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January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08

Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001. 19:197–223

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Alessandro Moretta,1 Cristina Bottino,2 Massimo Vitale,2
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

Daniela Pende,2 Claudia Cantoni,1 Maria Cristina

Mingari,2,3 Roberto Biassoni,2 Lorenzo Moretta4
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

di Medicina Sperimentale, Università degli Studi di Genova

2Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova
3Dipartimento di Oncologia, Biologia e Genetica, Università degli Studi di Genova,

Italy; e-mail:

4Instituto G-Geslini, Genova

Key Words natural cytotoxicity, NKG2D, 2B4, X-linked lymphoproliferative

■ Abstract Natural killer cells can discriminate between normal cells and cells that
do not express adequate amounts of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I
molecules. The discovery, both in mouse and in human, of MHC-specific inhibitory
receptors clarified the molecular basis of this important NK cell function. However, the
triggering receptors responsible for positive NK cell stimulation remained elusive until
recently. Some of these receptors have now been identified in humans, thus shedding
some light on the molecular mechanisms involved in NK cell activation during the
process of natural cytotoxicity. Three novel, NK-specific, triggering surface molecules
(NKp46, NKp30, and NKp44) have been identified. They represent the first mem-
bers of a novel emerging group of receptors collectively termed natural cytotoxicity
receptors (NCR). Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to NCR block to differing extents
the NK-mediated lysis of various tumors. Moreover, lysis of certain tumors can be
virtually abrogated by the simultaneous masking of the three NCRs. There is a coordi-
nated surface expression of the three NCRs, their surface density varying in different
individuals and also in the NK cells isolated from a given individual. A direct corre-
lation exists between the surface density of NCR and the ability of NK cells to kill
various tumors. NKp46 is the only NCR involved in human NK-mediated killing of
murine target cells. Accordingly, a homologue of NKp46 has been detected in mouse.
Molecular cloning of NCR revealed novel members of the Ig superfamily displaying
a low degree of similarity to each other and to known human molecules. NCRs are
coupled to different signal transducing adaptor proteins, including CD3ζ , Fcε RIγ , and
KARAP/DAP12. Another triggering NK receptor is NKG2D. It appears to play either
a complementary or a synergistic role with NCRs. Thus, the triggering of NK cells in
the process of tumor cell lysis may often depend on the concerted action of NCR and

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NKG2D. In some instances, however, it may uniquely depend upon the activity of NCR
or NKG2D only. Strict NKG2D-dependency can be appreciated using clones that, in
spite of their NCRdull phenotype, efficiently lyse certain epithelial tumors or leukemic
cell lines. Other triggering surface molecules including 2B4 and the novel NKp80
appear to function as coreceptors rather than as true receptors. Indeed, they can induce
natural cytotoxicity only when co-engaged with a triggering receptor. While an altered
expression or function of NCR or NKG2D is being explored as a possible cause of
immunological disorders, 2B4 dysfunction has already been associated with a severe
form of immunodeficiency. Indeed, in patients with the X-linked lymphoproliferative
disease, the inability to control Epstein-Barr virus infections may be consequent to a
major dysfunction of 2B4 that exerts inhibitory instead of activating functions.
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

The past ten years witnessed unpredictable advances in our knowledge of NK cells,
their surface receptors, and the molecular mechanisms involved in their function.
This favorable situation primarily stems from the discovery of inhibitory receptors
specific for class I molecules (1–3). This allowed a better understanding of how
NK cells can discriminate between normal major histocompatibility complex class
I positive (MHC class I+) cells and cells that have lost the expression of MHC class
I molecules as a consequence of tumor transformation or viral infection. It became
apparent also that the effector function of NK cells is regulated by a balance be-
tween opposite signals delivered by the MHC class I–specific inhibitory receptors
and by the activating receptors responsible for NK cell triggering. Upon ligation of
activating receptors with membrane-bound molecules on surrounding tissues, NK
cells would undergo blastogenesis, cytokine production, cytotoxicity, and migra-
tion. However, coligation of activating receptors with inhibitory receptors results in
a dominant inhibitory effect that downregulates signals initiated via the activating
pathways. These inhibitory signals are based on the involvement of tyrosine phos-
phatases that are required to terminate the activating signals dependent on the ac-
tivity of tyrosine kinases. The common pathway generated by ligation of inhibitory
receptors is characterized by tyrosine phosphorylation of immune tyrosine-based
inhibitory motifs (ITIM) that recruit tyrosine phosphatases such as the Src ho-
mology 2 domain-containing phosphatase (SHP)-1 and SHP-2 (3–5), which are
responsible for the inhibition of various NK cell–mediated effector functions.
In human NK cells both HLA-specific (1–3) and non HLA-specific (6–9) in-
hibitory receptors have been identified. The inhibitory receptors specific for HLA-
class I consist of two structurally distinct families of molecules: the killer cell
Ig-like receptors (KIR) and the killer cell lectin-like receptors (KLR). These re-
ceptors have also been detected in minor fractions of human CD8+ T lymphocytes
characterized by a memory phenotype (10–11). The inhibitory receptors prevent
killing of normal cells and limit the production by NK cells of inflammatory
cytokines including interferon-γ (IFN-γ ), granulocyte macrophage-colony stim-
ulating factor (GM-CSF), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Since surface
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expression of HLA-class I molecules is frequently altered as a consequence of

tumor transformation (12–13) or viral infection (14–17), the main function of
HLA-class I specific inhibitory receptors is to check the integrity of cells and to
avoid damage to normal tissues. As originally proposed by Ljunggren & Kärre in
the “missing self hypothesis” (18), the lack of expression, or simply the expression
of inadequate amounts, of MHC class I molecules leads to NK-mediated killing of
target cells. This would result in a number of receptor/MHC-class I interactions
insufficient to inhibit NK cell triggering.
Although it is well established that, in the absence of efficient inhibition, both
NK cell activation and expression of effector functions occur, the surface structures
that provide the triggering signals leading to cytotoxicity have remained elusive
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

until recently.
In this review we report on recently identified human activating NK receptors
and coreceptors. Their discovery substantially helped to unfold the molecular
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

