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lectrochemical systems find widespread technical

E application. Industrial electrolytic processes in-
Current distribution, fluid flow
clude electroplating and refining, electropolishing and
machining, and the electrochemical production of
aluminum, chlorine, and other products. Energy con-
patterns, mass transfer, and the
version in fuel cells and in primary and secondary bat-
teries has received increasing attention. Electrochem-
ical corrosion should not be neglected-some systems
kinetics of electrode reaction
for desalting water involve electrochemical processes.
Electrochemical methods are used for qualitative and
quantitative analysis. Idealized electrochemical sys-
are related t o engineering
tems are also of interest for studies of mass transfer
processes and the mechanisms of electrode reactions and
for the determination of basic data on transport proper- fundamentals
Engineering design procedures for electrochemical
systems have not been developed as thoroughly as for
mass transfer operations like distillation. Nevertheless, This usually involves systems operated at the limiting
the fundamental laws governing electrochemical sys- current with an excess of supporting electrolyte, because
tems are known. The purpose of this paper is to review below the limiting current it is usually not justified to
the analysis of certain electrochemical systems in relation neglect the ohmic potential drop and because the
to these fundamental laws. T o a greater or lesser ex- presence of the supporting electrolyte allows the effect of
tent, one is concerned with fluid flow patterns, ohmic ionic migration in the diffusion layer to be ignored.
potential drop in solutions, restricted rates of mass Furthermore, the concentration of the reactant is zero
transfer, and the kinetics of electrode reactions. The at the electrode surface, and the treatment becomes
situation is complicated as well by the variety of specific simplified. Let us call these “convective-transport
chemical systems. These examples provide some of the problems.’ ’
main tools of the electrochemical engineer. At currents much below the lirniting current, it is
Application of these fundamental laws has followed possible to neglect concentration variations near the
two main courses. There are systems where the ohmic electrodes. The current distribution is then determined
potential drop can be neglected. The current distribu- by the ohmic potential drop in the solution and by
tion is then determined by the same principles which electrode overpotentials. Mathematically, this means
apply to heat transfer and nonelectrolytic mass transfer. that the potential satisfies Laplace’s equation, and many



results of potential theory, developed in electrostatics, We also dww problem which do not fall within
the flow of inviscid fluids, and steady heat conduction in either of these two classes. Some problems can be re-
solids, are directly applicable. Let us call these “poten- garded as an extension of the convective-transport
tial-theory problems.” The electrode kineties provide problem. At the limiting current the ohmic potential
boundary conditio- which are usually different from drop in the bulk ofthe solution may still be negligible, but
thme encountered in other applications of potential the electric field in the diffusion layer near electrodes
theory. may lead to an enhancement of the limiting current.
Existing work on current distribution and maas The current density is then distributed along the elec-
transfer in electrochemical systems is reviewed here, trode in the same manner as when migration is neglected,
with emphapis being placed on how each contribution is but the magnitude of the current density at all points is
related to these limiting cases of convective-transport increased or diminished by a constant factor which de-
problems and applications of potential theory. Thin pends upon the bulk composition of the solution.
framework can be compared with Wagner’s d i s c d o n At currents below, but at an appreciable fraction of,
(87) of the scope of electrochemical engineering. Much the limiting current, diffusion and convective transport
work either fits into the extreme cases or takes into me essential, but neither concentration variations near
account phenomena neglected in the extreme cases. the electrode nor the ohmic potential drop in the bulk

V O L 6 0 NOi 4 APRIL 1968 13

solution can generally be neglected. These problems in an electric field, diffusion in a concentration gradient,
are complex because all the factors are involved at once. and convection with the fluid velocity.
I n technical electrochemical systems, the ohmic poten-
tial drop is of great importance, and potential-theory
iVi = +
-ziudFciV@ - D ~ V C V~C ~ (1)
problems find applications here. Nevertheless, concen- A material balance for a small volume element leads to
tration variations near electrodes frequently provide the differential conservation law :
limitations on reaction rates and current efficiencies in
industrial operations. I n view of the complexity of
treating simultaneously concentration variations and
ohmic potential drop, qualitative or semiquantitative Since reactions are frequently restricted to the surfaces
application of these concepts may have to suffice for of electrodes, the bulk reaction term R i is often zero in
some time. electrochemical systems. T o a very good approxima-
The development of electrochemical engineering tion the solution is electrically neutral,
involves not only the analysis of the behavior of electro-
chemical systems but also the determination and pre- C Z t C d= 0 (3)
diction of transport properties and parameters of elec-
trode kinetics. except in the diffuse part of the double layer very close
Transport theory valid for dilute solutions has been to an interface. The current density in an electrolytic
applied fruitfully to electrochemical systems. I t should solution is due to the motion of charged species:
be pointed out that equations valid for concentrated (4)
solutions and multicomponent transport are available
(53, 67). Transport theory for solutions of a single These laws provide the basis for the analysis of electro-
salt is moderately simple and has been applied to elec- chemical systems. The flux relation, Equation 1, defines
trodeposition on a rotating disk electrode (30, 62). transport coefficients-the mobility u .I and the diffusion
Furthermore, transport properties for such solutions are coefficient B i of an ion in a dilute solution. Many
frequently available in the literature (66). electrochemical systems involve flow of the electrolytic
Multicomponent transport theory could be applied to solution. The fluid velocity is to be determined from
certain simple geometries which would involve numerical the Navier-Stokes equation
solution of ordinary differential equations for the concen-
tration profiles. However, in most cases data for all the
necessary transport properties are incomplete (50), and
a rigorous treatment is precluded. There is, however, and the continuity equation
reason to believe that integral diffusion coefficients
measured, say, with a rotating disk electrode at the v*v = 0 (6)
limiting current, would also be applicable to other Electrode kinetics. The differential equations de-
geometries even though there is migration in the diffusion scribing the electrolytic solution require boundary
layer (55) and the transport properties vary with concen- conditions for the behavior of an electrochemical system
trations in the diffusion layer (4). to be predicted. The most complex of these concerns
The behavior of the interface, particularly the elec- the kinetics of electrode reactions. A single electrode
trode kinetics, is important in determining the behavior reaction can be written in symbolic form as
of an electrochemical system. O n this subject, quite a
body of knowledge has been built up, but considerable
work remains in systematizing this knowledge in a form
suitable for engineering design. Then the normal component of the flux of a species is
I n this paper thermal effects, treatments of porous related to the normal component of the current density,
electrodes, and problems peculiar to gas evolution are that which contributes to the external current to the
not reviewed. I n porous electrodes, convection may electrode.
not be present, but it is usually necessary to consider the
ohmic potential drop, concentration variations, and
electrode kinetics. Most treatments adopt a macro-
scopic model which does not take account of the de- This equation is restricted not only to a single electrode
tailed, random geometry of the porous structure. Re- reaction but also to the absence of an appreciable charg-
sults of potential theory are then not applicable since ing of the double layer, a process which does not follow
Laplace’s equation does not hold. Faraday’s law.
Next one needs an equation describing the kinetics of
Fundamental Equations the electrode reaction, that is, an equation which relates
Transport in electrolytic solutions. The laws of the normal component of the current density to the
transport in dilute electrolytic solutions have been known surface overpotential at that point and the composition
for many years and have been discussed in detail else- of the solution just outside the diffuse part of the double
where (53, 64). The flux of a species is due to migration layer. The motivation of the electrochemical engineer


the point of view of reaction mechanisms and not with
the object of predicting the behavior of electrochemical

Convective-Tmnrporl Problems
For the reaction of minor ionic species in a solution
containing &cess supporting electrdlyte, it should be
permissible to neglect the contributiob of ionic migration
to the flux of the reacting ions, & that Equation 1
becomes ' .

