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Interpretation of the full blood count in systemic disease--a guide for the
physician. Author reply

Article  in  The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh · March 2014

DOI: 10.4997/JRCPE.2014.109 · Source: PubMed


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Mike Leach
University of Glasgow


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J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41
© 2014 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Interpretation of the full blood count in

systemic disease – a guide for the physician
M Leach
Consultant Haematologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Gartnavel Hospital, Glasgow, UK

ABSTRACT The full blood count (FBC) is perhaps the single most common Correspondence to M Leach
investigation performed in medical patients. It has the potential, when interpreted Department of Haematology
Leukaemia Research Lab
carefully and in relation to the clinical history, to provide very useful information Shelley Road
to assist in diagnosis and management. Clinicians are often alerted to the Gartnavel Hospital site
presence of a primary haematological disorder by abnormalities in the FBC. For Glasgow G12 0YN, UK
the purpose of this review these diseases will not be discussed in detail but the
reader will be alerted to pointers which might indicate primary blood disorders
throughout the text. The haematology laboratory in large teaching hospitals will
often provide up to 1,500 automated FBC analyses each day. These are
individually checked for ‘flags’ provided by the analyser which indicate values
outside the normal range. It is clearly essential that clinical information is
provided with the request as this will influence how the result is handled by
scientific and medical staff. Furthermore, significant abnormalities will generate
a blood film request and the report will be most useful when interpreted in light
of the patient’s working diagnosis. In cases where a diagnosis is not yet known,
even brief information on presentation, for example ‘collapse with hypotension’,

‘fever on return to UK’, ‘weight loss and anorexia’, can all be important and help
the lab provide clinicians with guidance.

This short review aims to provide physicians with a workable guide to the
interpretation of some of the commoner findings in the full blood count. Some
of these will be very familiar to you but some will not. This review is not meant
to be exhaustive as the rare minutiae will obscure the essential core material.
Your haematology colleagues are always happy to help and available for
assistance in difficult or problematic cases. I have not specified normal ranges in
relation to each entity as these will be defined by your local laboratory.

KEYWORDS Full blood count, infection, inflammation, neoplasia, anaemia,

systemic disease

DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS No conflicts of interest declared.

OVERVIEW but the MCV is rarely less than 70 fl and the serum
ferritin is normal. The thalassaemias and thalassaemia
Haemoglobin traits frequently cause microcytosis and hypochromia
but the serum ferritin is normal. If thalassaemia trait is
Anaemia is a common finding in medical patients. It is suspected in the presence of a low ferritin it is important
best characterised in relation to the mean cell volume to correct the iron deficiency before requesting a
(MCV). The important causes of microcytic anaemia haemoglobinopathy screen.
(MCV <80 fl) are outlined below in order of frequency.
In the presence of microcytosis with hypochromia (low The finding of a macrocytic anaemia/macrocytosis is also
mean cell haemoglobin [MCH]) it is essential to check a of diagnostic importance. The differential diagnosis is
serum ferritin assay. A low serum ferritin is diagnostic of summarised in Table 2.
iron deficiency. Ferritin levels, however, can be elevated
in the acute phase response often in parallel to the A normochromic normocytic anaemia (MCV 80–100 fl)
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) so a normal is frequently present in hospitalised patients. It can result
ferritin does not exclude iron deficiency. A ferritin level from blood loss or may be a reflection of the effects of
over 100 ng/ml virtually excludes iron deficiency ongoing systemic infective, inflammatory, and neoplastic
regardless of circumstances. A mild microcytosis may be disorders and chronic organ failure, when it is known as
seen in anaemia of chronic disease (discussed below) anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) or anaemia of

Interpretation of the full blood count in systemic disease – a guide for the physician

TABLE 1 Causes of microcytic anaemia

Mean cell Mean cell Ferritin (ng/ Red blood Blood film History
volume (fl) haemoglobin ml) cell count
(pg/ml) (x1012/L)
Iron deficiency <80, Low Low (normal Low Target cells Bleeding
occasionally if acute phase Pencil cells
normal response)
Anaemia 70–80, often Normal Normal or high Low No specific Medical disease
chronic disease normal features
Thalassaemia/ Low, often Low Normal High Target cells Ethnic origin
trait 50–60 Poikilocytes
Tear drop cells
Nucleated red
blood cells
Lead poisoning Low or normal Normal Normal Normal Basophilic History of
stippling exposure
Rare red cell Low Normal Normal Low/Normal According to Congenital
disorders, e.g. condition

