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Myo-reps for Busy

People: The Exercise
Guide to get Stronger
and Leaner Gym-Free


Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Elastic Bands .................................................................................................................... 4
Exercise guide............................................................................................................... 5
Abs and Core .................................................................................................................... 5
Plank With Arm and Leg Lift ........................................................................................... 6
Upper Body Pressing Exercises ......................................................................................... 8
Pushups ........................................................................................................................ 8
Pushups On The Knees................................................................................................ 10
Chest Press With Elastic Band...................................................................................... 11
Pushups With Elastic Band ........................................................................................... 12
Pushups With Feet Elevated ......................................................................................... 13
Pushups With Narrow Grip ........................................................................................... 14
Pushups On Uneven Surface........................................................................................ 15
Pushups With Knee Lift ................................................................................................ 16
Inverted Pushups – Floor Shoulder Press ..................................................................... 17
Hindu Pushups............................................................................................................. 18
Shoulder Press With Elastic Band ................................................................................. 19
Lateral Raise With Elastic Band .................................................................................... 20
Inverted Pushups With Legs Elevated ........................................................................... 21
Triceps Extensions With Elastic Band ........................................................................... 22
Pulling Exercises ............................................................................................................. 24
Seated Rows ............................................................................................................... 24
Seated Rows – Elbows Wide ........................................................................................ 26
Face Pulls.................................................................................................................... 27
One Arm Rows............................................................................................................. 28
“The Lawn Mower” – Bent-Over Pulls............................................................................ 29
Chin-Ups/Chins ............................................................................................................ 30
Pullups – Partial Reps .................................................................................................. 30
Chins With Hammer Grip .............................................................................................. 32
Bicepscurl With Elastic Band ........................................................................................ 33
Lower Body ..................................................................................................................... 35
Squat........................................................................................................................... 35
Squat With Elastic Band ............................................................................................... 36
Squat + Overhead Press With Elastic Band ................................................................... 37
Bulgarian Split Squat .................................................................................................... 38
Bulgarian Split Squat With Added Load ......................................................................... 40
Bulgarian Split Squat – Front Foot Elevated .................................................................. 41
Bulgarian Split Squat With Elastic BAnd ........................................................................ 42
Skater Squat – One Leg Squat ..................................................................................... 43
Pistol Squat ................................................................................................................. 44
Good Morning – Straight-Leg Deadlift ........................................................................... 46
One-Leg Straight-Leg Deadlift ...................................................................................... 47
Hip Thrust .................................................................................................................... 49
One-Leg Hip Thrust ...................................................................................................... 50
Conclusion And Programming Examples ..............................................................................51

Myo-reps for Busy People: The Exercise Guide to get Stronger and 2
Leaner Gym-Free

Many people have ambitious goals of exercising more, but realize that
this is where Optimal meets Practical. In everyday life, you're too tired,
too short on time, too hungry or too tired, there’s a good show on TV, it's
impossible to get a babysitter – or you’re just finding it increasingly
difficult to fit in a trip to the gym while traveling, as hotel gyms are usually
sorely lacking in weights and proper equipment, and getting day passes
to commercial gyms are getting increasingly expensive.

Also, many people find it difficult to even get started, for various reasons:
Doing a squat with a heavy weight on your neck does seem scary, and
even more so if you don’t feel at home in the midst of the hardcore lifters
screaming and yelling obscenities while throwing gym equipment all over
the place in the free weight department of the local gym.

In this exercise guide, you will find my go-to exercises for people who
want to do their training at home or in a hotel room, or at a minimally
equipped hotel gym, if needed.

All you need is your own bodyweight, some elastic bands, or whatever
you can find that provides some loading (pots and pans, books, bags of
rice or potatoes, chairs, even your toddler or child if you are careful).

All the exercises in this program have detailed descriptions, pictures and
video links if you click on the exercise name.

You can substitute most exercises in the Myo-reps program with the
exercises in this guide, and you will find various levels of challenge just
by changing body positions, elastic band resistance or even the weight of
the chosen implement. Progressive resistance is one of the primary
drivers of progress, and just imagine using your 2-year old for some of
the exercises in this guide—when he’s 21 you will obviously also be a lot
stronger if you are still using him for your training…just like the myth of
Milo and the bull. He might not want to be your exercise partner until he’s
well into legal age to drink and party, but the principle still applies.