N, = -D&'ci + Uci (11)

and substitution into Equation 2 yields

Figure 1. Concanrrorionp..firain the d@sion Iayv (.w E q d o n W )

+ u.VCi = D@ci (12)

This may he called the equation of convective diffusion.

in this regard is basically different from that of an elec- A similar equation applies to convective heat transfer
troehemist. The object is to predict the behavior of a and convective mass transfer in nonelectmlytic solutions.
complex electrochemical system rather than to elucidate Since these fields have been studied in detail, it is
the mechanism of an electrode reaction. For this pur- possible to apply many reaults to electrochemical sys-
pose one needs an equation which describes accurately tems which obey 'Equation 12. At the same time elec-
how the interface behaves during the passage of current, trochemical systems sometimes provide the most con-
and for this purpose the interface includes the diffuse venient experimental means of testing these results or
part ofthe double layer. arriving at new results for systems too complex to
The surface overpotential 7. can be defined as the analyze.
potential of the working electrode relative to a refvence Essential to the understanding of convective-transport ' .
dectrode of the same kind located just outside the double problems is *e concept of the diffusion layer. Fre-
layer. Then one seeks a kinetic expression of the form quently, due to the small value of the diffusioncoefficient,
the concentrations differ significaixly from their bulk
i. = fh.,c 3 (9) values only in a thin region near the surface of an elec-
trode. I n this region the veloeity is Small., and diffusion
where charging of the double layer is again ignored.
The concentrations c, here refer to the point just outside is of primary'importance to the transport process. The
t h i ~ e s sof thG region permits a simplification in the
the double Layer. Such an expression thus describes the
analysis, but it is erroneous to treat the diffusion layer as
interface since i , 7s and c, are all local quantities. I n
particular, the concentration variation between the a stagnant region. Figure 1 shows the concentration .
profile in the diffusion layer, d t h the electrde surface
interface and the bulk solution and the ohmic potential
at the left. Far from the surface, convective transport
drop in the solution have only an incidental bearing on
dominates, while at the surface itself there is only diffu-
events at the interface. At the same time no atrempt is
made to give a separate account of the diffuse part of the
The systems typically studied in heat and m a s transfer
double layer.
involve laminar and turbulent flow with varioa geo-
The functionfin Equation 9 is in general complicated.
However, there is ample evidence that there is a large metric arrangements. The flow may be due to some
more or 16s well characterized.stirring (forced convec-
class of electrode reactions for which the current density
depends exponentially on the surface overpotential in tion) or may be the result of density differences created
the following form: in the solution &.part of the transfer process (free con-
vection). We' shall d&uss here a. few examples,
although there is no need to be exhaustive since convec-
tive heat and. maq transfer are thoroughly 'treated in
many texts and monographs (77,38,44,77).There are
where iois the exchange current density and depends on also several reviews of m a transfer in electrochemicalsys-
the concentrations ci. This latter dependence can fre- t e m (32, 76, 79): The examples selected are primarily
quently be expressed as a product of powers of the con- those which have been studied with electrochemical
centrations. I n this equation, i. and q, are positive for systems. i n addition, certain theoretical results of
anodic pmesa, negative for cathodic processes. Both general validityare included because they are par-
. and acare kinetic parametag and must be determined
a ticularly applicable to electrolytic solutions, where the
to agree with experimental data. Schmidt numbers.are invariably largei
Information on electrode kinetics can be found in the Annulurn. -4xial flow in the asinular space bemeen
literature (16, 75, 78). This is often interpreted from two concentric cylinders provides a nonveaent situation

VOL 60 NO. 4 ,APRIL 1966 IS

for experimental studies of mass transfer. I n the work
of Lin, Denton, Gaskill, and P u m a (46) the electrode
of interest formed part of the inner cylinder while the
outer cylinder formed the counter electrode. However,
their experimental results and theoretical treatment have
been severely criticized by Friend and Meaner (23).
Ross and Wragg (69) reviewed the problem and per-
formed additional experiments with a similar arrange-
ment. A circular tube with no inner cylinder is a
limiting case of the annular geometry and has been
studied by Von Shaw, Reios, and Hanratty (80). An-
other limiting case investigated by Tobias and Hickman
(77) is the flow between two plane electrodes.
Let the radius of the outer cylinder be R, and the
radius of the inner cylinder he KR. The electrode of
interest is of length L and is located far enough down- Omkrh*e-i
stream in the annulus that the velocity distribution is 1.o I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6. 0.8 1.o
fully developed before thb electrode is reached. A k
limiting current is reached at this electrode when the
concentration of the reactant drops to zero over the
entire surface.
For laminar flow in the annulus, the local, limiting
current density should follow the theoretical expression The average value of the Nusselt number, corresponding
to the average mass-transfer rate over the length L, is

Nu,?‘ = 1.6151 (+ReScd,/L)’l’ (18)

where (0) is the average velocity in the annulus, x is the As K -c 1, these results apply to the flow between two
distance from the upstream edge of the electrode, and flat plates, par@ of which form plane electrodes. Then
is a function of the geometric parameter K and is 4 = 1.5, and Equations 13, 16, and 18 become
shown in Figure 2 for both the inner and the outer elec-
trode (23, 69).
Mass transfer in laminar flow is very similar to the
classical Graetz-Nusselt-LCv-que problem, discussed by where h = (1 - K)Ris the distance between the planes
Jakob (36). Equation 13 is valid only when the con-
Nu(x) = 1.2325 (ReScdJx)’I* (20)
centration variation is confined to a thin diffusion layer
near the electrode susace, as it is for small values of x. Nu., = 1.8488 (ReScd,/L)’I: (21)
However, for electrochemical systems the diffusion
I n Figure 3 the curve denoted “limited by convection
coefficient is small, and consequently the diffusion layer
and diffusion” depicts the local current density a a
grows in thickness slowly with increasing x. I t might be
function of position along the electrode. The mass
estimated (69) that Equation 13 is valid for
transfer rate is infmite at the upstream edge of the elec-
x < 0.005 ReScd. (14) trode where fresh solution is brought in contact with the
electrode. The current decreases with increasing x
where do = 2 (1 $R is the equivalent diameter of the since the solution in the diffusion layer has already been
annulus, Re = d.(v)/v is the Reynolds number, and depleted by the electrode reaction further upstream.
Sc = v / D l is the Schmidt number. For Sc = 2000 and Later it will be instructive to compare this current dis-
Re = 500, this condition yields tribution with that which would be obtained when the
ohmic potential drop in the solution is controlling.
x < 5000 di (15) The results of Lin, Denton, Gaskill, and Putnam (46)
and is usually satisfied in the experiments. for laminar flow faIl roughly 17% below the values
T o facilitate comparison of results for different systems predicted by Equation 18. Part of this dmepancy can
and with the standard correlations of heat and mass be attributed to the fact that some of the diffusion
aansfer, Equation 13 is frequently mitten in dimen- coefficientswere determined by fitting these experimental
sionless form: results to an erroneous equation. Ross and Wragg’r
(69) laminar ~ & t s are 9 to 13% below those predicted
Nu(x) = 1.0767 (4ReScd./x)’/’ (16) while those of Tobias and Hickman (77) scatter withit
7% of the values predicted by Equation 21.
where the Nusselt number is a dimensionless mads Turbulent flow is characterized by rapid and randon
transfer rate :
fluctuations of the velocity and pressure about theu
Nu(x) = -NA/cJ’I (17) average values. The turbulence is greater at a distance


