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The bench press – a status. In almost every male dominated

environment a strong bench is a symbol of power. No matter if
you are among your white collar office colleagues, your football
teammates or your fellow inmates in prison, a big bench will
give you respect and recognition – the “Whaddayabench?”

I am Fabostrong and if you acquired this eBook, you may know

me from my Instagram or YouTube page. I am a bench press
specialist with a personal record of 440 lbs at a bodyweight of
161 lbs. After so many years of experience I felt like it is time
to pass on my knowledge to others in the form of this eBook to
help people improve their bench press and with improve I am
mainly talking about lifting more weight.
Table of Contents

Introduction 2 General Tips and Keys 20

What to Expect 3 Explode 21

The Program 5 Breathing 22

Workout A – Heavy Bench 7 Visualization 23

Workout B – Light Bench 11 Warm up 25

Workout C – Medium 13 Motivation 27

Leg Routine 15 Shoulder Injury Prevention 28

No Rocket Science 16 Weight Calculator 31

Adapting the Program 17 Progress 32

A Word on Form 19 Personalized Plan 33


The core of this book is the training plan, which is the result of many years
of experience, sweat, pain, failure and ultimately, success. If you follow this
routine, you will increase your maximum weight lifted on the bench press.
You will see that the plan itself is no rocket science, the main challenge will
be to strictly follow the instructions without giving in to the desire to put on
more or less weight onto the barbell.

With that being said, I want to emphasize that this eBook will not be a
popular piece of reference on kinesiology and proper bench press form. I
purposely did not include in depth information on how perfect bench press
form should look like, as I think there is already very good information in
the form of videos out there, that no written medium can explain any better.
But more on that later.

What to expect

You most probably bought this eBook, because you want a bigger bench.
But how do you train for power? Most people learn bodybuilding type
workouts when they start training with weights to develop a good base of
muscle. Although muscle and power are somewhat connected with each
other, training for hypertrophy and training for power are two very different
things. No bodybuilding type workout with high volume will increase your
power level the way powerlifting training will.

What you can realistically expect from this program depends on how well
developed your body already is. When training for a bigger bench press, you
are more so training your tendons to be able to support a lot of weight.

What to expect

With that being said, the more developed your body already is, the more
weight your tendons can support. That is why records go up with weight
classes. However, it is more than likely that you have a lot of potential at
your current condition before you have to gain weight in the form of lean
body mass. The truth is that most people never reach their actual potential
for a number of reasons. Even when I hit my personal best I felt like there
was still room for improvement. The only thing that stopped me was an

With that in mind I can confidently say that my program will add about
5 – 15% to your max bench, depending on your current level.

The Program

This is a six week program in which you will be benching three days a week,
which makes a total of 18 workouts. This might seem a lot, especially for
those of you who are used to hypertrophy/bodybuilding type routines, but
again: training for power is something different. It is up to you which
weekdays you want to train, just make sure that you have at least one day
off between each bench workout for recovery. A weekly layout of the
program can be seen on the following page.

The Program




Workout A – Heavy Bench

Your first bench workout will be heavy. Warming up is important for every
training session but even more so if you a working with heavy weights, so
warm up appropriately. Your form during your warming sets should be just
as strict as during your working sets. See page 25 for more on warming
up. The working sets of this session are divided into three parts in the
following order:

1. 5 sets of 1 rep

2. 1 set of 4 reps
1 set of 3 reps
1 set of 2 reps

3. 1 set of 7 reps
1 set of 6 reps
1 set of 5 reps

Workout A – Heavy Bench

You should take 3-5 minutes rest between every set. Although this is the
heavy session, the workout might feel light to you. However, it is very
important that you strictly follow the program and lift according to the plan.
A workout is successful if you are able to complete all reps and sets as
specified in the program.

Workout A – Assistance

The meaning of assistance exercises is to strengthen the muscles that have

a supporting or stabilizing function in a specific lift. In the case of the bench
press the most important of these are the deltoids, the triceps, the
latissimus and the biceps. In the assistance workout you will perform
different exercises that target at least one of the supporting muscles. You
can of course substitute any proposed exercise for an exercise of your
choice as long as it targets the muscle in a similar manner.

