the (P ¼ .01). In a recent pooled analysis of seven stud-
investigators themselves, however, this meta- ies, ICS therapy was shown more effective in ex-
analysis had several methodologic limitations that smokers than in current smokers and in women
limited the validity of its results. compared with men who had COPD in improving
Theophylline is associated with tremors and lung function in the first 6 months of therapy. After
nausea and, less frequently, with cardiac arrhyth- 6 months, however, ICS therapy did not modify the
mias and seizures [95]. The risk for such adverse decline in FEV1 among those who completed these
events can be reduced by monitoring the drug’s randomized clinical trials [106]. Whether or not
plasma levels and reducing the dose accordingly. this short-term effect on lung function is impor-
tant clinically remains unresolved. It is generally
agreed, however, that ICSs have a positive influ-
ence on clinical endpoints in patients who have
Anti-inflammatory therapy
COPD. In the Inhaled Steroids in Obstructive
Increasingly, COPD is recognized as an in- Lung Disease (ISOLDE) trial, the median exacer-
flammatory disorder and the severity of airway bation rate was reduced by 25% with fluticasone
inflammation is related directly to the severity of propionate compared with placebo, with a concom-
the underlying COPD [96]. Airway inflammation itant significant reduction in health status deterio-
is present even in smokers who are physiologically ration [107,108]. These effects on reduction of
‘‘normal’’ and in those who quit smoking. Corti- exacerbations and improvement in health status
costeroids are the only anti-inflammatory medica- also were observed in several other studies, includ-
tions available for use in selected patients who ing the recently published 3-year study (TORCH)
have COPD. [32,43,109]. Furthermore, withdrawal from

treatment with ICS was associated with a more receiving combination treatment had a greater im-
rapid onset and increased recurrence of provement in FEV1 and FVC compared with
exacerbations and with a significant deterioration those receiving the individual agents over 24
in health status [110,111]. Observational studies hours. Tiotropium was superior to formoterol
suggested reductions in morbidity and possibly for FEV1 response over 0 to 12 hours (owing to
even mortality from long-term ICS therapy significant differences from 8 to 12 hours), but
[109,112–114]; many of these studies, however, the two treatments were not significantly different
did not correct for the immortal time bias in their for FEV1 over 12 to 24 hours or 0 to 24 hours. A
analyses [115]. Furthermore, there was no effect similar observation was documented in a more re-
of ICS on survival in the prospective 3-year study cently published 2-week study of tiotropium alone
(TORCH) [43]. or tiotropium plus formoterol once or twice daily
after a 2-week pretreatment period with tio-
tropium. In this study, the use of an additional
Combination therapy evening dose of formoterol had a clear added ben-
efit compared with once-a-day formoterol [125].
Bronchodilator combination therapy
Current guidelines highlight the fact that for
Inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting b2-agonist
patients whose conditions are not controlled with
combination therapy
bronchodilator monotherapy, the use of a combi-
nation of more than one class of bronchodilators Although corticosteroids and LABAs are
may be more effective than the use of single agents effective by themselves in improving lung function
with respect to improvements in lung function and and reducing exacerbations, their beneficial effects
symptoms and reducing the risk for adverse events are amplified when they are given together. There
[116–118]. is a large and growing body of experimental and
In particular, the use of an inhaled anticholin- clinical evidence supporting the use of combina-
ergic with a b2-adrenoceptor agonist seems to be tion therapy with ICSs and LABAs for the long-
a convenient way of delivering treatment and ob- term treatment of patients who have COPD who
taining better results. Large studies have demon- have moderate to severe disease. The use of ICS
strated that the combination of the short-acting and LABA combination products are shown to
b2-adrenoceptor agonist, albuterol, with the short- improve lung function, symptoms, and health
acting anticholinergic, ipratropium, is superior to status and to reduce exacerbations in patients
either single agent alone [119]. Some trials have who have moderate to severe COPD [126–129].
highlighted that the addition of LABAs to ipra- The rationale for using a combination of ICS
tropium is more effective than either agent used and a long-acting b2-agonist may be secondary to
alone [120,121]. In a 12-week trial, ZuWallack their complementary effects at the receptor level.
and colleagues [122] showed that salmeterol plus Corticosteroids can modulate b2-receptors and
theophylline caused significantly greater improve- their function by several mechanisms, including
ments in pulmonary function and symptoms than protection against desensitization and develop-
either single agent. Considering that formoterol ment of tolerance, increased efficiency of receptor
provides a greater degree of early bronchodilation coupling, and protection against inflammation-in-
(in the first 2 hours) than tiotropium and compa- duced receptor down-regulation and uncoupling.
rable bronchodilation over 12 hours [63], the At the same time, studies have shown that trans-
bronchodilatory effects of single doses of formo- location of the glucocorticoid receptor from the
terol (12 mg) and tiotropium (18 mg) versus formo- cell cytosol to the nucleus, a fundamental step in
terol (12 mg) plus tiotropium (18 mg) given the anti-inflammatory activity of corticosteroids,
together were examined in stable COPD [123]. is increased by the addition of a b2-agonist
Formoterol and tiotropium appeared complemen- [70,130,131].
tary. More recently, van Noord and colleagues A study of fluticasone propionate (250 mg) plus
[124] explored these effects elicited by 6 weeks of salmeterol (50 mg) showed improvement in lung
treatment with tiotropium (18 mg once daily in function in patients who have COPD compared
the morning), or formoterol (12 mg twice a day) with either therapy alone [126]. In another pivotal
versus tiotropium (18 mg) versus formoterol (12 study (N ¼ 1465), Calverley and colleagues [128]
mg once daily in the morning) in patients suffering reported that treatment for 12 months with
from moderate to severe COPD. Patients a SFC improved pretreatment FEV1 significantly

compared with placebo or either single agent pain reported less frequently. Moreover, data
alone. A clinically significant improvement in from TORCH show that neither SFC, salmeterol
health status and a reduction in daily symptoms alone, or fluticasone propionate alone leads to
also were observed with combination treatment increased cardiac disorders, ophthalmic adverse
together with a significant reduction in exacerba- events, or increased probability of bone fractures
tions [128,129]. A similar effect on improvement over a 3-year treatment period [43]. An unex-
in several health outcomes was demonstrated in pected safety finding was an increased incidence
two 1-year studies using the budesonide/formo- of pneumonia reported in patients taking flutica-
terol combination [129,132]. A more recent study, sone propionate and SFC; however, this did not
specifically designed and powered to detect lead to increased mortality and did not compro-
changes in annualized exacerbations in nearly mise the overall benefits of SFC treatment. This
1000 patients who had COPD, showed that 44 finding does, however, merit further investigation.
weeks of treatment with the SFC (50/500 mg twice
daily) was significantly more effective than salme-
Inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting b2-adrenoceptor
terol (50 mg twice daily) in reducing the total num-
agonist/anticholinergic combination therapy
ber and annualized rates of severe exacerbations
[133]. Moreover, the number needed to treat Emerging evidence from in vitro studies sug-
(NNT) with SFC versus salmeterol to prevent gests an interaction between corticosteroid and
one moderate/severe exacerbation per year was muscarinic receptors, which may provide a ratio-
2.08. More recently, the TORCH study (n ¼ 6112) nale for the use of anticholinergic/corticosteroid
demonstrated a significant effect of therapy with combination therapies [71]. The clinical effects of
SFC over 3 years on several COPD outcomes such interaction need to be investigated in future
[43]. SFC had a 2.6% absolute risk reduction in clinical trials. A recent trial investigating the
all-cause mortality compared with placebo (P ¼ effect of triple combination of tiotropium and
.052) and was significantly superior to placebo SFC over 1 year demonstrated a borderline effect
and both component drugs in reducing moderate of such a combination compared with tiotropium
to severe exacerbations and improving health sta- alone on time to first COPD exacerbation but
tus (P!.001). Over the 3-year treatment period, a significant effect in improving lung function
patients taking SFC experienced a 25% reduction and health status and in reducing hospitalization
in the annual rate of moderate to severe exacerba- [134].
tions compared with placebo (P!.001; NNT ¼ 4
to prevent one exacerbation in 1 year), a 12% re-
duction compared with salmeterol (P ¼ .002), and
Long-term oxygen therapy
a 9% reduction compared with fluticasone propi-
onate (P ¼ .024). SFC also reduced the annual Supplemental oxygen therapy is associated
rate of exacerbations leading to hospitalization with a variety of beneficial effects in patients who
by 17% versus placebo (P ¼ .03; NNT ¼ 32 to have severe COPD and who are hypoxemic while
prevent one hospitalization in 1 year). Although breathing room air. These include prolonged
the exact mechanism for the clinical benefits survival [112], reduced secondary polycythemia,
observed with the ICS/LABA combination is improved cardiac function during rest and exercise
not well understood, a recent study demonstrated [135], reduction in the oxygen cost of ventilation
a significant effect of therapy with this combi- [136], and improved exercise tolerance [137]. Pa-
nation in patients who had COPD on markers of tients who have PaO2 less than 55 mm Hg (SaO2
airway inflammation, including sputum neuutro- ! 88%), whose disease is stable despite receiving
phils and airway CD8 lymphocytes [69]. otherwise comprehensive medical treatment, are
candidates to receive long-term oxygen therapy
(LTOT). Patients whose PaO2 is 55 to 59 mm Hg
Safety of long-acting b2-adrenoceptor agonists plus
are eligible to receive LTOT if they show signs of
inhaled corticosteroid combination therapy
pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, erythro-
Oropharyngeal candidiasis was reported as the cytosis, edema from right heart failure, or impaired
most common adverse event for the use of the mental state. If oxygen desaturation occurs only
LABA/ICS combination relative to placebo over during exercise or sleep, oxygen therapy should
a period of 24 to 52 weeks, with headache, upper be considered for use specifically under those con-
respiratory tract infection, and musculoskeletal ditions. Although LTOT may lead to hypercapnia

with resulting respiratory acidosis [138], this usu- Pharmacologic therapy for acute exacerbations
ally can be minimized by titrating the oxygen of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
flow to maintain the PaO2 at 60 to 65 mm Hg. A
COPD is characterized by periods of acute
multicenter study is underway to investigate the
worsening of respiratory symptoms, such as in-
role of LTOT in patients who have COPD and
creased dyspnea, cough, and sputum production.
who demonstrate mild to moderate hypoxemia
The deterioration in symptoms is beyond day-to-
while breathing room air.
day variation of a patient’s symptoms and usually
requires a change in therapy [31]. Although infec-
Other therapies tion of the tracheobronchial tree and air pollution
are the major causes of exacerbations, some exac-
Augmentation therapy for a1-antitrypsin deficiency erbations are idiopathic [143]. The differential di-
agnosis of exacerbations includes pneumonia,
Replacement therapy with a1-proteinase inhib-
pulmonary embolism, pleural effusion, and acute
itor is approved for patients who have emphysema
cardiovascular pathology, including congestive
resulting from a1-antiprotease deficiency. Given in
heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. Treatment
weekly infusions to patients who have ZZ or null
failures account for many of the 120,000 COPD
AAT phenotypes, therapy can increase serum
deaths in this country each year. Some exacerba-
levels above the target threshold of 11 mmol and
tions are mild and may not be reported by
can provide protective levels within the epithelial
patients, but others produce striking clinical dete-
lining of the lung. There are three approved
rioration and require hospitalization. The severity
AAT augmentation therapies currently marketed
and impact of an exacerbation depends on pati-
in the United States. Although AAT augmenta-
ents’ baseline health status and baseline lung func-
tion therapy has a sound theoretic basis, proof
tion, ventilation and oxygenation, and presence of
of its efficacy has been difficult to document.
comorbid conditions. In addition to baseline
Available evidence, however, supports the use of
severity of COPD, management decisions depend
this therapy in patients who have AAT serum
on severity of dyspnea, presence of signs of acute
levels less than 11 mmol and FEV1 between
respiratory insufficiency, lung parenchymal infec-
30% and 65% predicted but may not be useful
tion, pulmonary embolism, and simultaneous
in other subsets of patients who have COPD
acute decompensation of other organs, in particu-
lar the cardiovascular system.
Antibiotics Management of exacerbations is aimed at
minimizing air flow obstruction via bronchodila-
Although empiric treatment with antibiotics tion, reducing inflammation, treating infection,
has been shown to be of benefit in COPD providing supportive care (including ventilation
exacerbations, the role of antibiotics in chronic and oxygen), and minimizing nonrespiratory-
management is not well defined and currently not related symptoms, including anxiety and sleep
recommended. The role of chronic macrolide disturbances that may accompany exacerbations
therapy in COPD is under investigation, as this [99].
group of antibiotics may have an additional anti-
inflammatory effect on airway inflammation. Bronchodilators
Short-acting bronchodilators with fast onset of
Mucolytic agents
action improve airflow limitation and dyspnea in
Mucus impaction contributes to worsening of patients who have COPD and may prove helpful
symptoms of patients who have COPD. Several during exacerbations. b-Agonists and anticholin-
studies investigating the role of mucolytics, how- ergics are recommended for use [31]. Medication
ever, such as potassium iodide and guaifenesin, delivered by MDI (and spacer) is as effective as
failed to demonstrate significant clinical efficacy nebulized forms, although patients who have
of these agents in the management of patients severe COPD and difficulty performing inspira-
who have COPD, although some have shown tory maneuvers may prefer the latter. Long-acting
some decrease in COPD exacerbations [141]. A bronchodilators are not recommended for use
variety of new agents addressing mucociliary in the management of acute exacerbation of
clearance/mucus production are under investiga- COPD, although the efficacy of formoterol, used
tion [142]. alone [61,144] or in combination with other

bronchodilators [61] or ICS [145], is documented inhibitors, second- or third-generation cephalospo-

in several studies. rins, or vancomycin can be considered [3,31].

Systemic corticosteroids Novel therapeutic targets for chronic

The use of systemic corticosteroids is discour- obstructive pulmonary diasease
aged and may lead to systemic side effects in stable A variety of novel pharmacologic agents that
patients who have COPD. Systemic corticoste- target different aspects of the pathogenesis of
roids, however, do play a role in the management COPD are under clinical development (Table 4)
of acute exacerbations of COPD. Systemic corti- [153,154].
costeroid therapy improves various outcomes,
including lung function, symptoms, and oxygen- Novel bronchodilators
ation, and reduces treatment failure and length of Novel b2-adrenoceptor agonists
hospital stay in patients who have acute exacer- A variety of b-agonists with longer half-lives
bations of COPD and who have severely or very are under development, with the hope of achiev-
severely impaired FEV1 [146–148]. The maximum ing once-daily dosing [155]. These include carmo-
benefit from these agents is obtained during the terol; indacaterol; GSK-159,797; GSK-597,901;
first 2 weeks of therapy, and longer duration of GSK-159,802; GSK-642,444; and GSK-678,007.
therapy or the use of doses larger than 40 to 60 These compounds mainly are (R, R)-enantiomers
mg of prednisone per day do not confer any added and have high intrinsic efficacy and quick onset of
benefits. action. Although a quick onset of action and
a prolonged 24-hour effect are desirable in the
Antibiotics management of COPD, the use of agonists with
high intrinsic efficacy theoretically may be associ-
Antibiotics may improve outcomes in exacer- ated with a rapid onset of tolerance, a fact that
bations of COPD [149]. Patients who present with may limit their clinical use [46]. This needs to be
dyspnea and increased sputum volume or puru- taken into consideration in the evaluation of
lence or patients who require mechanical ventila- new agents under development. It is likely, how-
tion benefit from a 3- to 7-day course of oral or ever, that once-daily dosing of a LABA will lead
parenteral antibiotics [150]. The causative organ- to enhancement of compliance with therapy and
ism for the exacerbation may be difficult to iden- may have advantages leading to improved overall
tify. Sputum Gram’s stain and culture often are clinical outcomes in patients who have COPD.
nondiagnostic, because many of these patients’
airways are colonized with different bacteria. Fur- Novel anticholinergics
thermore, blood cultures usually are negative. The Several new long-acting anticholinergic agents
type of the organisms present and the antibiotics are under development, including LAS-34,273
used may differ with severity of COPD, however. (aclidinium); LAS-35,201; GSK-656,398; GSK-
Patients who have milder stages of COPD tend to 233,705; and NVA-237 (glycopyrrolate). Although
be colonized and get lower respiratory tract infec- clinical details still are not available, potential ad-
tions with Haemophilus influenza, Streptococcus vantages of such agents over tiotropium may in-
pneumonia, or Moraxella catarralis, whereas pa- clude a quicker onset of action and a better safety
tients who have severe COPD, prior hospital profile.
admission, and frequent antibiotics use also may
Novel anti-inflammatory agents
have pseudomonas [151,152]. Thus, the selection
of empiric antibiotics to treat acute exacerbations Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors
should depend on the severity of the underlying Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) metabolizes
disease and severity of COPD exacerbations. Oral cAMP in airway smooth muscle cells and in
b-lactam antibiotics, tetracycline, trimethopim- many inflammatory cells that play a major role
sulfamethoxazole, and macrolides are recommen- in the inflammatory cascade of COPD. Several
ded for milder exacerbations. Therapy for more PDE4 inhibitors are in various stages of develop-
severe exacerbations should include coverage of ment [156]. Selective inhibition of PDE4 has been
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as Pseudomonas shown to cause smooth muscle relaxation and
or methicillin-resistant Stapholococcus aureus. In such anti-inflammatory effects. Although the broncho-
patients, fluoroquinolones, b-lactam/b-lactamase dilator effects of these agents are modest, their

Table 4 gastrointestinal adverse effects in some patients.