from solid walls, and the fluctuations gradually go to advance. Many results for electrolytic mass transfer
zero as the wall is approached. The fluctuations in can be regarded as special cases of the application of this
velocity result in fluctuations in concentration and also method.
in enhanced rates of mass transfer. Near the wall the The concentration distribution in a thin diffusion layer
fluctuations go to zero, and mass transfer at the wall is by near an electrode is governed by the equation
diffusion, T h e details of the nature of the fluctuations
are important in the region near the wall where diffusion
and turbulent transport contribute roughly equally to
the mass transfer rate. This equation applies to two-dimensional flow past an
I n the mass transfer entry region in turbulent flow, electrode, with x measured along the electrode from its
Von Shaw, Reiss, and Hanratty (80) expect the average upstream end and y measured perpendicularly from the
Nusselt number in circular tubes to be given by surface into the solution.
Nuavg= 0.276 Re0.6*Sc1/a(d,/L)'/3 (22) Due to the thinness of the diffusion layer compared to
the region of variation of the velocity, it is permissible to
The experimental results fall 7% below these values but approximate the velocity components by their first
exhibit the same dependence upon the Reynolds number terms in Taylor's expansions in the distance y from the
and the electrode length. T h e data of Ross and Wragg wall :
(69) for the inner cylinder of an annulus with K = 0.5
are correlated by Equation 22. However, in this v, = y P ( x ) and vy = - '/2y2P'(x) (25)
geometry, those authors expect the coefficient to be 9% where p(x) is the velocity derivative bv,/by evaluated at
higher. the wall (y = 0). These expressions for the velocity thus
T h e mass transfer entry region where Equation 22 satisfy the applicable form of Equation 6 :
applies is much shorter in turbulent flow than in laminar
flow. T h e results of Von Shaw, Reiss, and Hanratty bv, bvu -
(80) indicate that this length ranges from 2 diameters to bx by
0.5 diameter as the Reynolds number ranges from 5000 as well as the boundary conditions v, = vu = 0 at y = 0.
to 75,000. With this approximation, Equation 24 becomes
Beyond this short entry region, the Nusselt number
rapidly approaches a constant value, corresponding to
fully developed mass transfer. It is surprising that fully
developed mass transfer has not been studied more
extensively with electrochemical systems. The results of If the concentration at the surface is a constant c,,
Lin, Denton, Gaskill, and Putnam (46) agree well with then the concentration profiles at different values of x
the equation of Chilton and Colburn (73) for heat are similar and depend only on the combined variable
Nuavg = 0.023 Reo.sScl/* (23)
E = y G/[9D ' L X G dX]ll3
Friend and Metzner (23) discuss critically the applica- I n terms of this similarity variable, the concentration
bility of such an equation for Schmidt numbers as large profile is given by
as those encountered in electrochemical systems. How-
ever, Hubbard (37) also obtained agreement with this
Two-dimensional diffusion layers in laminar forced where l"(4/3) = 0.89298. This function is plotted in
convection. I n 1942 Levich (43), in treating electro- Figure 1 and has been tabulated (7).
lytic mass transfer to a rotating disk, remarked that in The limiting current density (for co = 0) is thus
the case of diffusion, particularly the diffusion of ions,
the Schmidt number reaches the value of several thou-
sands. "Thus, in this case we deal with a peculiar
limiting case of hydrodynamics, which may be called the Equation 19 for flow between two plates is a special
hydrodynamics of Prandtl's (or Schmidt's) large num- case of Equation 30 for which p is independent of x and
bers." Lighthill (45) developed a solution for the heat has the value 6 (v)/h. Equation 30 gives the rate of
transfer rate applicable when the region of temperature mass transfer if p is already known.
variation is thin compared to the region of velocity Axisymmetric diffusion layers in laminar forced
variation. Acrivos (4) realized that this method is convection. Equation 24 also applies to steady mass
applicable to a wide range of problems when the Schmidt transfer in axisymmetric diffusion layers, that is, where
number is large. Thus, for electrochemical systems the electrode forms part of a body of revolution. Ex-
where the Schmidt number is generally large, it is fre- amples would be the annulus considered earlier, a sphere,
quently possible to obtain the concentration distribution and a disk electrode. The coordinates x and y have the
and the rate of mass transfer for steady problems when same meaning; x is measured along the electrode from
the velocity distribution near the electrode is known in its upstream end and y is measured perpendicularly from

VOL. 6 0 NO. 4 A P R I L 1 9 6 8 17
the surface into the solution. I t is also necessary to angular speed, a,has been studied by Eisenberg, Tobias,
specify the normal distance 7(x) of the surface from the and Wilke (17) and by Arvia and Carrozza (6). If the
axis of symmetry. flow between the electrodes is tangential and laminar,
The applicable form of Equation 6 now is it does not contribute to the rate of mass transfer since
the flow velocity is perpendicular to the mass flux. At
higher rotation speeds, the flow is still laminar but no
longer tangential, and so-called Taylor vortices are
according to Schlichting (71, p. 185). Owing to thin- formed. Superimposed on the tangential motion is a
ness of the diffusion layer it is still permissible to approxi- radial and axial motion, outward at one point and in-
mate the velocity components by their first terms in ward at a different axial position. At still higher rota-
Taylor's expansions in y. However, in view of Equation tion speeds, the flow becomes turbulent. Mass transfer
31, these now take the form in this turbulent flow, which is achieved at lower rotation
speeds if the inner cylinder rotates rather than the outer,
v, = y'(x) and vy = - 5y2(r@)'/7 (32) has been studied in the above-mentioned works,
By the nature of the geometric arrangement, the
and Equation 24 becomes current distribution is uniform. The results have been
correlated by the equation

The concentration profile is again given by Equation

29 in terms of the similarity variable or, in dimensionless form,
Nu = 0.0791 (Red,/dL)o.70Sc0.356 (40)
where d , is the diameter of the inner, rotating cylinder,
and the limiting current density is dL is the diameter of the cylinder with the limiting cur-
rent, Nu = insid,/nFD,c, is the Nusselt number, and

2, = nFD4m / [ 9 D i s 'r q$ dx]lis (35)

