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Navchandi Yagna Puja translates to performing a holy sacrificial puja to worship nine manifestations of

energies that pervades the universe – Maa Chandi who is also known as Durga. Navchandi Yagna and
Paath involves elaborate rituals that are undertaken to seek blessings from all the nine forms of Maa
Durga to fulfill our wishes for a healthy, better and a prosperous life.

Significance of Navchandi Yagna Puja:

Navchandi Yagna is a Nav Durga Puja, a sacrificial rite which involves chanting of Saptashati Mantras to
fulfill our desires and remove all sufferings. A person is blessed by all the supreme deities, including Lord
Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Nav Grahas and Nav Durga, just by performing Navchandi Yagna Puja.

Navchandi Yagna Puja Vidhi:

Navchandi Yagna Puja involves offering sacrificial rite with the reading of Devi Mahatmayan, i.e; Chandi
Paaths or Durga Sapthasati. Chandi Paath involves reading Sapthasati Mantras which has 700 verses
across 13 chapters. These chapters are further divided into 3 distinct parts

The first part is devoted to Maa Ambe, a manifestation of Maa Durga who is considered as Maa Shakti.
The 2nd , 3rd and 4th parts praise Goddess Maha Laxmi and the remaining chapters are dedicated to
Maa Saraswati.

The Yagna or Chandi Homam, involves various steps.

* Punyahavachanam – involves invoking Lord Varuna to purify the place of Yagna.
* Maha Ganpati Puja – Like all Pujas, Ganapati is prayed first to remove the obstacles from Yagna.
* Maha Sankalpam – Performing a vow of Prayer for universal benefit
* Mandap Puja
* Sri Chandika Parmeshawari Avahanam – Goddess is invoked with Ashta Bhairavas and Ashta Dik
Balas – Nine elements, along with Ganpati and Nav Grahas- the nine Planets by chanting Mantras. Each
deity, element and planet is invoked with a kalash filled with water.
* Dhyana, Avahana and Prana Pratishtha follows. Purush Sukta and Sri Sukta mantras are chanted to
appease them.
* Agni Mathanam and Agni Pradhistai is read while getting the holy fire started for Yagna
* Navvarna Yantra Puja and Navvarna Homam is done simultaneously. It symbolizes the nine layers of
Para Bramham where Goddess Chandika resides right in the center bindu of the yantra. Offerings are
made to all the deities that reside on each of these nine layers of the yantra
* Chanting of Devi Mahatmyam begins which includes Purvanga Mantras ans Ratri Sukhtam as well
* This is followed by Chandi Homam which is carried out by chanting each mantra of Durga Sapthasati,
while putting a bit of sacrificial offering into the fire with each verse ending with Swaha. The offering can
include Pongal, milk pudding, Panchamrutam etc.
* A Maha Bhairava Bali is performed after the Yagna by providing the rice balls mixed with Honey, Ghee
and Curd that is offered to all deities.
* A Maha Yogini Pooja is performed, which represents military of the 64 crore warrior clan that is headed
by 64 captains and are aligned to Maa Shakti or Maa Durga. Hence she is also referred to as Maha
Chausaati Koti Yogini Gana Sevitha. A sacrificial pumpkin is lowered into 64 items as a representative of
each of the 64 yogini captain and Puja is finished with Mangala Theertam.
* Maha Poornahuti is performed by providing sacred offerings and the Yagna is finished with Maha
Naivedya offered to Goddesses.
* Kanya Puja is also performed in the end with little girls, considering them to be avataar of Maa Shakti.
Puja is performed by washing their feet, applying kumkum to their forehead and feeding them the Bhog

Shubh Muhurat for a Navchandi Yagna Puja:

* Navchandi Yagna Puja is perfomed on date and time as prescribed by a Pandit or astrologer.
* The most important thing for Navchandi Yagna is the time for offering Sacrificial Homam which is also
performed as per prescribed muhurat

Mantras to Chant for Navchandi Yagna Puja

Navchandi Yagna involves chanting of Saptashati Mantras. Some of the mantras that can give specific
benefits are:

