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An Unusual Case of Ameloblastoma arising from Dentigerous Cyst

An Unusual Case of Ameloblastoma arising

from Dentigerous Cyst
Anil K Nagarajappa, 2Divya Pandya, 3Nidhi Jain

ABSTRACT in young adults 20 to 40 years old with almost equal

Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic neoplasm that distribution among men and women. Although amelo-
frequently affects the mandible. The term “ameloblastoma” blastomas are defined as benign neoplasms, they are
includes several clinicoradiological and histological types. Apart locally aggressive and infiltrative. If resection is incom-
from the most commonly encountered clinicopathologic models, plete, they may persist locally, reoccur, or are rarely
there are few variants, whose biological profile is unknown
or not elicited. Among these types, unicystic ameloblastoma metastasized.2 Ameloblastomas may arise from various
is the least encountered variant of ameloblastoma. Unicystic sources: (1) cells from the rest of enamel organ; (2) cells
ameloblastoma refers to those cystic lesions that show clinical, of the sheet of Hertwigs epithelial cell rests of Malasaz;
radiographic, or gross features of a jaw cyst, but on histologic (3) epithelium of odontogenic cyst, particularly a denti­
examination show a typical ameloblastomatous epithelium
lining the cyst cavity with or without luminal and/or mural tumor gerous cyst; (4) basal cells of the oral mucosa; and
proliferation. Ameloblastoma has been reported to arise from (5) heterotrophic epithelium of other parts of the body,
a dentigerous cyst on rare occasions. In this paper, a case of perhaps pituitary.1,2 The 2005 WHO classification
ameloblastoma arising from epithelium of a dentigerous cyst of ameloblastomas includes four subtypes: The solid/
is presented in light of the histopathologic findings, providing
evidence for ameloblastomatous change in the preexisting cyst multicystic (91%) type followed by the unicystic (6%),
in a 40-year-old female. extraosseous ameloblastoma (2%), and desmoplastic
Keywords: Ameloblastoma, Benign, Dentigerous cyst,
(1%) types. The most aggressive clinical and pathologic
Multicystic. association is seen in the solid/multicystic type; it is
also associated with the highest recurrence rate (90%).1
How to cite this article: Nagarajappa AK, Pandya D, Jain N.
An Unusual Case of Ameloblastoma arising from Dentigerous Here we report a case of large ameloblastoma arising
Cyst. J Orofac Res 2015;5(4):1-5. from dentigerous cyst.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None
A female patient aged 40 years reported to our depart-
INTRODUCTION ment with chief complaints of swelling on left side of the
face from 4 years and pain on the same side of the face
Ameloblastoma is a rare, benign, slow-growing, locally from 3 months. The patient first noticed the swelling on
invasive neoplasm of odontogenic origin involving the the left side of the mandible 4 years ago, which was of
mandible (80%) and maxilla. The neoplasm was 1st dis- peanut size and had gradually increased to the present
covered by Cusack in 1827. Etymologically, the name size over a period of time. The patient reported associated
derives from the old French word “amel,” which means
symptoms like difficulty in chewing and trismus. She
enamel, and the Greek word “elastos,” which means germ
also reported recurring pain in the same region, which
or bud. Overtime, this tumor has been referred to by
had sudden onset and was moderate in intensity, inter-
many different names, including “cystosarcoma,”
mittent in nature, throbbing, and nonradiating type.
“adamantinoepithelioma,” “adamntinoma,” and “amelo-
No aggravating and relieving factors were reported.
blastoma.”1 It is the most common odontogenic tumor,
According to the patient, she was treated by a local physi-
accounting for 10% of all such tumors. It usually occurs
cian for pain. Every time she was given an injection,
following which the pain subsided but the swelling did
Professor and Head, 2,3Postgraduate Student not subside. Pain used to reoccur after 15 days, and the
1-3 patient visited the physician again. Medical and family
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Hitkarini Dental
College and Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India histories were noncontributory. The patient was a regular
Corresponding Author: Divya Pandya, Postgraduate Student
pan chewer since the last 25 years. She brushed her teeth
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Hitkarini Dental with salt and wooden stick. General examination
College and Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, Phone: revealed that all the vital signs were within the normal
+917049097454. e-mail:
range. Extraoral examination revealed gross asymmetry
Journal of Orofacial Research, October-December 2015;5(4):1-5 1
Anil K Nagarajappa et al