I generally advise 3 sets in a moderate rep range, which is a good

compromise between strengthening the muscle and not putting too much
stress on the tendons at the same time which could result in injuries. For
every exercise you should choose a weight that is light enough for you to
perform the reps nicely and cleanly, but also heavy enough so that it still
constitutes a challenge for you to complete the sets with the suggested

Workout A – Assistance

What I did not include in the assistance workouts for bench press are the
legs. You should however not neglect to train them, since they ensure the
tightness of your body throughout the lift. You can simply add a leg routine
on any free day of the program or add some exercises after your workouts,
whatever fits your schedule. You can find an exemplified leg routine on page

For workout A I recommend the following assistance exercises:

1. Seated shoulder press on the Smith Machine 3 sets of 6-7 reps

2. Barbell rows on the Smith Machine 3 sets of 6-7 reps
3. Shrugs on smith machine 3 sets of 6-7 reps
4. Dips 3 sets of 6-7 reps
5. Barbell curls 3 sets of 6-7 reps

Workout B – Light Bench

The second workout in the week will be a light one. This is however no
reason not to warm up and get ready for your working sets.

In this light session there will be only three working sets:

3 sets of 8 reps

Your rest between the sets should be 3-5 minutes again.

Workout B – Assistance

The assistance exercises on the light day are the following:

1. Seated shoulder press 3 sets of 10-12 reps

2. Cable rows 3 sets of 10-12 reps
3. Dumbbell shrugs 3 sets of 10-12 reps
4. French press 3 sets of 10-12 reps
5. Cable curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Workout C – Medium Bench

The last bench workout in your week will be with medium weight and
medium volume compared to workout A and B. Warm up appropriately and
get ready for the session where you will be doing:

1 set of 4 reps
2 sets of 3 reps
1 set of 6 reps
2 sets of 5 reps

Again, you should rest 3-5 minutes between each of the sets.

Workout C – Assistance

On the medium day I recommend the following assistance exercises:

1. Overhead dumbbell press 3 sets of 6-7 reps

2. Dumbbell rows 3 sets of 6-7 reps
3. Barbell shrugs 3 sets of 6-7 reps
4. Dips 3 sets of 6-7 reps
5. Barbell curls 3 sets of 6-7 reps

Leg Routine

As mentioned earlier, you can and should perform a leg routine, as a form of
assistance workout for your bench, on any free day of the week that fits
your schedule. Here is an example of a lower body workout that I regularly

1. Hyperextensions 3 sets of 10-12 reps

2. Squats 3 sets of 10-12 reps
3. Romanian Deadlift 3 sets of 10-12 reps
4. Leg extensions 3 sets of 10-12 reps

No Rocket Science

As you can see the program itself is nothing extravagant, but it works. I can
not stress enough how important it is to not depart from the specified plan.
Even if the single workouts might not feel hard at first, you might feel sore
after your first week from the continuous stress on muscle and tendons if
you are not used to this type of training. However, the soreness will fade as
you continue the program and simultaneously your strength will increase.

Because of the high intensity of this six week program it is absolutely

necessary that you deload for one week before starting a new training cycle.
During a deload week you simply perform all three workouts of week 6 with
50% of the weight given.

Adapting the Program

As long as you can successfully finish every workout you strictly follow the
program. However, it might be possible that you are not able to successfully
complete a heavy workout. In this case you will finish the week by doing the
light and medium workouts according to the plan and repeat the whole
week in the following week, before moving on with the plan.

An example: You fail to complete five clean reps in the last set of your
heavy workout A in week 3.

Adjustment: You finish the light and medium workouts of week 3 according
to the plan, but repeat the whole training week 3 in the following week. If
you were now able to successfully finish week 3, you continue with week 4
as specified in your plan.