mechanisms responsible for the induction of NK-mediated natural cytotoxicity in



That NK cells preferentially kill target cells that lack surface expression of MHC
class I molecules (19–20) implies the existence of triggering receptors that recog-
nize non-MHC ligands on these target cells. Unlike T lymphocytes that recognize
MHC/peptide complexes using clonally distributed T cell receptors generated by
gene rearrangement, NK cells appear to use triggering receptors that do not require
this genetic process. Indeed, studies in mice with disrupted RAG-1 or RAG-2 genes
indicated that NK cells could undergo normal development and express receptors
capable of mediating natural cytotoxicity (21–22). These triggering receptors can
initiate NK cell activation and target cell lysis, provided that NK cells are not
turned off by ligation of MHC class I–specific inhibitory receptors, as it occurs
when they interact with MHC class I-negative target cells. However target cell lysis
could also be readily appreciated in the case of normal (MHC class I+) target cells,
provided that the interaction between MHC class I molecules and the inhibitory
receptors was disrupted by the use of anti-MHC class I mAbs (23). This would
mean that the activating receptors recognize ligands also on the surface of normal
MHC class I+ cells (for example, in humans, autologous PHA blasts). This may
not be surprising in view of the strict requirement for a negative control exerted
by the inhibitory receptors to prevent lysis of normal cells.
The link existing between NK cell triggering and inhibition is also emphasized
by the fact that an efficient negative regulation of NK cell function requires the
co-engagement of both activating and inhibitory receptors (24). Taken together,
these data suggest that triggering NK receptors involved in natural cytotoxicity
recognize non-MHC ligands expressed not only by abnormal but also by nor-
mal cells. This implies that at least some of these ligands are not confined to (or
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upregulated by) cells undergoing tumor transformation or viral infection. Several

new experimental results support the notion that many different receptor-ligand
interactions occur in NK/target cell triggering. Therefore, it is conceivable that
some receptors recognize ligands primarily expressed by tumor cells, whereas
others may bind ligands expressed by both normal and transformed cells. It is
also likely that the putative triggering receptors may function in a synergistic
fashion and that their contribution to NK cell activation may depend on the sur-
face expression of their specific ligands on target cells (25). The existence of
several molecules involved in NK cell triggering may also raise the question of
whether a given molecule may function as a receptor, a coreceptor, or simply
as an adhesion molecule. Some well-known surface molecules such as CD2 can
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

actually be involved in NK cell killing (26, 27), at least against a few selected
target cells. However, the expression of CD2 is not restricted to NK cells, and its
function may rather be that of a coreceptor. Indeed, antibody-induced ligation of
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CD2 led to NK cell activation only in a fraction of CD2+ NK cell clones (28). This
suggests that NK-mediated cytolysis induced via CD2 may depend upon the si-
multaneous engagement of triggering receptor(s) expressed by a fraction of CD2+
clones. Similar functional features may apply to other broadly expressed surface
molecules such as DNAM-1 that have also been reported to trigger NK-mediated
cytotoxicity upon ligation with specific mAbs (29).
A true NK receptor involved in natural cytotoxicity should mediate NK cell trig-
gering independent of the engagement of other surface molecules. In addition, its
surface expression may be expected to be mostly restricted to NK cells. The trig-
gering surface molecules with both of these properties have recently been identified
in humans and are referred to as natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCR)(25, 30).


A useful strategy to search for triggering NK receptors has been based on the
screening of mAbs capable of inducing NK-mediated killing of Fc receptor pos-
itive tumor target cells (in a redirected killing assay). This approach led to the
identification of several molecules that, under these experimental conditions, were
shown to mediate NK cell activation. However, several of these molecules were
not restricted to NK cells, but in a way similar to CD2 and DNAM-1 were also
expressed by T cells.

Only in a few cases did mAbs inducing NK cell cytotoxicity in redirected killing
assays display specific reactivity with NK cells. Although triggering molecules
co-expressed by NK cells and other cell types may well be relevant, attention
was focused primarily on those displaying NK specificity. The first mAb with
this characteristic was obtained by immunizing mice with an NK clone displaying
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strong spontaneous cytotoxicity against a variety of NK-susceptible target cells.

This mAb reacted with a novel 46-kDa cell surface molecule termed NKp46 (31).
mAb-mediated cross-linking of NKp46 resulted in increases in cytotoxicity, Ca++
mobilization, and cytokine production. Analysis of cell distribution indicated that
NKp46 was expressed by all NK cells (including the CD56bright CD16− subset)
irrespective of their state of activation. Moreover, NKp46 was also found in imma-
ture NK cells undergoing in vitro maturation starting from CD34+ cell precursors
(A Moretta, unpublished results).
Molecular cloning of NKp46 (32) revealed a type I transmembrane glycoprotein
belonging to the Ig superfamily. This glycoprotein is characterized by two C2-type
Ig-like domains in the extracellular portion, followed by a stretch of amino acids,
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

possibly forming a stem, which connects the ectodomain to the transmembrane

region (Figure 1). The transmembrane region contains a positively charged amino
acid (Arg), which may be involved in stabilizing the interaction(s) with associ-
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ated molecules. The cytoplasmic portion does not contain tyrosine-based motifs
typically involved in the activation of signal cascade(s). Biochemical analysis
revealed that NKp46 molecules are coupled to intracytoplasmic transduction ma-
chinery by their association with CD3ζ and FcεRIγ adaptor proteins that contain
immune tyrosine-based activating motifs (ITAM). These small polypeptides are

Figure 1 The surface receptors involved in natural cytotoxicity and their association with distinct
signal transducing molecules. This simplified representation of the natural cytotoxicity receptors
(NCR) NKp46, NKp30, and NKp44 as well as of NKG2D, 2B4, and NKp80 illustrates their
molecular heterogeneity. NKp46, NKp30, NKp44, and 2B4 are type I glycoproteins belonging
to the Ig-SF. NKG2D and NKp80 are dimeric type II glycoproteins belonging to the C-type
lectin receptor family. Note that both NCR and NKG2D contain, in their transmembrane portion,
positively charged amino acids involved in the association with signal-transducing molecules
characterized by negatively charged residues. 2B4 and NKp80 do not contain charged residues
in the transmembrane portion and are characterized by tyrosine-based motifs in their cytoplasmic
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


characterized by short extracellular portions and by cytoplasmic tails contain-

ing three and one ITAM (33, 34), respectively, that become tyrosine phospho-
rylated upon receptor engagement. CD3ζ and FcεRIγ polypeptides are able to
form disulfide-bonded homodimers or heterodimers (35). In NK cells, CD3ζ and
FcεRIγ are also involved in intracellular signaling via CD16 (36–39) and are phos-
phorylated by tyrosine kinases of the Src family, such as p56lck (40, 41), followed
by the recruitment of Syk (42, 43) and ZAP70 (44) tyrosine kinases.
The NKp46-encoding gene, similar to all the genes encoding KIR and ILT, maps
on human chromosome 19 (32) within the leukocyte receptor complex (LRC) at
19q13.4 (45). Murine and rat homologues of human NKp46 have been cloned
(46, 47) and found to display 58% and 59% amino acid identity, respectively,
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

with the human protein. Remarkably, the murine NKp46-encoding gene maps
on mouse chromosome 7, syntenic to human chromosome 19. Recent work by
Tomasello et al (48) indicated that in double knockout mice lacking both CD3ζ
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and FcεRIγ chains the cytolytic activity against most target cells (including YAC,
BW15.02, RMA, RMA-S, and C4.4.25) is profoundly reduced. This suggests that
in mice NKp46 (or other, still undefined, murine receptors associated with ζ /γ
polypeptides) may also play a prominent role in natural cytotoxicity mediated by
murine NK cells.

