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Adjectives Describing Workers

Flight Attendant
 Conscientious 
o very careful about doing what he is supposed to do 
 Dedicated
o having very strong support for or loyalty to a person, group, cause, etc.
 Conflict Arbitrator
o one who settles a disagreement between people or group
 People-Oriented
o can get along with people well
 Erudite
o Having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying
 Painstaking
o Showing or done with great care and effort
 Obscure
o Likely to be understood by only a few people
Police Officer
 Empathetic
o Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
 Trustworthy 
o Able to be relied on to do or provide what is needed or right; deserving of trust
 Knowledgeable
o Having information, understanding or skill that comes from experience or
 Sole
o Having no companion
 Influential
o Having the power to cause changes
 Prominent
o Important and well-known
 Graphical
o Has skills related to the artistic use of pictures, shapes and words especially
in books and magazines
 Prudent
o Having or showing careful and good judgment
 Eminent
o Successful, well-known and respected
 Reputable
o Respected and trusted by most people
 Restorative 
o Having the ability to make a person feel strong or healthy again
 Competent
o Able to do something well or well enough to meet a standard
 Temperamental
o Unpredictable in behavior or performance 
 Enthusiastic
o Feeling or showing strong excitement about something
 Observant
o Good at noticing what is going on around him
Bank Teller
 Clever
o Smart
 Inveterate 
o Always or often doing something specified
 Consummate
o Complete in every detail
 Inimitable
o Impossible to copy or imitate
 Tolerable
o Good enough to be accepted but not very good
 Ingenious
o Marked by originality, resourcefulness and cleverness
 Miscellaneous
o Dealing with or interested in diverse subjects
 Skillful
o Having a lot of skills
 Stern
o Very serious especially in an unfriendly way
 Languid 
o Showing or having very little strength, energy or activity
 Illiterate
o Not knowing how to read or write
Real Estate Agent
 Professional 
o worthy of or appropriate to a professional person; competent, skillful, or
 Knowledgeable
o Having knowledge
 Responsive
o Quick to react or respond
 Tenacious
o Firm or strong
o Very determined to do something
 Attentive 
o Paying careful attention to something

Sample Sentences

1. He was conscientious about following the doctor's orders.

2. A dedicated follower of the television show who wouldn't dream of missing an
3. The couple finally agreed to let the sales clerk be the final arbitrator and tell them
which shirt looked best.
4. Being people-oriented is the character that I like about him the most.
5. The most erudite people in medical research attended the conference.
6. She was always painstaking about her work.
7. She is having a hard time with her pretentious and obscure friend.
8. An empathetic social worker who soon realized that the single mother was at her
breaking point.
9. A trustworthy bodyguard who would never blab to the tabloids.
10. Knowledgeable historians regards that story as pure fiction.
11. She was the sole survivor of the tragedy.
12. My parents have been the most influential people in my life.
13. He quickly became prominent in the music industry.
14. Knowing how to draw a picture doesn't mean you are graphical.
15. He always listened to her prudent advice.
16. Many eminent surgeons are on the hospital's staff.
17. Make sure you buy your used car from a reputable dealer.
18. A second restorative consultant, with specific expertise in fixed prosthodontics, was
subsequently added to the team.
19. Any competent mechanic should be able to fix that.
20. The actor is known for being temperamental.
21. They were enthusiastic supporters of the president.
22. A particularly observant child, he noticed even the slightest changes in the
23. Some cats are clever enough to figure out how to operate door knobs.
24. A person who has smoked for 50 years is an example of someone who could be
described as an inveterate smoker.
25. Consummate cabinet makers, they produced desks and chests of drawers that are
now regarded as masterpieces of American furniture.
26. I am watching an inimitable performer of violin solos.
27. Stubbing your toe is at least a more tolerable pain than breaking your foot.
28. She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
29. A miscellaneous writer was born at Paris on the 22nd of April 1766.
30. The other is made of artificial flowers, shaped and colored by a skillful artist.
31. The army post's stern commander always had the utmost respect of those who
served under him.
32. The heat makes Helen languid and quiet.
33. She didn't want anyone to know that she is illiterate.
34. A golfer who recently turned into a professional one is my brother.
35. The story is very responsive to the needs of its readers.
36. A tenacious trainor adheres to her grueling swimming schedule no matter what.
37. The hospital is proud of its attentive staff.

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