Adapting the Program

If you have to repeat a week, the program will be extended for the number
of weeks you had to repeat until you finished every scheduled workout
successfully. An unsuccessful light or medium workout has no consequences
on the progression of the program as long as you are able to successfully
finish the heavy workout of that week.

A Word on Form

As I mentioned earlier, I think that a book is not the ideal instrument to

impart perfect form, which is indispensable for having a big bench. In my
opinion form has to be taught and learned through the repeated movement
itself, since it is such an individual thing.

The perfect bench form depends on the constitution of your body, the
relations of the dimensions of your single body parts and simply preference.
A good approach to find your own perfect bench form is to watch videos of
knowledgeable people, practice and figure out what works for you.
Personally I learned from the videos of Elite FTS on YouTube. I have no
affiliation with them but even now I do not feel like I could explain anything
any better than they do.
Here is a link to their “So you think you can bench” series which contains
seven short, but highly informative tutorials on the matter.


General Tips and Keys

The things that I point out here are more of a general nature rather than
specific rules to follow. Most of it has no scientific background or at least
none that I know of. It is just what helps me and works for me, so I think it
is worth to give it a try.



General Tips and Keys



Explode - Whether you are doing touch and go or paused reps, you should
explode the bar off your chest. That means pushing the bar up as fast as
possible in an explosive manner. Your decent does not have to be super fast,
but always go up as fast as you possibly can. This will help your central
nervous system to get more muscle fibers into the movement. It also helps
you to get through sticking points, where the speed can be that extra bit
that pushes you over. However, do not confuse exploding with bouncing the
bar off your chest and always maintain proper form.

General Tips and Keys



Breathing - I usually train without a spotter, because I always put on a

weight on the bar that I know I am able to lift. But every now and then I
shoot for that extra rep which always ends up being a grinder. As I am
inching the weight up, I blow out as hard as I possibly can as many times as
needed. Without a doubt, the breathing helps immensely with completing
those last reps. Suck as much air into your chest as you can in the eccentric
movement (lowering the bar to your chest). Faulty or no breathing at all will
result in an unstable position, especially when you are working with heavy

General Tips and Keys



Visualization – Any elite athlete in the world, no matter what sport they
compete in, will tell you how important it is to picture yourself succeeding
in your head before you do it in real life. The power of visualization is
tremendous when used correctly. I visualize myself completing lifts all the
time, in the gym and outside of the gym. I want to be the best and
strongest and that is all I think about. It may sound cheesy but I like to
think about the greats in history like Attila the Hun, Alexander the Great or
Caesar. I envision myself as these people and approach the bench the way
they approach conquering armies and nations.

General Tips and Keys

When you dream of a big goal you work for, it is understandable to also
think about all the obstacles that will stand in your way. Do not let these
thoughts gain power, hold you back and discourage you from moving
forward. Do not become satisfied with mediocrity. Rather envision yourself
succeeding and create positive thoughts. The truth is, if you are not able to
picture yourself achieving your goal, most likely you will not in the end. If
you envision, it will come, it is no mumbo-jumbo.

General Tips and Keys



Warm up - When I warm up for a bench workout, I am not only warming

up the muscles but also the lift itself. Every single warm up rep should be
done with the best form possible, even if you are only lifting the bar. In my
opinion, no muscle fatiguing volume should be lifted during a good warm
up. If you are going to lift heavy weights, the “warming” refers not only to
the muscles involved in the lift, but also to the central nervous systems that
has to be prepared for a serious weight. Therefore my advice is a quality
warm up in a rather low rep range but perfect execution.

General Tips and Keys

My personal warm up looks something like this:

(% of your 1RM)

1. The bar 10 reps

2. 50% 6 reps
3. 60% 3 reps
4. 70% 3 reps
5. 80% 1 rep

General Tips and Keys



Motivation - When I am under the bar, I am not only thinking about how I
become the strongest, I am thinking about why I want to be the strongest.
And I remind myself constantly. I would not have become an elite lifter, if
powerlifting was just a hobby for me. It is very unlikely that you will become
one of the strongest if you do not have something driving you on an
emotional level. My motivation is being successful and setting a good
example for the younger generations in my family. So far, all of the males in
my family are deadbeats, crackheads and in and out of jail. I want to break
that cycle!