A second triggering surface molecule (termed NKp30) has been identified (49) that
displays several features in common with NKp46. Thus, NKp30 is selectively ex-
pressed by all NK cells, including those expressing the CD56bright CD16− surface
phenotype, as well as by immature NK cells derived in vitro from CD34+ pre-
cursors (A Moretta, unpublished results). Moreover, mAb-mediated cross-linking
of NKp30 resulted in cellular responses identical to those induced via NKp46
(i.e. Ca++ flux, cytotoxicity, and cytokine production). Biochemical analysis,
however, revealed a molecular size of approximately 30 kDa, thus differing from
NKp46. In addition, mAb-mediated surface modulation of NKp46 did not affect
the expression of NKp30. Similar to NKp46 and CD16, NKp30 associated with
CD3ζ chains that become tyrosine phosphorylated following cell treatment with
pervanadate (49).
Molecular cloning of the cDNA encoding NKp30 revealed a member of the
Ig superfamily. The extracellular portion is characterized by a single domain of
the V-type and by a region rich in hydrophobic amino acids, potentially involved
in protein/protein interactions, that connects the IgV-like domain with the trans-
membrane portion (Figure 1). The transmembrane region contains the positively
charged amino acid Arg, probably involved in the association with CD3ζ chains,
whereas the cytoplasmic portion lacks typical ITAM consensus sequences. The
cDNA specific for NKp30 (49) was identical to an alternatively spliced form of
the previously identified 1C7 gene (50). This gene maps to chromosome 6 in the
TNF cluster of the MHC gene complex. Northern blot analysis, consistent with the
reactivity of the anti-NKp30 mAb, revealed that NKp30 mRNA expression was
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essentially restricted to NK cells. On the other hand, in some non–NK cell lines
that were negative for mRNA expression by Northern blot and by reactivity with
anti-NKp30 mAb, transcripts could be identified by RT-PCR. This suggests that
other cell types may express low levels of NKp30 transcripts that do not result in
NKp30 expression on the cell surface.

Another member of the NCR family displaying a molecular size of approximately
44 kDa has been termed NKp44 (51). Similar to NKp46 and NKp30, NKp44
could induce triggering of NK-mediated cytotoxicity upon cross-linking by specific
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

mAbs. However, the expression of NKp44 was restricted to activated NK cells

cultured in the presence of IL-2, whereas it was absent in fresh peripheral blood
NK cells. Therefore, NKp44 represents the first marker specific for activated human
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NK cells. In this context, it is well known that following culture in the presence of
IL-2, NK cells acquire increased cytolytic activity against NK susceptible targets.
Moreover, they become cytolytic against targets that are resistant to fresh NK cells
(52, 53). This may reflect, at least in part, the de novo expression of triggering
receptors such as NKp44 that allow NK cells to recognize additional ligands on
target cells.
NKp44 is a glycoprotein displaying a protein backbone of approximately
29 kDa that associates with the ITAM-bearing KARAP/DAP12 signal-transducing
molecules that become tyrosine phosphorylated upon NKp44 cross-linking
(51, 54). Molecular cloning of NKp44 (54) revealed a novel member of the Ig-SF
characterized by a single extracellular V-type domain (Figure 1). The membrane-
proximal portion of NKp44 contains a high proportion of Pro, Ser, and Thr that
may confer an extended open conformation. The gene encoding NKp44, similar
to that coding for NKp30, is located on human chromosome 6. NKp44 does not
contain an ITAM in the cytoplasmic portion, while it is characterized by a trans-
membrane region containing a charged amino acid (Lys) possibly involved in the
association with KARAP/DAP12.
KARAP(55)/DAP12(56) are adaptor molecules that contain a single ITAM in
the cytoplasmic portion and are expressed as disulfide-bonded homodimers. In
NK cells, KARAP/DAP12 associate with other activating molecules including the
HLA class I–specific receptors p50/KIR2DS (55–57) and NKG2C (58). A com-
mon feature of DAP12, CD3ζ , and FcεRIγ polypeptides is the presence in their
transmembrane portions of negatively charged residues. The associated receptors
in turn display positively charged amino acids. Although interactions between op-
posite charged amino acids are believed to be important for the receptor/adaptor
association, other residues may play a crucial role. Indeed, a strict specificity ex-
ists in the association of a given receptor with a given adaptor molecule (53, 59).
In this context, a recent study identified NK cell clones derived from a normal
individual expressing p50.2/KIR2DS2 receptors that were unable to transduce
activating signals. Sequence analysis revealed six mutations in the exon coding
for the transmembrane portion. Notably one such mutation involved the charged
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


lysine residue. Cotransfection experiments revealed that this naturally occurring

p50.2/KIR2DS2 mutant displayed a dramatically reduced ability to associate with
KARAP/DAP12 polypeptides (60).


It is well known that NK cell clones frequently display heterogeneity in their abil-
ity to kill a given HLA class I-negative target cell. In particular, in some of the
individuals analyzed, two distinct groups of NK cell clones could be identified on
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

the basis of the ability to kill a given NK susceptible target cell. Thus, some clones
displayed strong cytolytic activity while others were poorly cytolytic. Since the
target cells analyzed did not express either classical or nonclassical HLA-class I
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molecules, it seems unlikely that the functional heterogeneity of NK clones could

