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Bachelor’s degree:
Foreign languishes mention didactic.
Ada Francisco.
José Luis Robles Morrobel.
Nagua, María Trinidad S. date.
Rep. Dom. 18/05/2019

At the moment that all readers have contact with this content, they will be able
to enjoy a great content developed in an essay mode, prepared by a server,
where the following information corresponding to the identification of the
educational center is shown:
The correct name of the educational center I am conducting my internship,
address of the center, historical Review of the Institution, Social Economic
Context, Objectives of the Institution, Policies of the Institution, Mission and
vision, Values of Institution, General Structure of the Organization (Organization
Chart) and SWOT Analysis of the Company or Institution.
All this content for the development of competences in the internship.
Specific objectives

The following are the specific objectives for this assignment:

That as a participant and future teacher you get the general and specific
knowledge of the model of educational centers that we have in the country.
That the participant identifies with his work field.
That I as a participant can identify with the educational system and hierarchical
organizational chart of the educational center.
That can successfully detect the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and
threats of the educational center and can provide constructive criticism for the
solution of problems.
That I seek at all times the orientation of the values, vision and mission in each
action at the time of developing the pedagogical intervention that rests under
my responsibility.
Development of activity.

the Lic. San José de Villa.

. This center is located in the San José de Villa neighborhood, 5th street No. 40
in the Nagua municipality, María Trinidad Sánchez province, and belongs to the
14th district of the 14-01 educational district.
This educational center, which in its beginning was a basic school, was created
in 1960, which was a small shack, then it was built of wood by the community
where Leticia López was the only teacher because the student population was
very small.
Already in the year 1965-1966 the government built it block had four (4)
classrooms and thus acquiring the name of San José de Villa this name.
It was put in honor to one of the founders of the called district Jose Villa, reason
why also the district takes the same name that the school.
The first director was Confessor Mercedes, who along with Leticia López and
Quenia Baez formed the teacher team in those years. The community
continued to grow and with it the student population for the year 1970 the
school was expanded with two pavilions and eight more classrooms, arriving
then a team of teachers such as: Israel Pérez, Denisis Lizardo Camilo Vargas
and Rita Gómez.
When the nuclearization of the school districts in the year 1978 -1979 happened
to be part of the nucleus number 4 with yielding in matancita for that then Angel
Pérez Liriano who was the director happened to be coordinator of the center
working with a group of teachers who were: Nelly Polanco, Gloria Fernández,
María Salome Tavera, Esperanza Veras, Cecilia, Almánzar, Ángela Florimon.
Currently this center has four (4) pavilions of two (2) levels with twenty-one
classrooms (21) four bathrooms (4), an address, a digital room, a dental
laboratory, a library, a cafeteria and a multipurpose court. In addition, it works
basic modality of adults and average modality of adults.
The student enrollment for this year 2015-2016 is 1, 230 students

At the time of assessing the socio-economic context in the school we have to

make an investigation with the school secretary I have concluded in the
following, socially parents, neighbor board, the father of the Most Holy Trinity
parish and other organizations of religious nature and / or sports always provide
support in extracurricular activities and routine, however in the economic aspect
the center does not have the support of the Minerd in its entirety to meet the
demand for teaching materials, infrastructure repairs and materials expendable
Mission. Form students for society. Integrated into its context, critics and
transformers of it, through quality education supported in the teaching-learning

View. Graduate students, individuals with the skills to continue their social and
professional development, able to create useful projects and make accepted
and relevant decisions in the processes of transformation of their socio-cultural

Values. Honesty, respect, responsibility, openness to change and self-criticism,

solidarity, order, faith.

Organizational chart of the educational center San José de Villa






Policies of the Lic. San José de Villa.

This educational center adopts policies no. 2 of the 10-year education plan
2008-2018 second edition revised on page no. 40 that says verbatim:
Consolidate, expand and diversify the level of Middle Education and the
modality of Adult Education of quality, with the objective of creating citizenship
and as a step to the labor market and / or to higher education.
It is a policy aimed at strengthening Middle Quality education, through the
design and implementation of a dynamic quality management education at this
level, innovative strategies and substantial investment in infrastructure,
equipment and use of the Information and communication technologies.
SWOT analysis applied to the san Jose de villa educational center.

STRENGTHS The school has a fairly extensive

scope with its adult modality
operating at night and its extended
modality, which makes it ideal for the
locality with many young people with
the need to work during the day and
study at night.
Walk an infra structure in good
Its access is positive for all students
both day and night because it is
located in the center of the sector that
bears the same name
WEAKNESSES the weaknesses are more noticeable
at night, not all teachers plan,
students do not have a habit of
punctuality, the lighting system is not
efficient despite having 24 hours of
electrical service, lack of personal
concierge, missing uniforms for
It allows the student to teach through
experiences such as:
Participation in reading competitions,
competitions in school marching
contests where this center won in
2015, recognition of annual student
merit, organization of televised dance

THREATS Areas with faults in the lighting inside

the center, entry and exit of people
who do not study in the center and
without identifying themselves, it is
common the presence of pests like
the mosquito.
I conclude by expressing in a simple way that when doing this activity you see
the subject of being a professor of a more defined angle and there is a lot of
understanding of where the orientation, the north and direction of every
educator should go, I also allowed myself to weigh the subject of the structure
of the educational enterprise and at the same time detect strengths and points
to take into account to suggest possible ways to strengthen them and achieve
the best results.
The files (resources of unit I) to the virtual platform.
Mural of principles and values of the night school San José de Villa.

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