For warming up, simply do a few sets of 3-5 reps of the chosen
movement, or try out my warm-up and activation sequence here (click

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Leaner Gym-Free

Elastic resistance is a convenient and portable way to increase the

challenge of an exercise. The more you stretch it, the more resistance it
provides - and this property is perfect for many exercises that are
relatively much easier in the starting position than in the bottom position.

For example, on pushups, you can stand for ages on straight arms, and
in the squat the top position with locked knees is almost like a resting

By using elastic bands you will get a progressively heavier movement

towards the top, thus evening out the resistance curve.

Exercise with elastic bands may provide a greater training effect when
used in addition to body weight or external load on certain exercises.

It is also easy to increase or decrease the load:

 Twist the band to shorten it

 Move your grip closer on the band
 Move further away from the end of it to stretch it further
 Use a thicker band
 Use two or more bands

Recommended band types can be found on Amazon here (click link).

#1 and #2 will be sufficient for beginners, but #3 and #4 will be needed if

you are more advanced to get enough resistance for squats and

Note: these are single bands, you might want to buy two of the set so
you get a pair.

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Here’s a descriptive exercise guide, with pictures and videos—just click on the
exercise name to get the video demonstration. You will also see some exercises
being graded in Easier and Heavier, that can be used depending on individual
strength levels and what rep range you want to work in.



Most people need to learn to tighten the abdominal muscles and resist movement,
not necessarily create movement. The main function of the abdominals is to stabilize
the trunk, and to transfer power between the lower and the upper body.

One of the causes of back pain may be that you have not learned to keep this area
stable during everyday activities.

The plank is one of the most underrated exercises to train this stabilizing function.

Start by standing on your toes with your elbows just below or slightly higher than your
armpits and then contract hard by pulling your elbows towards your hips, almost
trying to squeeze the floor together like an accordion.

The most common mistakes are to let the hips sag or stick up into the air, so focus
on keeping a straight line throughout your body.

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A smart way to ingrain the proper technique is to first breathe out all the air you have
in your lungs. Notice how the abs automatically tighten.

Another trick is to tilt an imaginary belt buckle towards your necklace—also

imaginary, obviously—unless you are unusually fond of bling while exercising.

Hold the plank for time, and if you’re contracting and pulling your elbows down hard
enough, you should manage around 30-60 seconds on the first set. In typical Myo-
reps style, you now rest for 3-5 deep breaths, and proceed to do another 3-5 second
contract-and-hold sequence. Repeat for 3-5 sets until you are properly fatigued.

There is no need to go to absolute failure on this exercise, but if you’re able to hold
the plank for several minutes, you’re not contracting your abs with sufficient effort.


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This increases the challenge of the regular plank. By adding a rotational component.
By lifting alternate legs and arms in the pattern of your choice you will need to
stabilize harder with your abs, but also get a nice contraction of your gluteus (butt)
muscles as well as the important muscles between your shoulder blades that tend to
tighten up when you’ve been sitting for too long (trapezius, rhomboideus).

Feel free to add some extra work on the weakest side, or arm/leg.

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This is one of the best exercises exercises for the muscles in your chest (pectorals),
shoulders (deltoids) and back of the arms (triceps)—equal to the coveted bench
press in a recent study—and actually my favorite upper body pressing exercise.

You also the stabilizing effect of the plank position, so you should have a few minutes
of rest between the plank and the pushup if you are doing both on the same day.
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Stand on your toes and place your hands right below your armpits and slightly out to
the side of the body.

A common mistake is to put the hands and arms to wide or too high, or pointing the
elbows straight out to the side. You should actually imagine squeezing oranges in
your armpits, by slightly twisting the elbows towards your feet.

This will properly center the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket, and you will be
able to produce more power.

It also helps to imagine you are “pulling” yourself down to the floor, and that you're
compressing a giant spring between your chest and the floor, that releases all its
tension and shoots you up into the air as soon as your chest hits the floor.

