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Effective technology for ensuring health, youth and longevity

"We must remember what life is, what health is,

And as a balance, the agreement of the elements supports it,

And their discord destroys and destroys..."

Leonardo da Vinci

Instead of a prologue: curious, sick, healthy

Humanity is entering a new quality of earthly existence - the period of endogenous respiration.
Transformation is accompanied by a radical improvement in health and a significant
prolongation of life. This is confirmed by surprising results and predictably follows from a
filigree theory based on the logic of many facts.

Endogenous breathing revealed what thousands of the best inquisitive minds had failed to
learn. The key problems of the body, first of all, were looked for in the metabolism, and they
were associated with unsatisfactory production and exchange of energy. During normal
breathing, the main part of the body's cells suffer from energy deficiency, but at the same time
there are many zones of highly concentrated energy release that destroys tissues. Mainly small
vessels, the inner surface of arteries, blood cells and pulmonary alveoli are affected. These
processes are caused by breathing, and therefore do not stop even in sleep. Continuous layering
of damaging effects causes atherosclerosis and tissue degradation, which in conditions of
immunodeficiency inseparable from external respiration leads to various diseases and aging.

In the light of new knowledge, the effects of known treatments are not only questionable, but
to a certain extent harmful. Pharmacological preparations, food additives, fat burners,
naturopathic remedies, including physical exercises, fasting, and cold hardening, mainly increase
energy and metabolism. Their influence, first of all, extends to high-energy zones, aggravating
the processes of damage. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the ratio of usefulness
and harmfulness from the use of different methods varies widely.

Without understanding and taking into account the new provisions, it is impossible to create
useful health-improving methods. But the most effective technology to ensure health and prolong
life has already been developed. Endogenous respiration dramatically reduces tissue destruction,
increases cell energy, and forms a highly active immune system. There is a population of long-
lived endogenously breathing people who are not afraid of the most dangerous enemies of man -
stroke, heart attack, cancer and who expect a comfortable life without diseases.

Awareness of new ideas is not easy. Their repeated explanations in the book are made
intentionally. For which, dear Reader, I apologize in advance.



Get rid of diseases, significantly prolong life - is it really possible? To most people, this
sounds like science fiction. But already in 1995, this possibility appeared in every person due to
the discovery of Endogenous Respiration. And this book is a story about Endogenous Breathing,
which is the most perfect means of treating and preventing diseases, ensuring youth and
longevity. In the modern world, Endogenous Breathing is a unique phenomenon that has two
priority properties:

- o a person acquires a new effective exchange that guarantees health and longevity;

- o the acquired exchange continues to improve in a non-burdensome way and becomes the
main one.

This happens quite simply. Wonderful using Frolov's respiration training, a person gradually
passes from the external respiration to Endogenous Respiration. Performing breathing exercises
on the simulator eliminates diseases, improves health and simultaneously increases life
expectancy. For example, first you do 6 breaths per minute, after a week-4 breaths per minute,
after a month-2 breaths per minute, and so on. The rarer the breath, the better the state of health
and more efficient the metabolism in the body. Finally, the duration of the breathing act reaches
a value at which you can do without a simulator. The transition to Endogenous Respiration has
been made. In the future, you use Endogenous Breathing instead of normal breathing,
increasingly replacing the latter. Finally, after 4-6 months, Endogenous breathing becomes your
main And as familiar as normal breathing. You can breathe as before, but it is not interesting and
flawed. Who will voluntarily agree to worsen their condition, reduce the energy of the body,
disrupt the metabolism, return to diseases? Who wants to leave life to chance-to die suddenly of
a stroke or heart attack, to get cancer or other serious illness? It is from these dangerous ailments
that Endogenous Respiration protects. It also saves a person from other diseases. Hypertension
and angina, brain vascular disorders, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, psoriasis, allergies, diseases of the
blood, endocrine glands, genitals, osteochondrosis, arthritis, and some other diseases today
belong to the category of incurable. These are mainly metabolic and immune diseases. They
affect the vast majority of the population of all countries. Our technology seems to be specially
designed to solve the problem of incurable diseases. Radically changing the exchange, a person
moves to a new level of rehabilitation of the body.

