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(Spoken Narrative)
A. Building Knowledge of Field
1. Listening
Activity 1.
Listen to your teacher reading this story, then fill in the blank with the words you heard.

Long ago, in the ……..(1), there lived a very beautiful princess, snow white. The Queen was her ………..
(2). She was very jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die.
Snow White knew about her …….(3) plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made a friend with seven
The Queen turned into a ……..(5). Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her ……(6) apple. As a
result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
……….(7), in the end, Prince Charming ……..(8) her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after.
(Free adaptation from Grimms’ fairy tale)
The answers
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________

Activity 2.
Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. When did the story happen?
4. What problem faced by the main character?
5. Can she solved the problem? How?
6. How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending?
7. What kind of story is it?

Activity 3.
Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in activity 1. Use them to complete the sentences.

Fortunately receive neverland stepmother

Evil witch poisoned dwarfs

1. Peter pan is popular children story. It is told the he lives in ……… .

2. When she wants to go somewhere, the …….uses her magic broom to fly to the destination.
3. Cinderella was sad knowing that she didn’t ……….. an invitation to the ball in the palace.
4. Cinderella’s ……….is a cruel and bad tempered. She always ordered Cinderella to do a lot of works.
5. The ……….helped snow white and took care of her in their home in the wood.
6. The lion was caught in a cage by some hunters. …………., the mice helped him by cutting off the rope tied
the cage.
7. To carry out his ……..mind, the witch uses her black magic to kill the Prince.
8. The King died because he drank a …………..juice from his enemy.

Activity 4.
Since grade X, you have heard and read many kind of stories, right? So to warm up your mind, match the kind of
the story and its main characters.

Answer No Kinds of stories No. Main Character(s)

______ 1. Fable A. Cinderella
______ 2. Fairy tales B. Malin Kundang
______ 3. Legend C. The grasshopper and the ants
______ 4. Myth D. Zeus and demeter
______ 5. Folktales E. Roro Jonggrang

2. Speaking (Speech Function)

a. Giving suggestion
Activity 5.
In pair, read the following transactional dialogue before the class.
Maya : Hi, Mira. What are you doing?
Mira : Oh, Uhm. I am reading some stories. You know, Mr. Agus Wuryanto asked us to submit the
Story before we tell it to the class.
Maya : Oh ya, I see. By the way. Have you got the right one?
Mira : Actually, I still confuse what kinds of stories I will choose; fable, fairy tales, legend or what…
Maya : I’d like to suggest that you’d better to choose “fable”. It is short, simple and easy to
Mira : It sounds like a good idea. Ok , I’ll choose “fable”. Indonesian fable “ The Deer and the
Crocodiles”. Thanks for your suggestion.
Maya : you are welcome.

Activity 6.
In pair, answer these questions.
1. Who are they?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What was confused by Mira?
4. Did she get the solution?
5. Who gave the solution?
6. What did Maya say to Mira?
7. Can give more example about the expression of giving suggestion?

Activity 7.
Learn these expression.

Expression of giving suggestions Responses

I think it is better if…. I think it’s a good idea

I suggest you ….. It sounds like a good suggestion
I’d like to suggest that… Your suggestion is right.
It is better for you to… Thanks for your suggestion
For sure, it is better to…. It is clear now. Thank you
Thanks for your suggestion

Activity 8.
Write transactional/interpersonal dialogue containing expression of giving and responding suggestion based on the
following situation.
1. You and your friend are in an education exhibition. You confuse what university you will apply after
graduating from high school. Your friend gives his/her suggestion.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
2. You and your family are in a book store. All books displayed are interesting. You confuse. Some of
your family member give you his/her suggestion.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
3. You are in sport shop. You want to buy new basket ball shoes. There are two brand; Nike and
Adidas. The shop attendant suggest what brand is better in quality and price.
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________
X : _________________________________________________________________________
Y : _________________________________________________________________________

b. Complaining
The Bus for eight Be patient. It is
Activity 9. o’clock is late again. better for you to
Observe this picture. Then answer the questions This is crazy. I have take a taxi if you
to complain to the are in a hurry,
1. What are these people doing? bus operator grandma!
2. What are they looking at?
3. Why is the old grandma complaining ?
4. What does the man in the cap response to the old