Durga Dhyaan Mantra

Durge Smruta Harasi Bhiteemsheshjanto|
Swastayeh Smrutaa Matimateev Shubhaam Dadaasi||
Daaridrya Dukha Bhay Harani Ka Tva Danyaa|
Sarvopkaar Karnaay Sadaa Drachitta||

Navaaran Mantra
Om Aing Hreeng Kleeng Chamundaaye Vichche|

To gain prosperity and success

Sarv Mangal Mangaliye Shive Sarvarth Saadhike|
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri Narayani Namostute||

To detroy obstacles and for better well-being

Karotu Saa Naah Shubh Hetushwaari Shubaani Bhadraanyabhihintu Chaapdah||

For better health and prosperity

Dehi Saubhagyam Aarogyam dehi Me Param Sukham|
Rupam Dehi, Jayam Dehi, Yasho Dehi Dwavisho Jahi||


Chandi Homa (in north they say Havan) is an elaborate ritual, takes about six
hours if properly performed. Usually it is performed on Ashatami, Navami or
Since I am from south, Andhra Pradesh, I will explain our tradition.

Prior to Homa, Durga Saptasati parayana (recital) has to be done 9 times.

(Nava Chandi). To conduct the homam 4 brahmins are required. One is called
Brahma (chief priest) and other 3 are Rutviks. Four including yajamani
(karta/doer) perform the homam with ajyam (ghee) havis (rice) samidha (wood)
and Fruits and Flowers.

There 4 main steps. 1. Punyahavachanam 2. Kalasa sthapana 3. Ganapati and

Navagraha puja and 4. Homam. Prior to homam it is requitred to recite
Chandi Kavacham, Argala Stotram, Kilakam, Ratri suktam, Nyasa and mantra

Saptasati consits of 3 parts. Pradhama, Madhyama and Uttara charitrams.

Total 13 chapters. Each chapter contains several "Uvacha" mantras. For
each "Uvacha" mantra special offering is made of beatle leaves,
vakkalu(supari), wooden comb, kumkum containers, mirror and fruit. At the
end of each chapter offering is made of a special fruit specified for the
presiding deity. When the final chapter is completed comes Poornahuti.
Special offering is made of puresilk cloth, kumkum, Kasturi, pasupu(haldi),
flowers, fruits, coconut (poornaphalam), copper, silver, gold, corals, pearls
and other gem stones. After Poornahuti recital must be made of, Devisuktam,
Rahasyatrayam, Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati suktam followed by moola mantra
japam, puja and arpana.

After the homa, Pujas are performed on nava kanyas(9girls) ranging in age
from 2 to 10 (Kumari Puja), Brahmachari, Suhasini, Dampatulu (couples) and
also giving them appropriate gifts.
The ceremony is completed by giving a feast to brahmins, guests, family and

This inbrief SriVidya, is how Chandi Homa is performed. There may variatons
to the procedures depending on which part of the country one comes from but
the basic are the same. Every act in the ritual has a special meaning and
that has to be learned from a guru.

I am fortunate enough to comple 11 out of 18 homas by divine grace. The 12th

homam I am performing in Sri MahaKali sannidhi in Ujjain on November 13th.

Shubhamastu Nageswar

नवरात्रों में पूजा के साथ साथ दे वी के निमित्त हवन करने का विशिष्ट महत्व है और सर्वकामना पूरक माना
जाता है इस हवन को | यद्धपि अधिकांश परिवारों में जलते हुए कंडे पर लौंग के जोड़े, गुग्गल, घी और हवन
सामग्री डालकर ही दे वी की ज्योति जलाई जाती है |

जहाँ तक शास्त्रीय विधान का प्रश्न है बालू की वेदी बनाकर और उसे आटे से सजाकर ढाक की लकड़ियाँ रख
दीजिये | धूप की कटोरी बनाकर उसमें कपूर रखकर प्रज्वलित करने के बाद एक सौ आठ आहुतियाँ दी जाती
हैं और अंत में सख
ू े गोले में हवन सामग्री भरकर पूर्णाहुति दी जाती है |

