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Grade 6 ELA Aspire (CoS) Quiz Answer Key

Language - (L.6.1a) Pronouns, (L.6.1b) Intensive Pronouns, (L.6.1d) Vague

Pronouns, (L.6.4a) Context, (L.6.5a) Figures Of Speech

Student Name: Date: _________


Teacher Name: Courtney Hunt Score:


All of the football players will be in ___________ uniforms and on the

field in twenty minutes.
Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

A i
) t

B th
) e

C th
) ei

D his or
) her

Their is the correct answer. Their is a plural indefinite pronoun; therefore, the
plural formtheir agrees with the antecedent.
Our father bought new bicycles for my sister and

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


B h
) e

C m
) e

D s
) h

Me is the correct answer because the objective case is used for the object of a
preposition. Meis the object of the preposition for.
Since Tom and __________ missed the test because of a track meet, Mr.
Evans will let us take it on Thursday after school.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

B h
) e

C h
) i

D m
) e

I is the correct answer because a subjective pronoun is needed for the subject of
the dependent clause.

We didn’t expect that ___________ would win first prize in the talent
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

A he
) and I

B he and
) me

C him
) and I

D him and
) me

He and I is the correct answer because subjective forms of the pronouns are
used as the compound subject of the dependent clause.
The lady __________ he sat on the bus got off at Elm

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

A with
) who

B to
) whic

C with
) whom

D with
) what

With whom is the correct answer because it uses the objective case and is used
to refer to a person.

_________ willing to help us with the project on

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
A Th
) eir

B Th
) ere

C The
) y'll

D They
) 're

They're is the correct answer because the sentence needs a subject and a
helping verb. Sincethey're is a contraction for they are, it is the only choice that
makes sense.

If you give them enough time, they will reveal their secret
Which of the underlined words in the sentence is a possessive case pronoun?

A th
) ei

B th
) e
C themsel
) ves

D y
) o

The correct answer is their. The pronoun their indicates ownership.

Anna and Paul both brought _________ hamsters to class for

pet day.
Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

A h
) e

B h
) i

C y
) o

D th
) ei
The correct answer is their. Anna and Paul are the antecedents; therefore, a
plural pronoun is required for agreement.
9) Which sentence contains an intensive pronoun?

A The dog scratched

) itself.

B You can make yourselves at

) home.

C The children are able to dress

) themselves.

D The actress herself appeared at the awards

) ceremony.

The actress herself appeared at the awards ceremony. In this sentence, the
intensive pronounherself is used for emphasis and can be removed without
changing the meaning of the sentence.
10) Which sentence does NOT contain an intensive pronoun?

A The train itself seemed to stop

) suddenly.

B You have visited Virginia many times

) yourself.

C He surprised himself by breaking the home run

) record.
D He himself assured us it would not rain on our
) picnic.

He surprised himself by breaking the home run record does NOT contain a
intensive pronoun, it contains a reflexive one. In all the other sentences, there is
a pronoun (ending in -self) that is used for emphasis and can be omitted without
changing the meaning of the sentence.
11) Which sentence contains an intensive pronoun?

A Bonny has her own set of golf

) clubs.

B Matthew enjoys cooking dinner for his

) family.

C Sam himself prepared breakfast for the

) family.

D She went to the seashore for her summer

) vacation.

Sam himself prepared breakfast for the family. In this sentence, himself is an
intensive pronoun because it is a pronoun that adds emphasis to the sentence
and can be removed without changing the sentence's meaning.
12) Which sentence contains an intensive pronoun?

A Did you make the

) cake?
B Did you yourself make the
) cake?

C Did Joe make the cake by

) himself?

D Did she make the cake with her

) aunt?

Did you yourself make the cake. In this sentence, the intensive pronoun
yourself is used for emphasis and can be removed without changing the meaning
of the sentence.
13) Which sentence has a vague pronoun error?

A I handed the ball to my friend, who handed it back to

) me.

B Elizabeth gave young Victoria a bike that she now rides every
) day.

C John's favorite shirt was given to him by his favorite uncle six
) birthdays ago.

D When he goes to bed, Robin has a specific routine he must do in a

) specific order.

The sentence with a vague pronoun error is the following one: Elizabeth gave
young Victoria a bike that she now rides every day. The pronoun "she" in this
sentence refers (vaguely and confusingly) to either Elizabeth or "young Victoria."
Even though most people would believe that it is strongly implied that young
Victoria would logically be the person who would ride the bike (since she is
young and the bike was given to her). The sentence needs to be rewritten to
more clearly indicate who indeed it is riding the bike every day.
14) Which sentence has a vague pronoun error?

A Some of these poems are more difficult than others depending on

) the poet.

B The English teacher explained similes and lyric poetry how

) they are used.

C All of these poetry books need to be sold in the library fundraiser

) this Saturday.

D We all loved the poetry we heard, though each of us had his or her
) own favorite poem.

The sentence with a vague pronoun error is the following one: The English
teacher explained similes and lyric poetry how they are used. The pronoun
"they" in this sentence refers (vaguely and confusingly) either to the plural word
"similes" or the singular noun "lyric poetry." The sentence needs to be rewritten in
order to become clear.
15) Which sentence has an error in it?

A The lady who usually cleans the curtain went to her son's wedding
) today.

B Each student got out their lunch when the bell rang to end
) reading time.
C The computer repairman was puzzled by the error and shook his
) head in doubt.

D The winners of the science contest raced down the gym to collect
) their prizes.

