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Enrichment Activities for P14 Students 

These are the tasks that I would love for you to do on the daily bases: 
1. Reading Log: Read for 30 minutes, Answer Comprehension Questions 
a. Fiction 
■ Who are the characters? 
■ Where and when does the story take place? 
■ What is the problem? 
■ How was the problem solved? 
■ What do the characters feel? 
b. Non-Fiction 
■ What is the story all about (main idea)? 
■ What are the key details that support the main idea? 
■ What is the author’s point of view (opinion about the topic)? 
■ What is the author’s purpose (persuade, inform, entertain)? 
2. Math Fluency Folder or Flashcard Practice 
3. Journal Write: Answer the following questions/prompts on a separate piece of paper. This will help you practice narrative, 
informational, and opinion writing. 
a. Prompts: 
■ Should schools have school uniforms? Explain why or why not. 
■ Choose an experience during spring break to write a story about. (Remember: You are the main character)  
■ Write about how to stay healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. Make sure to include details.  
4. 2 Enrichment Activities: Choose 2 activities to do in the chart below. Pick one blue box and one purple box per day. Cross the 
boxes you’ve completed to help you know which ones are already done.  
For those of you who complete and bring all your completed assignments when we return to school, you are able to earn an incentive 
for practicing the skills and strategies we learned in class. 
Enrichment Activities for P14 Students 
Directions: Choose 2 activities to do per day from the chart below. Pick one blue box and one purple box per day. Show your work on 
a piece of paper. Make sure to write the number of the question down next to your answer, so you and I know what problems you did. 
Cross the boxes you’ve completed to help you know which ones are already done. 
1  2  3 
On a piece of paper, create a  On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, solve the problem using 
multiplication / division / addition /  following questions:  the 4 box strategy: 
subtraction (choose an operation) word  1. If the prefix un- means “not,” what does  Enrique went to the store to buy some chicken 
the word untouch mean?  wings for his family. There are 8 people in his 
problem for a classmate to solve. Create 
2. Create a list of 10 words with the prefix  family. 7 of them can eat 5 wings each and 1 
an answer key on a separate sheet of  un-.  person can eat 10 wings. How many chicken 
paper.  3. Then, create a sentence using one of  wings does Enrique need to buy? 
the words. 

4  5  6 
On a piece of paper, compare and Contrast 2  On a piece of paper, write ten two-digit  On a piece of paper, write a story about your 
of your favorite books using a double-bubble  addition problems. Next, solve the  day to share with your teacher. Include a 
map or venn diagram.   problems and highlight or circle the  beginning, middle, and an end. 
  Remember a story must include: 
Compare means to find similarities between 2  ● Characters 
  ● Setting 
  Example:   ● Problem 
Contrast means to find differences.  1. 22 + 15 = 37  ● Solution 
● Events 

7  8  9 
On a piece of paper, solve the problems  On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, round the numbers to 
using any strategy. Make sure to show  following questions:   the nearest ten. 
your work.  1. What is the problem?  1. 18 
2. What is the solution?  2. 25 
1. 86 + 27 = ____________ 
On Friday afternoon, the doorbell rang. Ricky  3. 32 
2. 49 + 32 = ____________  ran to the front door to see if his package 
3. 60 + 19 = ____________  4. 58 
arrived. He was so excited that he threw open  5. 127 
4. 153 + 27 = ___________  the door. He didn’t even think about his dog, 
Then, round the numbers to the nearest 
5. 235 + 52 = ___________  Shadow. Shadow darted out the door. He was 
6. 644 + 48 = ___________  down the street in a blink of the eye. Luckily, 
the mailman noticed the dog as it sprinted 
6. 155 
7. 212 + 107 = __________  7. 287 
8. 557 + 299 = __________  past him. The mailman chased after Shadow, 
grabbed his collar, and walked him back to  8. 315 
9. 1,053 + 127 = ________  9. 849 
Ricky. Phew, that was close! (adapted from 
10. 3,456 + 780 = ________    10. 1,233 
10  11  12 
On a piece of folder paper answer the  On a piece of paper, write the numbers in  Visualize what is happening in this 
following questions:   expanded form, word form, and base-ten  passage. Then, draw a picture of what 
1. What point of view is this being told  form.  you see:  
in?  1. 245   Last year, Tyler and I went to the Japanese 
2. How do you know? Look for text  2. 605  Portland Garden in Oregon. It was so 
evidence.  3. 129  peaceful with not a sound but the 
  4. 555  waterfall flowing down into the pond. The 
The hare wanted to win the race so badly,  5. 824  flowers were vibrant and bright. My most 
but he knew the tortoise was slow. So, he  6. 1, 117  favorite was the cherry blossoms, pink as a 
decided to take his time. In the end, the  7. 2, 240  baby’s tongue. There were also little koi 
8. 3, 235 
tortoise won. He was determined and  fishes all different with patterns of yellow, 
9. 4, 126 
kept pushing forward.  red, orange, and black.   
10. 5, 438 