of the face. On inspection, solitary diffuse swelling, the swelling. Buccal and lingual cortical plates were
irregularly shaped, measuring 8 × 10 cm in size with ill- expanded. 37 was displaced buccally (Fig. 2). On palpation
defined margins, was present on the left mandible/facial it had variable consistency and was nonfluctuant and
region (Fig. 1). The skin over the swelling was normal in immovable. Based on the history and clinical examina-
color, stretched, and appeared smooth. Anteroposteriorly, tion, a clinical diagnosis of a benign odontogenic tumor
it extended from the left parasymphysis to 2 cm beyond undergoing cystic degeneration was considered. The
the left angle of mandible. Superoinferiorly, it extended differential diagnosis list included ameloblastoma, cal-
from the line joining the ala of the nose to the left ear lobe cifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, odontogenic
till 2 cm below the lower border of the mandible. On keratocystic tumor, and dentigerous cyst. Required radio-
palpation, there was no rise in temperature, the swelling graphic examinations were conducted, which revealed
was nontender, and other inspectory findings were con- large well-defined multilocular radiolucency with
firmed. It had variable consistency from soft to firm and well-defined hyperostotic border. The multilocular
was also slightly compressible. The skin over the swelling radiolucency extended from 2nd molar region involving
was pinchable. Anesthesia was given in the lower lip. entire ramus. Additional features like thinning of lower
Intraorally, a solitary swelling was present in the left border of mandible, expansion of the buccal and lingual
posterior region of the mandible. It measured 2.4 to 4 cm cortical plates, cyst in cyst appearance, resorption of
in size. Buccal vestibule was obliterated. The color of the 2nd premolar and 1st molar roots, displacement of teeth,
mucosa over the swelling was normal. Margins were ill and resorption of left side of the condyle were noticed
defined. The swelling extended from the lower left 2nd (Figs 3–6). The radiographic differential diagnosis
premolar region to the retromolar area. The swelling also included were unilocular ameloblastoma, dentigerous
extended along the anterior border of ramus, which cyst, odontogenic keratocystic tumor, giant cell granu-
had caused slight tilting of maxillary molar teeth, 26, loma, central hemangioma, odontogenic myxoma, and
27, 28. Impinchment of upper teeth was evident over ossifying fibroma. An odontogenic keratocyst may

Fig. 1: Extraoral swelling Fig. 2: Intraoral swelling with buccal vestibular obliteration
and buccally tilted molar

Fig. 3: A well-defined corticated multilocular radiolucency in the left Fig. 4: Mandibular occlusal radiograph showing a large multilocular
posterior mandible with cortical plate expansion and displacement radiolucency with cortical plate expansion and buccally tilted
of teeth molar tooth


An Unusual Case of Ameloblastoma arising from Dentigerous Cyst

Fig. 5: An IOPAR showing a large multilocular radiolucency Fig. 6: An IOPAR showing a typical soap bubble appearance

Fig. 7: Epithelial lining resembling dentigerous cyst Fig. 8: Islands of odontogenic epithelium displaying peripherally
ameloblast-like cells, centrally stellate reticulum–like cells, with
areas of squamous metaplasia

contain curved septa but usually tends to grow along the of squamous metaplasia. These features were suggestive
bone without marked expansion as in ameloblastoma. of follicular ameloblastoma arising from an odontogenic
Giant cell granulomas occur in younger age group cyst (Fig. 8). In the end, based on the history and clinical,
and have more granular or wispy ill-defined septa. radiographic, and histopathological examinations, a final
Odontogenic myxoma has one or two thin sharp, straight diagnosis of follicular ameloblastoma arising from a
septa resembling a tennis racket. Septa in ossifying dentigerous cyst was made. The patient was further
fibroma are usually wide, granular, and ill defined and referred to the Department of Oral Surgery, and hemi-
often have small, irregular trabeculae. FNAC and inci- mandibulectomy was performed and graft was placed;
sional biopsies were performed along with complete the patient was called again after 10 days. However, the
blood examination. FNAC yielded straw-colored fluid. patient did not maintain a proper oral hygiene and the
Incisional biopsy report revealed thin discontinuous graft became infected. Subsequently, regrafting was done.
epithelial lining resembling that of a dentigerous cyst. The patient was called again after few days, and she was
Islands of odontogenic epithelium comprising peripher- found to be doing well.
ally ameloblast-like cells, centrally stellate reticulum–like
cells, along with areas of squamous metaplasia were DISCUSSION
found. Also foci of isolated tissue showed inflammatory Ameloblastoma is a benign, locally aggressive odontogenic
cell infiltrate, blood capillaries, and extravasated RBSs. neoplasm with variable clinical expression and accounts
These features suggested dentigerous cyst with amelo- for 1% of all cysts/tumors of jaws and 18% of all odonto-
blastic changes (Fig. 7). The histopathologic examination genic neoplasms. It rarely metastasizes but has a high
of excised specimen revealed discontinuous epithelial recurrence (55–90%) if not removed adequately.3 Its peak
lining having a basal layer of ameloblast-like cells and incidence is in the 3rd and 4th decades of life and has an
stellate reticulum–like cells. Islands of odontogenic epi- equal sex predilection. It is often associated with an
thelium displayed peripherally ameloblast-like cells, unerupted 3rd molar. A vast majority of ameloblastomas
centrally stellate reticulum–like cells, along with areas arise in the mandible, and the majority of these are found
Journal of Orofacial Research, October-December 2015;5(4):1-5 3
Anil K Nagarajappa et al

