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5/9/2019 6 Simple Time Management Tips for Managers | BusinessCollective

1. Have a list and follow it. One of the most important things about getting the most
out of your time is knowing where you are spending it. Create a to-do list and follow it
as much as you possibly can. There will be some speed bumps down the road, but
you can avoid a ton of headaches if you just sit down and plan a little bit. Have goals
for the day, month and year. Create plans for your team as well. That way, they know
what’s expected of them and won’t have to rely on you to find out what to do next.

2. Think about what you want to do before you do it. Our parents used to tell us to
think before we act. We can take that advice and go further with it. Before you pick up
the phone and make a call, think about what you want to accomplish. Remind
yourself of what you need to get done so that you don’t get sidetracked when you
start talking. Remember that you are trying to tackle a lot of things throughout your
day, and having to contact someone again might be very troublesome and time
consuming. Tell your team that you expect the same attitude from them.

3. Focus. Sometimes, we just get too distracted throughout the day. If things need to
get done, you have to focus on them. Don’t let any distractions keep you from
accomplishing everything you set out to do. Make a “do not disturb” sign and hang it
on your door when it’s crunch time. You can do the same for your team. Do not
disturb them during certain periods of time. They need to focus just as much as you
do. Be sure that everyone is staying on task and on point.

4. Find a system that works for you. Everyone works in a certain way. You have to
find the system that works well for you. Don’t try different systems because you hear
good things about them; you’ll only end up confusing yourself and your team. Find the
system that works for what you need and stick to it. There’s no point trying to learn
each and every system if you already have one in place that works fine.

5. Delegate your workload. It would be nice to do everything yourself, but that’s not
being realistic or productive. Delegate your work with your team so that everyone has
something to do. Your results will be better because things aren’t rushed, and you’ll
be able to relax a little and get rid of some stress. You might even discover some
hidden talent within your team.

6. Use technology to your advantage. Technology was designed to help everyone,

including entrepreneurs. Don’t forget that you can set events on your phone or create
a system that helps with customer issues. You can also use online guidance
systems to help reduce the number of customer service calls and allow your team to 1/1

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