R e = QdE2/2v is the Reynolds number.
I n the work of Eisenberg, Tobias, and Wilke (77) the
@(4/3) 0
limiting electrode was the inner, rotating electrode, and
Equation 13 for the annulus is a special case of Equation
d , = dL. The results, for which the Reynolds number
35 in which r and @ are independent of x, with /3 =
ranged from 112 to 162,000 and the Schmidt number
8 +J)+/de. from 2230 to 3650, agree with Equations 39 and 40
Flat plate in a free stream. The steady laminar
within 8.3y0. Arvia and Carrozza (6) measured the
hydrodynamic flow parallel to a flat plate beginning at
limiting rates of mass transfer at the stationary outer
x = 0 and extending along the positive x-axis has been
treated extensively. The value of the velocity derivative
Growing mercury drops. Limiting diffusion cur-
at the surface is (71, p. 120)
rents to a dropping mercury electrode find important
/3 = 0.33206 v , ~ v , / v x (36) applications in the quantitative analysis of electrolytic
solutions. Let the mercury flow at a constant rate from
where v , is the value of v, far from the plate. Sub- the capillary tube to the drop growing at the tip, so that
stitution into Equation 30 yields the radius increases as
in = 0.3387 - (37) 70 = yt"' (411
The diffusion layer on the drop has a thickness propor-
The average Nusselt number for an electrode of length
tional to IlkoviE (34, 35) and also MacGillavry and
L is
Rideal (48) treated the problem with the assumption
4iavg that the diffusion layer is thin compared to the radius
Nuavg= - = 0.6774 Re,1~2Sc1/a (38)
nFD,c, of the drop.
where Re, = Lv,/v. These results apply to laminar For radial growth of the drop, without tangential
flow. The flow becomes turbulent at a Reynolds surface motion, the limiting current density is
number of about 105.
Electrochemical systems for which these results are
directly applicable are not frequently encountered.
Unfortunately, the analysis for a flat plate in a free This equation, without the correction term, was first
stream has been applied to annular geometries and the derived by IlkoviE (34). The correction term, which
flow between two flat plates (8, 9, 85), which should accounts for the greater thickness of the diffusion layer
follow Equations 13 and 19. and for which at least three different values of the co-
Rotating cylinders. Mass transfer between concen- efficient can be found in the literature, was first derived
tric cylinders, the inner of which is rotating with an correctly by Kouteck? (47). We have carried this

slightly further (56) to express the coefficient in terms of near the electrode than in the bulk, and an upward flow
gamma functions : near the electrode occurs. This upward flow provides
convective transport of the reactant to the electrode
1.0302 = Vj/7 16 r(15/14)/1i r(i1/7) diffusion layer. Ibl (33) has reviewed the experimental
The total current to the drop, averaged over the life work on this problem and reports the limiting current
time, T , of the drop, then takes the form density to an electrode of length L:

I,,, = 3.5723 - D(1/2m2/aT1/6
[l + 1.4530 X
( D t T / m 2 ) 1 / 6 ] (43) or
where m is the volumetric flow rate of the mercury
Since, in the absence of tangential surface motion, the
convective flow is well defined, the dropping mercury where
electrode has frequently been used for the determination
of diffusion coefficients.
Rotating disk. When a circular disk is rotated with
an angular velocity fi about its axis in a fluid, the cen- is the Grashof number. These results apply to values of
trifugal force causes the fluid to move radially outward Sc Gr between l o 4 and
near the disk and to be replenished by an axial motion Free convection in solutions with an excess of sup-
toward the disk. Levich (43) has analyzed the mass porting electrolyte is complicated by the fact that the
transfer in such a fluid motion. Since the axial com- concentration of the supporting electrolyte also varies
ponent of the velocity is uniform and depends only on in the diffusion layer and therefore contributes to the
the normal distance from the disk surface, the mass variation of the density. Approximate methods of
transfer rate to the disk is also uniform. estimating the interfacial density difference in the
For the disk, r = x , and the value of the velocity Grashof number have consequently been introduced,
derivative at the surface is [Schlichting (77), p. 87, or a popular method being that of Wilke, Eisenberg, and
Sparrow and Gregg (74)J Tobias (84).
For turbulent natural convection at a vertical plate,
p = afixvfi/v (44) Fouad and Ibl (27) obtained the relation
where a = 0.51023. Substitution into Equation 35 Nuavg = 0.31 (Sc Gr)Oa2* (49)
applicable in the range 4 X 1013< Sc Gr < 1015.
Schutz (72) investigated experimentally free con-
vection mass transfer to spheres and horizontal cylinders
and obtained for the average Nusselt number for spheres
This expression uses the approximations from Equation
32 of the velocity components near the disk and is valid NU,,, = 2 + 0.59 (Sc Gr)ll4 (50)
for large Schmidt numbers, The correction for the fact
in the range 2 X l o * < SC Gr <2 X 1O1O and for cylin-
that the Schmidt number is not infinite has also been
treated (26, 60) for this system.
Because of the well defined fluid motion, the rotating NU,,, = 0.53 (Sc Gr)"4 (51)
disk electrode has been used extensively for the deter-
for Sc Gr < lo9. I n these dimensionless groups, L = d,
mination of diffusion coefficients and the parameters of
the diameter of the sphere or cylinder. Schutz also
electrode kinetics. The application of the rotating disk
measured local Nusselt numbers using a sectioned
system has recently been reviewed by Riddiford (65).
electrode technique.
Free convection. Free convection is a hydrodynamic
Acrivos (2) has obtained a solution of the laminar free-
flow which results from density variations in the solution
convection boundary-layer equations for arbitrary two-
produced, in the cases of interest here, by concentration
dimensional and axisymmetric surfaces in the asymptotic
variations near the electrode. Free convection at a
limit Sc -+ a. These results should be of some interest
vertical plate electrode has been studied extensively.
here since the Schmidt number is large for electrolytic
For deposition of a metal, the solution density is lower
solutions. The local limiting current density for two-
dimensional surfaces is predicted to be

AUTHOR John Newman is associated with the Inorganic

Materials Research Division, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
and is Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, University (sin e)1'8

of California at Berkeley. The author acknowledges the

supbort of this work by the U . S. Atomic Energy Commission.

