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On July 17, 2006 a boy was born, and his name was Rashad J Simpson he was very special.

His parents’
names were January and July Simpson. He had two brothers and three sisters. When Rashad was born his
family became poor because they didn’t have enough money for diapers and baby food for the baby then
later on then they lost their home. When losing their house Rashad and his family were begging for food
on the streets, sometimes they were even hungry and cold. Five years later him and his family were so
hungry they told July to ask someone can they buy some food for his family. On a snowy day Rashad and
his father were passing a gas station and seen a sign for free lottery tickets. After they seen it, him and his
father went back to where they were living. His family was sitting while July told them the exciting news.
So his father and him went back to the gas station and his father told Rashad to go inside and sit while he
was giving the man at the register the numbers that he wanted on the ticket, and the man at the register
said if you win then you get the money. So, he said okay and the man at the register put the numbers in,
then the boy said how are we supposed to see the numbers if we don’t have a tv. Then the man at the
register said you can stay here at this gas station and wait until you see the news people announcing the
winning numbers. So, him and his father sat and waited but while they were waiting Rashad was praying.
Then It finally came on, after it came on the television then the Powerball announcers started announcing
the winning numbers. When they announced the last numbers Rashad and his father found out that they
have won. So the next morning they had to go pick up the money but the lottery station wanted the whole
family, so when the Simpson came to the station they had immediately greeted them and then gave his
family the check check with his name and the amount of money on it. It was Rashad’s father and mother
who had the money and they really wanted to buy the family a big house, so when they returned he said
to his family that they were now trillionaires and the family felt so blessed to have that kind of money,
so July told the family to leave the things that they have had during the time they were homeless. The
family went to the nearest car shop and bought a car, it was a car big enough to hold all of them. Then
the father had a surprise that he wanted to give to his family he went and bought and when they got
there, they saw a big mansion with 1000 acres of land. There were eight guest houses, four inside and
outside pools, and it came with a helicopter. when it was Rashad’s 14th birthday, and they were still
really rich for his birthday they decided to buy him some things and his father went to go get what he
wanted so when he arrived to the Dodge Dealership he bought Rashad his dream car which was the
Dodge Charger hellcat 2020. Then he went back home and by the time he got there they were done with
setting up his birthday party. It was year 2020 everybody was there then his mother had brought out his
car and his father also bought him some expensive jewelry which was an Aude mar Piquet, Richard
Milli, Cuban link chain, and Cartier glasses. After his birthday he wanted an allowance when he asked his
parents surprised Rashad with ten million dollars. Rashad wanted to go meet someone in Las Vegas, but
he didn’t want to go in a helicopter, he wanted to go in their private jet, so when he got there, he meet the
person and they started talking. After he was done talking Rashad got back on to the private jet and they
went back to Atlanta. Later that evening Rashad wanted to drive his car to his friend’s house and his dad
Said yes and when he left January got upset because July didn’t ask her if it was okay. when he got back
to the house his mother told him it was time to get his driver’s license permit.
After a few days Rashad has been wanting to buy another car, but his parents said no, and Rashad got
really mad and took his car and went to his friend’s house but when he got there, he called his parents and
told them he was sorry and didn’t mean to leave. Then on his way back home he remembered that his
parents wanted a computer and a new phone but never got a chance to get one, so he went to get the
Computer and phone and when he got it he went home and gave it to them as an apology gift, they
accepted it but told him he can’t drive none of his car’s for 2 months. He was okay with it because it was
going to be his 15th birthday and said alright and went to his room and slammed the door shut. He stayed
in his room for two days and only came out when it was time for him to eat. His mother said I know that
you have been wanting a car but what kind of car is it, and Rashad said it’s a Mercedes Benz G Wagon.
