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1. We strongly recommend every employee and their families to keep healthy habits, eat well
and nutritious food, preferably fresh and colorful, sleep well, and take additional vitamin C if
2. If any employee feels sick for any reasons, he/she should stay home to heal and of course
follow our procedure with our HRD.
3. Every manager needs to report to HRD by WA, in details for every staff who stays home
because of sickness as follow (examples):
a. Nama : Ni Ketut Retini, jabatan : Menajer BBU Cafe, keluhan : sakit kepala berat dan
badan nyeri/meriang
b. Nama : Idhan Sufirman, jabatan : IT Officer HQ, keluhan : batuk dan flue
4. Every 30 minutes, at their place of work (and even if they do not work!), all staff must go
wash their hands (please see instructions seen with ibu Monika for how to wash hands
properly). Soap and water must be available at all time in every water points staff have access
to. Please avoid touching your face and clean your phone at the same time of your hands, if
you are allowed to use your phone. Managers and SPV have the duty to get this rolling
among their staff.
These rules above applies to all employees, from outlets, production, gudang, office, drivers and

1. Doors on the way in: to be opened at all time during opening hours, by one staff. Staff is
standing inside and grab the handle before the customer does, open the door, gives the Bali
Buda greeting, and offer to spray customers’ hands with our Bali Buda branded hand
sanitizer/or any other sanitizer approved.
2. Doors on the way out: to be opened at all time during opening
hours, by one staff. Staff is standing inside and grab the handle
before the customer does, open the door and say goodbye!
3. 1 gloves box must be available in the entry and offered for use to
customers, for the time they shop, a trash bin is available at the
same spot on the floor to throw the gloves away after they finish

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4. Gluten-Free display: all the non-packaged products must be redirected to safer display, so
there is no self-service for customers anymore:
a. Energy balls to be displayed on the bottom of the cake chiller with their ingredients and
prices (or under the glass counter for Bukit).

Sold-out sunshine loaves

b. Sunshine loaf, potato pie and Lelya’s brownie must be

displayed at the bakery section with their ingredients
and prices, but you have to arrange a special section
safe from wheat (please allocate 1 or 2 special baskets
for this purpose and if necessary, for your customers to
see, arrange a separation between wheat items and
near by gluten-free items, by adding a paper bag or a
banana leaf in between.
Please also use a special dedicated tong for the gluten-
free items (put a GF sticker on it, so there is no

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5. Every 30 m inutes , all staff must go wash their hands (please see instructions sent by Bu
Budi for how to wash hands properly), AND wash/disinfect all tools or handles that customers
have been in contact/touched. That list includes all tongs, spoons, ladles, dispensers’ buttons,
buttons on the jar’s lids, fridges handles, shopping baskets handles, stairs rails.

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6. Tomorrow (20th March), fabric masks will be
provided to front staff, who can wear them
during working hours if they wish. We found out
that wearing masks is important to our
customers, even though we believe it is not
necessary, doing it is part of our customer
service. It is not compulsory. These masks are washable of course and we recommend you
washing them every day after your shift, so it is ready to use the next day.


1. Every table must be cleaned with disinfectant, after each

customer leaves. The back of the chairs too.

2. Toilets: please remove all hand towels, send to laundry, and

store for later. Nobody should use them at the moment.

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