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Minerva Daneya Utami


Tips how to prepare for IELTS:

1. Learn about the test

 Content
 Format
 Timing
 Scoring

2. Academic / General Training (R+W)

o Academic : Listening and Speaking
It’s usually used for university entrance
o General Training : Reading and Writing
It’s usually used if you want to go abroad

3. Have realistic goals

It’s one of most important thing to prepare your IELTS
- What bands your goal
- Decide a band score
- Check your level of English
- English, IELTS skills or both?
- Time frame (how long does it take to learn English)
Tips: Get your English checked because the more you understand, the more you ask

4. Knowing the requirements of your chosen band score

5. Learn about the questions type

Listening and Reading usually have 10 different types of the questions

6. Learn tips and techniques for each types of questions

IELTS have specific essay questions

7. Common topics and vocabulary

8. Develop your ideas and topics from a variety of sources

You can find them in:
- Documentaries
- New scientist
- Radio programs
When you want to learn about it, try to learn in many languages not only in
specific language because IELTS in an International test so it could be use many
accent of language.

9. Use practice tests to assess your listening and reading

You can use Cambridge English IELTS, it contains all the example of IELTS test from 1
to 9 and it also has the real exam paper.

10. Get your speaking and writing assessed by an experienced teacher

When you had an experienced teacher, try to find your weaknesses

11. Develop and practice

12. Build speed and time management skills for reading and writing
o Checking how long it takes you to write

13. Do a full practice test under exam condition

14. Get training

o IELTS School : British Council, IDP
o Free training online : www.

15. Take your test when your English and IELTS are at their strongest

IELTS Reading Tips from British Council:

Reading test  40 questions

 3 articles
 60 minutes

 Skimming
Identify key themes or general ideas
-topic questions
 Scanning
Looking for specific information

 Intensive Reading
-understand the details of the text
You have to read the article quickly and as much as you can, you can do this tips:
1. Read the first paragraph
2. Make a little note
3. Read the important ones
4. Find the keywords

IELTS Speaking Tips

Speaking  around 15 minutes

12 tips for your speaking test:

1. Be formal
It’s like you are in job interview
2. Give a full answer
Try as much as you can to give full answer and clear answer
Example: I’m from the capital city of Japan, Tokyo. It’s a good answer. Don’t just
answer “Tokyo”
3. Be polite / cultured
If you couldn’t hear the questions you can say: “excuse me, can you repeat that?”
4. Maintain good posture
It will affect the way you speak, the way your voice and don’t put your hands on your
face because it affects the quality of your face
5. Speak clearly
6. Use descriptive words
Don’t use boring and familiar words, use the interesting words to show your
capability of vocabulary
7. Speak up
Loudly enough to be heard and recorded
8. Keep a steady face
Don’t speak too fast and too slow
9. Explain foreign words
10. Stay on the topic
11. Don’t use slang
Instead of saying kids, you’re rather say children, etc
Use the best words
12. Don’t memorize answers
Because you will be stuck at the moment if you forgot the answers

If you want to try doing IELTS in your house you can visit the link below:
Preparation Power Writing for IELTS

5 stages of good writing:

Planning  you can make a table and start doing your plan
Organizing  explain the linking coherence
Writing  try to write 250 words at least
Evaluating  make sure you have answered all parts of the questions
Revising  check your spelling and grammar

Another tips:
- Identify all the keywords
- Think of the synonym of the vocabulary (range of vocabulary)
- Ensure your answer
- Addresses the questions completely

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