Effective exchange, which is formed in the tissues by Endogenous Respiration, dramatically

increases the immune capabilities. There is strong evidence that the body has acquired an
increased immune status that reliably protects its own genetic program and from external
infection. In this regard, the new level of resistance of the body to viral diseases is also
indicative. For example, the flu occurs very rarely, herpes can be cured completely without the
use of drugs. There are good prospects for the treatment and prevention of hepatitis and AIDS.
The created technology fits seamlessly into any treatment regimens. The combined use of it for
medicinal, surgical, physical and other methods of treatment increases the effect. The
possibilities of a comprehensive approach are increased in diseases such as cancer, syphilis,
hepatitis, and others.

The new technology is simply necessary for the prevention and rehabilitation of work in
harmful conditions, including radiation, stressful and heavy physical activity, for disabled people
with reduced mobility.

The effectiveness, universality and, in a certain sense, "panacea" of the new technology are
objectively natural. This conclusion is justified not only by the results of five years of use of the
respiratory simulator in the practice of treating diseases. The theory of Endogenous Respiration
has been developed, which explains both the obtained data and the "white spots" that are
sufficient in modern biology, physiology, and medicine at a fairly scientific level.

What determines the high efficiency of the new technology? Its object is primarily every cell,
no matter what organs or tissues it is located in. Recent scientific works (in particular, by
American scientists) have established that the main causes of degradation and aging of the body
are low energy of cells and an increased number of free radicals in them. These statements are
now confirmed and clarified by the theory and practice of Endogenous Respiration. It turns out
that energy loads on cells can vary by hundreds or thousands of times. It has been established
that the main energy load in the body falls on a very small part of the cells (about 1-2 %). Their
destruction leads to tissue damage and wear. A huge part of the remaining cells due to acute
energy deficiency is in a passive state. The state of these cells determines the level of so-called
"contamination", "slagging" of the body.

Endogenous Breathing allows you to see the imperfection of the human body through the
mechanisms of intracellular exchange and intercellular interactions. The leading role of the
energy supply of cells in the processes of metabolism has become obvious. It is not enough to
give the cells the necessary substances. If there is a shortage of energy, the cell is not able to
effectively use either the materials supplied to it or its own reserves.

Endogenous Breathing increases the overall energy background of the body, including the
main part of the cells, providing them with an optimal level of energy. A sharp improvement in
the energy of cells creates a high status of the immune system, has a positive effect on the
metabolic processes in tissues and increases the functionality of the body.

Our technology is a practical reflection of the latest ideas in the physiology and biochemistry
of living matter. Moscow scientist and doctor G. N. Petrakovich has created a new hypothesis
about breathing, which fundamentally changes the traditional ideas about metabolic processes in
the body. According to this hypothesis, the functioning of cells in the body is mainly due to their
periodic energy excitation, and not due to the delivery of oxygen to them. Energy excitation
triggers free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes, which provides the
cell with the necessary energy and oxygen. Petrakovich's ideas about energy and energy
exchange of cells served as a methodological basis for the development of the theory of
Endogenous Respiration. Based on the results obtained and the latest achievements of science,
this theory shows that modern man has so far the only way to transition to a new level of
adaptation and survival. To do this, you need to master Endogenous Breathing. There are no
better prospects in the forecasts for the coming decades.

When writing this book, several tasks were solved. One of the main tasks is to familiarize the
reader in detail with the technology and theory of Endogenous Breathing, with the Frolov
breathing simulator as the main tool for implementing the method. The second task of this book
is to show the main imperfections and shortcomings of the body. This is the most important
moment! This issue is not discussed in popular literature. The causes of the disease are often
sought outside of the person, i.e. they are associated to a large extent with external factors and
nutrition. But it turns out that the vast majority of reasons are due to human nature. Imperfections
and shortcomings of the human body are not so harmless that knowing about them, do nothing.
And the book will pay enough attention to this.