After the talk with January and Rashad, later on that evening January told July that she thinks that Rashad
could get the car he’s been wanting. Then the next morning July told Rashad to get dressed so they can go
somewhere and then Rashad said ok, they went in the Lamborghini and they went to the Mercedes
dealership and Rashad payed for the car in cash and as Rashad was purchasing the vehicle he had an idea
to buy another one for his mother but he would have to have it delivered in an hour and by the time they
got home it was ten minutes till one hour. Ten minutes later the car arrives and it’s pink, and the mother
came out to see what was happening and July told her that Rashad bought her a car two. But Rashad
didn’t tell his father that he bought him a car two, then a few minutes later as the people were showing
January how to work the car, July car came, and it was a Cadillac escalade 2020 brand new. When
December 20th came it was time to buy presents because the whole family was coming, and Rashad was
so happy to buy everyone presents. So, he went to the store by himself and bought $500,000 worth of
items and that was just for his parents. Then he went to another store just for his family and bought
$500,000 worth of items just for his family. After he shopped for his parents, he went to 500 stores all
around and spent $50,000,000 worth of items just for the rest of his family. So when Christmas came his
whole family came and it was time to open up the presents and in some of them there was $1,000,000 just
for each of his family members and in the rest of the presents there was phones and where they were
living I’ve sent their cars to their house and when it was time for them to leave when they arrived to there
house their cars were there. Once they have seen there presents that have arrived at their homes, they
immediately called me and my parents and said thanks. Then my siblings came late but I already had
there presents and gave it to them, I knew the had been struggling with money so in there presents there
was $10,000,000 for each of them. Then Rashad had another surprise and it was a new car for each of
them. That was the first ever Christmas that Rashad and his family ever got to spend time with their
family together and Rashad actually enjoyed it. But Rashad needed to get himself a present since he
didn’t get anything but as he was about to leave there was a truck with 6 new cars on it and that was my
Christmas gift from my parents so now I have reached my goal with 11 cars. But I also had another
present from my parents which was a new house but that’s where I’m going to live, and I will have a lot
of space for all of my cars. The new house has a 19-car garage and it has 12 rooms and 12 bathrooms. But
Rashad is also having his brothers live with him so that he won’t be alone. I love the house, but I also
have gone every weekend to see my parents. My brothers are currently married and I’m currently in a
relationship with a girl from Las Vegas and her name is Jaliyah I’m planning on letting her live with me
at my new house. I love my parents, but they are very overprotective about me since I am still 14 but my
birthday is next week. I am going to drive my rolls Royce that my parents bought for me on Christmas.
It’s been a week and I’m finally 15 in year 2021. I am going to finally drive my rolls Royce wraith and
not get pulled over because I was 15years old with a license. Rashad didn’t want anything, but July
wanted to surprise him with another car but this time it’s a Camaro 2020 on 34-inch wheels. These are the
biggest wheels that’s on any of my cars and Rashad told his dad thanks. Rashad brothers didn’t want
Rashad riding that car because It looked like it was going to be hard to steer and it could kill him.
But Rashad didn’t want to hear them saying that he can’t drive the car and was getting mad because they
keep on talking so Rashad left and went back home. His brother took his rolls Royce back to the house
because when they left Rashad’s house Rashad took his car with his brothers inside and so they took his
car back to the house, so it doesn’t have to stay at their parent’s house. So, when Rashad brothers got
back they had a talk to Rashad and Rashad listened to them and they made up and then they went out to
eat and went back home but Rashad still had to go back out because he wanted to go to his girlfriend
house and pick her up and go back to his house. Then when they got their Rashad parents were there with
a whole bunch of other people and they had a big party, but it wasn’t none of his family’s idea it was his
girlfriend idea. Then when it was over his parents left. While they were sleeping his girlfriend left some
of his money that he gave her and when Rashad woke up, she was gone. So, he went to her house and she
was there and when he knocked on the door and when she opened it, he asked her why she left and put the
money he gave her back on the dresser. So, after they talked, he asked her to do she want to move in, and
she said yes and so they had packed up her stuff and they left. So a few months later he went back to use
the car and when he got inside of it he drove off and got pulled over by a cop because he didn’t have his
license so he didn’t get a ticket but got a fair warning to not do it again that Then on his way home his
brothers called him and said they wanted to take his dodge charger hellcat because they wanted to go to
the movies with there wives and he said sure but make sure you fill up the gas tank and don’t leave the
car unlocked. So, when Rashad got back, they were gone but not to the movies they were gone to icebox
to buy some pendants for there wives and they took some of Rashad’s money. So, when they got back,
they told Rashad that they took some of his money and they were sorry and gave him back the keys for
his car. Then when they went upstairs that’s when Rashad left to go back out. So, when he went out, he
took his Lamborghini and left to go buy a yacht and another private jet plated in gold. Then when he got
back, he texted his whole family and told them that there going to have to choose to either go on the yacht
or the private jet to Las Vegas. But all of them wanted to go to Las Vegas and had a ball and when they
got back on the private jet, they all went back to Atlanta GA and went to sleep. While Rashad was asleep
his phone kept on buzzing because his mom kept trying to call him, when he finally woke up and
answered the phone his mother was crying and told him that his father passed away. When Rashad and