हवन सामग्री तैयार करने हे तु काले बिना धुले तिल, तिलों के आधे चावल, चौथाई जौ और आठवां भाग बुरा
अथवा चीनी मिलाएं | इस मिश्रण में इच्छानस
ु ार अगर, तगर, चन्दन का बरु ादा, जटामांसी, इंद्रजौ तथा अन्य
जड़ी बूटियाँ आदि मिला लीजिये | थोडा सा दे सी घी भी इस सामग्री में मिलाया जाएगा और प्रत्येक आहुति के
साथ चम्मच से थोडा -थोडा घी हवन में डाला जाएगा |

Durga Devi Mantra Stuti - a must on navratra

पूर्णाहुति के लिए साबूत गिरी के गोले की टोपी उतारकर उसमे पान का पत्ता, सुपारी और उपरोक्त मिश्रण
तथा घी भरकर टोपी लगा दें और इसे सीधा ही अग्नि के मध्य में रख दें |

चण्डी हवन किसी भी दिन व किसी भी समय संपन्न हो सकता है । हवन कुण्ड का पंचभूत संस्कार करें ।

सर्वप्रथम कुश के अग्रभाग से वेदी को साफ करें । कुण्ड का लेपन करें गोबर जल आदि से। तत
ृ ीय क्रिया
में वेदी के मध्य बाएं से तीन रे खाएं दक्षिण से उत्तर की ओर पथ
ृ क-पथ
ृ क खड़ी खींचें, चतर्थ
ु में तीनों
रे खाओं से यथाक्रम अनामिका व अंगठ
ू े से कुछ मिट्टी हवन कुण्ड से बाहर फेंकें। पंचम संस्कार में दाहिने
हाथ से शद्ध
ु जल वेदी में छिड़कें। पंचभत
ू संस्कार से आगे की क्रिया में अग्नि प्रज्वलित करके अग्निदे व
का पूजन करें ।
.. नवग्रह के नाम या मंत्र से आहुति दें । गणेशजी की आहुति दें । सप्तशती या नर्वाण मंत्र से जप करें ।
सप्तशती में प्रत्येक मंत्र के पश्चात स्वाहा का उच्चारण करके आहुति दें । प्रथम से अंत अध्याय के अंत
में पष्ु प, सुपारी, पान, कमल गट्टा, लौंग 2 नग, छोटी इलायची 2 नग, गूगल व शहद की आहुति दें तथा पांच
बार घी की आहुति दें । यह सब अध्याय के अंत की सामान्य विधि है ।

तीसरे अध्याय में गर्ज-गर्ज क्षणं में शहद से आहुति दें । आठवें अध्याय में मुखेन काली इस श्लोक पर
रक्त चंदन की आहुति दें । परू े ग्यारहवें अध्याय की आहुति खीर से दें । इस अध्याय से सर्वाबाधा
प्रशमनम ्‌में ... कालीमिर्च से आहुति दें । नर्वाण मंत्र से 108 आहुति दें ।

Sri Maha Nava Chandi Yagnam

Sri Maha Nava Chandi Yagnam is conducted with the chanting of the Durga Sapthasathi Mantra(Devi
Mahatmayam) also known as Chandi Path.More details on the Saptashati can be found here. The Maha
Nava Chandi Yagnam is generally conducted during Sharada Navarathri/Durga Puja/Dussehra and
Vasantha Navarathri on the Maha Navami day. It is a practice in our Guru Parampara to perform this
Yagna in the evenings.

The major rituals and procedures of the chandi Homam are:

Guru Vandana – The blessings of the Guru are invoked before commencing the yagna.

Punyahavachanam – It is a purification ritual which involves invoking Lord Varuna for purifying the place
of Yagna, people associated, pooja materials with vedic mantras such as Varuna Sukhtam, Pavamana

Maha Ganapathy Pooja – As with any pooja, the Yagna commences with Maha Ganapathy Pooja to
remove all obstacles.

Maha Sankalpam – Sankalpam is a vow or a prayer. In our Chandi Yagnam, Maha Sankalpam is the done
as a Loka Kshema Sankalpam. It is an over all Prarthana for Global well being and Universal peace.