It is proved that without the use of Endogenous Respiration, without changes in metabolism in
the body, you can not seriously count on health and longevity. With the new technology, people
can not only get rid of diseases, but also really get younger. And this is not a phrase for
advertising. It has been shown that Endogenous Breathing improves not only the parameters of
the blood, vascular bed, heart, brain, immune and endocrine systems, but also makes the skin
noticeably younger, wrinkles are smoothed, hair color is restored, and other processes of a
juvenile nature occur. A person has new opportunities for a full life and its significant increase.
According to the most conservative estimates, youth will last up to 55 years, active Mature age -
up to 80 years, and you can think about moving to the next world after 110 years. This forecast is
based on the results of testing of the new technology and related scientific research.

In Japan, scientists are looking hard for their "elixir of longevity". They are going to increase
life by lowering body temperature. Scientists have confirmed that a decrease in temperature by 2
degrees Celsius increases life by up to 200 years. Japanese scientists are trying to reduce body
temperature by affecting the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that provides thermoregulation,
among others). But any system can be regulated in a range of operating modes. With a living
system, such as our body, it is even more difficult. Before attempting to regulate such a system,
it is necessary to extend the operating interval to the required values. For example, so that the
body temperature freely fluctuates within 34-37 degrees, and the body does not fall into extreme
conditions. But this, as our experiments have shown, can only be achieved by changing the
exchange and, above all, changing the energy exchange. In Russia, there were dozens of
endogenously breathing people who lowered their body temperature by 1.0-1.5 degrees Celsius.
These people can expect to live 120-130 years. But every year their adaptive capacity will
increase as the exchange continues to improve.

At the end of the second Millennium after the birth of Christ, humanity acquires the first key
to immortality and enters a new cycle of natural selection. This is the most humane selection,
since a person competes with himself. But incentives are worth the effort. Homo sapiens
becomes endogenous and long-lived.

1. Hunza and Vilcabamba, turtles and sharks

Some scientists believe that the key to understanding health should be found in longevity.
Those who live longer have better health.

Among the many theories of aging, there is not one that is sufficiently convincing. The
paradox is that man ascended into space, created colossal means of destruction, but did not find
the opportunity to learn the main secret of life.

If there are no good ideas, then natural phenomena may help. Are there any examples among
people and other representatives of wildlife that will help solve the main mystery of life
extension? First of all, they are long-lived creatures that are significantly superior to humans in
this respect. How much does a person know about them?

On land

Each species has its own life span. A rabbit lives 7 years, a horse-28, a chimpanzee-40, an
elephant-70. For the vast majority of people, this limit, depending on natural and social
conditions, is 80-90 years. The average life expectancy of the population, close to 80 years, has
so far been reached in Japan and in some countries of Western Europe. Gerontologists are of the
opinion that the 80-year mark for many countries may be the limit.

The longest-lived on land is man. History knows plenty of cases of longevity. In 1953, Izvestia
published an essay about the oldest inhabitant of Abkhazia, Tlabgan Ketsba, who was then 132
years old. He lived for more than 140 years. English gerontologists consider the peasant Thomas
Parr, who lived for more than 153 years, as an example of longevity. There are enough other
examples. However, if we take into account only correctly documented data, the record of
longevity at the moment belongs to a Frenchwoman Jeanne-Kelman (died 17.10.1995) - 120
years 238 days.

Information about long-lived record-breaking singles can give an idea of the limits of human
capabilities. But to find reliable patterns, we need group cases of longevity. There are three
places on Earth that are best known for their longevity: the Caucasus, Pakistan (the Himalayas),
and southern Ecuador.

In the Caucasus, Abkhazia and Dagestan are known for their longevity. Centenarians are
found in villages located in the middle mountains, at an altitude of 1400-2000 meters above sea
level. Note that the life expectancy of the population down in the valleys is much shorter. We
can give examples of different life spans in Dagestani villages located along the same river; they
always live longer in the mountains. Another rather eloquent example. In Sunny Sukhumi,
located on The black sea coast, the average life expectancy is just over 60 years, i.e. less than the
average level of mountain villages of Abkhazians by 25-30 years. We will point out the
following features of life of Caucasian centenarians. Food is modest, mainly vegetable, dairy
food. Meat is rare and in small quantities. A large place in the diet is occupied by fruits and
vegetables. Active lifestyle, physical work in the field, on pastures, on the plot of land.

