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NORDIC-BALTIC PHYSICS OLYMPIAD 2019 aside and starts to roll back and forth.

ack and forth. For let us study now a weakly inhomogeneous form a corner of a cube, and the faces 2, 4
small oscillation amplitudes, there is no slip- magnetic field: the magnetic field lines have and 6 are also perpendicular to each other.
1. SATELLITE (8 points) — Taavet Kalda. A ping between the roller and the surface. Find a radius of curvature which is much larger On the right of the second figure, a cross-
solar powered satellite with starting velocity the new period of oscillations T r . than the radius of curvature of the particleʼs section of the film is shown. The filmʼs ma-
v0 is launched from Earth onto an elliptical trajectory. It appears that in that case, the terial between the slanted faces and the flat
heliocentric orbit with the intent of gather- iii) (2 points) If the initial oscillation amp- so-called adiabatic invariant of a particle surface form microprisms. The refracting
ing as much solar energy as possible. The litude (measured as the deformation x of the in magnetic field is conserved: the mag- angles of these microprisms are denoted by
angle of departure can be freely changed. spring) is larger than a certain critical value
A ⋆ , the amplitude of oscillations starts de- netic flux embraced by the particleʼs helix- α i , i = 1,2, . . . 6 (the index numbers corres-
creasing in time. Express A ⋆ in terms of k, shaped trajectory remains constant with an pond to those of the faces). Among the an-
i) (1 point) What is the minimal required M , r , the free fall acceleration g, and. extremely good precision along the traject- lges α i , some may be equal to each other.
launching speed vm for the satellite to reach ory. cross-section line
any heliocentric orbit? iv) (2 points) Assuming that the initial amp- 5 1 6
litude A 0 is much larger than A ⋆ , what is the Consider a very simplified model for cross-section
ii) (2 points) What is the speed of the satellite maximal angular speed of the cylinder dur- how a solar wind particles interact with the 3 4 2 a a
1 4
just after exiting Earthʼs gravitational field? ing 0 ≤ t ≤ T /2, where t is the time elapsed Earthʼs magnetic field. The strength of the
since releasing the roller? Earthʼs magnetic field on its magnetic axis When light falls onto the flat surface close to
can be expressed as B( z) = B E (R E / z)3 , where perpendicular incidence, it undergoes total
iii) (2.5 points)Express the long-time-average v) (2 points) Assuming that A 0 À A ⋆ , sketch B E = 3.12 × 10−5 T is the field strength at the
solar irradiance of the satellite in terms of a qualitative graph showing the dependance internal reflections on the slanted faces, and
Earthʼs surface on the magnetic pole, R E = as a result, its direction of propagation is ro-
its semi-major axis a, angular momentum J , of εr and a as functions of time; here ε and
orbital period T and mass m.
6370 km is the radius of the Earth and z is tated by 180◦ . However, the microprisms can
a denote the angular acceleration and linear measured from the center of the Earth. also serve as prisms diverting a light beam
acceleration of the roller, respectively. by an angle β. The angle β depends on the
An electron of charge − e = −1.60 × 10−19 C
iv) (2.5 points) What is the maximal average 3. MOTION IN B (8 points) — Andréas Sund- and mass m e = 9.11 × 10−31 kg is approaching angle of incidence, and on the prism angle
solar irradiance the satellite can gather and ström, Joonas Kalda (ii,iii). Particles with the Earth with speed u0 = 500 km/s and hits α = α i . Let β i denote the minimal deflection
what is the needed launch angle relative to mass m and charge q are launched from the the Earthʼs magnetic field right on its axis at a angle for a fixed prism angle α i .
Earthʼs motion? origin with speed v, parallel to the x-axis. distance R0 = 5R E with an angle α and starts i) (2 points) Perform experiment to relate the
The Sunʼs mass is M¯ , Earthʼs orbital ra- There is a screen at x = l . spiraling in towards the Earth. prism angles α i (with i = 1,2, . . . 6 relating to
dius R⊕ , free fall acceleration on Earth g, i) (1 point)The first particle is launched when If α is too large, the particle will be reflec- the face number as shown in the figure) with
Earthʼs radius r ⊕ and Sunʼs luminosity L ¯ . there is an homogeneous electric field par- ted by the increasing magnetic field strength equalities and inequalities. You may use the
allel to the x-axis, and there is no magnetic as the particle approaches Earth. Find the deduced equalities throughout this problem
2. ROLLER (8 points) — Lasse Frantti (iv,v: field. What should be the strength of the condition on α for the particle to reach the (reducing thereby the number of unknown
Jaan Kalda). A roller consists of a solid ho- electric field so that the particle would never surface of the Earth. You can neglect any angles). Note that the face corresponding to
mogeneous cylinder of mass M and radius r ; reach the screen? gravitational and/or relativistic effects. the index “1” can be chosen arbitrarily.