Novel therapies for chronic obstructive pulmonary Preliminary studies have been published on the
disease in clinical development clinical efficacy and safety of roflumilast [157–159]
Products in late-phase Products in early-phase and cilomilast [160,161] in COPD, although none
development development of these compounds currently is approved for
 Bronchodilators  Smoking cessation clinical use in the United States.
 Ultra-LABAs  Nicotine vaccines/
 Indacaterol inhibitors Leukotriene inhibitors/receptor antagonists
 Carmoterol Leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4 play a major role
 LAMAs  Ultra-LABAs
in asthma; however, blocking their receptor
 LAS 34,273  GSK 159,797; (CysLT1 receptor) by antagonists, such as zafirlu-
(aclidinium) 597,901; 159,802; kast and montelukast, is not effective in COPD.
 PDE4 inhibitors 642,444; 678,007 LTB4, however, is a key chemoattractant of neu-
 Roflumilast trophils, thereby making it an attractive target for
 Cilomilast  LAMAs
therapeutic intervention in COPD. Antagonists
 NVA 237
 Combination therapy (glycopyrrolate)
of the two subtypes of LTB4 receptor (eg,
 ICS/LABA  GSK 656,398 LY29311 [162] and SB201146 [163]) are at the early
 Budesonide þ  GSK 233,705 stages of clinical development and are shown to
formoterola  LAS 35,201 inhibit sputum-induced neutrophil chemotaxis. Al-
 Mometasone þ ternatively, inhibitors of LTB4 synthesis (eg,
indacaterol  Combination
BAYx1005) produce a modest reduction in sputum
 Mometasone þ  Carmoterol þ
LTB4 concentrations [164], although the clinical
formoterol relevance of this result remains to be established.
 Salmeterol þ
 Bronchodilator tiotropium Leukotriene inhibitors, such as zileuton, may be ef-
combination  Indacaterol þ NVA fective in some patients who have COPD; however,
 LABA/LAMA/ICS 237 their role in this disease needs further study.
combination  Others
 Anti-inflammatory Cytokine and chemokine inhibitors
 P38 MAPK, other There are several chemokines and cytokines
PDE4 inhibitors, that play important roles in mediating inflamma-
PPAR-y agonists
tion in COPD and, therefore, are potential ther-
 Mediator antagonists
 LTB4, IL-8, and
apeutic targets. For example, IL-8 recruits and
related activates neutrophils via the chemokine receptors,
chemokines inhibitors CXCR1 and CXCR2, and it can be inhibited by
 TNF-a inhibitors the small-molecule CXCR1/CXCR2 antagonist,
 Antioxidants repertaxin [165]. In addition, CXCR2-specific an-
 Fibrosis inhibitors tagonists, such as SB 225,002, block the CXCR2
 TGF-b inhibitors receptor, which is required for the recruitment of
 Protease inhibitors neutrophils [162]. An alternative means of inter-
 Cathepsin cepting the IL-8 pathway is to use a human anti–
 MMP inhibitors
IL-8 monoclonal antibody [166].
 Alveolar repair
Concentrations of TNF-a are raised in the
 Stem cells sputum of patients who have COPD. TNF-a
 Mucoregulators augments inflammation and induces IL-8 and
 EGFR inhibitors other chemokines in airway cells via activation
 CACC inhibitors of the transcription factor, nuclear factor kB. The
Abbreviations: LAMA, long-acting antimuscurinic severe wasting in some patients who have advan-
(anticholinergic); ultra-LABA, once-a-day LABA. ced COPD could be the result of increased release
Approved for asthma in the United States. of TNF-a. Humanized monoclonal antibody to
TNF (infliximab) and to soluble TNF receptor
combined anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator (etanercept) are effective in other inflammatory
effects make them appealing. Although these disorders and may play a role in COPD. A
agents generally have a better safety profile recently published prospective randomized study
than theophylline, their use may be limited by failed to demonstrate, however, any beneficial

effects of infliximab infusion in patients who have feasibility study [172]. Time- and dose-dependent
moderate to severe COPD [167]. changes in diffusion capacity of lung for carbon
monoxide, CT density mask score, and health
Antioxidants status, however, were observed in subjects treated
Oxidative stress is increased in patients who with all-trans retinoic acid, suggesting the possi-
have COPD, particularly during exacerbations. bility of exposure-related biologic activity that
The use of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), to provide warrants further investigation [172]. A longer study
intracellular cysteine for the production of the is underway to investigate the role of retinoic acid
endogenous antioxidant glutathione is one of analogs in patients who have emphsyema.
several treatment options under investigation.
The role of NAC has been described in a metanal-
ysis, which demonstrated a statistically significant Summary
(23%) reduction in exacerbation rates with its use
COPD is a treatable disease. Current pharma-
in patients who have chronic bronchitis [168]. The
cotherapy aims at improvement of symptoms,
results of this meta-analysis, however, were lim-
exercise tolerance, and health status and decrease
ited because of the differing definitions of chronic
in exacerbations. Prevention of disease progres-
bronchitis, patient selection criteria, differing
sion and reduction in mortality are the ultimate
dosing regimens, and lack of information regard-
goals of such therapy. All symptomatic patients
ing concurrently administered bronchodilators. A
who have COPD should receive pharmacologic
more recent randomized controlled trial failed to
intervention. Inhaled short-acting bronchodila-
show that the addition of NAC to treatment
tors are recommended for rescue of symptoms in
with corticosteroids, and bronchodilators can
patients who have mild disease, whereas inhaled
modify the outcome in acute exacerbations of
long-acting bronchodilators are recommended as
COPD [169]. In a recently published 3-year study,
first-line agents for maintenance therapy in pa-
the yearly rate of decline in FEV1 and the annual
tients who have moderate and severe disease and
number of exacerbations did not differ between
those who have daily symptoms. When symptoms
patients assigned to NAC and those assigned to
are not controlled sufficiently by the use of one
placebo [170]. Subgroup analysis suggested that
bronchodilator, combining bronchodilators of
the exacerbation rate might be reduced with in pa-
different classes may be a more effective approach.
tients not treated with ICSs and secondary analy-
In addition, combining a long-acting b2-agonist
sis was suggestive of an effect on hyperinflation.
with an ICS is shown more effective than the use
Antiproteinases of either agent alone. Several novel therapies
are now in different stages of development for use
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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 609–616

Disease Modification in Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease
Antonio Anzueto, MDa,b,*
Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, 7400 Merton Minter Boulevard,
111 East, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA
Pulmonary Diseases Section, South Texas Veterans Health Care System,
Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital, 7400 Merton Minter Boulevard,
111 East, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA

In their consensus statements, the American symptoms and HRQOL, or in terms of reduced
Thoracic Society and European Respiratory decline in lung function over time and reduced
Society and the Global Initiative for Chronic morbidity and mortality. The impact of smoking
Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) statement cessation and pharmacotherapies for COPD on
emphasize that chronic obstructive pulmonary these outcomes is discussed.
disease (COPD) is a preventable and treatable
disease state characterized by airflow limitation Smoking cessation
that is not fully reversible and usually progressive Cigarette smoking is the main cause of COPD.
[1,2]. Although the airflow limitation is associated As shown in the landmark study of London
with an abnormal inflammatory response of the transit workers by Fletcher and Peto [3], lung
lungs to noxious particles, the impact of COPD function evaluated by forced expiratory volume
is not restricted to the lungs, as significant sys- in 1 second (FEV1) declines naturally with aging,
temic consequences also are produced. The lung but in susceptible smokers, the rate of decline is
function impairment, characterized by expiratory accelerated greatly (Fig. 2). It is recognized that
flow limitation leading to air trapping, or hyperin- baseline FEV1 is predictive of mortality in
flation, is worsened by periodic disease exacerba- patients who have COPD [4–6]. Age and baseline
tions. Together, lung function impairment and FEV1 were the most accurate predictors of death
disease exacerbations promote a cycle of decline in a 3-year survival study of 985 patients who
that includes dyspnea, reduced exercise endur- had COPD [4]. The prognostic significance of
ance, physical inactivity, and deconditioning, FEV1 was particularly evident at baseline values
leading to disease progression. and, consequently, less than 30% of predicted. Smoking cessation
to disability, poor health-related quality of life changes the clinical course of COPD by preserv-
(HRQOL) and premature mortality (Fig. 1). ing lung function. The earlier the age of smoking
cessation, the greater the lung function that is pre-
Changing the clinical course of chronic obstructive served. In the Lung Health Study, smoking cessa-
pulmonary disease tion resulted in a significant impact on FEV1 even
in patients with stage I COPD, with normal lung
Disease modification in COPD can be viewed function [5]. Over an 11-year period, the rate of
in terms of patient-centered outcomes such as FEV1 decline among continuing smokers was
more than twice the rate of decline among those
* Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital, who were sustained quitters (Fig. 3). This benefit
7400 Merton Minter Boulevard, 111 East, San Antonio, of smoking cessation was evident in both men
TX 78229. (66.1 mL/y decline in smokers versus 30.2 mL/y
E-mail address: decline in nonsmokers) and women (54.2 mL/y
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Expiratory Flow Limitation

Air Trapping
Hyperinflation Exacerbations


Deconditioning Reduced Exercise



Poor Health-Related Quality of Life

Disability Disease progression Death

Fig. 1. The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cycle of decline. Lung function impairment and disease
exacerbations promote a cycle of dyspnea, reduced exercise endurance, physical inactivity, and deconditioning, leading
to disease progression, and, consequently, to disability, poor health-related quality of life, and premature mortality.
(Data from Cooper C. The connection between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms and hyperinflation
and its impact on the exercise and function. Am J Med 2006;119:S21–31.)

decline in smokers versus 21.5 mL/y decline in had lower rates of death because of coronary
nonsmokers). In addition, FEV1 fell below 60% heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease,
of predicted after 11 years in more continuing lung cancer, and respiratory disease other than
smokers than sustained quitters (38% versus lung cancer as compared with those assigned to
10%, respectively). usual care (continue to smoke) (Fig. 4A) [6]. The
In a recent analysis from this study conducted death rates were higher in all groups receiving
at 14.5 years, patients randomly assigned to the usual care compared with those receiving the
smoking cessation intervention had a significant smoking cessation intervention. The difference
18% reduction in all-cause mortality compared associated with the smoking cessation interven-
with usual care (no smoking cessation interven- tion reached statistical significance only for deaths
tion) (P ¼ .03) [6]. When the cause of death was from respiratory disease not related to lung cancer
considered in the Lung Health Study, patients
allocated to the smoking cessation intervention
Never smoked or not
FEV1 (% of value at age 25)

100 susceptible to
FEV1 (L)

Smoked regularly
and susceptible 2.3 Sustained quitters
50 to smoke Stopped at 45
2.2 Intermittent quitters
Disability 2.1 Continuous smokers
25 Stopped at 65 2
Death 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 Years
25 50 75
Age (years) Fig. 3. Smoking cessation reduces the rate of decline in
lung function in patients with mild chronic obstructive
Fig. 2. Decline of forced expiratory volume in 1 second pulmonary disease. Data from the Lung Health Study
(FEV1) with age and smoking history according to model at 11 years. (Data from Anthonisen NR, Connett JE,
of Fletcher and Peto. (Reprinted from Fletcher C, Murray RP. Smoking and lung function of Lung Health
Peto R. The natural history of chronic airflow obstruc- Study participants after 11 years. Am J Respir Crit Care
tion. Br Med J 1977;1:1645–8; with permission.) Med 2002;166:675–9.)

that smoking cessation has a beneficial impact

on lung function and mortality. Therefore, smok-
ing cessation must be an essential part of any
COPD treatment plan. In addition, the Lung
Health Study provides information on disease
progression, disease prevention, and the systemic
aspects of disease. It demonstrates that COPD is
associated with other major medical comorbid-
ities, such as CHD and other cerebrovascular dis-
eases. In addition, although patients who quit
smoking intermittently may have some reduction
in mortality risk, the greatest benefitsdprimarily
in terms of reduced mortality from cardiovascular
disease, lung cancer and smoking-related diseases,
including COPDdare achieved only by those who
stop smoking on a sustained basis.

Pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease: long-acting beta-agonists
The current treatment guidelines recommend
that the first phase of maintenance therapy in
COPD for patients with moderate to severe
disease involves treatment with one or more
long-acting bronchodilators [1,2]. Long-acting
b2-agonists (LABA) (salmeterol, Serevent, and
formoterol, Foradil) have been shown to be effec-
tive in patients who have stable COPD. These
drugs have a prolonged bronchodilator effect, de-
crease nocturnal symptoms, reduce the frequency
of exacerbations, and improve the patient’s qual-
Fig. 4. Effect of smoking cessation on mortality cause at
ity of life and exercise capacity [1,2]. A study in
14.5 years in the Lung Health Study. (A) Comparison of
674 patients who had COPD showed salmeterol
smoking cessation intervention with usual care. (B)
Comparison according to smoking status. Data from administered for 16 weeks significantly improved
the Lung Health Study at 14.5 years. Abbreviations: both daily and nighttime symptoms compared
CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular dis- with placebo. During treatment with salmeterol,
ease. (Reprinted from Anthonisen NR, Skeans MA, Wise FEV1 improved significantly, and patients experi-
RA, et al. The effects of a smoking cessation interven- enced significantly less breathlessness as measured
tion on 14.5-year mortality: a randomized clinical trial. by the 6-minute walk distance test [7]. In another
Ann Intern Med 2005;142:233–9; with permission.) study comparing formoterol with salmeterol in 47
patients with moderate to severe COPD, both
treatments produced increases in inspiratory ca-
(P ¼ .01) (see Fig. 4A). Regardless of whether pa- pacity , suggesting reduction in lung hyperinfla-
tients received the smoking cessation intervention tion [8]. In addition, when compared with the
or usual care, however, the death rates for CHD, short-acting bronchodilators ipratropium or
cerebrovascular disease, and lung cancer were re- theophylline, both formoterol and salmeterol
lated significantly to smoking status (continuing improve symptoms, spirometric indices, exacerba-
smoker, intermittent quitter, or sustained quitter). tions, and quality of life of patients with COPD
Sustained quitters had significantly lower death [9]. Thus, overall existing data do show that
rates for CHD (P ¼ .02), cardiovascular disease LABA can modify COPD by improving parame-
(P % .001), and lung cancer (P ¼ .001) (Fig. 4B). ters such as lung function, reducing symptoms
The results of the Lung Health Study and exacerbations. These agents, however, have
prospectively validated the model proposed by not been shown to alter the rate of decline in
Fletcher and Peto [3] and clearly demonstrated lung function over time.

Pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease: tiotropium
The most recently approved maintenance
therapy for the treatment of stable COPD is the
once-daily anticholinergic tiotropium (Spiriva).
Tiotropium is an anticholinergic bronchodilator
maintenance treatment with a long duration of
action, attributed to slow dissociation from
airway M3 muscarinic receptors that allow once-
daily dosing. Two large, long-term, 1-year, pla-
cebo-controlled studies conducted in the United
States have shown that once-daily inhalation Fig. 5. Rate of decline in trough forced expiratory
with tiotropium (18 mg once daily) significantly volume in 1 second from day 8 to day 344 in a post
improves airflow and forced vital capacity over hoc analysis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
24 hours in patients who have COPD. Addition- patients in the tiotropium registration trials. *P¼.005
ally, these benefits were maintained consistently tiotropium versus placebo (mean regression slopes).
over the year [10]. Furthermore, these and other (Data from Anzueto A, Tashkin D, Menjoge S, et al.
studies have shown consistently that patients One-year analysis of longitudinal changes in spirometry
in patients with COPD receiving tiotropium. Pulm Phar-
treated with tiotropium have significant improve-
macol Ther 2005;18:75–81.)
ments in dyspnea, decreases in exacerbations, and
improvements in HRQOL [10,11].
To date, intervention, with the exception of relative to placebo was O200 mL for all severities
smoking cessation, has been proven to decrease the combined. When patients were divided by disease
rate of FEV1 decline in COPD. Recent data, how- severity, FEV1 improvements above placebo
ever, suggest that tiotropium bromide also may were: mild patients 210 plus or minus 40 mL, mod-
effect a positive change on the clinical course of erate patients 270 plus or minus 30 mL, and severe
the disease. In an analysis of two identical 1-year, patients 180 plus or minus 30 mL (P ! .001 com-
randomized, double-blind, double-dummy studies pared with placebo) [12]. Similar results were ob-
involving 535 patients who had COPD, tiotropium served in former and current smokers. In former
(18 mg once daily) increased trough FEV1 by 120 smokers, the change in trough FEV1 from day 8
mL at the end of the trial, whereas treatment with to day 344 was approximately 17.0 mL with tio-
ipratropium (40 mg four times daily) was associated tropium and approximately 67.9 mL with placebo
with a 30 mL reduction in trough FEV1 (P ! .001) (P ¼ .011), whereas in smokers, the changes in
[11]. A post hoc analysis was performed using data trough FEV1 were approximately 3.8 mL and ap-
from 921 ambulatory COPD patients who partici- proximately 40.5 mL, respectively (P ¼ .19). The
pated in the two 1-year, randomized, controlled lack of statistically significant differences for
registration trials of tiotropium [12]. Patients FEV1 in smokers may be because of the small num-
reached steady state on tiotropium therapy within ber of patients when the analysis was stratified by
8 days. The change in trough FEV1 from day 8 to smoking status. The mean baseline FEV1 was lower
day 344 was approximately 12.4 mL/yin the tio- in the former smokers, however; thus, it is possible
tropium group and approximately 58.0 mL/y in that those who stopped smoking were patients with
the placebo group (P¼.005) (Fig. 5). Further anal- more rapidly progressing disease, such that contin-
ysis of the patient subgroups most likely to respond ued smoking was no longer tolerable [12].
to long-acting bronchodilators was conducted. In The sustained improvement in lung function
the tiotropium subgroup with moderate COPD seen during these 1-year studies with tiotropium
(GOLD stratification: FEV1/FVC !70% and [11–13] suggests that tiotropium may slow the de-
50% % FEV1 %80% predicted), the trough crease in lung function over time and subse-
FEV1 increased from baseline by 117 mL/y, quently change the clinical course of the disease.
primarily within the first few days. This increase A longer-term study named UPLIFT [14] is
was sustained between day 8 and day 344. In the underway to examine these potential effects.
placebo group, trough FEV1 declined by 86.5 mL In patients who have COPD, both airflow
(P ! .001). By the end of the year, the mean change limitation and deconditioning lead to reduced
from baseline in peak FEV1 with tiotropium exercise tolerance. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR)

has been shown to improve exercise tolerance and combination of budesonide/formoterol was more
dyspnea [15,16]. A placebo-controlled trial tested effective than either of the individual treatments
the hypothesis that improvements in ventilatory alone [20]. Another trial with the combination bu-
mechanics resulting from tiotropium use would desonide/formoterol showed significant decrease
permit enhanced ability to train muscles of ambula- in all symptom scores and use of short-acting
tion and, therefore, augment exercise tolerance b2-agonists compared with placebo and budeso-
benefits of PR. Tiotropium (18 mg once daily) was nide, and also improved quality of life versus
given to 93 patients who had moderate to severe placebo [21].
COPD participating in 8 weeks of PR. Treatments Furthermore, the impact of combination ther-
were administered 5 weeks before, 8 weeks during, apy (fluticasone propionate/salmeterol) on pa-
and 12 weeks following PR. Tiotropium in combi- tients’ mortality, frequency of exacerbations, and
nation with PR improved endurance of a constant long-term effects on lung function has been
work rate treadmill task and produced clinically reported recently. TORCH (TOward a Revolution
meaningful improvements in dyspnea and health in COPD Health) trial is the first and largest study
status compared with PR alone. Furthermore, to prospectively investigate the potential for
following PR completion, improvements with tio- combination therapy (fluticasone propionate/
tropium were sustained for 3 months [17]. salmeterol) to impact survival in patients who
have COPD. TORCH is a 3-year, multicenter,
randomized, double-blind, parallel group, placebo-
Pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive
controlled study [22,23]. Approximately 6112
pulmonary disease: inhaled corticosteroids
patients were randomized into four study groups:
and long-acting b2-agonists–inhaled corticosteroids
placebo, salmeterol, fluticasone propionate
in combination
(500 mg), and fluticasone propionate/salmeterol
Data from studies where patients have received (500/50 mg). The primary end point was the
inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) or the fixed combi- reduction in all-cause mortality, comparing fluti-
nation of long-acting bronchodilators and inhaled casone propionate/salmeterol with placebo. Sec-
corticosteroids also have shown an improvement ondary end points included COPD morbidity
in spirometry, dyspnea, and reduction in the (rate of exacerbations) and quality of life assess-
frequency of exacerbations [18–21]. ment. The study showed a 17% relative reduction
In one clinical study, 691 patients who had in mortality over 3 years for patients receiving flu-
COPD received the combination of fluticasone ticasone propionate/salmeterol as compared with
and salmeterol (500 mg/50 mg), salmeterol (50 mg), placebo (P ¼ .052); 25% reduction in exacerbations
fluticasone (500 mg), or placebo twice daily for compared with placebo (P ! .001); and significant
24 weeks. At the end of the trial, lung function sig- improvement in quality of life measured by the
nificantly improved with all treatments compared St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (P ! .001)
with placebo (P ! .05); however, the combination [23]. Taken together, existing data suggest that
of fluticasone and salmeterol provided signifi- combination LABA/inhaled corticosteroid ther-
cantly greater improvement compared with either apy modifies COPD by improving bronchodila-
treatment alone (P ! .05). The combination also tation, symptoms, HRQOL, and reducing
significantly improved dyspnea compared with exacerbations. Importantly, this therapy also
fluticasone (P ¼ .033), salmeterol (P ! .001), and may alters the course of the disease by reducing
placebo (P ! .0001). In this trial, health status mortality.
and symptoms also were improved significantly
[18]. Similar results were observed in another trial
with fluticasone and salmeterol combination
Implications for chronic obstructive pulmonary
(250 mg/50 mg) [19].
disease management
Another combination of ICS and LABA,
budesonide and formoterol, also has been studied. GOLD [2] recommends a stepwise increase in
In a 1-year trial, patients who had COPD received treatment depending on the severity of COPD,
budesonide/formoterol (320 mg of budesonide and which is based on the degree of symptoms and air-
9 mg of formoterol) had fewer exacerbations, flow limitation. In assessing the patient for therapy,
a prolonged time to first exacerbation, and the frequency and severity of exacerbations also
maintained higher FEV1, compared with placebo. should be considered, as well as comorbidities and
The combination also improved HRQOL. The health status. The use of drug therapy is designed

to control symptoms, reduce exacerbations, and

improve exercise tolerance and health status. The
GOLD guidelines recommend short-acting b2-ago-
nists on an as-needed basis for patients who have
mild COPD, and regular long-acting bronchodila-
tor therapy for patients who have more severe
disease or greater symptoms [2]. Clinical decision-
making in COPD management, however, typically
is based on patient symptomatology. Thus, the
ATS/ERS guidelines recommend that the use of
bronchodilators be based on patients’ symptoms
and response to therapy [1]. The important thresh- Fig. 6. Change in trough forced expiratory volume in 1
second during 1 year in post hoc analysis of naı̈ve
old is whether patients can tolerate and control
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients partici-
intermittent symptoms with as-needed b2-agonist
pating in the tiotropium registration trials. *P!.001 ver-
or short-acting anticholinergic use, or whether sus placebo. (Reprinted from Adams SG, Anzueto A,
they have persistent symptoms that necessitate Briggs DD, et al. Tiotropium in COPD patients not pre-
maintenance treatment with longer-acting bron- viously receiving maintenance respiratory medications.
chodilators and/or inhaled corticosteroids. Respir Med 2006;100:1495–1503; with permission.)
Regardless of whether the treatment paradigm
is driven by symptoms or spirometry, an impor-
tant issue is whether regular treatment with long- long-acting beta-antagonist (LABA) therapy [26].
acting bronchodilators and/or the combination of Over a 24-week period, these patients received ei-
LABA-inhaled corticosteroids should be initiated ther the fixed-dose combination fluticasone/salme-
at an earlier stage of the disease. This issue was terol (250/50 mg twice daily), fluticasone (250 mg
examined in a subanalysis of patients who were twice daily), salmeterol (50 mg twice daily), or
diagnosed with COPD but were not on chronic placebo. Trough FEV1 increased in the fixed-
therapy (naı̈ve patients; some patients received dose combination group (P % .044 versus placebo
short-acting b2-agonists in the preceding year) and salmeterol). Over the 24 weeks, the increase in
identified retrospectively from the tiotropium reg- trough FEV1 remained constant in the fluticasone/
istration trials [24]. The trough FEV1 increased by salmeterol group. Peak FEV1 was also sig-
approximately 150 mL from baseline in the tio- nificantly greater with the combination therapy
tropium group (P ! .001 versus placebo) (Fig. 6) compared with placebo or fluticasone alone
[25]. Over the course of 1 year, the increase in (P % .0068 for both). Dyspnea score and
trough FEV1 remained constant in the tiotropium HRQOL measured by the Chronic Respiratory
group, while it declined in the placebo group. Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ) also improved
Peak FEV1, dyspnea score, and HRQOL mea- [25]. These data showed that the efficacy of initial
sured by the St. George’s Respiratory Question- maintenance therapy with fluticasone/salmeterol
naire (SGRQ) were all significantly greater with (250/50 mg twice daily) in patients naı̈ve to COPD
tiotropium compared with placebo (P ! .05). maintenance therapy was consistent, with efficacy
Notably, the naı̈ve patients responded to results seen in the overall study population [19].
tiotropium to a much greater extent compared These results also demonstrate that there is still
with previously diagnosed patients who already much work to be done to diagnose COPD
were receiving treatment. The benefit of tio- patients earlier in their disease and to understand
tropium on HRQOL (SGRQ) was evident in the more how the disease is affecting their day-to-day
naı̈ve patients after 6 months of therapy, and activity.
was significant at the end of the year compared Further work also is needed to determine
with placebo (P ! .05). In the placebo group, whether initiation of maintenance therapy with
changes in HRQOL (SGRQ) were seen initially long-acting bronchodilators or combination ther-
(day 92) but returned to baseline by the end of apy at early stages of disease can improve long-
the year [24]. term clinical outcomes to a greater degree than
A similar analysis of 378 patients diagnosed therapy started when the disease is already
with COPD (40% ! FEV1 !65% of predicted; moderate or severe. Just as arterial hypertension
FEV1/FVC ! 70%) but naı̈ve to COPD therapy is treated as early as possible with the expectation
also was performed with ICS or ICS plus of preventing future strokes and other

cardiovascular events, perhaps COPD needs to be levels. As the approach to the diagnosis and
treated at an early stage with the expectation of treatment of COPD changes, there is a need of
preventing or delaying lung function deteriora- long-term prospective, randomized, controlled
tion, exacerbations, future deconditioning and trials that evaluate the impact of early therapy
disability, and hence the progression of disease. in the evolution of this disease.
It remains to be determined whether continuous
maintenance therapy will help to avoid airway Summary
remodeling and further decline in lung function
over time, beyond 1 year. The results of ongoing Patients who have COPD are clearly a popula-
placebo-controlled trials, UPLIFT with tio- tion at risk, as lung function eventually will
tropium [12,14,27] and recent data obtained decline at an increased rate as the disease prog-
from the TORCH study with fluticasone, salme- resses. COPD management needs to focus on
terol, or the fixed-dose combination of fluticasone modifying the course of the disease by focus on
plus salmeterol, are providing answers to some of four major areas:
these questions (Fig. 7) [23]. Earlier diagnosis of the disease
It is important to point out that these therapies Risk reduction through smoking cessation
have shown a significant reduction in COPD Treatment with pharmacotherapy and pulmo-
exacerbations. This effect may be of particular nary rehabilitation to improve daily and
importance in disease modification, given that long-term functioning
exacerbations are associated with increased loss Decrease in complications by reducing exacer-
in lung function, increased symptoms, worsening bations and improving pulmonary function
HRQOL, disability, and mortality [27,28]. with drug therapy
Better methods are needed for the detection of
patients with early COPD who may benefit from Intervention with regular, pharmacologic
early intervention. One approach is to perform maintenance therapy at an earlier mild stage of
screening spirometry in patients over 50 years of COPD may be beneficial to patients as suggested
age whose risk of COPD is increased because they by an analysis of naı̈ve patients (ie, treated as mild
smoke cigarettes. It may be wise to question with b-agonists as needed). Currently, only smok-
newly-diagnosed patients about their activity ing cessation intervention has been proven to
levels so that signs of avoidance or reduction of change the clinical course of the disease by pre-
activity can be identified and acted upon before serving lung function. Whether pharmacologic in-
the cycle of deconditioning advances too far. terventions can change the long-term clinical
Regular maintenance therapy should be instituted course of disease remains to be demonstrated.
at an early stage before symptoms restrict activity The results of ongoing long-term studies soon
may provide evidence that in addition to improv-
ing lung function and patient-centered outcomes,
specific pharmacologic therapies also may alter
the clinical course of COPD.

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Self-Management Strategies in Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Jean Bourbeau, MDa,b,*, Diane Nault, RN, MScc
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, McGill University, Montre´al, Québec, Canada
COPD Clinic and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Montre´al Chest Institute, McGill University Health Center,
3650 St., Urbain, Room K1.30, Montréal, Québec H2X 2P4, Canada
Service Re´gional de Soins Respiratoires à Domicile, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont,
Centre Affilie´ à l’Universite´ de Montréal, 5199, Sherbrook East, Bureau 4150,
Montréal, Que´bec, H1T 3X2, Canada

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have COPD. Patients and families must learn to
(COPD) is a chronic illness for which no cure engage in self-management activities that promote
exists; however, health and illness can coexist. The health and prevent complications and ensure
meaning of health is largely the patient’s ability to patients’ involvement in daily management
manage and cope with illness. In the trajectory of decisions. As the disease progresses to different
a chronic illness, patient and family are in stages and complications, education based on self-
a constant process of learning new skilled behav- management principles in the continuum of care
iors that are needed for appropriate disease helps patients and families adapt to COPD-
management. related changes and maintain healthy behaviors.
Many interventions [1,2], such as pulmonary At the end of this article, the reader will be able
rehabilitation [3], are known to be beneficial to to understand the newest scientific concepts and
patients who have COPD. These short-term inter- advances in the field of self-management in
ventions are too often used with the philosophy of COPD, recognize the importance of self-manage-
an acute care approach, however, in which the ment education and what might be needed to
physician makes the diagnosis, provides treat- enhance behavior modification, and translate
ment, and reacts to medical complications. A these advances into strategies and specific inter-
growing body of literature demonstrates the ben- ventions in clinical practice.
efits of increasing patients’ knowledge, specific
skills, and self-efficacy in managing their disease
[4,5]. It has been shown that to be effective, care Chronic illness management: theoretical
of patients with chronic disease requires self-man- foundations and models
agement education with formulation of a mutually Self-management is a component of a health
understood care plan and careful and continuous care management process that is commonly called
communication with a case manager [6–8]. disease management. Although disease manage-
As for all chronic diseases, self-management ment has no universally accepted definition, the
strategies are highly important for patients who Disease Management Association of America has
defined disease management as a ‘‘system of
coordinated health care interventions and commu-
* Corresponding author. COPD Clinic and Pulmo-
nary Rehabilitation Program, Montreal Chest Institute,
nications for populations with conditions in which
Mcgill University Health Center, 3650 St., Urbain, patient self-care is significant’’ (
Room K1.30, Montreal, Quebec H2X 2P4, Canada. definition.html). Disease management is further
E-mail address: characterized as supporting the physician-patient
(J. Bourbeau). relationship using evidence-based practices and
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

patient empowerment and evaluating outcomes high-quality chronic disease care [11–13]. Self-
on an ongoing basis for improvement of patient management strategy and support are important
health. components of the chronic care model, but to be
A key element in effective disease management successful it does require an approach that incor-
is patient self-management education. Self- porates not only teaching various disease contents
management applies to any formalized patient but also implementing strategies to change behav-
education program aimed at teaching skills ior in patients. Changes in behavior are caused by
needed to carry out medical regimens specific to enhancement of self-efficacy, which is the confi-
the chronic disease and guide health behavior dence an individual has in response to specific ac-
change for patients to control their disease and tions and the ability to perform these actions [10].
improve their well-being. Self-management does This is based on the ‘‘self-management model
require an approach as part of a continuum of (self-efficacy).’’ Finally, the ‘‘precede-proceed
care that incorporates not only teaching various model’’ [14] has been proposed to help in the
disease related topics but also implementing development of self-management education pro-
strategies to change specific behavior in patients grams. Each of these models is considered in
[9,10]. Behavior modification implies the imple- further detail in this article.
mentation of healthy and new lifestyle behaviors
Chronic care model of disease management
that are better adapted to a patient’s need. It
also implies the appropriate use of many skills Critical components of effective chronic dis-
(eg, proper use of medication and inhalation ease care are (1) self-management approach, (2)
devices, breathing techniques, such as pursed-lip delivery system design, (3) decision support, and
breathing). Providing patients who have COPD (4) clinical information systems (Fig. 1) [11–13].
with the self-management skills they need to Patient interactions with an integrated team that
properly manage their chronic disease should be includes a skilled health professional case man-
considered as important as writing the correct ager are key components of effective chronic dis-
medication prescription. ease management. The chronic care disease
Chronic illness management is based on management model requires more than a case
models that have high relevance for the imple- manager, however. The care delivery system
mentation of practice better adapted to patients must be designed to provide planned chronic
who have COPD. These models are not compet- care. Regular patient follow-up and communica-
ing but serve different purposes and are comple- tion with health care providers are essential for
mentary. The ‘‘chronic care model’’ has been effective management of chronic disease through-
proposed as a solution to improve management out its trajectory of changes. Health care pro-
and prevent complications and outcomes in pa- viders also should be trained to support the
tients with chronic disease. The chronic care physician and the patient. Therapies given should
model has essential elements that encourage be based on evidence-based practice guidelines.

