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Palumbanes Island is regarded as the leading tourism destination in Caramoran,

Catanduanes. Palumbanes island are naturally attractive tourist destination in with their

beautiful sunset and white sand. Facebook is the most popular social network with 1.55

billion montly users 89% of facebook users are millenials 42 % of facebook users

published more travel related post than any other topic, it is considered as the king of

social media especially in the tourism industry. Marketers in the tourism business still

need to better understand the potential or actual of social media as a marketing

communication tool.

Many marketers are still thinking that this is pre-mature time to act understanding

of the influence of social media in promoting business. Moreover, the great opportunities

in the tourism industry in Palumbanes are not yet fully exploited and in the city has

undergone several changes and improvement which need to brought to the attention of

the Caramoranons. (Shimp 2012:403).

According to Lindmila Kazak, social media have huge impact in all walks over

lives tourism industry is no exceptions. We often rely on social network to learn about

new travel destinations and plan trips. This also influences our peer decisions about

future trips. Social media play a big role in tourism, especially in decision making,

Marketing campaigns creation and communication with customers.

Facebook is the one of the social media platforms who is very common. Many

features in Facebook that we can discover. A lot of information, a lot of ideas to share to

others. Social media tools are changing the way people communicate. Advances in

mobile technology have made social media accessible, allowing to become a part of

people’s daily lives and routine, (Mangold & Faulds, 2009).

The tourism is the one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In reference

to Pforr and Hosie. The influence of facebook can help In progressing tht tourism

industry here in Caramoran, tourism industry should implement a platform regarding to

the promotion of Palumabanes Island. This study aimed to assess the influence of

Facebook to promote Palumbanes Island and the progress of tourism Industry.


This study aims to determine the “Influence of Facebook to promote Palumbanes

Island’s Marketability”.

Here are some questions that the researcher will answer:

1. What are the benefits of Facebook in progress of tourism in Caramoran to

promote Palumbanes Island?

2. What marketing strategies can use to promote Palumbanes Island using

3. Is there a significance relationship between the benefits of Facebook and

marketing strategies to promote Palumbanes Island?


This study will benefits the following:

Residence of Palumbanes – this study will enhance the tourist destination in Palumbanes

Island and how to use of social media. Can able to handle the situation in their Island.

Officials – They will get a great value for this research and make any marketing plans to

develop their municipality.

Community – can guide about the issues and other information. To access better services

and improve the tourism industry.

Tourism Industry – can able to add some platform implemented to their municipality.

Marketers – can able to have an idea to develop their marketing product.

Facebook user – can guide about the benefits of Facebook to the promotion.
Researchers – the researcher will plan to implement a strong communication plan and go

directly on organization. The can also be able to guide by their research.


The focus of this study is the influence of Facebook. Because nowadays the huge

impact of Facebook helps a lot in the way of promoting any tourism industry in terms of

creating any popular marketability. Facebook is one of the most common social platform

have more influencer. It can help to communicate to others.


Its delimitations are in the promotion of Palumbanes Island. We will study the

promotion of Palumbanes in order to be progress the Tourism in Caramoran. We will

study the tourism industry to the promotion of tourist destination in Caramoran, regarding

to the platform they implement in municipality to develop the Palumbanes Island and

enhance the Tourism Industry.


This study is limited to existing law which can lead(s) to penalty in the island of

Palumbanes. Because penalty is a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rules or

contract and the Law is the discipline and professioned concerned with the customs and

rules conduct of a community that are recognized as binding by the community.

Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority.It is part of our

research but will not be studied because it cannot be controlled.


The benefits of Facebook will promote the Palumbanes Island and it will progress

the tourism by the influence of Facebook. It will influence the tourism to implement other

platform regarding to the promotion of Palumbanes Island.

The Palumbanes Island will enhance their marketing products with the influence

of marketing strategies and with the use of facebook were transportation of all the

information is convenient because of internet. There are so many marketing strategies can

we use to promote Palumbanes Island using Facebook, Using SMS chat can we use, live

chat is the platform of choice for customers looking to communicate with a company they

do business with.

The benefits of facebook and marketing strategies to Palumbanes Island will

improve their Island to be one of the primary destination in Caramoran and have more

tourist come and explore the product that Palumbanes have. More tourist will be

encourage to see the beauty of Palumbanes Island. Through this research as it enhance

the marketability of the Palumbanes Island, people were able to find the hidden beauty of

Caramoran Rural Development High School

Caramoran, Catanduanes



Submitted by:

John Francis Dominguez

Rochell Trilles

Johnry Zuniega

Aldwin Rafael Miraran

Submitted to:

Mr. Francis Ternida

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