Activity 10.
Learn these expression

Expression of complaint Responses

This situation makes me sick Hang on
This is crazy. I can’t stand anymore…. Be patient
I can’t hold it more time… Hold on. It just need a little time more..
It is hot here….. Get some cold drink
It is cold here Get some jackets
I am lack of ……

Activity 11.
Complete the dialogue with suitable expression of complaint and its responses.
1. Mira : …………………….. I feel so hot.
Andi : Take a bath then.

2. Bona : My wound is so painful . ……………………..

Desi : hold on. The ambulance will come here soon.

3. Soldier 1 : …………. We are surrounded. The enemies are everywhere. There is no way out.
Soldier 2. : Hang on. The support troops will be dropped soon.

4. Sailor 1 : The sea wave is so hard and high. I got stomached. This situation makes me sick.
Sailor 2 : …………………….

5. Passenger 1 : Our plane is shaking hard. We are in the middle of turbulence . This is crazy.
Passenger 2 : ……………. The airport is just 5 miles more. It means it just need 10 minutes to land.
3. Grammar Function
a. Review on Past Tenses

c. ???

B. Modelling of Text
Activity 12.
Read the following interpersonal dialogue between teacher and students.
The teacher : Good morning students!
The students : Good morning, madam!
The teacher : Today, we will learn about narrative text. Please open your workbook on page 5. Read
The story titled “ The missing John”.
(ten minutes later……)
The teacher : Have you finished?
The students : Yes, We have madam.
The teacher : Ok , let discuss now. This story is about John. Who is he, students, does anybody
The student : He is new kid in town
The teacher :Yes it is said in the story that john is a new kid in town. What does that mean?
The student : It means new comer, madam.
The Teacher : Right, kid means child; so he is a new child, a new comer in the town. OK, everybody
say "new comer… new comer"
The students : New comer
The teacher : Do you know about his personality? What is he like? Is he a cheerful boy, or gloomy
The student : Gloomy , madam
The teacher : How do you know that?
The student : In the passage, madam. It is written . John slumped in the armchair, his arms
crossed and his face with a gloomy frown.
The teacher : OK, now, what happened to him one day?
The student : He was sitting in his armchair one day, day dreaming, when he suddenly saw a big
hollow in the tree outside his house. This tree looked very scary, with thin roots, and
branches that looked like claws. This tree also has thorns all over it.
The teacher : And then?
The student : John felt as if the tree was calling him, and unconsciously he went out towards the
tree. He had tried to turn away, but he couldn't. After that john was never seen
again, but nobody missed him because he was such a gloomy and unfriendly kid.
The teacher : Now, what do you think of this story? Is it happy-ending or sad-ending story?
The students : Sad-ending story, madam!

Activity 13.
Now, answer these questions.
1. Who are they?
2. What do they discuss about?
3. Who is the main character told in the story?
4. How is the ending of the story?

Activity 14.
Read this story. Don’t forget the understand the generic structure and language features of this Narrative story.

Title: The Missing John Language Features

John slumped in the armchair, his
- who 1. Simple past tense
arms crossed and his face with a
- where - slumped, crossed, sat
gloomy frown. He was a new kid in
- when 2. Action verbs
town, but no-one knew he was even
- slumped, sat, tried
there. John didn't like anybody and
3. Linking verbs
they didn't like him. All day he sat in
- was, seemed, like
the armchair, staring out the
4. Connectives of time
- then
Complication Through the window he saw a
A Crisis arises gigantic hollow tree in a vacant lot.
The tree seemed to call him. He
stood slowly up, then started to walk
toward the tree. Its branches were
very thin and its roots dug into the
ground like claws. The tree had
thorns all over it. John tried to turn
away from the tree but he couldn't.
A mysterious force was pulling him
into hollow.

Resolution John never reappeared … but no-

The crisis is resolved one noticed or cared.

