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Fill in the blanks with a/an/the

1. He is ________very nice man.

2. ___________ farmhouses in my village were rather poor.
3. He told me _________ story of his life.
4. This is ___________ good example.
5. _________ roof of  the house was on fire.
6. Look at____________ top of that tree.
7. I am ________________ good sailor.
8. ________________ frame of that picture is broken.
9. John has become____________ driver.
10. It was __________very long way to go.
11. We stopped at __________ door of his hut.
12. _________cover of my English book is red.
13. ________ last days of my stay in London were most interesting.
14. She was_________ good actress.
15. This ____________ exception.
16. The banks of __________ river were very steep.

Homophones There/Their

1. The swallows built _______nests ________last year.

2. __________feathers are scattered here and________________ .
3. I stood ___________watching the birds building_________________ nests.
4. ____________ was no trace of_____________ footsteps.
5. Over____________ is a wild animal.
6. Despite ________________efforts______________ pet parrot escaped
Q2.Describe a clown you saw at the circus.

Word Bank
multi-coloured clothes ,cherry-red noses ,powdered faces
rosy-red cheeks, baggy trousers , enormous boots , funny hats
danced , jumped, rolled ,funny antics peals of laughter,
walked clumsily ,fell awkwardly ,somersaulted, crowd laughed ,heartily pie

Honesty is the Best Policy

Long ago in Africa, a poor man worked for a

farmer. He complained so much that the king
heard about it.
“Why are you always complaining?” the king
“However hard I work I never earn extra
money. I shall always be poor,” complained
the man.
“But are you honest?” asked the king.
“Of course I am honest,” replied the man.
“Then you will be rich,” said the king. “Here
are two bags. The little one is for you and the
big one is for the farmer.”
As he walked along, the man wondered why
the king had given him the small bag when he
was much poorer than the farmer. It wasn’t
fair. He thought of keeping the big bag for
himself, but that would not be honest.
Just before he got to the farm he hid the big
bag and took the small bag to the farmer. The
farmer was pleased to get a present from the
king. He opened the bag. It was full of gold!
The poor man ran back to the hiding place,
shouting, “I’m rich!, I’m rich!” But when he
opened the bag it was full of seed.
Q1. What was the poor man complaining about?

Q2. Which bag did the king give to the poor man?

Q3. Was the poor man happy with the gift?


Q4. Which bag did the poor man give to the farmer?

Q5. What did the poor man find in the bad?


Q6. What would have happened if the poor man had been honest?

Capital letters are used for:
a) The beginning of a sentence – My friend is very intelligent.
b) ‘I’ when used on its own – I was sick, so I went to bed.
c) )People’s names – James and John White are twins)
d) The names of days – Sunday, Monday.
e) The names of the months – April, February.
f) The names of special days and festivals – Christmas Day.

.Q1. Write the following sentences using capital letters or full stops.
1. femi called with her friend yasmin. today I showed them my new pet rabbit.

2. we had to stay inside all day. i was delighted when the rain stopped.

3. the outlaws stopped the coach and robbed the passengers. everybody was

4. the wolf called the frog and the bear. they promised to help him

5. the shepherd watched over his flock. the wolf did not dare come near

6. the rocket lifted off .it was going on a long voyage into outer space

7. she worked long hours on the farm. she had the finest herd of cattle in the land

8. a huge pirate stood on the deck. his name was blackbeard


9. snow fell during the night. when i awoke, i wanted to make a snowman

10. the summer morning was bright and fine we set out for the seaside

11. at the end of every sentence there is a full stop


12. my father spoke to Doctor Smith about my sore throat


13. sara ali was absent from school yesterday


14. peter and i went to the pictures together


15. sana khan and farooq ali are cousins.


Q2. Write the following sentences using capital letters.

1. last tuesday the school team won the football final.


2. we have no school on friday.


3. people all over the world celebrate christmas day.


4. november comes between october and december.


5. minahil’s mom made pancakes on tuesday.


6. in the united states of america, the fourth of july is called independence day.

Change the following adjectives into adverbs. Write a sentence for each.

1. warm ____________________ bitter_________________

2. Courage __________________ quiet ________________
3. coward_________________ Happy______________
4. Brave________________ Cruel ______________
5. Patient _________________ wise_________________


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