Fig. 1. Chronic care model components. (From Wagner EH. Chronic disease management: what will it take to improve
care for chronic illness? Effect Clin Pract 1998;1:3; with permission.)

Shared care between family physicians and partnership, action planning, and self-tailoring
specialists produces the best outcomes and are the most important general self-management
increases the likelihood that patients receive skills that individuals should acquire to manage
guideline-directed care [15]. The final component chronic disease.
in the chronic care model, which is often lacking, Self-efficacy, which is the individual’s belief in
involves integrating a computerized clinical infor- his or her ability to execute necessary actions in
mation system into clinical practice. This system response to specific situations, is considered in the
can be used to improve chronic care by keeping social cognitive theory as a predictor of behav-
registries for planning individual and popula- ioral change [17,18]. Self-efficacy influences
tion-based care, implementing automated actions that individuals choose to perform and
reminders for the primary care team to comply maintain and the effort they invest. Individuals
with clinical guidelines, and providing individual choose an action only if they believe that they
feedback to physicians and clinical practices are capable of doing it and will benefit from it.
regarding their performance in specific chronic As part of patient education, several strategies
illness care measures. can be used to enhance self-efficacy, including
(1) focusing on past performance accomplish-
Self-management model (self-efficacy) ments and building on successful experiences, (2)
using peer observation and role models (group ed-
Self-management strategy and support are
ucation), (3) enlisting verbal persuasion from
crucial components of the chronic care model.
health professionals, and (4) performing self-
The needs of patients suffering from a chronic
evaluation of physical/emotional state and impact
disease to adjust or change roles as a result of
of symptom recognition. Compared with tradi-
their illness and successfully manage their day-
tional care plans, self-management education pro-
to-day lives are high priorities in self-manage-
grams require fewer lectures, promote more active
ment. The self-management model assists patients
participation of patients, and must focus more on
in acquiring skills necessary to adjust their behav-
practice and acquisition of new skills, including
ior to manage their own illness and, more
decision making and problem solving to have an
importantly, to gain the confidence to apply these
impact on self-efficacy leading to behavioral
skills on a daily basis, which means increasing
their self-efficacy [10]. This is a rather important
causal chain that is presented as a simple
Precede/proceed model
illustration in Fig. 2. Health care providers must
consider and work on many factors if we want The precede-proceed model for health program
to change patient behavior and expect to have planning from Green and Kreuter [14] is helpful in
an impact on patient health. According to Lorig the development of self-management education
and Holman [16] problem solving, decision mak- programs for patients who suffer from chronic
ing, resource use, formation of patient-provider diseases, such as COPD. This model has been


Self- Self-efficacy Behaviour Health

management Change impacts

Acquisition of Mastery and Prevention of

skills by integration on complication
practicing a day-to-day such as
feedback, basis of self- emergency
sharing management visits and
experiences and skills hospital
building on admission
anterior improved
successes quality of life

Fig. 2. Effective chronic illness care model: self-management. (Data from Bourbeau J, Nault D, Dang-Tan T. Self-
management and behaviour modification in COPD. Patient Educ Couns 2004;52(3):271–7.)

the basis for the development of the self-manage- showed a decrease in hospitalizations (RR 0.64,
ment program ‘‘Living Well with COPD.’’ This 95% CI 0.50–0.82), emergency room visits (0.82,
model helps to (1) define the goals, objectives, 95% CI 0.73–0.94), and unscheduled clinic visits
and organizational structure that can support (0.68, 95% CI 0.56–0.81) [19]. The review showed
a patient’s self-management of the disease, (2) that the most successful self-management educa-
identify the potential participant’s learning needs tion programs combine the use of a written action
based on factors that can influence behavior plan, self-monitoring, and regular medical
change, (3) plan the educational interventions in reviews. Although the success of self-management
relation to the identified needs, (4) describe the in asthma provides encouragement that similar
specific self-management skills leading to behavior strategies might work with COPD, differences
changes, and (5) define patient outcomes in terms between the two diseases do not allow direct
of expected behavior changes. extrapolation from one disease to the other [20].
According to the precede-proceed model, three
types of factors can influence the adoption and the
Seeking ‘‘truth’’: totality of available evidence
maintenance of healthy behaviors:
The results of an early Cochrane systematic
 The predisposing factors refer to the existing
review on educating patients who have COPD on
knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and values of
self-management were inconclusive [21]. The
the person toward his or her health condition
authors concluded that more research was needed.
and the behavior changes expected. An im-
Other randomized clinical trials have been pub-
portant predisposing factor to behavior
lished since this 2002 Cochrane review [22–24].
change is the person’s level of self-efficacy.
Taylor and colleagues [25] published the most re-
 The facilitating factors or barriers are based
cent systematic review of randomized controlled
on the person’s past life experiences, knowl-
trials on innovations in chronic disease manage-
edge, and skills already acquired and the
ment for COPD. These trials included education
accessibility of services and financial
on medication and smoking cessation, breathing
techniques, and fitness [9]. Only two studies men-
 The reinforcing factors depend on the person’s
tioned providing a supply of drugs or a prescrip-
social support network and successful past life
tion to be filled by patients in the event of an
exacerbation. Trials using brief interventions after
Consideration and review of these factors is a hospital admissiondboth approximately 1 month
important in formulating individualized patient- in durationdfound no evidence to support their im-
centered self-management plans tailored to meet plementation [2]. Meta-analysis of the three studies
individual patient’s needs. In the planning of self- that reported quality-of-life outcomes (measured
management education programs, health profes- by the St. George’s respiratory questionnaire
sionals should ensure that (1) interactions and score) found no significant beneficial effect (ex-
collaboration between the learners and the edu- cept one study with a benefit at 4 months but
cators will occur, (2) the education is based on not at 12 months) [22]. Two of the five long-
a patient’s learning needs and is provided on an term studies (approximately 1 year in duration)
individual or group basis through methods that reported a reduction in hospital admission and
enhance self-efficacy, motivation for change, and emergency room visits. The author conclusions
maintenance of behavior changes, (3) emphasis is were that data were too sparse to exclude any
put on the mastery of self-management skills clinically relevant benefit.
through practice, constructive feedback, and Although randomized trials should represent the
reinforcement, and (4) evaluation of behavior benchmark or gold standard for determining
changes and patient outcomes is done. ‘‘truth,’’ many published trials on self-management
in COPD have major methodologic limitations.
Often, studies that claim to assess self-management
Measuring the benefits of self-management
education in COPD do not provide complete infor-
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
mation allowing readers to evaluate if the inter-
Self-management strategies for disease man- vention met the criteria for true self-management
agement have been studied in chronic respiratory education. In many studies, the focus is primarily
diseases, such as COPD and asthma. A recent on the intervention elements and not on the
Cochrane review on self-management in asthma educational process (teaching self-management,

emphasizing day-to-day controls and health Patients included in the study had moderate to
behavior, and enhancing self-efficacy). Few studies severe COPD and at least one previous exacerba-
emphasize continual communication, which is tion that required hospital admission. The foun-
key in the successful self-management program. dations of the intervention were based on (1) the
None of the studies conducted to date assesses if chronic care model with self-management
the intervention resulted in intended changes program and a delivery system that included com-
in patient behavior. The question remains in nega- munication with a well trained case-manager, (2)
tive studies as to whether the intervention failed self-management strategies with emphasis on
to show a benefit or whether it was a failure to self-efficacy leading to behavioral changes, and
intervene. (3) the precede/proceed model in planning the
In addition to problems associated with the self-management education program development
intervention, studies with no beneficial effect of and delivery of ‘‘Living Well with COPD.’’ The
self-management may have been underpowered. program ‘‘Living Well with COPD’’ included
Surprisingly, this limitation of the studies is rarely self-management education with patient work-
brought to the attention of the reader or is books and a written action plan provided by
brought as a potential explanation for negative a trained health professional case manager, seven
results. Finally, no single consistent set of out- to eight individual education sessions with specific
comes is reported, and nonvalidated measure- skill acquisitions for day-to-day management of
ments often are used to assess outcomes. It is their disease, and monthly telephone self-use of
important to reach consensus on a list of desired health-promoting contacts to follow-up to ensure
outcomes (psychosocial, intended changes in continuous communication and reinforce self-
patient behavior, biomedical and service out- health behaviors.
comes) and standardize the way these outcomes Patients were encouraged to follow a home
are measured. With a lack of consistency in the exercise program without direct supervision three
intervention, poor reporting of the self- times per week. The exercise program was not
management process (with potential of enhancing mandatory; nor was it done under the supervision
behavior modification), and use of nonstandar- of a health care provider. The action plan was
dized measure outcomes, it is difficult to compare customized for each patient and included a contact
the outcomes of one trial to another. Conse- list and symptom monitoring list for different
quently, review of the sum of available trials, situations (eg, stress, environment change, and
such as is reported in meta-analyses, is not likely respiratory tract infection), each of which were
to be the best approach in seeking ‘‘truth’’ or linked to appropriate therapeutic actions. It
helping us define key components of successful included a self-initiated prescription of antibiotic
self-management in COPD. Standardized and prednisone to be used in the event of an acute
methods and properly designed studies should exacerbation (defined as at least two of the
be adopted to ensure comparability of clinical following three symptom changes: increase in
trial results and enable the field of COPD self- dyspnea, sputum, or sputum purulence). It also
management to become a discipline with a ‘‘high included safeguards to call the case manager if
level’’ evidence base. symptoms became worse despite the use of anti-
biotics or prednisone. Patients were received
follow-up for 1 year.
Seeking ‘‘truth’’: knowledge gained from specific
In the Canadian randomized clinical trial [22],
the active intervention, when compared with usual
New studies that involve self-management, an care, reduced hospital admissions by 40% (P ¼ .01)
integrated team with a skilled health professional and admissions for other health problems by 57%
case manager, and a delivery care system designed (P ¼ .01). In the intervention group, 23.7% of the
to provide planned chronic care are providing exacerbations resulted in a hospital admission
emerging evidence of benefits in patients who have compared with 32.5% in the usual care group.
COPD, including reduced admissions and hospi- Emergency department visits were reduced by 41%
tal bed days [22,26]. Much of the evidence on self- (P ¼ .02) and unscheduled physician visits by 59%
management education comes from a Canadian (P ¼ .003). In the intervention group, 31.7% of
multifaceted self-management program, ‘‘Living exacerbations resulted in an emergency room visit
Well with COPD,’’ which was one of the first compared with 44.4% in the usual care group.
studies to produce conclusive results [9,22]. Health status assessed with the St. George’s

respiratory questionnaire showed a statistically sig- 1.8

1.65 1.65
nificant difference for the impact subscale and total
1.6 -42.6% -26.9%
score at 4 months and difference for the impact reduction reduction
score that almost reached statistical significance at 1.4

Hospitalization patient-ye
12 months (P ¼ .05). Importantly, these differences 1.21
at 4 and 12 months reached the minimal clinical im- 1.2
portant difference of 4 (improvement of health).
1 0.95
The study also demonstrated that reduction in hos-
pital admission and emergency room visits could be
maintained after a 2-year period (Fig. 3) [27]. This is
the first study showing the sustainability of self- 0.6
management benefits.
More recently, an economic analysis showed 0.4
results that also hold promise for economic
benefits of self-management [28]. Fig. 4 demon-
strates the cost comparisons of self-management 0
versus usual care based on several hypothetical 1styear 2ndyear
scenarios for a care manager’s patient caseload.
Assuming realistic caseloads per case manager of Fig. 3. Difference in all-cause hospitalizations between
30, 50, and 70 patients, the mean difference patients who have COPD in the self-management and
usual care groups according to the first- and second-year
between the two groups reached statistical signifi-
follow-up. (Data from Gadoury MA, Schwartzman K,
cance at a caseload of 50 and 70 patients per case Rouleau M, et al. Self-management reduces both short-
manager. From the third-party payer perspective, and long-term hospitalisation in COPD. Eur Respir
this could represent cost savings of more than J 2005;26(5):853–7.)
$2000 per patient per year. The cost saving was
mainly driven by the number of hospitalizations
prevented, which reflects the capacity of a self-
management program to meet the changing needs chronic diseases [29]. Diabetes and depression
of patients who have moderate to severe COPD. have been the subjects of the largest volume of
research in effective management of chronic
illness. A recent Cochrane collaboration review
Key components of successful self-management
showed that the only interventions to achieve
The literature suggests the need for multicom- improvements in patient outcomes, such as
ponent, interconnected changes to current prac- glycemic control, were those with a strong pa-
tice to improve the process and outcomes of tient-oriented component [30]. Similarly, research

$8,000 p=0.16 p=0.046 p=0.024

$6,674 $6,674 $6,674

Cost per patient ($)

$6,000 $5,177



30 50 70
Caseload (number of patients followed by the case-manager)

Fig. 4. Cost comparison between self-management and usual care groups according to several scenarios of COPD
patient caseloads. The base-case scenario of 14 patients reflects the organization of the trial. Scenarios of 30 and 50
patients’ and 70 patients’ home and outpatient settings were based on tabulation of the average time spent for patient
visits, travel, and telephone contacts. (Data from Bourbeau J, Collet JP, Schwartzman K, et al. Economic benefits of self-
management education in COPD. Chest 2006;130:1704–11.)

on improving care for depression showed that allow the prevention and management of disease
a trained care team is essential to ensure patient symptoms and integration of self-care behaviors.
support for self-management [31,32]. Teaching and learning are parts of an interactive
A review of 29 randomized trials involving process that involves the patient and family, the
5039 patients who had chronic heart failure health care professional educator, the disease
showed that strategies incorporating multidisci- itself, and the environment [33]. The style of
plinary team follow-up decreased hospitalizations teaching must change from the traditional, didac-
that resulted from heart failure (RR 0.74, 95% CI tic format to that of self-management (Table 1).
0.63–0.87), all-cause hospitalizations (RR 0.81, Health educators in self-management should
95% CI 0.71–0.92), and mortality (risk ratio 0.75, ensure that patients acquire the confidence and
95% CI 0.59–0.96) [11]. Programs that focused on the specific skills to manage their disease on a daily
enhancing patient self-care activities decreased basis.
hospitalizations that resulted from heart failure Ideally this goal should be supported by a case
(RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.52–0.83) and all-cause hospi- manager whose role is to optimize disease control
talizations (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.57–0.93) but had and follow-up with empowerment. Patients need
no effect on mortality (RR 1.14 95% CI 0.67– reassurance and re-enforcement of appropriate
1.94). Finally, strategies that used telephone con- behavior. The keys to self-management are strong
tact and advised patients to see their primary collaboration and good communication between
care physician in the event of deterioration the patient, the health professional case manager,
decreased hospitalizations that resulted from and the medical team. A meta-analysis done on
heart failure (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.57–0.99) but a wide variety of chronic illnesses showed that
had no effect on all-cause hospitalizations (RR combining education of patients and reminders
0.98, 95% CI 0.80–1.20) or mortality (RR 0.91, (prompts to remind patients to perform specific
95% CI 0.67–1.29). tasks) was associated with improved disease
To be effective, the chronic care approach control [8]. Providing patients who have COPD
requires self-management within a delivery system with the tools and skills they need and making
designed to provide planned chronic care. Self- sure they can use these specific skills to properly
management education includes a mutually un- manage their disease on a daily basis is as impor-
derstood care plan and careful and continuous tant as writing the correct prescription and ensur-
communication with a case manager [6–8]. This ing that the patient takes his or her medication.
finding is consistent with the growing body of
literature, which demonstrates the benefit of
efforts to increase patients’ knowledge, specific Success of self-management: the educational topics
skills, and self-efficacy in managing their disease. Proven effective interventions should be the
Success of self-management education depends main focus of our self-management educational
on (1) the educational process (self-management approach. These educational topics include (1)
model) and (2) educational topics (intervention
elements). It is imperative to realize that improv-
ing knowledge, although necessary, is an insuffi- Table 1
Style of teaching: traditional versus self-management
cient sole outcome of a self-management
program. Less time should be spent by care pro-
viders teaching pathophysiology of the disease, Style of teaching Specific feature
and more time should be spent teaching the Traditional  Provision of information
appropriate use of specific disease-related skills related to the patient’s
in the context of daily life. condition and therapy
in didactic sessions

