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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)

Name of Teacher Candidate  Sumaiyah Khan

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 6th Grade Science
Estimated Time Needed One 45 minute class period
Lesson Description Bouncing Ball Lab: Potential and Kinetic Energy
Content Area Standards 6.8(A) compare and contrast potential and kinetic energy
6.4(C) collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed

Technology Standards 6.4(D) use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore
alternative solutions;

6.4(E) make informed decisions and support reasoning;

- Students will be able to define potential and kinetic energy
(Knowledge Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- Students will be able to explain the relationship between potential
and kinetic energy (Comprehension Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- Students will be able to illustrate how potential and kinetic energy
interact when an object is in motion. (Application Level of Bloom’s
- Students will be able to compare and contrast potential and kinetic
energy. (Analysis Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- Students will be able to summarize how potential and kinetic energy
enable a ball to fall and bounce back up. (Evaluation Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy) 

Kinetic Energy Mass
Terms/Vocabulary Potential Energy Velocity
Gravitational Potential Energy Gravity
Technology Resources Smartboard, Ipads
Other Resources No other resources required for this lesson

Lesson Procedures 
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
task noted in parentheses for each the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
step. In other words, completely including the role of teacher will be used, and describe
This template is built on the describe the flow of the lesson-the and learners (who is doing in detail how they will be
traditional “Madeline content to be presented, and the what at each point), location used.
Hunter” lesson structure. strategies to be used. Include (e.g., classroom, computer Note who will be using the
actual words you will use and lab, outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
questions you will ask students. considerations, such as for any safety considerations
Consider items such as: parts of differentiated instruction. needed.
the lesson that might be difficult,
and how you will know whether
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
you can go on; how to ensure that
students completely understand
directions before releasing them to
work independently; and what
students will do if they finish their
work early.
> ​“Trust in Physics” Location:​ Classroom > Pendulum 
Swinging Pendulum Role of Teacher:  constructed with 
Demonstration ​(5 min)  -Engaging students with string and weights​:
> ​Have class discussion pendulum demonstration This will be used for
about demonstration. ​(2  where teacher drops the demonstration.
min) pendulum and waits for it Teacher will pull the
Some discussion questions: to return without hurting pendulum back to her
-Why was I completely the teacher. chin, and let it swing
sure that the ball -Facilitating discussion to forward without
wouldn’t swing back far get students to start adding any additional
enough to hurt me? thinking about concept. force. Pendulum will
Engage -What determines how Role of Students:  swing forward and
(Engage student thinking, far the ball swings, and -Watching demonstration back without going
access prior knowledge) how far it swings on the and then participating in further than it was
way back? discussion. dropped from - thus
> ​Clearly state objective of -Start thinking about why not harming the
lesson and give instructions the pendulum didn’t teacher.
for Bouncing Ball Lab. ​(1  come back and hit the > ​Safety
min) teacher on the Considerations:
>​ Clarifying Questions   backswing, and thinking Teacher has to be
-Does anyone have any about why objects move careful to not add any
questions? the way they do. additional force to the
-Is there anything y’all pendulum
want me to clarify or
> ​Students work on Location:​ Classroom > Follow the 
Bouncing Ball Lab with table Role of Teacher:   Bouncing Ball Lab 
partners ​(16 min)  -Walking around the Sheet 
> ​Guiding Questions: room asking guiding -Students record data
-Why do you think it’s questions and facilitating and findings from lab
best to do multiple trials learning when necessary > Pink Rubber Balls  
of dropping the ball at Role of Students:   -Students drop balls
Explore  each height? -Drop a ball from different to observe motion
(Collaborative and -What is the reason the heights and make >​ ​Meter Stick​ to
hands-on) same person should observations about the measure drop and
drop the ball every time? relationship between the bounce heights
-What are you noticing drop height and bounce > iPads​ to record ball
as the drop height gets height. motion and playback
smaller? -Record the bounce in slow motion in
using iPads and watch in order to get an
slow motion to get an accurate
accurate measurement. measurement
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
-Graph the relationship > Diagrams​ of ball at
observed and label different positions
diagrams in own words to during fall and
describe what goes on as bounce for students
the ball bounces up and to label in their own
down words as they start to
-Use graph and piece together the
observations to make relationship between
conclusions about the each
relationship between
drop and bounce height,
and what it tells us about
-Additional one-on-one
guidance through lab for
students who need it
-Allowance for working
alone for students who
focus better alone
> ​Discuss as a class what Location:​ Classroom > Powerpoint 
students observed during Role of Teacher:  Presentation​ that
the bouncing ball lab and -Facilitate discussion by shows definitions and
while graphing their findings. asking guiding questions models to define
(2 min)  and encourage students terms and illustrate
Some discussion questions: to explain what they new concepts clearly
-What did you notice found. > SMARTboard ​to
when you dropped the -Define new vocabulary interactively show
ball from different and explain concepts of and edit models and
heights? potential and kinetic illustrations
Explain  -Why do you think you energy
(student and teacher observed the ball not Role of Students: 
discourse, teacher bouncing higher than -​Explain their findings
modeling, vocabulary the drop height? and describe what they
instruction, clarify -What do your found in their own words
misconceptions) observations tell you -Think critically and
about energy? engage in discussion
>​ Show diagrams of ball at about ​why ​the balls move
different heights on in the way that they do.
SMARTboard and have a Differentiated 
discussion with students Instruction: 
about how they labeled it. -Additional one-on-one
Label the diagrams using discussion with the
student language. ​(5 min)  teacher to further explain
-How would you concepts to students who
describe what’s don’t fully understand
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
happening with the ball
in this moment?
> ​Define and explain
potential and kinetic energy,
and give examples to clearly
illustrate concepts. ​(4 min) 
> ​Return to graph on Location:​ Classroom
Smartboard - model graph Role of Teacher:  
for students and ask them -Guide students in
which side represents kinetic reexamining their findings
energy and which and applying the new
represents potential energy. concepts and terms to
(2 min)  their graphs and
> ​Return to diagrams from diagrams.
explore section, and have a -Model graph and
class discussion where diagrams for students on
students relabel using newly SMARTboard
learned terms of potential -Facilitate debate if
and kinetic energy, force students disagree on
and gravity. ​(5 min)  labels or explanations
> ​If students disagree, Role of Students:  
facilitate debate where the -Apply new terms and
(Extend or apply the
two sides explain their concepts to observations
learning to a new setting;
position to help students and models from the
active and collaborative)
fully understand and clear Bouncing Ball lab
any misconceptions. -Apply knowledge of
> ​Have discussion about potential and kinetic
demonstration from the energy to demonstration
engage portion ​(1 min)  from engage portion of
Question to provoke lesson
discussion: Using what -Engage in thoughtful
you’ve learned about discussion and debate
potential and kinetic energy, comparing and
explain in your own words contrasting potential and
why the weights didn’t come kinetic energy.
back and hurt me?  
>​ Time for additional
questions and clarification ​(1 
>​ Students complete Post Location: ​Classroom > ​Post Assessment
Assessment ​(5 min + finish  Role of Teacher:  Handout
at home if necessary)  Distribute assessments
(Students demonstrate
and explain directions
their understanding. How
Role of Students: 
will you know what they’ve
Respond to assessment
items using knowledge
gained in the lesson.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Inquiry Lesson)
-Read questions aloud
for students with reading

