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Technology tools that will keep your students

engaged in the classroom

Dana Jandhyala - teachers January 16, 2018

Students are obsessed with technology and gadgets nowadays, so why can’t we use
technology to keep them engaged while learning?
The education department is evolving on a global scale along with the techniques of
teaching and learning. The traditional methods of education are being replaced by
more interactive methods which are influenced by technology.

Advances in technology have made it possible to make classroom learning fun,

engaging and interactive. Today’s students are a lot more tech-savvy than ever
before. They have grown up with technology and have somewhat adapted to using it
and can learn a lot more easily with it.

Seven reasons online educational tools should be used

in your classroom:
1. Technology driven education increases the
learning and retention rates of the tech-savvy generation
2. You get a lot more participation from your
students with online learning
3. Easy learning occurs, which is missing in
theoretical lectures
4. All tech tools are available online or at
most, are just a download away
5. Technology allows global learning
6. Podcasts and classroom gaming are all part
of the learning process
7. Gives a somewhat personalized learning
experience, especially with the use of video calling/conferencing
Five Technology tools to keep your students engaged in
the classroom

1. Online quizzes and contests. When you ask questions there are always
students who won’t answer despite knowing the answer. Allow your students to
post their comments and doubts online with their wireless devices and you will
definitely engage your shy students and get a response.
2. Educational podcasts. Reading can sometimes get boring to students so you
can alternate between reading texts and listening to podcasts which will help
break the monotony. This will keep your students actively engaged and animate
your classroom discussions.
3. Video-conferencing classroom technologies. Students in different geographic
locations can attend a single lecture through video conferencing and online
streaming. Video conferences can be set up using Skype, Google Hangouts and
guest speakers can also easily address the students. Video conferencing helps
reduce the travel costs and time required to give speeches at different places.
4. Online educational games. Studies have indicated that video games can
improve learning among your students so introducing some educational games
may not be such a bad idea. This allows your students to apply and test
whatever they have learned on a daily basis and also motivates them to
challenge each other to continue learning outside the classroom.
Using educational games is one of the best ways to make your students eager to
5. Electronic whiteboards. These are great for group instructions. They are used
for group presentations which enhance learning and you can use them to teach
different subjects. Electronic whiteboards are also interactive as you can project
a diagram from a laptop onto the board and draw on it to help your students
understand better.

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Students prefer technology because they believe that it makes learning more interesting
and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that students deem challenging
or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using
a tablet.
Technology Prepares Students for the Future

Many students believe that using technology in the classroom will help prepare them for the
digital future. These 21st-century skills are essential in order to be successful in this day and
age. Jobs that may not have had a digital component in the past, may have one now.
Education isn’t just about memorizing facts and vocabulary words, it’s about solving
complex problems and being to collaborate with others in the workforce. Ed-tech in the
classroom prepares students for their future and sets them up for this increasing digital

Technology Helps Students Learn at Their Own Pace

Today’s technology enables students to learn at their own pace. For example, almost all
apps allow for individualized instruction. Students can learn according to their abilities and
needs. This form of teaching is also great for the teacher because it gives him/her the time
to work individually with students who may be struggling.

Buen día.
Recordar trabajar y enviar la lectura en word.
Plazo de envío  12:15 del día, 03/26/2020
1...Lectura Mental.
2... Vocabulario y palabras claves.
3... Resumen  corto   de cada título. Es decir cada párrafo.
4... GAP
De último   
Y.... quienes alcancen,   Subrayan
Verbos, conectores, sufijos, prefijos etc.
Preguntas solo en el privado''''''

Engaged; Comprometido
Nowadays; Hoy en día
Despite; a pesar de
Tech-savvy; experto en tecnología
Shy; Tímido
Among; entre
Eager; Ansioso
Enhance; Mejorar
Onto; Sobre
Deem; Considerar
Pace; Ritmo
Struggling; Dificultades

KEY WORDS; Technology, learning, tools, interaction, adaptation,

tech-savvy generation.

Technology tools that will keep your students engaged in the classroom
Las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes han nacido en un mundo lleno de tecnología y por
tanto se han adaptado mas facilmente al uso de diferentes dispositivos, por tanto, los
métodos educativos se han adaptado a este nuevo entorno utilizando herramientas
tecnológicas para mantener más enganchados a los estudiantes y facilitar el aprendizaje.

Seven reasons online educational tools should be used in your

classroom;El uso de tecnologías incrementa las tasas de aprendizje de los estudiantes, ya
que estos son una generación mejor adaptada a los dispositivos tecnológicos, además
facilita la participacion y diversifica la forma de aprendizaje, con podcast y juegos, para
evitar que sea monótona. La obtención de material online es en su gran mayoria gratuita,
facilitando el aprendizaje global, y por su naturaleza permite generar la sensación de
aprendizaje personalizado
Five Technology tools to keep your students engaged in the classroom
Exámenes y participaciones aumentan debido a que la timidez disminuye, permitiendo
otros medios de respuesta de los estudiantes que temen responder de manera presencial.
Tambien los podcast permiten generar otro medio de aprendizaje para diversificar la
lecturas con otros medios audiovisuales, generando un método más interactivo, también, los
medios de contacto, como las videconferencias facilitan no solo la participacion de
estudiants sino que disminuyen gastos de viaje y tiempo. Los juegos son otra forma de
enseñanza que motiva el aprendizaje fuera del tiempo de clase haciendo que esten mas
ansiosos por aprender. Finalmente las herramientas audiovisuales como los tableros
permiten mostrar con mas facilidad y detalles graficos y contenido en mucha mejor calidad
haciendo menos mas interesante la clase.

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Los estudiantes creen que el uso de tecnologías en aulas de clase puede hacer que la clase
sea mas interesante, sobre todo cuando consideran temas que pueden ser aburridos para
ellos, a su vez el uso de tecnología los está peparando para una vida laboral donde el uso
tecnológico es de crucial importancia y saber manejarla es definitivamente importante para
el éxito, siendo así que la tecnología en la educacion los prepara para una economia digital
que está en constant crecimiento.
Finalmente otra de sus mas cruciales ventajas es que cada estudiante aprende a su propio
ritmo, al tener herramientas, información que peude consultar en cualquier momento, y una
educación practicamente individual, el estudiante puede ir, enfocandose en sus habilidades
y tambien facilita el trabajo de los maestros pues permite que se enfoquen en los
estudiantes con mayors dificultades.

Género; Educación, Audiencia; Público

innovación. Estudiantes, Público en general
Technology tolos that will keep your students
engaged in the classroom.

Dana Jandhyala - teachers January

16, 2018

Las herramientas tecnológicas nos

en la educación nos permiten
mejorar en distintos aspectos la
experiencia de aprendizaje,
volviéndolo más interactivo y
divertido, y ampliando
herramientas para generar nuevas
formas de comunicación,
ampliando a su vez la motivación en
los estudiantes y generando más
inclusión en el sentido de que
permite focalizar la atención del
profesor en cada estudiante según
su necesidad a la vez que el
estudiante puede ir a su propio

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