his brothers went over to their house their father was already wrapped up and being escorted out of the
house. Two weeks they had a funeral, and everybody was there. One-month later Rashad was moving
back to his mother’s house because she was there alone and didn’t have anyone there so that’s why he
moved back, and Rashad and his brothers was trying to figure out what to do with his cars. After their
mother was depressed and not eating or taking her medicine she passed away while she was at the
hospital. It was a year later when things started falling apart and Rashad didn’t know how to control his
siblings and Gary was starting to get into trouble and ended up in jail and Justin keep asking Rashad to
give him bail money so that he could get out of jail, but Rashad wouldn’t listen and money was just going
down the drain and Rashad tried to keep his siblings on a budget or he’ll just take the money even though
he still had over $599 billion left over and wanted to keep It just incase something happens and he has to
leave. Everything started happening with his siblings right after his parents pasted away. Every holiday
hasn’t been the same since they started acting crazy and getting into trouble and Rashad is the youngest,
he’s 16 years old and there all in their 30’s and up. Rashad had bought a two-floor house, and he’s taking
his vehicles and cloths and leaving tomorrow after noon. Today is Rashad’s moving day and him and his
girlfriend doesn’t want his brothers to know that there moving to where his sister’s live and leaving them
at there parents house. So, while they were on his private jet, he was thinking that what he’s doing is the
right thing to do. He hasn’t seen his sisters since both funerals and he’s excited to be moving some where
close to them. Once they had arrived at the new house, he was happy to not be where his brothers were. It
had seven rooms and six bathrooms, and a four-car garage and an extra long drive way that can hold eight
cars. When he got finished unpacking, he went straight to his sister’s house and told them he was stressed
because of his brothers and that he’s happy that he moved.
His sisters wanted him to come live with them, but he said no, and he asked was it because he’s home
alone with a girl and they said yes. After that he went back to the car and grabbed some money and went
back and gave it to them and said buy and he’ll see them tomorrow afternoon. They told him if he needed
them just call them. He said alright and went back to his car and went home. His girlfriend called him and
asked if he will pick up some food from a fast food place, he said yea but when he got home his sisters
were there. The next day he went back to his sister’s house just to say hi. When he got back home his
brothers was there because his sisters called them. The reason they called his brothers was because his
sisters wanted them to get along but who wants to argue with a 16 th year old. The sisters were trying to get
them to talk but then there brothers were about to leave and when they got into the car that’s when
Rashad told them he’s sorry that he didn’t tell them where and when he was moving so when he
apologized they said it was okay and said that their parents house was shut down and there is no lighting
and heat nor water. After that they asked if he could loan them some money but when they asked, he said
not until Monday because he has to go to the bank because it’s closed. So, they said okay and was about
to leave until Rashad asked if they wanted to spend a few nights until the banks open. But when he asked,
they stood for a while and then said yea and went inside. It’s been two days and he can finally go to the
bank so when he got dressed his girlfriend wanted to go with him so when she got dressed, they got into
the car and went to the bank. When they got there, they hurried up and got the money and went back to
the house, and when his brothers woke up, he gave them the money and after a few hours they left.
Rashad wanted to go to his sister’s house, but he didn’t because he didn’t know if they home. So, when he
got dressed, he went to the mall to get his sisters a couple of outfits and a bracelet, for valentines and he
got his girlfriend a couple of things as well. So, he called his sisters and told them to come over to the
house because he has something for them. When he got home his sisters was already there and he had one
more present for them that was big because his sisters had an old rusty car that all three of them ride in
together so Rashad surprised all three of them with an brand new red range rover. When he gave them the
clothes from the mall, he said just stay for a few more minutes and after a few minutes, they cars pulled
up and when they see it, they were in shock and so happy. After that he smashed their old car when the
new cars pulled up. He loved to see his family happy and not sad so when they left his girlfriend surprised
her with a dinner reservation, they were riding a luxury car. But that wasn’t it he also gave her a brand-
new Mercedes Benz G Wagon and when they got home, she had a surprise for him, and it was a Bugatti.
When he seen the car, he just had to start it up and drive it down the street in sports mode. After that night
then the next day he got up and the cops were outside, they wanted to know how old he was, and Rashad
said 17 and then the cops said ok your good to go. When Rashad went back in to the house he told his
girlfriend that it was weird for that cop to show up at this house and ask stupid questions, but his
girlfriend didn’t know what he was talking about. That night someone knocked on the door and when
Rashad opened the door it was another police officer asking him the exact same questions. So, Rashad
went to go see where Jaliyah was and when he finally found her, he told her to go down stairs and see
what that officer was talking about, but when she got to the door the officer was gone. That’s when things
got a little weird at the house. So, the next day his brothers came, and they said that Justin dressed up like
a cop and tried to scare him. So, when they Rashad finally realized what was going on, he wanted them to
stay and have dinner. But his brothers had to go back home before there was traffic and Rashad asked if
they wanted to go in the private jet and so they said yes but before they left, they had to eat dinner. So,
when the pilot came, they went back to Atlanta GA and Rashad had to get back to Las Vegas.