(taken from: Contoh Materi KBK B.Inggris: Penataran Guru SMA, M.Yusack, 2004)

Activity 15. Understanding the text structure.

Answer the following questions
1. What does the writer want with the story?
2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?
3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?
4. Who are the characters in this story?
5. Who is the main character?
6. When did the story happen?
7. Where did this story take place?
8. What do you learn from the complication?
9. What do you learn from the resolution?
10. What moral do you learn from this story?

Activity 16.Undestanding the content of the story

Answer these questions.
1. Who is John?
2. What did he usually do everyday?
3. Where did he usually sit?
4. What did he see trough his window?
5. How was the description of the tree?
6. How did John disappear?
7. Do you believe this story?
Activity 17.
Study the following summary.

The text above is organized in Narrative form. The text organization
1. Orientation : introducing the characters of the story, the time and
the place the story happened. (Who/What, When and
2. Complication : a series of events in which the main character attempts
to solve the problem.
3. Resolution : the ending of the story containing the problem solution

C. Joint Construction of Text.

Activity 18.
In group of four students, rearrange the story of “ Malin Kundang “ into good and meaningful paragraph.

( ) A Now people call it Batu Simalin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air
Manis, a village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.

( ) B Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a
rich man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother

( ) C Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother
heard about this news she came to meet him.

( ) D Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he
reached the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin
Kundang and his money changed into a stone.

( ) E An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin
Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much.

( ) F Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said, “You are not my mother.
Go away !”
( ) G His mother became very sad and before she went she said, “Oh, Malin
Kundang, you are wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You and your money will
turn to stone.”
( ) H One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work
there. At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears.
(Pengajaran Narrative teks:Bahan Penataran Bahasa Inggris: 2004)

Activity 19.
Finishing rearrange the story above , Put the story in this chart. pay attention to the generic structure of the


Orientation …………………………………………………………………………………………
Complication …………………………………………………………………………………………
Resolution …………………………………………………………………………………………

D. Independent Construction of text

Activity 20.
Now, it is time for you to write your own narrative
 Choose a very well known tale, myth, fable or fairy tale in your town
 Make a raw draft first
 Use the generic structure of Narrative
 Consult your teacher before developing your draft into final one.
 Finishing writing the final draft, perform it in front of the class.
Long ago, there live an old couple by the sea. The old man was a fisherman and his wife was a weaver.
Once, the old man caught a goldfish which could talk. Promising that it will repay him, the goldfish egged for its
release. Without any condition, the fisherman let it go.
When he reached home, he told his wife about the goldfish. She furious on learning that her husband had
been so silly. She showed him a broken wooden pail and told him to ask the gold fish for a new one. The sea was
calm when the fisherman reached there. When the goldfish learnt of his wife’s request, it asked him return and
promised that a new pail would be given to him.
Sure enough, when he arrived home, his wife was using a new pail. However she was not contented and
wanted a new house. The fisherman hurried back to the sea. Again, the gold fish the goldfish granted his request
and told him to return home. Again the fisherman’s wife was not satisfied. She then wanted to be a wealthy lady.
The fisherman returned to the sea for the third time and again his wife’s wish was granted .She wore beautiful
clothes and expensive jewellery.
The fisherman thought that his wife should be satisfied now that she had become rich. However, he was
mistaken. A few days later, his wife commanded him to ask the goldfish to make her a queen. Moreover, she
wanted the goldfish to serve her as well.
Before the trembling fisherman could speak to the gold fish, it asked him to return home to tell his wife that
greed does not pay.
When the fisherman went home, all the riches had disappeared. He saw his wife sitting outside their hut,
holding the broken wooden pail and looking very unhappy.
(Taken from : English Practice: Primary 6.)

Your story telling:

Good morning class. This morning. I’ll tell you a story from Singapore. Who knows where Singapore is?
……Yes. Good. Singapore closes to Malaysia. Here is my story. Long ago …………………………………

(Written Narrative)
A. Building knowledge of the field
Activity 1
Exploring your experience
1. Do you often hear stories?
2. What stories do you know well?
3. Do you retell some to your friend?
4. Why do you retell it?
5. Do you enjoy reading narratives?

