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Peer pressure happens when an individual is influenced to behave a certain way, or adopt certain

beliefs, because he or she feels the need to conform.

This kind of pressure covers you from everything to physical down to your emotional self. It is when you
deal with other people and start to relate yourself for their interests and as you do, you adopt their
thoughts and patterns unknowingly.


1. It can be a way to help you learn some positive habits.

There are positive habits in each group that you can focus on as well. Observing good choices and
wanting to include them as part of your daily routine is beneficial.

2.Peer pressure can encourage excellence.

When students work with intelligent classmates, then they tend to perform better academically. When
there are clear expectations in place and you surround yourself with people who want to do the right
thing, then that will eventually become the person you become.

3. It can help you to abandon negative habits.

The best peer groups will work with you to start reducing the influence of your bad habits.

1. It can cause you to lose your identity.

Instead of focusing on your identity, you shift it to become something that others want to see.

2. It can even become a life-threatening situation.

When this disadvantage is severe enough, it can lead to problems with self-harm, suicidal ideation, or
even the engagement of a suicide attempt. 

3. Peer pressure can increase the risk of a mental health issue.

Most people fear social rejection on some level. It is this feeling that causes some individuals to blindly
follow what other people suggest that they do without giving the situation a second thought. People
who give you the cold shoulder after you try to express an opinion or refuse an action that goes against
your belief system are not really your friends.

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