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OSHO® Chakra Sounds Meditation™

This meditation uses vocal sounds to open and harmonize the chakras or
energy centers while bringing awareness to them. It can bring you into a deep,
peaceful, inner silence either through making your own vocal sounds, or by just
listening to the music and feeling the sounds within you.
The meditation can be done at any time of the day.
All chakras lie deep within, rather than on the surface of the body. The
following “map” is used to indicate their approximate locations:
      1. base chakra: the sex center, lower pelvis
      2. sacral chakra: just below the navel
      3. solar plexus chakra:  above the navel, below the breastbone
      4. heart chakra: the middle of the chest
      5. throat chakra: the throat
      6. third eye chakra: between the eyebrows
      7. crown chakra: top of the head
The meditation is to be done with its specific OSHO Chakra Sounds Meditation
music, which indicates and energetically supports the different stages.
For the music availability, see below.
The meditation lasts one hour and has two stages. The meditation is over when
you hear three gong beats. Your eyes remain closed throughout.
First stage: 45 minutes
Stand, sit comfortably, or lie down, keeping your back straight and your body
loose. Breathe into your belly rather than your chest. The sounds should be
made with your mouth open and your jaw loose, keeping your mouth open the
whole time.
Close your eyes and listen to the music; start with the first chakra and if you
wish, start making sounds – in a single tone or varying the tone. While listening
to the sound of the music or the sounds that you are making, feel the sounds
pulsating in the very center of the chakra. You can use your imagination to get
into it, if needed at first – and then feel the inner vibrations of that chakra.
You will hear the tones change to a higher pitch – now listen and feel sounds in
the second chakra, and continue making sounds if you wish. This process
continues all the way up to the seventh chakra. With each next chakra, let your
sounds become higher in pitch.
After you have reached the seventh chakra, the tones will go back down
through all the chakras, one at a time. As you hear the tones go down, listen
and make sounds in each chakra. Feel your body become like a hollow bamboo
flute, allowing the sounds to resonate from top to bottom.
At the end of the sequence, you will hear a pause before the next sequence
starts. The full sequence up and down is done three times altogether.
Second stage: 15 minutes
Sit or lie down and be silent. Watch whatever is happening within – relaxed,
without any judgment, remaining a witness.

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