It was a few weeks since he had seen his sisters and brothers. So, Rashad had to go get his brothers from
Atlanta GA, so he called his pilot and he got onto the private jet and went to Atlanta GA. When they got
back, he went to his sisters house and gathered all of them at his house and they had a plan to go on his
yacht the next day and bring some other people and just have a party, so they had to get an outfit for the
next day. The next morning him and his brothers got up and got ready to go, but first he had to go get his
sisters and him and his brothers road in his brothers and him road in the charger hellcat, and his girlfriend
and his sisters road in his rolls Royce. So, when they got there that’s when the people invited to the yacht
got there Rashad was so happy but couldn’t really focus because of the sun. After the party the people left
and then Rashad girlfriend and he had to go different routes because his sisters needed to go home, and he
needed to take his brothers back. When Rashad got back that’s when he seen that it was time for him to
go home and get in bed before the next day. It was a good day for him and his girlfriend because there
was nothing to do for anybody, so they had the whole house to themselves, so what they did was have a
movie night. It’s been so different because his parents have been deceased for 2 years. Rashad has been
thinking about his parents for 5 days straight and couldn’t stop, so he went to a therapist for his
nightmares, when he got home it wasn’t the same as last time, the house was empty Jaliyah was gone and
he was alone. So, the next day the pills started to work, and he felt a little better. But when he goes to
sleep, he still has nightmares. So, after he felt better after a couple of days, he wanted to drive but Jaliyah
said that he couldn’t because he might have a blackout and/or lose control and crash. So, he said okay and
went back to sleep. The next morning, he got back up and went to see what Jaliyah was doing but when
he went to the kitchen, she was cooking for him, but his sisters and brothers was sitting as well. Rashad
was starting to feel like Jaliyah was taking over him and the house. So, he asked her why she opened the
door, and she said because it’s freezing out there and she didn’t want to let them stay outside and then she
let them inside. He said okay and went to his room and stayed in there until he felt like coming out, while
he was in his room she was out there with his siblings. So, he got up and went to see what they were
doing and as he was walking, they all were heading out to go somewhere and didn’t ask him if he wanted
to go. He was so mad that he went to his room and when she came home, he didn’t talk to her not
knowing that she was giving him a new pendant with King Rashad name in diamonds. So, he didn’t get
mad, he just said thanks and they both went to sleep. The next day Jaliyah had to go to Porto Rico for 2
weeks, and when she left, he started to get lonely and bored. But she was calling everyday just to make
sure he was alright but sometimes she was wishing that she could come home, and he was two. So, the
way he got over it was by going to his sister’s house and spending a couple of hours with them and eating
dinner there. Sometimes they all would go out to eat and go back to his house and they would sleep in any
room except his room. Then the next day while he’s sleep, they would cook breakfast for him and for
It’s been two weeks since he has heard from Jaliyah and his brothers, so he just stayed at the house alone,
but after a while he just got tired of being alone and got on his private jet and went to Atlanta GA. When
he got to Atlanta GA he went straight to his mothers house and seen if anybody was there and then he
went to his house in Atlanta GA and seen nobody was there but when he looked in the back yard he seen
Gary and asked how long have you been out and he looked at Rashad and walked away. Rashad asked
what was wrong and Gary said to him that he never paid for my bail and I was in there for 2 years. Then
Rashad said that he forgot and that he was sorry. But Gary wouldn’t listen and then Rashad told Gary that
if he wanted to, he could stay at his house until he could get a job and some money. Gary told him thanks.
When It was time for Rashad to go back to Las Vegas he got back into the jet and headed back. When he
got there, he seen that Jaliyah was there. He was so glad that she was back from Porta Rico and that he
won’t have to be alone anymore. He would sometimes go downstairs and sneak out to go see his sisters
while she was sleep. But when she wakes up, he’ll be right there. But other times she would get up every
morning and cook breakfast for both of them and surprise him while he’s in bed. That’s what he misses,
and he asked her if she can make her dinner that night because he left and didn’t come back early.
The end

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