Shoulder Injury Prevention

I want to give special attention to the prevention of possibly severe shoulder

injuries from benching, because I suffered and rehabbed them twice. One
very common cause of shoulder injuries is an imbalance in the shoulder
resulting from too tight pectoral muscles and a weak teres minor muscle of
the rotator cuff. This imbalance can be counteracted with some simple
exercises. I could have prevented the injuries, but I was lazy and did not
work on prevention. Do not be lazy!

Shoulder Injury Prevention

I do and recommend the following stretches and exercises as prevention

measures for shoulder injuries:

1. Stretch your pectoral and latissimus muscles every day before and after
you go to the gym. Do not stretch them right before or during your

2. Do external rotations with the cable or a exercise band.

3. Stand with both arms in front of you. Take an exercise band, grab it with
both hands and open your arms until they form a 180 degree angle. The
more narrow you grab the band with both hands, the more resistance you
feel. Do this for 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps. I would also recommend to
alternate pronated to supinated grip for every set.

Lets get started

On the following pages you will find the detailed

workout scheme for the next 6 weeks.

Have fun.

Weight Calculator

To calculate your personalized BENCHSAVAGE plan

please enter your 1 repetition maximum bench in the field below.



100 100



Personalized Plan in LBS

Here you find an overview of your personalized bench plan. The detailed program
based on your 1RM with all assistance exercises is attached at the end of the eBook.

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6

Workout A 5x1 90 lbs 95 lbs 100 105 110 115 lbs

lbs lbs lbs

3 x 4/3/2 80 lbs 85 lbs 90 95 lbs 100 lbs 105 lbs


3 x 7/6/5 70 lbs 75 lbs 80 85 90 95

lbs lbs lbs lbs

Workout B 3x8 65 lbs 70 lbs 75 lbs 80 lbs 85 lbs 90 lbs

Workout C 1x4 85 90 95 100 105 110

lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs

2x3 80 lbs 85 lbs 90 lbs 95 lbs 100 lbs 105 lbs

1x6 75 lbs 80 lbs 85 lbs 90 lbs 95 lbs 100 lbs

2x5 70 lbs 75 lbs 80 lbs 85 lbs 90 lbs 95 lbs 33

Personalized Plan in KG

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6

Workout A 5x1 90 kg 92 kg 95 97 99 101

kg kg kg kg

3 x 4/3/2 80 kg 82 kg 85 87 kg 89 kg 91 kg

3 x 7/6/5 70 kg 72 kg 75 77 79 81
kg kg kg kg

Workout B 3x8 65 kg 67 kg 70 kg 72 kg 74 kg 76 kg

Workout C 1x4 85 kg 87 90 92 94 96
kg kg kg kg kg

2x3 80 kg 82 kg 85 kg 87 kg 89 kg 91 kg

1x6 75 kg 77 kg 80 kg 82 kg 84 kg 86 kg

2x5 70 kg 72 kg 75 kg 77 kg 79 kg 81 kg

six week routine in LBS

Workout A Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Heavy Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 5 1 90 lbs 5 1 95 lbs 5 1 100 lbs

Bench Press 3 4/3/2 80 lbs 3 4/3/2 85 lbs 3 4/3/2 90 lbs
Bench Press 3 7/6/5 70 lbs 3 7/6/5 75 lbs 3 7/6/5 80 lbs
Seated Shoulder Press
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Rows
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Shrugs on smith machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout B Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Light Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 3 8 65lbs 3 8 70 lbs 3 8 75lbs

Seated Shoulder Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Rows 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Dumbbell shrugs 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
French Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Curls 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout C Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Medium Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 1 4 85 lbs 1 4 90 lbs 1 4 95 lbs