13  14  15 

On a piece of paper, draw arrays to help  On a separate piece of paper, create a  On a piece of paper, answer the following 
you solve for the following division  storyboard by drawing pictures and write  problem. Use any strategy to help you.  
problems:  text explaining what is happening for each   
  picture.  If Ms. Fabro went to the store at 8:32 AM 
1. 81 divided by 9  and spent 27 minutes, what time will she 
  be finished? 
2. 27 divided by 3   
3. 56 divided by 7 
Make sure to solve for the answer. 

16  17  18 

On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a separate piece of paper, identify  On a piece of folder paper, answer the 
following questions:  which number is greater?  following questions: 
1. If the prefix re- means “again or  1. 367 or 376  1. If the suffix -ful means “full of or 
back,” what does the word rebuild  2. 1,543 or 999  having,” what does the word 
mean?  3. 2,765 or 2756  hopeful mean? 
2. Create a list of 10 words with the  4. 4,321 or 1,234  2. Create a list of 10 words with the 
5. 8,909 or 9,808 
prefix re-.  suffix -ful.  
6. 27 or 17 
3. Then, create a sentence using one  3. Then, create a sentence using one 
7. 389 or 398 
of the words.  of the words. 
8. 5,999 or 5,790  

19  20  21 
On a piece of paper, answer the following  On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, use the distributive 
questions:  following questions:  property to solve the for the unknown for 
  1. If the prefix mis- means “wrong or bad,”  each equation. 
Identify the missing number in the pattern.  what does the word misplace mean? 
1. 9 x 8 = n 
1. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, _____, 16, 18  2. Create a list of 10 words with the prefix 
2. 25, 30, 35, _____, 45, 50, 55  mis-. 
2. 12 x 4 = p 
3. 12, 18, _____, 30, 36, 42  3. Then, create a sentence using one of  3. 18 x 5 = s 
4. 24, 40, _____, 56, 64, 72  the words.  4. 22 x 3 = t 
5. 9, ____, 27, 36, ____, 63, 72, 81, 90  5. 30 x 4 = w 

22  23  24 

On a piece of paper, combine the  On a separate piece of paper, write the  On a piece of paper, write about the 
predicates in these sentences. Write the new  commutative property or turn around  weather. Choose your favorite kind of 
sentences.   method for each equation. Then, solve for  weather. Draw a picture showing that 
1. Kathy was tired. Kathy wanted her  the unknown.   weather. Then write five sentences to 
lunch.   1. 4 x 5 = n  describe your picture.   
2. She turned smoothly in the water. She  2. 7 x 3 = p 
headed for the other end of the pool.  
3. 9 x 8 = r 
3. Jake wanted to win. Jake hoped to 
4. 2 x 6 = s 
set records.  
5. 8 x 7 = w 
4. Olivia won many races. Olivia got 
many awards. 
6. 6 x 6 = m 
5. Noah practiced as much as possible.  7. 1 x 7 = q 
Noah competed with stronger  8. 4 x 9 = k 
swimmers.  9. 5 x 8 = a 
10. 7 x 6 = v 

25  26  27 

On a piece of paper, draw your own shape to  Think about your favorite food or dish.  Ms. Galario did a survey to see who likes 
represent the following fractions:  Using your 5 senses, create a paragraph  cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, or vegetable 
1. ½ = one-half  describing it. Your paragraph must be at  pizza better.   
2. ¾ = three-fourth   
least 3 to 5 sentences long. Don’t forget to 
3. = one-sixth  These were her results: 
4. ⅝ = five-eighths 
use descriptive or colorful words so that  ● Cheese Pizza: 6 
5. = one-third  the reader can imagine or visualize what  ● Pepperoni Pizza: 11 
6. = two-thirds  you are talking about.  ● Vegetable Pizza: 4 
7. ⅞ = seven-eighths     
8. = three-fifths  Remember: Your five senses are see, hear,  On a piece of paper, create a bar graph to 
9. 1/9 = one-ninth  smell, taste, and touch.  show the data. Make sure to add a key to 
10. = two-fifths  show what the different choices are. 