it rests on a horizontal table and is attached ii) (2 points) Next, the electric field is turned 4. RETROREFLECTIVE FILM (12 points) — ii) (2 points) Determine the minimal deflec-
to a wall via a helical spring of spring con- off, a homogeneous z-directional magnetic Eero Uustalu and Jaan Kalda. You are given tion angles β i , i = 1,2, . . . 6.
stant k (see figure). The spring can be as- field in region l > x > 0 is swithced on, and the following tools: a retroreflective film an iii) (4 points) Determine the prism angles α i ,
sumed to be of a negligible mass and ideal, the second particle is launched. Knowing enlarged bottom view of which is shown in i = 1,2, . . . 6.
i.e. the Hookeʼs law remains valid for arbit- that particleʼs speed is just big enough to the first figure; stand, ruler, laser pointer,
rarily large deformations. reach the screen, sketch the trajectory and iv) (1 point) Due to the fact that the faces 1,
screen, graph paper, protractor.
find the magnetic fied strength B. 3 and 5 are perpendicular to each other, the
following equality holds:
iii) (2 points) Finally, an electric field lying cos2 α1 + cos2 α3 + cos2 α5 = 1.
in the x, y-plane is turned on while B is kept Similarly, cos2 α2 + cos2 α4 + cos2 α6 = 1. Use
unchanged. Third particle is fired from the these equalities to adjust the result for the
i) (1 point) At first, let as assume that there origin, still parallel to the x-axis, but possibly
is no friction between the cylinder and the prism angles by adding and/or subtracting
with a different speed. It is observed that the the same small value from your previously
table. The roller is pushed aside and re- particle travels without deviation. Further,
leased; find the period of oscillations T0 . While the top surface of the film is flat, the obtained anglesʼ values.
the time it takes for it to reach the screen is
bottom surface is a periodic array of slanted v) (3 points) Determine the refraction coeffi-
ii) (1 point) From now on, the coefficient of the same as for the second particle. Find the
triangular faces. Six such faces are shown cient of the filmʼs material.
friction between the roller and the table µ magnitude of the electric field E . enlarged in the seond figure; the faces 1, 3
is no longer neglected. The roller is pushed iv) (3 points) Unrelated to the previous tasks, and 5 are perpendicular to each other and
5. BRACHISTOCHRONE (10 points) — Rūdolf of refraction increases with height. Consider and the integral is taken from the centre and negligible thickness. Behind the base of
Treilis. Consider points A and B separated a light ray coming from the sky that grazes of the cloud, to very far distances from each domino, there is a small ridge that pre-
by height H in the vertical direction and dis- the surface of the Earth ( y = 0) and hits the the centre, where the pressure is negligibly vents it from sliding backward. David gives
tance L in the horizontal direction, placed in eye of an observer at height h (for this task small. Find the value of α. the first domino some initial angular velo-
a gravitational field g as shown in the figure choose the y-axis in the opposite direction - iii) (3 points) Based on your previous results, city, and the dominoes start falling into each
below. A point mass can slide along a rail bottom of the page to top). If the refractive show that U = −βE G , where E G is the gravit- other. All collisions are perfectly inelastic,
of fixed shape frictionlessly (including taking index varies as n( y) = n0 (1 + α y) with n0 and ational potential enery of the gas, and β < 1 and there is no friction between two dom-
90◦ -turns) from A to B. The brachistochrone α constant, find an expression for the appar- is a positive numerical factor. Find the value inoes. David notices that after a while, all
curve is the curve minimizing the total travel ent distance that the ray of light is emanating of β. dominoes have equal initial angular velocity
time. from d . ω. Find ω.