VOL. 6 0 NO. 4 A P R I L 1 9 6 8 19
and the average limiting current from x = 0 to x = L is Acrivos (3) has analyzed the combined effect of free
and forced convection for surfaces which are not hori-
i, =
0.6705 -(Sc Gr)’14
[L1 o
JL (sin e)lI3dx zontal and also finds that the transition region between
predominance of free convection and predominance of
(53) forced convection is usually narrow.
Limitations of surface reactions. The work de-
where E(X)is the angle between the normal to the surface
scribed above is restricted to processes at the limiting
and the vertical. For a vertical electrode, sin E = 1,
current where the concentration of the reactant at the
and the coefficient 0.6705 of Equation 53 can be com-
surface has a constant value of zero. Most industrial
pared directly with the experimental coefficient of
processes are operated below the limiting current, and
Equation 46.
the kinetics of the surface reaction then influence the
For an axisymmetric surface, where r ( x ) is again the
distribution of current. I n this section on convective
distance of the surface from the axis of symmetry, the
transport problems, the ohmic potential drop is not
local limiting current density is
considered. Thus we must assume here that the ohmic
potential drop is either negligible or constant for all
parts of the electrode in question. The sum of the
surface overpotential and the concentration over-
(r sin
(54) potential is then constant, and the current distribution is
(r4 sin t)L;3dx] determined by a balance of these overpotentials. The
concentration and the current density at the surface
From the results of Acrivos ( Z ) , the predicted co- vary with position on the electrode and must adjust
efficients of (Sc Gr)lI4 in the expressions for the average themselves so that the total overpotential is constant.
Nusselt number for the sphere and the horizontal The more general problem involving the ohmic potential
cylinder are 0.58 and 0.50, respectively, which can be drop will be discussed in a later section.
compared with the experimental coefficients in Equa- Under these conditions the reaction rate at the elec-
tions 50 and 51. trode can be expressed in terms of the concentration at
Free convection at a horizontal plate is essentially the surface, and the problem is similar to nonelectrolytic
different from that discussed above since there is no catalytic problems (5, 22, 67, 68). The convective
chance for a laminar boundary layer to form and sweep transport problem can then be reduced to an integral
fresh solution past the plate. At a horizontal electrode equation relating the reaction rate to an integral over
with a small density gradient, the solution at first re- the surface concentration at points upstream in the
mains stratified. With a higher density difference, a diffusion layer. Other approximate methods have also
cellular flow pattern results, and for still higher density been developed for calculating the surface concentration
differences, the flow is turbulent. I n the turbulent and reaction rate as a function of position on the elec-
region, Fenech and Tobias (79) propose the relation trode. These methods, including the integral equation
method, should also provide a useful starting point for
attacking the more general problem involving the ohmic
potential drop.
for electrodes with a minimum dimension greater than
Applications of Potential Theory
2 cm.
Combined free a n d forced convection. When there When concentration gradients in the solution can be
is the possibility of effects of free convection superimposed ignored, substitution of Equation 1 into Equation 4
on forced convection, the situation becomes essentially yields
more complicated. Fortunately it appears that one i = -KV+ (57)
effect or the other predominates in the mass transfer
process, depending upon the values of the Reynolds and where
Grashof numbers. At horizontal electrodes Tobias and K = F2~r~utC2 (58)
Hickman (77) find that free convection predominates i
and the average rate of mass transfer is given by Equa- is the conductivity of the solution and where the con-
tion 5 5 if vective transport terms sum to zero by the electro-
neutrality relation of Equation 3. Equation 2 when
multiplied by z , and summed over i yields

where L is the electrode length and de is the equivalent v2+ = 0 (59)

diameter of the channel. Otherwise forced convection that is, the potential satisfies Laplace’s equation.
predominates and the average rate of mass transfer is The boundary conditions are determined with Equa-
given by Equation 21. These results apply to laminar tion 57. O n insulators
flow (Re < 2100). For turbulent flow, Tobias and
Hickman find that forced convection predominates. d+/dy = 0 (60)

Primary current distribution. I n so-called primary-
current-distribution problems the surface overpotential
is neglected altogether, and the solution adjacent to the
electrode is taken to be an equipotential surface. This
defines a classical problem in mathematical physics.
The primary current density is always infinite or zero at
the edge of an electrode unless the electrode is perpen-
dicular to an insulating surface at its edge. Generally,
I .4 the primary current distribution shows that the more
inaccessible parts of an electrode receive a lower current
1.2 density.
Moulton (52) gave a classical solution for the primary
current distribution for two electrodes placed arbitrarily
Ti1 on the boundary of a rectangle. This is an example of
one way to solve Laplace’s equation, that of conformal
0.8 mapping (74)using in this case the Schwarz-Christoffel
transformation. A special case of this geometry is the
0.6 I I I 1 I primary current distribution for two plane electrodes
placed opposite each other in the flow channel considered
earlier. This is shown in Figure 3 for L = 2 h and can be
contrasted with the distribution determined by convec-
tion and diffusion. The distribution is symmetric since
0.2 convection is not important. The current density is
infinite at the ends of the electrodes since the current can
0 flow through the solution beyond the ends of the elec-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 trodes, The current distribution in this case is given by
B cosh e/K(tanh2 B)
Figure 3. Current distribution on planar electrodes -2 , -- (62)
zavg d s i n h 2 e - sinh2 ( 2 xa/L)
where B = nL/2 h, x is measured from the center of the
where y is the normal distance from the surface. O n
electrode, and K ( m ) is the complete elliptic integral of
electrodes, Equation 57 relates this potential derivative
the first kind, tabulated in Reference 7, p. 608. This
to the surface overpotential through Equation 9 or 10.
illustrates the fact that the primary current distribution
If the potential @ in the solution is measured with a
depends only on the geometric ratios of the cell, in this
reference electrode of the same kind as the working elec-
case the parameter e. The conductivity of the solution
trode, then the surface overpotential can be eliminated does not enter into the relation.
with the relation Kasper (37) gives the primary current distribution for
q8 = V - @aty= 0 (61) a point electrode and a plane electrode, line electrodes
parallel to plane electrodes and plane insulators, and
where V is the potential of the metal electrode. The
for cylindrical electrodes in various configurations.
resulting boundary condition is a nonlinear relationship
These systems illustrate the application of the method of
between the potential and the potential derivative and is
images. According to Newman (58), the primary
not commonly encountered in other applications of
current distribution on a disk electrode of radius ro
potential theory.
embedded in an infinite insulating plane is
As formulated above, the potential-distribution prob-
lem is similar to the problem of the steady temperature
distribution in solids, with the potential playing the role (63)
of the temperature, the current density that of the heat
flux, and the electrical conductivity that of the thermal This is a simple example of the application of the method
conductivity. Consequently, it is useful to be familiar of separation of variables and Fourier series and in-
with treatises on heat conduction, such as that of Car- tegrals (75, 57).
slaw and Jaeger (72). A knowledge of electrostatics Hine, Yoshizawa, and Okada (28)have described the
(70) and of the flow of inviscid fluids (50a) is helpful since primary current distribution for two plane electrodes of
they are also involved with the solution of Laplace’s infinite length and finite width confined between two
equation. infinite insulating planes perpendicular to, but not
Rousselot (70) presents an interesting discussion of touching, the electrodes. Wagner (83) has given the
potential-distribution problems. Kronsbein (42) has primary current distribution for a two-dimensional
given an historical account of the literature of current rectangular slot in a plane electrode. These are further
distribution, and Fleck (20) has recently reviewed the examples of the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation.
available analytic solutions of such problems. Kojima (40) has collected various expressions for the

