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Different types of free time activities around the


Activities to learn to respect diversity

A very good idea is to play games around the world.



The blind hen

Thirty six

The three in a row

Follow the mother.

But of course all these games have their own country of origin

Hopscotch: Europe

The blind chicken: America

The thirty-six: Africa

The three in a row: Asia

Follow the mother: Oceania.

Commentary: It should be explained that these games come

from other cultures.
Group activities
Another type is the activities oriented to share with colleagues, enjoy, learn and

establish bonds of friendship.

- Animal sounds: animal names are written in pairs on paper. They get in a boat.

One role is chosen per child. When everyone has paper they open it and emit the

sound of the animal that has touched them. Each child has to find his partner by

the sound he emits.

- The Japanese dance: it is a game to meet each other. The monitor says a few

words in the center of the circle of children. Everyone greets one side and another.

Then the children change places and perform again.

- Police and thieves: children make two groups, police and thieves. A pitch and a

jail are marked. With chalks it's fine. Cops chase thieves. They are taken to jail and

cannot leave if they are not touched by a thief. The cops win if they manage to put

all the thieves in jail.

they are the activities oriented to share with classmates,
Games to improve self-esteem and communication

- Abstract self-portrait for children of 1st year of ESSO. They must draw on paper
how they see themselves without drawing a human figure. Next, they explain what
each drawing means to a partner. That classmate explains it to the rest of the

- Communication chain: three children leave the room where the rest is. A story is

told to the group. One of the children outside is called and another tells the story or

represents it with mimicry. Enter the next one and the previous one tells the story.

and so with the following. In the end the initial story is compared with the final

result. Children understand that communication is important. What we tell and how

we tell it changes the stories .

Commentary: we promote culture and respect

Sport activities

Sometimes, leisure and free time activities are directly sports activities
such as football, basketball, karate, hockey, swimming ... The activity
that the child chooses. But different sports activities like sports games
workshops can also be carried out.

As examples of games we can find: back to back; the whiting pill

catches in pairs or group transport with medicine ball.

These games improve cooperation in addition to keeping the child

moving during that period of time. They are recommended in children
who need to discharge energy.

Commentary: In them games are played where movement and

psychomotor skills are the basis of learning.
Benefits of leisure and free time activities

One of the things that we must highlight is the great work of leisure and
leisure monitors.

Schedule and carry out activities with their groups. He is a person who analyzes

the needs of groups.

Schedule and carry out activities with their groups

. He is a person who assesses the needs of groups and children.

Commentary: Without their work as professionals our children would not get

so many benefits.
The and free benefits of leisure time
- They obtain a complementary formation to the activities of the school or school.

- These activities are a space for them to release their energy, especially in
children in the primary education stage

Improves and stimulates their socialization, they make new friends. - It improves
your relationship with school children if you go to leisure activities together.

Teaches them to work and play as a team. Respecting the rules, the monitor and

- Reduces conflicts between children (based on the summary and conclusions of a

study of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2008). And, in addition, it

improves your school performance.

. In short, leisure and free time activities are an ideal complement to the education

and harmonious development of children. These activities ensure that your children

have an integral education in a different space than the school. They are, as you

see, a necessary complement to regulated education.

Learning to play is essential for children and they do so much less in school.
Different types of free time activities around the

Student: Doménica Sarabia

Teacher: Omar Angulo

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