TABLE 2 Causes of macrocytic anaemia

Full blood count Blood film History Investigation

Vitamin B12 May cause Oval macrocytes Pernicious anaemia B12 assay
deficiency pancytopenia Ileal surgery Intrinsic factor Ab
Folate deficiency May cause Oval macrocytes Diet Serum folate
pancytopenia Coeliac disease TTG Ab
Duodenal Bx
Liver disease Thrombocytopenia Regular macrocytes Alcohol According to history
Target cells Hep B, C,
Hypothyroidism Normal WBC and Unhelpful Thyroiditis According to history
platelets Radiotherapy
Hereditary Normal Hb Unhelpful Family history HFE gene studies
haemochromatosis Mild macrocytosis Ferritin
Transferrin saturation

Drug therapy Variable Unhelpful Azathioprine According to history

Folate antagonists
Haemolysis with Anaemia Spherocytes Drugs Retic count
reticulocytosis Bite cells Systemic lupus Direct Coombs test
polychromasia erythematosus (SLE) Bilirubin
Lymphoma Haptoglobin
Myelodysplastic May cause Dysplastic neutrophils Exclude other causes Bone marrow (BM)
syndrome pancytopenia biopsy
Marrow cytogenetics

Plasma cell Anaemia Rouleaux Bone pain Immunoglobulins

dyscrasias Fractures Serum electrophoresis
Renal failure Serum free light chains
BM biopsy

J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41

© 2014 RCPE
M Leach

TABLE 3 Causes of polycythaemia

Type Red cell mass Plasma volume Erythropoietin level* Causes

Myeloproliferative Raised Normal Low Janus kinase 2 gene
disease (MPD) (JAK2) mutation
Secondary Raised Normal Normal Chronic hypoxia due
polycythaemia to cardiopulmonary
with hypoxia diseases, smoking, high
Secondary Raised Normal High Ectopic erythropoietin
polycythaemia (Renal tumours/cysts,
without hypoxia hepatic tumours,
fibroids, cerebellar
Spurious or Normal Reduced Normal Dehydration
apparent Diuretics
polycythaemia Alcohol
Erythropoietin levels are mainly of use in secondary polycythaemia due to ectopic production. In routine practice, levels in
the other groups are often normal.

inflammation (AI). These patients have a normal or this mutation will often mean that investigations such as

raised serum ferritin and normal reticulocyte count and blood volume studies and erythropoietin levels are not
do not respond to iron replacement therapy. In parallel, necessary. Polycythaemia is relatively frequently seen as
it is common to find elevated polyclonal gammaglobulins a sole abnormality of the full blood count in medical
and raised ESR or C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients in the circumstances outlined in Table 3
inflammatory and infective disorders, respectively. In any (compared with primary polycythaemia). In many
patient with such an anaemia and raised ESR it is clearly patients the cause will be obvious but in others the
important to perform serum electrophoresis to exclude finding may be unexpected.
a paraprotein and possible plasma cell dyscrasia. The
anaemia in ACD will only respond to effective
management of the underlying disorder though in renal Changes in peripheral leucocyte count can be highly
anaemia with erythropoietin deficiency it will often informative in medical practice and the cell line involved
respond to erythropoietin replacement. Anaemia of can be specific to certain scenarios.
chronic disease is a secondary anaemia that results from
cytokine-mediated suppression of bone marrow Neutrophilia is commonly seen in patients with bacterial
erythroid activity and shortened red cell lifespan. When infection. The most severe infections are associated with
present, it should always lead the physician to consider more marked neutrophilia and often a degree of myeloid
its cause. It is an important anaemia to recognise as in left shift (the presence of immature myeloid cells in
some patients it can be the first manifestation of an peripheral blood) with ‘toxic’ neutrophil granulation.
occult tumour. The anaemia resolves when the tumour Neutrophilia may also be seen in non-infective disorders.
is excised. It is a common response to steroid therapy, severe
exercise, and following surgery or splenectomy, but can
Polycythaemia (abnormal high haemoglobin and also occur in systemic vasculitis, in the presence of tissue
haematocrit) may be the result of a primary necrosis/burns, and as a response to certain tumours
myeloproliferative disorder (MPD), particularly if (summarised below).
associated with neutrophilia, thrombocytosis, and
splenomegaly. Over 90% of patients with primary • Bacterial infection
polycythaemia and approximately 50% of those with • Steroid therapy
myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythaemia harbour a • Post-surgery
mutation (V617F) in the Janus kinase 2 gene (JAK2) • Extreme exercise
which renders haemopoietic cells more sensitive to • Tissue necrosis
growth factors. This mutation can be detected by • Burns
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies on peripheral • Systemic vasculitis
blood and shows high specificity for myeloproliferative • Carcinoma
diseases so is very helpful in diagnosis. The presence of

38 J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41

© 2014 RCPE
Interpretation of the full blood count in systemic disease – a guide for the physician