Bench Press 2 3 80 lbs 2 3 85 lbs 2 3 90 lbs
Bench Press 1 6 75 lbs 1 6 80 lbs 1 6 85 lbs
Bench Press 2 5 70 lbs 2 5 75 lbs 2 5 80 lbs
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dumbbell Rows 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell shrugs 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Leg Routine Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight
Hyperextensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Squats 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Leg Extensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
six week routine in LBS

Workout A Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Heavy Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 5 1 105 lbs 5 1 110 lbs 5 1 115 lbs

Bench Press 3 4/3/2 95 lbs 3 4/3/2 100 lbs 3 4/3/2 105 lbs
Bench Press 3 7/6/5 85 lbs 3 7/6/5 90 lbs 3 7/6/5 95 lbs
Seated Shoulder Press
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Rows
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Shrugs on smith machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout B Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Light Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 3 8 80 lbs 3 8 85 lbs 3 8 90 lbs

Seated Shoulder Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Rows 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Dumbbell shrugs 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
French Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Curls 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout C Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Medium Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 1 4 100 lbs 1 4 105 lbs 1 4 110 lbs

Bench Press 2 3 95 lbs 2 3 100 lbs 2 3 105 lbs
Bench Press 1 6 90 lbs 1 6 95 lbs 1 6 100 lbs
Bench Press 2 5 85 lbs 2 5 90 lbs 2 5 95 lbs
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dumbbell Rows 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell shrugs 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Leg Routine Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Hyperextensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Squats 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Leg Extensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
six week routine in KG

Workout A Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Heavy Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 5 1 90 Kg 5 1 92 Kg 5 1 95 Kg
Bench Press 3 4/3/2 80 Kg 3 4/3/2 82 Kg 3 4/3/2 85 Kg
Bench Press 3 7/6/5 70 Kg 3 7/6/5 72 Kg 3 7/6/5 75 Kg
Seated Shoulder Press
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Rows
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Shrugs on smith machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout B Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Light Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 3 8 65Kg 3 8 67 Kg 3 8 70 Kg

Seated Shoulder Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Rows 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Dumbbell shrugs 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
French Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Curls 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout C Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Medium Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 1 4 85 Kg 1 4 87 Kg 1 4 90 Kg
Bench Press 2 3 80 Kg 2 3 82 Kg 2 3 85 Kg
Bench Press 1 6 75 Kg 1 6 77 Kg 1 6 80 Kg
Bench Press 2 5 70 Kg 2 5 72 Kg 2 5 75 Kg
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dumbbell Rows 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell shrugs 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Leg Routine Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight
Hyperextensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Squats 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Leg Extensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
six week routine in KG

Workout A Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Heavy Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 5 1 97 Kg 5 1 99 Kg 5 1 101 Kg

Bench Press 3 4/3/2 87 Kg 3 4/3/2 89 Kg 3 4/3/2 91 Kg
Bench Press 3 7/6/5 77 Kg 3 7/6/5 79 Kg 3 7/6/5 81 Kg
Seated Shoulder Press
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Rows
On the Smith Machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Shrugs on smith machine 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout B Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Light Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 3 8 72 Kg 3 8 74 Kg 3 8 76 Kg
Seated Shoulder Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Rows 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Dumbbell shrugs 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
French Press 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Cable Curls 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
1 Day Rest or Legs

Workout C Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Medium Bench
Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Bench Press 1 4 92 Kg 1 4 94 Kg 1 4 96 Kg
Bench Press 2 3 87 Kg 2 3 89 Kg 2 3 91Kg
Bench Press 1 6 82 Kg 1 6 84 Kg 1 6 86 Kg
Bench Press 2 5 77 Kg 2 5 79 Kg 2 5 81Kg
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dumbbell Rows 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell shrugs 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Dips 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
Barbell Curls 3 6-7 3 6-7 3 6-7
1 Day Rest or Legs

Leg Routine Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

Hyperextensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Squats 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Romanian Deadlift 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12
Leg Extensions 3 10-12 3 10-12 3 10-12

If you have any questions at
all, feel free to contact us via

Thank you for buying this eBook!


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