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

[Note: No Special Education Students in Observation Period]

-Have co-teacher present and assist student groups individually through the lab
-Go through all steps of lab and elaboration questions as a class
Special Education 
-Extend time for lesson to two class periods, more if needed
-Pair students according to strengths, so they help each other and boost each
other up
-Show video of balls falling from different heights as opposed to students
dropping them and making observations and measurements themselves.
[Note: No ELL Students in Observation Period]

English Language  -Repeat and explain instructions one-on-one if necessary; if there is still
Learners  confusion, have the student explain instructions to teacher so that areas of
misunderstanding are clear
-Model instructions to ensure understanding
[Note: Observation Period is during a GT class]

-If students understand and finish quickly, they can begin working on reflection
Gifted and Talented  questions.
-If students also complete reflection questions, they can complete the
experiment again with balls made of different materials and discuss why some
bounce higher than others - start thinking about different types of energy.

Potential Challenges/Plan B 
> ​Plan B if students have technical trouble with iPads during explore section of lesson:
-Have students observe and take measurements without recording with iPads. Show previously recorded
video clips in slow-motion of balls falling from different heights for students to reference if they have trouble
with their measurements.
> ​Plan B if students are confused during explain portion of lesson:
-Take extra time out of elaborate to explain all concepts clearly before continuing. Encourage students who
understand clearly to explain to tablemates who are confused.
> ​Plan B if students take longer than expected during explore section of lesson:
-Skip diagram portion of the explain and talk about the graph and new definitions and concepts.

Notes and Credits 

1. Follow the Bouncing Ball Lab outline received from mentor teacher
2. Idea for pendulum demonstration during engage portion came from “Trust in Physics” youtube

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