VOL. 6 0 N0.4 APRIL 1968 21

resistance between two electrodes in various configu- When both electrodes are polarized, there are two such
rations. Analogous collections should be found for the parameters involving the slope of the polarization curve
resistance for heat conduction in solids (27) and for the on both the anode and the cathode. For linear polar-
capacitance of two electrodes. The resistance for a disk ization, the current distribution i,/i,,, is still inde-
electrode embedded in an infinite insulating plane with pendent of the magnitude of the current.
the counter electrode in the form of a hemisphere at The Tafel polarization law, where one of the ex-
infinity is (58) ponential terms in Equation 10 is negligible, is also
popular in the literature. For a cathodic reaction we
R = 1/4 KTa (64) have
The resistance for two plane electrodes of length L in the RT
walls of a flow channel separated by a distance h, where v s = - - [In (-in) - In io] (67)
the primary current distribution is given by Equation
62, is This is popular because, while being a fairly realistic
polarization law, Tafel’s equation introduces a minimum
R = - 1 K(l/cosh2 E ) of additional parameters into the problem. I n addition
KW K(tanh2 E ) to depending on the same geometric ratios as the primary
current distribution, the current distribution in/iavgnow
where W is the width of the electrodes perpendicular to
depends on the parameter ~~,,,~c&L/RTK. The cur-
the length of the channel.
rent distribution now depends on the magnitude of
Secondary current distribution. When slow elec-
the current, but it is independent of the value of the
trode reaction kinetics are taken into account, the elec-
exchange current density io,insofar as Tafel polarization
trolytic solution near the electrode is no longer an equi-
is applicable only for current densities appreciably
potential surface. A wide variety of expressions for the
above the exchange current density.
electrode polarization has been used, which reflects the
Newman (59) has treated the secondary current dis-
variety of electrode kinetics as well as a variety of
tribution for a disk electrode embedded in an infinite
approximations. The result of such a calculation is the
insulating plane. For both a linear and a Tafel polar-
so-called “secondary current distribution.” The gen-
ization law, the current distribution approaches the
eral effect of electrode polarization is to make the second-
primary current distribution as the electrode becomes
ary current distribution more nearly uniform than the
larger at a constant average current density. This is a
primary current distribution, and an infinite current
general effect of the change of size in an electrochemical
density at the edge of electrodes is eliminated. The
system. Kasper (37) has treated the effect of linear
mathematical problem now involves the solution of
polarization on some line-plane systems and for cylin-
Laplace’s equation subject to a more complicated, per-
drical electrodes.
haps even nonlinear, boundary condition.
Wagner has treated the secondary current distribution
For sufficiently small surface overpotentials, Equation
for a plane electrode with a two-dimensional slot (83),
10 can be linearized to read
two cases of plane electrodes in the walls of an insulating
channel, and a nonplanar electrode with a triangular
profile (82). One of the cases treated by Wagner for
linear polarization, that of a plane electrode of finite
This provides a linear boundary condition for Laplace’s width embedded in an insulating plane and with the
equation and has been popular in the literature since counter electrode at infinity, has been treated by Gnusin,
there is some hope of solving the resulting linear prob- Poddubnyl, Rudenko, and Fomin (24) for Tafel polar-
lem. Furthermore, if the range of current densities at ization. Some of these cases illustrate the use of current
the electrode is sufficiently narrow, as one wants to sources distributed along the electrode surface as a
achieve in electroplating, it is, of course, justified to method of reducing the problem to an integral equation.
linearize the polarization equation about some other, This integral equation, which may be linear or nonlinear
nonzero value of the surface overpotential. Finally, depending on the polarization law used, frequently
with linear polarization one achieves an economy of requires a numerical solution.
parameters needed to determine the current distribu- Numerical solution by finite differences. Analytic
tion, and the calculation of a family of curves repre- solutions of current-distribution problems are usually
senting the current distribution for a particular geometry restricted to simple geometric arrangements and to no
is justified. polarization or linear polarization. The use of some
The secondary current distribution in/iavgdepends analytic solutions is facilitated by computer evaluation of
upon the same geometric ratios as the primary current certain integrals and infinite series. Some methods, like
distribution and, in addition, for linear polarization Wagner’s integral-equation method or solutions in
depends on the parameter (L/K)din/dqs, where L is a infinite series with undetermined coefficients, require
length characteristic of the system. This parameter has numerical evaluation of the current distribution on the
been identified by Hoar and Agar (29) for the charac- electrodes or of the coefficients. When such methods
terization of the influence of electrolytic resistance, can be used, the labor is less and the results more accu-
polarization, and cell size on current distribution. rate than a numerical solution of Laplace’s equation by

finite-difference methods. Nevertheless, finite-differ- (47). These results indicate a n enhancement of the
ence methods have been developed for solving Laplace’s limiting current compared to the same discharging ion
equation for heat conduction problems, for example. in a solution with excess inert electrolyte, and this can be
The applicability of this procedure is much less restricted attributed to the effect of migration in the diffusion
than analytic or partial analytic solutions. layer.
Klingert, Lynn, and Tobias (39) have used a finite- There is some interest in calculating the limiting
difference method for the solution of Laplace’s equation current for intermediate cases where there is some inert
in a n L-shaped region where the anode forms a right electrolyte but not a large excess. Eucken (78) gave
angle, one side of which is opposite the cathode and the the solution for three ion types in systems which could be
other side of which is opposite an insulating surface. represented by a stagnant Nernst diffusion layer. Be-
Fleck (20) has developed a general computer program cause experimental data (73) for the discharge of
for solving Laplace’s equation by successive over-relax- hydrogen ions on growing mercury drops did not agree
ation in arbitrarily shaped, two-dimensional regions, with Eucken’s formula, Heyrovsk? (34) rejected his
including those with curved boundaries, and for arbi- method and introduced a correction factor involving the
trary polarization laws. transference number of the discharging ion. This
This review of the applications of potential theory has transference number correction is not based on quanti-
not been exhaustive. Other interesting sources can be tative arguments, but it has become entrenched in the
found in the references already cited. electrochemical literature.
Okada, Yoshizawa, Hine, and Asada (63) have con-
Intermediate Problems sidered the effect of ionic migration on limiting currents
We have discussed at length two extreme cases of for a growing mercury drop, and Gordon, Newman, and
current distribution problems : convective transport Tobias (25), for a rotating disk electrode. Newman
problems mostly a t the limiting current and applications (54) has treated the effect for four cases: the rotating
of potential theory to cases where concentration vari- disk, the growing mercury drop, penetration into a semi-
ations near the electrodes can be ignored. infinite medium, and the stagnant Nernst diffusion layer.
A relatively simple problem of an intermediate nature The ratio I L / I D of the limiting current to the limiting
results if the current is maintained at a limiting value, diffusion current, calculated as in the section on con-
but the concentration of supporting electrolyte is vective transport problems, is a convenient measure of
reduced relative to the concentration of the reacting the effect of migration and depends on the ratios of con-
ions. Since the current is a t its limiting value, the centrations in the bulk solution. I t is found that this
ohmic potential drop in the bulk of the solution is still correction factor is exactly the same for the two transient
negligible, and the current distribution is determined by processes, the growing mercury drop and penetration
mass transfer in the diffusion layer. However, the into a stagnant medium. Numerical values of the
presence of an electric field in the diffusion layer can lead correction factor were calculated for redox reactions in a
to an increase or a decrease in the limiting current due ferro-ferricyanide system, discharge of hydrogen ions
to migration of the reacting ions. from KC1 solutions, deposition of copper from HzS04
At currents below but at an appreciable fraction of the and MgS04 solutions, and deposition of silver from
limiting current, concentration variations cannot be “03 solutions. The difference between the results
ignored. As indicated in the subsection on “limitations for the disk and the drop was striking only for the dis-
of surface reactions,” it may occasionally be possible to charge of hydrogen ions, the same system that bothered
treat the problem like one involving nonelectrochemical Heyrovskq. I n a later work Newman (55) showed that
catalysis. More frequently, however, the variations in the correction factor for steady transfer in arbitrary
the ohmic potential drop in the solution cannot be two-dimensional and axisymmetric diffusion layers is
ignored. exactly the same as that already calculated for the
As mentioned in the introduction, porous electrodes rotating disk.
will not be discussed here. The effect of migration on limiting currents is a simple
Effect of migration on limiting currents. Because example of a phenomenon which does not occur in non-
of the electroneutrality condition as expressed in Equa- electrolytic systems, in contrast to the convective trans-
tion 3, solutions of only two ions also satisfy the equation port problems which have direct analogs in heat transfer
of convective diffusion (Equation 12) but with D, re- and nonelectrolytic mass transfer.
placed by the diffusion coefficient of the electrolyte Currents below the limiting current. Problems
z+u+D- - z-u-D+ involving consideration of concentration variations near
D = (68) electrodes, ohmic potential drop in the bulk of the solu-
z+u+ - z-u- tion, and electrode kinetics are inherently of greater com-
Consequently it is relatively simple to solve convective plexity than either the convective transport problems or
transport problems at the limiting current for these solu- the potential-theory problems. For geometric and
tions. For example, Levich originally treated the hydrodynamic conditions where it is possible to solve
rotating disk for such a binary electrolyte (43). The both of the extreme cases, there is some hope that the
IlkoviE equation for a growing mercury drop has been intermediate problem can also be treated. Problems of
extended to a binary electrolyte by Lingane and Kolthoff poorly defined stirring or geometry so complicated that

