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Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year

Name: Valerie Nixon Author: Self-Evaluation

Job Title: Date: Mar 28, 2020 8:45 PM EDT
School: Poland Regional H S

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PART 1 - Auto-populated from initial form

My professional growth goal is...
To increase my familiarity with Photoshop, enabling me to offer it to a larger group of students.
This will allow students to have more choices and differentiation.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

What core proposition and standard does this goal align with?
Core Proposition 1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Standard Indicator 1.1. Understanding of Students.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

How will attainment of my goal be measured?

Completion of 3 projects normally assigned to students with the intent of using GIMP.
Notes that would support these three projects if Photoshop is used that could be shared with students.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Describe the methods/strategies/activities that will be used to accomplish my

I intend to meet with a supportive group of colleagues to learn how to use Photoshop collectively.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

What resources or support will be needed to reach my goal?

Colleagues who are interested in exploring Photoshop, Time to meet together, tutorial videos offered through adobe photoshop
and youtube.

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Administrator Comments
As discussed. Looks good!

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

PART 2 - Auto-populated from Mid-Year Goal Form

Evidence of Progress: Ongoing (mid year)

I have met with a small group of colleagues to explore Photoshop. I have completed several basic projects and modified
instructions to address those using photoshop for 3 projects. I am also still exploring some of the more complicated projects -
such as double exposure images using photoshop.
This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Attachments: Photoshop Notes 2019 - Mar 28, 2020 8:57 PM EDT - uploaded by Valerie Nixon
Samples of work and notes from meetings exploring photoshop
Assignments with Photoshop - Mar 28, 2020 8:58 PM EDT - uploaded by Valerie Nixon
Assignments with instructions that have been modified to address how to use Photoshop.
Assignments with Photoshop - Mar 28, 2020 8:58 PM EDT - uploaded by Valerie Nixon
Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Sat Mar 28 21:08:45 EDT 2020 1
Assignments with instructions that have been modified to address how to use Photoshop.
How to Use Photoshop - Mar 28, 2020 9:01 PM EDT - uploaded by Valerie Nixon
Basic instructions on how to open, use, and save work in Photoshop.

Mid-Year Administrator Comments

This answer is populated from your initial goal form

Professional Growth Goal Reflection and Summary: Due May-June

Please note that I have attached documentation of the work completed this year above. I believe I met my goal as best as
humanly possible. I was able to spend time with colleagues in addition to finding time independently to address various projects
I currently use through use of Photoshop. I was also able to take advantage of a number of tutorials offered through YouTube.

My barrier is the fact that every few weeks Photoshop is revised/updated. So various aspects that are either subtle or large
change quite regularly. I believe that the documents I created allow more students to participate and give me stronger footing
for the next time I teach Computers in Art. At the same time, it has become clear that the only way to provide strong guidance in
this area is to be using this program on a regular basis.
Reflect upon your progress towards your professional growth goal. Did you meet your goal? If so, what led to your success within
this goal? If not, describe the barriers/challenges that led to your inability to meet your goal.

Having knowledgeable colleagues to banter back and forth with in addition to already having strong assignments to work from
were helpful.
What methods/strategies/activities or resources and support did you find to be most helpful toward achieving your goal? If your
goal was not met, what methods/strategies/activities or resources and support could potentially have helped you meet your goal?

It is quite possible that I will continue to expand on this next year. There is always room to grow in this area as the tools are
constantly changing.
How will your progress within this goal influence your professional growth-setting goal for next year?

Teacher Signature
Valerie Nixon (signed by Valerie Nixon on 2020-03-28 21:08)

Administrator Comments

Administrator Signature
- no signature -

Professional Learning Goal Form - End-Of-Year - Sat Mar 28 21:08:45 EDT 2020 2

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