result from the occurrence of inhibitory interactions between KIR or KLR and
their ligands. On the other hand, clonal heterogeneity could reflect a differen-
tial expression of triggering receptors. Indeed, the surface density of NKp46 was
markedly different in the two groups of clones. Thus, clones displaying strong cy-
tolytic activity expressed high levels of NKp46, whereas the poorly cytolytic ones
were characterized by low NKp46 surface density (61). Importantly, NKp46bright
and NKp46dull clones were also characterized by a parallel high and low level of
expression of NKp30 and NKp44 receptors (49). These findings indicate that it is
possible to identify cells characterized by high or low natural cytotoxicity simply
on the basis of NCR surface density.
NCR surface density did not correlate with the cytolytic potential of NK cells.
Indeed, the magnitude of the cytolytic responses induced by anti-CD16 mAbs is
comparable in NKp46bright and NCRdull NK clones. This indicates that the corre-
lation between the NCR phenotype and the spontaneous cytotoxicity against NK
susceptible target cells is likely to reflect different degrees of interactions between
NCR and their ligands on target cells.
Although a correlation between the NCRbright phenotype and high levels of spon-
taneous cytotoxicity can be consistently detected when NK cells are tested against
most target cells (including melanomas, EBV-LCL, lung carcinomas, PHA blasts,
and xenogeneic target cells), exceptions to this rule do exist (25). Thus, target cells
including T cell lymphomas (e.g. Jurkat and H9 cells), certain ovarian carcinomas
(e.g. IGROV), and other epithelial tumor cell lines (e.g. HeLa) were efficiently
killed by both NCRbright and NCRdull NK clones. This suggested that recognition
and killing of these target cells could depend not only on NCR but also on addi-
tional triggering receptors expressed by NCRdull clones. These data suggested that
analysis of NCRdull clones in cytolytic assays against susceptible target cells may
be crucial in an attempt to identify novel, still undefined, triggering receptors.
The NCR density at the NK cell surface is remarkably stable. Indeed, it does
not change under different culture conditions (including culture in the presence
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of different cytokines such as IL-2, IL-15, IL-12, and IL-18) (A Moretta, unpub-
lished results). Thus, NK-cell clones derived from individuals characterized by
high proportions of NCRbright peripheral NK cells consistently display a NCRbright
phenotype. Likewise, in some individuals, both fresh and cultured cells, including
NK clones, display a NCRdull phenotype. Remarkably, fresh NK cells isolated
from individuals with NCRbright or NCRdull phenotype also display major differ-
ences in their natural cytotoxicity (61). Finally, it is worth mentioning that some
donors are characterized by a continuous rather than a bimodal distribution of the
surface density of NCR. This reflects the presence of cells with intermediate lev-
els of surface NCR. As expected, NK clones characterized by intermediate NCR
surface expression also display intermediate levels of spontaneous cytotoxicity.
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from


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The finding that a given cell membrane molecule is able to initiate NK-mediated
killing and that its surface density directly correlates with spontaneous killing is
suggestive of a possible role as a receptor involved in target cell recognition and
lysis. In order to demonstrate that NCR indeed had these properties, blocking
experiments were performed in which NK clones were assessed for cytotoxic-
ity against Fc receptor negative, NK-susceptible target cells, in the presence of
anti-NCR mAb. In most instances, blocking of individual NCR resulted in partial
inhibition of cytotoxicity (25, 32, 49, 51). This could be due to additional NCR
interacting with their ligands on target cells. Indeed, only the combined use of
mAbs directed to different NCR resulted in strong inhibition of cytolysis (25, 49).
This would mean that the different NCR cooperate in target cell recognition and
killing. The extent of this cooperation appears to be dictated by the type and/or the
density of the ligands expressed on target cells. Thus, although no NCR ligands
have been molecularly identified so far, the co-operation of the different NCR
strongly suggests that most target cells express multiple ligands recognized by
these receptors. Infrequently, lysis of a given target cell appears to be dependent
upon the function of a single triggering receptor. One such example was pro-
vided by xenogeneic (murine) target cells. Indeed, lysis of murine cells by human
NK cells only involved NKp46-mediated recognition. Thus, blocking experiments
demonstrated that mAb-mediated masking of NKp46 prevented killing of murine
target cells such as YAC, BW15.02, or P815 (25, 32). Therefore, the engagement
of a single NCR may be sufficient to induce NK cell triggering and target cell
lysis. However, the simultaneous engagement of different NCR, usually results in
a more efficient target cell lysis. Hence, a given NK cell clone will kill human
target cells more efficiently than murine target cells.
The fact that NKp46 recognizes ligands on murine cells, together with the iden-
tification of a murine (m) NKp46 homologue (46), suggested that this particular
receptor/ligand interaction may be conserved during evolution. Accordingly, it is
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likely that the occurrence of such triggering interactions among species may cause
difficulties in xenotransplantation. As reviewed recently by Auchincloss & Sachs
(62), human NK cells are able to kill pig targets due to the failure of pig MHC
class I molecules to interact with human HLA class I–specific inhibitory receptors
(63, 64). In this context, different in vivo experiments revealed a high concentra-
tion of NK cells in cellular infiltrates associated with xenograft rejection (65). In
addition, prolongation of xenograft survival has been achieved by combining the
depletion of NK cells with other forms of immunosuppression (66). Thus, it is
likely that the NK-mediated cytotoxicity in xenografts may be the result of the
failure to engage HLA-specific inhibitory human receptors (due to inappropriate
MHC ligands) together with the NK-mediated recognition of xenogeneic ligands
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

(possibly via NKp46). It is also conceivable that additional receptor/ligand inter-

actions may be involved in induction of NK cell triggering, depending upon the
animal species used for xenotransplantation.
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NKG2D, a C-type lectin surface receptor, is a member of the NKG2 family en-
coded within the NK complex on human chromosome 12 (67). NKG2A, C, E,
and F (68–71) show a high degree of identity with one another and form het-
erodimers with CD94 (68–71), some of which function as receptors for HLA-E
(72–74). On the contrary, NKG2D is only distantly related to the other members
of the family and does not couple with CD94 being expressed as a homodimer
(75) (Figure 1). Unlike the other known triggering NK receptors, the surface ex-
pression of NKG2D requires association with a newly identified adaptor protein
termed DAP10 (75) or KAP10 (76). DAP10 is characterized by the presence of
a negatively charged residue in the transmembrane portion and by a YxxM motif
in the cytoplasmic tail that, upon tyrosine phosphorylation, binds to PI 3-kinase.
In contrast to NCR, the expression of which is confined to NK cells, NKG2D is
also expressed by virtually all TCRγ δ + and CD8+ TCRα/β + cells. NKG2D can
mediate potent NK cell triggering in redirected killing assays. Moreover, blocking
of NKG2D by specific mAbs leads to inhibition of NK cell–mediated cytotoxicity
against certain target cells. Thus, NKG2D could represent an additional triggering
receptor involved in target cell recognition and initiation of killing. It is important
that the target cell ligands for NKG2D have been identified. These ligands are
the closely related molecules MICA and MICB (77) that are encoded within the
human MHC. MICA/B are stress-inducible molecules mostly expressed in epithe-
lial tumors including breast, ovary, colon, kidney, and lung carcinomas (78, 79).
The interaction between NKG2D and MICA/B leads to NK cell activation, while
mAb-mediated disruption of this interaction inhibits cytotoxicity by both NK cell
clones (80) and the NKL cell line (75). It is of note that ligation of NKG2D by
specific mAb could induce triggering of cytotoxicity also in TCRγ /δ + clones and
in a fraction of CD8+TCRαβ + NKG2D+ clones. These data suggest that NKG2D
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


may represent a triggering receptor responsible for the so-called NK-like activity
mediated by some cytolytic T cells. Indeed a partial inhibition of the NK-like
activity of some CD8+TCRα/β + cytolytic clones has been detected by the use of
anti-NKG2D mAb (MC Mingari, unpublished results).
The role of NKG2D in NK-mediated natural cytotoxicity has recently been
evaluated in human NK cell clones and compared to that of NCR (80). These
studies have shown that in NCRbright clones killing of various tumors was mostly
NCR-dependent, whereas killing of other targets required triggering signals via
both NCR and NKG2D. Further analysis of NCRdull clones indicated that both the
expression and the function of NKG2D did not correlate with the surface density
of NCR. Indeed, comparable surface densities of NKG2D were detected in both
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

