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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

Nicole Clarke

Brief chosen:
Brief 2 Print: You work for a print production company within a multimedia production company.
You have been given the task of producinga campaign of four posters to promote a new reality
television programme for E4

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)
Media language!
My posters are conventional reality tv poster as it includes a title, channel logo, release date, slogan,
direct address, the mise en scene is relevant to the poster, it also has visually interesting and a distinct
and minimal colour scheme. I will also use a variety of camera shots and angles to help madd to the
visually interesting images. For example, Low angle camera shots were used for my performance
pictures so that you could see the whole image of the person on stage. I am also using two different
social groups, female and male in my posters. I have also picked three different locations which will all
be included in my posters as each poster will be split in half, all with the same location on the left of the
poster but each having a different location on the right. I will ensure that the rise en scene featured in
my posters is fitted to each character and their genre of music. For example, my dj/ house music
character has headphones on and a laptop infant of him in both photos to show he is making music on
that laptop. Also my popstar character Is posing in her performance photo in a sequin top and her hand
in the air to show she acts like a popstar. !
Media representation !
In my posters, i am representing different genres of music through stereotypical representations
ofartists. Rohan will look messy and represent the indie genre. Ben will wear urban clothing to
represent rap. Ryan will have headphones on and a laptop to represent house/dance music. Lastly, jen
will be wearing something sparkly to represent the pop genre. Each poster has its own colour scheme.
Stereotypically, girls are supposed to like pink so Jens colour scheme is pink to present her as being
girly which will appeal to a teenage girl audience. !

CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Media Industries!
I will be following the E4 guidelines with all of my posters. The iconic E4 purple logo will be positioned
on each poster. It is important that all posters have the logo in the same place and the same size. The
logo must also be a minimum of 10mm away from the edge of the sides of each poster. I will make sure
that it is positioned in accordance to this guideline. The scheduling information will be linked to the logo
on a purple ribbon. It is also important that all posters have the same font and information. The logo will
be purple and white, and look like a sticker as the guidelines say it must be. It will appear in the bottom
right corner. !
Media audiences !
The target audience of the reality show is 16-25 year olds. My posters will appeal to the target audience
as they are relatable and the people who are going to be in the photographs, are of a similar age. They
will be relatable as each poster will have a composing element in them. For example, one photo will be of
Rohan playing guitar and songwriting, another, being of Jen listening to music through earphones and
noting down lyrics in a notepad. These can create an emotional appeal to any members of the target
audience who write music or even sit and listen to music as they can imagine themselves in the
contestants shoes. Also, the fact that I have covered four different genres of music, Rap, House, Pop and
Indie, means that more people are more likely to watch the programme for the actual music and enjoy it.
It's not only the contestants that attracts the audience but it is their music and their genres shine
through in the posters which will hopefully attract more viewers.!



















CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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