Activity 2
Find the meaning of these words in your dictionary. Then try to pronounce them correctly!

1. Lived / / = …………………………
2. Care / / = …………………………
3. Storey / / = …………………………
4. Row / / = …………………………
5. Arguing / / = …………………………
6. Shattered / / = …………………………
7. Hiding / / = …………………………
8. Gave / / = …………………………
9. Laugh / / = …………………………
10. Depressed / / = …………………………
11. Awful / / = …………………………
12. Ignored / / = …………………………
13. Came over / / = …………………………
14. Refused / / = …………………………
15. Strength / / = …………………………

B. Modeling of the Text

Activity 3
Read the text. Then answer the questions!


Alison lived in a small broken down flat with her mother and her
Orientation mother’s boyfriend, David. Alison was unhappy because her mother and
David didn’t care for her very much.

Complication A few years ago everything was normal. Alison lived with her mother
and father in a beautiful two-storey house but her mother and father
started quarreling all the time. Sometimes one row would last for weeks.
They had been arguing non stop for three months now and finally they
both agreed to get a divorce. Alison was shattered as she heard these
words while hiding a chair. She didn’t want to get into any fights with her
parents especially her father who she cared for very much and who gave
her everything.

Alison and her mother had been living with David for a year and
Alison was never the same. She wouldn’t play or talk to anyone or even
Evaluation smile or laugh. Alison was always depressed abut what had happened.
Her mother and David were always yelling at her because she was so

One awful night as Alison was sitting in a chair listening to the radio
(for they couldn’t afford a TV). David asked Alison why she was
unhappy. Alison ignored David and went on listening to the radio. David
jumped up out of his chair and came over to Alison. He had a furious
look on his face. “Why are you unhappy?” he said. Alison looked like she
was going to cry but she held her tears and refused to answer. David
Complication threw Alison against the wall with all his strength.
Alison was in a coma for two weeks. One day she woke up and found
herself in hospital. There beside her sat her father. She rubbed her eyes,
“Am I dreaming?” she asked. “No you’re not Alison. I’ve come to take
you home with me. “Alison’s face lit up bright and happy. It was the first
time she had smiled since her parents had split up.

Alison’s father took her home and they were never separated again.
Resolution The next month was her birthday and Alison received a beautiful doll-
house along with several other presents and she was very happy.

1. State the generic structure of the text!

2. What is the purpose of the text above?
3. Is the text told only using the simple past? If not what other tenses are used?
4. Can you find gerund in the text? Write it!
5. Do you find passive voice in the text? Write it!
6. Write any conjunction you can find in the text!
7. What can you learn from the story above?
8. Who is the main character in that story?

9. How was Alison at the beginning of the story?

10. What happened with her then?
11. What is the end of the story?
12. Are you interested in reading the story above? Why?
13. Why does anyone write narrative stories?

Grammar Focus (Past Tenses Review)

1. Simple Past Tense

Used to describe:
 Completed actions that took place at a definite time in the past.
e.g. I was naughty when I was child
 Permanent situations in the past.
e.g. John lived in Ireland for 15 years
(He doesn’t live there anymore)
 Past habits or repeated actions in the past.
e.g. When I was in Elementary school, I often played in the yard
The verb used is Verb-2. There are either irregular verbs or regular verbs.
Irregular verbs
 Speak – spoke – spoken
 Write – wrote – written
 Teach – taught – taught
 Etc.
Regular verbs
 Help – helped – helped
 Ask – asked – asked
 Etc.

The pattern is: (+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + Didn’t + V1 + O
(?) Did+ S + V1 + O
(+) S + Was/Were + Adverb/Adjective
(-) S + Was/Were + not + Adverb/Adjective
(?) Was/Were + S + Adverb/Adjective
Example :
(+) My mother went to Jakarta yesterday.
(-) My mother didn’t go to Jakarta yesterday.
(?) Did your mother go to Jakarta yesterday?
(+) Alison was absent two days ago.
(-) Alison wasn’t absent two days ago.
(?) Was Alison absent two days ago?
The time expressions used in Simple Past are: yesterday, …ago, last…, etc.