Your shoulders will pull back (or rather, up in the air) and down towards your butt on
the way down (retraction), and then push forcefully forward and down into the floor
on the way up (protraction)

You can make pushups even easier by placing your hands against a chair, the edge
of a table, or a wall.

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Same movement as regular pushups, but by shortening the lever and standing on
your knees, you make it easier to perform more reps.

I tend to prefer the version with your hands on a chair/table/wall, as it ingrains a

better movement pattern and integrates the plank pattern.

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Hold the band in your palm between the thumb and index finger. Twist it a couple of
times before stretching it over your head and behind your back, this will make it
easier to keep it in position without sliding around.

Perform the same movement as a pushup, with the same technique cues—really
squeeze those oranges in your armpits and between your chest muscles.

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If you can do pushups, and if you can do the chest press with elastic band, this
exercise will be a breeze. Make orange juice. Add more bands or a thicker band for
more resistance. Have someone sit on your back if you are crazy strong.

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This changes the angle of the dangle—as well as the angle of your body, which
transfers more load to the upper chest and shoulders. This increases the difficulty of
the movement. You can also add elastic bands and make it even harder. Feel free to
switch the oranges with some other citrus fruit.

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Moving the hands together (form a triangle with your thumbs and index fingers) will
increase the range of motion in the shoulder and elbow joints, increase the difficulty
of the movement, and a study has shown that this increases the muscle activation of
all muscle groups. Moving the hands closer together generally makes it more triceps-
dominant, but this pushup variation also provides a strong activation of the chest

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Place one hand on a book or similar elevated surface to increase stability demands
and transfer slightly more load to one side. Make sure to repeat on the other after a
short break. You may also move one hand further out to the side. This exercise is a
nice way to train your ability to eventuall do one hand pushups.

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Lift one knee up to your elbow, and increase the rotational and stabilizing demand of
the exercise. This also adds challenge to the abdominals.

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The starting position is just like pushups, but here you push your hips high up into the
air so that the arms are in line with the upper body—or, as close to it as possible.
Imagine squeezing your elbows into your ears at the top, aim the forehead against
the floor and sink down by bending the elbows, stop and hold for a short second just
before actually hitting the floor, and push back up.

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A fun, but challenging hybrid movement. Start out in the pushups position, then
assume the position of the inverted pushup, sink down but—just before hitting the
floor with your forehead—sink your hips down towards the floor and move smoothly
through your hands, and finally push away from the floor. Then, go back to the
pushup position and repeat.

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Place the band under your knees. Start with the hands in front of and slightly to the
side of your shoulders, with the elbows pulled into the ribs. Imagine punching a hole
in the ceiling with your hands and squeeze your elbows into your ears at the top.
Lower your hands under control back to the starting position. Remember to tense
your abs and butt to maintain a solid core and proper pushing position. Use one
elastic band in each hand if you want to increase the resistance further, and stand
with your feet on the band(s) to increase the challenge even further.

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This exercise will isolate the outer part of your shoulder muscle (deltoid). Stand with
the opposite foot on the band. Keep the shoulder in a neutral position and avoid
letting it hang forward. Push out the chest as if proudly showing off your t-shirt logo,
and raise the arm straight to the side while pointing the thumb slightly up and

A common mistake is to use the “empty cup” position where you point thet thumb
forward and down. This is actually a provocative impingement test for the shoulder

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joint, and not something you should be loading up. Another error is pulling the
shoulder up to your ear, so make sure you are pushing the hand away from you
throughout the movement.



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As with pushups, you can increase the difficulty of inverted pushups by placing your
feet higher than the hands, thus moving more of the center of gravity towards the
head and shoulders. The most advanced version is doing a handstand pushups,
either free-standing or with your back against a wall for added support. I have chosen
to not include this exercise here, simply because none of us were able to perform
more than a couple of reps of it…


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This is an isolation exercise for the elbow extensor muscle, the triceps. Stand with
the opposite foot on the band, lower your hand behind your head and point the elbow
towards the ceiling.

Extend the arm and imagine punching a hole in the ceiling.

There is no need to stretch the muscle by squeezing your elbow against your head—
find a natural movement and keep constant tension on the muscle.

