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Bhoot shuddhi THE TECHNIQUE;- 

 15 FACTS;-
1-First think of kundalini rising from mooladhara chakra (sacral plexus) up to sahasrara
chakra, along the sushumna canal. The practitioner is to meditate on the mantra Hamsa
and consider himself united with Brahman (supreme consciousness). Then bring your
awareness from the legs to the knees in the form of a square yantra.
 2-Consider this square to be composed of the earth tattwa (element) which is a golden
colour and is represented by the bija mantra Lam.
3-Next bring your awareness to the portion below the navel. Imagine there the form of a
semi-moon with two lotuses at each end. This is surrounded by a circle of water, white
in colour and represented by the bija mantra Vam.
 4-Then bring your awareness from the navel to the heart and imagine there a yantra of
triangular shape, with swastika marks on each of its three sides. This is the fire tattwa; it
is red in colour and is represented by the bija mantra Ram.
5-Next bring your awareness from the heart to the centre of the eyebrows, and imagine
there the form of six dots in a circular shape. These are symbolic of the air tattwa, which
is of smoky hue and is represented by the bija mantra Yam.
6-Then bring your awareness from the region of the eyebrows to the crown of the head
and imagine there the akasha mandalam or the region of ether, beautiful and clear, with
Ham as its bija mantra.
7-Thus ponder on the earth principle dissolving into water, its cause. Then water
dissolving into fire, its cause. Then fire dissolving into air, its cause, and air dissolving
into ether, its cause.Now imagine akasha dissolving into ahamkara (ego), its cause.
8-Then ahamkara dissolving into maha tattwa (the great principle). And maha tattwa
dissolving into prakriti, prakriti into the supreme Self. Then consider yourself as the
highest knowledge, pure and absolute.
9-Imagine now that the 'papa purusha' or sinful man; who is about the size of your
thumb, is situated at the left of your abdomen. His form is ugly , black as coal, with fiery
eyes, big teeth and a large belly. In his hands he holds axes and shields. Inhale air
through the left nostril, mentally repeating the bija mantra Vam for water.
10-Perform kumbhaka and imagine that you are purifying the sinful man. While doing
kumbhaka, repeat Ram, the bija of fire, and think of the sinful man being burnt to ashes.
Then exhale the ashes of the sinful man through the right nostril.
11-Next meditate on the water tattwa again, repeating the bija mantra Vam, and
imagine the ashes of the sinful man being rolled into a ball with nectar from the
moon.Think steadily of this ball being turned into a golden egg, while meditating on the
earth tattwa, represented by the bija mantra Lam.
12-Repeat the bija mantra Ham, ether tattwa, and imagine yourself as an ideal being
pure and clear. Create the elements afresh in the reverse order from Brahman the
absolute, then ether, air, fire, water and earth and locate them in their respective
positions, in the forms described earlier, represented by their bija mantras.
13-Then repeating the mantra Soham, separate the jivatma or individual soul from
paramatma or the cosmic soul and locate the jivatma in the heart region. Think also that
the kundalini has returned to mooladhara via sushumna, piercing the chakras.
14-Next meditate on Prana Shakti, the vital force, seated on a red lotus in a vast red
ocean. She has six hands which are holding the trident, bow of sugarcane, noose,
goad, five arrows and a skull filled with blood.
15-She has three eyes, highly decorated breasts and her body is the colour of the rising
sun. Thus meditating, one should apply ashes on the body.
 04 FACTS;-
On completion of the meditation, it is essential to wipe bhasma or ashes on the body for
purification of the tattwas. In the ancient vedic and tantric tradition, bhasma is vital for
arousing the higher consciousness and purifying the body.
2-Bhuta shuddhi, done with the use of ashes and fasting during a particular time
according to the solar/lunar phase, helps control the animal instincts and awaken the
consciousness. Therefore, it is also known as Pashupati vrata and Shiva vrata. Applying
ashes is called the 'bath of fire', which burns attachment to sensorial experience and the
lower nature.
3-In the 'Devi Bhagavatam' (Ch. 9) it says that, "Through this Sivovrata, Brahma and the
other devas were able to attain their Brahmahood and devahood. The ancient sages,
including Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and other devas, all performed this Sivovrata. All
those who performed it duly became sinless, though they were very sinful in every way."
4-In this practice, it is important to use cow dung ashes, especially from the fire
ceremony, and wipe them over "the body, particularly the forehead, while repeating
mantra. Then say: 'Earth is ashes, water is ashes, fire is ashes, air is ashes, ether is
ashes, everything whatsoever is ashes'. In this way the vibrations of the mantra are
transmitted throughout every cell in the body.
 07 FACTS;-
1-In the process of awakening the vital capacity of the tattwas, particular characteristic
signs of perfection arise. In tantra these are known as siddhis. In occidental countries
they have been called supernatural, occult or magic powers, but it must be understood
that these powers arise from within you as a result of your own effort to intensify and
concentrate your mental and pranic energy.
2-In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras  it says that, "By sanyama or concentration on the gross,
basic, subtle and interpenetrating states, and the purpose of the bhutas, mastery over
them is attained."
Awakening of the tattwas develops sensitivity to subtle vibration and to the higher
faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and intuition. 3-In the Gherand
Samhita ;it says that, "Concentration of the prana for two hours in the earth tattwa
brings steadiness; in water tattwa, destroys unbearable sufferings and sins; in fire
tattwa, eliminates the fear of death; in air tattwa, gives the experience of flying in the air;
in akasha tattwa, opens the doors to liberation."
4-The tantric texts also enumerate other attributes associated with the awakening of the
tattwas. Earth tattwa is responsible for levitation, freedom from disease, and creation of
astral smells. Water tattwa removes fear of water. It equalises the prana vayu and gives
knowledge of unknown sciences, the power of astral travelling, and the ability to create
various taste sensations.
5-Fire tattwa gives material wealth, detachment, the ability of transforming base metals
into gold, discovering of medicines, entering another's body. Air tattwa gives knowledge
of the past, present and future, fulfilment of desire, contact with astral entities, ability of
psychic healing, inner peace and harmony, compassion.
6-Ether tattwa gives knowledge of the Vedas, longevity, endurance without food or
water, psychic projection faster than the speed of light.
7-These are the powers which are associated with the tattwas but they should not be
delved in as it is very easy to be misguided by the phenomena of the subtle realm. It is
necessary to put them aside and conserve your energy to arouse an even subtler
awareness - that of the atman.

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