Activity 4
Fill in the blanks by changing the suitable words into Simple Past Tense!

be wish keep meet find

went march lose give lay

1. Armando …… in the museum when the robbery happened.

2. Although the police had offered security, nobody …… to be the witness.
3. The bird was magical that it …… a golden egg.
4. The boy went into the chimney and …… lots of toys.
5. Now matter how hard the lad tried, the stones …… running down pushing
him to the ground.
6. Walking up in the morning, he learnt that he …… all of his power.
7. On the way to the jungle, Dharigra ……a gigantic man.
8. That was really the last time I …… him a chance.
9. If you …… a fortune teller, what would you like to predict?
10. The dwarfs …… home in joy and relief.

2. Past Continuous and past perfect tenses

1. General patterns
1. Past S+ was/were + V-ing While S + was/were + V-ing To express an activity
Continuous Be: was,were As S + was/were + V-ing that is being done in
Tense When S + V2 past time when another
activity occured
2. Past S + had + V3 Before S + V2 To express a sequence
Perfect Be: had been When S + V of activities in past time,
tense an activity had been
After ………. , S + V done when another
activity/event occured

2. Examples

1. Past Continuous Tense

(+) Andi was cooking fried chicken last night when I arrived at his house
( -) Andi was not cooking fried chicken last night. When I arrived at his house.
( ?) Was Andi cooking fried chicken last night when I arrived at his house ?

2. Past Perfect Tense

(+) Andi had cooked fried chicken before I arrived last night.
( -) Andi had not cooked fried chicken before I arrived last night.
( ?) Had Andi cooked fried chicken before I arrive last night?

(+) Lusia had been pretty
( -) Lusia hadn’t been pretty
( ?) Had Lusia been pretty?

Activity 13.
Put the verb in the bracket into its correct form.
Example : Andi …….(go) to Solo this morning
Andi went to Solo this morning

1. Diana ……(water) the flowers in the garden when I came home.

2. Budiman …….(type) his application before he sent to the office.
3. Hamidah and I ………(play) marbles in the school yard while Andi and Arso were swimming.
4. After I ………..(get) my Diploma degree, I would continue to Master degree.
5. When the police arrived at my home, the criminals……………(burn) all my property.
6. After Linda ………(not, meet) her parents, She went to the church. They were usually there.
7. You ….(sleep) when I called you last night?

C. Independent Construction of the Text

Activity 5
 Think about a story your group can discuss and tell
 Read one of the following stories in your group and analyze the content and its elements.
You can take the examples of story below and develop it by your own language.
 Malin Kundang
 Sangkuriang
 Timun Mas
 Pinocchio
 Snow White
 Cinderella

Activity 6
Collaborating the ideas of rewriting a story. Do the following steps before you write your own narrative writing.
1. In groups, discuss the topic you’re going to develop.
2. Collect ideas and organize the information you need.
3. Try to set the schematic structure of the text that you will write together,
4. Revise the plan of the schematic structure of the text.
5. Ask your friends to give their ideas for constructing the text.
6. Write the text together.
7. Give your friends a copy of the text draft.
8. Evaluate the text that you make.
9. Let your friends make their own works.

Activity 7
Retelling the story
1. Study the following clues in your group.
2. Arrange and develop the clues into the stories. Example: of (one of them).
3. Ask your friends to retell them in front of your group.