28  29  30 
On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, answer the following  On a piece of paper, write about a time 
following questions:  problem.   where you had a problem. Explain what 
1. If the suffix -ly means “like or    the problem was, what you did to try and 
manner of,” what does the word  There are 11 baskets. Each basket has 8  solve it, and how the problem was solved. 
bravely mean?  eggs. If 3 eggs fell out of one basket, how   
2. Create a list of 10 words with the  many eggs are there now?  Also, explain if you think the problem could 
suffix -ly.     have been handled differently or better. 
3. Then, create a sentence using one    Or, do you think the problem was handed 
of the words.  Saige said there are 88 eggs now. Is her  correctly? 
answer right or wrong? How do you 
know? If wrong, solve for the correct 

31  32  33 

On a piece of paper, answer the following  Some people are courageous, shy, smart,  On a piece of paper, answer the following 
problem:  bossy, friendly, helpful, confident,  question. 
  stubborn, hardworking, boastful, kind, etc.   
Greg has 91 erasers, and Janelle gives him    Ms. Fabro has 8 chocolate kisses. She 
8 more. Greg gives each of his 9 friends an  On a piece of folder paper, describe  gives 2 away to her younger sister. Then 
equal number of erasers. How many  yourself. Think of 3 personality traits that  her 22-year-old sister went to the store and 
erasers does each friend get?  you think you are. Then, explain why you  bought her a bag of 22 more chocolate 
  chose these traits.  kisses. Ms. Fabro decides to share and 
There were 21 skiers waiting in line for the  give half of the total amount of chocolate 
ski lift. Three skiers can sit on each seat on  kisses to Ms. Galario. 
the lift. How many seats are needed for all   
the skiers?  How many chocolate kisses does Ms. 
Fabro have now?   

33  35  36 

On a piece of paper, write about who your  On a piece of paper, solve the problem  On a piece of paper, write about your 
favorite teacher is and explain why. Make  using the 4 box strategy:  favorite kind of pet or a pet you would like 
sure to come up with at least 3 different    to have. Complete this sentence. 
reasons.   Jade had 72 pencils to give away. She   
wanted to give each of her 8 friends an  The best kind of pet is ___________________. 
equal amount. How many pencils will   
each friend get? Create an equation.  Write a paragraph that supports your 
Then, solve for the unknown.  opinion.  

37  38  39 
On a piece of paper, answer the following  On a piece of paper, write the correct  Jade did a survey to see who likes the 
problem. Use any strategy to help you.   contraction for each pair of words. Choose 5  colors red, blue, or yellow better.  
  of the contraction words and use it in a   
If Ms. Galario went to the store at 9:45 AM  These were her results: 
1. Will not 
and finished shopping at 10:15 AM. How  2. Did not 
● Red: 12 
long did it take for her to buy groceries?  3. I am  ● Yellow: 7 
  4. She is  ● Blue: 10 
It took Ms. Galario ___________ minutes to  5. They will   
shop for groceries.  6. Do not  On a piece of paper, create a Tally Chart 
7. They are   to show the data. Make sure to add a key 
8. You are  to show what the different choices are. 
9. We will 
10. Should not 

40  41  42 

A plural word is more than one of a person, place,  On a piece of paper, solve the problems using  On a piece of paper, identify where the 
or thing. On a piece of paper, write and add an s to  any strategy. Make sure to show your work.  passage takes place: 
the end of each word to make it plural. Then  1. 86 - 27 = ____________ 
choose 5 words and create a sentence for each   
2. 49 - 32 = ____________ 
word.   As I walked in the door, I was amazed at 
1. Rabbit  3. 60 - 19 = ____________ 
4. 153 - 27 = ___________ 
the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it 
2. Horse  would be hard to decide what I would buy 
3. Nurse  5. 235 - 52 = ___________ 
6. 644 - 48 = ___________  with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked 
4. Bag 
5. Chair  7. 212 - 107 = __________  delicious, but they were expensive. The 
6. Rooster   8. 557 - 299 = __________  jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so 
7. Pencil  9. 1,053 - 127 = ________  colorful! With so much to choose from, I 
8. Teacher  10. 3,456 - 780 = ________  knew I would be here a long time. 
9. Table  (adapted from K12 Reader) 
10. Friend   1. Where is the passage happening? 

43  44  45 

On a piece of paper, create 5 equations  On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, use the distributive 
that show the Identity Property of  following questions:  property to solve the for the unknown for 
Multiplication.  1. If the suffix -er means “person, thing, or  each equation. 
comparing,” what does the word 
  1. 6 x 8 = n 
teacher mean? 
Then, create 5 more equations that show  2. Create a list of 10 words with the suffix 
2. 14 x 4 = p 
the Zero Property of Multiplication.  -er.   3. 20 x 5 = s 
3. Then, create a sentence using one of  4. 18 x 3 = t 
the words. 