Mandapa Puja – Seventy seven kalashas of various Parivara Devatas of Goddess Chandika Parameshwari
are kept around the Mandapa in which the homam is to be done. The Devatas are invoked in their
respective kalasas.In addition, Stamba Pooja is performed for the four entrances and eight directions
indicating the four vedas and ashtadik balaks.

Sri Chandika Parameshwari Avahanam – Goddess Chandika Parameshwari in invoked in the Main
Kalasa. Surrounding it at the eight kalashas representing Ashta Bhairavas( Asitanga Bhairava, Ruru
Bhairava, Chanda Bhairava, Krodha Bhairava, Unmatta bhairava , Kapala Bhairava, Bhishana Bhairava
and Samhara Bhairava) and Ashta Dik Balas(Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruthi, Varuna,Vayu, Kubera, Isana) .Sri
Maha Ganapathy is invoked in another Kalasa. The Navagrahas(Surya,Chandra,Mangal,Budha,Brihaspati,
Sukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu) are invoked in nine kalasas which are positioned as per shastras. Special
herbs are added to the water in these kalasas.
After the Dhyana mantras are chanted, Avahana is peformed using Prana Pradishta mantra and Avahana
Mantras. Purusha Sukhta and Sri Sukhta Vedic Hymns are used to do Shodasha Upachara Pooja. Archana
is done starting with Maha Ganapathy, Navagrahas and to Goddess Chandika parameswari with Sri
Lalitha Sahasranama or Sri Lalitha Trishati.

Agni Mathanam & Agni Pradhistai – Agni mathanam is getting the holy fire for the Yagna by rubbing
wood pieces of Peepul Tree and the spark generated is built into a big fire after which Vedokta Agni
Pradhista (Invoking Agni) is performed. Such an Agni generated is considered to be very auspicious and
pure. This practise is done in major temples, Ashrams on all major occasions like Maha
Samprokshanam/Kumbabhishekam, Athi Rudra Homam, Maha Sudarshana Homam etc. In our
Parampara it is done during all Chandi yagnams.

Durga NavaVarna Yantra Pooja and Navavarna Homam – Pooja is done to the Sri Chandi Navavarna
Yantra while simultaneously Navavarna Homam is done. It is called Navavarna since it contains nine
sheats(avarnas) or layers and the Para Bramham, Goddess Chandika sits on the Bindu at the center of
the yantra. Poojas are offered for the various deities residing in each of the nine Avarnas of the Yantra
with the final pooja being done for Goddess Chandi.

Maha Ganapathy and NavaGraha Homas – Sri Maha Ganapathy Homam is done with the Maha
Ganpathy moola mantras and Maha Ganapathy Gayathri. It is followed by the Navagraha Homam with
Vedic Navagraha Mantras.

Chanting of Navangam of Devi Mahatmyam – The nine Purvanga Mantras of the Devi Mahatmayam
and vedic Ratri Sukhtam are chanted. Chandi Navakashari Moola mantra homam is done and the Nyasas
of Durga Saptashati mantra are chanted.

Chandi Homam – Chandi Homam is performed by chanting every verse of the Durga Sapthasathi Mantra
and doing an offering into the sacrificial fire. Each chapter has a presiding deity and the offering is made
by mentioning the name of the deity and with the sacred Swaha mantra like “Om Maha Kalyai Nama
Swaha”.The offering is Sweet Pongal for most of the chapters and for some of them it Ksheerannam
(milk pudding). Panchamrutam made of several fruits, Dry Fruits and Honey is offered for verses with a

Poornahuti is offered the end of every chapter of the Durga Sapthasathi Mantra with specific fruits. The
specific fruits are as ordained by Goddess Chandika Parameshwari to our Guruji H.H Venkatesa
Battachar Swamigal.

Chanting of Devi Sukhtam: vedic Devi Sukta Mantra is chanted by vedic priests.

Chandi Navakshari Moola Mantra Homam : The nine lettered Navakshari maha mantra is known by
various names such as Chamunda mantra, Navavarna Mantra,Navarna Mantra,Durga Mantra and
Chandi Mantra. Various sweets are offered into the sacrificial fire along with the chanting of this
mantra. Click here for for description.