D. Joint Construction of the Text

Activity 8
Rearrange the story of Aladdin into good and meaningful paragraph!
A. One day after his father’s death, he met a magician who passed as his uncle and persuaded Aladdin to retrieve
a wonderful lamp from hidden care. When Aladdin failed to give the lamp to the magician before emerging from
the cave, the magician become enraged and sealed the cave, leaving Aladdin to die.
B. Once upon a time, there was a lazy son of poor Chinese tailor, known as Aladdin.
C. Free of these enemies Aladdin lived a long, happy life and succeeded the sultan to the throne.
D. In his misery, Aladdin wept and wrung his hands, realizing a genie from a ring the magician had given him. The
genie freed Aladdin who soon discovered that the lamp also produced powerful genies when robbed. They
granted Aladdin’s every wish, and he eventually become immensely wealth and married the daughter of the
sultan. The magician returned to steal the lamp, but was defeated as was his evil brother who also tried to gain
the lamp.

Activity 9
Answer the following question!
1. What is the main idea of the text above?
2. Mention some supporting ideas of the text!

3. What is the orientation of the text?

4. Mention the sentences which reflect the complications!
5. What is the resolution of the text?

Uji Kognitif 1.

Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E

Text 1.
The Golden Swan
One night, as the poor widow was sleeping restlessly, she heard her husband’s voice. “I have come back to
help you, “ the voice said. The widow sat up and looked around. She knew she was dreaming, and in her dream
she went outside. A large swan spoke to her with the Chief Hunter’s voice. “ I know how hard it is for you , “ the
Swan said in the Chief Hunter ‘s voice. The Widow was happy to hear her husband’s voice, yet sad because she
knew that it was a dream.
The words stuck her throat so she could not speak. The Swan stood in the moonlight and said, “ I wish I
could be here with you.” Then it came closer. She could see that many of its feathers were made of gold. In the
moonlight it seemed to be a golden swan. The golden swan said, “ Put your hand out and take one of my golden
feathers. Use the money for yourself and the children. Go on, I will return whenever You need more. Pull a feather
out of my wing. The Golden Swan said in the voice of the chief hunter, “Go to sleep now. In the morning you will
know this was a special dream.” So the widow put the feather beside her bed and went back to sleep. She slept so
well and so deeply it was as if her husband were still alive. When she woke up, she remembered the dream and
looked for the golden feather. There in its place was money and gold. The woman was very happy and later she
went to the village and bought food and clothing. She was careful not to spend too much.

01. Rendry : What is the type of the story about “Golden Swan” ?
Meidra : It is …………..
A. a folk tale
B. a short story
C. a novel
D. a fairy tale
E. a legend

02. Rinaya : What is the story above about ?

Taniya : It told about…………….
A. a widow and her children who were hungry and need some food
B. a widow and her swan which has some golden eggs
C. a widow and her dreams about getting money
D. a widow and her dream about her husband who became a golden swan
E. a widow and her ex-husband who want to help her by giving his golden swan

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The widow’s imagination
B. How the widow helped her husband
C. The widow’s hope
D. How the former widow’s husband tried to help his wife
E. How the golden swan tried to fly with it golden feathers

4. Go on, I will return whenever….. . (Pr.2 line 4). What the word “I” refers to……………
A. The chief hunter
B. the swan
C. the dream
D. The widow
E. the feather

5. She was careful not to spend too much. The phrase “not to spend too much” has the synonym with the
A. Economical
B. Economics
C. Greedy
D. Economize
E. have much money
Text 2.
The Fish that Learned to Walk
Once there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy, which he kept in a barrel. But the fish got
pretty big and the Indian had to change the water a good deal to keep him alive. He was too lazy to do that, and
he thought he would teach the fish to live without water. So he did. He began by taking Tommy out of the barrel
for a few minutes at a time, pretty often, and then he took him out oftener and kept him out longer, and after a time
Tommy got so he could stay out a good while if he was in the wet grass.
Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night, and pretty soon that fish could live in the
shade whether the grass was wet or not. By that time he had got pretty tame, too, and he used to follow the
Indian around a good deal, and when a the Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat. Tommy went along too
and got some for himself. The Indian thought everything of that fish, and when Tommy got so he didn’t need
any water at all, but could go anywhere—down the dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun—you never
saw the Indian without his fish. Some people wanted to buy Tommy, but the Indian said he wouldn’t sell a fish like
that for any money. You’d see him coming to town with Tommy following along the road behind, just like a dog,
only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake, and almost as fast.
Well, it was pretty sad that the way that Indian lost his fish, and it was unusual too. He started for town one
day with Tommy coming along behind as usual. There was a bridge in the road and the Indian came to it
where he saw there was a hole in it, but he went on over it without thinking. A little later he looked round for
Tommy and Tommy wasn’t there. He went back a way and called, but he couldn’t see anything of his pet. Then
he came to the bridge and saw the hole, and he thought right away that maybe his fish had got in there. So, he
went to the hole and looked down, and sure enough, there was Tommy, floating on the water, bottom-side up. He’d
fallen through that hole into the river and drowned.
06. Melissa : Who is Tommy ?
Freddy : I think Tommy is…….
A. The Indian’s name
B. The Indian’s fish
C. The Indian’s friend
D. The Indian’s barrel
E. all are correct