NCRbright and NCRdull clones. Moreover, the magnitude of the cytolytic responses
following NKG2D cross-linking was similar in the two groups of clones. Important
information on the function of NKG2D has been obtained by the study of NCRdull
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clones. In spite of the low expression of NCR, these clones could efficiently kill
certain tumors. Indeed, the cytolytic activity of NCRdull clones against MICA+
target cells such as HeLa and IGROV was virtually abrogated by anti-NKG2D
mAb. These data suggest that lysis of these tumors by NCRdull clones is mostly
NKG2D dependent. Thus, NKG2D plays an important role in NK cell activation,
and its function is complementary to that of NCR (Figure 2).
A mouse (m) NKG2D has been identified (81) that displays a high degree of
similarity with the human NKG2D. mNKG2D is expressed on resting and ac-
tivated NK cells, LPS-activated macrophages, and activated CD8+ T cells (82).
While the existence of murine MIC homologues is still controversial, recent data
show that mNKG2D interacts with two distinct ligands, H60 and Rae1 (82, 83)
that are encoded on mouse chromosome 10. H60 (84) and Rae1 (85) contain
an extracellular domain with similarity to the α1 and α2 domain of MHC-class
I molecules and a serine-, threonine-, and proline (STP)-rich domain proximal
to the cell membrane. While H60 has a cytoplasmic tail, Rae1 is a glycosyl-
phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-linked protein. Experiments performed using H60 and
Rae1-transfected cells show that their interaction with NKG2D induces both cyto-
toxicity (82, 83) and IFNγ production by NK cells, and TNFα and nitric oxide by
activated macrophages (82). Interestingly, genes encoding H60 and Rae1 homo-
logues have been identified on human chromosome 6 on which also HLA genes
are located. Moreover, the human ULBP genes (86, 87) are also located within
this region. They encode for molecules that exhibit similarities to the α1 and α2
domains of MHC class I molecules that may interact with NKG2D.


2B4 was originally identified in mice (88) as a surface receptor expressed by NK,
CD8+, and γ δ T cells. Cross-linking of murine (m) 2B4 was shown to trigger NK
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January 24, 2001

Annual Reviews
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and T cell–mediated cytotoxicity, IFN-γ and IL-2 secretion, granule exocytosis

(88), activation of γ δ T cells (89), and upregulation of egr-1 and c-fos mRNA
expression (88). Molecular cloning (90) revealed a novel member of the CD2
subfamily (91) of the Ig-SF, which includes CD48, CD58, CD84, CDw150 (also
termed SLAM), and Ly-9. Subsequently, molecular binding assays revealed that
m2B4 bind with high affinity to CD48, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-
anchored molecule, suggesting that CD48 may represent its physiological ligand
(92, 93).
In humans, 2B4 was first described as a surface molecule recognized by the
monoclonal antibodies PP35 (94) and C1.7 (95). These mAbs immunoprecipitated
a 70-kDa glycoprotein expressed by all NK cells and by a CD8+ T cell subset.
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mAb-mediated cross-linking could strongly enhance the NK-mediated cytotox-

icity while, in contrast to the murine system, it had no effect on CD8+ T cells
(94, 95). Molecular cloning (96–99) revealed that the human (h) 2B4-encoding
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

gene, similar to m2B4, is located on chromosome 1 in the CD2 subfamily cluster.

h2B4 displays a 70% identity with m2B4 and is characterized by one membrane-
distal IgV type domain and one membrane proximal Ig-C2 type domain (Figure 1).
In accord with the lack of association of 2B4 with ITAM-containing polypeptides,
the transmembrane portion does not contain charged amino acids. Interestingly,
however, h2B4 is characterized by a long cytoplasmic tail containing four tyrosine-
based motifs (TxYxxI/V). CD48 has been identified as the putative natural ligand
of 2B4 also in humans (97, 98).

Figure 2 Role of NCRs or NKG2D in the NK-mediated target cell lysis. A correct understanding
of the role played by NKp46, NKp30, and NKp44 (here collectively indicated as NCR, for sake of
simplicity) or NKG2D in the NK-mediated natural cytotoxicity requires the analysis of different
target cells as well as of NK cells characterized by either an NCRbright or an NCRdull surface
phenotype. The upper part of the figure illustrates the NK-mediated cytolytic activity against the
LCL 721.221. Lysis of these cells is fully dependent on the effect of NCR. Indeed, killing mediated
by the NCRbright clone is blocked by mAb-mediated masking of NCR, whereas no effect is obtained
by masking NKG2D. In addition, NCRdull clones fail to lyse 721.221 target cells. This reflects the
expression of insufficient surface densities of NCRs by the effector cells and, most likely, the lack
(or the expression of insufficient amounts) of NKG2D ligand(s) on target cells. The lower part of the
figure shows the lysis of the epithelial tumor cell line HeLa by NCRbright or NCRdull clones. HeLa
cells express the ligand for both NCRs and NKG2D. Note that the NCRbright clone-mediated
lysis is partially inhibited by masking either NCRs or NKG2D, while a complete inhibition is
achieved by the simultaneous addition of mAbs to NCRs and NKG2D. Remarkably, lysis of HeLa
cells by NCRdull clones is uniquely dependent on the engagement of NKG2D. Indeed, cytolytic
activity was abrogated by the addition of anti-NKG2D mAb. Taken together, these data indicate
that, depending on the type of effector or target cells used, NCR and NKG2D may be differently
involved in NK-mediated cytolysis. Namely, 1. Certain target cells are lysed in NCR-dependent
fashion; 2. lysis of other targets may require both NCR and NKG2D when NCRbright effector cells
are analyzed; and 3. lysis of the same targets uniquely involve NKG2D in the case of NCRdull
effector NK cells.
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