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This is a great exercise for the upper and middle part of the back. Contrary to what
most people claim, it’s not an exercise that will hit the latissimus dorsi muscle, that
fan-shaped muscle (or wing-shaped, if you will) hanging down from the armpit to the
waist—i.e. the “hanging” is mostly something you can see in very muscular

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individuals. The “lat” muscle’s main function is to pull the elbow from above the head
and in towards your ribs, either in front of you or to the side.

When you start the movement with your hand straight out in front of you, you only get
a partial range of movement until your elbows hit your ribs. When you pull the elbows
behind your body, your lat isn’t doing anything any more. So the row is primarily for
the mid and upper back.

Sit up straight (show off the logo on your t-shirt), and attach the band(s) around the
leg of a table, bed or just look it around your feet. You will get more out of the row by
focusing on squeezing the shoulders back and down, while allowing the elbows to
point slightly out to the side. Avoid the temptation to pull with your arms, instead—
imagine your arms as “hinges” and focus on pulling with the elbows.

Reverse the movement under control and release the shoulder blades forward, but
maintain the tension on the muscles.

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Same movement as above, but point the elbows almost straight out to the side, and
you will target more of the upper back and rear deltoids.

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Same starting position as rows, but you pull the hands to your face—try pulling all the
way behind your ears—and squeeze the elbows as far back as possible.

Face Pulls will target both the mid- and upper back, but is also excellent for the
rotator cuff muscles that tend to get weak and shortened if you spend a lot of time
during the day in front of a computer, hunched over. It also tends to get irritated if you
do a lot of bench pressing, so Face Pulls is an exercise that provides a lot of bang for
your buck for both prehabilitative and strengthening purposes.

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This is just a seated row movement with one arm at a time, that makes it more
focused. Avoid rotating your body too much, keep the upper body tight and in the
same position while letting the shoulder and elbow do the work.

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This is the exercise to target your latissimus dorsi, or “the lat muscle” that you missed
out on with the regular seated row. Fasten the band around a heavy object or a door
handle, lean way forward at the hips, and stretch the arm out in front of you. Squeeze
the elbow into your ribs, and make sure you are using a controlled movement with
maximum tension on the target muscle. Move further back or use thicker band for
more resistance.

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This exercise requires an object to hold on to, such as a ledge, a tree branch, or a
bar in the local playground. There are also doorway implements that do the job nicely
(click the link).

Chin-ups also goes by the name of “pullups” or even “hangups” depending on who
you ask. By definition, chin-ups mean that you use an underhand or neutral grip and
pull yourself up to the point where the chin is over the bar (hence the name),
whereas pullups are done with a shoulder-width or slightly wider overhand grip, but
you should still pull as high as possible.

A trick to get better at this exercise is to learn how to properly activate the lats. First,
imagine squeezing your armpits together, making juice with those imaginary oranges,
while leaning back. You should be looking up at the bar and the chest should be
rising first. Do partial reps like this to learn the movement:


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You may also jump up to the correct position and then lower yourself under control.
This is called eccentric reps, and can be brutal—so take it easy the first few times if
you’ve never done these before, or the soreness will be debilitating in the next few

Now finish the movement by pulling yourself up with the arms, imagining you are
punching a hole in heaven with your head. Or the ceiling if you have a chin-up bar in
the doorway. Just watch out for actually punching a hole in the ceiling, it probably
hurts your head more than the woodwork.

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Avoid hanging out in the bottom position, instead maintain tension in the lats and
quickly reverse the movement. You will achieve more reps if you do this.


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A neutral grip will target the lats better and reduce the tension on the biceps slightly
(vs. the undergrip version which increases biceps activation).


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This is an isolation exercise for the elbow flexor, or the biceps muscle. An exercise
many girls will be tempted to skip, and an exercise the guys will be tempted to do at
the expense of leg work.

If I were to design the dream program for guys, it would probably consist of only
situps, bench press and biceps curls, and incidentally this is what many are actually
doing…but you are obviously smarter than these guys, right?

Anyway, the execution of this exercise is straightforward—you bend your elbow…but

here’s something to watch out for: don’t push your elbow forward at the top, as this
makes it into a shoulder exercise and tension on the biceps is zero at the top. Go
back to the Myo-reps e-book where I have explained this in detail, and also shown
the execution of a Myo-reps bicep curl.