British physician Mak-Carison researched the living conditions of the people of Hunza, living
in the mountains of Pakistan and the province of Kashmir. The greatest surprise was caused by
the fact that the Huns did not show any of those diseases that are accepted by modern medicine
as inevitable diseases of old age. The old people had all their organs in perfect condition,
especially their teeth and eyes. In the winter months, the hunz eat exclusively vegetarian-meager
supplies of cereals (directly in the grains) and dried apricots. When spring comes, they switch to
"foot food" - collect herbs until the first harvest is ripe. During 8-10 warm months, hunz live
outdoors. They sleep, work, have fun, get married, have children, and die outside the home.

Hunzas are characterized by high working capacity and endurance. They easily perform
physical work and climb steep mountains without apparent effort, carrying cargo or mail. Hunzas
never get angry, complain, get nervous, show impatience, quarrel with each other, and bear
trouble with complete peace of mind.

The reason for this health and excellent mood of the Huns, according to all scientists who
visited this people and studied their life and way of life, lies in the nature of food. Hunz rarely
eat meat and drink little milk. They eat raw grains of cereals, potatoes, various legumes.

But the main element of hunz food is fruit, fresh and dry. Even bread occupies a much more
modest place in their meagre diet than apples and all kinds of apricots, which they eat whole,
including the seeds.

According to the MC Karison, neither the climate nor religion, nor customs, nor the race does
not have such a significant impact on people's health as food.

American scientist Morton Walker studied the long-lived Vilcabamba tribe living in the
Ecuadorian Andes. These people, who are already over a hundred years old, look alive and
mobile and have retained all their abilities. They practically do not know such diseases as cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, cataracts, arthritis, senile dementia. And this is
mainly due to their diet and physical activity. The highlanders visit their fields six times a week,
spending whole days there. One of the old men said:"...each of us has two doctors-the right leg
and the left." According to M. According to Walker, physical activity in wil-kabamba is an
important component of ensuring health. As Mak-Karison, the American researcher notes the
special role of the food consumed by the highlanders. Their diet is somewhat similar to the
Caucasian, i.e. mainly vegetable and dairy products, sometimes in small quantities of meat.
However, fresh fruits that are healthy prevail: citrus fruits, papaya, avocado, bananas, and
pineapples. M. Walker draws attention to the low caloric content of the diet, with an average of
1200 kilocalories per day. In addition, the importance of clean water, a favorable set of soil
necessary for a healthy life of minerals and chemical elements is noted.

The researchers were most surprised by the sexual activity of centenarians. Even at the age of
a hundred or more, they managed to conceive children. In one study, healthy sperm was obtained
from an old man at the age of 119 years. Women retain their menstrual function until the age of

We have no reason not to trust these studies, which have also been rechecked by other
scientists. We will evaluate them and make sense of them.
Indicators of childbearing function are quite informative for assessing the life potential of
people. Using them, we will give an approximate estimate of the phenomena of longevity, see
table 1. For comparison, the table shows data for centenarians of the plain Poltava region
(Ukraine), which has high indicators among other regions.

Table 1

Age of extinction of childbearing function in male centenarians

Poltava region, Ukraine-50-60 years old

Abkhazia, Dagestan - 70-80 years old

Hunza (Pakistan) - 80-90 years old

Vilcabamba (Ecuador) - 90-100 years old

If you compare the data, it is not difficult to conclude that there are conditions that increase a
person's life by 1.5-1.8 times. You can give a different formulation: the rate of aging and the
onset of diseases in different groups of the population may differ by 1.5-1.8 times.

According to the researchers, the MC Carison and M. Walker these differences were driven
mainly by the following factors:

- o low-calorie diet with a low content of meat products, with the predominant use of fresh
fruits and vegetables;

- o systematic outdoor work with moderate loads;

- o clean water and air;

- o favorable composition of chemical elements in soil and food.

Both researchers place special emphasis on the nature of the diet of centenarians. They believe
that moderation and, in a certain sense, a limited diet in the amount of food, low caloric content
of products, the predominance of greens, fruits and especially apricots (Hunza) in the diet are of
leading importance for ensuring a healthy and long life.