Success of self-management: the educational Self-management  Teaches self-management

process skills
 Emphasizes day-to-day
Patient education on self-management involves illness symptom control
not only lecture-based teaching but also promo- and health behavior
tion of learning by helping the patient and family (eg, medication use plus
improve knowledge, increase self-confidence, and exercise)
 Increases self-efficacy
take charge of the disease by pursuing actions that

smoking cessation, (2) proper prescription and use costly health services, such as emergency depart-
of medication, (3) breathing techniques and posi- ment visits and hospital admissions. New study
tioning, (4) regular exercise and physical activities, results suggest that an action plan as part of a strat-
and (5) early recognition of exacerbation and egy that promotes self-management education may
prompt treatment. Self-management education play a key role in reducing emergency visits and
programs represent a window of opportunity hospitalization risk, as demonstrated in a subanaly-
that health professionals should try to exploit sis of a previously successful randomized con-
for smoking cessation interventions. trolled trial [22]. There were fewer exacerbations
Self-management also may help to enhance in the intervention group compared with the con-
patient compliance to medications. Improving trol group, for which antibiotics and prednisone
patient self-efficacy in breathing strategies, such were used, which resulted in fewer hospitalizations
as pursed lips breathing, forward leaning position, (16.5% versus 35.1%, P ¼ .001) and emergency
and energy conservation [34–36], can help a pa- visits (33.1% versus 72.3%, P ! .001) because of
tient manage dyspnea and remain able to perform early treatment [42].
desired daily activities. Self-management also has Helpful action plan strategies also should in-
potential use in interventions such as exercise clude adoption of healthy behaviors, such as eating
training or rehabilitation programs, in which a proper diet, maintaining good sleep habits, and
long-term adherence to behaviors learned depends engaging in regular home exercise. In a recent study
on self-efficacy and other behavioral variables, as that compared enhanced follow-up to conven-
demonstrated in studies of elderly and chronically tional follow-up (only visits to their physician),
ill populations. Exercise self-efficacy has been Brooks and colleagues [43] documented adherence
found to be the most consistent predictor of to home exercises in patients who have COPD after
adherence to physical activity [37–39]. Outcome completion of a pulmonary rehabilitation pro-
expectancies, defined as the estimate of expected gram. The most consistently reported reasons for
benefits from regular exercise, are also associated nonadherence were chest infections and disease ex-
with adherence [37]. acerbations. As part of the action plans, these epi-
With the recognition of the impact of COPD sodes of worsening symptoms must be recognized,
exacerbations on patient symptoms, functional and patients need reassurance and reinforcement
status, and health-related quality of life comes of appropriate behavior. Patients who experienced
the knowledge that prevention of exacerbations failure may need to be reassessed more carefully so
and early treatment is an important goal of COPD as to understand causes of this failure and provide
therapy. To date, treatment has focused mainly on the necessary treatment.
drug therapy to decrease admission rates, decrease
length of stay, and hasten recovery. Little atten-
Application of the chronic care model
tion has been paid to early treatment of exacer-
with self-management education for patients
bations. The East London cohort has just shown
who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
that delay/failure to visit a professional to initiate
antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment has serious Chronic care model applied to chronic obstructive
consequences, including increased emergency pulmonary disease management
visits or hospitalizations [40]. The study suggested
that the sooner treatment is initiated after onset of To improve outcomes in chronic disease man-
symptoms, the shorter the duration of the illness. agement, active collaboration between the patient
The use of action plans to help patients recognize and the practice team is necessary. This goal
symptom changes, implement self-care, and self- cannot be achieved without a health care system
initiate a customized prescription (antibiotics organization that supports patient self-manage-
and corticosteroids) in the event of an exacerba- ment and provides a delivery system design in
tion has been suggested as a promising strategy. which partners’ roles are well defined and long-
For example, the results of a recent Cochrane term follow-up is assured through integrated
review showed that action plans used in COPD services [5].
help patients recognize and react appropriately to
an exacerbation by promptly self-initiating anti- Self-management support within an integrated
biotics and oral steroids [41]. We have yet to delivery system
prove, however, that these changes to patient be- For patients to become managers of their
havior significantly reduce morbidity and use of illness, the support of a practice teamdin which

the roles of the team members are well definedd The essential steps in self-management education
seems important for the achievement of COPD using the example of the program ‘‘Living Well
self-management. The treating physician is in with COPD’’
charge of evaluating patient health condition,
The first critical step in helping patients and
prescribing the overall optimal disease treatment,
families to engage in the learning experience is to
and referring patients to the appropriate resources
ask them to identify what they know about the
when needed. Patients must play an active role in
illness, what concerns or problems they have in
the care decisions process. The case manager is the
relation to the disease itself and its impact, and
contact and resource person for patients and can
what strategies they are already using to cope and
be located in hospital or in a community center. In
live with the disease [45]. Another essential step
the self-management model, case managers are
toward the achievement of patient and family
used to empower patients with sufficient knowl-
learning goals and objectives is choosing educa-
edge and confidence to take over the responsibility
tional methods that (1) take a patient’s style of
of managing the illness [44]. The other health pro-
coding, storing, and retrieving information and
fessionals involved in the care of patients either in
his or her learning style into account, (2) enhance
hospital or in the community, including the physi-
self-efficacy, and (3) best support the integration
cian, act as consultants who provide education on
of knowledge and skills required for self-manage-
specific skills related to their domain of expertise if
ment. Use of a combination of educational
needed and provide support and give reinforce-
methods is likely more effective for ensuring
ment throughout follow-up.
learning retention [33,46]. Table 2 demonstrates
Regular follow-up and coordination of care
methods used in disease management education
are the responsibilities of the treating physician
for patients who have COPD to manage their dis-
and case manager. To ensure an efficient
ease. These different educational methods are effi-
follow-up, they must (1) assess a patient’s general
cient ways to facilitate the self-management
health condition and needs on a regular basis, (2)
learning process in patients who have COPD [47].
help the patient/family integrate the skills and
The most important step leading to the
healthy behaviors learned into daily life, (3)
learners’ acquisition of knowledge and mastery
provide a written action plan with a prescription
of skills required for the integration of expected
to be self-administered in case of a COPD
self-care behaviors is the implementation of edu-
exacerbation and support the use of this action
cational interventions. Interventions useful for
plan until the patient demonstrates complete
mastery of skills, and (4) make proper referrals
to other care providers within hospital and in the
community, if needed. Table 2
Efficient educational methods to be used either in indi-
vidual or group sessions for patients who have chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease for self-management
Decision support
Care decisions should be based on best practice Method Individual Group
guidelines and quality control process. COPD Interactive lecturing : :
self-management education programs for patients Motivational interviewing : :
and families should include interventions that techniques
already have scientific validity. ‘‘Living Well with Case scenarios : :
COPD’’ ( (password: Demonstrations and practice : :
Constructive feedback : :
copd) is a good example of a self-management
and reinforcement
education program that has demonstrated signifi- Group exchanges d :
cant results in a randomized controlled trial or discussion
[22,27]. The patient education process established Peer observation d :
in this program guides health professionals in (use of an expert patient)
assessing patient readiness and motivation to Learning contracts : :
learn, set mutual realistic learning goals and (homework, goals achievement)
objectives with patient and family, use efficient Written material : :
educational methods, implement individualized given to patients
or group educational interventions, and evaluate adapted to their
level of literacy
patient outcomes.

patients who have COPD and their families Well with COPD,’’ Table 3 lists the specific skills
include smoking cessation, breathing control, to master and healthy behaviors to adopt and
conservation of energy, management of anxiety maintain in COPD self-management.
and stress, prevention and management of exac- Evaluating patient comprehension, attitudes,
erbations, and adoption of healthy life habits. and self-efficacy, the skills mastered and healthy
Presenting material from the program ‘‘Living behaviors adopted should be done throughout the

Table 3
Self-management skills and healthy behaviors for self-management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Healthy behavior Self-management skill (strategy)
Live in a smoke-free environment Quit smoking and remain nonsmoker and avoid second-hand smoke
Comply with your medication Take medication as prescribed on a regular basis and use proper inhalation
Manage your breathing Use according to directives:
 the pursed-lip breathing technique
 the forward body positions
 the coughing techniques

Conserve your energy Prioritize your activities, plan your schedule, and pace yourself
Manage your stress and anxiety Use your relaxation and breathing techniques
Try to solve one problem at a time
Talk about your problems and do not hesitate to ask for help
Maintain a positive attitude
Prevent and manage aggravations of your Get your flu shot every year and your vaccine for pneumonia
symptoms (exacerbations) Identify and avoid factors that can make your symptoms worse
Use your plan of action according to the directives (recognition of symp-
toms deterioration and actions to perform)
Contact your resource person when needed
Maintain an active life Maintain physical activities (eg, activities of daily living, walking, climbing
Exercise regularly (according to a prescribed home exercise program)

Keep a healthy diet Maintain a healthy weight

Eat food high in protein
Eat smaller meals more often (5–6 meals/d)
Have good sleep habits Maintain a routine
Avoid heavy meals and stimulants before bedtime
Relax before bedtime
Maintain a satisfying sex life Use positions that require less energy
Share your feelings with your partner
Do not limit yourself to intercourse, create a romantic atmosphere
Use your breathing, relaxation and coughing techniques
Get involved in leisure activities Choose leisure activities that you enjoy
Choose environments in which your symptoms are not aggravated
Pace yourself through the activities while using your breathing techniques
Respect your strengths and limitations

Plan your trips Get a list from your doctor of current medical diagnoses, allergies, and
Have enough medication for the duration of the trip and make the proper
arrangements if you are on home oxygen
Bring your plan of action, including a supply of antibiotics and prednisone
Make sure you have adequate health insurance

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Clin Chest Med 28 (2007) 629–638

New Approaches in Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Nicolino Ambrosino, MD*, Gerardo Palmiero, MD,
Soo-Kyung Strambi, PT
Pulmonary Unit, Cardio-Thoracic Department, University Hospital, Pisa, Via Paradisa 2-Cisanello, 56124 Pisa, Italy

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure

(COPD) affects 6% of the general population (PEEPi), airflow limitation, inspiratory muscle
and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality weakness, increased ventilatory demand relative
worldwide. It is a heterogeneous disorder resulting to capacity, gas exchange abnormalities, and car-
from dysfunction of the small and large airways diovascular factors [6]. In COPD, dyspnea during
and destruction of the lung parenchyma and exercise correlates with lung hyperinflation (as
vasculature in highly variable combinations [1,2]. assessed by inspiratory capacity) which, in turn, re-
Breathlessness and reduction in exercise capacity sults in severe ‘‘neuromechanical dissociation’’ [7].
are the main complaints of patients who have
COPD. Over time, these symptoms progress
relentlessly, reducing patients’ ability to face activ- Peripheral (skeletal) muscle function
ities of daily living [3]. and pulmonary rehabilitation
Patients who have mild to severe COPD may Peripheral muscle function is another impor-
obtain improvement in dyspnea, exercise capacity, tant determinant of exercise capacity in COPD [8].
and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) as Many patients who have COPD have significant
a result of exercise training within pulmonary skeletal muscle dysfunction, characterized by
rehabilitation, a comprehensive treatment that has structural and functional disturbances [8]. Periph-
grown tremendously in scientific interest over the eral muscle wasting and reduced body weight also
past several years [4]. are common findings in advanced COPD and
have a negative impact on patients’ survival, as
Mechanisms of dyspnea during exercise in chronic in several other chronic diseases [8–10]. Gains in
obstructive pulmonary disease muscle mass and strength and in body weight
are associated with better exercise tolerance and
Dyspnea is ‘‘a term used to characterize a sub- survival [11]. The potential role of pharmacologic
jective experience of breathing discomfort that approaches to address this problem (eg, anabolic
consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that steroid, growth hormone, and testosterone supple-
vary in intensity. The experience derives from mentation) still is uncertain [11,12]. In contrast,
interactions among multiple physiological, psycho- the role of multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilita-
logical, social and environmental factors, and may tion, including exercise training in improving skel-
induce secondary physiological and behavioral etal muscle dysfunction, is well defined [4].
responses’’ [5]. Different pathophysiologic factors The improvements in exercise tolerance of
may contribute to dyspnea during exercise in pa- patients who have COPD induced by training
tients who have COPD: increased intrinsic mechan- have been found to be based on physiologic
ical loading on inspiratory muscles resulting from changes, such as improved muscle function
[13,14] and altered breathing pattern, with a higher
* Corresponding author. tidal volume (VT) and lower breathing frequency
E-mail address: leading to a reduced dead space–to–VT ratio and,
(N. Ambrosino). thus, to a lower ventilatory requirement for
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
630 AMBROSINO et al

exercise [15]. Intensive training increases the levels Ventilatory assistance during exercise
of aerobic enzymes and the capillary density of ex-
In recent years, there has been increasing in-
ercised muscle [16] and counteracts the increased
terest in the use of noninvasive positive pressure
exercise-associated oxidative stress of patients
ventilation (NPPV) to increase exercise capacity
who have COPD [17]. The intensity of exercise
[18]. Assisted ventilation, by unloading respiratory
training is of key importance in determining spe-
muscles, might allow patients to train at higher
cific outcomes [13]. Although low-intensity train-
levels of exercise intensity. Using proportional as-
ing leads to improved exercise endurance, usually
sist ventilation (PAV), a recently proposed modal-
in the absence of physiologic gains in aerobic fit-
ity of assisted ventilation [19], it is shown that
ness, high-intensity training improves perfor-
work of breathing (WOB) needed to sustain
mance of maximal and submaximal exercise tests
heavy-intensity exercise of healthy trained cyclists
and induces cardiorespiratory and peripheral mus-
correlated to a reduction in leg blood flow and
cle adaptations [13–16]. Some patients, however,
had a significant influence on exercise performance
may not be able to exercise at an intensity sufficient
[20,21]. In other words, during leg exercise, there
to achieve these benefits. Given the demonstrated
may be a competition for blood flow between respi-
value of exercise training [4], extensive recent re-
ratory and limb muscles that may be minimized by
search has focused on new approaches to improve
use of assisted ventilation during exercise. In an-
the effectiveness of exercise training and muscle
other study, PAV prevented exercise-induced dia-
function [18]. For example, a review of the litera-
phragmatic fatigue [22]. Because intrinsic
ture from 1966 to 2006 (PubMed) shows 1345 arti-
mechanical loading and functional inspiratory
cles under the terms, COPD and pulmonary
muscle weakness in COPD contribute to dyspnea,
rehabilitation (Fig. 1). For the purpose of this
assisted ventilation should provide a symptomatic
article, those articles have been reviewed according
benefit by unloading and assisting the overbur-
the following terms: COPD and exercise and (1)
dened ventilatory muscles. Unloading of the respi-
mechanical ventilation (76 studies, including two
ratory muscles by assisted ventilation in turn may
meta-analyses); (2) electrical stimulation (eight
reduce the blood requirement of inspiratory mus-
studies); (3) interval training (24 articles, including
cles and may allow a switch of blood flow from re-
three meta-analyses); (4) oxygen (726 studies,
spiratory to limb muscles. Several laboratory
including three meta-analyses); and (5) biofeed-
studies have examined the acute effects of different
back (five studies). Each of these interventions
modalities of ventilatory assistance on dyspnea and
has emerged as a potentially important adjunct
exercise tolerance in advanced COPD [18,23,24].
to conventional pulmonary rehabilitation, to im-
prove the exercise tolerance of patients who have Continuous positive airway pressure
Theoretically, continuous positive airway pres-
sure (CPAP) should reduce the inspiratory thresh-
old load on the inspiratory muscles of patients
Published papers who have COPD and hyperinflation and enhance
1000 neuromuscular coupling, thus improving dyspnea
900 and exercise tolerance [25–28]. CPAP, however,
800 counterbalances, at least in part, PEEPi (ie, the
inspiratory threshold load) [29]. CPAP also is
shown to reduce the WOB and increase exercise
Number of tolerance in patients who have cystic fibrosis
300 [30]. For maximal benefit, CPAP should be
200 titrated on an individual basis to optimize com-
100 fort. Nevertheless, theoretically this implies the
1966- 1977- 1987- 1997-
measurement of PEEPi, which is difficult to per-
1976 1986 1996 2006 form on a routine basis [29].
Fig. 1. Number of articles dealing with COPD and pul- Pressure support ventilation
monary rehabilitation, per decade, published from 1966
to January 1, 2007. (Data from National Library of Inspiratory pressure support (IPS) is a form of
Medicine and National Institutes of Health. Available mechanical ventilation that can assist ventilation
at: Accessed January 1, 2007.) effectively when applied noninvasively to patients