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This is a fundamental human movement that have been severely ignored in modern
society, and thus we have lost mobility and the ability to sit down deep into a proper
squat position.

Take comfort in the fact that working on squats will make you better at squats and
improve mobility. Just start at a comfortable depth and increase it week by week.
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A few tips for proper execution:

 Contract your abs by tilting an imaginary belt buckle up to an imaginary

necklace. Or perhaps you’re that guy who doesn’t need to pretend.
 Stand with your feet at shoulder-width or slightly wider, point your toes slightly
outwards, and “grab” the floor with your toes.
 Your weight distribution should be even between your heel and your forefoot.
 Imagine “screwing” the floor apart by rotating your feet out, but without actually
rotating your feet out—if this happens, use shoes or remove your socks so
you don’t slip. This action will turn on those nice butt muscles (gluteus) that
tend to become weak and lazy when you sit on them all day.
 Show off the logo on your t-shirt (even if you don’t have one), with a proud
chest, and aim your butt to your heels—sliding the outside of your elbows
along the inside of your knees. This is a better movement than sitting down
and back, at least when it comes to a bodyweight squat—with a heavy loaded
barbell on your neck it might be slightly different…
 Imagine you’re compressing a loaded spring on the way down, and as soon as
you hit a comfortable depth, explode up. Farting is optional, but can be
expected. Squeezing your butt cheeks together might prevent accidents, and
have the added benefit of activating that lazy ass of yours even harder.



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Add resistance by standing on one or two elastic bands, looped around your neck,
and held in place by your outstretched arms.


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Add difficulty with this hybrid movement of a squat + overhead press, using an elastic
band. Do a squat with the band held in your hands, with your arms ready in the
overhead press position. Punch the ceiling with your hands at the top. Return to the
starting position.


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This exercise is also known as the Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat, but most in the
fitness world just know it as the Bulgarian Squat or Bulgarian Split Squat. I donmt
know that the Bulgarians invented it, but that’s the name.

BSS’s are obviously more challenging due the standing on one leg at a time, and by
moving the center of gravity over the front foot. You will get some assistance from the
back leg, obviously, and you can play around with your body position to alter how the
movement feels.

If you stay more upright and put more weight on the back foot, it will stretch the
quadriceps (front of the leg) more—if you lean forward and put more weight over the
front foot, you will feel it more in both the front leg and butt.

At the bottom, the front knee should be approximately right over the toes of the front
foot. If something feels uncomfortable, i.e. if the hip of the back leg is overstretched,
lean more forward and put the front leg closer to the back leg.

Push from the heel of the front foot and remember to contract your abs and clench
your butt to keep the pelvis and core in the proper position.

I strongly recommend at least 2 minutes of rest between legs, as doing Myo-reps on

Bulgarian Split Squats can be absolute torture for both the leg muscles and the
cardiovascular system!

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Add load by holding a book, iron pot/pan, potato sack or similar heavy object in front
of your chest.

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Increase the range of motion of the front leg, thus achieving a deeper knee bend, by
placing your front foot on something like a book or block of wood.

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Step on one or two elastic bands, looped around your neck and held in place with
your hands for added resistance.

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This is almost like a Bulgarian Split Squat, but removing the balance and assistance
component from the rear leg makes it an exercise that is extra challenging.

Balance on one leg and grab the floor with your toes for added balance. Bend the
knee of the non-working leg and point it towards the floor behind the heel of the
working leg.

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Place a pillow or something soft under the knee to lessen the impact of hitting the

You can increase difficulty even further by standing on a book or box, and you can
make it slightly easier by placing that book or box under the knee so you limit depth.


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This is an even harder exercise than the Skater Squat. Here you stretch the non-
working leg out in front of you. It helps to let it slide along the floor at first, then as you
get stronger you can try holding it up in the air a few inches above the floor.

The movement is similar to a squat, but obviously demands great stability, mobility
and strength.

The lower back will round naturally in this movement, as it should. This is something
to avoid in a loaded back squat with a barbell on your neck.

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This exercise hits the lower back, the backside of the legs (hamstrings) and the butt
(gluteus). Stand on an elastic band and hold the loops, or loop the band around your
neck while holding it in front of your body.

