ReviewFinal 2

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BIOLOGY-9th grade Year


1) The following could be on your Exam-

2) Unifying themes of biology – Cellular structure and function, reproduction,
metabolism, homeostasis, heredity, evolution, interdependence
3) Solving world problems – preserving our environment, improving food supply,
understanding the human genome, fighting diseases (AIDS, cancer, emerging
4) Stages of a scientific investigation
5) Atoms, Subatomic particles, Elements, Isotopes, Molecules, Compounds
6) Bonding – covalent, ionic, hydrogen
7) Acids, Bases, Buffers, pH – their properties and examples
8) Biomolecules - carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids – properties, uses and
9) Enzymes – properties, activation energy, enzyme action, factors affecting
10) Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes
11) Cell organelles and function of each organelle
12) Active transport- Sodium potassium pump
13) Passive transport-Osmosis, Diffusion, Facilitated diffusion
14) Movement in vesicles-endocytosis, exocytosis
15) Calvin cycle
16) Pigments
17) Factors affecting photosynthesis
18) Glycolysis
19) Kreb’s cycle
20) Respiration in absence of oxygen (fermentation)
21) Chromosome structure: Chromatids, Centromere etc.
22) Stages of Mitosis
23) What happens in Cytokinesis?
24) Stages of Meiosis
25) Seven characters/traits Mendel studied in Peas
26) Three steps of Mendel’s experiments
27) Examples of dominant and recessive characters
28) The Laws of Heredity: The law of segregation, The law of independent
29) Punnett squares – Monohybrid crosses, Dihybrid crosses
30) Test cross, Pedigree
31) Polygenic inheritance, Incomplete dominance, Multiple alleles, Codominance,
Environmental influence on characters
32) Griffiths experiment -transformation
33) Hershey Chase experiment
34) Contributions of various scientists in the field of DNA research – Avery,
Chargaff, Wilkins and Franklin, Watson and Crick
35) Structure of DNA
36) Base pairing rules
37) DNA replication
38) Central dogma
39) Three types of RNA
40) Transcription
41) Translation
42) Genetic code, codons; Interpreting the genetic code
43) Steps in genetic engineering – cutting DNA, making recombinant DNA, Cloning,
44) Confirmation of a cloned gene – Southern blot method
45) Facts about the human genome project
46) 5 genetically engineered medicines and their basic uses
47) 5 ways to improve crops by manipulating genes
48) 5 applications of genetic engineering to animal farming
49) Earth’s formation and events that followed
50) Radiometric dating, half life
51) Primordial soup model
52) Miller Urey experiment
53) Lerman’s bubble model
54) Evolution of cellular life – prokaryotes and eukaryotes and their examples
55) Theory of endosymbiosis
56) 6 kingdoms of life
57) Food chains, food webs, trophic levels (producers, herbivores, small carnivores, large
58) Omnivores, Decomposers, Detritivores
59) Energy flow in an ecosystem
60) Biotic and abiotic factors, examples
61) Community interactions and their examples – competition, predation, parasitism,
symbiosis, mutualism, commensalisms
62) Acid rain, Ozone layer depletion, Global warming, Greenhouse effect
63) Classification of organisms (8 categories in the correct order)
64) What are the 6 kingdoms of life with examples
65) Examples of non vascular plants
66) Examples of seedless vascular plants
67) Types of seeded vascular plants - Gymnosperms and Angiosperms and their basic
68) Types of angiosperms (Monocots vs. Dicots and examples)
69) Four parts of a flower
70) Role of Major nutrients required by plants(Table 1,page 579)
71) Hormones in plants –auxins, gibberrlins, cytokinins
72) Basic characteristics AND Examples of organisms belonging to each of the phyla/class –
Porifera, Cnidaria, Annelida, Arthropods, Echinodermata, Molluska, Chondrichthyes,
Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammals
a. For the following chapters, please read the notes given to you in class and your
textbook also.
73) Ch 27 –Introduction to animals
74) Ch 37 –Introduction to body structure

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