The results that Hunza and especially Vilcabamba have achieved are not just astounding. They
are fantastic! Is it really so simple in human nature to improve it so radically? Today in the
world, hundreds of thousands of rich people who are concerned about health can afford any food
and care. They can be provided with the most suitable food, the purest water, the most optimal
set of chemical elements. This, for example, in the United States, can afford a person with
average income.

Millions of people have been engaged in science-based diets and dietary supplements that "can
do anything" for decades. But we only see" miracles " in advertising. There is nothing
outstanding in life yet.

Still, let's put the problem from a different angle. Imagine a village in the mountains at an
altitude of 1600 meters and another village at the foot of the mountains. Their inhabitants drink
water from a single river fed by a single glacier. Both here and there people of the same
nationality and many have family ties, i.e. they are genetically equivalent, which is also real.
Both in the mountains and in the valley, people are engaged in peasant labor in the fields, in the
gardens, in the pastures. Food in both cases is moderate, without excess and similar in
composition, since there is an exchange of products. Why do people live much longer in the
mountains than in the valley?

After all, this actually exists. At the same time, can justify the conclusions reached by Mak-
Carison and M. Walker. Researchers build their hypotheses according to the logic of the
information they possess. Both at that time and today, the concept of the importance of optimal
nutrition and physical activity for health is a priority.

Still, is it possible to objectively assess a sharp slowdown in aging (the phrase only roughly
reflects the processes) if its key mechanisms are essentially unknown?

But let's go back to table 1. No wonder it includes data on centenarians of the plain Poltava
region. Why is there such a difference? The reader has received enough information to conclude
that the answer must be found in the conditions that are created in the mountains. What are these
conditions, why and how? The questions are not simple, the answers are not unambiguous. A lot
of new information is needed to understand them.

In the meantime, dear Reader, tie a knot in memory of the fact that you can live much longer
in the mountains. And don't worry if the answer to the question "why" appears later.

In the ocean

The ocean is called the cradle of life. Therefore, it was reasonable to hope to find long-lived
people there. Centenarian number one-a large sea turtle, worthy of the closest attention. The life
expectancy of 150-200 years. Today, this is the ideal standard of longevity that a person can
strive for. Man is limited by physiology, but not by reason. This gives hope for the process.
Perhaps, and for health reasons, "Achilles will catch up with the turtle." But this is still over the

The reader is entitled to object: think of a turtle, it is so slow. Is it correct to compare a person
with it? In terms of motor activity, a large sea turtle is not inferior to a human. Turtles are as
indefatigable workers as the long-lived Hunza mountains. Suffice it to say that every year these
sea creatures travel 2000-4000 kilometers to lay eggs. And this is a huge job even by land

Long-lived number two can be called a white shark. Why a white shark? For clarity. This
shark is familiar to everyone who has watched the American TV series "Jaws". Researchers
believe that the white shark grows up to 30 years. Human growth stops before the age of 25.
Therefore, a human and a shark have approximately the same calendar life span.

But the life resource of a shark is an order of magnitude greater than that of a human. Observe
how dynamic and fast it is! What a beautiful beast! It develops fantastic power, moving in the
water with great speed. The efficiency and speed of metabolic processes in a shark exceeds those
of a human tenfold. Physiologically, the shark lives several lifetimes of the earth's most
outstanding centenarians over a calendar period.

Objectively, with this measure, the centenarians can be attributed to dolphins, whales and
other marine creatures that live several human life resources. If on land the king of nature leads
as a centenarian, then in the ocean he needs to compete for a place in the top ten.

But there is another important phenomenon that distinguishes the inhabitants of the ocean
from those who live on land. For example, a shark does not suffer from cancer or other diseases.
Sea turtles, whales, and dolphins are almost cancer-free. Note that all the inhabitants of the land,
including insects, are subject to this terrible disease.

So the ocean posed two more riddles:

1. Why is the life of sea creatures longer than that of land dwellers?

2. Why are sea creatures almost immune to cancer, while on land this disease knows no

Perhaps there would be no answers to such a statement of these and previous questions, if a
new phenomenon called Endogenous Breathing did not appear on earth.

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