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Q P Code: Reg. No………………………....

Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations

Community Health Nursing II

2016 Scheme
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 75
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary

Long Essay (12)

1. Define family. Discuss the functions of family in health and illness. Explain the
family nursing process. (1+3+8)
Short Essays (2x7=14)

2. Discuss the supervisory responsibilities of a community health nurse

3. Explain briefly health care delivery system in India
Short Notes (5x5=25)
4. Major Health problems of India
5. Public health laws
7. School health services
8. Women empowerment
Answer Briefly (3x4=12)
9. Principles of community health nursing
10. National health agencies
11. Role of community health nurse in research activities
Differentiate Between (3x4=12)
12. Disaster mitigation and disaster response
13. DOTS and DOTS plus
14.Bagassosis and Byssinosis

Q P Code: Reg. No………………………....
Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations
Management of Nursing Service & Education

2016 Scheme
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 75
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary

Long Essay (12)

1. Define management. Explain the principles of management (2+10)

Short Essay (2x7=14)

2. Explain the role off head nurse in organizing in service education

3. Explain the role of nursing school administrator in administration of curriculum
Short Notes (5x5=25)

4. Organization chart
5. Ethical and legal responsibilities of professional nurse
6. Consumer protection act
7. Nursing care standards
8. Techniques of performance appraisal
Differentiate Between (2x4=8)

9. Job description and job specification

10. Cumulative record and anecdotal records
List the following (2x4=8)

11. Principles of adult learning

12. Characteristics of a profession
Answer Briefly (2x4=8)

13. Accreditation process

14. Nursing audit

Q P Code: Reg. No………………………....
Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations
Nursing Education

2016 Scheme
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 75
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary

Long Essay (12)

1. Principles of curriculum planning. Describe the steps in curriculum development.

Short Essays (2x7=14)

2. Qualities of an evaluation tool. Explain the methods of assessing the knowledge of

students. (3+4)
3. Explain the principles in the use of AV aids. Describe the projected AV aids (3+4)
Short Notes (5x5=25)

4. Microteaching
5. Current trends and issues in nursing education
7. Unit plan
8. Aims of education
Answer Briefly (4x4=16)

9. Types of discipline
10. Principles of education
11. Maxims of teaching
12. Qualities of a good teacher
Differentiate Between (2x4=8)

13. Naturalism - Pragmatism

14. Work shop - Simulation

Q P Code: Reg. No………………………....
Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations
Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing

2016 Scheme
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 75
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary

Long Essay (12)

1. Define pre-eclampsia. Enumerate the signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

Explain the management of a client with pre-eclampsia who have completed 32
weeks of gestational age. (2+3+7)
Short Essays (2x7=14)

2. Explain the postoperative management of a woman who had undergone abdominal

3. Explain various methods of assessment of foetal wellbeing in the antenatal period.
Short Note (5x5=25)

4. Care of woman during first stage of labour.

5. Management of a client with atonic post partum haemorrhage.
6. Care of preterm babies.
7. Causes of female infertility.
8. Adolescent pregnancy.
Differentiate between (3x4=12)

9. Carneous mole – Hydatidiform mole.

10. Caput succedaneum – Cephal haematoma.
11. Symmetric IUGR – Asymmetric IUGR.
Answer Briefly (3x4=12)

12. Complications in polyhydramnios.

13. Congenital anomalies of the female genital tract.
14. Temporary methods of contraception in females.

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