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00:27:31 Teresa Thompson: ARABIC

00:27:44 yasemi kılınçarslan: teşekkür edeim
00:28:36 Melody Dawn Perry: Is the bars day considered a class credit?
00:28:37 yasemi kılınçarslan: sesler karışıyor
00:28:40 Georgia & Bret:
00:29:07 Pam Houghteling: Melody the global bars day is not a class so no
credit for attending
00:30:27 Melody Dawn Perry: Thanks @pam
00:32:45 Grant Gallicano: AN Excellent idea - fill up your schedule for after
everybody is interested in what you are being and doing. :-)
00:33:09 Betsy: Get Your Happy On!
00:33:27 Fonte-Boa de Carvalho: portuguese?
00:33:39 Betsy: ARABIC

00:34:58 Cassy Summers: Oooooh exciting!
00:34:59 Ruth Bartleet: If we’re hiring a hall, we can charge, right?
00:35:06 Cassy Summers: This is like Christmas to me!
00:35:15 Emily Russell: Yes Ruth - you can choose to charge too!
00:35:25 Ruth Bartleet: Thanks you, Emily!
00:36:52 Karen Morency: is there a schedule of showings so we know what is
showing during actual event?
00:37:15 Ruth Bartleet: Yes!
00:37:16 Veronica Parker: Yay!!!! Let’s do it!!!!!!
00:37:22 Cassy Summers: Where do you want that sent?
00:37:23 Grant Gallicano: QUESTION: Can you remind (those of us who might have
been distracted when it was mentioned) what is the listing on the Access site for
the various Global Bars days locations from around the world?? (Or is there a list
on the Access site) :-)
00:37:27 Teresa Thompson: #accessbars
00:38:20 Emily Russell: Grant -
00:38:29 Emily Russell: And then click on find local events near you
00:38:30 Ruth Bartleet: This is going to be awesome! Thank you al so much!
How does it get better than this?
00:38:41 Emily Russell: so people can choose live in Rome, online, or find a
local event from that page
00:39:31 Veronica Parker: i love that “normalizing it” to this reality!
00:39:59 Ruth Bartleet: Is there still time to add our event to the list?:)
00:40:09 Samantha Lewis: love that Sarah!!
00:40:14 Emily Russell: Graphics!
00:40:18 Veronica Parker: Let weird be the new normal!
00:40:27 Rebeca Montoya: Lol I love it!!!!
00:40:28 Cary: Ruth its free to add your event on the website.
00:40:29 Veronica Parker: weird be the new black!
00:40:38 Vero Sartini: Any way to listen in Spanish?
00:40:39 Grant Gallicano: Or making the weirdness of access a desired
commodity. :-)
00:40:45 Cary: you need a public profile for that
00:41:04 Ruth Bartleet: Thanks…any deadline for adding it? Looks easy.
00:41:08 Renata Idargo - Brasil: 💡I’ ll create a CINEMACCESS
00:41:29 Sarah Grandinetti: YES RENATA!! SOOO AWESOME!
00:42:17 Cary: I would give people a bit of time to share the event and know
about it. I think you'd be able to add your event the day before. maybe someone
like Emily can clarify.
00:42:19 Pily Perdomo: VeroSPANISH
00:42:35 Gabi Riches BF: what time will it start for Brisbane and Noosa
Australia ?
00:42:47 Cary: Put it on facebook as well and share it to yor audience.
00:43:59 Gabi Riches BF: Thankyou x
00:44:14 Veronica Parker: So awesome! Hdigabtt?
00:44:36 pattiecurry: This sounds awesome!!! Can’t wait!!!
00:44:57 Maria França: link português Brasil por favo6
00:45:04 Layal Alnajjar: how does it get any better than this?
00:45:33 Pam Houghteling: PORTUGUESE
00:46:26 Maria França: grata
00:47:26 Ruth Bartleet: MEEEEEEEE
00:47:27 Grant Gallicano: I am!!!!
00:47:30 Rebeca Montoya: MEEEE
00:47:32 IldikoHERZ: MEEEEEE
00:47:38 Aglaia Fatima Groeneveld - van Oord: YES I am
00:48:01 Ruth Bartleet: So cool!
00:48:14 Grant Gallicano: Not people who play with fire .. the ones who clean
up after the people that play with fire. :-)
00:48:47 Maria França: coloca novamente o link português Brasil me
atrapalhei para entrar rsrrs
00:49:01 Fonte-Boa de Carvalho: The activity can be in other day?
00:49:08 Fonte-Boa de Carvalho: Portugues -
00:49:16 Maria França: grata
00:49:26 Veronica Parker: fun!!!!
00:49:39 Cristina Paniewski: PORTUGUESE
00:50:54 Melody Dawn Perry: baaa haha
00:51:04 Cassy Summers: Infect the world!
00:51:30 Katjas iPhone: Thanks to all of you... wonderful bright shining
people... looots of Love💚🙏🏻
00:51:33 Pily Perdomo: My first global Acces Bars day I made it in my house,
my whole family came and they were really Happy. The second in a small Holistic
Center, we had 5 massage tables an atended 35-40 people
00:51:35 Betsy: The gift of Bars graphics
00:51:40 Cary: doing facelift specials this festive season