Analysis of human NK cells revealed a sharp functional heterogeneity of 2B4

molecules. Thus, the ability of anti-2B4 mAb to induce NK cell activation in redi-
rected killing assays was confined to a fraction of NK cell clones (94). These data
have recently been clarified in studies showing that the apparent functional hetero-
geneity of 2B4 molecules actually reflects clonal differences in the co-engagement
of triggering receptors (100). Thus, in a redirected killing assay against P815
murine target cells, only NCRbright clones were triggered by anti-2B4 mAb. No
triggering of NCRdull clones occurred, although they expressed comparable surface
densities of 2B4. Moreover, mAb-mediated modulation of NKp46 did not affect
the surface expression of 2B4, but instead resulted in NK cells’ unresponsiveness
to anti-2B4 mAb. Since murine target cells (including P815) are known to express
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

a ligand for NKp46 (see above), it is conceivable that the ability of 2B4 to mediate
NK-cell triggering, in this experimental setting, may depend upon the extent of
NKp46/NKp46-ligand interactions. Taken together, these data support the notion
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

that in human NK cell–mediated natural cytotoxicity, NCRs function as triggering

receptors, whereas 2B4 acts as a coreceptor (100). h2B4 has also been detected
on a small subset of CD4+ T cells, monocytes and basophils; however, its function
in these cells, as well as in CD8+ T cells, remains to be defined.
Consistent with the presence of tyrosine-based motifs in the cytoplasmic por-
tion, tyrosine phosphorylation of 2B4 has been detected both in normal NK cells
(98, 101) and in cell transfectants (99). However, controversial information exists
on the molecular mechanisms involved in 2B4-mediated signaling. Thus, using cell
transfectants (99), 2B4 has been shown to associate both with the Src homology
2 domain-containing protein (SH2D1A) (also termed SLAM-associated protein
SAP)(102–104) and with the SHP-2 phosphatase. A recent study using normal
NK cells confirmed that tyrosine-phosphorylation of 2B4 leads to association with
SH2D1A/SAP (101). However, different from cell transfectants, 2B4 associated
with SHP-1 rather than with SHP-2. Taken together these data suggest that, in
normal NK cells, SH2D1A/SAP may sustain 2B4-mediated triggering responses
by preventing the generation of inhibitory signals mediated by SHP-1. A recent
study (105) showed that in normal human NK cells, 2B4 constitutively associates
with the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) (106, 107). Importantly, specific
engagement of 2B4, following cell triggering with an anti-2B4 mAb, resulted in
tyrosine phosphorylation of both 2B4 and of the associated LAT molecules. More-
over, tyrosine phosphorylation of LAT led to the recruitment of intracytoplasmic
signaling molecules including PLCγ and Grb2.


Recently, a novel triggering surface molecule termed NKp80 has been identified by
the generation of specific mAb (MA152 and LAP171) (108). NKp80 is expressed
by virtually all fresh NK cells derived from peripheral blood as well as by a minor
T cell subset characterized by the CD3+ CD56+ surface phenotype. In addition,
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


the majority of the NK cell clones analyzed expressed NKp80. Cross-linking of

NKp80 in a redirected killing assay could induce NK cell activation only in a frac-
tion of NKp80+ clones. This clonal heterogeneity correlated with the NCRbright and
the NCRdull phenotype thus suggesting that, in a way similar to 2B4 (100), NKp80
may function as a coreceptor rather than as a classical receptor. Interestingly,
NKp80 was involved in the process of NK-mediated cytolysis of allogeneic PHA
blasts. Indeed, mAb-mediated blocking of NKp80 could partially inhibit killing
of these target cells, although a complete inhibition was achieved only by the si-
multaneous blocking of NCR. Thus, NKp80 appears to function synergistically
with NCR. Remarkably, NKp80-mediated recognition of target cells appears to be
restricted to PHA blasts. Indeed, in experiments of mAb-mediated NKp80 block-
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

ing, no inhibitory effect could be detected on the lysis of various tumor cell lines.
NKp80 is expressed at the cell surface as a dimer of approximately 80 kDa and,
similar to 2B4, does not associate with classical ITAM-containing polypeptides.
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Molecular cloning revealed a type II transmembrane protein of 231 amino acids (aa)
containing a C-type lectin domain (108). The transmembrane region is character-
ized by nonpolar amino acids, and the cytoplasmic tail contains two tyrosine-based
motifs (Figure 1). The nucleotide alignment showed that the NKp80-encoding
cDNA is identical to the recently described KLRF1 cDNA (109). KLRF1 tran-
scripts were found in different cell types and, based on the sequence analysis,
an inhibitory function was suggested for the predicted KLRF1-encoded molecule.
Notably, however, the surface expression of NKp80 is mostly confined to NK cells,
and it functions as an activating, rather than as an inhibitory, molecule (108).


The first receptors for HLA class I molecules (p58/KIR2DL) were identified by
the generation of specific mAbs that, upon cross-linking, were shown to inhibit
spontaneous NK-mediated cytotoxicity as well as the anti-CD16 mAb-induced
redirected lysis (110–112). More recently, the activating forms of the HLA class
I–specific receptors (p50/KIR2DS) have been identified (113, 114). As they re-
act with the same mAb specific for their inhibitory counterpart, they could be
disclosed on the basis of their triggering capability in redirected killing assays.
The HLA class I–specific activating receptors are characterized by a short intra-
cellular region that does not contain signaling motifs and by a transmembrane
domain containing a positively charged amino acid possibly involved in the asso-
ciation with signal transducing adaptor molecules characterized by ITAM motifs
(60, 114, 115). The adaptor molecule for both p50/KIR2DS (specific for HLA-C)
and NKG2C (specific for HLA-E) activating receptors is represented by DAP12
(55–58). The actual role of HLA class I–specific triggering receptors in NK cell
responses is still debated. The finding that p50/KIR2DS binds HLA-C with lower
affinity as compared to its inhibitory counterpart (116) suggested the existence
of a mechanism ensuring that inhibitory signals overrule triggering signals when
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


both activating and inhibitory receptors are expressed on the same NK cell. This
could be particularly relevant in the case of NK cells expressing triggering and
inhibitory receptors specific for different HLA–class I molecules. In this case,
the HLA–class I specific triggering receptors (similar to NCR or NKG2D) would
be allowed to signal only when target cells have lost the expression of the HLA
allele(s) recognized by the inhibitory receptor(s). This situation may occur in viral
infections (17) or tumor transformation (13, 17, 117) that selectively downregulate
a given HLA–class I allele.
The function of triggering NK receptors may be required during NK cell
development from CD34+ precursors for the selection of immature NK cells
and for the expression of HLA class I–specific inhibitory receptors. However,
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it is now well established that the NK development is not affected in DAP12-

knockout mice (DAP12−/−) (118) nor in DAP12 loss-of-function knockin mice
(K1Y75/K1Y75)(98). Since these mice represent functional knockout models
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