iv) (1 point) How will the temperature and
v) (2 points) Solving the equations derived in characteristic radius of the cloud change in 8. FOUR RESISTORS (10 points) — Jaan Kalda
parts ii) and iii), one may show that the bra- time due to heat radiation? Give a qualitative and Eero Uustalu. Tools: four almost identical
chistochrone curve is actually a segment of motivated answer. (The characteristic radius resistors (of resistance slightly more than 4 k)
a cycloid. A cycloid is the curve traced by a R c can be defined as such a radius that half labelled with letters A–D and the set number,
fixed point on the rim of a circular wheel as of the mass of the cloud is inside the sphere multimeter, voltage source with adjustable
it rolls along a straight line without slipping. of radius R c .) output voltage, wires. Do not use the am-
For the special case H L
= π2 find the minimum meter function of the multimeter; if you
travel time tmin between A and B. v) (2 points) Consider now a similar fully still do use, and burn the multimeter, you
ionized plasma cloud. Assume that plasma will not be given another multimeter. The
i) (2 points) Calculate the total travel time for 6. SELF-GRAVITATING GAS (10 points) — is a macroscopically neutral mixture of elec- multimeter has a four-digit display, but the
the “maximal speed” and “shortest path” tra- Eero Vaher (v: Jaan Kalda). Consider a ball trons and protons. What is the proportional- first digit can be only 0, 1, 2 or 3. When the
jectories. Find the ratio H L
for which the two of monoatomic ideal gas at temperature T ity factor between the total gravitational en- multimeter is used as ohmmeter, the uncer-
are equal. which keeps a spherically symmetric mech- ergy and total thermal energy for the plasma tainty is 1.0% of the reading plus 4 times the
anically stable stationary shape due to its cloud?
ii) (2 points) According to Fermatʼs principle, smallest digit value. When the multimeter
own gravity field. Let the total mass of the
light ray travels from one point to another 7. DOMINOES (6 points) — Kaarel Hänni. is used as voltmeter, the uncertainty is 0.6%
gas be M0 , and its molar mass µ. We shall de-
along the path of shortest travel time. Sup- of the reading plus 4 times the smallest digit
scribe the radial mass distribution in terms
pose that in a certain medium, a light ray value.
of the total mass M = M (r ) inside a sphere
can propagate from A to B along the brachis-
of radius r , and the pressure p = p( r ) as a i) (2 points) Write down your set number. De-
tochrone curve shown in the figure above. termine the average resistance r̄ of the four
function of distance r from the centre of the
Find the refractive index n = n( x,y) as a func- resistors as precisely as possible and state the
spherical gas cloud.
tion of the coordinates x and y for this me- uncertainty. Draw the circuit you used.
dium if n(L,H ) = 1. i) (2 points)State the mechanical equilibrium
condition for a small parcel of gas of mass m ii) (2 points)Determine the harmonic average
iii) (2 points) Show that the path of a light resistance 〈 r 〉 of the four resistors as precisely
and volume v at distance r from the centre
ray traveling in a medium with a variable re- as possible (harmonic average is the recip-
of the cloud in terms of the local pressure
fractive index n( x,y) ≡√n( y) satisfies the differ- rocal of the average of reciprocals) and state
dy gradient p0 (r ) = ddpr , the local value of M ( r ),
ential equation d x = C · n( y)2 − 1, where C the uncertainty. Draw the circuit you used.
and the appropriate constants of nature. Sim-
is a constant determined by boundary condi-
plify your expression by noticing that m/v = ρ iii) (1 point) Arrange the resistors A, B, C and
is the local density of the gas. D in increasing order of resistances. Draw
ii) (2 points) Show that the total thermal en- the circuit you used.
David stands at the bottom of an infinite stair-
ergy of the gas can be expressed as
case with both step width and height being iv) (5 points) Determine r A − r̄ , r B − r̄ , r C − r̄ ,
∫ and r D − r̄ as precisely as possible and state
equal to d . The corner of each step is slightly
iv) (2 points) The obtained equation can ex- U = −α V d p, the uncertainty ( r A , r B , r C , and r D denote
rounded. In the middle of each step, there p
plain mirages, which occur when the index the resistances of the respective resistors).
4 3 is initially an upright domino of length 5d
where V = 3 π r , and α is a numerical factor, Draw the circuit you used.

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