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Tugas bahasa Inggris

Review Film “Gundala: Putra Petir”

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional 2019 Fakultas
Komunikasi dan Diplomasi
Universitas Pertamina

Nama : Muhammad Adhi

Kelas : IR2
NIM :106219122

The film, which was just released in August 2019, is the first Indonesian sci-fi film
that won millions of enthusiasm from big screen movie lovers, especially in
Indonesia. The film was directed by famous director Joko Anwar. Since its
launching, there have been 1.3 million viewers who have overtaken the film "Bumi
Langit and Manusia" made by Hanung Bramantyo, who has not lost in booming
before. In my opinion, Joko Anwar has indeed taken a very appropriate moment in
view of his name and the demand for the Indonesian film market which is seeking
a "refreshment" in our country's film industry. Especially the world path for
superhero titled moviesare stil refers to 2 major film studio, DC and Marvel. Who
doesn't know Marvel: End game, Batman V Superman, and so many great films
made by them, especially Jakarta Capital Cty citizens. Seeing the high enthusiasm
of the people, it cannot be denied that Joko Anwar has succeeded in creating a
new color in the Indonesian film industry. Quoting from Joko Anwar's personal
twitter account "Thank God Gundala entered Hollywood".
A little bit story about the film Gundala: Son of lightning, this film tells about a kid
named Sancaka with a less fortunate family background and lives in a rented
house near the factory where his father works. Time passed until his father did
not become a victim of stabbing by his own coworkers when they were doing a
demonstration about rising factory workers' wages. Shortly after that time, the
mother left Sancaka on the grounds of going south-east to work to earn money so
that she could continue to live in the rented house. But the harsh reality
approached Sancaka, all night he waited for his mother's return but the mother
never returned. This little son of lightning decided to get out of his comfort zone
and survive alone in the midst of the riots in Jakarta. not long after, he only
realized the power he had every time the rain arrived and miraculously lightning
was always targeting him. However, what happened was Sancaka always got the
strength of each of himself struck by lightning such as being immune to blows,
physical wounds that were instantly healed, and tremendous strength. Adult
Sancaka continues to grow into a gundala by educating the streets crowd that full
of noise. In the end, a big problem ensued, a large mafia named pengkor spread a
moral-damaging virus that was injected into every rice supply in Indonesia.
This virus causes damage to the morality of babies born from mothers who
consume the contaminated rice so that these babies cannot distinguish which is
bad and good in everything. A little story about the pengkor, he is a child whose
childhood was spent in a cruel orphanage because slander that caused his parents
died burned by the masses. The orphanage where he belongs can not be a true
"home" for him. This orphanage is a place for the exploitation of orphans to be
tortured, made into slaves, and some even used as human traffic. It was being the
background of revenge that caused he grew into the evil mafia as its now. Various
new polemics emerged. launching of amoral serum for handling the virus has
many obstacles, until the lab results in Prime Minister Ridwan (Lukman S) 's bag
show that the amoral serum is not an actual serum. The fate of the young
generation is determined by the Lightning Son
Commenting on Gundala: Putra Lightning, in my opinion the storyline created by
Joko Anwar is never boring and always gives surprises in every scene. Like the
devil, Gundala left many questions unanswered. In my opinion, this is a minus
point from the quality of a story scenario. Because, it will be difficult for the
viewers to draw the essence of the film because there are many unanswered
questions. Maybe Joko wants to answer everything that hasn't been revealed in
the next chapter. Concerning the visual quality according to the view of ordinary
people like me, the effects of CGI and others look smooth even though there are
indeed some scenes that are 'hypnotized' that the effects and edits are not so
subtle as the small sanctuary scenes struck by lightning when the father is pierced
and died on the spot. Told in the scene, sancaka bounced into an electric pole
which was right behind him and then some fellow factory workers came trying to
save but also bounced. The fictional scenes were less subtle in the eyes. But even
so, this is still a very good step for the advancement of Indonesian cinema.
Both of these films tell the same story about an ordinary person with an
unpleasant life background, unknowingly being accidentally hit by an incident and
ultimately making them heroes to protect the world. I personally like this
characterization background, especially by including sentimental values such as
family, friends, and even love will add to its own feel. While talking about the plot,
this film has a flat story even though it is combined with plot twist and
unanswered things. eventhough, the whole series of stories is still interesting to
watch. Comparing it with other films, in my opinion the plot twist of this film has
in common with Avengers: End Game. Where the second ending of this film, my
estimate rotates 180 degrees. An example from one of the film's scenes when the
sancaka part fights against all the pengkor's "right hand" without being struck by
lightning to gain strength first, but suddenly it rains and sancaka regains its
strength back. Similar to gundala, the plot twist of Avengers: End Game lies in the
final part of the scene where the scene is indeed the "signature moment" of the
film. This plot twist occurs when all members of the Avengers have gone through
a great battle against Thanos, until finally killing Tony Stark.
The point is, eventho with all the deficiencies mentioned above such as visual
effects, storylines and characterizations of this film, director Joko Anwar has
succeeded in creating new colors and nuances in the world of Indonesian cinema.
Because it has been proven from the total number of viewers, the value conveyed
from the film, as well as the unusual genre in Indonesia, the film is worthy of
appreciation and almost perfect in perfection.

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