for all the activating forms of HLA class I–specific receptors, it is possible to
conclude that shaping of the inhibitory receptor repertoire does not depend on the
function of their activating counterparts. Consistent with these results, Ly49H and
Ly49D activating receptors are expressed during NK cell development later than
the inhibitory Ly49 receptors (119). Along this line, it is mandatory to analyze ζ /γ
knockout mice (120) in order to define whether selection of immature NK cells
and expression of HLA class I–specific inhibitory receptors is impaired under de-
velopmental conditions in which the function of NKp46 (or other ζ /γ -coupled
receptors) is affected.
In conclusion, we would like to propose the following role for p50/KIR2DS and
NKG2C activating receptors. They could initiate NK cell triggering in NK cells
expressing a NCRdull phenotype against (HLA-class I+) target cells that do not
express ligands for NKG2D. In support of this hypothesis, an inverse correlation
has indeed been detected between the NCRbright phenotype and the expression of
NKG2C (61) or p50/KIR2DS (A. Moretta, unpublished observation).


As the various triggering NK receptors have been identified only recently, little is
yet known about their possible contribution to pathological conditions involving
the immune system. For example, it is unknown whether individuals in whom most
NK cells are characterized by low NCR surface density may be more susceptible
to certain viral infections or even more prone to develop certain tumors. It is still
unknown whether in TAP-deficient patients (121), characterized by low expression
of HLA class I molecules, NCR cells display an NCR bright or dull phenotype.
In these patients, the defect in KIR/HLA interactions (122, 123) could be counter-
balanced by a reduced surface density of one or more triggering receptors in order
to prevent NK-mediated autoreactivity.
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


The first evidence that an altered function of a triggering NK receptor may

be responsible for a disease has recently been obtained in individuals affected
by the X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP). XLP is a severe inherited
immune deficiency, characterized by abnormal immune responses to the Epstein-
Barr virus (EBV) (124, 125). In most cases, prior to EBV infection, the immuno-
logical status of genotypically affected males is normal (126). After exposure to
EBV, XLP males either succumb to fulminant infectious mononucleosis or de-
velop lymphoma, hypo- or dys-gammaglobulinemia, and/or histiocytic infiltration
leading to marrow aplasia. The gene defective in XLP has recently been identified
(102–104). This gene is located at Xq25 and, in normal individuals, encodes for
a 15-kDa intracytoplasmic protein characterized by a single SH2 domain, termed
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

SH2D1A or SAP (see above).

SH2D1A/SAP is expressed in lymphoid tissues (thymus, spleen) and particu-
larly in T and NK lymphocytes. Different mutations of the SH2D1A gene have
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

been identified, the result of which is either the absence of SH2D1A/SAP molecule
or the presence of truncated nonfunctional products. It has been proposed that the
SH2D1A/SAP protein functions as a regulator of the signal transduction pathways
initiated by at least two distinct human surface receptors belonging to the CD2
family, namely, the signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM), expressed
on T and B cells (127), and 2B4.
This suggested that, in XLP patients, 2B4 molecules could be nonfunctional
owing to the lack of SH2D1A/SAP. To explore this possibility, the function of 2B4
molecules in XLP patients has been analyzed in detail (101). Although different
triggering receptors including CD16 and NCR displayed a normal function in
XLP-NK cells, the signaling pathway initiated by 2B4 was dramatically altered.
But there was not simply a lack of function of the 2B4; indeed, the engagement of
2B4 (by specific mAbs or its ligand CD48) resulted in the generation of inhibitory
rather than activating signals. These signals blocked not only the spontaneous
NK cytotoxicity, but also the target cell lysis induced via CD16 or NCR. As a
consequence, XLP-NK cells could efficiently kill CD48− but not CD48+ target
Remarkably high densities of CD48 are expressed on EBV-infected LCL. In-
deed, XLP-NK cells are unable to kill either HLA–class I− EBV+ B cell lines (such
as LCL 721.221 and Daudi) or HLA class I+ autologous EBV+ LCL (Figure 3).
The cytolytic activity against HLA class I− LCL could be completely restored by
mAb-mediated disruption of the 2B4/CD48 interactions, while disruption of both
HLA/KIR and 2B4/CD48 interactions allowed XLP-NK cells to efficiently kill
autologous EBV+ LCL (101). Molecular analysis revealed that 2B4 molecules
isolated from XLP patients were identical to those derived from normal NK cells.
On the other hand (as expected) in XLP-NK cells, 2B4 did not associate with
SH2D1A whereas, in a way similar to 2B4 molecules isolated from normal NK
cells, it did associate with SHP-1 phosphatase. Whether SHP-1 is directly involved
in the downregulation of the activating pathways initiated via CD16 and NCR has
still to be investigated. Interestingly, preliminary data suggest that in XLP patients
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08

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Figure 3 Function of 2B4 in normal individuals and in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease

(XLP). In normal individuals, 2B4 functions as a coreceptor cooperating with triggering recep-
tors (here the natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp46 is shown) to induce NK cell activation upon
interaction with EBV-infected B cells. Note that B-EBV cells express the ligands for 2B4 (i.e.
CD48) and the still undefined ligand for NKp46 (NKp46-L). The triggering function of 2B4
(upon engagement with CD48) appears to require the recruitment of the small intracytoplasmic
molecule SH2D1A that likely prevents the generation of inhibitory signals mediated by SHP-1
phosphatase. The triggering signals delivered to NK cells via NKp46 and 2B4 lead to NK-cell
activation and induction of cytolysis of B-EBV target cells. The molecular defect in XLP patients
has recently been identified. The lack of a functional SH2D1A protein in these patients results in
its lack of association to 2B4. This defect does not simply result in a nonfunctional 2B4 molecule.
Indeed, in this case, 2B4 engagement extinguishes the triggering signals delivered via NKp46 or
other activating receptors. As a consequence, NK cells (and most likely CD8+ CTL) fail to lyse
EBV-infected target cells (or to release relevant cytokines) and to control viral infection.

2B4 may also negatively regulate T cell–mediated responses (101). Therefore, it

is conceivable also that specific CTL responses against EBV+ B cells may also be
impaired by a molecular mechanism similar to that responsible for NK cell dys-
function. Altogether, the altered function of 2B4 in XLP patients may account for
a general inability of different cytolytic effector cells to control EBV infections.