in acute and chronic respiratory failure. Pressure dyspnea in an acute (laboratory) setting [18], the
support is a pressure-targeted mode in which each next step is to evaluate whether or not assisted ven-
breath is patient triggered and supported [31]. IPS tilation can be used as an aid during exercise train-
can improve dyspnea and exercise capacity by re- ing sessions. This is a different issue, as conflicting
ducing the excessive load placed on inspiratory results are reported to date. One randomized
muscles when patients who have COPD exercise controlled study [49] finds no additional benefit
[32–38]. Patients who have severe COPD can sus- from providing assisted ventilation (in PAV modal-
tain exercise-induced lactatemia longer if assisted ity) on exercise tolerance, dyspnea, or health status
with IPS [39]. when compared with training alone. In contrast,
a similar study [50] finds that after PAV-assisted
Proportional assist ventilation training, mean training intensity, and peak work
PAV is a mode of partial ventilatory assistance rate were higher than after nonassisted training.
endowed with characteristics of proportionality Isoworkload lactatemia after training was reduced
and adaptability to the intensity and timing of to a greater extent in the assisted than in unassisted
spontaneous ventilatory pattern by providing in- patients. Moreover, a significant inverse relation-
spiratory flow and pressure in proportion to ship was found between reduction in isoworkload
patient effort [19]. Several laboratory studies lactatemia after training during the constant
show that PAV can increase exercise capacity of work rate test and peak work rate achieved during
patients who have COPD [40–43]. the last week of training. This was considered
a marker of true physiologic training effect. Other
Controlled mechanical ventilation investigators have confirmed benefits of addition
of NPPV to pulmonary rehabilitation [51–53].
Assist-control ventilation is a combination Despite promising, although conflicting, re-
mode of ventilation in which the ventilator de- sults, the use of ventilatory assistance during
livers a positive pressure breath at a preset VT in exercise training programs is unlikely to have
response to a patient’s inspiratory effort. The ven- a role in routine pulmonary rehabilitation set-
tilator also delivers breaths at a preset rate if no tings. Some potential problems with the use of
patient effort occurs within the preselected time NIPPV in pulmonary rehabilitation are
period [44]. This modality of assisted ventilation
was delivered through nasal masks during exercise 1. NPPV interfaces. During high-intensity exer-
in patients who had pulmonary tuberculosis se- cise, patients may breathe through their
quelae and kyphoscoliosis, resulting in a signifi- mouth rather than their nose, thus requiring
cant improvement in breathlessness and increase a full-face mask or mouthpiece. Use of full-
in exercise endurance [45,46]. Its use is not yet face masks during exercise may be less com-
studied in patients who have COPD. fortable than nasal mask interfaces, hence
reducing patient compliance.
2. Comorbidities. Many patients who have
Ventilatory assistance and pulmonary
COPD have significant comorbidities, includ-
ing a high proportion of ischemic cardiac dis-
The message of the physiologic studies (dis- ease [54]. It is of concern that reduction of
cussed previously) can be summarized as follows: dyspnea with this kind of ‘‘mechanical dop-
acute NPPV, either CPAP, IPS, or PAV, during ing’’ [55] might allow patients to exercise at
exercise reduces dyspnea and WOB and enhances a higher intensity and, as such, expose un-
exercise tolerance in patients who have COPD. aware and ischemic patients who have
Nevertheless, the role of NPPV as a routine COPD to a load greater than their coronary
component of pulmonary rehabilitation, if any, is ischemic threshold.
still to be defined. This is an important issue, 3. Practicalities. In a study by Bianchi and col-
because most patients who have moderate to severe leagues [49], a high rate of drop-outs result-
COPD are candidates for pulmonary rehabilita- ing from lack of compliance in the
tion, and a majority of patients facing lung trans- ventilated group and a mean 17-minute
plantation or lung volume reduction surgery are time spent to set the ventilator and supervise
required to attend rehabilitation programs [47,48]. the training session during NPPV were prac-
Given the established usefulness of NPPV in tical drawbacks to the addition of mask ven-
increasing exercise tolerance and reducing tilation during a high-intensity training
632 AMBROSINO et al

program. It might not be practical or worth- activity of skeletal muscles during incremental
while to submit patients to unpleasant equip- dynamic exercise. The electromyographic signal
ment (eg, mask and related troubles), given confirms neuromuscular changes after endurance
the need for constant supervision of an indi- training [60]. Passive training of specific locomo-
vidual operator to check for leaks and to tor muscle groups by means of NMES might be
reset the ventilator when needed and given tolerated better than whole body exercise in
a substantial risk for lack of patient compli- patients who have severe COPD. Small controlled
ance. Furthermore, to deliver NPPV during studies of this technique in patients who have
exercise training, a one-to-one patient- severe COPD are reported with encouraging
therapist ratio is needed, which in turn adds results [61–64].
to the cost of the rehabilitation program. The major advantage of NMES over conven-
This is a particularly important concern, es- tional exercise training is considered the lack of
pecially in light of the recognized benefits of ventilatory or cardiac stress during passive mus-
well-conducted standard exercise training cular activity, reflecting the reduced muscle mass
programs that do not require complex and involved. Thus, NMES may be a particularly
sophisticated machinery or a personalized beneficial mode of exercise training for those
physiotherapist [4,55]. patients who have COPD who are unable to
perform conventional exercise because of severe
ventilatory limitation and dyspnea. Furthermore,
Nighttime noninvasive positive pressure ventilation NMES may be used even during periods of COPD
and daytime exercise exacerbations, which are associated with loss of
muscle strength and mass [63]. There are negative
It is possible to use NPPV in another way to studies in non-COPD patient populations, how-
improve results of pulmonary rehabilitation. Pa- ever, in which no significant change in neurophys-
tients who have severe stable COPD and are iologic status, aerobic performance, or clinical
undergoing home nocturnal NPPV and daytime status occurred after electrostimulation [65,66].
exercise training showed a significant improve- Thus, these studies must be considered prelimi-
ment in exercise capacity and HRQOL compared nary, and at present NMES still should be consid-
with patients undergoing exercise training alone ered an experimental tool in pulmonary
[56]. The hypothesis that the observed increased rehabilitation. In particular, further randomized
exercise performance with nocturnal NPPV may trials using larger patient samples and longer fol-
be associated with increased quadriceps strength low-up periods are needed. Also, the optimal pro-
was not confirmed [57,58]. tocols for stimulation settings are yet to be
determined [18].
Electrical stimulation of peripheral muscles
Low-volt neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Timing and intensity of exercise in pulmonary
(NMES) is used by physical therapists to improve
muscle performance by stimulating motor nerves
to cause a muscle contraction. NMES is used to The optimal duration of pulmonary rehabili-
increase performance of healthy muscles and is tation programs has yet to be established. Short-
associated with increased mass, strength, and ened supervised programs seem equivalent to
endurance of normally and abnormally inner- longer supervised programs at comparable time
vated muscles in a wide range of pathologic points [67,68].
conditions. NMES retards muscle wasting during Interval training is characterized by repeated
denervation immobilization and optimizes recov- bouts of high-intensity exercise interspersed with
ery of muscle strength during rehabilitation [18]. recovery periods (light exercise or rest). In healthy
It is used to assist respiratory function in patients subjects, interval training with rest during a re-
who have spinal cord injury and in patients who covery period has been studied widely and, in
have skeletal muscle dysfunction and exercise in- some studies, shows better results than continuous
tolerance resulting from congestive heart failure training [69]. In patients who have COPD, inter-
[59]. val training is shown capable of inducing physio-
Pulmonary rehabilitation in active patients logic training effects [8]. The most common
who have COPD may normalize the electrical interval training protocol studied in these patients

is moderate- to high-intensity exercise alternated stimulation at heavy levels of exercise by increas-

with low-intensity exercise. High-intensity interval ing oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles and
exercise training is equally effective as moderately reducing carotid body stimulation by lactic acid-
intense, constant-load exercise training in induc- emia. The main mechanism for oxygen’s effect on
ing peripheral muscle adaptations; however, inter- exercise tolerance recently has been clarified [76].
val training is associated with fewer disturbing Ambulatory oxygen therapy has been shown
symptoms during training [70]. As such, an ‘‘inter- widely to increase exercise performance and to
mittent’’ training modality may be tolerated better relieve exercise breathlessness in patients who
and allows a greater amount of work to be per- have COPD [77–79]. A systematic review [80] of
formed in most patients who have severe COPD the short-term efficacy of ambulatory oxygen
[71]. This, in turn, may allow some patients who from single-assessment studies in COPD has
are incapable of performing high-intensity, con- been published recently. Thirty-one studies (33
stant-load exercise still to achieve physiologic data sets; 534 participants) met the inclusion crite-
gains in aerobic fitness. ria of the review. Oxygen improved the primary
Strength training enhances muscle growth and outcomes relating to endurance and maximal ex-
strength and may be associated with less dyspnea ercise capacity. Oxygen also improved breathless-
than aerobic exercise in patients who have COPD. ness, oxygen saturation, and minute ventilation at
The combination of strength and aerobic training isotime with endurance exercise testing.
seems an appropriate physiologically complete Studies indicate that reduction in lung hyper-
approach [8]. inflation plays an important role in the oxygen-
Whole body exercises (cycling, walking, and related relief of dyspnea [78,79]. Supplemental
stair climbing) result in higher cardiopulmonary oxygen generally increases exercise tolerance
stress than arm cranking and resistance training. even in patients who have only mild to moderate
Dyspnea is higher during cycling than resistance hypoxemia (ie, levels of hypoxemia not severe
training. The lower cardiopulmonary stress during enough to meet guidelines for long-term oxygen
resistance training results in fewer disturbing therapy) [81–83]. Short-term oxygen supplementa-
symptoms [72]. Studies demonstrate the effective- tion also prevents exercise-induced oxidative
ness of one-legged exercise at the same muscle- stress in patients who have COPD and who are
specific intensity in extending the duration of normoxemic and muscle wasted [84].
exercise among patients who have COPD [73]. Despite the positive results of these physiologic
The use of a rollator walker improves the studies, there is evidence [85] that mild hypoxemia
biomechanical efficiency of walking and breathing accelerates peripheral muscle adaptation, suggest-
by repositioning the body forward, anchoring the ing that supplemental oxygen during training of
upper extremities, and assuming a small amount patients who are mildly hypoxemic may not be ad-
of the user’s weight. Rollators may improve vantageous. This seems confirmed by previous
performance on exercise tests, especially among studies of patients who had COPD trained while
more impaired individuals. These improvements using supplemental oxygen, which failed to dem-
are accompanied by patient preference for assisted onstrate benefits [86–90]. In contrast with those
walking in addition to reducing dyspnea and studies, a more recent study [91] showed that pa-
adding a greater sense of safety. Despite several tients who had COPD and were nonhypoxemic
reports on the short-term beneficial effects of trained with oxygen supplementation were able
rollators [74,75], further evaluations of rollator ef- to reach a greater training intensity and endurance
fectiveness, including objective monitoring of us- more rapidly than patients trained without it.
age, are required to establish longer-term benefits. Combining the benefits of bronchodilators (re-
duced hyperinflation) and oxygen (reduced venti-
latory drive) also shows additive effects on
Oxygen supplementation
exercise endurance in patients who have COPD
Supplemental oxygen has the potential to and are normoxic [92].
increase exercise tolerance of patients who have
hypoxemic COPD by several different mecha-
nisms: hypoxic stimulation of the carotid bodies
Air-heliox mixtures
is reduced, pulmonary circulation vasodilates, and
arterial oxygen content increases. The latter two Heliox breathing can improve dyspnea and in-
mechanisms potentially may reduce carotid body crease high-intensity exercise endurance capacity
634 AMBROSINO et al

in moderate to severe COPD by reducing airflow the new strategies discussed in this review in the
limitation and dynamic hyperinflation [93–95]. clinical management of patients who have COPD
Combining heliox and hyperoxia delays dynamic varies substantially among the different tech-
hyperinflation and improves respiratory mechan- niques. Clinical trials designed to establish that
ics, which translates into added improvements in a given intervention yields superior results com-
exercise tolerance in the laboratory setting [96]. pared with standard interventions generally are
The role of heliox breathing, if any, in routine ex- difficult to perform because of the wide variability
ercise of patients who have COPD during pulmo- of responses to exercise interventions among pa-
nary rehabilitation has yet to be defined. tients. At present, the modalities discussed should
be considered for use as adjuncts to a well-
designed comprehensive respiratory rehabilitation
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Update in Surgical Therapy for Chronic

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
David J. Lederer, MD, MSa,b, Selim M. Arcasoy, MD, FCCP, FACPa,b,*
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Lung Transplantation Program, PH-14 East, Room 104, New York, NY 10032, USA
New York Presbyterian Hospital of Columbia and Cornell University,
622 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, USA

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Bullectomy

is characterized by progressive and irreversible
Giant bullae (bullae occupying greater than
airflow limitation. It is caused primarily by exposure
one third of the hemithorax) may compress
to tobacco smoke, and less commonly to other
adjacent lung and lead to dyspnea and reduced
noxious stimuli or by alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency.
exercise capacity by impairing lung mechanics and
COPD is one of the leading causes of death and dis-
gas exchange [2]. In uncontrolled studies, giant
ability worldwide, with incapacitating symptoms in
bullectomy improves forced expiratory volume
severe cases [1]. Smoking cessation and oxygen sup-
in 1 second (FEV1), total lung capacity (TLC),
plementation when needed are the only treatments
6-minute walk distance (6MWD), dyspnea, and
known to impact outcomes, whereas other medical
quality of life [2–4]. Less than half of patients,
therapies and pulmonary rehabilitation are aimed
however, derive a long-term benefit from bullec-
mainly at limiting symptoms and exacerbations of
tomy [3,5]. Bullectomy should be reserved for pa-
disease. Therefore, numerous surgical therapies
tients who are symptomatic despite optimal
have been attempted over the last century in an effort
medical therapy, who have a single well-defined
to improve lung function and symptomatic debility,
giant bulla with adjacent vascular crowding and
but only three have stood the test of time. This article
relatively normal parenchyma in other lung zones
reviews bullectomy for giant bullae, lung volume re-
along with only a modest decline in spirometry,
duction surgery (LVRS) and lung transplantation
and increased trapped gas volume with near-nor-
for the treatment of advanced COPD, focusing on
mal gas exchange [1]. Older patients who have
patient selection and clinical outcomes for the prac-
significant comorbid illnesses, pulmonary hyper-
ticing pulmonologist.
tension, chronic bronchitis and respiratory tract
infections, severe reduction in FEV1 with obstruc-
tive physiology, significantly impaired diffusing
capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and gas
This work was supported in part by Grant No. exchange, and multiple smaller bullae are not
RR024157 from the National Institutes of Health. considered appropriate candidates [1].
Dr. Lederer is a coinvestigator of a clinical trial for
bronchoscopic lung volume reduction sponsored by
Broncus Technologies. Lung volume reduction surgery
* Corresponding author. Division of Pulmonary, Al-
lergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Columbia University Historical aspects
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Lung Transplanta-
tion Program, PH-14 East, Room 104, New York, NY In the 1950s, Brantigan described 33 emphy-
10032. sema patients who underwent bilateral LVRS and
E-mail address: autonomic denervation in an attempt to increase
(S.M. Arcasoy). radial traction on the airways and thereby
0272-5231/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