Contract the abs and pinch your butt cheeks together. Shove your hips backward
with a slight knee bend, aiming for the wall behind you. You should shift your weight
to the heels, and if you do it right you will feel this exercise in your hamstrings and
not the lower back.

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Hold further down on the elastic band, use a thicker band or use two bands to
increase the resistance.

To be precise, a Good Morning is when you place the load behind your neck,
whereas a Straight-Leg Deadlift (also called Romanian Deadlift when knees are
slightly bent) is when the load is held in your hand. Since we do both in this exercise,
you may feel free to name the exercise exactly what you want.



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Same execution as the bilateral/two-legged version, but you shift your balance to one
leg at a time. You can use the other leg for support, but only lightly touch the floor
behind you and don’t assist with it if you want to increase the load and difficulty on
the stance leg. Some prefer to kick the free leg up into the air behind them for better
balance and control—feel free to experiment…just watch out for any glass objects or
small children standing behind you.

You will feel this exercise more in the gluteus of the front foot than the bilateral

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This is a very popular exercise for the butt (gluteus), and for good reason. Many of us
spend way too many hours of a day sitting on it, so this exercise is great for
reactivating and firming up this important muscle—it is actually the largest muscle in
the body.

Dig your heels into the floor and support your upper back on a chair, bench, couch or
the end of a bed. Lower the hips down to the floor, then thrust them up into the air as

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hard as possible. Now you probably understand why this is also an important muscle
for great sex, right?

An important execution tip is to squeeze your butt cheeks as hard as possible at the
top (imagine crushing nuts between them…not your own nuts, though), while
contracting your abs—tilting the pelvis the way you would if you were to push an
imaginary belt buckle up towards your gold necklace…you pimp.

Squeeze and hold for a couple of seconds for added effect.

Move the heels forward or backwards to wherever you feel the butt contraction the
most, and the front or back of the legs contracting less.

By holding something heavy—your partner is perfect—you can increase the

resistance and pleasure dramatically.



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As should be obvious by now, doing the exercise on one leg will increase the
difficulty. Bend the non-working leg and focus on pulling the knee to your chest. This
will improve your technique automatically. You may also straighten the non-working
leg out in front of you for added resistance.

There are very few individuals capable of doing one-leg hip thrusts with a partner in
their lap, but if you are one of those, please send me a picture of it! No naked pics,


You have learned some new and challenging exercises and variations of
exercises in this guide that will enable you to get in a proper workout,
even on those days or times when you are too busy to get in a session at
the local gym.

By using Myo-reps on exercises that hit all muscle groups—or just the
ones you want to focus on—you can stimulate your body to build muscle
and burn fat in just 10-20 minutes of training.

The simple template is to pick one exercise variation for upper body
pulling (a row), upper body pushing (a pushup), then two lower body
exercises: a squat variation and a deadlift variation. Add in hip thrusts if
you want to work your butt off (literally).

Myo-reps for Busy People: The Exercise Guide to get Stronger and 51
Leaner Gym-Free
Do each of these exercises with Myo-reps, for 15-25 +3-5x reps, and
pick the variation that puts you within this range. Feel free to go higher or
lower in reps if that suits you better, though.

If you want a more comprehensive and advanced program:

2 upper body pressing (pushups and inverted pushups)

2 upper body pulling (rows and lawnmower or chins if you’re strong)

Optional: biceps curl and side lateral raise

Squats (feel free to do 2 variations or 2 sets)

Deadlift (feel free to do 2 variations or 2 sets)

Hip Thrust

Frequency: You should do 2 workouts per week as a minimum (you

might want to do 2 Myo-rep sets on some exercises if you are
intermediate or advanced), and all the way up to daily exercise if you are
really advanced, with rest days when you are tired or sore.

In that case, you would be wise to stick with only 1 Myo-rep set on each

Good luck!

Borge A. Fagerli
Coach, Mentor and Author

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(Read the whole page to see if you qualify first. I have a very limited availability and need to
be extremely selective with who I take on as a client)

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Twitter: @BFagerli

Myo-reps for Busy People: The Exercise Guide to get Stronger and 52
Leaner Gym-Free

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