Suvasini Puja - This Puja is performed to a married women(Sumangali) treating her as mother Goddess.
In our tradition, this Pooja is done to young Married Women since the Divine mother is considered as
Nitya Sumangali and Yuvathi ( Ever in her youth).
Kanya Pooja – This Pooja is done to a girl child treating her as Goddess. She is presented gifts as per the
child’s wish. This puja indicates the presence of Lord everywhere starting from a child.

Vaduka Bhairava Pooja – This Pooja is done to a Bramhachari boy treating him as Lord Kala Bhairava
form of Lord Shiva. He is offered dresses and food.

Ashta Dikbala Bali – The Ashta Dik Balas are Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruthi, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Isana.
Offering of rice balls with mixed Honey, Ghee and Curd are offered to these deities.

Maha Bhairava Bali – Offering of rice balls with mixed Honey, Ghee and Curd is offered to the deities
Anantha, Bramha, Vishnu, Ksetra balaka and finally to Kala Bhairav.

Maha Yogini Pooja – The divine mother is considered to have an army of 64(640 million) crore warriors.
So she is referred as “Maha Chatusshasti Koti Yogini Gana Sevitha”, in the Lalitha Sahasranama. This
entire army is headed by 64 captains. Yogini Pooja is done to these 64 captains. A single Pumpkin is cut
into 64 pieces as a representative of 64 yoginis and Pooja is done with Mangala Theertam.

Maha Poornahuti – Maha Poornahuti with offering of Mangala Drayvas (Sacred offerings) which include
Fruits, Herbs, Kumkum, Sandal Paste, Dry Fruits, Dry Coconut. Silk Saree and Blouse are offered as
Vastras. It is accompanied by the chanting of the Durga Sukhtam. A huge Garland is offered along with
the chanting of Vedic Mantra Pushpam. Tamboolam (Karpoora Veetika) is also offered into the Agni.

Vasodhara Homam – Vasodhara is the offering of Ghee (Clarified butter) into the sacrificial fire along
with the chanting of the Vedic Rudram Chamakam Mantra. The chanting of Chamakam is a request to
the Lord to fulfill all the genuine desires/wants of his devotee. It is followed by the Jayadhii Homam and
Agni upasthanam.

Maha Naivedyam – It is the offering of cooked food along with fruits to the Goddess. The Shastras
stipulate the minimum amount to be offered. This prasad is later distributed as visesha Annadanam.

Shodasa Upachara and Avatarikai – Various upacharas like Chatram (Umbrella), Samaram, Vyajanam,
Mirror,Geetham (Singing of devotional songs),Vadhyam etc are offered to the Divine Mother. It is
followed by the Maha deeparadhana or Aarthi. Chaturveda parayanam is performed as a part of the

Sri Chandika Parameshwari Maha Abhishekam with holy Kalasa water – After kalasha Yadhastanam,
Abhishekam is done to the Goddess Durga with the the holy Kalash water.

Guru Samarpanam – The Fruits of the Yagna are offered to the Lotus Feet of the Guru and Ambaal who
in turn blesses us back with all the benefits of the Yagna. It is followed by Pradakshina and Namaskaram.
The teertha prasadam is then distrbuted among devotees. Annadanam is also performed.

The Significance or benefits of a Chandi Homam are immense:

1. It is an Anugraha(complete blessing) for all of those attending the Yagna

2. Repeated conducting of Chandi Homam brings about a positive transformation in society

3. It wards off ill effects of evil forces

4. This Homam removes the malefic effects of all planets, especially Rahu & Ketu
5. Chanting the Devi Mahatmyam and participating in a Chandi Yagnam by a person who is regular in his
daily poojas (Nithya Karma) helps him to attain Devata Siddhi, Ishta Siddhi, Karya Siddhi , Mantra Siddhi.
This is a secret disclosed by Guruji with the intention that this message should reach humanity

6. This Yagna satisfies all genuine wants of a devotee and finally grants salvation (Moksha).

Related Links

Durga Sapthasathi Mantra Recital

Worship of the Divine Mother or Goddess worship is one of the six streams of Hindu Devotion. Known
by the name of Shaktism or Shakti worship, it has been practiced by various saints. Devi Mahatmayam
mantra occurs in the Markandeya Purana, one of the 18 puranas compiled by Sage Veda Vyasa. It is one
of the authoritative texts of Shaktism and Mantra Shastra in Hindu religion.