improve expiratory airflow [6,7]. LVRS was not Clinical outcomes and patient selection
performed widely in the initial years following
The NETT was the largest and most informa-
these publications in light of the high surgical
tive of the seven published randomized trials of
mortality and sparse physiological data reported.
LVRS versus medical therapy for pulmonary
Subsequent experience with LVRS was largely
emphysema (Table 1) [12,19–26]. The NETT ran-
unimpressive until 1995, when Cooper and col-
domized 1218 patients who have moderate-to-
leagues [8] reported a 76% relative improvement
severe emphysema to receive bilateral LVRS or
in mean FEV1 and no mortality in 20 patients un-
medical treatment alone at 17 centers in the
dergoing bilateral LVRS by means of median ster-
United States. All patients received optimal med-
notomy. This study marked the beginning of an
ical therapy and underwent pulmonary rehabilita-
era of enthusiastic single-center reports of patients
tion before randomization.
undergoing LVRS using variable surgical tech-
The NETT results were published in 2003 after
niques and with low reported morbidity and mor-
a median follow-up time of 2.4 years and again in
tality rates [9]. These studies, however, were
2006 after a median follow-up time of 4.3 years
limited by the lack of control arms and failure
[12,23]. Although overall mortality did not differ
to account for loss to follow-up. Widespread ap-
between treatment arms in the initial report,
plication of LVRS for advanced pulmonary em-
patients randomized to LVRS had a 6.6% lower
physema in the mid-1990s prompted an analysis
absolute mortality rate during the extended
of Medicare claims data, revealing a 23% mortal-
follow-up period than those in the medical arm
ity rate at 1 year, a proportion much higher than
(P ¼ .02; Table 2) [23,27]. The 90-day mortality
that suggested by literature [10,11]. Driven by the
rate, however, was sixfold higher in the surgical
questionable effectiveness of LVRS and its high
arm (7.9% versus 1.3%, P!.001), a finding not
potential cost, the Centers for Medicare and Med-
unexpected when comparing a surgical interven-
icaid Services (CMS) stopped payments for LVRS
tion with medical therapy alone. Improvements
in December 1995 and joined the National Heart,
in exercise capacity (defined as an increase of
Lung, and Blood Institute and the Agency for
more than 10 W during cycle ergometry) and
Healthcare Research and Quality in funding the
health-related quality of life were more frequent
National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT),
in the surgical arm (see Table 2). Consistent with
the largest randomized trial of LVRS performed
prior observational studies of LVRS [9], those in
to date.
the surgical arm were also more likely to have im-
Surgical procedure provements in FEV1, 6MWD, and dyspnea.
One of the goals of the NETT was to identify
The currently accepted surgical approach is to
subgroups of patients who derived greater benefit
perform stapled wedge resection of 25% to 30% of
or harm from LVRS [11]. In post hoc analyses,
the most diseased areas of the lungs based on the
the investigators found that outcomes varied by
distribution of emphysema evident on preoperative
upper lobe predominance of radiographic emphy-
perfusion scan and CT [12]. Buttressing the staple
sema and maximal exercise capacity. The findings
line with bovine pericardium reduces the duration
within each subgroup are described, followed by
of air leaks [13]. Postoperative management
a discussion of the strengths and limitations of
focuses on early extubation and ambulation, pain
these analyses.
control, and airway clearance. Common early post-
operative complications include prolonged air leak
(50% last 7 days or more), arrhythmia (24%), and Emphysema patients who should not undergo
pneumonia (18%) [14,15]. lung volume reduction surgery
Bilateral LVRS is preferred over unilateral After the first 1033 patients were randomized
LVRS, as it offers greater improvements in in the NETT, the data and safety monitoring
FEV1 and dyspnea with similar complication board identified a subgroup at high risk of early
rates, and in one study, a lower mortality rate mortality in the surgical arm of the study [28].
[16]. Median sternotomy and bilateral video-assis- Study subjects with an FEV1 of 20% predicted
ted thoracoscopic surgical (VATS) approaches or less, who also had either a DLCO of 20% pre-
lead to similar outcomes [17]. VATS, however, dicted or less, a homogeneous pattern of emphy-
has been associated with a lower incidence of sema on CT had a fourfold increased risk of
respiratory failure [18] and a shorter length of death at 1 year (43 versus 10 deaths per 100 pa-
stay [17]. tient-years in the LVRS and medical arms,

Table 1
Randomized trials of lung volume reduction surgery
Total Improved
Lead number FEV1 Emphysema Surgical Follow-up Mortality at outcomes
author randomized criteria pattern approach time follow-upa in LVRS arm
Criner [19] 37 !30% Diffuse MS 3 months LVRS: 3 deaths (9%) FEV1, QOL
bullous Medical: 0 deaths (0%)
Geddes [20] 48 O500 mL No restriction MS or 12 months LVRS: 5 deaths (21%) FEV1, QOL
VATS Medical: 3 deaths (12%)
Pompeo 60 %40% Heterogeneous VATS 6 months LVRS: 2 deaths (7%) FEV1,
[21,22] Medical: 1 death (3%) dyspnea,
WD, PaO2,
NETT 1218 %45% Bilateral MS or 4.3 yrs LVRS: 283 deaths (47%) Exercise
[12,23]b VATS Medical: 324 deaths (53%) capacity
Goldstein 55 !40% Heterogeneous MS or 12 months LVRS: 4 deaths (14%) FEV1,
[24] VATS Medical: 1 death (4%) dyspnea,
Hillderdal 106 %35% Heterogeneous MS or 12 months LVRS: 7 deaths (13%) FEV1, WD,
[25] VATS Medical: 2 deaths (4%) QOL
Miller [26] 62 %40% No restriction MS 24 months LVRS: 5 deaths (16%) FEV1, WD,
Medical: 4 deaths (13%) QOL
All studies included pulmonary rehabilitation in both arms except Pompeo (LVRS without rehabilitation versus
rehabilitation alone).
Abbreviations: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec; LVRS, lung volume reduction surgery; MS, median sternot-
omy; NETT, National Emphysema Treatment Trial; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; QOL, quality-of-life;
VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; WD, walking distance.
Except for the NETT, none of the mortality differences were statistically significant (PO.05).
Only extended follow-up of NETT data is included in the table [23].

respectively, P!.001). Eleven of the 70 high-risk a low baseline maximal exercise capacity (%25 W
patients in the surgical arm died within 30 days for women and %40 W for men) and upper lobe-
of surgery compared with 0 of the 70 high-risk pa- predominant emphysema on CT should be consid-
tients in the medical arm (16% versus 0%, ered for LVRS. Those in the surgical arm of this
P!.001). Similar outcomes were reported after subgroup had an improvement in survival (see
extended follow-up of these patients (Fig. 1 and Fig. 1 and Table 2; 12% versus 24% mortality at
see Table 2) [23,27]. 2 years in the LVRS and medical arms, respec-
In addition, patients who have nonupper lobe- tively, P ¼ .01) and were more likely to have im-
predominant emphysema and a high exercise provements in exercise capacity (30% versus 2%
capacity (O25 W for women and O40 W for at 2 years, respectively, P!.001) and quality of
men) do not appear to benefit from LVRS. Such life (44% versus 10% at 2 years, respectively,
patients who were randomized to the surgical arm P!.001) than those in the medical arm [23].
of the NETT had a higher mortality rate than
those in the medical arm at 1 year (see Fig. 1 and
Patients who have questionable benefit from lung
Table 2; 16% versus 3%, respectively, P ¼ .001)
volume reduction surgery
[12]. Furthermore, no improvement in exercise ca-
Randomization to the surgical arm did not
pacity was seen in the surgical arm in this sub-
provide a survival benefit to those with high
group. Hence, these patients should not be
baseline exercise capacity and upper lobe-
considered for LVRS.
predominant emphysema (see Fig. 1 and Table 2),
but was associated with an increased likelihood
Patients who should be considered for lung of improvement in exercise capacity (16% versus
volume reduction surgery 4%, P!.001) and quality of life (41% versus
Nonhigh-risk patients who meet the accepted 10%, P!.001) at 2 years compared with the
selection criteria for LVRS (Table 3) and who have medical arm [23]. Careful clinical judgment by

Table 2
Outcomes of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial
Upper lobe Upper lobe Nonupper lobe Nonupper lobe
All patients High risk low exercise high exercise low exercise high exercise
LVRS Medical LVRS Medical LVRS Medical LVRS Medical LVRS Medical LVRS Medical
No. 608 610 70 70 139 151 206 213 84 65 109 111
90-day mortality 8% 1% 28%a 0% 3% 3% 3% 1% 8%a 0% 10%a 1%
1-y mortality 13%a 8% 37%a 9% 9% 13% 7% 3% 14% 15% 16%a 3%
2-y mortality 18% 17% 49%a 23% 12%a 24% 12% 10% 23% 32% 17% 8%
Overall mortalityb 47%a 53% 73% 77% 45%a 60% 46% 42% 57% 66% 44% 41%
Improved exercise 15%a 3% 7% 3% 30%a 2% 16%a 4% 14% 7% 3% 4%
capacity at 2 y
Improved 32%a 8% 11%a 1% 44%a 10% 41%a 10% 27%a 6% 19% 9%
QOL at 2 y
Abbreviations: HE, high exercise capacity; LE, low exercise capacity; LVRS, lung volume reduction surgery; NETT,
National Emphysema Treatment Trial; NUL, nonupper lobe emphysema; QOL, quality-of-life; UL, upper lobe emphy-
sema. See text for definitions of NETT subgroups.
P!0.05 compared with medical therapy.
Median follow-up time of 4.3 years.
Data from Naunheim KS, Wood DE, Mohsenifar Z, et al. Long-term follow-up of patients receiving lung volume-
reduction surgery versus medical therapy for severe emphysema by the National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research
Group. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82(2):431–43; and Lenfant C. Will lung volume reduction surgery be widely applied? Ann
Thorac Surg 2006;82(2):385–7.

an experienced multidisciplinary team should be influenced outcomes), two arguments suggest

exercised when considering LVRS for patients in that the NETT results are, in fact, valid.
this subgroup. First, the NETT was a large, well-designed,
Patients with predominantly nonupper lobe multicenter, randomized trial, providing the high-
emphysema and low exercise capacity in the est level of evidence of safety and efficacy of an
surgical arm did not have a survival (see Fig. 1 intervention. The NETT represents the most
and Table 2) or exercise capacity benefit, but rigorous study of a surgical intervention con-
they were more likely to have improved quality ducted to date.
of life at 2 years (27% versus 6%, P ¼ .002) com- Second, the investigators performed conserva-
pared with the medical arm [23]. This benefit tive tests to assess the differences in effect sizes
should be interpreted cautiously. Patients in the across subgroups (tests for interaction). The
NETT were not blinded to treatment arm assign- p value for the test for interaction across the
ment, leaving open the possibility of over-report- four nonhigh-risk subgroups in the NETT was
ing of subjective benefit in the surgical arm. .004, close to multiple comparison-corrected
Without clear evidence of clinical benefit, LVRS p value of .003 [30], suggesting that the differences
only should be performed in highly selected cases in outcomes between subgroups were unlikely to
in this subgroup. have been caused by chance alone.

Other studies of lung volume reduction surgery

Strengths and criticisms of the National Several smaller randomized trials of LVRS
Emphysema Treatment Trial have been published (see Table 1) [19–22,24–26].
In articles accompanying NETT publications, These trials have been limited by small sample
criticisms were raised regarding multiple compar- size, variability in patient selection criteria, short
isons and post hoc subgroup analyses [27,29,30]. follow-up time, and failure to account for loss
Although there remain concerns about a high to follow-up and drop-outs in the evaluation
type I error rate (ie, that the benefit and harm ob- of outcomes.
served in the subgroups were caused by chance) Not unexpectedly, none of these trials showed
and confounding (ie, that the benefit and harm an effect of LVRS on mortality. In the largest
in subgroups were caused by unmeasured factors trial, which had a 12-month follow-up, seven
that varied by subgroup and themselves directly deaths occurred in the LVRS arm, and two

Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for the five subgroups of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial after a median
follow-up time of 4.3 years. (A) High-risk group. (B) Upper lobe predominant/low exercise capacity group. (C) Upper lobe
predominant/high exercise capacity group. (D) Nonupper lobe predominant/low exercise capacity group. (E) Nonupper
lobe predominant/high exercise capacity group. See text for definitions of subgroups. p-values are for the comparison be-
tween survival rates at last follow-up. (Adapted from Naunheim KS, Wood DE, Mohsenifar Z, et al. Long-term follow-up
of patients receiving lung-volume-reduction surgery versus medical therapy for severe emphysema by the National Emphy-
sema Treatment Trial Research Group. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82(2):431–43; with permission from the Society of Thoracic

deaths occurred in the medical arm (P ¼ .49) [25]. A recent meta-analysis of these randomized
In no study were deaths more frequent in the med- trials and the NETT confirmed the overall in-
ical arm. Despite the inherent shortcomings of crease in early mortality after LVRS [31]. The
these trials, they typically have shown improve- number needed to harm at 90 days was 16, indi-
ments in FEV1, quality-of-life, walking distance, cating that for every 16 patients undergoing
and dyspnea following LVRS (see Table 1) LVRS, one extra death would occur within 90
[19–21,24–26]. days. The number needed to harm was four for

Table 3
Selection criteria for lung volume reduction surgery
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
General Consistent with emphysema Prior lung transplant
BMI%31.1 kg/m2 (men) Prior LVRS
BMI%32.3 kg/m2 (women) Prior median sternotomy
Prednisone dose %20 mg daily Prior lobectomy
Appropriate surgical candidate Bronchiectasis
Nonsmoking R4 months Recurrent pulmonary infections with
Plasma cotinine %13.7 ng/mL sputum production
Significant cardiac diseasea
Radiographic HRCT evidence of bilateral emphysema Diffuse emphysema unsuitable for LVRS
Physiologic FEV1 % 45% predicted (R15% if FEV1 %20% þ DLCO %20%
R70 years) FEV1 %20% þ homogeneous
TLC R100% predicted emphysema on CT
RV R150% predicted Nonupper lobe predominant emphysema
PaCO2 % 60 mm Hg with high exercise capacity
PaO2 R 45 mm Hg Systolic PAP R45 mm Hg
6MWD R140 m after pulmonary Mean PAP R35 mm Hg

Abbreviations: 6MWD, 6-minute walk distance; BMI, body mass index; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon mon-
oxide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; LVRS, lung volume reduction surgery; PaCO2, arterial partial pres-
sure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PAP, pulmonary artery pressure; RV, residual volume;
TLC, total lung capacity.
Significant cardiac conditions: left ventricular ejection fraction !45%, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, uncon-
trolled hypertension.
Data from Fishman A, Martinez F, Naunheim K, et al. A randomized trial comparing lung volume reduction surgery
with medical therapy for severe emphysema. N Engl J Med 2003;348(21):2059–73.

the high-risk group and 27 for the nonhigh-risk in selected patients whose lung function otherwise
group of the NETT [31]. This meta-analysis did would prohibit such definitive therapy [34–37].
not examine long-term survival after LVRS and
did not include the extended follow-up of NETT
Physiological benefit and mechanisms
subjects [23]. The authors warn about the ques-
of improvement
tionable validity of the multiple subgroup analy-
ses of the NETT, but conclude that the ‘‘benefit Numerous studies have demonstrated improve-
of surgery in surviving patients was significant in ments in lung physiology and mechanics following
terms of quality of life, exercise capacity, and LVRS for emphysema. Increases in FEV1 and
lung function’’ [31]. forced vital capacity (FVC) and decreases in TLC
Long-term follow-up after LVRS has been and residual volume hyperinflation typically are
reported by the Washington University group observed after LVRS [9,32,38]. The NETT re-
[32]. In patients who had complete 5-year fol- ported a 6% absolute increase in FEV1% (21%
low-up, FEV1, 6MWD, and DLCO improved af- relative increase) in nonhigh-risk survivors 12
ter surgery and returned close to preoperative months after LVRS [12].
values by 5 years [32]. These findings suggest Although it is not surprising that a surgical
that LVRS may provide lasting benefit in selected reduction in lung volume leads to a lower TLC, it
patients who have severe emphysema. is not immediately obvious why removing emphy-
LVRS has been performed successfully in sematous lung would improve expiratory airflow,
patients with early stage nonsmall cell lung increase FVC, and reduce residual volume hyper-
cancer, both as a technique to resect the cancer, inflation. Multiple mechanisms appear to be
and as a concomitant procedure in cancer-free involved (Box 1), but the most important factor
lung zones to improve lung function [33]. In this may be the increase in lung elastic recoil observed
regard, LVRS may permit lung cancer resection after LVRS (Fig. 2) [39–42]. Sciurba and

