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Nama : Sudiman Nur Fajri

NIM : 1913041015
Kelas : 2A Pendidikan Biologi
Matkul : Bio – English

Strukture and Reproduction of Bacteria

Bacteria are a group of organisms that do not have a cell nucleus membrane. This
organism belongs to the prokaryotes domain and is very small (microscopic), and has
a very important role in life on earth. Some groups of bacteria are known as agents
that cause infection and disease, while other groups can provide benefits in the fields
of food, medicine, and industry. Bacterial cell structure is relatively simple, without
the nucleus / cell nucleus, cell skeleton, and other organelles such as mitochondria
and chloroplasts.
Bacterial Structure
1, Capsules and Mucus Layers
Capsules are slippery membranes consisting of polysaccharides and located
outside the cell wall. Capsules are part of bacterial accessories that function to
protect bacteria from temperature or extreme environmental conditions and as a
place to store nutrients. Not all bacterial cells have capsules. Only pathogenic
bacteria have capsules.
2. Flagella
The locomotion in bacteria in the form of flagella or whip hair is a rod or spiral
shaped structure protruding from the cell wall. Flagella enable bacteria to move
towards favorable environmental conditions and avoid the environment which is
detrimental to their lives.
Flagella are complex structures composed of various proteins including
flagellins that make flagella shaped like whip tubes and complex proteins that
extend the cell wall and cell membrane to form motors that cause the flagella to
rotate. Flagella are like whips.

3. Cell wall
The function of cell walls in prokaryotes, is to protect cells from turgor pressure
caused by high concentrations of proteins and other molecules in the cell body
compared to the environment outside them. Bacterial cell walls are different from
other organisms.
Bacterial cell walls contain peptidoglycan which is located outside the
cytoplasmic membrane. Peptidoglycan plays a role in violence and gives shape to
cells. There are two main types of bacteria based on their cell wall peptidoglycan
content, which are Gram positive and Gram negative.
4. Cell Membranes
Composed of fat and protein molecules. Cell membranes are semipermeable
and function to regulate the entry and exit of substances into cells.
5. Cytoplasm
Cytoplasm is composed of colloids which contain various organic molecules
such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals. Cytoplasm is where metabolic
reactions take place.
6. Genetic Material
Bacteria are not spread in the cytoplasm, but are present in certain regions
called nucleoids. This ADN has the function of controlling bacterial protein
synthesis and is a nature carrier.
7. Ribosome
Ribosomes have a function in protein synthesis. This ribosome is made up of
proteins, when viewed from a microscope, the ribosome looks like a small circular
8. Plasmids
Besides ADN, bacteria also have plasmids. Plasmids contain certain genes, for
example pathogenic genes and antibiotic resistant genes. Plasmids are also able to
reproduce themselves. Inside one bacterial cell can be formed ± 20 plasmids.
Bacterial Reproduction
1. Asexual reproduction
Bacteria undergo asexual reproduction by binary fission, that is, division from
one to two cells and so on. This binary fission includes amitotic division. That is,
the division does not involve stages of cell division like humans, but takes place
spontaneously or directly.
2. Sexual reproduction
Bacterial sexual reproduction can occur through the mechanism of gene
recombination in three ways, namely conjugation, transduction, and
a. Conjugation
Conjugation is a stage of sexual reproduction in bacteria that is
characterized by the direct transfer of genetic material. The transfer
occurs from one bacterium to another through a conjugated bridge.
b. Transduction
In the transduction process involves the role of other organisms,
namely viruses. That is why the recombination of genes between two
bacteria is bridged by phage viruses (bacteriophages). The most
suitable virus used for this transduction process is the phage
temperate virus. That is because this virus is capable of replicating
lytic and lysogenic.
c. Transformation
If the conjugate bacteria will move their genetic material through the
connecting bridge, the transformation is not the case. On
transformation, genetic material will be transferred by bacteria
directly or indirectly through a connecting bridge (conjugation
bridge). However, not all bacteria are able to move their genetic
material directly.

Question :
1. What is the function or role of the cell wall?
2. In what reproductions does division occur that do not involve stages of cell
division like humans do, but take place spontaneously or directly?
3. What is the difference between reproductive production and transformation

1. The function or role of cell walls is to protect cells from turgor pressure caused by
high concentrations of proteins and other molecules in the cell body compared to
the environment outside them. Bacterial cell walls are different from other
2. Cleavage that does not involve the stages of cell division like humans, but takes
place spontaneously or directly occurs in asexual reproduction because bacteria
experience asexual reproduction by means of binary division, ie division from one
to two cells and so on. This binary fission includes amitotic division.
3. In the transduction process involves the role of other organisms, namely viruses.
That is why the recombination of genes between two bacteria is bridged by phage
viruses (bacteriophages). The most suitable virus used for this transduction
process is the phage temperate virus. That is because this virus is capable of
replicating lytic and lysogenic while in transformation, genetic material will be
transferred by bacteria directly or indirectly through a connecting bridge
(conjugation bridge). However, not all bacteria are able to move their genetic
material directly.
Struktur dan Reproduksi Bakteri
Bakteri merupakan kelompok organisme yang tidak mempunyai membran inti
sel. Organisme ini tergolong ke dalam domain prokariota dan berukuran sangat kecil
(mikroskopik), serta mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan di
bumi. Beberapa kelompok bakteri dikenal sebagai agen penyebab infeksi dan
penyakit, sementara kelompok lainnya dapat memberikan manfaat dibidang pangan,
pengobatan, dan industri. Struktur sel bakteri relatif sederhana yaitu tanpa
nukleus/inti sel, kerangka sel, dan organel-organel lain seperti mitokondria dan
Struktur Bakteri
1. Kapsul danLapisan Lendir
2. Flagela
3. Dinding sel
4. Membran Sel
5. Sitoplasma
6. Materi Genetik
7. Ribosom
8. Plasmid
Reproduksi Bakteri
1. Reproduksi aseksual
Bakteri mengalami reproduksi aseksual dengan cara pembelahan biner,
yaitu pembelahan dari satu menjadi dua sel dan seterusnya. Pembelahan biner
ini termasuk pembelahan amitosis. Artinya, pembelahannya tidak melibatkan
tahapan pembelahan sel seperti halnya manusia, melainkan berlangsung
spontan atau secara langsung.
2. Reproduksi seksual
Reproduksi seksual bakteri bisa terjadi melalui mekanisme rekombinasi
gen melalui tiga cara, yaitu konjugasi, transduksi, dan transformasi.
a. Konjugasi
Konjugasi adalah tahap reproduksi seksual pada bakteri yang ditandai
dengan pemindahan materi genetik secara langsung. Pemindahan itu
terjadi dari satu bakteri ke bakteri lain melalui jembatan konjugasi.

b. Transduksi
Pada proses transduksi melibatkan peran organisme lain, yaitu virus.
Itulah mengapa rekombinasi gen antara dua bakteri dijembatani oleh
virus fag (bakteriofag). Virus yang paling sesuai digunakan untuk
proses transduksi ini adalah virus fag temperat. Hal itu karena virus
ini mampu bereplikasi secara litik dan lisogenik.
c. Transfomasi
Jika pada konjugasi bakteri akan memindahkan materi genetiknya
melalui jembatan penghubung, pada transformasi tidak demikian.
Pada transformasi, materi genetik akan dipindahkan oleh bakteri
secara langsung atau tidak melalui jembatan penghubung (jembatan
konjugasi). Namun, tidak semua bakteri lho yang mampu
memindahkan materi genetiknya secara langsung.

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