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Name: ____________________ Date: _______________________________

Unit 9: Length, Perimeter and Area

Online Assessment #1
Level R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
– estimate, measure, I have difficulty I can estimate I can estimate I can estimate I can estimate
and record length, estimating and and measure the and measure the and measure the and measure the
height, and distance, measuring the length of given length of given length of given length of given
using standard units (i.e., length of given objects in objects in objects in objects in
centimetre, metre, objects in centimetres with centimetres with centimetres with centimetres with
kilometre) centimetres. limited some considerable a high degree of
(Measurement) effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
– compare standard I have difficulty I can compare I can compare I can compare I can compare
units of length (i.e., comparing standard units of standard units of standard units of standard units of
centimetre, metre, standard units length and select length and select length and select length and select
kilometre) (e.g., of length and and justify the and justify the and justify the and justify the
centimetres are smaller selecting and most most most most
than metres), and select justifying the appropriate unit appropriate unit appropriate unit appropriate unit
and justify the most most to measure to measure to measure to measure
appropriate standard appropriate length with length with length with length with a
unit to measure length unit to limited some considerable high degree of
(Measurement) measure effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
length with.
– compare and order I have difficulty I can compare I can compare I can compare I can compare
objects on the basis of comparing and and order and order and order and order
linear measurements in ordering objects on the objects on the objects on the objects on the
centimetres and/or objects on the basis of linear basis of linear basis of linear basis of linear
metres (e.g., compare a basis of linear measurements measurements measurements measurements
3 cm object with a 5 cm measurements in centimetres in centimetres in centimetres in centimetres
object; compare a 50 cm in centimetres. with limited with some with with a high
object with a 1 m object) effectiveness. effectiveness. considerable degree of
in problem-solving effectiveness. effectiveness.

– draw items using a I have difficulty I can draw items I can draw items I can draw items I can draw items
ruler, given specific drawing items using a ruler, using a ruler, using a ruler, using a ruler,
lengths in centimetres using a ruler, given a specific given a specific given a specific given a specific
(Measurement) given a specific length in length in length in length in
length in centimetres with centimetres with centimetres with centimetres with
centimetres. limited some considerable a high degree of
effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.

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