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- II
Answer: Compute the factorial of the variable num.

int prod = 1;

ISA-3 int idx;

for(idx = num; idx > 1; idx --) {
prod = prod * idx

Let us now try to convert this program to SimpleRisc .

mov r1, 1 /* prod = 1 */
mov r2, r0 /* idx = num */
mul r1, r1, r2 /* prod = prod * idx */
sub r2, r2, 1 /* idx = idx - 1 */
cmp r2, 1 /* compare (idx, 1) */
bgt .loop /* if (idx > 1) goto .loop*/

Modifiers Mechanism
*  We can add the following modifiers to an instruc6on *  The processor internally converts a 16 bit immediate to a 32
that has an immediate operand bit number
*  Modifier : *  It uses this 32 bit number for all the computa6ons
*  default : mov → treat the 16 bit immediate as a signed number *  Valid only for arithme6c/logical insts
(automa6c sign extension)
*  (u) : movu → treat the 16 bit immediate as an unsigned number *  We can control the genera6on of this 32 bit number
*  (h) : movh → leA shiA the 16 bit immediate by 16 posi6ons *  sign extension (default)
*  treat the 16 bit number as unsigned (u suffix)
*  load the 16 bit number in the upper bytes (h suffix)

3 4

More about Modifiers Examples
*  Move : 0x FF FF A3 2B in r0
*  default : mov r1, 0xAB 12
mov r0, 0xA32B
sign bit AB 12
*  Move : 0x 00 00 A3 2B in r0
*  unsigned : movu r1, 0xAB 12
movu r0, 0xA32B
00 00 AB 12
*  Move : 0x A3 2B 00 00 in r0
*  high: movh r1, 0xAB 12
movh r0, 0xA32B
AB 12 00 00

5 6

Example Implementing Functions

*  Set r0 ← 0x 12 AB A9 2D *  Func6ons are blocks of assembly instruc6ons that can be

repeatedly invoked to perform a certain ac6on
movh r0, 0x 12 AB
addu r0, 0x A9 2D *  Every func6on has a star6ng address in memory (e.g. foo
has a star6ng address A

function foo

7 8

Implementing Functions - II Notion of the Return Address
*  To call a func6on, we need to set :
p function call
*  pc ← A
p+4 return address
*  We also need to store the loca6on of the pc that we need to
come to aAer the func6on returns
*  This is known as the return address
*  PC of the call instruc6on → p
*  We can thus call any func6on, execute its instruc6ons, and
`then return to the saved return address *  PC of the return address → p + 4
because, every instruc6on takes 4 bytes

9 10

How do we pass arguments/ return Problems with this Mechanism

*  Space Problem
*  Solu6on : use registers
*  We have a limited number of registers
*  We cannot pass more than 16 arguments
.foo: *  Solu6on : Use memory also
add r2, r0, r1
.main: *  Overwrite Problem
mov r0, 3
mov r1, 5 *  What if a func6on calls itself ? (recursive call)
call .foo
add r3, r2, 10 *  The callee can overwrite the registers of the caller
*  Solu6on : Spilling

11 12

Register Spilling Spilling
*  The no6on of spilling
*  The caller can save the set of registers its needs Caller Caller

*  Call the func6on Save registers

Callee Callee
*  And then restore the set of registers aAer the func6on returns Save registers

*  Known as the caller saved scheme

*  callee saved scheme Restore registers

Restore registers
*  The callee saves, the registers, and later restores them
(a) Caller saved (b) Callee saved

13 14

Problems with our Approach Activation Block

Activation block
*  Using memory, and spilling int foo(int arg1) { Arguments
solves both the space problem and overwrite int a, b, c; Return address
a = 3; b = 4;
problem c = a + b + arg1;
Register spill area

*  However, there needs to be : return c;

} Local variables
*  a strict agreement between the caller and the callee
regarding the set of memory loca6ons that need to be used
*  Ac6va6on block → memory map of a func6on
*  Secondly, aAer a func6on has finished execu6on, all the space
that it uses needs to be reclaimed arguments, register spill area, local vars