VOL. 6 0 NO. 4 APRIL 1 9 6 8 23

even numerical solution of Laplace’s equation is not Since ~ S = ~-n, ZEquation
~ 70 becomes
feasible would not be expected to be amenable to
analysis at intermediate current levels. s,RT
vv, = V@ -
v In ci

Fortunately the concentration variations are usually i

restricted to thin layers adjacent to the surfaces of the where vQ, is obtained by substituting Equation 1 into
electrodes, and Laplace’s equation still applies in the Equation 4 with the result
bulk of the solution outside these diffusion layers. This
i = -KV@ - F cz,D,vc, (73)
means that one can devote separate attention to these 1

different regions. Since the diffusion layers are thin, If we subtract the ohmic drop which would exist in the
the bulk region essentially fills the region of the electro- absence of concentration variations and integrate across
lytic solution bounded by the walls of the cell and the the diffusion layer, we obtain the concentration over-
electrodes. I n this region the potential is determined so potential as defined above
as to satisfy Laplace’s equation and agree with the cur-
rent density distribution on the boundaries of the region.
s,R T
I n the diffusion layers the concentrations are determined nF
so as to satisfy the appropriate form of the transport
equations, with a mass flux at the wall appropriate to
the current density on the electrodes and approaching
the bulk concentrations far from the electrode. The where y is the normal distance from the electrode surface,
K , is the conductivity of the bulk solution, c i o ( x ) is the
current distribution and concentrations at the electrode
surface must adjust themselves so as to agree with the concentration of species i at the electrode surface, and
overpotential variation determined from the calculation ctm is the concentration in the bulk. According to
Equation 74, the concentration overpotential is the
of the potential in the bulk region.
potential difference of a concentration cell plus an
The thinness of the diffusion layers also allows one to
separate the irreversible part of the cell potential into ohmic contribution due to the variation of conductivity
in the diffusion layer. I n general, the concentration
the sum of the surface overpotentials, the concentration
overpotentials, and the ohmic potential drop in the overpotential also depends upon the position along the
solution. The surface overpotential has already been electrode surface.
defined and is related to the concentrations and current For simplicity, let us restrict ourselves to systems where
density at the electrode surface by the polarization the anode and cathode reactions are the same. Let x
Equation 9. The surface overpotential varies with and y represent Cartesian coordinates appropriate to the
position on the electrode unless the concentrations and solution of Laplace’s equation in the bulk region and let
current density are uniform on the electrode. Xcath, ycath7 Xanode, and Yanode represent diffusion layer

For the concentration overpotential, first let AVI be coordinates appropriate to the cathode and the anode,
the potential of the reference electrode near the surface as used in the section on convective transport problems.
of the working electrode minus the potential of a refer- Let @oath(Xcath) and @nnode(Xano&) represent the solution
ence electrode outside the diffusion layer, and let AVO,, of Laplace’s equation in the bulk region evaluated at the
be the potential difference between these electrodes surfaces of the cathode and anode. Further let vc,oath,
~ s s c a t h ,vc,anode, and vs,anode represent the concentration
when there is the same current distribution but no
concentration variations near the electrode. Then the and surface overpotentials at the cathode and anode and
concentration overpotential vc is let Vcathand v Q n o d e be the potentials of the metal cathode
and anode. Then the applied cell potential v a n o d e -
VcQthcan, in view of the definitions of overpotentials, be
expressed as
This general definition is applicable even for concen-
trated solutions where the transport Equation 1 is not
applicable (62). By subtracting AVoh,, as defined above,
the concentration overpotential becomes independent
of the placement of the second reference electrode in the
If the metal anode and cathode are equipotentials, then
bulk of the solution.
the overpotentials and ohmic potential drop @anode -
The manner in which the potential V , of a movable
@oath must add up to a constant value according to
reference electrode (relative to a fixed reference elec-
Equation 75 even though individually they depend upon
trode) varies with position can be expressed as the position along the electrodes. The current densities
and concentrations at the electrode surfaces must adjust
i -nFvV,
~ s I v p= (70)
t themselves so that this condition is satisfied. According
to the second law of thermodynamics, the overpotentials
where p i is the electrochemical potential of species i.
are always positive at an anode and negative at a
I n the dilute solution approximation used here, these
can be written
If the potential in the bulk of the solution is measured
Vp, = R T V 1n c t Jr .zIFv@ (71) with a reference electrode of the same kind as the working

electrodes, then the total overpotentials a t the anode
and cathode are

Tanode = Vanode - @anode = ‘?s,anode + Tc,anode (76) sin2 21dx‘ (79)

9cath = Voath - @cath = r s , c a t h +Tc,oath (77)
where the cathode is a t y = h and the anode is a t y = 0.

Asada, Hine, Yoshizawa, and Okada (7) have used a From this equation, the potential in the bulk solution
separate treatment of the diffusion layers and the bulk extrapolated to the cathode surface is
solution to treat free convection in a rectangular cell
with a vertical electrode a t each end for currents below @cath(x> = @* -
the limiting current. Newman has given a detailed
justification for such a procedure for systems with
laminar, forced convection (55) and has applied the
method to the rotating disk electrode (57, 59).
I n discussing the details of the application of these
concepts, let us pick a fresh example, that of two elec-
and that extrapolated to the anode surface is
trodes of length L placed opposite each other a t a dis-
tance h, embedded in the walls of a flow channel with @.snode(X) = @* -
steady, laminar flow. T h e mass transfer-limited cur-
n(x - x’)
rent distribution and the primary current distribution zn,cath(x’) In cosh2 dx‘ -
have already been depicted for this system in Figure 3.
No calculated results will be given, but it will be shown
how to treat the diffusion layers and the bulk solution
without the necessity for a numerical solution of partial
2 TK,