The main text of the Devi Mahatmayam contains 700 mantras. The preliminary mantras are

1. Nyasam

2. Avahanam

3. Namani

4. Argalam

5. Keelakam

6. Hrudayam

7. Dhalam

8. Dhyanam

9. Kavacham

This method of chanting is called as Navanga parayanam since there are nine preliminary stotras to be
chanted before chanting the Saptashati. Then Vedic or tantric Ratri Suktam is chanted. It is followed by
the Durga Saptashati chapters. The Uttaranga Mantras are Tantric or Vedic Devi Sooktam,Rahasya
Trayam(Pradhana Rahasyam,Vaikritika Rahasyam,Murti Rahasyam),Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram.

The Navakshari Mantra ( 9 lettered mantra on Goddess Chandi who is the very embodiment of Maha
Kali , Maha Lakshmi , Maha Saraswathi ) is chanted before and after chanting the saptashati. It has to be
chanted after taking Mantra Upadesa of Maha Ganapathy Moola Mantra and Chandi Navakshari Moola
Mantra from a Guru.

Devi Mahatmayam is called as sapthasathi since it contains 700 verses(saptha means seven). It is also
because seven devis – Bramhi, Maheswari, Vaishnavi , Kaumari, Indrani, Varahi, Chamunda, are
worshipped in the mantras.

Goddess Chamunda also represents the 3 Shaktis:

 Icha Shakti ( Power of Will) as Goddess Kali or Durga

 Kriya Shakti (Power of Action) as Goddess Lakshmi

 Gyana Shakti (Power of Knowledge) as Goddess Saraswathi

Devi Mahatmayam contains 13 chapters. The Devi Mahatmyam contains the dialogue between a
dispossessed king Suratha, a merchant Samadhi betrayed by his family and a sage named Medhas. The
sage instructs by recounting three different epic battles between the Devi and various demonic
adversaries.The three tales being governed by, respectively, Maha kali (Chapter 1), Maha Lakshmi
(Chapters 2-4) and Maha Saraswathi (Chapters 5-13). By doing upasana of Chandika Parameshwari Devi,
the king and the merchant regain back their lost possessions and finally liberation. Each chapter of the
Saptashati has a presiding deity as described below:

1. Chapter 1 – Madhu Kaitaba Vadham – Sri Maha Kali

2. Chapter 2 – Mahishasura Sainya Vadham – Sri Maha Lakshmi

3. Chapter 3 – Mahishasura Vadham – Sri Shankari Devi

4. Chapter 4 – Chakradhi Stuti – Sri Jaya Durga Devi

5. Chapter 5 – Devi Dhoota Samvadham – Sri Maha Saraswathi

6. Chapter 6 – Dhoomralochana Vadham – Sri Padmavathi Devi

7. Chapter 7 – Chanda Munda Vadham – Sri Raja Mathangi Devi

8. Chapter 8 – Raktabeja Vadham – Sri Bhavani Devi

9. Chapter 9 – Nishumba Vadham – Sri Ardhambika Devi

10. Chapter 10 – Shumbashura Vadham – Sri Kameshwari Devi

11. Chapter 11 – Narayani Stuthi – Sri Bhuvaneshwari Devi

12. Chapter 12 – Devi Charitha Mahatmyam – Sri Durga Devi

13. Chapter 13 – Sri Maha Tripura Sundari Devi

Durga Saptashati is chanted after invoking Goddess Chandika in a Kalasha (gatha stapana). The Kalasha is
filled with water and a coconut is placed on the mouth of the kalasha. Maha Ganapathi, Ashta Bhairavas,
Navagrahas and Ashta Dikbalas are also invoked along with the Goddess in seperate kalashas. Spiritual
herbs are added to the water in the Kalasas and Alankara is done. Vedic Sri Sookta Aradhana along with
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam/Sri Lalitha Trishati Archana and other archanas are performed.