The only sentence that has a pronoun error is the following one: Each student
got out their lunch when the bell rang to end reading time. The singular noun
"student" needs to be matched with a singular pronoun--"his" or "her"--rather than
the plural pronoun "their."
16) Which pronoun goes into the blank?

Sheila loves ______ new dress that she's going to wear on Daddy-
Daughter-Date night.

A h
) e

B h
) i

C i
) t

D th
) ei
"Sheila loves her new dress that's she's going to wear on Daddy-Daughter-Date
night." Since "Sheila" is female, she needs to be matched with a female pronoun.
17) Which of these is written correctly?

A Jeanie, that is my sister, is going to help me set up for the art

) show.

B Jeanie, whose my sister, is going to help me set up for the art

) show.

C Jeanie, which is my sister, is going to help me set up for the art

) show.

D Jeanie, who is my sister, is going to help me set up for the art

) show.

Jeanie, who is my sister, is going to help me set up for the art show. The
correct relative is "who".

Jane Eyre

By: Charlotte Bronte


"I was conscious that a moment's mutiny had already rendered me

liable to strange penalties, and, like any other rebel slave, I felt
resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths."
What is meant by the term resolved as it is used in this sentence?

A determi
) ned
B question
) ing

C une
) asy

D uns
) ure

The correct answer is C, determined, because Jane is determined to put up a

"Mind you don't," said Bessie; and when she had ascertained that I
was really subsiding, she loosened her hold of me; then she and Miss
Abbot stood with folded arms, looking darkly and doubtfully on my
face, as incredulous of my sanity.
What is the meaning of the word ascertained, as it is used in the previous

A determi
) ned

B disbe
) lief

C discove
) red
D dives
) ted

The correct answer is A, determined, because Bessie "ascertained" or
determined that Jane's anger and temper tantrum had subsided before releasing

‘I resisted all the way: a new thing for me, and a circumstance which
greatly strengthened the bad opinion Bessie and Miss Abbot were
disposed to entertain of me.’
What does the term disposed mean in the sentence?

A ke
) e

B or
) de

C inclin
) ed

D get
) rid of

The correct answer is inclined, because the passage states that Bessie and
Miss Abbot already had a bad opinion of Jane, but this temper tantrum, only
strengthened the opinion that they were disposed or inclined to entertain.
‘I was conscious that a moment's mutiny had already rendered me
liable to strange penalties, and, like any other rebel slave, I felt
resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.’
What is meant by the term mutiny as it is used in this sentence?

A calmn
) ess

B defian
) ce

C outb
) urst

D sere
) nity

The correct answer is defiance, because Jane has just had a moment of
defiance or mutiny.

I had nothing to say to these words: they were not new to me: my very
first recollectionsof existence included hints of the same kind.
What does the term recollection mean as it is used in the above sentence?

A the act of restoring to usefulness or

) morality

B the act of assembling a new attitude or

) outlook
C the act of calling to mind; the act of remembering
) something

D the act of gathering things together as in a memorabilia

) collection

The act of calling to mind; the act of remembering something is the correct
definition for recollection. Context clues suggest that Miss Eyre is remembering
words that have been said to her in the past.

George Gray

By: Edgar Lee Masters

23) Which is an example of personification?

A "And catch the winds of

) destiny..."

B "Of restlessness and vague

) desire--"

C "A boat with a furled sail at rest in the

) harbor."

D "Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the

) chances."

Ambition called to me portrays ambition as a person capable of calling out to
the speaker.
24) According to the speaker, what is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid?
A a life without
) love

B a life without
) meaning

C a sailor without a
) purpose

D a poet struggling to
) write

A life without meaning "is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid." Its a
25) "Winds of destiny" is an example of

A alliterati
) on.

B assonan
) ce.

C metaph
) or.

D personificati
) on.
A metaphor equates two unlike elements. In this case destiny is portrayed as
wind .
26) "Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid" is an example of

A alliterati
) on.

B hyperb
) ole.

C metaph
) or.

D personificati
) on.

Personification gives human characteristics to inanimate objects or abstract
ideas. In this line, sorrow is depicted as being able to knock on a door.
27) According to the speaker, "a life without meaning" is

A like a boat in a
) storm.

B a boat that is afraid to set

) sail.

C like a sail without wind or

) purpose.
D a boat that is destined for
) destruction.

The image of a a boat that is afraid to set sail is used to describe a life without
meaning. This is an example of a metaphor.
28) Which of these is NOT an example of figurative language?

A "It is a boat longing for the

) sea."

B "Of restlessness and vague

) desire-- "

C "The marble which was chiseled for

) me--"

D "And now I know that we must lift the

) sail"

The correct answer is ""Of restlessness and vague desire-- "" Each of the
other answers contain personification.
29) Which line(s) from the poem extends the metaphor for the speaker's life that
is introduced in the first stanza of the poem?

A To put meaning in one's life may end in

) madness.

B It is a boat longing for the sea and yet

) afraid.
C Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the
) chances.

D life without meaning is the torture / Of restlessness and vague

) desire.

The correct answer is It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid. The
metaphor that is introduced in the first stanza is a boat at rest, which represents
the speaker's life.

To put meaning in one's life may end in

But life without meaning is the torture

Of restlessness and vague desire-- 15

It is a boat longing for the sea and yet
afraid. 16
Line sixteen from the poem is

A a
) simil

B a
) parado

C an
) allusion.
D comic
) relief.

This line from the poem depicts a paradox. A paradox is a statement that seems
self-contradictory or nonsensical on the surface but with closer examination,
contains an underlying truth or idea.

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