00:51:43 Melody Dawn Perry: is that in Ning?
00:52:25 Ruth Bartleet: Awesome idea!
00:52:56 Betsy: Stress Relief, Relaxation
00:53:55 Sarah Grandinetti: Find a creation buddy!
00:53:56 Betsy:
00:54:11 Cassy Summers: Great idea Sarah!!
00:54:21 Ruth Bartleet: Thanks, Betsy! x
00:54:50 Valeriya Abdurakhmanova: if where any possibility to participate
every person without previous classes of access, right?
00:55:34 Fonte-Boa de Carvalho: Qual é a programação do dia global de barras?
00:55:42 Vero Sartini: Gracias @Piliperdomo
00:55:59 Christelle Herbage: I do it on a large projection screen
00:56:03 Ruth Bartleet: What a lovely graphic! Thank you!
00:57:08 Grant Gallicano: So - who is now looking for a creation buddy??? :-)
00:57:44 Marta: :-)
00:59:35 Katjas iPhone: ✨🙏🏻🍀🙏🏻🍀let s create a Great Day🙌🏻💖
01:00:13 MARCELA: I just asked for a creation buddy on my FB :D
01:00:43 Mauricio Galvao: Thank you very much Betsy for the Graphic, i got mine
in Portuguese on your Link !!!
01:01:02 Cary: please can someone post the recording of Dain if they got one?
01:01:11 Mauricio Galvao: YEEESSS!!!
01:01:38 Melody Dawn Perry: I’m asking for creation buddy also. Anyone????
FaceBook is Melody Dawn Perry
01:01:53 Ruth Bartleet: Just would like to add how great it is to see al your
lovely faces!
01:02:30 Jaco Joubert:
01:04:11 Maria França: o som tá baixo , estava tão bom
01:04:14 Cristina Moreno: in Atlanta it will be from 2 am to 4 pmit would be
great if there would be a replay for working schedules
01:04:48 Emily Russell: yup we will have replays and 4 other hours of
different content to play too
01:05:09 Grant Gallicano: I recall the Global Bars Day in Houston last year …
such an epic room to be in.
01:05:13 Christelle Herbage: Yes it's true, a real quiet planet this day…
01:05:16 Burcu Aybey: I was planning to be online with the bars swap and
now I really want to be there OMG!!!
01:11:04 Sarah Grandinetti: Come Burcu!!!!
01:11:09 Pia Rähr: Hi Beautiful 😍
01:11:38 Melody Dawn Perry: Please send this @emily
01:11:59 Burcu Aybey: I am on it Sarah :))) thank YOU for being the
01:12:33 Rebeca Montoya: Barcelona
01:13:03 Sarah Grandinetti: Ahhhhhh! Im so excited Burcu!! Keep me posted
with what you choose!!
01:13:57 Ruth Bartleet: That is awesome!
01:14:01 Veronica Parker: So amazing!!!!! hdigabtt???
01:15:14 Veronica Parker: how can you offer body work sessions at AC classes?
01:15:15 Georgia & Bret: #facilitatorgoals
01:15:29 Viktoria Guerin: First 3 months are already planned. What else?
01:15:35 Sarah Grandinetti: Lets play with that hashtag! Thats funny
01:15:41 Barbara Brenner Poulin: How do I get the Access Planner booklet?
01:17:07 Viktoria Guerin: Here is JOB planned order page:
01:17:18 Simon Fooks: what's the dates of COP in Rome
01:17:26 Barbara Brenner Poulin: Thank you!!
01:18:53 Emily Russell: COP Rome Jan 24-26
01:18:59 Emily Russell:
01:19:28 Simon Fooks: thank you
01:19:28 Viktoria Guerin: COP in Rome 24-26 January
01:20:58 Mauricio Galvao: Where is the BF’S Group that you Mention earlyer?
01:21:32 Emily Russell:
01:21:34 Ruth Bartleet: Viktoria put a link in the comments! :D
01:21:45 Viktoria Guerin: Bars facilitators FB group:
01:22:13 Emily Russell: BF Facilitator Group. - find a creation buddy -
01:22:58 Barbara: access business planner
01:23:11 Ruth Bartleet: Hee hee! Viktoria….I hope you don’t think that was a
command! I was acknowledging you put the dry link in here :D
01:23:25 Ruth Bartleet: *diary link
01:23:44 Viktoria Guerin: Thank you Ruth! :)
01:24:10 Ruth Bartleet: You’re welcome, Lovely! :)
01:26:46 Ruth Bartleet: Rent the shed!!!! Ha ha ha
01:26:53 Mauricio Galvao: Thank you guys, i follow the link and found the
01:28:56 Simon Fooks: the hosts are amazing and are super helpful so
contact them
01:29:11 Simon Fooks: its chiara and danielo
01:29:42 Halina 🌟: yes the host create so much ease
01:29:55 pattiecurry: Thanks! This was awesome!!!
01:30:01 Viktoria Guerin: See you online!
01:30:01 Emily Russell:
01:30:05 Ruth Bartleet: So lovely! Sometimes there are even concierges at
the events….people go out together for drinks and meals, which is nice when you
don’t know many people :)
01:30:07 Pia Rähr: Thank you all😊
01:30:10 MARCELA: thank you very much!!
01:30:12 Melody Dawn Perry: Thank you so much ALL
01:30:13 Ruth Bartleet: Thank you!!!!!
01:30:18 Landry: bye thank's
01:30:18 Grace Lee: thank you

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