46  47  48 
On a piece of paper, put and write two  On a piece of paper, answer the following  Fun with Words 
words together to make compound words.   problem. Use any strategy to help you.   Use the letters in each word to make at 
    least four smaller words.  
1. after + noon = ___________________  If Ms. Marissa went to the store at 8:35 AM   
2. bed + time = ___________________  and finished shopping at 11:30 AM. How  1. other 
3. birth + day = ___________________  long did it take for her to buy groceries?  2. done 
4. life + time = ___________________    3. picture 
5. home + work = ___________________  It took Ms. Marissa ___________ minutes to  4. favorite 
6. sun + set = ___________________  shop for groceries.  5. always 
7. week + end = ___________________  6. learn 
8. some + time = ___________________  7. again 
9. sun + flower = ___________________  8. work  
10. ear + phone = ___________________  9. school 
10. done   

49  50  51 

On a piece of paper, answer the following  On a piece of paper, make 10 words using  On a piece of paper, solve the problem 
questions:  all or at least 2 of the letters below. You  using the 4 box strategy: 
  can only use these letters. You cannot use   
Identify the missing number in the pattern.  the letter more than once.  Jason has 56 pokemon cards to give away 
1. 3, 6, 9, 12, ____, 18, 21    to his 7 cousins. How many pokemon 
2. 16, 20, 24, ____, 32, 36  A, E, T, C, H,   cards will each friend get? Create an 
3. 18, 24, 30, 36, ____, 48   equation. Then, solve for the unknown. 
4. 10, 20, 30, ____, 50, 60 70 
5. 11, 22, ____, 44, 55, 66, ____, 88 

52  53  54 

On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, solve the problem  Make a list of your favorite movie 
following questions:  using the 4 box strategy:  characters. Then put the names in list in 
1. If the prefix pre- means “before,”    alphabetical order.  
what does the word precaution  Part A: Jayna bought 12 boxes of cookies.   
mean?  Each box has 8 cookies inside. How many  Make a list of your favorite games. Then 
2. Create a list of 10 words with the  cookies does she have in all?  put the names in list in alphabetical order.  
prefix pre-.     
3. Then, create a sentence using one  Part B: If Jayna plans to give away 86  Make a list of your favorite foods. Then put 
of the words.  cookies, how many cookies will she have  the names in list in alphabetical order.  

55  56  57 
On a piece of paper, draw arrays to help  On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, solve the problem: 
you solve for the following division  following questions:   
problems:  1. If the suffix -ing means “action -  As soon as it was Spring, Elisa was ready to 
  present tense,” what does the word  see some flowers bloom. She planted a 
4. 42 divided by 6  feeling mean?  garden using 48 seeds. She then planted 8 
  2. Create a list of 10 words with the  rows with the same amount of seeds in 
5. 35 divided by 7  suffix -ing.   each row. How many seeds were in each 
  3. Then, create a sentence using one  row? 
6. 18 divided by 9  of the words. 
Make sure to solve for the answer. 

58  59  60 

On a piece of folder paper, answer the  On a piece of paper, solve the problem  On a piece of paper, give 3 examples of 
following questions:  using the 4 box strategy:  cause and effect relationships. 
1. If the prefix dis- means “away, part,     
or not,” what does the word  Part A: Jed gathered 120 sticks to build a  Here is an example: 
disappear mean?  mini fort. If one fort needs 60 sticks. How  ● Cause: There is a coronavirus 
2. Create a list of 10 words with the  many forts can Jed make with 120 sticks?  outbreak. 
prefix dis-.    ● Effect: Schools are closed. 
3. Then, create a sentence using one  Part B: Jane said Jed could make 60 forts. 
of the words.  Is she correct or wrong? Explain how she 
got her answer. If Jane is wrong, solve for 
the correct answer. 

For those of you who have internet and computer device access, here are other resources you can do to practice the skills and 
strategies we learned in class. Just be sure to log down what you do online on a piece of folder paper. Please try to complete at least 
2-4 lessons per day.  
Sites  Instructions 

iReady  1. Go to  
(Reading/Language  2. Username is your child’s Student ID Number 
Arts, Math)  3. The password is your child’s birthday. Example: If your child’s birthday is January 1, 2010, their 
password would be 01012010 

4. Click on the i-Ready icon  

5. If you are using an iPad, you will be redirected to the i-Ready Application. (Don’t forget to 
download the application before logging in with Clever). 

IXL  IXL should work on any laptop with an internet browser or tablet. If you are using a tablet (iPad, etc.) 
(Math, Language Arts,  NO APPLICATION must be downloaded. 
Science, and Social   
1. Go to 
2. Username is your child’s Student ID Number 
3. The password is your child’s birthday. Example: If your child’s 
birthday is January 1, 2010, their password would be 01012010 

Prodigy   1. Go to 
(Math)  2. Locate your child’s Prodigy Card for his or her username and password 


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