Isolated neutropenia can be seen in connective tissue abruptly and resolves within a few days of the insult. Mild
disorders, particularly rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s lymphocytosis is also seen post-splenectomy and can
disease. It can be a result of drug therapy, e.g. clozapine, also be a result of smoking. A persistent significant
azathioprine, carbimazole, such that patients need lymphocytosis (lymphocyte count >6 x 109/L) requires a
careful regular monitoring when treated with these haematology opinion and exclusion of a chronic
agents. It is of course seen following cytotoxic lymphoproliferative disorder.
chemotherapy. It is commonly seen following viral
infection e.g. Epstein-Barr virus infection, when it tends Lymphopenia is a common result of therapy with
to be mild and self-limiting. A sudden onset neutropenia steroids and other immunosuppressive agents, e.g.
can be seen in patients with overwhelming bacterial azathioprine. It is seen in advanced HIV infection, can be
infection and appears to be a poor prognostic sign. A a presenting feature in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma,
significant persisting neutropenia requires the opinion of and is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
a haematologist particularly in patients with cytopenias lupus, and sarcoidosis. Mild lymphopenia is a relatively
in other lineages. Mild chronic neutropenias not common finding in a routine FBC and in the absence of
associated with infection are reasonably common and any other specific symptoms should not trigger extensive
are sometimes referred to as benign idiopathic investigations. In my experience, the investigation of mild
neutropenia. Finally, Afro-Caribbean patients commonly isolated lymphopenia is rarely rewarding.
show mild neutropenia below the normal range seen in
Caucasians: this racial neutropenia should be recognised Monocytosis can be a feature in chronic infection with
as such and not generate unnecessary investigations. tuberculosis and syphilis, as part of the inflammatory
reaction in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and as
Eosinophilia is a much less common finding in clinical a response to certain carcinomas. A persistent
practice but the search for a likely cause is often monocytosis that is unexplained, particularly if associated
rewarding. Mild eosinophilia is common in patients with with anaemia or thrombocytopenia, may be a feature of

asthma, hayfever, and eczema but rarely exceeds 1.0 x myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders, so a
109/L. Some of the more common causes are listed in haematology assessment is advised in these cases.
Table 4.
TABLE 4 Causes of eosinophilia Thrombocytosis is commonly seen as a reactive
phenomenon in patients with active chronic infection,
Cause Condition inflammation, and malignancy. The longer the duration
Connective tissue Churg-Strauss syndrome of these disease processes, the more likely is
diseases Idiopathic eosinophilic thrombocytosis to become evident. These patients will
pneumonia often show an elevation in other inflammatory markers
Parasitic infections in parallel and the blood film tends to show small
Neoplastic Carcinoma
relatively uniform platelets with little variation in size.
T cell lymphoma Chronic bleeding and iron deficiency anaemia is
Hodgkin lymphoma frequently associated with thrombocytosis and it will
Myeloproliferative disorders resolve when the bleeding source and iron deficiency is
Myeloid and eosinophilic corrected. Reactive thrombocytosis, and the
leukaemias thrombocytosis seen after splenectomy, accounts for the
Allergy Asthma, hayfever, eczema majority of cases seen in general medical practice.
Drug hypersensitivity Thrombocytosis is also a feature of a number of
Food allergy myeloproliferative disorders, often in association with
abnormalities in the haemoglobin or platelet count.These
A few cases remain unexplained and were previously cases will not show elevation of inflammatory markers
known as hypereosinophilic syndrome but these and the blood film typically shows large platelets with
patients are increasingly rare now that molecular wide variation in individual size. As noted above, testing
diagnostics are able to characterise many of these as for the JAK2 mutation can be very helpful in diagnosis.
clonal eosinophilic leukaemias. These patients are at increased risk of vascular occlusive
events so it is important they are identified.
Lymphocytosis is commonly seen as a result of viral
infection often with a mild self-limiting neutropenia as Thrombocytopenia is seen in a myriad of medical
noted above. Stress lymphocytosis is a relatively common scenarios but it is important to establish that the
phenomenon in hospital patients and is precipitated by thrombocytopenia is real and confirmed on a blood film.
acute onset illnesses such as myocardial infarction, major Spurious thrombocytopenia can result from in vitro
trauma, and status epilepticus.The lymphocytosis appears platelet clumping in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41