07. Pinkan : What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?

Lindri : It talks about……………..
A. How the Indian trained the fish to live out of water.
B. How the Indian trained the fish to walk out of water
C. How the Indian trained the fish to dig for worm
D. How the Indian trained the fish be tamed so he can sell it
E. The fish can run like snake

08. ……, and the Indian came to it where he saw……(Pr.3 line 3) . The word “it” refers to…
A. the Indian
B. the grass
C. great deal
D. the pet fish
E. the bridge

09. The following information are false, except……………

A. Tommy is the Indian’s friend
B. Tommy can walk like a human by using legs
C. The Indian will sell the fish if someone wants to buy it in highly price
D. Tommy died caused of hot sun
E. Tommy fell down to the river through a hole on the bridge

10. Devina : What is the cause of the Tommy’s death?

Lelina : He died because he……….
A. drowned in the hole
B. drowned in the water
C. fallen in the hot road
D. fallen down to the hole
E. following the Indian

11. ………..only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake (prg 2). The word “he” refers to….
A. The Indian
B. Tommy
C. Snake
D. Dog
E. Some people

12. Aminah : I got headache.

Andika : I think it is better if you visit a doctor.
From the dialogue above we know that the second speaker is …
A. giving apology
B. giving explanation
C. giving suggestion
D. asking suggestion
E. asking apology

13. Budiman : Who is in charge here.

The officer : It is me, Sir. What can I do for you?
Budiman : My room is so dirty. I can’t use it.
The officer : We are sorry sir, I’ll send the janitor soon.
From the dialogue we can conclude that Mr. Budiman is telling his…
A. complaint
B. apology
C. regret
D. agreement
E. refusal

14. Sarju : We have to arrive at Bandung at 5 o’clock. Is there any chance for us to get there on
Melia : it’s four o’clock now. It need 45 minutes to get there. So I think there is …………to get
there on time.
A. a little chance’
B. no chance
C. less chance
D. any chance
E. a more chance

15. Melia : Budi, I can’t use my computer. It is broken. Can you fix it
Budi : ………………. I am majoring in computer science .
A. I don’t think so
B. I have no capability
C. I am capable
D. I doesn’t have any capability
E. I am incapable

16. Melia : I ………to school before you were born

Edy : you must be strong and healthy, then.
A. rides my bike
B. rode my bike
C. ride my bike
D. has ridden my bike
E. had ridden my bike

17. Budi : …….Andi ………milk yesterday?

Nia : Yes, He did
A. do, drink
B. does, drink
C. do, drinks
D. does, drinks
E. did, drink

18. Budi : Your bag is here.

Ami :What did she say to me?
Lia : She said to you …..
A. my bag is here’
B. my bag was here
C. your bag is there
D. your bag was there
E. your bag was here

19. Budi : Where did Andi go?

Linda : What did he say?
Ami : He asked ….
A. where did Andi go
B. where Andi did go
C. where Andi had gone
D. where Andi was gone
E. where Andi goes

20. Budi : Don’t drink my coffee
Sari : What did he say?
Arina : He order you…
A. don’t drink my coffee
B. not to drink your coffee
C. not to drink my coffee
D. not to drink his coffee
E. not to drink her coffee


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