15 16

How to use activation blocks ? Using Activation Blocks - II
*  Assume caller saved spilling *  In the called func6on
*  Before calling a func6on : spill the registers *  Read the arguments and transfer to registers (if required)
*  Save the return address if the called func6on can call other
*  Allocate the ac6va6on block of the callee func6ons
*  Write the arguments to the ac6va6on block of the callee, if *  Allocate space for local variables
they do not fit in registers *  Execute the func6on
*  Call the func6on *  Once the func6on ends
*  Restore the value of the return address register (if required)
*  Write the return values to registers, or the ac6va6on block of the
*  Destroy the ac6va6on block of the callee
17 18

Using Activation Blocks - III Organising Activation Blocks

*  Once the func6on ends (contd …) *  All the informa6on of an execu6ng func6on is stored in its
*  Call the ret instruc6on
ac6va6on block

*  and return to the caller *  These blocks need to be dynamically created and destroyed
– millions of 6mes
*  The caller :
*  What is the correct way of managing them, and ensuring
*  Retrieve the return values from the registers of its ac6va6on their fast crea6on and dele6on ?
*  Is there a paeern ?
*  Restore the spilled registers
*  con6nue ...

19 20

Pattern of Function Calls Pattern of Function Calls
test test2
*  Last in First Out
main foo foobar foobarbar
*  Use a stack to store ac6va6on blocks
test2() {
main() {
test() {
... ...
foo(); test2(); return; foo foo foo foo
} return; }
foobar foobar foobar
foo() { foobar() { foobarbar() {
... ... ...
foobar(); foobarbar(); foobarbar
return; return; return;
} } }

21 (a) (b) (c) (d) 22

Working with the Stack What has the Stack Solved ?

*  Allocate a part of the memory to save the stack
*  Space problem
*  Tradi6onally stacks are downward growing. *  Pass as many parameters as required in the ac6va6on block
*  The first ac6va6on block starts at the highest address
*  Overwrite problem
*  Subsequent ac6va6on blocks are allocated lower addresses
*  Solved by ac6va6on blocks
*  The stack pointer register (sp (r14)) points to the beginning of an
ac6va6on block *  Management of ac6va6on blocks
*  Alloca6ng an ac6va6on block : *  Solved by the no6on of the stack

*  sp ← sp - <constant> *  The stack needs to primarily be managed in soAware

*  De-alloca6ng an ac6va6on block :
*  sp ← sp + <constant>
23 24

call and ret instructions Recursive Factorial Program

call .foo ra ← PC + 4 ; PC ← address(.foo);

ret PC ← ra
int factorial(int num) {
if (num <= 1) return 1;
return num * factorial(num - 1);
*  ra (or r15) ß return address register }
void main() {
*  call instruc6on }
int result = factorial(10);

*  Puts pc + 4 in ra, and jumps to the func6on

*  ret instruc6on
*  Puts ra in pc
25 26

Factorial in SimpleRisc nop instruction

cmp r0, 1 /* compare (1,num) */
beq .return
bgt .continue *  nop → does nothing
b .return
sub sp, sp, 8 /* create space on the stack */ *  Example : nop
st r0, [sp] /* push r0 on the stack */
st ra, 4[sp] /* push the return address register */
sub r0, r0, 1 /* num = num - 1 */
call .factorial /* result will be in r1 */
ld r0, [sp] /* pop r0 from the stack */
ld ra, 4[sp] /* restore the return address */
mul r1, r0, r1 /* factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1) */
add sp, sp, 8 /* delete the activation block */
mov r1, 1
mov r0, 10
call .factorial
27 28

Encoding Instructions Basic Instruction Format
5 27
*  Encode the SimpleRisc ISA using 32 bits. opcode rest of the instruction
*  We have 21 instruc6ons. Let us allot each instruc6on an
unique code (opcode)