© 2014 RCPE
M Leach

(EDTA)-anticoagulated specimens.This is an idiosyncratic SUMMARY

phenomenon seen in some patients and is not
associated with disease. The two main groups of The FBC can provide a wealth of important information
conditions causing true thrombocytopenia are firstly which can assist the physician in patient diagnosis and
those associated with increased platelet consumption management. It is essential to assess not only the
and secondly those causing bone marrow failure, as a current lab values but also to establish potential trends
result of primary haematological diseases, bone marrow over time and in relation to known diagnoses, surgical
infiltration, or fibrosis. The causes of consumptive interventions and drug treatment. The cause of many
thrombocytopenia are summarised in Table 5 and more abnormalities will be obvious but any unexpected
than one mechanism can be active in any individual findings need explanation. Not only will this assist in
patient so careful sequential investigation, in light of the achieving a prompt diagnosis in many patients but
clinical history, is essential. awareness of the common causes for each abnormality
might prevent unnecessary investigations in others.
TABLE 5 Causes of consumptive thrombocytopenia
Immune Idiopathic
Connective tissue disorders • Abnormalities in the full blood count may be
Drugs informative in all fields of medicine.
HIV infection
• Anaemia is a common finding in medical patients:
Systemic sepsis assessment of the cause of anaemia is essential
Viral infection in patient management.
Heparin • It is important to recognise common reactive full
Alcohol Acute intoxication blood count changes in patients presenting with
active systemic disease.

Hypersplenism Portal hypertension

• Certain reactive phenomena, e.g. eosinophilia
may help direct investigations to achieve a
Massive transfusion
specific diagnosis
Cardiac bypass procedures • Persisting abnormalities in the full blood count
Post transfusion purpura that remain unexplained should prompt an
Multiorgan failure opinion from a haematologist.
Microangiopathy Haemolytic uraemic
syndrome Further reading
Thrombotic 1 Hoffbrand AV, Pettit J, Moss P. Essential haematology. London: John
thrombocytopenic purpura Wiley and sons; 2011.
Haemolysis, elevated liver 2 Hoffbrand AV, Tuddenham EGD, Catovsky D et al. editors.
enzymes and low platelet Postgraduate haematology. London: John Wiley and Sons; 2011.
(HELLP) syndrome
Disseminated intravascular

40 J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41

© 2014 RCPE
Interpretation of the full blood count in systemic disease – a guide for the physician

1. Which ONE of the following is not associated 4. A 45-year-old fireman presents with progressive
with thrombocytopenia? numbness in his feet and some unsteadiness of
gait. He was noted to be mildly icteric. The full
A. Massive transfusion. blood count showed Hb 110 g/L, MCV 131 fl, WBC
B. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome. 4 x 109/L, platelets 120 x 109/L. Serum LDH was
C. Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome. 800 U/ml.
D. Essential thrombocythaemia.
E. Portal hypertension. Which ONE of the following would be an appropriate first
line of management?
2. Which ONE of the following is not characteristic
in a patient presenting with a collapse due to an A. Arrange imaging of the liver and biliary tree.
overwhelming bacterial infection? B. Arrange outpatient EMG studies and a neurology
A. Lymphocytosis. C. Check a serum B12 assay and commence intramuscular
B. Neutrophilia. B12 therapy.
C. Neutropenia. D. Request an outpatient haematology opinion.
D. Thrombocytopenia. E. Arrange MRI imaging of the brain and spinal cord.
E. Eosinophilia.
5. A 25-year-old man with a history of childhood
3. A 65-year-old male patient presents with a six- asthma presented with a six-week history of fever
week history of anorexia, weight loss, and and night sweats. Physical examination was
lethargy. He is noted to have a low grade fever. unremarkable. The full blood count showed Hb

The physical examination showed no specific 120 g/L, MCV 91 fl, WBC 11 x 109/L, neutrophils 5
findings. The full blood count showed Hb 90 g/L, x 109/L, lymphocytes 0.6 x 109/L, eosinophils 4 x
MCV 72 fl, WBC 9 x 109/L, platelets 600 x 109/L. 109/L, platelets 450 x 109/L.
Serum ferritin was 120 ng/ml, ESR was 50 mm/hr.
Gammaglobulins were diffusely increased. The Which ONE of the following is a priority investigation?
chest X-ray was normal.
A. Chest X-ray.
Which ONE of the following would be an appropriate B. Blood, urine and sputum cultures including investigations
management plan? for TB.
C. Serology and blood films for helminths.
A. Perform endoscopy and colonoscopy then give iron D. HIV serology.
replacement. E. Spirometry with reversibility.
B. Request a myeloma screen and skeletal survey.
C. Obtain urine, blood, and sputum for culture then
commence empirical antibiotic therapy.
D. Request a bone marrow biopsy for morphology This paper was originally published as part of the Haematology
and culture. module on the RCPE Online Education Portal. Specialty Modules
for continuing medical education, including the answers to these
E. Consider investigations for a systemic inflammatory/
questions, are available to Fellows and Members at http:/learning.
connective tissue disorder or occult neoplasm.

J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2014; 44:36–41

© 2014 RCPE
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