Over the past three years, important advances have been made toward a better def-
inition of the molecular mechanisms by which NK cells function. Thus, thanks to
the identification and the molecular characterization of NKp46, NKp30, NKp44,
and NKG2D, the major players responsible for NK cell activation during natural
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


cytotoxicity are mysterious no longer. Indeed, lysis of most tumors can now be
explained on the ground of the interactions between NCR or NKG2D and their
ligands on target cells. The strength of the “on” signals can be reinforced by the
co-engagement of coreceptors. 2B4 and, in part, NKp80 may fulfill this role. In
the case of HLA–class I+ target cells, other players may go into action, namely,
the activating counterparts of the HLA–class I-specific inhibitory receptors. The
majority of the ligands for the activating receptors appear to be expressed also
by normal cells. Therefore, in order to prevent serious cell damage, the activating
receptors are usually under the control of HLA–class I-specific inhibitory recep-
tors that provide the “off” signal. The activity of the inhibitory receptors strictly
depends on the co-engagement of triggering receptors so that the inhibition will
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

be induced only when necessary.

A remarkable finding is the complementary role played by the NCR and the
NKG2D receptors. This function can be appreciated by the selection not only of
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

particular tumors as target cells, but also of appropriate NK cell clones as effectors.
For example, NK clones characterized by a NCRdull phenotype fail to lyse many
different tumor cells (that are efficiently killed by the NCRbright clones in a NCR-
dependent fashion). However, the same NCRdull clones efficiently lyse certain
tumors including HeLa, IGROV, and Jurkat cell lines: in this case, NKG2D is the
major activating receptor responsible for target cell lysis.
While the ligands for NKG2D are represented by the MHC–class I-like MICA/B
surface antigens and the natural ligand for 2B4 is CD48, the ligands for NCR are
still undefined. It is evident that, since NCR are the major receptors responsible
for the induction of natural cytotoxicity, the identification of their ligands may be
relevant for tumor cell typing as well as for novel approaches of immunotherapy.
In view of their recent discovery, no information is available so far on possible
defects of expression or function of NCRs or NKG2D in disease. It might be
expected that such defects could lead to an impaired control of certain tumors
or viral infections. On the other hand, a dysfunction of 2B4 has already been
associated with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.
In conclusion, the identification of various surface molecules regulating NK-cell
function may help us to understand NK cell physiology and may also shed light
on the pathogenesis of certain immune disorders. It may offer novel tools for
therapeutic interventions in these diseases.

This work was supported by grants awarded by Associazione Italiana per la
Ricerca sul Cancro (A.I.R.C.), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (I.S.S.), Ministero della
Sanità, and Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
(M.U.R.S.T.), MURST 5%-CNR Biotechnology program 95/95 and Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche, Progetto Finalizzato Biotecnologie. Also the financial
support of Telethon-Italy (grant no.E.0892) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank
C Miriello for secretarial assistance.
January 24, 2001 17:49 Annual Reviews AR123-08


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Annual Review of Immunology
Volume 19, 2001

Specificity and Degeneracy in Antigen Recognition: Yin and Yang in the
Immune System, Herman N. Eisen
In Vivo Activation of Antigen-Specific CD4 T Cells, Marc K. Jenkins,
Alexander Khoruts, Elizabeth Ingulli, Daniel L. Mueller, Stephen J. 23
McSorley, R. Lee Reinhardt, Andrea Itano, Kathryn A. Pape
Cross-Presentation, Dendritic Cells, Tolerance, and Immunity, William R.
Heath, Francis R. Carbone
Noncytolytic Control of Viral Infections by the Innate and Adaptive
Immune Response, Luca G. Guidotti, Francis V. Chisari
Immunology of Tuberculosis, JoAnne L. Flynn, John Chan 93
Tolerance to Islet Autoantigens in Type I Diabetes, Jean-François Bach,
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from

Lucienne Chatenoud
Anti-TNFalpha Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis: What Have We
Learned?, Marc Feldmann, Ravinder N. Maini
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

Activating Receptors and Coreceptors Involved in Human Natural Killer

Cell--Mediated Cytolysis, Alessandro Moretta, Cristina Bottino, Massimo
Vitale, Daniela Pende, Claudia Cantoni, Maria Cristina Mingari,
Roberto Biassoni, Lorenzo Moretta
Complexities of CD28/B7: CTLA-4 Costimulatory Pathways in
Autoimmunity and Transplantation, Benoît Salomon, Jeffrey A. Bluestone
GP 120: Biologic Aspects of Structural Features, Pascal Poignard, Erica
Ollmann Saphire, Paul WHI Parren, Dennis R. Burton
IgG Fc Receptors, Jeffrey V. Ravetch, Silvia Bolland 275
Regulation of the Natural Killer Cell Receptor Repertoire, David H.
Raulet, Russell E. Vance, Christopher W. McMahon
Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome and the Regulation of MHC Expression,
Walter Reith, Bernard Mach
The Immunological Synapse, Shannon K. Bromley, W. Richard Burack,
Kenneth G. Johnson, Kristina Somersalo, Tasha N. Sims, Cenk Sumen, 375
Mark M. Davis, Andrey S. Shaw, Paul M. Allen, Michael L. Dustin
Chemokine Signaling and Functional Responses: The Role of Receptor
Dimerization and TK Pathway Activatipn, Mario Mellado, José Miguel 397
Rodríguez-Frade, Santos Mañes, Carlos Martínez-A
Interleukin-18 Regulates Both Th1 and Th2 Responses, Kenji Nakanishi,
Tomohiro Yoshimoto, Hiroko Tsutsui, Haruki Okamura
Multiple Viral Strategies of HTLV-1 for Dysregulation of Cell Growth
Control, Mitsuaki Yoshida
Calcium Signaling Mechanisms in T Lymphocytes, Richard S Lewis 497
The Design of Vaccines Against Helicobacter Pylori and Their
Development, Giuseppe Del Giudice, Antonello Covacci, John L. 523
Telford, Cesare Montecucco, Rino Rappuoli
CTLA-4-Mediated Inhibition in Regulation of T Cell Responses:
Mechanisms and Manipulation in Tumor Immunotherapy, Cynthia A. 565
Chambers, Michael S. Kuhns, Jackson G. Egen, James P. Allison

B Cell Development Pathways, Richard R. Hardy, Kyoko Hayakawa 595

IRF Family of Transcription Factors as Regulators of Host Defense,
Tadatsugu Taniguchi, Kouetsu Ogasawara, Akinori Takaoka, Nobuyuki 623
X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disease: A Progressive
Immunodeficiency, Massimo Morra, Duncan Howie, Maria Simarro
Grande, Joan Sayos, Ninghai Wang, Chengbin Wu, Pablo Engel, Cox
Interleukin-10 and the Interleukin-10 Receptor, Kevin W. Moore, Rene de
Waal Malefyt, Robert L. Coffman, Anne O'Garra
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 2001.19:197-223. Downloaded from
by University of Sussex on 11/20/12. For personal use only.

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