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Brutal Doom v20b

by Sergeant_Mark_IV

Resource Contributors

Mike12, Captain Toenail, Revilution, David G., Eriance, Perkristian, Dr. Doctor, Crucux Duo, DoomNukem,
JoeyTD, Das_M, Pa1nki113r, Jekyll Grim Payne.

v20b Beta Testing team

Marcin Oprządek/Martinoz, OccultWarwolf666, Gilded, wretchedspawn, HairyHog, Robin "NailGrind"

Halliday,, Doom Space Marine, JonouchiJoestar, TastySnax, Doctor Nick, DeathHeadsSkull, Peter
"Supermarauder" Phethean, Austin Glan, Anthony Preis, Erx, theundeadsoldier, Justin (COTC) Hill,
Fiorello1, Outrageous Videos, Iain 'Guy from Mt. Erebus' Lockhart, , Doomguy5th, Capt. StarFox, ,
SikSlayer, LordCeno, Alexis Bousiges, , Braunschweiger™, Reverend Hammer, Hellstorm Archon,
JULKIssLoGAN, Jason Lopez-Ota, Charles "Maxigose" Phethean, Husarious, Engendro Venereo,
Mooooooooooooo, TreAn, Michael Lusty-Smith, MaciejMaciejewski, Anthony "Ace-101" Nemitz,
RobSpratt, Old_Glory_1776, Med1evil98, Pockgor Kroskni, GhettoButta, Cybermarine, Miguel371xd,
HigorHuann, Fusions, Neskormi, Levente Lukacs, Agh07BR, JinnX, M4cron, Lozkho, Urizen, David Bellis,
JRMYXD, mekanchest, Armyghy, TheDoomGuy.MG, KevDOOMER, Brutal Doomguy, Blasboy97, supra107,
Mr. Goth, "lordsudo", Mephisto, AnthRaXXX, Ph0b0SS, goldsteed.


First of all, you need a sourceport. You can either choose Zandronum or GZDoom.
Download one of them here:
GZDoom is more advanced and features custom menus, while Zandronum has a client-server multiplayer
system that supports up to 64 players, and an older renderer that will perform better on older

Unzip all the content from the sourceport. In the instalation directory, put a IWAD of your game (Doom,
Doom 2, etc.) and your copy of Brutal Doom.

Games that are supported by Brutal Doom v20b:

- Ultimate Doom (DOOM.WAD)
- Doom 2 (DOOM2.WAD)
- Final Doom: TNT Evilution (TNT.WAD)
- Final Doom: Plutonia (PLUTONIA.WAD)
- FreeDoom (FREEDOOM.WAD) (It's a fan-made version of Doom that can be downloaded for free if you
don't have a commercial version of it.
- Doom BFG Edition for PC (Search on Google for a tutorial on how to rip the iwad and the extra maps
from BFG Edition and play it on a sourceport)

Now, drag and drop brutalv20b.pk3 over your sourceport executable (gzdoom.exe or zandronum.exe).
If you have problems loading mods, (like you are using a Linux or IOS system that doesn't allows drag and
drop), you can either make a folder called skins, and put brutalv20b.pk3 inside it then starting your
sourceport normally, and brutal doom will be auto-loaded. (WARNING: This method will ALWAYS make
Brutal Doom to be loaded when you start GZDoom. Remove brutalv20b.pk3 from the skins folder if you
want to play online, load another mod, or update it).

If you still have no idea of what you are doing, search youtube for a step-by-step instalation tutorial

- If this error message appears, it means that you haven't placed your IWAD inside your sourceport

- ANY other startup crash messages (like UNKOWN ACTOR FLAG, "AVOIDMELEE is an unknown flag", etc.)
means that you are using an outdated version of your sourceport. You have to update it.

- If some sounds such as the shotgun or rocket launcher fire sounds are way too high and with static, go
to Options > Sound Options and set Randomize Pitches to On

- If some objects seems to be halfway stuck at the ground like shown above, go to Options > OpenGL
Options > Preferences > Adjust Sprite Cliping, set to ALWAYS.

- If you are hearing a lot of sounds from unknown sources from large distances, such as blood driping
from hanged bodies and burning barrels making cracking fire noises across the map, you need to
reinstall your sourceport.

- You can't use autoaim on Brutal Doom. It's is forced Off for all weapons, even if you set it on on player
options. Autoaim is disabled so it don't interfer with the new hitbox system. Go to Options > Mouse
Options, and set Always Mouselook to On if you haven't done it yet.
- If you are having performance options, try reducing the screen resolution, or closing other any other
background applications. Google Chrome for example seems cause a high performance impact on both
GZDoom and Zandronum. Don't forget to disable the Anisotropic Filter or Vsync.
- If you are playing custom maps with lots of enemies such as Hell Revealed, It's HIGHLY recommended
to turn on the "Janitor Mode", which removes all gibs and empty brasses after some seconds. In
GZDoom you will be able to see this option on the Brutal Doom Options submenu. If you are playing
Zandronum, you need to open the console (press ') and type "bd_lowgraphicsmode 1" to enable, or
"bd_lowgraphicsmode 0" to disable. You can turn the Janitor on or off at any moment.