in the angle and ramus region.4 Global incidence has been which is similar to that of UAs.11 The most common pre-
estimated at 0.5 cases per million persons per year.1 As sentation for ameloblastoma is a painless swelling in
per the 2005 WHO classification, ameloblastoma is classi- mandible or maxilla with pain being an uncommon
fied based on the difference in biologic behavior, treatment feature but can occur because of hemorrhage, especially
plan, and recurrence rate as follows: Classic solid/multi- following a fine needle aspiration. Pain with rapid growth
cystic, unicystic, peripheral, and desmoplastic including may represent rare malignant ameloblastoma. Tooth dis-
so-called hybrid lesions and malignant types. It has been placement and root resorption are infrequent with pares-
reported that the epithelium of the odontogenic cysts may thesia are uncommon with rare reported cases of
be transformed into benign odontogenic tumors like perineural invasion.1 Differential diagnosis includes kera-
ameloblastoma.5 As seen in our case, it can occur either tocystic odontogenic tumor, odontogenic myxoma, non-
due to ameloblastic transformation of reduced enamel odontogenic lesions, such as mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
epithelium associated with a developing tooth with sub- and traumatic bone cyst.2
sequent cystic development. Amelo­blastomas arising in Preoperative diagnostic evaluation includes imaging
dentigerous cyst or in others in which neoplastic amelo- and possible biopsy. Pantomographic or plain x-ray film
blastic epithelium is preceded temporarily by a non- examination reveals usually a lytic lesion with scalloped
neoplastic stratified squamous epithelial lining or a solid margins, resorption of tooth roots, and impacted molars.
ameloblastoma undergo cystic degeneration of the amelo- The classic “soap bubble” appearance is seen with the
blastic islands, with subsequent fusion of multiple micro- most common ameloblastoma, the multilocular/solid type.
cysts and develop into unicystic lesions.3 Thus, the Although sometimes adequate for complete evaluation,
epithelium of odontogenic cysts may be transformed into plain X-rays lack sensitivity and specificity for the extent
odontogenic tumors like ameloblastoma and odontogenic of bone and soft tissue invasion. Computed tomography
adenomatoid tumor or into non-odontogenic malignant (CT) is the most useful diagnostic imaging modality, typi-
tumors like epidermoid and mucoepidermoid carcinomas. cally demonstrating well-defined radiolucent uni/multi-
Ameloblastoma may arise from the remnants of the dental locular expansile lesions. It is also useful for the evaluation
lamina and the enamel organ, or from the basal layer of of cortical destruction and soft tissue extension identify-
the oral mucosa as well as the epithelium of dentigerous ing the full extent of tumor to support surgical planning.
cyst.6,7 Some researchers believe that 5 to 30% of amelo- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides potentially
blastomas originate from dental cysts. The walls of den- more complete information than CT about soft tissue
tigerous cysts may present with a proliferation similar to extension beyond the lytic bone cavity. Magnetic resonance
an ameloblastoma, but lack the ameloblastoma-like imaging is particularly useful for ameloblastomas arising
appearance of the peripheral cells of the true ameloblas- from the maxilla, as it characterizes extension to orbit,
toma follicles. On the contrary, in some cases, small mural paranasal sinuses, and skull base. Imaging findings are
thickenings of the cyst wall of dentigerous cysts may characteristic but not pathognomonic, and the diagnosis
contain proliferating odontogenic epithelium, and these is classically established by histology. Histopathologically,
strands also may show follicular enlargements similar to ameloblastoma resembles normal odontogenic/enamel
an ameloblastoma.8 Various etiologic factors have been epithelium and ectomesenchyme. Microscopic patterns of
proposed for the ameloblastomas arising from odonto- ameloblastoma include follicular, plexiform, acanthoma-
genic cysts, including nonspecific irritational factors tous, spindle, basal cell–like, desmoplastic, and granular
(extraction, trauma, infection, inflammation, unerupted cell.1,2 Surgery is the standard treatment for ameloblas-
tooth), nutritional deficit disorders, and viral infection.5 tomas. The extent of resection has been controversial,
Several reports in the literature have also documented the comprising of two surgical options – conservative and
combined microscopic features of calcifying odontogenic radical. The former involves enucleation/curettage of the
cyst and ameloblastoma merging from one to the other.9 bony cavity, while the latter involves a radical operation
Unicystic ameloblastomas (UA) and dentigerous cysts have with appropriate margins.1
identical clinical and radiographic appearances. Some Today, one of the points of controversy about this
subtypes of UA have a better prognosis than that of solid tumor is the differential diagnosis between ameloblas-
or multicystic ameloblastomas. Unicystic amelo­blastomas toma showing cystic degeneration and ameloblastomas
with small islands of ameloblastomatous epithelium may arising from an odontogenic cyst or the ameloblastoma-
be misdiagnosed as a dentigerous cyst or keratocyst as in tous hyperplasia in the odontogenic cysts. Many authors
our case.10 The immune-histochemical data on Ki-67 suggest that most of the ameloblastomas may arise from
expression in ameloblastomas, which arise from dentiger- the dentigerous cysts and the most likely explanation for
ous cysts, confirm the hypothesis that ameloblastomas the pathogenesis is the ameloblastic transformation of the
that arise from dentigerous cysts have a biologic behavior, ordinary dentigerous cyst linings.6


An Unusual Case of Ameloblastoma arising from Dentigerous Cyst

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Journal of Orofacial Research, October-December 2015;5(4):1-5 5

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