Box 1. Physiological effects of lung

volume reduction surgery

Lung mechanics
Improved lung elastic recoil
Improved airway diameter
Improved lung homogeneity
Decreased intrinsic positive
end-expiratory pressure
Chest wall mechanics
Decreased inward recoil at
end-expiratory lung volume
Respiratory muscle function
Increased inspiratory muscle length
Improved geometry and mechanical
effectiveness of inspiratory muscles
Expiratory derecruitment of abdominal
Gas exchange
Improved alveolar ventilation Fig. 2. A simplified model of the physiological effects of
Increased mixed venous arterial oxygen lung volume reduction.
Pulmonary circulation
Improved right ventricular function 6 months after surgery. Similarly, Ciccone and
colleagues [32] found that continuous oxygen use
Adapted from Marchand E, Gayan-Ramirez dropped from 45% preoperatively to 11% at
G, De Leyn P, et al. Physiological basis of im- 6 months, and oxygen use during exercise dropped
provement after lung volume reduction surgery from 92% preoperatively to 50% at 6 months.
for severe emphysema: where are we? Eur
Respir J 1999;13(3):686–96; with permission. Cost-effectiveness
The cost-effectiveness of LVRS was called into
question in an article published alongside the
colleagues [42] showed that lung elastic recoil in- initial NETT results [47]. The overall health
creased in 16 of 20 patients after LVRS. Those care-related costs and the number of hospital
with an increase in lung elastic recoil experienced days, outpatient care days, and nursing home ad-
greater improvements in residual volume hyperin- missions in the LVRS arm of the NETT exceeded
flation and 6MWD than others in whom lung those of the medical arm in the first postrandom-
elastic recoil did not increase. ization year [47]. In the second year, however,
Other factors, such as dynamic hyperinflation LVRS was associated with reduced overall health
and diaphragmatic function, also improve after care-related costs and fewer hospital days and
LVRS [41,43,44]. These and other changes out- emergency room visits.
lined in Fig. 2 likely contribute to improvements Interventions typically are considered cost-ef-
in exercise capacity and exertional dyspnea after fective when the cost per quality-adjusted life-year
LVRS by increasing maximal minute ventilation (QALY) is under $50,000 to $100,000. The high up-
during exercise, permitting greater maximal front costs of LVRS and the questionable overall
oxygen consumption [12,32,41,42,45,46]. benefit contribute to the high cost-effectiveness
Some patients are able to discontinue supple- ratio of LVRS: $190,000 per QALY gained at 3
mental oxygen use following LVRS. Mineo and years and still only $140,000 per QALY gained at 5
colleagues [22] showed that while 63% of patients years [47,48]. For the low-exercise/upper lobe-pre-
undergoing LVRS used supplemental oxygen dominant subgroup, the cost-effectiveness ratio
preoperatively, only 7% were still using oxygen was $98,000 per QALY at 3 years and $77,000 per

QALY at 5 years [47,48]. Estimates for the less Timing and patient selection
favorable subgroups ranged from $240,000 to
Lung transplantation, an incredibly compli-
$330,000 per QALY at 5 years [48].
cated and risky treatment modality for advanced
Nevertheless, CMS approved reimbursement
pulmonary diseases, targets two main objectives:
for LVRS procedures performed on or after
to prolong survival and to enhance quality of life.
Jan. 1, 2004, at NETT-designated centers and
To reach and maintain these objectives, lung
Medicare-approved lung transplant centers [49].
transplant recipients have to pay a very high price
CMS has restricted LVRS to severe emphysema
that includes an intricate post-transplant lifestyle
patients who:
with the need for lifelong medical monitoring and
Meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the the never-ending potential for multiple complica-
NETT tions resulting in unsatisfactory long-term out-
Do not fall into the high-risk group comes [59,60].
Have upper-lobe predominant emphysema or In COPD, lung transplantation is indicated
nonupper lobe-predominant emphysema for end-stage disease failing medical and other
with low maximal exercise capacity (see surgical therapies, or not amenable to previously
Table 3) [50] discussed surgical options, at a time when the
benefits of transplantation are predicted to
outweigh its risks. Such timing has proven to
Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction be extremely difficult to access because of two
important facts. First, despite incapacitating
Given the peri- and postoperative mortality symptoms and severe disability, patients on the
risk of LVRS, nonsurgical approaches to lung transplant waiting list who have COPD have
volume reduction are an attractive alternative. a significantly better survival than patients with
Bronchoscopic techniques, including endobron- other pulmonary disorders. Second, it has been
chial valve placement, the use of endobronchial difficult to demonstrate a clear-cut survival
polymers, and bronchial fenestration, are being benefit from transplantation in this disorder
studied [51]. Early experience with endobronchial [61]. Nonetheless, selection criteria for transplan-
valves suggests improvement in lung volume, gas tation and lung allocation systems are directly
exchange, and exercise capacity [52,53]. A recent responsible for the prognosis of patients both
multicenter study, however, found no improve- on the waiting list and after transplantation,
ment in these factors [54]. Concerns regarding with demonstration of a survival benefit from
pneumothorax and postobstructive pneumonia lung transplantation in several studies from
and the lack of clinical endpoints in these early re- Europe [62,63].
ports should be addressed by adequately designed Patient selection criteria for lung transplanta-
clinical trials. tion were revised recently by the Pulmonary
Scientific Council of the International Society
for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)
[64]. The current general guidelines for patient se-
Lung transplantation
lection and contraindications are summarized in
Although the history of human lung trans- Box 2. Within each diagnostic category, separate
plantation dates back to 1963, successful results criteria for patient referral and transplantation
could not be achieved until after 1981 when the were proposed in the revised document. For
first successful combined heart–lung transplanta- COPD, a recently described composite multi-
tion was performed for pulmonary hypertension dimensional prognostic score, the BODE index,
[55]. Early experience in transplantation for was emphasized in patient selection (Table 4).
COPD in the late 1980s started with bilateral The components of the BODE index are body
lung transplantation (BLT), with the first report mass index (BMI), the degree of airflow obstruc-
of successful single lung transplantation (SLT) tion (FEV1%), severity of dyspnea (modified
by Mal and colleagues in 1989 [56,57]. Since Medical Research Council dyspnea scale), and
then, COPD has become the major indication exercise capacity (6MWD) [65]. This index was
for lung transplantation, accounting for 46% of shown in a prospective study by Celli and
all lung transplants performed worldwide between colleagues [65] to accurately predict prognosis in
January 1995 and June 2005 [58]. COPD. For instance, patients who had the highest

Box 2. General guidelines for the selection of lung transplant candidates

Indications and general prerequisites

Chronic advanced lung disease without effective medical therapy
Perceived survival benefit from lung transplantation
Well informed candidate with demonstrated compliance, motivation, and health behavior
Malignancy in the last 2 years with the exception of skin basal cell and squamous cell
tumors. A 5-year disease-free interval is recommended.
Untreatable advanced nonpulmonary organ dysfunction (eg, heart, liver, kidney)
Incurable chronic extrapulmonary infection (active hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV infection)
Severe chest wall and spinal deformity
Documented noncompliance with therapy and/or medical follow-up
Substance (eg, tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs) addiction within the last 6 months
Severe psychiatric illness
Lack of a reliable social support system
Age older than 65 years
Unstable or critical illness (eg, shock, sepsis)
Invasive mechanical ventilation
Severe obesity with body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2
Severe limitation in functional status with poor rehabilitation potential
Infection with highly resistant or virulent microorganisms
Severe and symptomatic osteoporosis
Chronic medical illnesses with end-organ damage

Data from Orens JB, Estenne M, Arcasoy S, et al. International guidelines for the selection of lung
transplant candidates: 2006 updateda consensus report from the Pulmonary Scientific Council of the
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 2006;25(7):745–55.

quartile of BODE index (scores of 7 to 10) had high risk for LVRS also were included as an
80% mortality at 52 months. However, the prog- indication for transplantation in the revised trans-
nostic value and practical utility of BODE index plant guidelines. The current guidelines for patient
have not been confirmed in patients who have referral and transplantation in COPD are summa-
advanced COPD nearing transplantation, and rized in Box 3.
similar to other prognostic criteria, it may not Until recently, donor lung allocation in the
be able to discriminate patients who have a very United States was based solely on the waiting time
poor short-term outlook from those who have with no consideration of disease severity except in
a better prognosis in this subset of patients. idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, for which a 90-day
Another important update to the patient credit was granted. In May 2005, a revised allo-
selection criteria originated from the early findings cation scoring system was put into place to give
of the NETT. As discussed earlier, a group of priority to patients who are most likely to die on
patients was identified to be at high risk for the waiting list and at the same time have an
mortality following LVRS, but also had a median acceptable post-transplant survival. Not unex-
survival of approximately 3 years with medical pectedly, this system resulted in significantly lower
therapy, suggesting that these patients are likely to lung allocation scores in COPD compared with
benefit from lung transplantation [28]. Because of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis,
the short median survival of this group of patients diseases that traditionally have been associated
on medical therapy and unacceptably high mor- with high waitlist mortality, and in turn led to
tality following LVRS, the criteria that define decreased percentage of transplants for COPD.

Table 4
Box 3. Guidelines for patient referral
Components of the BODE index
and lung transplantation in chronic
Points on BODE index obstructive pulmonary disease
Variable 0 1 2 3
Guidelines for referral
FEV1, % predicted R65 50–64 36–49 %35
BODE index greater than 5
6-min walk R350 250–349 150–249 %149
distance, meters Guidelines for transplantation
MMRC dyspnea 0–1 2 3 4 BODE index of 7 to 10 or at least one of
scale the following criteria:
Body mass index O21 %21 Hospitalization for exacerbation
A score from 0 to 3 is assigned for each of the 4 associated with acute hypercapnia
BODE components. These scores are summed to gener- (PaCO2>50 mm Hg)
ate the BODE index, which ranges from 0 to 10. Pulmonary hypertension or cor
Abbreviations: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in pulmonale despite oxygen therapy
1 second; MMRC, modified Medical Research Council.
FEV1 of less than 20% predicted and
Adapted from Celli BR, Cote CG, Marin JM, et al.
The body-mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea,
either DLCO of less than 20% or
and exercise capacity index in chronic obstructive homogeneous disease distribution on
pulmonary disease. N Engl J Med 2004;350(10):1005–12; CT
with permission. Copyright Ó 2004 Massachusetts
Medical Society.
Abbreviations: BODE, body mass index,
airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise
Future studies of the revised patient selection capacity index; DLCO, diffusing capacity for
guidelines and the new lung allocation system carbon monoxide; FEV1, forced expiratory
volume in 1 second; PaCO2, arterial partial
will be important to determine the impact of these
pressure of carbon dioxide.
changes on the overall survival of patients who
Data from Orens JB, Estenne M, Arcasoy S,
have COPD. et al. International guidelines for the selection
of lung transplant candidates: 2006 updated
Survival after lung transplantation a consensus report from the Pulmonary Scien-
In the 2006 ISHLT Registry Report, the tific Council of the International Society for
Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Heart
median survival following lung transplantation
Lung Transplant 2006;25(7):745–55.
for COPD was 4.8 years, with 1-, 5-, and 10-year
survival rates of 82%, 49%, and 19%, respectively
[58]. Although the 1-year survival rate is superior
to most other pulmonary diseases, and the 5-year identified as recipient-related risk factors for
survival rate is fairly similar among all diseases, 1-year post-transplant mortality in the registry
the 10-year survival of COPD patients is among [58]. Long-term post-transplant mortality in
the worst. The poor long-term survival likely COPD, similar to other diagnoses, is influenced
reflects the more advanced age of recipients who mainly by the development of chronic graft dys-
have COPD, along with the presence of significant function and infections.
medical comorbidities. As one would expect, the An area of controversy that relates to sur-
median survival after lung transplantation for em- vival is the optimal transplant procedure in
physema caused by alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency COPD: SLT versus BLT. ISHLT Registry data
is 5.3 years, with a somewhat better 10-year sur- and several studies have shown improved sur-
vival rate of 32%, which may relate to the youn- vival following BLT [58,67]. Although the re-
ger age of these recipients [58]. It is important to sults from the ISHLT Registry may have been
note that large single-center studies have reported affected by preferential use of BLT in younger
significantly better outcomes in COPD, particu- patients, combined data from the ISHLT regis-
larly following BLT, with 10-year survival of try and United Network for Organ Sharing,
43%, very close to the 5-year survival figure of and other single-center and multicenter studies
49% in the ISHLT Registry [66]. Pretransplant have revealed a survival advantage of BLT,
ventilator use, hospitalization, chronic steroid even when patients were stratified by age
therapy, and older recipient age have been [58,67–69]. The survival advantage is realized

mainly during long-term follow-up beyond the Complications of lung transplantation

first 2 years and perhaps applies only to youn-
Lung transplantation is associated with high
ger patients; however, data in older age group
short- and long-term mortality related to numer-
(O60 years) are scant and not conclusive [69].
ous potential complications. In the first post-
The physiologic basis for a survival advantage
transplant year, noncytomegalovirus (CMV)
after BLT potentially includes the achievement
infection and graft failure are the two most
of superior lung function, avoidance of native
common causes of death [58]. Thereafter, obliter-
lung complications, and possibly lower incidence
ative bronchiolitis and non-CMV infection are
of chronic allograft dysfunction. The ultimate
the leading causes of death, together accounting
decision on the optimal transplant procedure
for over half of the deaths [58]. It is important
for patients who have COPD will have to weigh
to recognize, however, that approximately 35%
the potential survival advantage of BLT against
of deaths that occur after the first 5 years follow-
the ability to offer SLT to two candidates in
ing lung transplantation are caused by malig-
need, particularly in the context of the current
nancy, cardiovascular, and other medical
donor organ shortage.
complications [58]. Although transplant-specific
complications affect patients who have COPD in
a similar frequency as patients who have other dis-
eases, the lower 10-year post-transplant survival
Functional outcomes after lung transplantation in patients who have COPD suggests that other
medical comorbidities, such as malignancy or
Patients experience a significant improvement
cardiac disease, may be more common, possibly
in pulmonary function (more after BLT compared
related to more advanced age of this patient popu-
with SLT), exercise capacity, and health-related
lation, highlighting the importance of comprehen-
quality of life following lung transplantation
sive and multidisciplinary medical management
[68,70,71]. FEV1% reaches a near-normal level of
postoperatively to optimize long-term outcomes
approximately 80% after BLT and peaks around
[59,77]. For further information, the reader is re-
50% to 60% after SLT [68,70–72]. Interestingly,
ferred to recent comprehensive reviews on compli-
the rate of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
cations of lung transplantation [59,60,77].
(BOS) has been reported to be significantly lower
in recipients of BLT, although the mechanisms un-
Lung volume reduction surgery before or after
derlying this important difference between groups
lung transplantation
are unclear [67,68]. Gas exchange improves to
a larger extent with BLT relative to SLT [71]. Many patients are considered simultaneously
6MWD increases significantly after both BLT for LVRS and lung transplantation, and some
and SLT, with a higher mean distance by 100 to meet criteria for both procedures (Fig. 3). For pa-
400 feet following BLT, which is of questionable tients who have less severe disease and are deemed
clinical significance [70,71]. Maximal exercise test- appropriate candidates for LVRS, this procedure
ing reveals resolution of ventilatory limitation to should be offered first. In addition, some patients
exercise, but abnormally low maximal oxygen con- who are older, have significant medical comorbid-
sumption between 40% and 60% that has been at- ities, and lack of adequate social support may be
tributed to peripheral muscle dysfunction [72,73]. considered more appropriate for LVRS than
Several studies have shown an improvement in lung transplantation, provided that they meet
health-related quality of life following lung trans- physiologic and anatomic criteria. In instances
plantation, but this important outcome warrants where both procedures are considered feasible,
further research to determine the longitudinal im- initial performance of LVRS may result in suffi-
pact of transplantation [74,75]. Furthermore, cient improvement in symptoms and physiologic
ISHLT Registry data reveal that most patients derangements such that lung transplantation
live without any activity limitations, and approxi- may be avoided or deferred for several years.
mately 40% go back to part-time or full-time Although lung transplantation results in signifi-
work, which is remarkable considering the univer- cantly better lung function, gas exchange, and
sal presence of severe pretransplant disability [58]. 6MWD compared with LVRS, a delay in exposure
It is important to note, however, that most of these to the risks and limited long-term survival of lung
outcome variables, along with health status, decline transplantation by first pursuing LVRS certainly
over time with the development of BOS [74,76]. can be considered a desirable outcome [78].

who had emphysema undergoing lung transplan-

tation, 50 patients had previously undergone
LVRS. There were no differences in early graft
dysfunction, prolonged air leak rate, length of
stay, or overall survival between groups. This re-
port suggests that lung transplantation may be
performed safely after LVRS.
In rare instances, unilateral LVRS may be
performed after transplantation in an SLT
recipient whose native emphysematous lung is
acutely or chronically hyperinflated with compres-
sion of the allograft and reduction in pulmonary
function. In the acute setting early after SLT,
surgery tends to be risky, and conservative med-
ical and ventilatory management is advised. In
chronic native lung hyperinflation, the differenti-
ation of primary allograft dysfunction caused by
BOS from extrinsic graft compression is challeng-
ing, but anecdotal reports of benefit from LVRS
of the native lung (without such distinction in the
pathophysiology of lung dysfunction) exist

A small subset of patients who have advanced
COPD may be eligible for surgical therapy.
Fig. 3. Clinical approach to the surgical management of Bullectomy for giant bullae, LVRS, and lung
advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. transplantation are the three possible interventions
that may benefit stringently selected and motivated
Patients who do not respond to LVRS or who patients. Appropriate patient and procedural se-
deteriorate after an initially successful LVRS lection, diligent postoperative management, and
may be bridged to lung transplantation [79]. continued advancement in these therapeutic mo-
Numerous investigators have reported their dalities through basic and clinical research are
experience performing LVRS in those who are keys to the future success of surgical therapy of
candidates for both procedures. The largest series COPD.
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