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п р е д л о ж е н и й , о б о з н а ч е н н ы х п о д ц и ф р а м и 1-7. Одна из частей в

списке 1-7 лишняя.

Among the most important factors in man's environment are those to which we give
the all-embracing name of weather: rain, snow, hail, hurricanes, thunder and lightning and
clear skies. From the earliest days, man has had to reckon with factors such as these. Even
today we are often quite helpless in the face of nature A A heavy snowstorm can
paralyze a big city and bring about great suffering in rural communities.
The science that deals with the study of the weather, therefore, is vitally important
to mankind. It is called meteorology, from the Greek word "meteoros", meaning "high
in the air". The name is most appropriate, for weather phenomena take place within the
comparatively small part of the atmosphere B . This region is known as the
troposphere. The air in the troposphere is in constant movement which accounts for all the
changing conditions .
Weather observations are collected at a series of weather stations, which communicate
at regular intervals with one another. These stations form networks and they are to be found in
nearly all countries of the world. Ships and airplanes also report the weather; so do a good
many part-time observers D . Observations made at many different points are
entered on a weather map. The forecaster analyzes weather conditions and predicts changes in
the weather.
Forecasting the weather is not yet an exact science; it is still an art depending upon
personal experience. However, forecasts for a day or two ahead have become increasingly
accurate, E . Weather experts have become proficient, too, in supplying advance
information about dangerous weather conditions F -----

1. that are called weather

2. that extends to a height of six to ten miles above the earth
3. despite occasional mistakes on the part of weathermen
4. despite all our scientific progress
5. so that their effects may not be so damaging
6. so that their predictions are based on various past observations
7. who devote a certain number of hours every week to taking and recording weather

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