- If you want more modern graphics, you can go to OpenGL Options > Texture Options, and enable the
High Quality Resize Mode (HQ2X and Scale4X are the best ones in my opinion). I don't recommend any
Texture Filter Mode because I think they look pretty ugly and blurry. Alternatively you can download
SweetFX and install it on your sourceport folder, both Zandronum and GZDoom supports it.

- Sometimes while browsing the main menu after starting the game, the menu will close with the
message "Too Many Cvars to save". This bug is not harmful, just press Esc to bring the menu back again,
and it won't repeat.

- If you want to play Brutal Doom with other map packs or megawads (such as Doom 2 Reloaded, Hell
Revealed, or Alien Vendetta) just drag and drop both files at the same time over the .exe. You can also
use ZDL for it.

Gameplay Manual

There are two classes to choose from: The Modern and the Purist.
The modern class features new weapons, new moves (kicks, taunts, etc.), modernized weapons that you
can aim and need to be reloaded, etc. The Purist uses Vanilla Doom weapons, and their behavior are
identical to a non-modded Doom gameplay.

For the modern class, you can also bind an "unload ammo" button so you can unload a gun and use it's
ammo in a different weapon. (for example, remove the clip from the rifle to use it's ammo on the
minigun, or remove the shells from the pump action shotgun to use in the super shotgun). Go To
Options, Customize Controls, scroll down to the bottom, and search for Brutal Doom's Advanced Actions.

How weapons are changed in Modern Mode:

Slot 1 - Punches
Left button delivers quick jabs. Right button sends slower but more powerful cross punches and hooks.
Try using a jab before using a strong attack, so you can keep momentum and don't get slowed down then
using strong punches.
When you get a Berserk Pack or a Demon Rune you will get super strength. You can press the Reload
button to change between Smash Mode and Rip and Tear mode. On Smash Mode, your punches will
knock down or smash enemies. On Rip and Tear, killing an enemy with a quick jab will perform an
execution that will restore you some health.
The Super Strength powerup will last for the entire level, and not just until the screen has a red tint
unlike most people think.

Slot 1 - Chainsaw
Left button: Continuous normal attack, cut enemies vertically. Right button: Heavy attack, cuts enemies
horizontaly. The Heavy attack deals more damage if you perform it while jumping. Warning: While you
are cuting a big enemy with the chainsaw, you will get the blade stuck on it and won't be able to move
until the monster is dead.

Slot 2 - Assault Rifle

Your starting weapon, replaces the pistol. More accurate if fired in short bursts. Use alt-fire (right mouse
button) to aim down the sights. It's recommended to not aim down the sights when you are fighting
enemies at close range. Only use the sights if they are at least 20 metters from you.
This gun can be dual-wielded right when you find a second rifle (Press 2 again to select it). Use the Left
mouse button to fire the left gun, and use the Right mouse button to fire the right gun.

Slot 3 - Shotgun
Right button can aim down the sights. The regular shotgun is much more accurate than the Super
Shotgun and is better suited for taking out medium enemies such as the Cacodemon from a fair distance.
It needs to reload one shell at time. Hold the fire button to stop a reloading animation and fire instantly.

Slot 3 - Super Shotgun

Has a high spread, and needs to be fired by close range to deal maximum damage. Use the alt fire to fire
only one barrel at time.

Slot 4 - Minigun
Fires faster but less accurate than a rifle. Use the alt fire to make the barrels continously spin (this will
keep alerting enemies).

Slot 5 - Rocket Launcher

Anti-tank rockets are very effective against large targets, but unnefective at killing large groups of small
monsters such as imps and zombies (use a frag grenade for it).

Slot 6 - Plasma Rifle

Very powerful against large groups of monsters. Alt fire charges a "plasma shotgun" mode that fires
several plasmaballs at once.
This gun can be dual-wielded right when you find a second plasma rifle (Press 6 again to select it). Use
the Left mouse button to fire the left gun, and use the Right mouse button to fire the right gun.

Slot 7 - BFG9000
It still fires the default tracer attack of the Vanilla Doom BFG, and adds an aditional splash damage.

You can also pick up the Flamethrower and the Demonic Rocket Launcher from the Mancubus and
Revenant. Just use the chainsaw to remove it from their dead bodies.

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