Kala Bhairava Pujai is also performed to get rid of Pitr Dosha, Stree Shapa dosha, Kala Sarpa Dosha etc.
Along with Devi Mahatyam other Mantras like Maha Ganapathy Moola Mantra, Sri Vishnu
Sahasranamam,Sri Lakshmi Sudarshana Maha Mantra,Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, Sri Lalitha
Trishati,Dhanvantri Mantra could also be chanted. After all the upachara pujas are complete, the holy
water from the kalasha is then distributed as prasadam to devotees.
The pooja thus starts with Ganapathi pooja and Book Devimahatmyam. Place a very big Deepam with 13
mukha and ghee full , decorated with flowers ornaments and a small skirt so as to look like a girl. Prepare
13 different offerings(naivadyam) like chitrannam, vadai, sarkarai pongal panchamrutam, panakam,
different kinds of fruits and so on. Invite 10 Sumangalis , do pada puja to them and shodasopachara to
those ladies. Do aavahanam of Devi in the Deepam. When the Pandit is doing parayanam each chapter
ends do a neivadyam and Harathi. In this way we can offer 13 types of offerings to Devi.

When the parayanam is done start with Sahasranama archana with kumkumam by all the 10 ladies starts.
finally offer Suddhannam, Panakam coconut, betel leaves with nut ,milk with haldi(manjal) elaichi powder
and sugar. With Harathi and prostration the Devi pooja ends. Then serve food for the ladies invited with
utter dedication. Do prostration and circumbulation to the ladies and do Harathi too. Provide them with all
mangala dravyams like betel leaves, nuts, manjal 5 in counts coconut and fruits and blouse piece or
saree whichever possible .

13 Mukhams lit in the Deepam represent 13 main chapters . For sumangalis at the end of puja mehandi
(marutani) also must be given along with other mangala dravyams.

Thus the elaborate pooja comes to an end. This way you can please Devi in rudra roopam and get rid of
all the hurdles in your life and the bad spirits around us. This way I follow as per Venkatesha Shastrigal's
advice. I have suggested people around me and some of them followed this.

Śrī Sūktam has 16 verses including this phalaśruti. Out of the 15 verses, first two verses
and last three verses are addressed to Agni, which clearly indicates that to get best
results, only homa should be done with ghee. But, in phalaśruti, it is said that it can be
chanted like japa, without interruption.
While doing homa, it is important to invoke aṣṭadikphālaka-s on the eight sides of homa
kuṇ ḍ a. 

In the first two verses, he invoked Agni and prayed to him to make Lakṣmī stay in his
home. Agni helped the aspirant and Lakṣmī entered his home. In verses 3, 4, 5 and 6 are
directly addressed to Her. 
In the 7th verse, he refers to Kubera, the yakṣa (semi-divine beings) in charge of wealth.
Again, verses 8, 9 and 10 are again addressed to Her. Verse 11 is addressed to Kardama,
Her father and verse 12 is addressed to Her son Ciklīta. Verses 13, 14 and 15 are again
addressed to Agni. Verse 16 is the phalaśruti.

While offering oblations, sacrificial statement is to be added at the end of each verse.
For verses 1, 2, 13, 14 and 15 are addressed to Agni. Hence, a sacrificial statement is to
be added at the end of these verses.

अग्नये इदं । न मम॥ agnaye idaṁ | na mama || (these oblations for Lord Agni and not for

For verses 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, following sacrificial statement is to be added at the

end of these verses
महालक्ष्म्यै इदं । न मम॥ mahālakṣmyai idaṁ | na mama ||

This means that these oblations are for Mahālakṣmī and not for me.

For verse 11, sacrificial statement is to be made in favour of Kardama, Her father.

कर्दमाय इदं । न मम॥ kardamāya idaṁ | na mama ||

For verse 12, sacrificial statement is to be made in favour Her son, Ciklīta.

चिक्लीताय इदं । न मम॥ ciklītāya idaṁ | na mama ||

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