2 %‘Km
soL in,snode(x’) In sinh2
R(X - x’)
dx’ (81)

differential equations by finite differences. T h e current density at the anode is positive and that
A. DIFFUSIONLAYERS. The determination of all a t the cathode is negative, in accordance with Equation
the concentrations in the diffusion layer is complicated 78. The integration constant, @*, is to be determined
and usually not required. Let us suppose that the elec- from the condition that the total anode and cathode
trode reactions involve deposition and dissolution of currents are equal
copper from copper sulfate solutions with enough sulfuric
acid added that the effect of ionic migration in the
diffusion layers can be ignored, and Equation 11 applies.
LL [in,cath(X’) f in,anode(X’) Idx’ = 0 (82)
Let us also assume that the solution is so dilute that super-
Otherwise Solution 79 represents a (‘leakage” of current
saturation of copper sulfate a t the anode is not a problem.
Application of Duhamel’s theorem to the solution
along the channel to +
and - infinity.
C. BOUNDARYCONDITIONS. T h e boundary condi-
expressed by Equation 19 yields a relation between the
tions have, to some extent, already been incorporated
current density and the concentration of copper ions
into the solutions for the diffusion layers and the bulk
(indicated by the subscript R ) at the surface of the elec-
region. Solution 79 for the potential in the bulk solu-
trode (5):
tion already satisfies the condition of zero current normal
to the insulating walls of the channel and gives the
appropriate current densities on the anode and the
cathode. T h e solution for the concentrations in the
diffusion layers, on which Equation 78 is based, agrees
with the value cRm in the bulk of the solution. For the
This equation can be applied to either the anode or the determination of the unknown concentrations and
cathode by adding appropriate subscripts to in, x , and current densities along the electrode surfaces it is neces-
sary to use Equations 76, 77, and 74, and the polarization
cRo. (It should be noted that the equation involves a
Stieltjes integral. This is important only if there is a n equation (9). I n view of the assumption of an excess of
abrupt change in the surface concentration at the leading supporting electrolyte, it is appropriate to simplify
edge of the electrode, as there is at the limiting current.) Equation 74 to
of Laplace’s equation for current sources distributed
along the anode and the cathode is [compare Wagner
(84 1 : This neglects the variation of the conductivity across the
1 n7 diffusion layers and also the diffusion potential repre-
sented by the second integral in Equation 74. If this
were not permissible, it would be necessary to solve for
d x - x’) the concentration profiles of each ionic species in the
[sinh2 ‘2h
+ sin2
2h diffusion layers.

VOL 6 0 NO. 4 APRIL 1968 25

D. SUGGESTED SOLUTION PROCEDURE. The method mental means of studying mass transfer problems of
of solving the problem even as formulated is by no means wider interest, particularly at large Schmidt numbers.
obvious or straightforward. I n fact, it is worthwhile to They can, for example, yield information about turbu-
verify that there are enough equations to match the lent transport very close to a solid wall.
unknowns. By combining Equations 9, 7 6 , 77, and 83 As indicated in the introduction, the ohmic potential
it is possible to relate the current densities at the elec- drop is of great importance in technical electrochemical
trodes to the total overpotential and the concentrations systems, but reaction rates and current efficiencies are
in the bulk and at the surface : frequently limited by concentration variations near elec-
trodes. The detailed design of such systems then be-
comes complex if these factors are considered simul-
where the total overpotentials are obtained from Equa- taneously.
tions 7 6 , 77, 80, and 81 : The study of electrode kinetics is important if one is to
determine the behavior of an electrochemical system.
7 = v - @* + g(i,,oath,i,,anode)/2 TKm (85) I n selecting systems for such studies, care should be used
to avoid complications not essential to the electrode
where g represents the integrals in Equatioiis 80 and 81.
kinetics. The rotating disk electrode has been popular
Thus there is one constant unknown @* and six variable
for the study of moderately fast electrode reactions
unknowns, in, 7, and cRo at both the cathode and the
because the hydrodynamic flow is well defined and con-
anode. There is one equation (Equation 82) for the
centration variations can be calculated. However, it
determination of the constant, and there are two each of
should be realized that the primary current distribution
integral equations, such as Equations 78 and 85, and of
is not uniform, and this problem becomes more serious
Equation 84, which applies at all points on the elec-
for faster reactions, larger current densities, and larger
trodes. Thus the problem is determinate.
The following, doubly iterative, calculation procedure
Perhaps more attention should be devoted to the
is suggested, but convergence can hardly be guaranteed,
possibility of using rotating cylindrical electrodes. Here
Let v,,,, and v a n o d e be given.
both the primary and mass transfer-limited current dis-
1. Assume values of i n , o a t h ( x ) and in,anode(x)such
tributions are uniform on the electrodes, and both the
that Equation 82 is satisfied.
ohmic potential drop and the concentration change at
2. GLICSS a value of @*.
the electrodes can be accurately calculated even though
3. Calculate vcath(x) and qanode(x) from Equation 85.
the flow is turbulent. I t might be more difficult to
4. Solve the integral equation (Equation 78) with maintain cleanliness in such a system than with a rotating
Equation 84 for i, and cRo for both the anode and the
disk electrode.
cathode. This is an integral equation of the Volterra
Another way to avoid concentration variations in
type, and the method of numerical solution has been
studies of the kinetics of moderately fast electrode reac-
outlined by Acrivos and Chambrt (5)) but one must
tions is to use a step change in current and follow the
take into account the fact that 17 depends on x .
change in electrode potential in the time before the
5 . If the correct value of was used, the values of i,
concentration can change significantly. For studies of
will now satisfy Equation 82. If not, pick a new value of
the electrodeposition of copper by this method, Mattsson
@*, by trial and error, and go back to step 3, using the old
and Bockris (49) used small spherical electrodes, where
values of in to calculate ?loath and ranode.
the primary current distribution should be uniform.
6 . If the correct values of in had been used in step 3,
Current step methods should not be used if the primary
the new values of in will agree with the old. If not,
current distribution is not uniform.
pick new values and go back to step 2. I t will probably
be necessary (59) to average the new and old values in
some way at this point in order to achieve convergence. NOMENCLATURE
From the complexity of this example, one will perceive a = 0.51023
why so few solutions of intermediate problems are found Ci = concentration of species i (mole/cc.)
de = equivalent diameter of annulus (cm)
in the literature.
D = diffusion coefficient of salt (sq cm/sec)
Di = diffusion coefficient of species i (sq cm/sec)
Discussion and Conclusions e- = symbol for the electron
f = function in expression of electrode kinetics
Existing work on current distribution and mass F = Faraday’s constant (coulornb/equiv.)
transfer in electrochemical systems has been reviewed. g = gravitational acceleration (crn/sec2)
Gr = Grashof number
The framework for the discussion is the limiting cases of h = distance between walls of flow channel (cm)
convective transport problems (analogous to problems in i = current density (amp/sq cm)
convective heat and nonelectrolytic mass transfer) and Z7L = normal component of current density at a surface
applications of potential theory (where concentration (amp/sq cm)
10 = exchange current density (amp/sq cm)
variations can be ignored and the electrostatic potential Z = total current (amp)
satisfies Laplace’s equation), More general problems K = complete elliptic integral of the first kind
L = length of electrodes (cm)
can best be viewed in the context of these limiting cases. L = characteristic length (cm)
Electrochemical systems provide a convenient experi- m = volumetric flow rate of mercury (cc/sec)


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