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Integumentary system  Largest sensory organ

 Vitamin D syntheses 
 Protects deeper tissue
 Regulates fluid and blood loss

Skeletal system  Stores calcium

 Frame work for the body
 Protects vital organs
 Produces red blood cells

Muscular system  Generates heat

 Creates movement
 Maintains posture
 Uses energy

Immune System  Portions of many different systems that

fight disease

Lymphatic System  Picks up fluids leaked from the capillaries

 Supports immune systems: houses white
blood cells

Cardiovascular System  Transportation of nutrients and gas waste

 Supports immune function

Urinary system  Get rid of nitrogenous waste out of blood

 Regulated electrolytes, fluid and pH

Digestive system  Breaks down food into the building blocks

for the body

Respiratory system  Portions moistens and heats air

 Gas exchange

Nervous system  Sensory input

 Interpretation of input or thought
 Elicit and signal responses
 Coordination of muscles

Endocrine System  Secrets hormones that regulate growth,

metabolism and general body function.
Integumentary system The outer cover/skin Function: Waterproof,
protects organs, excretes waste, sense stuff, forms
vitamin d

Skeletal system Composed of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and

joints Function: Supports body, allows movements,
protects internal organs, forms blood cells

Muscular system Composed of all the muscles in your body.

Function: Allows movement, maintains posture,
contract/shortens and elongates

Reproductive (male) System Consists of testis, penis, scrotum, duct system

(tubes that carry sperm out of body. Function: To
reproduce and develop male characteristics

Lymphatic System Works closely with the cardiovascular system

which helps transport circulate blood throughout
the body. Composed of Lymph nodes and lymph
vessels. Function: protects the body from invaders,
it houses wbc which fights off infections

Cardiovascular System Consists of the heart and blood vessels. Functions:

Transport materials such as blood, nutrients,
hormones, through out the body (aka the
circulatory system)

Urinary (AKA Excritory System) system Consists of kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra.
Function: get rid of wastes from the body

Reproductive (female) system Consists of ovaries, fmail duc system, uterus,

vagina, breast

Respiratory system Consist of nasal passages pharynx, larynx, trachea,

bronchi, and lungs. Function: To keep the body
supplied with O2 and dispose of Co2

Nervous system Fast acting control system of the body, it consists

of brain, spinal chord, nerves and sensory
receptors. Function: Responds to internal and
external body changes.

Endocrine System This is the pituitary glands and pineal. Function: it

produces chemicals known as hormones which
control growth, reproduction, and metabolism.

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