Inst. Code Format Inst. Code Format
add 00000 add rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) lsl 01010 lsl rd, rs1, (rs2/imm)
Instruction Code Instruction Code Instruction Code sub 00001 sub rd, rs1, (rs2/i mm) lsr 01011 lsr rd, rs1, (rs2/imm)
add 00000 not 01000 beq 10000 mul 00010 mul rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) asr 01100 asr rd, rs1, (rs2/imm)
sub 00001 mov 01001 bgt 10001 div 00011 div rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) nop 01101 nop
mod 00100 mod rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) ld 01110 ld rd.imm [rs1]
mul 00010 lsl 01010 b 10010
cmp 00101 cmp rs1, (rs2/imm) st 01111 st rd. imm[rs1]
div 00011 lsr 01011 call 10011 and 00110 and rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) beq 10000 beq offset
mod 00100 asr 01100 ret 10100 or 00111 or rd, rs1, (rs2/imm) bgt 10001 bgt offset
cmp 00101 nop 01101 not 01000 not rd, (rs2/imm) b 10010 b offset
and 00110 ld 01110 mov 01001 mov rd, (rs2/imm) call 10011 call offset
or 00111 st 01111 ret 10100 ret

29 30

0-Address Instructions 1-Address Instructions


*  nop and ret instruc6ons opcode


5 27

32 *  Instruc6ons – call, b, beq, bgt

*  Use the branch format
*  Fields :
5 *  5 bit opcode
*  27 bit offset (PC rela6ve addressing)
*  Since the offset points to a 4 byte word address
*  The actual address computed is : PC + offset * 4
31 32

3-Address Instructions Register Format
*  Instruc6ons – add, sub, mul, div, mod, and, or, lsl, lsr, asr
opcode 0 dest reg src reg1 src reg2
*  Generic 3 address instruc6on op I rd rs1 rs2
*  <opcode> rd, rs1, <rs2/imm> 5 1 4 4 4
*  Let us use the I bit to specify if the second operand is an *  opcode → type of the instruc6on
immediate or a register.
*  I bit → 0 (second operand is a register)
*  I = 0 → second operand is a register
*  dest reg → rd
*  I = 1 → second operand is an immediate
*  source register 1 → rs1
*  Since we have 16 registers, we need 4 bits to specify a register
*  source register 2 → rs2

33 34

Immediate Format 2 Address Instructions


opcode 1 dest reg src reg1 immediate *  cmp, not, and mov
op I rd rs1 imm
2 *  Use the 3 address : immediate or register formats
5 1 4 4 modifier bits 18
*  Do not use one of the fields
*  opcode → type of the instruc6on
*  I bit → 1 (second operand is an immediate)
*  dest reg → rd
*  source register 1 → rs1
*  Immediate → imm
*  modifier bits → 00 (default), 01 (u), 10 (h)

35 36

cmp, not, and mov Load and Store Instructions
*  ld rd, imm[rs1]
cmp 00101 I rs1 rs2 / imm

5 1 4 4 18 *  rs1 → base register

32 *  Use the immediate format.
mov 01001 I rd rs2 / imm

5 1 4 4 18
ld rd, imm[rs1] 01110 1 rd rs1 imm
5 1 4 4 18
not 01000 I rd rs2/ imm

5 1 4 4 18

37 38

Store Instruction Store Instruction

*  Strange case of the store inst. *  Let us make an excep6on and use the immediate format.
*  st reg1, imm[reg2] *  We use the rd field to save one of the source registers
*  has two register sources, no *  st rd, imm[rs1]
register des6na6on, 1 immediate
*  Cannot fit in the immediate format, because the second operand
can be either be a register OR an immediate (not both) 32

st rd, imm[rs1] 01111 1 rd rs1 imm

5 1 4 4 18

39 40

Summary of Instruction Formats Source:

Format Definition
branch op (28-32) offset (1-27)
register op (28-32) I (27) rd (23-26) rs 1(19-22) rs 2(15-18)
immediate op (28-32) I (27) rd (23-26) rs 1(19-22) imm (1-18) Computer Organisation and Architecture
op → opcode, offset → branch offset, I → immediate bit, rd → destination register
rs1 → source register 1, rs2 → source register 2, imm → immediate operand Smruti Ranjan Sarangi,
IIT Delhi

*  branch format → nop, ret, call, b, beq, bgt

Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer
*  register format → ALU instruc6ons Architecture
*  immediate format → ALU, ld/st instruc6ons

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Computer Organisation and Architecture

Smruti Ranjan Sarangi,
IIT Delhi

Chapter 3- Assembly Language

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